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Pastor David Scarlett America is returning to the bible in small pockets. 072921

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Cross Radio
August 6, 2021 7:42 pm

Pastor David Scarlett America is returning to the bible in small pockets. 072921

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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Thank you for tuning into chosen generation chosen generation is about equipping, encouraging and challenging this generation to engage culture and to fulfill God's plan and purpose for our city County state and nation to be the Christian influence and life that we have been called to be pastor great is committed to seeing God's life changing power work in you prayer today or have a question. You can reach us at 830-446-8624 830-446-3624 if your church or group would like to have Pastor Greg come and share his passion to raise up a chosen generation is available to bring that's name life changing message and anointing to your event again.

That number is 830-446-3624 830-446-3624.

Give us a call and keep on listening because you are God's chosen generation chosen generation, host Pastor Ray you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, you should show forth the praises of him who is called you out of darkness into his marvelous light in time past were not a people that are now the people of God, which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy now shows generation program right to have you with me. Thanks, Aaron know you have a choice, or you can listen each and every day, and I think that you hear. I hope you enjoyed yesterday's recording of the interviews that we did at sea pack and I apologize. I've been absent a couple of days have a minor minor minor medical injury and had to get that had to get that checked out and needed needed to take a couple of days arrest you work on recovery. So I appreciate your prayers. Keep keep those common, very important. All right, I've got a great program windup for you today. Pastor Clint nard Childress Junior will be with us.

He is the founder and and the president of black genocide.orc black If you've never checked out that website never heard of that before.

I would encourage you to do that will talk with him about the real war on black America that is actually taking place.

Robert Curry is with us. Top of the next hour.

I will talk about our founders and our founders actual vision for America versus that that the John Locke imposter is the God of the Bible or somebody Druid God of nature will talk about that coming up at the top of the next hour Barbara from Harlem is where this will get a Harlem perspective coming up at the bottom of this hour, and I believe that you will enjoy Barbara's time with issues been with us before she is a great American and has that just really powerful things to share, from her perspective and Harlem would join me right now is a dear friend, a good brother in the ministry he has his glory is that our are the programs and you can find them by the way, at his and click on the programs 100 days of truth. There is Amanda Grace, who I know was followed by a lot of you and you and I and a lot of my friends as well a window into the supernatural. I had that the pleasure of of being on on that program. You can find all of the archived programming there as well and I want to welcome to the program. My friend Pastor David, Scarlet pastor welcome good to have you think about Greg and our prayer for you. Have a public thank you thank you greatly appreciate that well speaking of the of of recoveries, you know, America is in a place where I think she needs to. She needs to recover who who she who she truly is and you and I were talking in the green room there. There seems to be a real hunger and in spite of all of and and I and I share this with you or not but Facebook actually shut down my sermon of my testimony over the weekend.

Yeah, they yet they said that it was that that it was spam and that it was false advertisement fraud and a security risk and I don't know how church service scares them so much, but apparently this one did talk about the hunger that were seeing as we we talked about you know Americans are have not for for baby many years and you can append on on how many years that may be really heard about the God of the Bible talk to me about some of the things that you're seeing as you guys are traveling the country while working out hunger for the God of the Bible. Working on the report the truth.

The true word of God all across the country and all thought the world of the wallet looking at America at that beacon of hope and a beacon of hope and a beacon of light foundered in our Lord and geared the work. When we fail to world the world like multi-Donna getting worse in the last 18 months. What the code: impacting the stuck in the middle of the thing around the remnant right fire and thirsty and hungry, but the word of God. The quarry and put and not just when I think Dan is regarding the greater Israel as well. I general in the Israeli army talking to me side by wanting five and that were truly living 37 moment and I think about to that, you know, phenomenally transformed lives as well a a a very famous individual who who had a huge following. Before social media and so forth.

You know, shut him down the left really went after them, but Miley Anapolis had had a NTU trolley, especially during the. The beginning of president trumps time in office and he recently rededicated his life to Christ and and is actually talking about putting in putting together in Florida, a reparative therapy operation and you know I mean that to me.

That is a a sign of the kinds of transformation when you simply preach the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ. There are people who are wanting that truth absolutely saw that the lack what would California Anaheim conference where many data like that when an event Dan Clemente out showed up Amanda great RT the corking requiring little people we baptize over 400 people in Goshen fire engine firing people movement and sharing the gospel to really really spreading throughout the country and world.

I know for a lot of years there's been an argument in the church there was the seeker friendly version. There was the you know know we really gotta gotta water down what were saying because we we need. That's the only way were going to be able to, you know, talk to people and someone you feel like the word needs to be 100 down now actually not see the judgment coming from God on the water down conforming church were talking grandmother is a pilot big-name after falling each week. God dealing with the conforming church right before Marriott that is not teaching the true word of God and there's a cute paradigm shift the remnant that is completely all, and on the word of God and the judgment and the separation of church is the conforming church which is conforming to the world versus the remnant church that is preaching the truth of the fire and is growing and growing and brought its magnificent time to be alive coming out and not only truth that through our Lord and Savior and God's divine design and plan for how how we would live out our lives talk to me about a good Bible. The Bible is the blueprint for life every single question we ever have in our lifetime.

They entered an order God want to work out the answers only what we get into the work and what more to build. The more we get closer to and we walk in the Commandment walking to the people in the world got it wrong conforming church got none in the know more judgment coming down on the conforming church and my remnant will arrive in working when I hear people talking about you know where we are in the timeline that we are in IIII remind him that you know he's coming for an unblemished church now yes we can, we can you know talk about the fact that our righteousness is as filthy rags before him, but even still, Christ is looking for a church that is all in.

That is all in on his plan and and how he views the world the biblical worldview and and and you know II would say that in many respects, the church has as we talk about this conforming church that's being judged right now it's really being judged based on apostasy that you know your your defining trip to Philadelphia: the world would think of the trip build up and meet an article about me that you never denied my name and you never deny my work of Michael Kellerman.

You have to be in the word night work. We have to get the word at the gate get in the word of God, man, don't put your hope in Amanda open a window, but your "but your hope in the living Christ work you work and I think another thing to that that the Lord is really been impressed upon me is is the Church's response of well you know whenever there's some challenging situation that arises. The responses well, you know, we really can't understand God and I look at John 15, where Jesus clearly said. No longer do I call you service what I call you friends because a friend servant is not what the master is doing, but I revealed all things to you. John 17's prayer regarding us being unified, not just as the body of Christ but also with him and in and and you know I it seems to me that in every situation. If you understand who he is, then you can lay that over any situation you're dealing with in yes it it's it's not outside of his character. After IMing you made of marble and all applicable conforming church our God work. Wait the whip on the deeper you get an award. He said you know I'm not calling front. He will reveal to us the culture we get, the more we give them the work of what we meditate on. And the more we listen for his deal, boys share anything in all your ways acknowledge him, I I think that you know trust in the Lord lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and and and it has to be. It becomes a habit in every little way and every little thing and every positive thing throughout your day.

The recognition that anything good comes from God. All of that matter what it is thought pops into your head. Whatever it is, the good thoughts the good things the good actions the good leadings every good thing comes from him and it and it makes you know that at an enormous difference when we get back has to do if you'll do me a favor, you know, I would like you to share because I'm I'm to bet that there are some people here in our audience today that that need out a word of hope and then how do I pray for this country. How do I pray for where we are right now as a nation. How do I handle, I pray with authority over my community over my city because folks what what has to happen first is we better wore in the spirit so we can see a manifestation of his presence in the natural we back Pastor Dave Garland his glory right after this now is a critical time to be vigilant in the defense of our freedom. There's no better way to do so them by joining the Association of mature American citizens a Mac a Mac is one of the fastest growing conservative organizations in America well over 2 million people are joined now carry the a Mac membership card payment was built by regular folks feel the same way you do.

You're not alone. A Mac believes in and stands up for the values that made America so great were fighting the good fight against reckless government spending and the ever-expanding scope of federal government. We believe in the sanctity of our Constitution. So if you're 50 or over and hold to traditional American values. You no longer have to feel alone, call the Association for mature American citizens a Mac and get great discounts and support your values. Call today 855-696-7930 855-696-7930 years ago.

Pastor Greg get your first year absolutely free.

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Visit to support chosen generation and make a tax-deductible donation now that you chosen generation with Pastor Craig and my special guest is best. Dave, Scarlett, and you can find him again at his glory and that it's his his and I really encourage you to check out all of of their incredible programming. They've got phenomenal programming and if you're not following him well you should be Pastor Dave talked to us if you would just a metal brief message of hope and then how do folks pray over their community and and let me just give it to you.

Go for brother.

Okay your name your program chosen generation, we are that chosen generation show that what we thought will stand forward with our part in the name of Jesus Christ.

How do we become the light again, not like to start early, repentant repent of and that we gone past present future we need and then have a love relationship with Jesus Christ in our heart. But from that once that happens we need to take action to take action against the live I got stoned by the shop were not we need to move forward in Jesus Christ, we need to take action at Walmart being on the sideline and politely clapping time to take action and you described to be bold, getting involved in your local elected. Vulgar school districts make and change the foundational change that God is the leader of the country that God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and we are established by our Constitution enough for we need more biblical people who believe in the word of God and report any Congressional and Senate and Gov. great and we need people who understand our Constitution time of great call.

I really believe the greatest time to be alive only. If you choose your program chosen generation only if you change in your heart Lord Jesus Christ.

And if you do have to come from the heart to be all and I want your all and are in you getting what it's going to transform the transform everything you do you become a fire or where the when economy people think that wearing on the jewel to the time of the great revival and you will want to look back on it. I wish I wish I would've been a part time to stop for now and you can do that no matter where you're listening to the thought You looking to the Lord Jesus Christ and seek him with all our persona. Mike if you seek him diligently diligently, you will find an intake actually think you will guide your stock at the Scripture called and get involved take map action or the kingdom, and let's make this revival states throughout the entire world in the name of Jesus Christ of matter. Amen. Amen.

And you know that's why we name the program.

So I got having in the program chosen generation yesterday because it's based on first Peter 29 intent and its lien. I've had people say to me will why do you you know why did they ever say the Scripture in light of why do you open with that well because those may be the most positive and powerful words you'll hear all day.

You are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood holy nation, his own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light, who once were not a people, but are now the people of God who did not obtain mercy but have now obtained mercy. Those are such powerful words, if you'll embrace some and act upon yesterday. Thank you so much for being with me today. I greatly appreciated. Whether thank you my friend. I love you and you and then coming looking forward to it. Face-to-face absolutely and it's only July will be in touch. I know between now and November for your thank you again.

Please that. Please tell all of your team.

Thank you and I and God bless them for all that they do. I know it takes that it takes a team for us to to do all that were doing and I'm grateful for years. God bless you.

We got the more this is Adam and always stay here and we are sponsors of chosen generation, and Pastor Greg sponsoring this program has been a real blessing to our business and I want to join me monitoring chosen generation can Pastor call him today at 830-4464.

Once again, it's a 304-6624 know your visits will be blessed as arches count the healthcare open enrollment period is ended, visit, don't worry, you can still get healthcare program by signing up at liberty healthcare as a Christian healthcare sharing ministry. We are not insurance you can still sign up you can pick your program choose your own doctors and hospitals. We have programs for singles, couples and families all with no contract starting at only $349 per month go to liberty Greg liberty Rick liberty Greg