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Fearful Mind

Clearview Church / Abidan Shah
The Cross Radio
May 12, 2019 6:00 am

Fearful Mind

Clearview Church / Abidan Shah

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May 12, 2019 6:00 am

Philippians 1:12-14

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Fear is contagious. So is courage to what I get on people who like to say something like one, free of grade.

I just know I could get away very soon, you can around people more courageous classic ranges. I'm not saying flip and I'm not saying people just fly by the seat-of-the-pants they are discerning, but there courageous. What happens, it changes you. Billy Graham said this courage is contagious. When a brave man or a brave woman takes a stand. The spines of others just portion your phone line, pastor of a gunshot church in Henderson, Caroline focuses on Christ worship, serve 3485 Oxford Rd. visit us join us for the rest their fears, their understandable their fears, their healthy even the Bible you are to having godly year but then there is a kind of fear or fears that actually become a roadblock to having the mind of Christ.

The mindset of Christ read our series called mind reset from Philippians chapter 252 11 we been in the series for couple of months and today's message is called a fearful mind to have the mindset of Christ.

You cannot be living in fear and what you need is the mind of Christ. The mindset of Christ. What is needed, we can see in a few moments is a replacement replacement or false assumptions in life with biblical truths and principles and will see how that works. If you have your Bibles with you, turn to Philippians with this, not going to chapter 2 and verse five were gonna stop a chapter 1 and verse 12 because here we begin to see how fear was a false assumption in the lives of the Philippian Christians. So let's all stand as we read God's word but I want you to know, brethren, Paul is pleading with the Philippians. Something is not right in the church. He is saying please I want you to understand what I'm about to say to you that the things which happened to me which things is Paul referring to again begin to see that in a few moments things have happened to Paul that have caused fear and worry in the lives of the Philippian Christians. Paul is saying don't worry because of things which happened to me have actually turned out for the furtherance of the gospel so that it has become evident to the whole palace guard the praetorian and to all the rest that my chains are in Christ and most of the brethren in the Lord, having become confident by my chains are much more bold to speak the word without fear. Best to make more sense as we dive further into this passage but the question for us is do you have a fearful mind.

Are you paralyzed in your faith. Are you tempted and has it caused you to flee miss a lawn and I'm not.

I'm not fearful I'm just cautious and Herbie was I'm just cautious this a different up in caution and fear.

Caution is seeing a warning sign and slowing down and steering around the hurdle fear is pulling over and canceling the trip. Many Christians sitting here right now. They attend church but they have pulled over and canceled the trip living in fear and this morning. God is to speak to your hearts and he's gonna challenge you to replace that mind of fear with the mind that is full of power and of love and of sound wisdom and are you saved, do you know Jesus Christ as your Savior that can be fearful. Does that mean I gotta be like this. Does that mean that I got a live like other Christians are new or how I grew up in Georgia that's so boring I want to go become that Jesus said do not be afraid only believe only believe if you've never done that is a simple prayer that says Jesus, I am a sinner, you die on the cross for my sins, I need you to come into my life.

Forgive me of my sins and take over.

Gotta say that you got us a takeover because you can say forgive me of my sins, but I will live the way I want to know you got us a takeover. I want to follow you the rest of my life.

If you've never prayed that prayer. You pray for Jesus to see. Can you do that before we dive into today's message. Let me explain to you what's coming up.

Let me explain to you how this sub series undermined reset is going to progress for the next couple of weeks. What I want to talk about in the next two minutes is how we human beings work in life. All of us have certain expectations. Expectations based on goals that we have expectations in the sands of things happen to us and we have a certain idea of how those things work out or how they should work out. These are expectations that we have in our lives.

Expect expectations are motivated by certain assumptions, certain assumptions that we have accumulated throughout life.

Some of these have been taught to us.

Some of these are in our psyches. Some of these assumptions come through trials and failures and painful situations. These are assumptions that we have accumulated that motivate our expectations.

What happens when our assumptions that become expectations but the expectations don't get met.

What happens at that point we have frustrations. Just keep in mind were talking about psychology, which is a very complex and very highly nuanced subject. I'm trying to make it simple enough and 1/2, and R.

For you to walk away as there is always more detail and more complexity but but this is how we human beings typically function that we have expectations that are based on our assumption is likely a magma chamber down here of assumptions and it comes through expectations. Expectations fall apart.

That's when frustrations come and you have anxiety and and guilt and resentment. These are what follow. That's what you have people struggling with anxiety issues. Some of those are psychological us are physiological's many times are coming from assumptions leading to expectations that did not work out.

And now there is anxiety. Now there is stress, sometimes even transfer into addiction their expectations based on assumptions and expectations fell apart and now there is addiction. I gotta do something to cope with this.

The assumptions are still selfish. The assumptions are still devilish. They're not biblical. And so was coming forth leading to these expectations there falling apart. Frustrations come and that's the end of the Christian life give you an example. The expectation let's say there's a person whose expectation is I want to be rich. I want to be successful. He is driven to succeed. Nothing wrong with that. Nothing wrong with that expectation to want to be successful. Lotta people in the Bible were very successful. Very wealthy is not wrong for this, but now something happens, this person loses his job at the stock market collapses, the company shuts down or even worse, many times their health begins to fail. They're not able to do the things they were doing before all of a sudden, expectations are crashing and now frustrations follow what typically people do evening charges. We tried to manage these things. We gotta help you manage anxiety. We gotta help you manage addiction. We gotta help you manage your stress lab need to cut back a little bit. Sometimes we focus on the expectations so there are people sitting in the pew right now will feel guilty for wanting to be successful. I know I shouldn't be wanting all that stuff but I know what Jesus wants from me. But on sometimes a struggle is struggling with the expectations but the problem is neither here or there. The problem is down here. The assumption is this. Are you listening somewhere way back.

They have come to assume. Maybe that's how their mom and dad treated them is you have to be rich in order to make us happy. Maybe was a dad.

Maybe it's mom maybe is both of them, son, daughter, you want to please us, then you gotta be this based on that assumption there expectations. The problem is not with the expectation. The problem is the assumption which is I cannot please my parents or sometimes it is a book sometimes a movie they have seen or watched the red based on that I have to be this, but unless this is changed. This is not been a change in this will continue to follow knock and give you many other examples. It happens in marriage assumption.

I will be married as long as I'm happy as long as the person makes me happy. Nonno, their people were in marriages where bird one person on the other did something wrong or or stepped out or whatever, I'm not talking about the situation but let's say you grew up with these assumptions that marriage is supposed to be to make me happy. What happens when the person fails to make you happy frustrations follow anger follows resentment follows the problem is not with the expectation. The problem is you thought marriage is about you. You thought marriage is about you being happy. A big problem. You can apply this not just a marriage but also the spiritual life about work, about relationship, but the diagram is still the same but has to change our assumptions. They have to be replaced or not been this volcano you have to go here with biblical truths.

In other words, when you get saved you have the mind of Christ, instead of drawing from this mad now here which is junk. You have to come here to biblical truths coming from that were displaying the mindset of Jesus. That's where it needs to happen is not a volcano, it is more of a plant growing instead of expectations. What is needed are promises, and instead of gives us the fruit frustrations what you have now are fruits, fruit of the spirit fruits of righteousness.

Paul wrote to the Philippians about the mind of Christ because they had some false assumptions which were causing frustrations through expectations and one such was fear. They had a fearful mind now is to pay careful attention to Philippians chapter 1 verse 27 is on the screens returned from me and look at the screen and there's a word that we can highlight and you'll know when you come across this diverse 27 Paul says only let your conduct be worthy of the gospel of Christ not pay attention is because their conduct was not worthy. The Philippians were not behaving as Christians should behave policies only let your conduct be worthy of the gospel of Christ, that whether I come and see you or am absent, which means in my presence, or in my absence.

I want you to behave like Christ that you stand fast in one spirit, you know what was happening. They were divided comes out of frustrations. There was disunity knife you grew up in church, and you have studied the Bible and part of the Bible. Before you know what we typically think the Philippian letter was Paul's epistle of joyride.

Have you heard that before. More and more scholars have come to understand the Philippians had big problems. If you read between the lines. There were discs that they were divided they were selfish. They were proud and they were fearful. Paul says wait when I come over there if I don't, I want you to act like Jesus Christ because they were not something else. They were not doing go back to verse 27, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel. You know when you're busy with anxiety, addiction, stress, personal problems, relationship problems, you don't have time for the gospel and holy dollars manage marriage. The red but I would go share the gospel right now is like not go to work on this Autocare bomb just I'm just on sabbatical here.

There were sitting back over here this in verse 28, and not in any way was the word state again. They were terrified. The Philippians were terrified and terrified of there were terrified by their adversaries. They were terrified by their opponents which is to damn a proof of tradition, but to you of salvation, and that from God.

Many of these Philippians were first generation Christians. They were still operating by their old way of life. They were fatalistic it would fatalism is what will be will be folks that is not a biblical assumption that is not a biblical truth that is a false assumption that things just happen what else to be know about the Philippians based on Paul's letter, they were selfish, which means look out for yourself. Things are getting tough take care of you and yours, but worry about anybody else. Selfishness what else to be fine. They probably assume that being a Christian means no more problems. Something else was happening was happening was they had received news that Paul, who founded the church was in trouble now Paul says in verse 12. Listen again to that but I want you to know, brethren, that the things which happened to me what things happen to Paul to understand this, you have to go to acts chapter 21 and accept 20 1B find out that Paul had gone to Jerusalem to fulfill eval. So he went to the temple with certain of his friends but he got accused wrongfully got accused of profaning the temple. This said that Paul somebody had seen Paul with some Gentile believers of this at all. Wait a minute, we saw Paul in the temple of the Gentiles. How dare he do this and so the leaders instigated a mob and the mob began to beat up on Paul wanted to kill them, and thank goodness for the Roman soldiers.

Paul was pulled into custody and finally the Savior. What this happened in Jerusalem. Let's turn them over to the Jewish authorities and pauses no no I'm not going there was, they will surely kill me. I am a Roman citizen sent me to Rome Caesars go judge me. What happens Paul is taken to Rome and now in Rome. He is sitting waiting at trial, which more than likely will end up in execution his headstone to be chopped off. The word is getting out. Are y'all still with me. The word is getting out that Paul the apostle Paul is in trouble and he's not coming out what you think it did for the morale of the church is over. I Paul if Jesus did not take care of Paul, what about us. One of the gospel is this even worth following the gospel. I mean if if gospel was true. How in the world. The gospel would sit in chains this is what Paul says in verse 13 was happen to you, Paul well while I'm sitting in prison over here. It has become evident here is on the screen to the whole palace guard and to all the rest that my chains are in Christ.

Now if you remember a message I preach call perspective couple years ago from Philippians. We began the series.

The praetorian's where the Emperor's personal bodyguards. They were special forces by what we would call the Navy SEALs or the Green Beret Army. They were tough dudes, you throw them in a combat zone two or three of them can pretty much manage whatever's going to call the praetorian's were the ones in charge of the apostle Paul and I'm sure there are other prisoners, but Paul was there right outside Rome. The city of Rome there was a camp would listen 9000 praetorian guards Parmesan house arrest, and every four hours, a new unit of the praetorian scum guarding Paul here to get what you think Paul does every time a new group comes share the gospel because of yellow her about Jesus.

Jesus Savior about Jesus.

Jesus, let me tell you about to share the gospel out of the 65 of them three of them get saved. Two of them say about all that stuff.

Another group comes hey guys if I told you about Jesus day in day out just what Paul is doing in prison sharing the gospel an amazing something else Paul says over here was in verse 14, and most of the brethren in the Lord, having become confident by my chains are much more bold to speak the word without fear was happening was when people began to hear and the brethren are the leaders in the pastors in the early church when they heard that Paul was sharing the gospel in prison. They became more courageous outside fear is contagious.

So is courage you when I get on people who like to say something like warm, frayed, and I'm sore afraid right now. Psalm I'm afraid this is going to be. I just know I gotta get away quick because very soon. Ominously the same thing. I'm afraid I'm afraid you can around people who are courageous present courageous.

I'm not saying slip and I'm not saying people just fly by the seat of the pants. They are discerning, but there courageous. What happens, it changes you. Billy Graham said this courage is contagious.

When a brave man or a brave woman takes a stand. The spines of others are stiffened, Paul had certain biblical truths that the Philippians didn't limitless them very quickly in chapter 1, I encourage you go home and read Philippians chapter 1 it will encourage your faith. This is the first one. Philippians 16 Paul says being confident of this very thing, that he who has begun a good work and you will completed until the day of Jesus Christ. The Philippians had an assumption man, things can start well but they don't always finish well.

Paul had the biblical truth. Whatever God starts, he will finish you have to worry about is a Christian we should not be saying well I don't know. We started well but is not working now. Maybe we'll work it may be long crash and burn.

No need to have this principle.

Whatever God starts. He finishes folks if you don't do that you will live in fear usually paralyze or you will cut and run, but he has given example. This church God has blessed us tremendously human lot. A lot of wonderful things are happening. Sometimes people tend to tank or even say to me, Asha, hope you don't leave I hope you hope you don't go. At first I be honest with you. Feels good people to people know your mom behind the sink. But here's the big lie behind it. The line is this, that I am the secret to this church, I'm not. I'm not. I appreciate the encouragement. I appreciate the love the faith you have in me. But if you walk away thinking that I am the secret to this church is in God will remove his hand. I truly believe in an in depth of my heart that Jesus Christ has his hand upon discharge, and with me or without me this church will stand. You have to believe that if not, you'll always be like this a little bit more height not too much. You never know he might cut and run up this Google slow go slow with them really show your your your focus is on only don't help me Rhonda leaving once you get any ideas. I'm staying here okay by go somewhere else to make me work tell him that I'm saying to you is, folks. When you operate under those false assumptions instead of biblical principles we as a church and only slowly slide a raw, you know, barely, and bring around a person who has massive faith and they can see through and say the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

Now let's do something. What other biblical truth. Did Paul have a time is running away. Philippians 118 Paul says what then only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is preached in this I rejoice yes and will rejoice. Which means this rejoicing is not playing safe. Rejoicing is preaching Christ is not there. Hope it didn't hurt us.

God damn it got damn but were safe know rejoicing is not about playing safe.

Rejoicing is in this situation is Jesus Christ of glorified is he still being preached as a making sense. Paul operated with the principal is a part one again. I'm getting this writer. Philippians chapter 1 verse 21 for to me to live is Christ and to die is gain. How in the world can you kill a man like that Bobbio put you in prison.

No problem. Jesus is with me what is going to kill you, no problem. I'm going to him.

No fear, the beautiful for to me to live is Christ, but to die is even better. Philippians 121 for to you it has been granted on behalf of Christ for attention to this. It has been granted on behalf of Christ not only to believe in him, but also to suffer for his sake. The Philippians operated under the false assumption that suffering means God has abandoned you, Paul operated under the assumption that suffering means God has promoted you. Please don't misunderstand, I don't like suffering anybody here like suffering. I don't suffering does not mean God has cursed you suffering means God has just promoted you Jesus when he came down became like us.

He did not come and sit on the throne of glory. He came and died on the cross and if you're going to have the mindset of Jesus Christ was going to happen. You will also suffer some of you are suffering.

So if you're going through situations physically. It's not fun. Here's Hank hard, why, why am I going to the so if you're going to financial struggles that you made a bad decision, but at the end of the day you're trying to do what is right but God. Why we going to this. So if you're going to relational struggle to people in your family not acting like this always turmoil you going to suffering.

Don't look at it as if God has abandoned you look at it as an opportunity for God promote the gospel so in closing, do you have the mind of Paul, which was like the mind of Jesus or do you have the mind of the Philippians filled with false assumption. What you operating you constantly worried that things will fall apart. Do you constantly try to control your circumstances not saying don't be wise and don't work smart but do you constantly try to make sure everybody's lined up the oak paneled. Sometimes God will throw you out of control.

You listen to what Paul John says in first John 418, he who the has not been a perfect you are constantly afraid of is that you are in your life you have not mind you so much for joining us for this message with the roadblocks to having the mind of Christ mine. I was able to be bold in the face of fusion understood God was in control, resulting you and I understand Rachel to shrug off your more information, visit us for the sermons, notes, check out Pastor Shaw's blog a bit on