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EXTRA! Eddie Murphy

CBS Sunday Morning / Jane Pauley
The Cross Radio
January 1, 2020 12:00 am

EXTRA! Eddie Murphy

CBS Sunday Morning / Jane Pauley

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January 1, 2020 12:00 am

Tracy Smith's extended interview with Eddie Murphy.

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Let's partner for all of it. Learn this Sunday morning podcast featuring a story from our conversation inside the broadcast on this episode, Murphy spent decades in the spotlight.

Starting in the 1980 when he was a breakout he went on to success on the big screen with 48 hours Beverly Hills cop coming to America and his reimagining of the nutty Prof. but in recent years, Murphy has kept a low profile that is until now with the release of dolomite is my main film for Netflix, but small, but it is getting a lot of attention.

Tracy Smith sat down to hear why this film is brought Eddie Murphy back into the spotlight. Let's talk dolomite getting rain for years do you write reviews, but I've heard I hear about the reviews people tell you what you, you can tell what's going on this. Just walking around.

You can tell it's good or bad that's pretty darn good pretty well received. From what I can see from what I've heard. Let me read you some of the things pure joy Eddie Murphy brings down the house.

It's a triumph.

Eddie Murphy gives a killer come back performance to come back come back.

I guess you like to say come back.

I look at the big picture started working when I was coming I was 15 and I've been working since tenants are currently it's not.

Peaks and valleys for the peaks and valleys there was fresh especially for doing anything over you know making movies almost 40 years so you can have peaks and valleys, hot and cold.

But I never look at this comeback always here all, I've always been, even if I'm not on the movie set for couple years with the world is wide now. Even if you wanted to leave your captured images everywhere, movie channels and social media. 40 years of work is constantly being shown somewhere. All the times you can't really leave sometime come back. Let's make it easy. Yes it's my comeback this is my big come back every 10 years or so, I launch a big comeback. I've been doing that for the last 40 years every 10 years I come back.

This movie is funny but it also is tender and heartbreaking and inspiring.

This is the sweetest mother is a lot of language in it because of the world were but it's really sweet it's really sweet what you tap into to find that that tenderness that he what we just told his story that's part of his story. That was one of the things that you made it made us think this was a good movie because she's a human being he's not. He's not dolomite that's a character that he made and he's a human being. So it's got all the stuff that everybody and so was easy to find that just telling the story came out.

There's a lot of stuff that came out as we went along like we realized how sweet the relationship with him and Queen bee would be until the vine came in and read some possibilities from our audition. So a lot of it came together along for you. Ultimately what's the message to believe in yourself, Rudy Ray Moore what his great talent was was a he believed in himself is the one thing that we lose will be trying to get something going. If you don't come together quickly, give up on try something else and spend your whole life trying start and finish and some never really finishing anything and Rudy Ray Moore.

He exemplifies you know the whole he has follow-through and he believes in himself with the least amount like he's not great-looking and he's not the most talented and his movies are made really crude and he's got no permits nation on the street and is making his album in his living room and on paper. It's not supposed to work. You know, he believes that's the most important ingredient in anything in life. I know it sounds clichéd but that's really an extra hole seed CD can be knowledge, did you always believe in yourself. Yeah, you know. I remember when I was about 13, 14, I started talking about show business really what dates and be like on this age of this medication and I really believe that kid did it happen. I like everything just like I said I started saying that a 13 foot famous when I'm 18 and about and I got that one dish of S&L mouse 1818. It's amazing because you are doing standard as a teenager and then on SNL as a teenager and not just on S&L and you carry the show.

A lot of people say that you save the show from being canceled. Sounds nice, but actually what happened was they were going to cancel the show and they were right on the edge of my would follow the left.

The show season earlier they would cancel showing this state same same shelf cancel I guess when you look back at that time you were so young, did you feel the weight of that.

As you know and I know you when your kid and things kinda come together really quick, even if they'll come together when you're young you take everything for granted like I was like okay you know it's supposed to work like this. So now when I look back on a lot of stuff like while I was extraordinary while I was tricked to be in that situation that age now see it but back then just going along with what he right in the middle of it right in the middle and so you couldn't see if something extraordinary. We didn't realize it at the moment, let's delirious there so many great that's from that, I mean talk about something that stands out the ice cream man what you think it is that the extra man that just works. I think it's is a relatable bidder like everybody's had the ice cream and got excited when I screamed, try think everybody a lot of people had that experience. So when you say something that yeah I had that really relate when you watch that stuff to you laugh so funny to some of some of it. I cringe my cod mezzo was delirious with rollers like Gracie was the kids want them sent to delirious some 2022 years old and Roy on 27 years old 26 years old so it's like a kid and I was really losing some strong language that bother you know when the moment you cut it was like this is what is what it is about a now picking out what you know what I mean. Looking back I know you said you cringe or you like oh I wish I can say that stuff I've seen stuff that I go Aiko's joke. It's crazy but it's not to say that I don't appreciate still appreciated and I'm looking at it within the context of the time going okay.

I'm a kid saying that it's like language that you might not use. Now I don't use language saying when you're older. It's like all the notice, like look like looking through old photo album and see the outfit you had on your toy in your 20s or teenager. Like I have, that you know is a movie called crazy leather suit know all that stuff is moving around and talking back of a bunch of old anything you regret absolutely no regrets whatsoever.

Now everything everything is what brings us to this moment. This moment is this needed all this moment is everybody. Everybody where everywhere every wind up wherever you were that you needed all that to get to be right.

Here's right here is cool go back to the 80s dominated the box office in the 80s.

It was like hit after hit after hit what was that time like for you to take it for granted. I was really really start making 48 hours. When I was 20, and everything really really quick. You just take it for granted when now I look back on. Think about something extraordinary people.

People that I met in unique encounters that I've had back then that you take for granted that was like that.

What it means you in 2006 when you were nominated for dream girls always a wonderful thing to be nominated.

That's a great thing because everybody nobody settle is trying to make a bad movie, you know, and must and most movies don't work. Most movies that come out don't work think because you go to movie theater for something you are excited about seeing this, like most the time you don't like the movie, and most movies are flops. Most TV shows flops most records are flops most of it doesn't work so when you in something that works it works it a point to email this trophy chattering people are saying oh that's a great thing because that's what everybody's trying to make a great movie and if it's a comedy then it's even sweeter because that's who I am and to know that she knows well received and people are laughing is the best best of best do you let yourself listen to the awards chatter and you try to drown that out. I don't follow the stuff. I will read read papers and magazines that stuff. Why just stopped years ago. Why did you stop wishing I like. I could say like the only reason it's kinda like the same thing is in the paper all the time always is always the same stuff in the same's things with you want to go whenever you want. You can go pick up the paper and see who killed who blew up what what countries are about to fight diseases out there, so it's always the same stuff you, like don't really need to read the papers and know the news and all that stuff to know that that stuff is going, stop that change your life change how you felt no outing that I was that I checked the way I felt changed and then I started not looking stuff every now and then I'll watch just about to come off the grid look to read some stuff with Lisa, but the whole watch and every day looking stuff of never on the computer to the Twitter do the tweet tweet tweet tweet is never tweeted. I've never headed any of that stuff.

Just knowing that I don't have a friend of anyone. No one is following me, I'm not following anyone, and I will have any likes or dislikes yes you get like he likes but I know you think that's healthier to be that what you know, staying away from all that stuff up just stands maybe healthier. Just don't. I haven't not done it because I was trying to be healthier, is not practical for me presence on social media, tweet me, tweet myself and getting some new sneakers having breakfast stuff. What is not practical. It seems like you prefer to be a little more how I put this enigmatic, but it does seem like you kind of hold yourself back a little bit from the world pulled myself yeah I'm really I'm a homebody family man and this was at the center. That's where I spent most of my time in my my energy my attention and focus and all that stuff is and that pulled back just more self-absorbed well or or not self-absorbed writing. Like everything my world is all about my world.

My family dollars, time to tweet anything having real experiences with my loved ones and friends and your favorite places to be on the couch or in this chair wherever it seemed comfortable most comfortable chair, you often are sitting on the couch like playing music yeah yeah I sit on the couch and I duplicate some of the mountain and I am sitting this coming away like I'm off I can be found on the couch playing guitar, you record music but not know releasing to the public. You know, if you know when and if I really like something I love that. That's one thing I do watch you to love you too and I do have a couple of songs on YouTube will release anything like record label and let stuff down and write something that's kinda nice and you have somewhere in this house there's like this vault of all these recordings of you with all these amazing artists of our time. Oh yeah yeah over the years I have been in the studio with a lot of a lot of people and all different types of collaborations stuff over the years everybody up in the studio. Everybody by everybody, especially from the whole of us just have a song just one song that has Michael Garth Brooks Julio Iglesias info Stevie wonder Patti Labelle on one son, Elton John, Carl and Bon Jovi, how are you baby face the Barry White Teddy Pendergrass on one side of the avenger is this one. So always different, Janet Jackson and his little put out as a single. It was on one of my albums and people never heard. I think it's up on YouTube. I think somebody found it and put pictures up so you can tell who's whenever the person singing to see their face and put it up so call yeah but all those people left left after people out with everybody's on what you think in your 40 years in show business, what you learned so much is nothing that you can say a sentence so much but just in life in general.

Show business is the be-all and end-all show business is, you know what I do keep the lights on and provide for my family the person is at this at the center of that and the experiences that I've learned. You know, I just as a human being just as fast more than stuff that I learned from show business show business. Just my geek if you could give advice or tell that young Eddie Murphy starting out something about the world and and what to expect, something he would say you know the young Eddie Murphy wasn't taking advice from anybody really wasn't this nothing that you could say to him to get them off off what he was doing Evan had any experiences where I feel like they damage me to the core. I should warn the young me I was never loose everything like master the art of walking away from the crashed claim that the plane crashes and burns. I've mastered surviving and walking from the wreckage the never looking back.

Never look back at the wreckage. Example of that. What's a time when the plane crashed home talk about you movies the word divorce things like that. And the key is walk away. Don't look at the ranch don't focus on the wreckage never look back now streaming progress and crazy time once final season is a point is we need people in the world.

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