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Rick manning Pastor Greg Facebook Cancel Culture Religious Liberty Free Speech 072621

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Cross Radio
August 6, 2021 7:38 pm

Rick manning Pastor Greg Facebook Cancel Culture Religious Liberty Free Speech 072621

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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Thank you for tuning into a chosen generation chosen generation is about equipping, encouraging and challenging this generation to engage culture and to fulfill God's plan and purpose for our city County state and nation to be the Christian influence and life that we have been called to be pastor grade is committed to seeing God's life changing power work in you prayer today or have a question.

You can reach us at 830-446-3624 830-446-3624 if your church or group would like to have pastor grade come and share his passion to raise up a chosen generation, he is available to bring that life-changing message, an anointing to your event again. That number is 830-446-3624 830-446-3624. Give us a call and keep on listening because you are God's chosen generation chosen generation hose pastor and you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, you should show forth the praises of him who is called you out of darkness into his marvelous light in time past were not a people that are now the people of God, which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy now chosen generation, grade, and the program break to have you everything somewhat tuning and I know you have a choice of where you can listen and every day I think you near that a great program lined up for you. Happy Monday morning to you today great to be with you and happy Tuesday to those you little here this program on Tuesday.

Happy good morning. It's still good morning work with. I whenever you listen to the show you're going to enjoy it all right. Larry Elder, the candidate for governor in the state of California. I may be joining us. I don't know yet but Ward Connerly will for certain be with us will talk about the importance of what's happening in California and the potential opportunity that exists there as a direct result of the of Larry Elder running and that and will that will that be enough to put the recall of Gavin Newsom in the win column will say I just got a cell is with us.

He's got a new picture book for children called 21 steps guarding the tomb of the unknown soldier will talk with Jeff about that book and about the significance of of of that place in history that piece of history that exists today that many people may not give too much thought to.

But probably should draw village joins us live from South Africa and will be talk with her about the Americas view and and the worldview of America.

How is America seen today overseas with with all this.

Rise of the things like socialism and the push towards AA communistic form of of government and that and and what about the president's son on on video. Now the and found you know smoking crack and and that you know I don't know media is not covering much about that at all the senility of Joe Biden is been has been really raised up and ended questions called about that. Lots of issues will get some out worldview on that from joy over in South Africa driving out my good friend and he is the president and the CEO of Americans for Limited government. I want to welcome Mr. Rick Manning Rick welcome good to have you been surrounded beyond just being on it.

What you do on the show is really really important and are always happy to contribute to it.

Thank you brother. I greatly appreciate that. Well, somebody doesn't that doesn't like what we do and that what you're seeing if you're watching this by the way, welcome your audience there on CEC great to be with you. Thanks so much for getting it. If you want to watch us consist live CEC CEC and encourage you to check that out on our very first live broadcast of the radio program on cloud hub as well where out were moving all of our social media over Facebook doesn't like us and that what you see here what I want to tell you about describes you busy listening on to us on the radio yesterday I got a message from Facebook in my's what what is that called you your notifications that's it in my notifications and it said your comment goes against our community standards of spam.

No one else can see your comment. We have these standards to prevent things like false advertising fraud and security breaches that Rick what it would do you suppose that that was a great baby was probably like a political comment right that they didn't like it was me I rather get Riley political comment on our target. Did you like to do. I target a whole bunch of people on Facebook who had worked following year where it was that what you were doing to try to spam them with with something you had to say and try to build audience and maybe that's what you get yeah yeah no that wasn't it at all. I know III posted a comment that said, listen to the testimony starts at 50.16. Now imagine what testimony might benefit, maybe I was testifying about, you know, a very controversial topic like I do know how about stopping that special envoy to defend Islam. A phobia that the Democrats in Elon. Omar and Andre Dawson are are trying to force the State Department to do. Maybe that was it.

Rick I Andre Carson ongoing hours were worked out as a world.

Here over the hundred out of it you do, but I'll be out. Andre Carson and yet yeah no no no no that was in that that was LAC it says oh yeah chosen God prepares you for his glory. Pastor Greg's sermon was a was a sermon and Anna and a church service that I shared that is apparently not prepared you for his glory. Account controversial young man I got a dangerous sermon that they clearly state or somebody in Silicon Valley.

Apparently apparently so. So, so they blocked this this comment folks a sermon and a church service and Facebook their community standards identified this as false advertising because God doesn't do anything. Fraud in the security breach. I guess I guess to Facebook God is dead. Well yeah I probably true, but if a term of Facebook view of the world, but you know the one interesting and I can't be lost.

Facebook has lost its capacity to self is a private entity because they've admitted that they did that they were doing the bidding of the federal government. I think it's fair to have was Facebook in establishing this community standards were wearing German can't eat public on Facebook was in fact engaged in activity at the behest of the federal government and that is what they have been admitted to doing doing so, I have become agents of the federal government, and in doing so, they lost any semblance of ability to claim any personal and and private as a private entity. So don't Connie hiking there is an interesting make me think of pre-or choice because you have the capacity to go and and demand their rationale demand. Now with this part of where there now. Do they have religious prohibitions from Dracula. Some are they are they in fact they acting as a First Amendment sensor. In this case, and if not, the burden of proof is on them that my friend is that actionable. I think now it allows you to jump in right now enjoying Donald Trump faucet against Facebook, which is something I would recommend why I have sent over previous issues that I've had with Facebook removing my my pastor title they did that number years ago and said that I can no longer refer to myself as pastor in the title and that had to do with the fact that I was castigating the Obama administration for sending Assyrian Christians back and refusing them asylum and so that that that issue already exists, so I have made a comment and signed up, but I haven't heard anything back yet from them but Rick I know you have some contacts over Facebook and and maybe we need maybe what I need to do is is is start a dialogue with those contacts and include this screenshot and a and and ask that very question. And I yeah and and and get them to respond to sonic they've done. Yeah, I know how to the people who I know it. Her former house Republican Stepford and the worker Facebook and the challenges they have to pick a side and there's no there's no middle ground and I don't know.

I don't know what they're there still and be given out now.

People write their checks if they are still there. I I she stood a few feet in utility to their position on because the corporation decided which way they're going to go and as a result, it does make a lot of however there there are there's another conduit I have with little yeah let's let's talk about that because here's the thing that happened on this folks, and I did IMing so this screen comes up that it says continue. I press continue and and they say you know your comments.

Not to be seen by anybody. You can agree or disagree with our decision you click disagree and they say okay, thanks for registering that and and that's it.

There's there's nowhere to put in a comment. There's nowhere to make your argument or make your case you're done that's it. It's over it's finished. They've decided on what they say is is that due to the volume and due to the CCP virus. They're not responding to any more of these issues there just shutting you down and pay it now. How effective it will responding now in terms of their algorithm and their customer service whenever what customers are Facebook, so it's a calculated if you know somebody who knew somebody in the inside. You were your basically were just now sweat upstream and no champ so I say it really is that it's always been an insider game where they hire some people who they hire some people to provide them copper on Capitol Hill and the like are responsive but the reality is that's never been the case for the people just try to get the platform and communicate on a NNN Petri with a critical eye were talked about the life but the fact of the matter is I can't repeat the top people missed.

I don't think you understand basic point everyone wants to talk about because section 235 computer medications because the activity can be in violation while they aren't filed everything that matters is not because of any First Amendment in any anything but their entire business model has upon people like you and the posting stuff on the platform, other people, which is how they monetize Monotype assessment and giving effect to action.

In light of hope posted which has any kind of trademark or copyright, which would cost them billions of dollars.

That's what a mess when and and again that's the reason why we need. So what you know, even regarding this.

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Rain is reminding you that we have a two hour program Monday through Friday with great interviews on topics that impact you are goal is to return our country to a biblically-based constitutional republic as envisioned by our founding fathers, and what made our nation the greatest in the world forever hundred and 50 years. You are a part of that vision. So please join us a chosen chosen and sign up for our emails today. This is Adam and always being there and we are sponsors of chosen generation, and pastor Greg sponsoring this program has been a real blessing to our business and I want her to join me in sponsoring chosen generation contest today.

Call him today 63624. Once again, that's a 304-6624 visits will be blessed as arches count, you continue typing in love offering right from your computer. Visit to support chosen generation and make a tax-deductible donation to chosen generation with pastor Craig generation radio were no top is off limits and everything through biblical glasses and so again were not in my cancel culture were talking about these big tech giants but were really and at the heart of it.

Were talking about the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ were talking about one of the most important aspects of it. Rick and that is the message of hope my situation when I was rolled into the hospital given a 2% chance to live 17 surgeries over five days breaking everything in my body but my shoulders, my elbows and my right hip and why because I threw myself across the vehicle and saved my daughter's life and that that the picture of that is a picture of what God does for us every single day and it is taking and really putting to action that we can have absolute and total faith that God gives us hope in the midst of the most trying of circumstances and situations, and that he has lead by example for us and how we should be responding and as to the broader scope in the broader picture of the battle that we're in for America, three months to the day, God allowed me to go back onto the radio. As you know, Rick. I went back on the air.

The day that I came out of the hospital because I understand this point. Our founding fathers laid down their lives because they understood that life, liberty, and whether you want to call it The Pursuit of Happyness or the ability to obtain land or however you want to look at that, the right to have a land and is not obtain it. It's the right to own it, it's the right to call it your own. All are tied to biblical scriptural context and things that God put in them and because they understood that God put those things in them. They also understood that King George was attempting to steal their soul. In fact, the preachers of that day. Challenge them, who will be the king of your life.

King George or King Jesus King big tech or King Jesus. That's what Facebook was afraid of Facebook was afraid that people would hear this sermon and come out of the slumber and say wait a minute. No, I'm not going to let government and it was ultimately government behind Facebook saying oh my gosh, they're going to figure out the work trying to be their God, and were going to say no, no to federalism in in the sense of communism and socialism noted that and yes to freedom granted by God through Jesus Christ. That's what they were afraid to hear Rick. They didn't want to sermon that showed that eight a and entirely hopeless situation that God could reach his hand in and bring hope to thoughts last last-minute sure is rather I lost all right.

Rick Manning was there. Now he's not folks. I encourage you this is going to become a major issue.

I believe and so important for us to get a hold of were battling and fighting literally for our souls. That is the soul of America. America is not a standalone separate entity. It is you and I Americans and what we been guaranteed through our Constitution through our Declaration of Independence and through all the blood that's been shed and I hope you will join me in continuing to fight this fight back Morton generation radio right, this is Adam and always stay there and we are sponsors of chosen generation, and pastor Greg sponsoring this program has been a real blessing to our business and I want her to join me in answering chosen generation contest today. Call him today 63624. Once again, that's a 30446624 visits will be blessed as arches count the healthcare open enrollment period is ended visit. Don't worry, you can still get healthcare program by signing up at liberty healthcare as a Christian healthcare sharing ministry. We are not insurance so you can still sign up you configure program.

Choose your own doctors and hospitals. We have programs for singles, couples and families all with no contract starting at only $349 per month go to liberty Greg liberty Greg liberty Greg