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Dr Brian Hooker The Real Science Proves vaccine Dangers FDA Bait and Switch 082721

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Cross Radio
August 27, 2021 4:22 pm

Dr Brian Hooker The Real Science Proves vaccine Dangers FDA Bait and Switch 082721

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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Pastor Greg get your first year absolutely free and wait for luck at out in the Bible that people open our heart. I went back to what they were jet right now we people work bring people then how they think it going to be really great people know Bob eight I don't get involved shall hold people. One, now thank you, you can support a chosen generation and make a tax-deductible donation by visiting www.chosen generation,.com and now back to a chosen generation with pastor Grace generation radio were no top limits everything filtered through biblical glasses.

Thanks much anger I greatly greatly appreciated folks I bring the guests on that I do I the sponsors I have. The people that I interact with 97% of the time it's because I believe in what they're doing and what they're saying, folks, you know I had coded myself in December 2020.

I had coded I had all the symptoms the chills. The breathing issues. All that I had double pneumonia and I was coughing up blood, but I told my doctor there is no way I'm going to a hospital. They will kill me. I started on the protocols that Dr. Brian Artis Dr. Moody Dr. tenpenny and and Dr. Mike of it's recommended and I did azithromycin dexamethasone Symbicort and albuterol. I am here today. It took time. It took about 2 1/2 three weeks to get through it. But folks, I am telling you from from all that I've studied and they say follow the science. My next guests going to take us through.

It is an associate professor of biology at Simpson University and Reading California teaches chemistry at Shasta College. He was the team leader of the high throughput biology team and operations manager of the DOE economics genomes.

So life center for molecular and cellular systems at the Pacific Northwest national laboratory. He also managed applied plant and fungal molecular biology research projects for the Pacific Northwest national laboratory ladies and gentlemen you want to talk about following the science. My next guest is the science Dr. Brian Hooker welcome so privileged to have user. Well, it's a privilege to be on your show prep after Greg and thank you for sharing your healing of COBIT. I'm glad you stuck with your gun and I'm glad you're here today to tell about it. The seducer meets you and I tell people all the time. Quercetin, vitamin D3, vitamin C, sink essential minerals a good multivitamin and support your adrenal gland to support your endocrine system and you will have in you, the the of the built-up immunities that you need to be able to combat not just this but but flus and colds, all those things you gotta keep your body strong and healthy. If you want to fight exactly go ahead.I wouldn't give an and then I want you to answer this question because they say: follow the science now is following science now what is the science you telling us, telling viruses, including over 19 are impacting copyright code and on their they're doing the most damage entertaining. The patient mortality in people who are who are already sick and who have no perhaps not taking care of their bodies or their their other issues with the body. And that's when you get the compromise of the ship to and that's when you know that that's pirate is taking hold and taking people down so you know taking care of your body is commensurate to good health. It is commensurate not that you're going to take the magic pill and covered 19 is going to go away and you know allopathic medic medical help, you need to do the homework before you get what you know. I remember the Hong Kong fluid.I'm sure you too. I'm almost 60 years old, but I remember the Hong Kong flu and and I you know when when this started a wild couple years ago now right I get a call my mom because it because I got a meme that came out and said you know under the Hong Kong flu they had Woodstock, which they really did they really did.

That is correct, but I called her and I said hey mom, you know, because I was 769 I was seven years old. I said mom did you remember the Hong Kong flu. She says oh yeah I said wool what you remember about it here. Here's her desires are quote I love my mom is a quote you didn't get it. S acquiesce and so I said we had them laughing and I said okay what here's the thing you got understand not. My mom worked for a pediatrician's office in Hayward, California during the Hong Kong pandemic Road) absolutely went out of edge. They had they had kids that came in that habit. They had kids that that they treated that have regular wellness checks during that time. That didn't get it and you guess what right. Nobody wore a mask okay nobody died. Okay you know most of those kids. The other got sick.

They got a fluid in a Nevada fluids. You know, vitamin C, all those things that they say today because what with the virus right you give is not really a magic pill as you said, for a virus and then we got through it exactly exactly and are good protocols out there. Unfortunately, mainstream scientists prepping the best protocols for COBIT 19 and you know their they're basically wanting everybody to get the shot everybody to get the injection.

Regardless of whether you had COBIT and you have a robust community.

You know it is all about getting the shot in it been that way sent the advent of coconut into came to the United States.

It is been the shot.

The shot.

The shot and that it the only way forward and on. It's very very important that people are paid dearly and paid with their lives because the truth is been suppressed well and we can talk about Christine Brady. We can talk about Anthony Saatchi. We can talk about the NIH.

We can talk about the Wuhan lab and and and you know right and is this related and is GSK in here somehow went and yes, GSK did did actually just do a merger with Pfizer so that part is there's some truth to that, but we can talk about Albrecht things, but at the end of the day. The bottom line is that American people have to look at when somebody saying to you, inject, inject, inject, what the heck are they put me in your body dock where they put in her body. What what what is this that they're trying to do was and why RRR why is there a movie like that asked why are there doctors like yourself. Thousands of them that are concerned well or putting in a lot of talking and you know and it's not difficult with 19 backing up the entire vaccination schedule for both children and adults and entrant that you're putting in a lot of talk that will regulate the immune to them, they can cause long term disordered, you know, I have published two papers where it compared the health of vaccinated children to unvaccinated children and hands down with all the conditions that we look at the undocumented children were healthier and these are unique studied theater studies that the TDT refuses to do in the NIH National Institutes of Health, where Tony crouches from the study that they refused to do but hound and down the children that are not getting their vaccination are healthier and have a more robust immune system that can work off infection and we can also avoid chronic disease and disorders like autism as burgers disorder on ADD, ADHD, asthma, think like that. Now I'm looking folks. By the way I'm in the post this on my personal blog at my website. Analysis of health outcomes and vaccinated and unvaccinated children, developmental delays, asthma, ear infections, and gastrointestinal disorders by Brianna Soper and Neil C.

Miller talk to me about this.

How many how many folks did we talk do we were a part of this study how because that's obviously there is all well it's it's it's the way they did whatever talk to about about prophetic talk to me about the study. If you would please for the study of approximately 2000 individual 2000 children and their work from three medical practice. We look at medical record or not to parental account of ghetto vaccination and disorders. The polygraph patient before actual medical record from three medical practices three pediatric Patrick practice it and we look at children who didn't receive vaccines during the first year of life. Both children children that did receive vaccines in their first year of life, and that was our metric because the most vaccines that are given in the United States 21 different.painter recommended during the first year of life.

So we want to capture that very aggressive vaccination window and then we look at four different disorders. We looked at the mental related ear infection as not, and gastrointestinal disorders,, and we thought it hands down the undocumented children had left incident that this disorders and overall their general health was much better. I can tell you, you know your experience with my eldest and and the vaccine reaction that that she had we held off on vaccines on we got five children other than my youngest and I told you about that who they slur anyone in on me. He was born in California they slipped one in.

He now has lost burgers, cerebral palsy, and and you know, send answer and some challenges by the grace of God we are working on. I with him and have worked with them in my eldest daughter actually worked for the Central Valley autism project yeah when he was born so she was able to give us some great pointers regarding that with folks.

I'm telling you I this is all personal experience and not personal bias, just personal experience to where we have over the last 2030 years looked at this and said there's a problem here and when Dr. Judy Mike Davis came on and talked about how they incubate and what she discovered first lauded for her discoveries and then write people got killed exactly and she got thrown in jail. Yes. Exactly. Yes and eventually get out of it it it client is being suppressed. I was surprised to find a journal that would even publish our particular paper and maternal age open medicine might to them for their bravery. I'm sure that they come under scrutiny and come under criticism for publishing this type of work but different peer-reviewed client is out on the open literature that papers it on national in the national Library of medicine. So when people say well you know of work or going back to the client is the client. It is already out there, including another paper that I just published with Neil Miller took this past June, which affirmed the same results. We did a very very similar study design and we also included autism and ADHD and we confirm the very very same result in a different clinical setting with three different medical practitioner and this is also published peer-reviewed client.

So when people say all the science is settled. Oh, I'm going to follow the client. This is the sign in the study for your unique. Nobody else has really done a comparison of completely vaccinated children to completely unvaccinated children so this is unique and this is definitive and if you know what we work very very hard in order to expunge any type of bias from our research and it is withstood the test of time.

The papers been downloaded over 190,000 calling and so this is you not being disseminated in were very very excited very very proud and I'm glad work getting out well and again another thesis is some as you said, the Journal of translational science, health effects, and vaccinated versus unvaccinated children with co-varieties of breast-feeding for breast-feeding status and type of birth, I mean this is these are detailed scientific research documents that that talk about it.

So I've got people listening today and they are some of them. I mean, I know, I know high school friend of mine posted about a girlfriend that 39-year-old healthy Latina girl was told if you don't get the vaccine.

You're fired. You can't work there anymore. She did within 40 minutes she was in ICU with 105° fever, severe headache, and to my knowledge, she still sits in emergency checked into the hospital and they're trying to figure out what to do. 19-year-old with a heart problem. Now that she can no longer be an athlete. She's done her her her athletic career is over.what what do people do. How do they gather they push back against what's happening I say what hold that thought will be back. How do you push back against it. We also want to tell you there is hope for you.

Look my people perish for lack of knowledge. Hosea my people perish for lack of knowledge being educated be informed Trinity school of natural health is holding the Trinity health freedom Expo October 2 and third in Tinley Park, Illinois go to Trinity health freedom Trinity health freedom I'll be back with more children generation ready right up to this. Please tell your friends, they need to hear this information it so critically important. All have the papers posted a chosen chosen generation, ready or not, in my blog. Are you getting up in the morning feeling like you in your bed had a bad night. Still tired.

It doesn't have to be that way.

That's why Mike window started my pillow and after his success. Helping people sleep better with the pillow. Mike decided to go all in. He found Giza cotton for the best sheets and created the ultimate mattress topper and since stores will carry his product he's passing that savings on to you. Use the code Pastor Greg for incredible discounts and help feed starving children.

Paul today 800-544-8939, 800-544-8939 know where else are you going to be able to sleep well and no that you have said starving kids use the code Pastor Greg call my pillow today 800-544-8939 blended as needed in the world is hi this is Michael Kreider of Michaels M and P supplements. Let's talk energy do you wake up tired even after a full night sleep was keeping up with your family and or secure job leave you exhausted by noon. Do you find yourself turning way too early in the day, and too often to caffeine loaded drinks just to get you through it all.

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That's Pastor Greg and get your special discount today if cancel culture and censorship continue at their current pace. There will soon be nothing left of the truth. The epic times was founded to keep truth alive.

We ask the questions we think you would ask.

We check facts without regards to any political agenda. No one tells us what to cover, or how to cover it were not influenced by big corporations or political parties. Our great passion is to expose the spread of socialism and communism recover the Chinese Communist Party and how it works to subvert American education and politics. We cover big issues like election integrity. The exploding national debt. The fight against coronavirus and the truth about its origins we cover Democrats and Republicans in exactly the same way we have a special trial subscription offer right now one month of our printed paper and total access to our amazing online content for just one dollar you'll find one month one dollar trusted help the epic times keep truth alive as you know you can do your typing and love offering life in your computer, visit to support chosen generation and make a tax-deductible donation. Now back to chosen generation with pastor Grace and Jim generation ready. I'm your host Pastor Greg Forcier note Dr. Hooker said to us, he said, listen you your body is your temple.

Think about that for second, your body is your temple and and so we have a biblical responsibility to take care of this temple. So that's one and encourage and I'll be there. I'd love to meet you. I love to meet you at Tinley Park in Illinois at the health freedom Expo October 2 and third love to meet you there. Come and join us go to Trinity health freedom Trinity health freedom 35 days from now, you can still get great airfare to fly and you're going to go into Chicago O'Hare get a Chicago dog while you're there.

By the way, got a get one of those right.right right is a reminder yeah absolutely pick up a Chicago dog is your on your way there.

Get your rental car or or however you can do. You know, get out there, but you gotta get to this Trinity health freedom so you can educate yourself and be prepared to make yourself more healthy and fight back against this. How how do you tell the employer how do you you know I mean the FDA that gave us what Quaaludes and Vioxx and DES and Fen/Phen all voice they have now said you can't have any more because Oleg G that that's illegal hello but you know FDA approval that's that's a big deal, right.big deal. But thank they actually did a bait and switch it with the updated approval.

Approval of the product export product, comment ready, which is a vaccine which is not yet on the market. The vaccine that they're distributing the Pfizer vaccine. The Madera and back pain in the Johnson & Johnson that they are not FDA approved.

So by law. They cannot mandate these vaccine by law, you know, it was a big bait and switch. In fact what it FDA approved won't be on the market for another two years and so all of this was a bait and switch. In order to fool people to fall for these mandates, but these mandates that they're making the employer mandate mandates in order to go to restaurants in New York City on now coming in California. They are all legal. Holy smokes. Okay folks are going and you have the begin to get into an argument now with some of my meter with a family member without whoever and there is a where did you hear that nonsense.

That's not true. I heard it on CNN know I heard it on the you know the whatever show I mean even conservatives are saying and now Hannity saying, well, you know, it is FDA approved. Where will I find this information and anarchy.

I want to post it. How I do that okay what you need to go to children

It was an organization that I work with as well the organization related that word Robert F Kennedy. There is a fluid wonderful man who was spreading the truth regarding vaccine regarding the covert epidemic you you go there and there is an article I'll give you the link is okay and so just to get my website should generation chosen today I will have those those medical science papers posted. I will have this link in this information posted. You gotta have the knowledge to be able to fight back. Will you stand yes at the end of the day, God's going to ask you what did you do what you do at the end of the day, when I stand before my God, I do not want him to ask me what did you do with the world that I sent my son to die for and redeem how did you fight the good fight to share the good news. Give people a check. How did you shine your light to be a beacon of truth in the darkness did you shrink back in fear when they demand you change my message. Did you call evil good and good evil to do for sake. My love for that of another line with the adulterer and setting up a new idol in your life have you to file yourself through compromise and tolerance of that which I call an abomination.

Have you innocent blood on your hands for the children murdered on your watch of the young ones perverted in their way by evil men seeking their own comfort in reviling me know. At the end of the day.

I want him to simply say the evidence is in.

Well done, thou good and faithful servant. I love my God and I love his creation, and I will go to my grave telling the world that evil is evil and only God is good and Jesus came to save the world, that no matter the evil in the world. I will never give up. And in spite of the hate I will love. In truth, God bless you all and may love remove the veil so you all might enter into his rest.

Are you getting up in the morning feeling like you in your bed had a bad night. Still tired.

It doesn't have to be that way. That's why Mike window started my pillow and after his success. Helping people sleep better with the pillow I decided to go all in.

He found Giza cotton for the best sheets and created the ultimate mattress topper and since stores will carry us product he's passing that savings on to you.

Use the code pastor Greg for incredible discounts and help feed starving children all today 800-544-8939, 800-544-8939 know where else are you going to be able to sleep well and no that you have said starving kids use the code pastor Greg call my pillow today 800-5448 939Z hello I