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CBS Sunday Morning / Jane Pauley
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December 15, 2019 2:42 pm

CBS Sunday Morning

CBS Sunday Morning / Jane Pauley

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December 15, 2019 2:42 pm

With companies offering free shipping to gain a competitive edge, radical new technologies are being tested to cut the cost of the supply chain's expensive "last mile." John Blackstone has the story. The beloved novel "Little Women," about the artistic March sisters is now a new film by "Lady Bird" director Greta Gerwig, starring Saoirse Ronan and Emma Watson.And in an interview with Anthony Mason, 80-year-old Oscar nominated actor Harvey Keitel talks about his "uneasy relationship with Hollywood."

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Wisdom for the Heart
Dr. Stephen Davey
Wisdom for the Heart
Dr. Stephen Davey

CBS Sunday morning podcast is sponsored by Edward college tours with your oldest daughter updating the kitchen to the appropriate decade retiring on the coast.

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That's why every Edward Jones financial advisor works with you to build personalized strategies for now and down the road so when your next moment arrives bigger small, you're ready for it. Life is for living. Let's partner for all of it. Learn our CBS Sunday morning podcast is sponsored by Verizon wireless Verizon is launching its 5G ultra wideband network for ultrafast speeds ultra low latency and massive capacity. This is 5G built right morning I'm jingling this is Sunday morning with just 10 days till Christmas.

It's crunch time for all of us with millions and millions of packages still to be shipped but getting that package there on time involves many challenges. Perhaps none bigger than the last mile to your doorstep. You might say that this morning. Our John Blackstone delivers the goods here in Berkeley California robots roaming the streets as become a common site.

These little guys deliver pizzas, Doritos and burgers do hungry students on the college campus here robots will really get things is changing will deliver report on the future of delivery head on Sunday morning wearing conversation this morning with Harvey Keitel, veteran actor where the role of the latest film from Martin Scorsese. He's proud of his performances no matter how brief as hell tell Anthony Mason Harvey Keitel's very first room was a small one dog dog no lines, but in fields like the Irishman you the 80-year-old actor has made a big impression in small there are no small parts only small actors Harvey Keitel later on Sunday morning rate of braver previews the new movie version of Little women with Tracy Smith.

We meet the Nordstrom family still minding the store and something new. Based on something old you may recall. Point counterpoint well this morning gets back will offer you two views of the impeachment from pundits Tom Friedman and Eliana Johnson all coming up when our Sunday morning podcast continues for people delivering holiday packages last mile was the most challenging which is why increasing number of those deliveries don't involve people at all.

John Blackstone reports a cover story this morning we California and the QE bots are heading off to robots, navigate sidewalks and even crosswalks taking recall this is the future exactly. It's a real world test of delivery by robot sometimes collides with reality, the reality today is that delivery is a bigger business than ever. Online shopping is estimated post office FedEx and UPS process short and deliver more than you Thanksgiving and New Year's Eve. Amazon's own delivery trucks is expected to handle 275 holiday season shipments and Amazon is pushing the delivery envelope offering members three one-day shipping you have to offer free delivery is not reasonable.

It's never free credit cost money. The question is where you get that money from. There are several Good job as director of the supply-chain transportation and logistics Center at the University of Washington. The growth in home delivery is focusing attention on what logistics experts call last mile so they don't mean literally a mile they mean the last piece of this supply chain and the reason it's interesting is that most six and 7 mile of the whole thing.

I've seen estimates of more than 50% of the cost is from last mile. It's expensive because labor-intensive as a driver takes every package up to the front door. The shipping billion dollars this quarter alone, which explains why shippers are radical new technology cost of the last.

This is the delivery driver delivering the homes all across America.

Matthews, founder and CEO regrown startup called with the secretly testing this technology in the desert for years and this is the first time a film crew has come out and say it by Christmas 2020. Many packages will be this way.

Either we've got to flourish.

We've also the fragile flooding mode. I was cut open for pizza in New Zealand in 2016 livery pizza in a test earlier morning and is not expected, the labor cost of a drawing delivery is less than the labor cost of any other form of delivery because the technologies autonomous supplies itself is guided by GPS really won't reveal how much weight it can carry the claims it can handle about 75% of all deliveries made in the US today.

The drone takes off from an early calls for cell vision is to have a portal every mall across America every FedEx or UPS package delivery. Our mission is to deliver whatever you want when you want to. Six years ago was unveiled Amazon's drone project as part of an FAA program with fast-track approval for commercial drone delivery and expects to repeat Amazon with airborne delivery. Delivery robots roaming the streets are in close proximity. That is what speed test so this is a common site in Berkeley. No yes yes yes what when I see things that people are very courteous on the AFO for the reaction you have been very good job is moved from Columbia with the dream of building is robot delivery company close to Silicon Valley's QE bots deliver food within about a mile University of California campus here will walk up and down the street passing robots know really know something that happens here Berkeley people like at the beginning all the people were taking photos super excited now for some people it's just normal robot delivery to believe it's just normal except robots someone is home to receive the package that could help combat porch pirates the thieves to see any newly delivered cardboard box is an irresistible opportunity logistics experts and good child looked at all those cardboard boxes and see something else.

The environmental impact. I think it's a good time to be in the cardboard industry and I do hope that we can move to more reusable material. The industry is still working this out delivery. However, maybe better for the environment but customers writing their own cars shop trucks are bigger trucks or heavier trucks are more polluting. But we have to remember that truck is actually like a bus for groceries.

That truck is visiting many and what our research shows is that the truck more efficient can be lost in the past. So one hour delivery to our delivery is not using congestion and is not reducing missions so there's no efficiency in the way. There is efficiency in the milkman who can deliver to 4050 homes in a single trip. Indeed, let us not forget your sourdough funds got delivers organic milk glass bottles in the San Francisco area is a lot easier to have it. Plus, I mean people like the old school aspect of his house once a week is fantastic.

It seems a little anachronistic as well that would be me writing with these robots that delivery so this is fulfilling any in my opinion is counterproductive to society as society that I know and love. And that's not including robots and drones is really possible. Drone could put you out of business.

One day at some point take out with preacher Garrett this week. Stephen Long live Mitch McConnell in one of Washington's biggest midterm monument list for me to Senate races you think Republicans have the best chance of taking a democratic seed what Nevada not Georgia. Georgia is right up there with New Hampshire's surprise, New Hampshire people really just kind of don't like that you have for more from this week's conversation, follow the take out with major Garrett on Apple podcast forever. You get your podcasts out from our Sunday morning on December 15, 2001, 18 years ago to alignment one of the world's most recognizable landmark today. Please read now leaning Tower is not re-open to the public after an 11 year renovation to determine that after more than 800 years was that sort of tipping that its famous lien was a lot more hazardous than many suspected engineer John Garland sound the alarm.

The masonry tower to play on the leanings on the south side is very fragile, very high forces that could explode at any time actually go back. Engineers face the daunting task of buying the towers fragile structure while maintaining signature slant while they weren't busy, striking a pose to arrest had mixed success suggests their own. I really wouldn't do it again something that that lifted up from underneath in the end, engineers employed a complex array of drills, weights and cables to reduce the towers 15 foot tilt by about 17 inches or one half of 123 keeping the all-important tilt intact, and if the jobs $25 million price tag seems a little steep for seemingly minor repair. CBS News then went is essential if you take the lead leaning Tower all many people, famous author, make my fortune is soaking it Sunday morning on CBS and here again is Jane probably that's Katharine Hepburn as Joe March 1933 film version of the venerable novel, Little women had a very big influence on the young reader will grow up to create this year's remake.

Read a braver caught up with her in the place where it all began in this house in Massachusetts one years ago.

Louisa May Olcott wrote one of the most beloved books in American literature I don't member ever. Not knowing what Little women was it was read to me and then I read it myself for two time Oscar nominee ration new women which she wrote and directed being here and actually being in the presence of her room and books in her things and things she touched.

It's incredibly meaningful and it made me feel like I could make a movie. The movie with an all-star cast including Meryl Streep, you will need to marry well you are not married because I'm rich is the story of the four sisters growing up during Civil War times. Olcott and her sisters Amy, the youngest is an aspiring artist, as was May Olcott shy Beth like Lizzie Olcott loves music. Meg is the oldest and the first to marry as was Olcott.

And then there's Joe, the main character ambitious boy who like Louisa May Olcott is determined to become a famous writer, Joe March Joe March was such a beacon for so many women have so many different generations. Everyone from Simone de Beauvoir to Patty Smith, JK Rowling, to me.

Love, Joe March because she wanted to be bigger than the world would allow her to be the kind family was poor moving 20 times before scraping together enough money to buy their first real home in 1857. Olcott's father Bronson a schoolmaster fixed it up and painted it brown. He wanted Brown because he wanted it to melt into the natural world and also just run by women engineer in the housing.

The other paintings on the wall and use either costumes for their play. Everything was magical fairy land for them than to think of girls in the 19th century being able to explore all of his artistic pursuits with some amount of seriousness. It takes a special mother and father to create that kind of utopia.

Imagine yourselves as friends of the family invited to see a play and Turnquist is Executive Director of Louisa May Olcott Orchard House curtain opens in front of you will be real by Louisa Neighbors included some of the nations leading philosophers just down the road with Mr. CLOSEST friend, Ralph Waldo Emerson, the poet and essayist and Henry David thorough would take the girls hiking around Walden Pond houses attracting visitors since our during readers during the 1800s, hoping to catch a glimpse of the famous author is actually the room where Louisa May Olcott wrote most of the women yes in fact it was right at this desk a story in itself. Well, it was considered improper for a woman to have a desk around seriously personal, culturally, you should be cooking you should be cleaning THAT that was ridiculous. Mr. okay built Louisa this desk, which would take this gift to her only true chapters of the original Little women manuscript remain Here at the concrete free public library. What these two chapters. Well we know, because she wrote in her hand on the back of one of the saved by mother's desire. These apparently were her favorite chapters, University of New Orleans professor and boy drew says Olcott start writing sensational stories to support her family. She published them under a pen name. Here she found a lucrative market for writing that was full of sex and intrigue and murder and drug use. She was embarrassed she didn't want people outside of her family tonight.

She specially didn't want real father Emerson to Louisa May Olcott gradually began publishing under her own name and then Little women took off beyond her wildest expectations.

It wasn't a slow growth arena.

But everybody was reading it so not just women of all ages that men of all ages to still do things. The book is not always gotten the respect it deserves.

Unfortunately, it has been called a girl book and there is no reason why Huck Finn should be considered an American classic and Little women is not, but it's been the darling of filmmakers with everyone playing Joe from Catherine Byrne to Winona Ryder night, my mind would come alive voices and stories friends is dear to me sending in the real world.

So Sharon and plays Joe in the new version of the film still think of people think that love is all trailing part on Louisa May Olcott herself like she was going to every time to write like an essential thing that she have to take so understanding families. Plaintiff just names Joe for me all the richer because I have so much my heart to bring to all, chose never to marry. But as the publisher makes clear in the movie for fictional characters to follow a different course. The main characters are girl, make sure she's married by the were dead on the way right married or dead.

That's how we like our girls director Greta Gerwig understands why Olcott had to marry Joe off because that's what the books and I respect that decision and I Louisa May Alcott made that decision. Viewers in general can get from this I think wonderful time biased, of course, I made it. I want people to want to crawl inside and live in their I'm very moved by how good all of the characters are not perfect their kind, not sheet.

It's just wonderful. Drew Barrymore all my goodness, I want to tell you about our new shout it's the truth news podcast and in each episode mean a weekly gastric to cover all the quirky find inspiring and informative stories that exist on the wall because well I and maybe you do too. From the newest interior design trend Barbie car to the right and wrong way to wash her armpit also working to get in the things that you just kind of wall poorly and were not able to do in daytime television. So watch out. Tristan is ever you get your podcast.

It's a good news on the got