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Pastor Greg Election Integrity Matters Voting with Confidence 071921

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Cross Radio
August 6, 2021 7:40 pm

Pastor Greg Election Integrity Matters Voting with Confidence 071921

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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A New Beginning
Greg Laurie

You get up in the morning feeling like you in your bed had a bad night. Still tired. It doesn't have to be that way. That's why Mike window started my pillow, and after success.

Helping people sleep better with the pillow.

Mike decided to go all in. He found Giza cotton for the best sheets and created the ultimate mattress topper and since stores will carry his product he's passing that savings on to you. Use the code Pastor Greg for incredible discounts and help feed starving children. Paul today 800-544-8939, 800-544-8939. Nowhere else are you going to be able to sleep well and no that you have said starving kids use the code Pastor Greg call my pillow today 800-544-8939 and has no I this Pastor Greg goes to the generation radio show reminding you that we have a two hour program Monday through Friday with great interviews on topics that impact you are goal is to return our country to a biblically-based constitutional republic as envisioned by our founding fathers, and what made our nation the greatest in the world forever hundred and 50 years.

You are a part of that vision. So please join us a chosen generation chosen generation and sign up for our emails today. This is Adam and always being there and we are sponsors of chosen generation, and Pastor Greg sponsoring this program has been a real blessing to our business and I want her to join me in sponsoring chosen generation, Pastor and call him today at 863624 once again that Saverio 46624 visits will be blessed as arches town you typing and love offering right your computer, visit to support chosen generation and make a tax-deductible donation. Now that's a chosen generation, Pastor Ray generation radio word limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. Well folks, so again those numbers that I wanted to see here okay alright so those numbers I gave you Amador Sheriff 209-223-6500 209-223-6500 FBI number 415-553-7400 415-553-7400 and again our asking is, as we want justice for Phil Haney. We want somebody to answer the question regarding what we believe was the murder of Phil Haney and all the mystery around it, why his personal belongings have not been returned to his family. Why there has been absolute silence on the part of those that should be investigating this situation. Why have they allowed this to become a cold case it it really it. It makes absolutely no sense at all other than the fact that Mr. Haney has or had very important and valuable information and you know a lot of us in and here we go again with the election situation, but there's news now coming out that the Arizona audit is going to be very quickly showing a lot of data that was missing, and information that should have been there we've got an issue in Georgia now according to some reports, there are issues in Wisconsin where they have now demanded information and and in Philadelphia there's a there in in Pennsylvania.

There's actually a a what you could term as a political battle that is going on with one side saying oh there's, you know, nothing to see here and and the other side saying no that's that's not at all true and we want to be able to release this information so the public can decide and then there was revealed last weekend by by the president. But before that there was an individual who was actually a part of the Department of Justice who was intimately involved in the voting issues and looking at the data and the material who was who said that he received a directive directly from Bill Barr not to pursue evidence that he had that supported that there was far that there were apologize that there were far-reaching problems with the election and you know folks look at this.

This is not about this is not about putting Pres. Trump on some kind of a pedestal or anything along that line. I can I can tell you that for me personally for years I have heard this from people because I've I've I've always been someone going back to Ronald Reagan's presidency I've voted in every single election I voted in in midterms. I've I've I've got a guy I think I may have missed one since we've gotten to Texas and and and that was due to physical issues, but even in my current physical state.

You know, I'm out, I'll find a way to get into a car to make my way down to the registrar's office to cast my vote. I believe that voting is critically important.

But I talked to people. When I got here. I've talked to people all over the country who say well I I don't even know what the point is in voting anymore because they've taken that away from us.

They've they they mess with the results they they do things that that steal our influence as a voter that is that is just terribly sad to me that people feel that way but but there are a lot of folks in our country who have felt that way for quite some time and so Pres. Trump once again bringing attention to voter integrity issues and and finally, there being efforts to address that, not the Democratic Party's version of reform which essentially opens up the election process so that our country which has been in the past. A model for how you as a nation maintain your sovereignty by making sure that the votes and the voters that vote are live legitimate members of your country.

Citizens of your nation. This is been something that is been very American that we have influence the rest of the world and and that is why you have the marching in Cuba and the marching in that they've had in Venezuela and the upper unrest there in the marching that they have in Hong Kong and and in other places around the world where they wave American flags and say you know we we want to vote like America vote suite we we want integrity in our voting process. We want to make sure that the person that we the people elect is the person that is in the office not.

Not someone that that some behind the door mechanism shows and and is now manipulated the numbers to represent. That's why there is this battle and and the integrity of that goes back to our founders. It goes back to one of the things that our founders looked at and and and who do you raise up who do you call well it's it should be the same principles that are used in an elder ring in a church. Someone has a good reputation that Outlook slandering someone and and speaking poorly about someone's reputation.

Those those are not disqualifying to the person who's being slandered.

Those are our disqualifying to the individuals that are doing the slandering, a lot of good people choose not to run, not because they have something hidden in their past. That's going to come up. Not that so much as how whatever there is about them is either going to be spun or they're just plain flat going to be lied about, see when we talked about the integrity of media and the integrity of those that speak publicly, and why that's so critical and so important folks. We need to remember as Christians that speaking truth is something that God values those that will why Proverbs 616 through 19, one at one of those areas where God considers an abomination as those that lie about others. Those that slander those are our art terrible and horrible things.

And God says that when you slander that that's an abomination to him and so but that is the reason why a lot of good people don't run for office. They don't want to get slander. They don't want something in their life to be misstated and misrepresented as something that it's not am now when you've got situations where people are going back 2030 years to something that somebody might. It scribbled in a textbook in junior high or written in there and in a yearbook that was a personal and private joke between them and the person whose yearbook they were writing in and those kinds of little things are being twisted and turned around and turned into something that they're not for the destruction of a family because their political powers that only want certain individuals in representation. The only want certain individuals running for those offices, ladies and gentlemen, that is not America that is that is not the nation that our founders envisioned that very kind of of political classing and political choosing. It is the exact opposite and and it is the very reason why our founders broke loose from England because in England, unless you have royal blood in less you if you've ever watched the movie amazing Grace that the the Wilberforce story about the abolition of slavery. There's a place in their where he get signatures from all these people and he rolls out this scroll, and their aghast and they say all who signed this document and and Wilberforce says it was signed by the people and they throw their arms up in their their aghast we don't listen to the people. We don't listen to that Rabalais don't know what they're talking about. They have no idea what's really going on in the world. We're the ones that make those decisions stop and think about these individuals in Washington DC right now this usurper of the office of president in the United States White House right now who would dare to come on and suggest that those medical doctors with yards of scientific and medical evidence, who are calling into question an injection and I don't know if you saw the numbers but I went to open vers in II. I distinctly remember that there was a number of their about 49,000 that had died. I went looked yesterday. You know they've change that number data back down to 10,000 now, suddenly, that the other 39,000 people that they had on their a week ago that were dead because of it that were reported as dead because of the vaccine because of the injection are now suddenly not dead because of the injection.

That number has been reduced again and there were complaints that they did the same thing back in November of this past year the same exact thing. There's evidences that supported snapshots that share that, folks, this is this is a scary thing, but we have that class going on in Washington and this is not the United States of America. When that kind of thing is going on and we as Christians have been blessed. We have been given. I firmly believe this, we have been given the nation this country and if you track its beginnings back. It was for the advancement of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It was it was given to us as a Christian nation, God bestowed upon us a place on planet Earth, where missionaries would be launched were scripture in the integrity of Scripture would be maintained where believers would go out to the rest of the world and share the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ and souls would be wannabe say and you say will that's right. I don't nose doing that well. I know I am for one sitting in my wheelchair every weekend over Skype sharing the good news with people in India souls getting safe. Saturday we had 70 people, 70 people that received Jesus Christ and we were able to give out groceries to that community wearable to give out groceries and and and some financial aid to the pastor in that community so that he then can minister to those 70 people and and and not just oh good, I'm glad you prayed with us and and and I'm not talking about a little simple one minute or two minute prayer I'm talking about. We prayed we pressed in, they they made declarations about their commitment to Jesus Christ. They made such commitment to Jesus Christ and in one instance, a woman who had been oppressed by an evil spirit there in India was set free, that he will spirit was sent running folks. We as Americans have have an opportunity and a an inability and I and a God-given mandate to be making this kind of difference, and if we lose our nation then we've lost home in order. God is very clear.

If you can't take care of home, you can't go somewhere else and take care of anything else. We gotta take care of this home this nation this country that was more right after this. Are you getting up in the morning feeling like you in your bed had a bad night. Still tired. It doesn't have to be that way. That's why Mike window started my pillow, and after success. Helping people sleep better with the pillow.

Mike decided to go all in. He found Giza cotton for the best sheets and created the ultimate mattress topper and since stores will carry this product he's passing that savings on to you. Use the code pastor Greg for incredible discounts and help feed starving children. Paul today 800-544-8939, 800-544-8939 know where else are you going to be able to sleep well and no that you have said starving kids use the code pastor Greg call my pillow today 800-544-8939 blended as nicely in the world is love, hi this is Michael Kreider of Michael's MNP supplements. Let's talk energy do you wake up tired even after a full night sleep was keeping up with your family and or secure job leave you exhausted by noon. Do you find yourself turning way too early in the day, and too often to caffeine loaded drinks just to get you through it all. When I turned to Michael's MNP's energy factors. Instead, our energy factors are safe, healthy and unnatural way to keep your body energized and without that caffeine crash that you get from those laden drinks. Visit us today at Michael's this best Dragon I use energy factors there great order yours that's and use pastor Greg for your special discount. That's pastor Greg get your special disc out today if careful culture and censorship continue at their current pace.

There will soon be nothing left of the truth. The epic times was founded to keep truth alive. We ask the questions we think you would ask. We check facts without regards to any political agenda. No one tells us what to cover, or how to cover it. We're not influenced by big corporations or political parties. Our great passion is to expose the spread of socialism and communism cover the Chinese Communist Party and how it works to subvert American education and politics. We cover big issues like election integrity.

The exploding national debt. The fight against coronavirus and the truth about its origins we cover Democrats and Republicans in exactly the same way we have a special trial subscription offer right now one month of our printed paper and total access to our amazing online content for just one dollar you'll find one month one dollar trusted help the epic times keep truth alive as you know you can do your typing and love offering life, your computer, visit to support chosen generation can make a tax-deductible donation now that you chosen generation with pastor Trey and will to make an generation radio I'm euros. Best, Greg hey, Charles Miller is with this liberty watch liberty watch Charles welcome good. Have you think you like a good possibility for being late coming. What I can tell me what I can tell you quickly what has very quickly.

So have you followed it all Devon Nunez comments about the Durham report. I have not okay so tell me, what are you following right now what I'm calling right now with what's going on here. The public safety and I will tell you that, especially where I am in Tucson. The police have been defunded for about 12 years and we have portable 331 police officers were community about the out there more officers bear about the deployable one for the street at 331 cops and 42 Sgt. and it just is the national news about what happened here with data from firefighters being attacked one shot in the head and shooting at people in an ambulance and not just irritating. There is uncontained crime going on here and and and what is the response of those that are supposed to be in charge there in Tucson… Oh my, that it did. Respectfully, lovingly the question that is based in a notion that no longer agree. How we govern it is to simply not get the Supreme Court resolved in 1981 that the police are not responsible for protecting individual rights advocates that complicate: one versus the candidate simply is no longer the responsibility of government to protect people and there were sponsors.

Well, to which he with its racism and you've got to be responsible people have to understand there's a message I can give your audience to yo-yo in your your yo-yo.

If you're on your own and your your you own your own result, you got understand the personal security of the personal responsibility we've gone at all the time on the means being more situationally aware learning kind of pickle self-defense skill and hardening up your place where you live. Yeah, you know I love you will not realize that that that you know that protect and serve the used to be written on the side of the police cruiser is is really like you said, according to a Supreme Court decision not not a not a mandated thing anymore and never walk there can't figure out what they want to protect the church get me wrong, we left the synagogue right except for some bad apples. The police took a good guy but the issue is that we have our society. The glue that holds us together with the family as diminished and when you diminished the family or to diminish the society you take away the glue that signed work together, the more the mortar between the brick so I tell people you know you calling your Bible and you're done you how your family doing. So do a date night with your children feel successful and they will be picked up: like Amen amen and and that that that biblical foundation is is really where ultimate success is found it. If it's right there in the book folks it's right there in the Charles, thank you so much for being with us today. You can find Charles by going to liberty, watch liberty watch and will be that more generation radio tomorrow. Remember at the end of the day at the end of the day, when I stand before my God, I do not want him to ask me what did you do with the world that I sent my son to die for and redeem how did you fight the good fight to share the good news. Give people a check. How did you shine your light to be a beacon of truth in the darkness did you shrink back in fear when they demand you change my message. Did you call evil good and good evil to do for sake.

My love for that of another line with the adulterer and setting up a new idol in your life have you to file yourself through compromise and tolerance of that which I call an abomination. Have you innocent blood on your hands for the children murdered on your watch of the young ones pervert in their way by evil men seeking their own comfort in reviling me know. At the end of the day.

I want him to simply say the evidence is in.

Well done, thou good and faithful servant. I love my God and I love his creation, and I will go to my grave telling the world that evil is evil and only God is good at.

Jesus came to save the world, that no matter the evil in the world. I will never give up. And in spite of the hate I will love.

In truth, God bless you all and may love remove the veil so you all might enter into his rest.

Are you getting up in the morning feeling like you in your bed had a bad night. Still tired. It doesn't have to be that way.

That's why Mike Lindell started my pillow and after his success. Helping people sleep better with the pillow I decided to go all in. He found Giza cotton for the best sheets and created the ultimate mattress topper and since stores will carry us product he's passing that savings on to you. Use the code pastor Greg for incredible discounts and help feed starving children. Paul today 800-544-8939, 800-544-8939 know where else are you gonna be able to sleep well and no that you have said starving kids use the code pastor Greg call my pillow today 800-544-8939 blended as needed. In the early on