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CBS Sunday Morning / Jane Pauley
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November 3, 2019 1:59 pm

CBS Sunday Morning

CBS Sunday Morning / Jane Pauley

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November 3, 2019 1:59 pm

The Tyrannosaurus Rex has not existed on Earth for more than 66 million years -- yet -- as Martha Teichner tells us -- they captivate people of all ages today. In an interview with Mo Rocca -- historians discuss how they judge presidential leadership.

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I'm Jade Wally and this is Sunday morning is this Thursday and evening for ghoulies and ghosting is a long legged beasties and things that go bump in the night. All the long legged beasts that have ever haunted our dreams. None can challenge the Tyrannosaurus rex and dig this are Martha Tyson has joined the hunt for T Rex remains his watching and Jurassic movie bring out the one of the paleontologist and you fantasized digging up T Rex to all his high-fives and champagne and all I could coming up this Sunday morning to Montana where Dino dream come true Halloween movie can tell us to be afraid. It is through music. The scarier the better. With David Pogue this morning will hear how it's done screechy file I see in disturbing lullaby.

They always inform those collections. Of note, then it does not mean something happens about the trip. Composers used to spare us all, but now it's fabulous creature straight out of a Halloween nightmare. Decorate many of our most sacred building sale.

He reminds us that to see them. All you need to do is look up if you find yourself at the national Cathedral in Washington DC. Beware you are being watched, surrounded by peer grimacing, gaping, grinning gargoyles, fascinating the story the mischievous creature's head on Sunday morning.

The legend of singer-songwriter prints is hardly dammed in the 3 1/2 years since his death.

This way because fans will be able to read his story in his own words and new book Jamie Lucas offers us a sneak peek a class of his own.

When did you know something special for me. Yeah, I compared him to Mozart and I stand by the comparison. If I live to be over 100. There will still be enough material to Outlook sing the praises of friend later on Sunday morning. Tracy visits an aging ghost town for a postcard from Japan, Burbank, Texas inside a candy factory usually unwraps low rock. I hears from some historians who insist that time truly well tell and more coming up Sunday morning podcast continues to go. It might appear around Halloween.

This life-size T Rex skull is just a replica but dig this real fossils dog out of the American West are teaching us more and more about the most fearsome dinosaur of the wall as you're about to see Martha Tyson or just hated this assignment the most accurate reconstruction of trespass.

Rex ever made something that you notice with the big boys better than others.

Yes, newsflash the king of the dinosaurs probably did look like it was wearing a bad toupee in the eyes of one of the things the people to understand is that is how good his eyes were not only that, these guys color.

They seem more colors and we Martin around his head.

Paleontologist at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. Hard to believe that this thing would grow up to be 40 feet long way tons and tons and tons looks like a roadrunner bird while they are very closely related to birds. Kind of cute until they hit their growth spurt.

The group really really quickly between about the ages of six years old and 18 years old, around 6 pounds a day. During that time is 6 pounds yeah yeah and consider their teeth tease her continuing place through life so those are new ones coming in the overall bite force is around 8000 pounds which is tremendous. But if the force on the tip of any single tooth is nearly half million pounds.

Yikes. Are you scared the intelligence call of TREC terror.

I didn't make that up.

The deadliest land predator ever to live is having a movement not only did the American Museum of Natural History launches huge new exhibition this spring. The national Museum of Natural History in Washington DC has reopened its fossil Hall around what it's billed as the nation's T Rex here devouring a triceratops. It's also the subject of commemorative stamps issued in August. In fact, T Rex is America's dinosaur every one of the 60 or so specimens found so far has come from the western United States or from Canada. Most of them have nicknames there. Sue Chicago Scotty Saskatchewan Bucky Annapolis, among others, Barb Brown, probably the world's greatest hunter. He was quite a character as well. Named after PT Barnum in 1902.

Barnum Brown found the first fossil skeleton recognized as a T Rex in Montana in 1908 he found another even better one is address and sometimes in a tight skin coat field is a notorious womanizer. He worked as an intelligence officer under the guise of being a paleontologist Tyrannosaurus rex caused a sensation since the American Museum of Natural History.

Would one of Brown's discoveries on display in 1915 Dino mania has only increased nearly 300 million Americans bought tickets five Jurassic movie how many more watch them on DVD or television fans who can't wait for next was out 2021 Jurassic world life to work coming to a city near you with life-size Dino, that's incredible and operate like sophisticated very large radio controlled the show plays on every kids fantasy meeting at dinosaur face-to-face or at least digging one. We thought could be cooler than that. So off we went to the Badlands of Montana T Rex country with the team from the University of Kansas, led by paleontologist David Burnham who brings his dog Buford on digs 65 70 million years ago this was some tropical forest land bordering giant inland ocean what we're standing on this the last place dinosaurs can be found. They went extinct because of space rock crashing to the earth in the Gulf of Mexico, the famous asteroid. So how do you even know where to look. What one has to do is learn how to read the raw color sitting right on top of that grade mudstone there in that interface some reason tends to have more dinosaurs than any other place. One of Burnham students found a T Rex here already in 2016 juvenile maybe 11 years old. The team name 15 to 20% fleet pieces of Laurel are now in David Burnham's lab, University of Kansas and Laura. This is the draw that the better but excited how big you find was little huge. You don't find you have currently the most complete baby tyrant a sore found. Can you student Jordan Van Sickler found Laurel's upper jaw in the summer of 2017. All this just keeps giving and giving back hard work scraping away our outlook and what's called so it's tedious with a T until somebody finds something fantastic go bingo less than an hour after we arrived on our first day KU student Lauren energy started turning up teeth always alluded, all while then volunteer West fence and found it to that particular tooth is really the best funded by life, 65, 66 million years. Each discovery was recorded in David Burnham's I want to see your yeah I had. I got high school volunteer Sarah Nepal is been dreaming dinosaur dreams ever since like looking for gold or treasure, but breathing humongous predator that was alive which is why on our second day it was so exciting when I found T Rex to me graduation turns out to belong to another T Rex even younger than Laurel Talley. After four days of digging 13 teeth and not so what else is not healed that's been keeping T. Rex's secrets for 66 million years and now page from our Sunday morning almanac October 27, 1728, 291 day James was born in a small town in northern apprentice to a shipowner. He eventually joined the Royal Navy and is remembered today as Captain Cook in a series of remarkable voyages explore the coast of New Zealand and Eastern Australia visited Tahiti and also landed in Hawaii, which he named the Sandwich Islands after his patron, the Earl of Sandwich Hawaii. However, proved to be his undoing. Local tribesmen killed Captain Cook in an altercation on February 14, 1779 and in a story for Halloween. The tribe then boiled his dismembered body parts and remove the bones just to be clear, contrary to stories about cannibalism cook was not eaten and one more thing. Despite some speculation inspired by the similarity of names.

There is no proof that Peter Pan author JM Barrie used Captain Cook as the model for Capt. Hook if you think this Halloween ash creature is grotesque right it's a kind of sculpture that's actually called a grotesque cousins of the gargoyle and to tell the difference between the two face sale.

He says just look up, grimacing and keeping dreaming mischievous creatures, close to heaven, inviting daring us to raise our gaze. This architecture is made to draw your eyes this Gothic architecture as your eyes are being brought up your seeing gargoyles and tests and wild about is Darth Vader up there. It is Darth Vader up there craned her neck at the national Cathedral in Washington DC, or even take one of their gargoyle Tories and you might also see him while more will Dragon or one of the roughly 1200 other roof dwellers I install the worst Joe Alonso's head stonemason at the Cathedral course my girl would do so produces neighbors like Darth Vader really gargoyles gargoyle officially must spew water or be able to do so. I described them as glorified gutters. If you look like a gargoyle in some sort of monster is a fantastic way, but you cannot spew water, you are officially a grotesque genetic revolt. Benton is a professor of artistry at Pace University in New York and has written about the hair-raising hobgoblin fascinating and I think it goes along with the whole appeal of things that are little awful, but frightening a little bit creepy. The extreme edge of what we accept part of human nature.

Curiously, the word gargoyle come from the French word for to gargle and it has ongoing word for throat and that is of course what gargoyle splits water from its ancient civilizations like the Greeks were carving water speeders more than 2000 years ago, says gargoyles really came alive in the Middle Ages besides water control. They've been sent to ward off evil and to frighten passersby into piety. Monstrous angels created to delight God, Karla Walter as Arnold says gargoyles have always well stuck their necks out the bishops knew that if you think it was the outlet on the outside of the row would be sticking a character.

The bishop behind the altar, so they defined that you have to behave here and you can talk about life and culture and society out there. Arnold has carved dozens of gargoyles and go tasks for the national Cathedral. Most what purpose do is much more formal wears cargoes from your more like jails. There's a concept and you can improvise this kind of discover what's in the stone as I go along.

This was the side that would be seen, he often collaborated with sculpture J.

Hall Carpenter whose design more than 100 and these creatures wonder Walter and I worked on together is the crooked politician. That's a gargoyle and is tampering with the scales of justice opt for a gargoyle that looks over Washington DC absolutely will have more spines. I'm sure it will have some sort of toe yes is but I'm I'm most interested in the face here and what the details there will be aware his gaze will be of course our gaze will be skyward looking with one cup fantastic. Consider the appeal of things you cannot fully understand day things that perhaps will ultimately have an explanation just for the pleasure they convey. Drew Barrymore all my goodness, I want to tell you about our new shout business podcast and each episode mean a weekly gastric to cover all the quirky find inspiring and informative stories that exist on the ball because well I and maybe you do too.

From the newest interior design trend Barbie car to the right and wrong way to wash her armpit also getting the things that you just kind of will probably not able to do in daytime television. So watch out. Tristan is ever you get your podcast. It's a good news on the got exactly Halloween style scary.

But the US Census Bureau predicted this past week that Americans over 65 will outnumber children just 15 years from now. So what might have an aging America look like maybe something like what Ben Tracy finds in this postcard from Japan in the hillsides outside of Tokyo is the Queens Village, Japan. This house is empty. I and mostly hero Yamada has what is probably the most important job in town. All of these homes, the towns, giving away he's going to release all of the empty and abandoned homes in Oakwood, which he then gets to give away if somebody wants to come live here they potentially could get this house for free. So this nasal doing that. He says yes if you live in the house for 15 years.

We will give it to you for free.

That's a really good deal on a Sunday that I guess he says we want people to settle here, using generous it's desperate in recent decades. It's lost half of its population. The main street is lined with close storefronts. Most of the people who still live here have what you might call senior status and at the local school. The entire third grade has just six kids. Not so long ago there were dozens so at town hall.

The race is on to find new residents.

Yamada has even resorted to playing Cupid you fixed up a couple Avenue gave them this house as a gift to get them to move here so this yes. He says we also gave them the house. Anything to get people to move here all day.

We do it all newly 1000 other Japanese towns and villages face extinction because the country is simply running out of people. Japan's population several years ago 128 million. The dire forecasts come true and will have his fee was 59 million people by 2100.

That means for every two Japanese residents today that would be less than one left by the end of the century. So if this really is a demographic time bomb has the bomb going off the bomb going off. John Mark is an expert on population issues at Temple University Japan. He says what's happening in Japan is a preview of what many Western countries including United States will soon face the got immigration from the states regard decreasing publisher very close to. There's lots of yelling and screaming about immigration, but there's room discussion states about birthrates and what population do you want the states to be in Japan, which is historically opposed to Gratian immigrants now make up less than 2% of the population that's led to an extreme labor shortage. Why you see countless old Japanese men driving taxis in Tokyo rather than young rivals. The real issue here in Japan is simple mathematics women are having babies in their reasons may sound familiar.

Getting married later in life, housing, and educating kids really those decisions will take a toll on Japan's economy, the national monetary fund predicts Japan's GDP by 25% over the next 40 years because of its declining rapidly aging population.

What does this country look like 50 years from now, I don't think Japan will be as wealthy as, along with the population shift the average going up. So Japan is being forced to get creative, reinventing nearly everything for what is now one of the oldest populations on the planet. Shopping centers are being retooled as massive rec centers for seniors stores catering to their needs. This high technology makes to visit their loved ones and then there are the robots. Japan's long-lasting love affair with them is finally paying off will be used to make up for a lack of human workers take on all sorts of jobs. Everything from tour guides, talkshow hopes, the bots are also being deployed to work in nursing homes and even perform funerals due to a shortage of monks empty. There is no robot replacement for Marsha hero Yamada. You know, which is okay because he's house giveaway is getting results about 500 people have relocated here. This couple received a two-story home and also the coffee shop. Will you stay for 15 years so you get the house for free. She says yes of course, but would also seem certain is that during those 15 years there small town will get wonder what happened to that high school classmate of yours.

You haven't heard from in years Steve Hartman has the story of a friend in need.

Okay. Life has its ups and rarely do you see a swing as dramatic as what 66-year-old Khoi Featherstone just went through spaces sometimes because of how it happened.

I used to work as a concert lighting director, graphic artist says he still hasn't fully processed his good fortune and go from here to do it virtually overnight. I was beginning to lose hope.

A month ago your home now you're here. How does that happen.

It was just a friend start coming from everywhere. I figured I could find Leah Mechling was his first blast from the last she started looking for Khoi. After seeing his picture in the local Austin Texas newspaper. We assess if not for the caption she would've never recognized her high school friend, the talented football player who was once voted best all-around boy Khoi was everyone's friend. Which is why Leah felt compelled to return the kindness I cannot look here at this church after three days of searching she found I said hi quietly remember me and he said of course I do. I was relieved because it was some of the wasn't just really shocking when you find an old friend that you've known is living in your same town on the street, always high school buddies of the same picture jumped right in the action response phone putting normal cell phone plan dental work done go to Social Security.

He lives with me. You can stay there as long as he wants whatever it takes work in turnaround.

Fortunately, his friends say Khoi doesn't have any drug or alcohol problems. They say he had it up on the streets of Boston.

After a series of unfortunate events and some mental health issues. Once he started spiraling.

There's just no crawling out on his own. I don't know if I'd really gotten through without my friends make friends now you may be glad that you have because it happened anyone friendly reminder from one of the richest men on earth fun but when you get right down to it, Halloween is really about the candy.

If you have any doubts, just try taking candy from a child or take in this story from Luke Burbank will be okay. This is just a Halloween Jimmy Kimmel, but if you're one of those parent likes to dip in your kids Halloween – chances are that candy was made in Oak Park, Illinois at the Mars Wrigley candy effect executed pretty healthy for you believe really what Wayne precedent is clearly not a doctor but he is the fourth generation of his family to work here at this Mars factory which is about to turn 90 years old 28 years of service you look back at what you that I expect her to public be here that long, but I am here and I enjoyed everything that goes on me to think about the five principles I Mars I don't put you on the spot. But what are the five principles are you able to quality mutuality responsibility freedom brush her teeth pretty sure that's the fifth efficiency principles set down by Franklin C Mars, the company's founder. It all started back in 1911 with Mars selling chocolates made in his kitchen in Tacoma, Washington, but the business didn't boom until 1923 when Mars invented the Milky Way bar then came snickers and M&Ms and the rest as they say, is history on more than a century later, the company is still owned entirely by the Mars family were as notoriously secretive as they are successful. Mars is one of the largest privately held companies in the world with a reported $35 billion in sales over there and do your best to cover okay your hair.

Well, you never know. After an intensive suiting up process. I'm ready to stop talking about candy and start seeing up close and personal, which is where any event more factories site director comes in.

Now I also understand this is really Halloween central so we may 99 I Milky Way well you know millions of tiny candy bars come out of this facility day as well as some regular sized which after being made need to be packed and shipped and I was ready to help. Of course, how you package the chocolate doesn't mean much.

If it doesn't taste right now. In other words, your job is eat candy.

We like that. Mr. Mars invented and does anyone know what that one tasted like. Are you a robot. Clearly, I'm not great at packing the candy but tasting it. Anybody can do that is tasting this cocoa butter because it's one of the building blocks of a Milky Way right now so like the rest, not hard for me chocolates should be your number one thing is just that oiling success tires.

Okay, that was fun, and yet it's possible that no one has more fun at this factory then will obey Brown.

I'm proud of what I do. I love making candy and when she's not making it she's giving it away. How much does each person get her. Each kid to get a lot really yeah we give them because of candy known as the Queen of Halloween Brown volunteers to organize the annual Halloween event which draws thousands of candy lovers to the factory each year now. Is there an age cutoff for this like you have to be a kid when you say it's more kids or adults. More adults.

Believe it or not.

Oh we can believe it expression. Time will tell, may strike. It was a bit of a cliché. That doesn't mean it isn't true. Which brings us to the respected historians. Our maraca has been talking to. This is an executive order. This is the mother of all executive orders. Visit Washington's national archives with Pulitzer prize-winning historian Doris Kearns Goodwin. You'll see just how excited she gets by the past. I've never seen it before you just jump off. This is the Emancipation Proclamation. Pres. Abraham Lincoln's Civil War order freeing slaves held in Confederate states.

Abraham Lincoln was worried because that morning had shaken hundreds of hands so he went to sign his name, his own hand was numb and shaking down the pen is that, if ever, my soul and enact, but if I sign with a shaking hand. Posterity will say he hesitated when this variable is very steady. Of course these days. Steady doesn't exactly describe the nation's mood. People will come up to me and say you please tell me that these are not the worst of times, people do want to have some history and I can assure them that we've been through far worse times before. What person or. Would you recommend that people read about the context I think the best context of what's happening now and really what produced from selection, is to look back at the turn of the 20th century.

What you had. Then so much like we have now you and an Industrial Revolution that shook up the economy, much as globalization, the tech revolution of done today. I'm not a historian. I'm not a great scholar.

Scholar all around the archives with deep inside, and he turns into a veritable tour guy. Does anybody have a question for David Rubenstein about the Declaration of Independence is not that is the original weight of the Magna Carta, the billionaire financier is right at home here. Yes, that's his name on the gallery housing. His personal copy of the Magna Carta, 13th century English charter establishing the principle that everyone is subject to the law guaranteeing rights to individuals. We want the right of habeas corpus. We want the right of trial by jury is on permanent loan at the archives. This the only copy in the United States was important because it was the inspiration of the declaration of dependence in many of the things that we stand for our country. Rubenstein, the cofounder and cochairman of the Carlyle group has cut checks for more than $200 million, not just for historical documents, but to preserve sites like Jefferson's Monticello and to restore the Washington Monument after it was damaged in a 2011 earthquake position to get back to my country and that's what I try to do for I call patriotic philanthropy to remind people of the history and heritage of our country to go to the bed. Rubenstein is now sharing his love of American history with women and men who have the power to change it. Members of Congress over the last six years. He's invited lawmakers to the Library of Congress to hear him interview eminent historians about great leaders. We get between 250 and 300 people coming each time we have one of these events, but half of those are members of Congress. That's a lot of members of Congress – some of the talks were featured in Rubenstein's new book published by Simon & Schuster, an affiliate of CBS what we've learned over thousands of years is that history repeats itself, and if you can find the solutions that people came up with for the mistakes they made in trying to deal with these problems are probably going to avoid some of the mistakes that people make the past honor was very important in our basic documents. We don't talk much about honoring what is doing what we know is right for the betterment of our country historian, has one Pulitzer's writing about two presidents he sees as exemplars of honor Harry Truman and John Adams must help you as a writer to move through the spaces you have to just strolling through New York's Mount Vernon Hotel Museum property once owned by Adam's daughter brought out the song and dance man in McCullough earlier.

All is still still underrated cylinder. There is no statute, no memorial what first founding father who became never owned never on purpose. That's a big deal, right. Adams wasn't perfect. For one thing, he signed into law the alien and sedition acts. Some of the harshest anti-immigrant and censorship measures in the nation's history, but our historian say the tendency to fixate on the flaws of past leaders is blinding us to their larger accomplishments. We can look back at Abraham Lincoln said he didn't believe in intermarriage. I didn't believe the black should have the right to vote course you wish he didn't believe that he also did the Emancipation Proclamation.

We can look at FDR and say it will be forever a stain on his legacy about not letting more Jewish refugees into the country incarcerating the Japanese-Americans and yet he won the Allied victory in World War II got us through the depression were so anxious to see the imperfections in the past for getting the good things of the past and then they no longer can teach us anything to use modern parlance, you can cancel the past. You can't cancel the as for the present. David McCullough says it's not too soon to evaluate the current commander-in-chief. How do you think history judge, Pres. Trump is so don't wait is the most disappointing protest image presidency in our whole story never have we had more right to be very concerned, but David Rubenstein isn't ready to render a verdict on Pres. Trump. It's too early to say how any present will be judge because of The way to the term is over.

Looking at the current field of Democratic challengers Doris Kearns Goodwin is concerned with how we choose the next president. One of the things that Lincoln said even though he was good at the debates and he could speak extemporaneously. Once he got to be president ever wanted to speak spontaneously. He only wanted to wait to be prepared because he said words matter when you president your words carry weight likely the cynic for one minute hear you say you know what anyone who runs for president must have a mighty high opinion of himself.

Gotta be a narcissist, by definition, know they can view responsibility.

No one else is saying what needs to be said for doing what needs to be held. That's the person you want one male-female black/white vision and for all of these concerns. David McCullough remains an optimist it were just getting started. Personally, I 200 Jane Pauley.

Please join us when our trumpet sounds again next Sunday morning.

This is intelligence matters with former acting Dir. of the CIA. Michael Morel bridge Colby is cofounder and principal of the Marathon initiative project focused on developing strategies to prepare the United States for an era of sustained great power competition states put her mind to something, we can usually figure it out what people are saying and what we can know analytically and empirically as our strategic situation or motor situations not being matched up with follow. Intelligence matters were ever you get your podcasts