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Rev Clenard Childress BlackGenocide Real War On Black America is BLM DNC Leftists Socialism 072921

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Cross Radio
August 6, 2021 7:39 pm

Rev Clenard Childress BlackGenocide Real War On Black America is BLM DNC Leftists Socialism 072921

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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Hi this is Michael Kreider of Michael's M and P supplements.

Let's talk energy. You wake up tired even after a full night sleep was keeping up with your family and or your job leave you exhausted by noon. Do you find yourself turning way too early in the day, and too often to caffeine loaded drinks just to get you through it all.

When I turned to Michael's MNP's energy factors.

Instead, our energy factors are safe, healthy and unnatural way to keep your body energized and without that caffeine crash that you get from those laden drinks. Visit us today at Michael's is best Dragon I use energy factors there great order yours that's and use Pastor Greg for your special discount. That's master Greg I get your special discount today. Now is a critical time to be vigilant in the defense of our freedom. There's no better way to do so them by joining the Association of mature American citizens a Mac a Mac is one of the fastest growing conservative organizations in America well over 2 million people of joined now carry the a Mac membership card. A Mac was built by regular folks and feel the same way you do. You're not alone. A Mac believes in and stands up for the values that made America so great were fighting the good fight against reckless government spending and the ever-expanding scope of federal government. We believe in the sanctity of our Constitution. So if you're 50 or over and hold to traditional American values. You no longer have to feel alone, call the Association for mature American citizens a Mac and get great discounts and support your values. Call today 855-696-7930 855-696-7930 years ago.

Pastor Greg get your first year absolutely free typing and love offering right in your computer, visit to support a chosen generation and make a tax-deductible donation. Now back to a chosen generation with Pastor Gray and will imagine generation ready. I'm your host, best rate, thanks so much being here. I know you have a choice on where you can listen each and every day. Well we we hear this statement that's being made and and it says there is that systemic racism and there is a war on black America and black Americans. Now you know conservatives want will argue no there's not a war there's not you know were not a racist country and and and I agree. I don't I don't think that we are but let's first, second, say, okay, sure.

All right. America is is a is a racist country and there is a war on black America. My next guest will talk to us about who is is actually conducting that war and I want to welcome the founder of black and minister of the gospel. Rev. Bernard Childress Junior Rev. welcome. It's good to have you. Absolutely. Absolutely. Well, I know that a lot of times when we when we talk, you know, we try to help people understand. You know the Civil War and all the efforts that have been made and all the things that have been done to create a more perfect union and to make all men equal but it bit, but even even in doing that. We still are going to get those that are going to say all I don't care I you know it's still racist country.

Look at this, look at that. So Charles love, my good friend ofttimes will say you know what don't argue with them just resolve or just help them see where it's coming from where what they think is happening maybe is someone happening but where it's coming from. He talked to me about where you believe the war on black America actually is taking place right now really were coming from. From the Democratic party pushing and promoting and legislating corrective laws that affect the child in the womb marriage and attract.

Therefore, education in the future now. I did backtrack a little bit of African-American nobody invaded the country to rescue a nobody can't ship or slavery would end with what happened was we appeal to the and irritability and play for them that were operating in great physical but America is not great but it's not pretty fit will be holding true now at Martin Luther King. They were abiding by it so we didn't need anybody to come in and read we needed activism.

We needed to look at with Danforth to go to the public square and point out the hypocrisy of America is not a racist country.

Okay I wrote you needed someone to come and rescue you claim it.

We claim right then the right in the system and that the right of any other country workshop be here okay so and like human nature people if they can take advantage again well and do other things. Three.

Direct proctor valve. They will abuse and that's what happened now.

Right now, and I fainted in it so far to the left and so obviously clear that the Democratic Party assault on the black community the best kept secret in America. It is raging in iterating for even here in New Jersey. They are trying to expand abortion law. Basically that would always mean to target the African-American community, even to the point where the child is born alive, the child can still be put to death, but at the discretion of the doctor of the mother mother and they're saying in the bill building though investigation pivotal in order to have a crime you have to have an investigation in order for it to be adjudicated or come to court you Have a good one had to be charged, but if you're not going to investigate.

You can't charge anybody for the crime and the education. This is why the leader of the PLM in Minnesota abandoned BLM and I can't think of it may break down. Sorry, but he basically said that they're not interested in black people. Okay, once again, an arm of George Soros working through the Democratic Party and basically to play the race card to the degree and you African-American pitting them against the country and basically painting every African-American of the victim basically and so he thought it was a good organization to bring up because of that would help and he found that they were against school choice. He got out of it okay and he saw the thing court with the last straw was fighting school choice which would empower parents and empower the child, so that's not the Republican Party. Anytime you talk about school choice that Republican Party anytime school choice.

It'd help black family to the degree especially want to see what happens with it.

Watching the peak soon as Obama got in he could do it out to the Congress became public and they put it back and it outraged how is only you a remnant of African-Americans that can be that they should be national event that the party is the cause of the Great Depression not only the eugenic of it, but what with the abortion.

The targeting of African-American 1786, African Americans were killed by abortion, 52% of all African-American pregnancy and an abortion. So it's at this point it at your 21 million African-Americans are missing 1973 directly through to abortion. 61% of all African-American that is in the category of abortion so hello what party had that in their platform in the platform okay if the Democratic Party and I get frustrated and yet I got elliptical and funky constraint because it is that it is obvious to me and cleared me, who is generating oppression and were not stepping back and looking exactly objectively and the simple truth basically that they can come to the conclusion but they believe the propaganda outlet to get work. I want to see the gentleman's name is get you is Riverside to turn thank you so much and and he is now Pres. and Executive Director of the Minnesota parent union and that and actually spoke on a video for taking charge Minnesota a group that opposes the idea that systemic racism is to blame for the problems in the US society and again this is the individual who was the founder of the BLM chapter who came to the realization that many of us on the outside of been saying all along and that is the BLM. It does does not care about black lives. They care about political gains if they cared about black lives they'd be that we would have had a reduction in the murder rate in Chicago. We would have a reduction in what what happened in in Minneapolis that the the burning of all those businesses folks understand something that a lot of those businesses were black-owned businesses that they burnt down they know Michael out of black-owned community. There's a there's a video Ruby number to give you the microphone back, but there was a video that came out from one of our our our our conservative black friends did a video standing in the middle of where all that burned down was and said this is where there used to be AAA convenience store in a drugstore right here now in this neighborhood and they did a panoramic of the neighborhood. There is nowhere for these people to be able to walk and get a prescription filled, or even go to the grocery store they can't. They think don't they can't get groceries now they can't get their medications. Now seniors that live in and they showed pictures of some of the high-rises there seniors that live here that that now they can get their medication. What are they either get what are they supposed to do it dreamily and court media played a role in why programs like it felt so desperately needed.

Because you need the truth or the other doctor told him to get what they're trying to the narrative trying to create that there be something very clearly African-American community that something definitely wrong with this type of activity and where the prickly mayor and even in countries governors are basically aiding and abetting and abetting now Portland changed Vermont but I get the collection type, but the fact of the matter is they were actually think that why because the political agenda that they empower. Basically, also called version in the country to diminish it would were not catching that completely is a war and once again I you know you would like to be objective and say well he entered in the nomadic Republican that the right thing (dominantly being pushed still predominantly being pushed to the Denver crab party socialist market culture and the hate of America. Critical race theory doesn't come from Republican comes from Democrat party and those who are elected in the end the party to push for because the great divide and it goes beyond not trying to make a place in America you have to come to the conclusion they are trying to subvert trying to destroy their trying to diminish.

They are trying to strip the country and the people even participated in it. Basically they have promises of present prosperity for themselves. They bought out Patrice colored buying $4 million worth of how the why the parent of the children that they were killed. They make dollars off of and didn't give the family anything that I didn't think anything this woman think that they came into my town raised money on my child and getting me nothing so is a scheme. It is a ploy.

It is basically promising the leadership well positioned but the total plan to subvert the country and this is why platforms matter, and this is why when you look at AOC in the squad. You know, if you really listen to and and look at what it is that there trying to offer their their offering socialism folks there offering adversarial clearing that the Cubans, dissidents and and protesters of been marching in the streets and what flag are they hoisting Rev. what flag are they hoisting I see I wonder right.

The strength of the red Knight envelope. Why, I wonder, why do treatment coverage. Why why why would the American flag be the selling places like Cuba, Hong Kong, Taiwan, you know, even even in places like the UK in places like Germany where you had patriots that were rising up trying to take their countries back. What was their symbol of patriotism.

Their symbol of freedom and independence. It's them it's the United States. Why, I wonder why it was straight.

Basically what they know America to be not what it being painted it out totally in the metal about an immigrant party by media is a Kabbalah but it is a corporate takeover by the tuition, but that is a very powerful demonstration from what they know America and the people who have been warning the most are people who were living in the present country and they're asking the question what is going on when I ran from. I chose to come to the country for and we have to go. Don't give up keep sounding the alarm, but I have to say, you know, to the Christian nuclear think you know I've been at Dominican quite frustrated, grieved, Natalie and I have a prayer of thanks for my struggling right now would break. Pancreatic cancer, but what you listed that they would pray for her. Slept. Her name is Cheryl but I never thought I'd still be here. I believe in the rapture.

I believe in the Lord, back I never thought I'd still be here under a government now for the veteran you're making me take a backseat. Now Google is making them take a backseat with bigger part of the problem Google but now this little increment of the board vaccination now personally I'm fighting it tooth and nail because I have come to the conclusion by hearing others who were killed in the that these are not the their diabolical their harmful beer there are any time you have people happy metal duct. I think you need a big date.

We need to rethink what I'm wondering why they're not is both scary thing right as you get up in the morning feeling like you in your bed had a bad night. Still tired. It doesn't have to be that way. That's why Mike Lindell started my pillow and after his success. Helping people sleep better with the pillow I decided to go all in. He found Giza cotton for the best sheets and created the ultimate mattress topper and since stores will carry this product he's passing that savings on to you is the code Pastor Greg for incredible discounts and help feed starving children.

Paul today 800-544-8939, 800-544-8939. Nowhere else are you going to be able to sleep well and no that you have said starving kids use the code Pastor Greg call my pillow today 800-544-8939 blended as needed in the hello I love hi this is Michael Kreider of Michaels M and P supplements. Let's talk energy do you wake up tired even after a full night sleep was keeping up with your family and or secure job leave you exhausted by noon. Do you find yourself turning way too early in the day, and too often to caffeine loaded drinks just to get you through it all. When I turned to Michael's MMPs energy factors instead our energy factors are safe, healthy and unnatural way to keep your body energized and without that caffeine crash that you get from those laden drinks. Visit us today at Michael's this best Dragon I use energy factors there great order yours that's and use Pastor Greg for your special discount.

That's Pastor Greg gets a special discount today if cancel culture and censorship continue at their current pace. There will soon be nothing left of the truth.

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Unitizing and love offering life in your computer, visit to support a chosen generation and make a tax-deductible donation. Now that's a chosen generation with Pastor Ray and generation. Greg and my guest is Rev. Minard Childress Junior and you can find a black genocide.Ward black and I really would encourage you to become familiar with that site and and especially as Christians you know if praying regarding this issue of abortion. I know that that is a is a is a major issue for suite we would we want abortion to stop when you see these statistics in the numbers and the information that is consistently gathered of black Ike Ike I can't think of an even better or greater argument for abortion to stop and especially in the black community's I really encourage you to it to check out that information also very quickly tomorrow on the program. Don Janz is with us. David Horowitz is with us tomorrow. John Pearson, were going to get into a January 6.

He is representing a number of the individuals there new decision. Now they're not going to get a speedy trial are not entitled to their constitutional rights. You got ask why and then Rick Renée Velez to teach and talk with Rick tomorrow on the program as well. Rev. oh we we were talking about, you know that them the vaccine.

The masks the mandates and I think that's the thing that is most disconcerting to me is you know, the church was the point of resistance against tyranny, whether it's been communism. Whether it was Hitler's Nazi-ism. What have you you know much of this not a lot but there were certainly members of the church von Hoffer.

I think of, in particular, that were the leaders of that this sense that was pushing back against un-biblical and ungodly leadership. Any sphincter that for just a moment as we close out Muhlenberg. Robot robot you report the battle with military uniform, saying he was going to stand against the tyranny of England and it was it was a creature and it was the preacher that galvanized everything in that movement initially and to work with the right movement it were preacher that galvanized that movement the church and the church at pink so complex it all when you talk about abortion saying people with the back screen typically better ability and can be proud cheek. The person you are welcome here with the United Nations population control.

I protested Bill Gates ago off the Seattle in early be our national director Rev. Dr. John Connor. We went to Seattle into exalted and in weekday Social Security pushed us out why because they are at with socialization hearing this with population control and their effects with diminishing people of color so as anytime I hear the church setting up their church because it helps back the church setting up pictures and allowing Planned Parenthood becoming a church basically that the part of the problem.

It is very depressing, but it's going and I believe the church is beginning now to rise up and especially with these mandated vaccine.

I don't think that.

Well, I don't think that will let me be the tipping point right there. Thank you, Rev. Minard Childress Junior black nonsense regulars return generation radio remember at the end of the day tomorrow at the end of the day, when I stand before my God, I do not want him to ask me what did you do with the world that I sent my son to die for and redeem how did you fight the good fight, share the good news.

Give people a check. How did you shine your light to be a beacon of truth in the darkness did you shrink back in fear when they demand you change my message. Did you call evil good and good evil, did you forsake my love for that of another line with the adulterer and setting up a new idol in your life have you defile yourselves with compromise and tolerance of that which I call an abomination.

Have you innocent blood on your hands for the children murdered on your watch of the young ones perverted in their way by evil men seeking their own comfort in reviling me know. At the end of the day. I want him to simply say the evidence is in.

Well done, thou good and faithful servant. I love my God and I love his creation, and I will go to my grave telling the world that evil is evil and only God is good and Jesus came to save the world, that no matter the evil in the world. I will never give up.

And in spite of the hate I will love. In truth, God bless you all and may love remove the veil so you all might enter into his rest. Are you getting up in the morning feeling like you in your bed had a bad night.

Still tired.

It doesn't have to be that way. That's why Mike Lindell started my pillow and after his success. Helping people sleep better with the pillow I decided to go all in.

He found Giza cotton for the best sheets and created the ultimate mattress topper and since stores will carry this product he's passing that savings on to you.

Use the code Pastor Greg for incredible discounts and help feed starving children. Paul today 800-544-8939, 800-544-8939 know where else are you going to be able to sleep well and no that you have said starving kids use the code Pastor Greg call my pillow today 800-544-8939 and has been no