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CBS Sunday Morning / Jane Pauley
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June 23, 2019 10:33 am

CBS Sunday Morning

CBS Sunday Morning / Jane Pauley

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June 23, 2019 10:33 am

Seeing red: Mankind gets closer to Mars; Almanac: Sex researcher Alfred Kinsey; Sherry Lansing, on life in Hollywood, and life since Hollywood; "Something new": Surprise weddings; In a class by herself; The chronicles of "Doonesbury" creator Garry Trudeau; Dave Barry on learning to age more gracefully

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100% of the time. Make sure your next deck is going with tracks quarter seven morning Jane Pauley and this is morning for centuries, astronomers looking out but one of Earth's closest neighbors have been seeing red now a number of space exploration advocates say they see a path to sending humans to the red planet Mars within just a few short years. David Pogue will report our cover story Mars is Viewed our tension writer rather than the other lights in the celestial spirit only when we looked up at the sky with telescopes roadways now never really lost the site was alive. Getting ready to go. Gary Trudeau is a beloved cartoonist while to me is a beloved husband recently passed a most significant milestone you feel very Gary Trudeau began drawing dudes Barry half a century ago was more or less an accidental career all these years later he still had so are we now have your audience watching this go really should cartoonist she cut so much better. The anniversary of a comic strip classic. I had on Sunday morning. I shower and surprise, essay, and enough grading for the unsuspecting guest of honor at a party, but doesn't have a place at one of the most consequential ceremonies of all. Surprisingly yes, as Luke Burbank will show us. Summer is here, which also means wedding season is where this idea for a surprise wedding come brides talk about how stressful wedding planning was. I have no time for care to deal with any of that. We will surprise birthday party surprise wedding where at one and it's about to get started later on Sunday morning.

Moraga talks to Sherry Lansing about her leading role in Hollywood. Barry finds old-age reminders in his mailbox and more coming up whenever Sunday morning podcast continues scientist last week report only received evidence from the curiosity rover a surprisingly high level of methane on the red planet Mars possibly sign of life.

Yet another reason why so many earthlings are dreaming of traveling to Mars and seeing red for themselves. Our cover story as reported by David Pogue is been intrigued by my music about we made paintings made so many what no person has ever done is go there Mars in the public zeitgeist. We are closer to putting footprints on the surface of Mars today than we've ever been and I'm still sooner is the chief engineer for new unmanned NASA mission to Mars. Launching next year called Mars 2020. So Mars is smaller than Earth.

It's colder. It has a very thin atmosphere so you couldn't breathe it and so it's very inhospitable environment course this is NASA's first mission to Mars. We put the Viking lander on Mars in 1976, the Sojourner Rover in 1997 twin Rivers Spirit and opportunity in 2003 and in 2012 Adam seltzer's last big project.

The curiosity rover. It still exploring Mars today curiosity towards the ancient wet environment of Mars was in fact habitable for life still question hangs tantalizingly unanswered in front of us.

If it was alive and our mission Mars 2020 is sort of here to hope fully untangle that question and provide unanswered for star Mars 2020 is this river, it's cameras, lasers and sensors will analyze the surface of Mars, looking for signs of ancient life and will put rock samples into airtight canisters for later mission to bring back to earth. This rover will also be carrying a stowaway a fellow robot that will detach once the river is safely on Mars with a pair that's right, NASA is built on Mars. This is me me on this particular helicopter is designed now to fly up to 92nd and $43 million ever on another meanwhile at NASA headquarters in Washington DC.

Plans are afoot to send an even more delicate cargo to Mars is NASA thought about the overall timeline of putting men on Mars. Personal Mars work were thinking maybe the that the mid-2030s as is a timeline just visionary Jim Bryden Stein is the NASA administrator, the top dog. A key element of his Mars plan is creating a sort of rehearsal stage on the moon.

The moon can be a great proving ground for our first mission to Mars of something doesn't go right there still an opportunity to get home is part of the Mars push to literally create a plan B are people thinking that science fiction. He not ruling it out, but it's not my objective right now to the main objective is we want to discover life, but not everyone thinks that way some people argue that we need another option in case we make the Earth uninhabitable planet backup strategy, maybe a couple of backup strategies. The moon could be one Mars could be one when Shotwell is the president and chief operating officer of space X whose business is launching cargo satellites and soon people into space for its customers, governments, communications companies and NASA. Her boss is Tesla billionaire Elon musk position fix them like you. Unlike NASA space X reuses its rockets instead of just letting them burn up. It's astonishing to see them return to the pad and land perfectly on their cell. Still, space X and NASA need each other.

I want to be clear, we are working with NASA not competitors, not competitors. Now customer as well as a partner, but Shotwell does think that space X will put people on Mars first. We would love to be in a position to send a ship to Mars in 2022. Hopefully we did at the job in 2022.

We would be Allison people in 2024 people so your quicker crazy people is that we are crazy since we started this is the enormous rocket that space X is building for Mars is called the super heavy is not quite as big as the Saturn booster, the biggest of all time. But Spacek says it six times as powerful. So why Mars now. The characteristics of the planet were close enough to earth that we could see a path to putting humans on Mars and having them survive, but it is a fixer-upper planet.

Life is not to be easy on Mars for the first few decades, for sure. When the lava flow and this is the high seas behind us Hawaii space expiration analog relation gimp instead is a professor at the University of Hawaii and the mastermind behind this isolated habitat perched on the side of the Hawaiian Volcano. It feels as much like Mars is you can find on earth. So this gives us a chance to run long-duration simulations of exploring the surface of Mars, so I long-duration timing for 12 months or even longer. People live in that dome for year year. How can they call home they are under a 20 minute each way communications delays to simulate the amount of time it takes to signal to get from Earth to Mars. That means no web surveying the social media the phone calling anyone, can I serve on the high seas habitat simulate the hostile conditions on Mars can simulate being pooped up with fellow astronauts during a months long mission. The main thing were testing people.

If the human part fails is just as catastrophic as if the rocket lesson. Instead, says that the key is choosing the right kind of people be summarized as a long fuse and optimistic outlook people off the street but they would probably be at each other's throats within a day or two. Probably because inside, it feels like a one and 1/2 story camping tent so this is a bedroom no cheap cruiseship theory. As you can imagine going on a family holiday in camper van for a year and this is the situation were talking about here in our crucible emerged alive. Note space travel is massively expensive so I had to ask NASA head Jim Bryden Stein, the big taxpayer question.

Why should we spend money on going to other planets only have so many problems here at home, and I think that's a very shortsighted suggestion and I'll tell you why space has transformed all of our lives the way we communicate the way we navigate produce food produce energy way.

We predict whether the way we do disaster relief provide national security and defense, and the only reason that all of these technologies are available because of the trail that NASA has blazed doing exploration Mustang. So here's where we stand.

NASA is completing construction of its new Mars labor in readiness for its launch in July 2020 Texas space X is firing prototypes of its Mars rocket engines. Getting ready for short test flights in late I think will get Mars I think will do it within the next decade for sure. And NASA's Adam Stelter is looking forward to watching his baby with Dr. Morris from a distance. Would you ever want to go to Mars. Why not have children and a beautiful garden and this is a warm wet kiss compared to the surface of Mars. I'd like to just hang out here now page from our Sunday morning on June 23, 1894, 125 years ago today. The day sex researcher Alfred Charles Kinsey was born in Hoboken, New Jersey untrained biologist Kinsey achieved fame, even notoriety in the 1940s and 50s with a pair of best-selling books about male and female sexual behavior controversy all research he defended on scientific grounds about other Kinsey based his eye-opening findings on thousands of personal interviews, training his researchers to first put their subjects at ease as portrayed in the 2004 film Kinsey starring Liam Neeson questions people ask sexist. Many of Kinsey's findings and techniques remain controversy L, including his occasional reliance on the accounts of admitted child abusers still is widely hailed as a trailblazer in a previously taboo field. Alfred Kinsey died in 1956 at the age of 62. Today the research he pioneered continues at the Kinsey Institute at Indiana University in Bloomington checked it's Sunday morning on CBS and here again is Jane probably Michael Douglas and Glenn close had provocative leading roles in 1987 film fatal attraction thanks to the woman who was playing the leading role at the studio that produced it. Sherry Lansing has a Hollywood story all around is Moroccan now tells us how did you fall in love with movies. It began from the time I was a kid, I adored my father and as a young girl growing up in Chicago, Sherry Lansing's father would take Harold by Charlie Chaplin and I watch him laugh and then I watched him cry watch and be moved and so I saw that film could be something also change the way you think. Sherry Lansing went on to change how she became the first woman to run a major movie studio true Hollywood story told in a recent book, but when she headed west at the age of 22 these future Pioneer first tried acting.

She was in a commercial for ivory dish soap.

I have plenty of tortillas and beans and chili and then she was cast as a young Mexican woman 1970s Rio Lobo, starring John Wayne Wells and actress. The problem is I was eyes uncomfortable as an actress. I had no talent. I really was a bad actor so I just want to say that there is a notification that I would not cast me for director on Rio Lobo was the great Howard Hawks, Howard Hawks had this image of what a woman should be she should be tall. She should be brown haired, blue-eyed, you know Hawks told her she should speak in a deep voice like actress Laura McCall. So I was supposed to speak like this through the whole movie could have a Chicago accent. She could be animated.

I hated it so Lansing quit acting and put a college English degree to work reading scripts. I had a desk and I had a script as uncomfortable as I felt when I was acting I felt equally.

The opposite reading scripts. Strangely enough, I wasn't afraid to express my opinions. She rose up the ranks quickly working on movies like the China syndrome and Kramer versus Kramer, 1980 Sherry Lansing was named president of production for 20th Century Fox. Did you appreciate how big a deal that was at the time, not initially, of course, but then when the front page of every newspaper New York Times yes headline in the New York Times headline was X model becomes that of 20th century facts that show you what the tie was like studio had she had power, but she didn't enjoy overseeing everyone else's movies.

So within three years she stepped down so that she could produce her own movies. One of those was fatal attraction story of a single played by Glenn close, whose relationship with a married man played by Michael Douglas turns menacing. I identified with the Glenn close character because I had a boyfriend who one day. Got up and said I don't love you anymore, I'm leaving and I thought we were completely happy and for about two days I couldn't get out of bed and then I started to dial his number and he would answer and I would hang up the phone and then I drove around his block and I felt as if he'd taken all my self-esteem with me. What he didn't get up and leave right in the middle the night right and it's pretty rough. He knows the morning Lansing's instinct for what made a good story paid off fatal attraction was a blockbuster Lansing had another smash hit with indecent proposal, which starred Woody Harrelson and Demi Moore is a financially struggling couple offered $1 million from an older Robert Redford to spend the night with the bride looks like to the movie seem to have everyone talking ice to call the dinner conversation go see movies, go see indecent proposal and even entertained you been moved. Then you say which is Lansing was named CEO of Paramount pictures in 1992.

This little theater is where I saw the first cut of every movie. It was another first your name up in lights. Lansing's role model for navigating in a male dominated environment. Her mother Margo who'd overcome her own share of challenges when Lansing was just nine. Her father would run his own business died in the middle of her grief. These two gentlemen came to see my mother and they said to her, Margo. You don't need to worry will take over the business and will take care of you and your family and she said no you won't. You will teach me how to run the business that muscles really sunk in for you beyond and I will take care of my children. She used to say to me as a kid. Pull up your socks and that meant. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and get on with it. A few years later, her mother married businessman, Norton, Lansing. That relationship offered Lansing.

Another lesson sometimes it start to get what you start to laugh. Chicago is really upset isn't it.

And I want to do that, I realized very early on that yelling is a style it's a way of expressing yourself.

That must've served you very well for so many years when you're the only woman in the room did it didn't frighten. I didn't hear and I literally didn't hear Lansing says she never suffered physical harassment during her years in Hollywood. She says she's been shocked and saddened by the revelations of the past couple of years painful to think that women had to endure this and it makes me feel very sad and I'm just very, very glad that they feel empowered enough now to speak out and if somebody comes to you with the kinds of of allegations we hear and I would've taken very strong action. Your tough lady now I think I'm a fair lady and that kind of behavior cannot be tolerated over here. This will pick up the shop so the pick it up will be like talking Lansing is married to William Friedkin, the Oscar-winning director of classics like the French connection and the exercise of anything you don't want to start this along to Sherry Lansing directed at an Oscar party and the door opened and there was Sherry, and I think I fell instantly in love with Friedkin had been married and divorced three times before.

Forgive me, but did anyone say don't marry this man. Everyone sure the couple is been married for 27 years safe and you make me feel like I can go out there and do anything. And no matter what happens to matter what risks I take. No matter how I might succeed or fail. That doesn't make any difference to you and that will succeed. Change anything in our lives will record 13 years running Paramount, Lansing, made yet another bold move left the movie business altogether really successful here you left sort of the top of your game.

Well, I think life is about chapters to now, and I felt in many ways, as if I completed that chapter and I wanted to get back since that time she's immersed herself in the nonprofit world and raised hundreds of millions of dollars for causes, including education and cancer research 2007 Sherry Lansing was honored with an awesome life in her life since take risk you're going to be wrong as much is your right and that is the pain of life and the joy of life, much to the surprise of our Luke Burbank parties are the only events that can feature the element of surprise. Alisha Fern and Tyler Adams are about to throw a surprise party and the tension is palpable how you guys feeling excited and excited. If they seem a little extra nervous.

It's understandable because this isn't just any surprise party.

It's a surprise wedding getting married old by the way he died a few minutes ago when we first met back in April in Chardon, Ohio. The couple was trying to figure out how to keep the big reveal a secret with help from their wedding planner Diana Warner. These are the windows that were going to be blocking off. Now you might be asking yourself why exactly would someone throw a surprise wedding in the first place.

I hear all the stories about this lesson. My bridesmaids are fighting.

I have no time or care to deal with any of that. So the surprise wedding for me made sense. Surprise wedding is essentially when a couple decides that they want to forgo traditional planning and invite their guests to a party that isn't listed as a wedding to a birthday party, engagement party and just show up and indeed it is wedding Joe Meyer is a wedding planner in New York City and while he wouldn't say that surprise weddings are exactly sweeping the nation. He would say the traditional wedding is moving into that something old category. Gone are the days of taking chair cover ANB picking fish or chicken and a white linen. I think couples are looking to up their game in terms of how they customize and personalize her celebration out right wedding. The minute it came up Sarah McMahon ago and Danielle Kimes told their friends in Nashville that they were having a going away party. Since the couple was moving to Austin.

I like a party, and she (that's a win-win all the way around all that with the surprise weddings ridiculous acted on shafted on presence. Maybe, but not on the reaction from the guests when they learned this going away party was actually a wedding lately. I that's exactly the kind of response Tyler Adams and Alisha Fern were hoping for. Back at their big reveal in Ohio so it's finally the big day, and in a matter of moments. Guests show up. Coming through these doors and they think they're here for an engagement party midway through the party to find out this is actually a wedding. Our job is to not surprise so seal that goes after taking their wedding photos Alisha and Tyler changed into less suspicious outfit and then at 4:30 PM it was time around the crowds done and maybe a little, but mostly happy for the couple. Of course there's something else you have about you throw a surprise wedding. This is a pretty big pressure raising kind of thing.

Whether or not your family can handle the shock like physical. John and Marion Adams are parents of the groom and still seemed to be processing thing done.

I'm still kind of palpitating a little freely, with everyone medically stable.

It was time for the ceremony which mercifully was surprise free dinner and dancing, and then like with most weddings before the bride and groom even knew it was over called us it was time for their new life together. To begin, Steve Hartman this morning. As the story of the graduate who was truly in a class by herself. This is hardly Alcatraz, but for a kid on cutting fungi Linden Massachusetts going to school here can sometimes feel like solitary 13-year-old Gwen, which is the only student in a one room schoolhouse.

It's just her and her teacher Mr. follow you will find a smaller school anywhere in these United States weddings lived on the island. Her entire life.

There were other kids including older brother, but everyone else is gone, leaving Gwen to make the most of her solo situation to play a lot of different parts you played all the parts that everybody in town come in their 1212 that's the year-round population places mostly summer vacation destination. Now last week the census will friends, family, talking to witnessed elementaries last graduation.

After today, the school built in 1873 to teach fishermen's zero little school they got comedian and actress Jenny Slate to do the commencement address Expo will go to a boarding high school, even smaller school dollars. School will be huge change but really just seem like other people besides my mother and father. Everything in my life. She's referencing the world waving Lexi said her daughter has been asking to leave the silence and she was eight of those funds. Their concern when had an idyllic childhood and are confident someday she'll appreciate it. I think my mother for anything until I was probably 25. I think all that I know we will be in the speech today yourself and then again graduations demand reflection and it's almost impossible to celebrate the opportunities that lie ahead without recognizing often for the first time the opportunities behind. Thank you for raising me and you for teaching me. Thank you for getting me getting a child far class of one of every 20 time now for round of questions and answers that it's very close to home for me more than 50 years have passed since Gary Trudeau first started drawing his Doonesbury comic strip and the proof of that is to be found in one of the most prestigious libraries in the land in the Meineke rare book and manuscript Library, Yale University. The items on display include the Gutenberg Bible early copy of the Declaration of Independence you feel very cartoons by Gary Trudeau was one of the very first bull tales just makes me cringe. Look at the stuff. Gary of course is my husband, and truth be told, we've never done anything like this before I carry this to say that this wasn't my idea. I never said no. But I didn't exactly say yes I said okay you know you never said thank you.

Here we are making his first appearance right right is a collectors item's work is now the Doonesbury archive at Yale where in 1968, then 20-year-old students comic strip creations began from counterculture to curated what a strange trip it's been.

But it was your dream come true. If it was not, it was more or less an accidental career seem to me that I was going to be bound this thing for you know extensive. My life and now here's 50 years later, half a century of social commentary and political satire cast of characters that became family. Boopsie Duke, Joni Mike, to name a few. To appreciate the artist travel beyond Doonesbury planet to the small-town shores of Saranac Lake, New York. Gary you are the most archival person I have ever known.

Gary started looking back on his life when he was 12, and this is one of the last times that I personally appeared in my own performance got braces and that the minutes. Gary was in impresario was a kid staging his own basement productions. I love that telegram from Mr. Garrett Trudeau Saranac Lake. Best of luck on your opening night the plays gave way to painting this moody piece one award was basically in montage to my hero than Francisco Gioia.

Even though it's extremely pressing. Of his life is called the block. You were a teenager and you felt like you could relate to this blog I was didn't last. What did was the humor it just was fun and people enjoyed it evidenced in weenie man Gary's anti-superhero I had with high school classmates.

This fanatic must be stopped. Let's dump on now that comic calling followed him to college was a lot of excitement and hype surrounding the team and the Yale bowl wherefrom high up in the bleachers among admiring undergraduates Gary Trudeau watched Ivy quarterback phenom Brian Dowling Brian Dowling writing down the field and Gary Trudeau metaphorically arrived in his coattails, that's exactly great deal Brian.

I cooked up this idea about the team and specifically about about Brian Dowling who I renamed BD strip and I took the men and the managing editor looked at them and shrugged and said sure will we print anything. The Yale daily news Dan called bull tales it caught on.

Shortly after graduation.

It was renamed Doonesbury and syndicated in newspapers around the country when you started, you were kind of a thing on any let's face it you look at a page of comic strips from those early days is buried and stand out stood out for being so combat at its height. Doonesbury appeared in nearly 2000 papers made the cover of time. There were also bands and boycotts, and in 1975 Gary Trudeau won the Pulitzer Prize for editorial cartooning.

The first four comic strip the actual price itself was a piece of paper and check and arrived in the mail.

Not long after I entered the picture. It was a set up engineered by Gary's friend and my today cohost Tom Brokaw.

I never saw Barry until after I met you and your friends told you should get indicted. I didn't know much about Doonesbury, how well we got we got awfully and we could leave for our honeymoon. We had to go back to New York because you were on deadline strips to the shop and finish them off to the airport was always working around the margins of family life and you know we won't know until all comes tumbling in therapy for our children. What kind of damage was done by my constant sneaking off to work I now have your audience watching this go really should cartoonist she cut so much better that your dream.

No, no, you must be did you think you would end up with industrialist are now.

I was holding out for cartoonist from the sun on presidents make frequent Doonesbury appearances. Donald Trump was on Gary's comic strip radar 30 years before taking office. This is 31 years ago. Your first Doonesbury featuring Donald J. Trump. She was well known enough by that time he sees denying any political ambitions. No no no. I'm just being Rick says okay but if you did run for Congress and Trump replace Pres. the president so that's that was so this is been there for a long long time of tens of thousands of straps, the one of BD losing his leg in the Iraq war had the biggest impact on readers almost immediate release could not your time bro's Lake is missing that startling and the fact that he didn't have a helmet on, was was noteworthy and just a startling the strip is appeared in the armed services military newspaper Stars & Stripes since 1973. Along the way and nominated animated. There's been a Broadway show, but for the grown-up impresario is that accidental career that will leave the most memorable legacy Gary Trudeau the chronicler of the generational counterculture has turned seven. Part of the what they call legacy scripts like a legacy band. He been around forever and and that gives you a certain amount of job security. I'll probably stay in newspapers but all going to be around as long as newspapers are probably one of those guys who turns out the lights, not humor writer Dave Barry is about to turn 72 and he's getting the mail to prove it.

I'm getting old. It feels like half the mail I get these days is urging me to prearrange my funeral. I used to get interesting, even exciting mail. Granted, a lot of it was from Ed McMahon telling me I might already have one.

$17 million line of course the leases letters were upbeat.

Now I get mail about old person. Things funerals hearing aids catheters. That's right I get catheter mail. I also get a lot of letters from Arp Arp is of course the last sound you make before you die, but it's also a big national organization dedicated to helping us old people deal with being old by telling us that age doesn't really matter that we should let it limit us that no matter how old we get, we can still do anything we set our minds to. This is also a lie. Of course I mean, no matter what aging is kind of a bummer for people anyway but not for dogs like Megan, will you let us know who's my dog Lucy turned 10. Around the same time I turn 70 so if you go by dog years were the same age I noticed that Lucy seems a lot happier in her old age than I am. Everything makes her happy and excited to walk when it's time for her walk like all man I gotta walk the dog, Lucy sees the lease she's like a walk. What a great idea you think this stuff up. Lucy also loves to make new friends. I almost never make new friends. I'm not even sure all my old friends are still alive, but Lucy immediately makes friends with everybody. She meets she is way more friends than I do. She also has more fun despite her age she still loves to play.

I'll be sitting around reading my catheter mail will come trotting up some old dog toys out of the way taunting me.

Hearing me to try to take it away from her. Lucy may be old but she finds joy in life all the time every day. I envy that I'm going to try to be more like Lucy to take the time to enjoy the simple pleasures of life by Clay in friendship. I'm going to make a point of doing the things that Lucy does that make her happy. Although I draw the line at drinking from the toilet. I'm Jane Pauley. Thank you for listening and please join us again next Sunday morning progress and crazy to its final season is the point is we need people in the best way to protect good people is to convict final season Millstream