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CBS Sunday Morning / Jane Pauley
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December 30, 2018 10:30 am

CBS Sunday Morning

CBS Sunday Morning / Jane Pauley

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December 30, 2018 10:30 am

Encyclopedia Britannica is turning 250 - look it up!; What's next for Washington in 2019? What's next for the Middle East in 2019? What's next in Asia? What's next in Europe and Russia?; 

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No taxes morning. I'm Jane Pauley and this is Sunday morning. The last Sunday morning of the year 2018 for some of the encyclopedia brings back memories of childhood trips to the library journeys through the pages of a treasure trove of all kinds of information on this. The 250th anniversary of the Encyclopaedia Britannica Luke Burbank is done a little research long before you could Google it.

Or ask Alexa, there was the Cyclopedia Britannica, which turns 205th this month. Useful combining scholarship, practical information living in the age of information, then and now I had on Sunday morning. As I said years and is a time to look back, but it's also a time for new beginnings with a little help from our CBS News correspondence the world over. Among them, sat down throughout the morning, will gaze into the crystal ball.

We don't have border security will shut down the government exit the country as we close the begun 2018 will remember some of the peaks and a few of the valleys and then it's on to the new year from the Far East to the Middle East Europe to America will go around the world and look ahead to 2019.

Later on Sunday morning coming up Sunday morning podcast continues cycle.

A broker's books, providing information on all our many branches of knowledge generally in articles alphabetically arranged. Burbank takes us to see or cover story Americans are awash in information. Most of us walk around with devices that give us instant act. This all the knowledge in human history, where it all began. But before you could Google it and long before we met. Alexa there was Britannica, one of the great invention group books and letters for right articles of this is executive editor of Encyclopaedia Britannica. This is an original first is Britannica which turns 250 years old this month. Founded in 1768 in Edinburgh, Scotland. Britannica was the brainchild of Colin Farquhar, a printer, and Andrew Bell and engraver. Also they had an editor named William smelling William smelling was a greater regular.

The only problem is wonderful capacity for Dragon, and yet somehow these two men with no formal training and one very drunk editor managed to write and publish the first edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica useful combining scholarship with practical information and some guesses very short article in California. Your entry from 1768 smells California with two ells and says it's a large country of the West Indies. It is uncertain whether it be a peninsula, Rhode Island. From those humble and somewhat factually challenged roots grew a great tree of knowledge.

Knowledge large authoritative or through considered by many to be the definitive resource of information over the years the device by which most of the knowledge of the world anyone given time is collected in one place, but there were also challenging times for the company. The Great Depression of the 1930s. For example Oaks did not have disposable income. A lot of it.

Britannica had to find a way to stay relevant answer. The answer girls and elite corps of women who would research and answer any question a Britannica owner might have secured writer question postcard attach one of the stamps in the Britannica and return one of the women from the research center would type up in research up to 10,000 word report is in answer to your question.

In fact, Katharine Hepburn's character in desk, said the old farmers almanac for this and not US, whether it is said to be modeled on the answer girls director is it from the Bible. Then there's the whole set club. People who read an entire addition of the books including George Bernard Shaw Tesla founder Elon musk weight is like the Mount Everest of knowledge and writer Ajay Jacobs, how long does that take. That took about a year and 1/2 and reading up to six hours a day every day. The hardest part. He says, was actually trying to keep all those facts and figures to himself.

I had all this knowledge I kind wanted to share and my wife started to find me one dollar penalizing one dollar for every irrelevant fact. I inserted in conversation, but she would say let you know I have a headache and I was I would throw in.

You know the Bayer aspirin company patented heroin back in 1898 and then she would be like, well, that's a dollar these days. It's rare that students like these fifth-graders at Eisenhower Academy in Joliet, Illinois would even pick up a physical copy of Britannica.

When I first saw it was kind of amazed because he was kind of a variety of everything is on this page you see animals, people, ancient illustrations. I immediately went brings this literally looks like to go P, of course, the information on Wikipedia could come from anywhere, but it's actually relatively reliable compared to what else is out there knows great power comes great responsibility kind of thing which is where David Mickelson comes in my initial goal was to be like this Encyclopaedia Britannica for urban legends. Mickelson runs fact checking website from a tiny office in his home in Tacoma, Washington.

The site started as a hobby debunking odd rumors if you can believe it about Walt Disney's was a frozen by the wasn't, but some 25 years later the page gets around 20 million visitors per month, people hoping to separate fiction from fact, the very idea of what the objective facts of our world are really up for debate right now will some people you just never going to reach were never going to convince you of the people who are willing to take a critical or skeptical look at something of the ones that you need to reach, and those are the people. Britannica is hoping it can still reach through its various online tools.

The hope and idea really being that now, maybe more than ever.

Facts actually do matter, and not all information is created equal to you guys are really trying to certify the good fight of putting real information in the world absolutely were trying to service and bring two people to wait for folks to come to us dollar for 250 years on the cross in the new year.

We've asked our CBS News correspondence around the world for an assessment and we began with Chip Reid in Washington. The witchhunt as I call it should never taken place public relevance involving US and Russia. Today we don't have border security will shut down the government if you think this year has felt like a political labor coaster ride, you are rude, terrible person. You might want to fasten your seatbelts even tighter for next year. It has that potential.

I think to be one of those cataclysmic years that historians write about Susan page of USA Today says president trumps battles of the past two years, pale in comparison to those who will face when Nancy Pelosi and her fellow Democrats take control of the house on January 3. He's been president for two years with no effective congressional oversight of himself harvest administration and that is about to change. House Democrats will have enough power and they plan to use it to compel testimony from a parade of potentially incriminating witnesses and to uncover secret documents, including the president's tax returns, but that could turn out to be a sideshow compared to special counsel Robert Muller's investigation into allegations that the president colluded with Russia and obstructed molars investigation.

What's in the report is still largely a mystery. There have been virtually no leaks from the special counsel office so this could be an absolutely blockbuster report when it does come out it's hard to imagine that it will be if it is, and perhaps even if it is fired up.

Newly elected House Democrats are expected to demand that the president be impeached and if Pelosi goes along, though probably succeed, but only the Senate has the power to remove a president from office and with the Senate in Republican hands that is unlikely barring a truly staggering revelation from Muller with the government shutdown now in the middle of its second week, and a bitterly divided government on the horizon, the chances of actually getting something done in Washington in 2019 are getting dimmer by the day.

This is Seth doing in Jerusalem here in the Middle East division and strife and shifting alliances have emerged, including the unlikely one between Israel and Saudi Arabia against a common perceived enemy, Iran, and proxy wars layer unpredictably reviews the most common denomination in the Middle East.

Alan Pincus is a former Israeli diplomat of a passing knowledge or interest in the Middle East. What should they be looking for in 2019. Three things I think the expansion of Isis increase by law. Isis is not that major question of Iran's compliance with the nuclear deal and the absence of a viable Israeli-Palestinian peace process.

Yemen cease-fire is freezing hopes amid the grinding conflict technically to conflict is Yemen's government versus rebels. It's really Saudi Arabia versus Iran Saudi's having used weapons invited by the US civilians who suffer. Only now, because of the pictures of Yemeni children starving to death. Is there enough attention Saudi Arabia's role in this conflict came into sharper focus amid fallout from the killing of journalist Jamaal Khashoggi with blame stretching all the way to the top, exposed the thuggish side of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salamon's reign inside the kingdom criticism is squashed. Not so in Israel were Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is facing a very public pressure. There are police recommendations to indict on bribery, obstruction of justice in several of the console in terms of his early politics I see a very tumultuous year's tumultuous is worth.

It certainly applies in Syria and that was before president trumps decision to pull American forces out of the country Syrian Pres. Bush and al-Assad has gained background from rebels. As we witnessed firsthand. We are here inside Eastern go to this is the frontline of this war here in Syria right now Syrian troops have just told us that they are fighting.

One of the main opposition groups just over there city of Aleppo.

We got a glimpse of how some Syrians would like to see 2019 and beyond by looking back. This is reminiscent of another time of the great time left Syria before the evening of music and peace side of the Middle East, rarely seen, this is been Tracy in Asia where a little bit of history may be repeating itself in 2019.

After meeting North Korean leader Kim Jong noon for the first time in Singapore this past summer, Pres. Trump says he's ready for round two of the second summit is to get North Korea to finally start taking steps towards denuclearization. North Korea did not launch a single missile in 2018 or conduct any known nuclear tests. We were there in May when they claim to destroy their main nuclear testing site. This is where they have conducted five of their six nuclear tests over the last couple of years and you can see they have now strung of explosives in there.

They plan to blow this up. They can no longer use would North Korea has not allowed national inspectors to verify that the site actually unusable, despite saying it would and satellite images show that Kim Jong-Il's regime is still rapidly developing its nuclear weapons program. They think they can spot the Americans in this regard. Victor Kao is an expert on international relations in Beijing in 2019. Do you think will actually see concrete steps taken by North Korea to give up its weapons is highly doubtful. As far as denuclearization is concerned. I don't think there's any concrete sign that things will move in the right direction is seen could be said for the relationship between the US and China, the world's two largest economies remain locked in a bitter trade war both sides are now trying to diffuse tensions before March 1 deadline US is threatening to impose even higher tariffs on Chinese goods 2019 is working to find out whether or not this is just a trade war the beginning of the Cold War. Worse, Sean Ryan runs the China market research group in Shanghai. He says the Chinese government may not view this is a simple trade war, but rather the United States, trying to contain China's rise 2019 marks the 70th anniversary of the Communist Party's takeover residence using pain want to project strength very concerned about Trump underestimating the resolve of president she to demonstrate to the world that China's now arrival superpower to the United States. As for Japan, April Emperor Aki Quito will become the first Japanese Emperor to abdicate in 200 years at age 85 he's handing the reins to his eldest son, a peaceful changing of the guard and the oldest continuous hereditary monarchy. This is Charlie Daggett in London exit exit exit the country right that word that dominated debate in Britain in 2018 will define its future. 2019 Prentice or Teresa Neves is a March deadline to broker the UK's exit from the European Union. After fending off a no-confidence vote from opposition leader Jeremy court meaningful to cross the manual macro's own crisis. Paris has become a city under siege with protesters squaring off against riot police over fuel tax hike. Every now and then of rowdy demonstrators and try to burst out into the side street and avenues never met with all riot the so-called yellow vest protest of a growing list of demands includes my Crohn's resignation in Rome sex abuse scandal that has rocked the Catholic Church to its core continues to deepen as more victims come forward from around the globe.

Pope Francis is facing increasing calls to respond to cases involving high-ranking clergy here in Moscow. The focus in 2019 will be the results of the Robert Muller Russia investigation and its impact on American Russian relations are celebrations behind those crumbling walls. When Pres. Trump was first elected, but the mood is dark and since then you may recall that after cozying up to each other at the Helsinki Summit Pres. Trump sent shock waves around the world by appearing to side with Pres. Vladimir Putin over alleged Russian seriously US election great confidence in my intelligence people. I will tell you that Pres. Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today. That was then this is now Sergey Markoff is a prudent insider often cancel me thinking born the size equipment was sold deceptive Safari from so that he is even able to meet your slow blood, but there is one transatlantic relationship that is never been stronger American in the royal court after Megan Markel's marriage to Prince Harry last May 2019 will see the birth of the couple's first baby and exciting moment for any new parents, even if their child is seven line to the throne.

I'm Jane Pauley.

Thank you for listening and please join us again next Sunday morning, it's me Drew Barrymore all my goodness, I want to tell you about our new shout to his knees and each episode mean weekly gas that can cover all the quirky find inspiring and informative stories that exist on the wall because well I and maybe you do to from the newest interior design trend Barbie car to the right and wrong way to wash her arm also working to get in the things that you just kind of will probably not able to do in daytime television. So watch out. Tristan is ever you get your podcast. It's a good news on the