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Matt Long Pastor Greg Stop The Mandates Why Are Injected People Scared 080321

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Cross Radio
August 6, 2021 7:42 pm

Matt Long Pastor Greg Stop The Mandates Why Are Injected People Scared 080321

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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Now that's a chosen generation, with matching gray and a lot of baggage and generation radio.

I'm your host past Greg makes a much younger. I do know you have a choice in where you can listen each and every day, and I think it's in here.

Well, very excited as we do each and every Tuesday to welcome to the program. The hill country patriot radio and Matt Long show and my good friend Matt Long the host Matt welcome good to have you, sir. While I enjoy those that I as as we do. I enjoy our our our Monday night phone calls which are kind of that the warm-up if you will, to what we do here.

So where were dealing with and I and I'll share this I will have to go into my doctor's office. I had a actually was fair. Couple days last week because I had pulled a muscle in my groin in my lower abdomen. Really excited. I've I've I've lost almost 60 pounds. I I think I'm just under 400 pounds this morning for the first time since the hat since the tenant and and all that you know damage that it did and so on. But I got up too quickly and that anyway when into the doctor and it was a different doctor hadn't seen him ever before and the first thing he says to me when he sits down that heavy hydroxylamine. Well, not going to do that all welding your grenade or your mask. Did I ask him what did you have your vaccine will yeah and I was like whoa maybe you need to wear your mask. I it out. I don't understand if you if you had a vaccine you know I mean if you had a flu shot right you know you you supposedly right. We were told.

Now you got your flu shot.

Your immune unit you not get to get the flu made a get your polio shot you not getting it. Polio a yeah your mom shot you not going to get mom's but not but not with this note are no with this vaccine you still get it. And if you're around somebody that might have it or somebody that you don't even know that you don't know if they do word don't have it you still need to be protected. Why did you take that shot in the arm. That's what I don't get Matt and I I met shot would not my and was like my looks good. Let's give it to me most about because with the assumption that it was going to actually keep you from getting sick. Now that we found out that is not trying to master Greg next time shot to cover anything, let's cross our hearts to take my time and make an announcement to the science right day is the day and she got all the time that I'm going back into society. We now act that because human nature to not trust someone has been on purpose, but it someone who has missed with information, which do you trust me on that. I'm looking now the open bears is back up again. It's interesting to me. They they sell 11,940 deaths. That's those are individuals that have reported that they've died because that they've actually accepted report that these individuals died because of the vaccine. 40,991 hospitalizations 65,067 urgent care 88,920 office visits.

3714 people have developed Bell's palsy. Okay 4110 that had an anaphylaxis reaction that that means are those may manager minor set yet well and and it's beyond that, such just an allergic reaction.

It's it's actually an emergency allergic reaction and anaphylaxis type of of event means difficulty breathing, swelling, you know, heart and mean it's a mess. I had that I have those decoding and and and and I and I have to take an EpiPen in in order to come back from that. You know if I get to bed bee stings into the anyway. Those of you know bee stings are another thing that they can cause a person and anaphylaxis 518,769 reports of adverse events.

And that's just what's been reported and according to a Harvard study map that represents 1% but it was all about prescription drug magazines in the range for the drive back to social things I have to report on your TV commercials that run for so long because they say don't take them something good morning and back vaccine. All of those things that's one thing that Bell's palsy once in the spring welcome. It was cast some of that shot that is a chance of that happening will and and you know if you read like you said. I mean and I think the problem here. I just wrote this down, we've been numbed to these counter reactions.

Okay I mean if you stop, you know, used to be that that that Mad Magazine years ago used to do. You know, like a farce on on those kind of things right. You know they would put it in a yellow warning you know warning. Your uterus might fall out or you know her, or sexual organ might also offer whatever some some crazy thing might happen.

We have become literally numbed.

I mean, some of these you know when they go through an angle that will will one of the did to you is what might sterilize you and it might cause you know major birth defects and and it and it might you know ruin your your NER spring you're going to have for the rest of your life. I hello hello I and and and what what why why are we taking this or or you know kill every lab rat that was ever given. But that worm is right on you now okay and why and why would I why would I take that and why would a doctor violate their Hippocratic oath by prescribing that to me, you – sounds kind of wild to me. You know, but you know when we when we when we bring these things up.

I had a dear friend of mine that called me the other day and he said you know I was. I had the first shot and I was doing okay.

I had that second shot, and he said I'm Italian pastor. I haven't felt the same guidance. It sums wrong someday, right, I am II I've been ill ever since I felt like I got the flu every morning when I wake up I all day long.

The feeling I got the flu.

You know, I know I gave him some things to you know natural things that that doctors that I have have on the program have have suggested, but you know there was another story I wanted. It's I think it's appropriate to bring it in that Fox did a story on on a on a young man that passed away and and they you know they they talk about how sad this is and you know the last thing that he said is oh I wish I'd gotten that vaccine I should've gotten the that the vaccine will I'm saddened about his story because there are natural means to combat this, and they won't let anyone share what they are. You know Pastor Greg competent in our schools will start children to write masks in the fall.

I don't know that for sure completion so strong it wouldn't surprise me.

You know from experience and I think they will likely jump alignment band that shows the production on my part when and how do we and against this is the biggest thing to make a righteous manner that come into play the end of this and want to take people think about this whole plan endemic is that Americans just bend over and take a shot. So happen. I think this in this instance that yes, I think we we have a you know a right to stand up and a and a mandate if you will, especially when it comes to the shutting down of of gathering of churches. Now I know that in Texas that supposedly where not supposed to have that that's not supposed to happen. Churches are supposed to get closed again. I don't know if if that's going to be enforced. I know that there are some cities out there like Austin like Houston may not even like Dallas that that there's been an indication in certain areas that they may try to close the churches and sadly we've got pastors and priests, and so on that are going along with this sin and and closing their doors and and we've got them talking about, you know, if you don't get vaccines. That means you don't love people and and and you don't care about people. Well, I you know personally, I've had two children that have been dramatically impacted by vaccines and so we we don't.

We were not for these kinds of vaccines and injections and then when I had Dr. Judy Markowitz on and I discover that for 50, 60 years now that that the use of animals as a place to incubate has caused the vaccine that were taking into our body to actually mutate and the animal diseases if you will break through the barrier of the human DNA and and cause us issues. Why do we have so many more cases of Alzheimer's. Why do we have so many more cases of dementia. Why is that such a major issue.

Why is it so much more Parkinson's disease wire that are so many of these. These are all autoimmune deficiency diseases and why are they so prevalent in in in baby boomers. Why is that such a problem 50 years of vaccination. That's the conclusion that Dr. Markowitz is going to documents pastor Greg Moore counterargument and say shut up and take the shot. You give a counter argument or ask a question and they say you're just not smart enough. You're not a doctor, Dr., time to start know what I'm talking about shut up and I say and I think more shot masks all day will and unfortunately critical thinking and common sense have been overcome by my teaching emotion and and I know this is why our friend Alice Lenihan is an example talk against the common core and emotional teaching it's it's been it was preparing us for exactly this matter. Thanks remain with us today.

I know running on the time God bless you there in the hill country. Stay strong and stay informed.

I'll be back with more Jen generation radioactive.

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That's pastor Greg I get your special disc out today. Now is a critical time to be vigilant in the defense of our freedom. There's no better way to do so them by joining the Association of mature American citizens a Mac a Mac is one of the fastest growing conservative organizations in America well over 2 million people have joined and now carry the a Mac membership card. A Mac was built by regular folks feel the same way you do. You're not alone. A Mac believes in and stands up for the values that made America so great were fighting the good fight against reckless government spending and the ever-expanding scope of federal government. We believe in the sanctity of our Constitution. So if you're 50 or over and hold to traditional American values. You no longer have to feel alone all the Association for mature American citizens a Mac and get great discounts and support your values. Call today 855-696-7930 855-696-7930 years ago pastor Greg get your first year absolutely free if careful culture and censorship continue at their current pace. There will soon be nothing left of the truth. The epic times was founded to keep truth alive. We ask the questions we think you would ask. We check facts without regards to any political agenda. No one tells us what to cover, or how to cover it.

We're not influenced by big corporations or political parties. Our great passion is to expose the spread of socialism and communism recover the Chinese Communist Party and how it works to subvert American education and politics. We cover big issues like election integrity. The exploding national debt. The fight against coronavirus and the truth about its origins we cover Democrats and Republicans in exactly the same way we have a special trial subscription offer right now one month of our printed paper and total access to our amazing online content for just one dollar you'll find one month one dollar trusted help the epic times keep truth alive. Look, I am for marriage between a man and a woman I am for life from conception. I am following the Bible and I believe that our founders started this nation on biblical principles. I'm in support of our military and believe that America should play a role in world security. I believe our Constitution was intended for immoral people and that the Bible contains the only true moral code. I believe we are all born sinners in the God in his grace and mercy said his son Jesus Christ to die for our sins that if we will confess our sins, he is just and righteous to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

I believe salvation is not just accomplished a little prayer that is found in how transformation is lived out Jesus is to be the Lord of our lives and we should follow local precepts. This is not legalism or works, but a life lived out in love and honor the one who died for my sins. Faith without works is dead and is no faith at all. I believe that we will fall and that we need to have a repentant heart that God will ultimately bring us into perfect action.

Jesus Christ spirit man perfected and so was man in progress.

I believe that we are not to live in guilt and shame of the fall, but we were pants and get up and move closer to Jesus. I believe that if our nation will repent and turn from wickedness to God will heal our land. I believe that as a Christian I must occupy till he comes and that's a call evil wicked and to learn about those evil acts as a part of the mandated Christianity fits in love also means to be willing to take the risk necessary to confront a friend with the truth in hopes that their heart will be turned because their life matters, even if it means in that moment they will possibly hate me. It means that I must risk scorn to stand for truth and I can never sit silently by while evil attempts to conquer the world. God is my everything and Jesus is the love of my life that does not make me weak but strong, silent and not fearful, courageous.

Therefore, if you're my friend. We may not fully agree know that I share what I share because I care if you strongly disagree with these beliefs.

They are not debatable for me and you can if you choose, unfriend me. I do not say this in anger but in love. I wish for you eyes to see and ears to hear that Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation and God, not man gets to decide what is truth life and the way God bless you now that you chosen generation with your host pastor Greg. Don't forget you can get more chosen generation, and pastor Greg analog next-generation radio. I'm your host pastor Greg, thanks so much being here.

I do know you have a choice will listen. Each and every day, and I think you keep it attuned here to churn generation radio.

Well, no in in the next half hour. We're going to be given away to struggling for one America looks from the producers of the documentary trunk versus Hollywood Daphne Barack and arable generosity, and they've signed these books as well, and that will be giving way again to copies of this and if you are are the first two people to shoot me an pastor Pastor shoot me an email and send me your address and and contact information and the first two emails that I get. We will get you a copy of that of that great book and we will have Daphne and and arable along with money be on the program coming up here momentarily.

Let's see, I wanted see you see if I can find this very quickly and and give you some some ammunition and as a relates to what Scripture has to say about our gathering together and and and why we are supposed to be gathering together and and and and having boldness about Hebrews 1019 therefore, brother having boldness to enter the holiest by the blood of Jesus by a new and living way which he consecrated for us, through the veil, that is, his flesh, and having a high priest over the house of God, let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful and let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another so much more as you see the Day approaching. And let's not forget acts chapter 2, continuing daily in one accord in the temple breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people.

It is been a trademark of the church to meet Mrs. Adam and always stay here and we are sponsors of chosen generation, and pastor Greg sponsoring this program has been a real blessing to our business and I want her to join me in sponsoring chosen generation, and pastor and call him today 63624. Once again, that's a 304-6624 visits will be blessed as Artis found the healthcare open enrollment period is ended. Did you miss it.

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We have programs for singles, couples and families all with no contract starting at only $349 per month go to liberty Greg liberty Rick liberty Greg