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CBS Sunday Morning,

CBS Sunday Morning / Jane Pauley
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December 27, 2020 1:19 pm

CBS Sunday Morning,

CBS Sunday Morning / Jane Pauley

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December 27, 2020 1:19 pm

Susan Spencer looks at the psychological imperative of planning, especially when plans are upended. David Pogue reminds us of "good" news from 2020. Dr. Jon LaPook honors medical workers who've put their lives in jeopardy. Michelle Miller examines feelings of grief, and of hope for the New Year. Mo Rocca looks back at the life of TV pitchman Sy Sperling, who was not only the founder of Hair Club for Men, but also a client. Plus, our Lee Cowan hosts this week's "CBS Sunday Morning."

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Life is for living. Let's partner for all of it. Learn Polly is off today. We can in this Sunday morning. The last Sunday morning to be year 2020 year as we all know that was full of so many losses so many subtractions from our lives so much pain so much confusion this morning to look back at the far too many people we leave behind the famous Sandy not so famous.

Some known all of us some known only to their loved ones. All will be saying hail and farewell a years in the Trailblazers on the ledge rock 'n' roll. We lost so many this year and that's before we count those most of us didn't know this morning to those who write during the year that was otherwise there. What better time, but better here first story on the best laid plans so much of the year. Susan Spencer Thomas planning ahead may never be the same.

It's almost as if you got no plans.

Well you got plenty of company.

If you look at the calendar and you're despairing that it doesn't have the activities that you enjoy that you once look forward to, then yeah I can imagine that would be a real struggle not making plans why every day is blurs day later on Sunday morning for all its faults 2020 wasn't all bad. We just look a little harder to find good, which are David Pogue has been doing 20/20 was a year most of us would like to forget buried in the depressing headlines. There were actually few nuggets of goodness and coming up on Sunday morning was amazing from zooming to space it had to zooming with family. The bright spots of 2020 brought to you by science and technology well pleasure.

Dr. John the poop pays tribute to those who fought selflessly on covert frontlines. Michelle Miller will remind us that behind every number is a name morocco offers a remembrance of Cy Sperling, the businessman who always kept his head about and throughout the morning will be looking back at this year gone by all of its complexity, all on Sunday morning December 27, 2020 will be back in a month if there is one lesson we all learned in 2020 is that there is real truth behind the wind adopted from a poem by Robert Burns, the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry for cover story as reported by Susan Spencer Karina Lopez leaves nothing to chance and we mean nothing. I am a planner and what sorts of things would you plan our friends and our friends getting plan every last Italian down to why everyone would be wearing marketplace that's planning hardly a surprise then that Lopez is a professional wedding planner she's based near Buffalo, New York, and guess who's wedding she's been planning her whole life.

How long you been dreaming of your own wedding probably literally a little girl, maybe five years old. Lopez and her fiancé Kurt Rogers who is also her business partner set their sights on a pull out all the stops.

Multi-day affair last summer with 200 guests going to kick off the weekend with a welcome party on Friday evening, bath and limes and landing at night and a great brunch farewell on wow I go and the phone and coded hit both would be newlyweds hard. I've never been in my life. I mean, it felt like I had gotten run over by a car and I had the worst cough I've ever had in my life. Forget that wedding I think I had a breakdown in bad. While I was sick with Comed and I just started crying.

I just knew that what happened, and of course immediately after I felt guilty for crying about it because people were dealing with serious issues. There seems to be this big cloud of uncertainty that sits over everything.

What is the impact of that over time, I think uncertainty can breed anxiety and a lot of people psychiatrist, Don says an inability to plan ways heavily on his patients these days he works in the university town of Davis, California were a lot of students find their futures on hold gone back and moved in with their family, which was unexpected and unusual for their stage in life. Don's advice is to put big dreams aside for now and focus instead on the small, more manageable details of daily life, so you should get up at nine and then you should have breakfast at 930 just to get structure back. I use more of a collaborator approached just re-refocusing in the way that that makes people think about what's important for them and how they would like their structure to be so what was the last time you put something on your calendar and honestly felt like it would happen, nevermind a wedding about a dental appointment.

If you're like me, your days lately are looking a lot like this. A lot of people do you know what they see on the calendars and defines who they are right in a way yeah we are what we do.

We need plans, says University of Delaware psychology professor Philip Gable who sees them as essential to happiness. So you're a fan of plans I have I am. I think they yeah they give us direction to give us hope and when we can't plan time itself can seem to crawl. So when people are experiencing negative states, negative feelings, then they will experience time tending to drive this accounts for people not being able literally to remember what day it is. Also, we've lost a lot of our rhythm. A lot of those patterns.

It separate the weekday from the weekend. Great that's in the blurs day that we might blurs day the sense that it's all one day you indeed blurs day may be the most popular day on the pandemic calendar. So as you look at blurs day where exactly in the week does it fall could be tomorrow or it could have been yesterday we hardwired to plan and to look ahead all the time. We are actually human beings are unique, there unique in their ability to think about the future but Harvard psychology professor Ellen Langer says something else also does it play so you coined the phrase illusion of control. Can you define that for me it started when I had been at a casino and I see people talking to slot machine and it occurred to me that they actually thought they could control the outcome. And this was kind of silly.

You can't control things that are chance determined, but the need for control drives us to plan. Even today, when so much is unpredictable.

Professor Langer says it's like pushing the closed-door button in an elevator.

Believe it or not most of those buttons don't actually do anything there installed only to make us feel better. Pressing the button takes very little energy doing something often feels better than doing nothing. Would you recommend that we have faith and just keep pushing those buttons. I think wholeheartedly. I recommend pushing that button unless it means pushing people out of the way to get to it. So keep pushing and planning knowing that these are uncertain times plans or guesses, but what we need to recognize is that if something leads us in a different direction that could end up even better for us. I just talked to a young woman who had to postpone her giant wedding concrete plans like that I think may be a little bit more difficult to get past Shirley their advantages of delaying the wedding you delay it you have more time to look forward to it more time to change your mind.

If that's the direction in which you want to go, maybe not what Karina Lopez wants to hear.

But in spite of everything she is optimistic and still planning what I like to plan for anything.

The alternative would be.

You're just setting yourself up, which is why, perhaps, the dealer plan being a plan fee that you know for sure can happen so the answer to any doubt about planning is to do more planning. There were some bright spots in this year gone by that were often overshadowed our David Pogue gives 20 22nd look. 2020 will not be remembered as a big year for good news, but science and technology actually scored a few triumphs, beginning with the piece of software that made it possible for meetings, classes, relationships and performances to carry on a dead eye Dave looking not gives you the wrong with this, start video, I'm referring of course to zoom video calls like the one I had with my 92-year-old dad Cleveland lawyer Dick Pogue. So am I correct that you would never use zoom until the lockdown began, absolutely not. I was amazed for so Apple, Google and Microsoft all had their own similar video programs what he thinks zoom became the winner of the pandemic think it's the simplicity of killing meeting all the zoom meetings meant fewer people flying and all the close offices meant fewer people driving. It's not the kind of economy anybody wants of course, but it did lead to some more good news for the first time in a century. You could hear Birdsong in the cities you could see fish in the canals of Venice and you could see blue skies in LA at one point global greenhouse gas emissions fell 17%, the biggest drop in human history.

This was also the year that the plastic pollution problem finally got the world's attention. We've been dumping the equivalent of a truckload's worth of plastic into the ocean every minute of every day China joined over 125 other countries that ban or tax single use plastic or plastic bags, but you have to be a government to make a difference. Use your voice go out there do it.

You can ordinary citizens. Sheila Moore body was fed up with the 40 billion plastic utensils that restaurants include with takeout orders every year that nobody uses so if I take it out of the takeout bag and throw in the trash. That's not single use plastic zero youth. I think Moore body undertook a one-woman campaign to persuade delivery services like mover eats and post mates to make those utensils optional everything post mates now have a checkbox that said, if you would like plastic cutlery click here 2020 was also an astonishing year for space NASA launched its most advanced rover yet the Mars lander. The spacecraft on an asteroid Dragon space X receipt of you think it is amazing and for the first time since the space shuttle retired in 2011 flu American astronauts to the space station on an American spacecraft made by space X twice. Finally, 20, 20 ended with the best piece of news science could possibly have office vaccines for the disease that ruined the year in the first place. Still Gruber's visors had a vaccine development. Vaccines typically take years to develop 510 years.

How was it possible that this was developed so fast. This is really more of a great deal of cooperation between academics, industry and government to essentially recognize this and the highest one key element is that is supposed to work to complete being done a great deal of work is done in care vaccines hold the promise that this time next year. Good news will be a lot easier to find. At least that's what my dad thinks you have any broader thoughts about the year 2020 2020 is good. This is a bad year but next year is good be better but high podcasting tree Barry mar all my goodness, I want to tell you about our new shout business podcast and each episode mean a weekly gastric to cover all the quirky find inspiring and informative stories that exist on the ball because well and maybe you do too. From the newest interior design trend Barbie car to the right and wrong way to wash her armpit also getting the things that you just kind of well probably not able to do in daytime television.

So watch out. Tristan is ever you get your podcast. It's a good news on the got no streaming based progress and start doing crazy time returns once final is. The point is we need people in the best way to protect good people is to convict the final season Millstream exclusively on you deserve more. Thanks and praise our medical professionals spent this long and lonely year fighting covert face-to-face or doctor drama book was one this has been a devastating year for healthcare providers in the new war against an invisible enemy. The soldiers my colleagues around the world have often found themselves fighting without weapons or armor the best medicine apathy as hospitals filled up doctors and nurses have had to treat patients in unlikely places from attempting central Park to a parking lot in Nevada.

Nobody going into medicine ever thought they would be providing care in a parking garage, or using refrigerated trucks to help keep up with the soaring death toll that now tops 300,000 in the US alone when the pandemic struck New York City last March. Personal protective equipment was in such short supply. Some nurses were forced to wear trash bags. PPE continues to be rationed as daily cases have searched more than 200,000.

The toll is written on their faces and heard their voices touched the CDC estimates more than 900 healthcare workers have died from covert, but it's a hard number to track is likely much higher. Their deaths are remembered in this twitter account and other makeshift memorials across the country might well not only back in April I spent two weeks helping out on the covert wars at NYU Langone health where the professor of medicine and saw a microcosm of the professionalism playing out across the globe, physicians, nurses, therapists, social workers and psychologists. Those in food and housekeeping services, and so many others all risking their lives to take care of patients with covert, 19 were doing everything in our power and we expect you to do the same, wear a mask maintain physical distance. Wash your hands. Avoid crowds and remember that outdoors is safer than indoors, and finally unless there's a medical reason. Get a vaccine when it's available. These vaccines are being developed so quickly because of decades of research, but the FDA and trusted public officials such as Dr. Anthony Faucher have told us no corners were cut. I just got mine last week. Of course, researchers watch out for any unexpected safety concerns that may emerge. Last spring we all appreciate closet 7 o'clock right now very best thing you can do for us is not to become our patient as many of you may know, Morocco has many callings.

Among them is as podcast obituaries from him now a closer look at one of those one-of-a-kind characters we lost size growing present you guess who has a replacement here answering all four for 44 years, hair club for men. Founder Shai Sperling was a weaver of dreams and hope for the fall likely challenged. We now have over 30,000 satisfied clients when they call a toll-free number to get for free booklet. All of a sudden my dad found himself in his mid-20s, with thinning hair. Daughter Sherry Sperling since her father's ambition sprouted shortly after her parents divorced and saw I had to move in with his mother. He was trying to date again and he wasn't really having much success, but after restoring his own mane and inspired Sperling lending to business marketing, a process that non-surgically attached actual human hair to men's existing hair, and in 1982 the hair club shot its first commercial actually two of them they saw one commercial of like a guy on horseback, with the kind of thick like waving low back hairdo and the guy was like look in case this doesn't work, why don't we shoot one with you on the spot. They said to your father let's go back up.

Yes, the first commercial work. They got barely any calls so they run.

My dad's commercial and we had like 2000 calls.

If you've ever thought about doing something about your city here, and those calls were coming from lonely Joe's everywhere. Let's say it's Friday or Saturday night and maybe you can get so lucky right to be blunt, so they come home and there watching TV because they're still awake.

Maybe a little drunk and they're flipping through channels and there's my dad.

This is to give you the facts you need to make an intelligent choice about what's best for you almost speaking directly to these guys say I'm to help you exactly regular guy TV pitchman were nothing new completely satisfied Sperling's bear honesty at the end of the ad that set them apart Hechler Pres. Also client that tagline became his mantra a little with the president also client.

He took something that was embarrassing for him being bald and he made himself vulnerable. He was actually sharing something to say to shame. Well, I think a lot of people want to know just exactly who you are and what the hell you're doing Shai Sperling became a late night comedy favorite was the president of the hair club for men didn't like being famous love. He loved it.

It's the American dream come true both sides.

I wear the strain of the trial really started to take its toll on the follicle, but for Sherry Sperling and so many of hairclips clients.

So I Sperling was no joke. 41 or 2420 for your help men to feel better about themselves and to live life the way they wanted to without embarrassment. Shy Sperling died in February at age 78 in Boca Raton, Florida. His family says he was a hair club client to the very end. It's been a sore year that test even the most devout among us, so we best representatives of three different faiths. Some year-end comfort starts off right by Elaine's actor Temple Israel in Boston.

I looked into the camera. I see you as you see me grief is real.

This year we have been thrust into loss and loneliness disease and despair. So we walked together in the deep darkness in doing so, we learn that we can see in the dark. This is this is of our healing to recognize that we are part of a greater whole secret in our interconnected existence. The matriarch Rebecca cried out in anguish and pain wind lines is weak in question two. What is our purpose. What might we find others.

We may surprise ourselves with our own strength and courage and discover in the dark that we can find our own divine light.

Good morning everyone.

This is a mems a check your is definitely a challenging year and it's a year that is left a lot of folks bitter, very bitter, justifiably because so many people can look back at the ways they've been wronged in the oppression that is been visited upon them the injustices that they've had to deal with but when everyone is doing that virtue shrinks the space for forgiveness. The love and to rebuild a viable body politic to rebuild a society where we don't necessarily have to agree with each other but we do have to live with each other and to do that were going to have to try to be better to be better. We have to look at what we can do for others as opposed to constantly obsessing on what others owe us. So I think we can move into that space better and transcend that space of bitterness were going to have a very, very good, 20, 21, at least a better 2021 Judy Smith from church so the truth is 2020 is been difficult here. It is easy to lose hope there is still beauty all around us. The beauty in nature. The beauty of the love a friend of family. Something as simple as a game night dwarf a virtual hang out just a few things we've been practicing our family to cover hope for the new year number one take joy in the little things. Please number two.

Enjoy the journey and number three take nothing for granted. I believe as we practice this, we are going to have some expectation and hope for 2021 years. Happy new year we leave you this last Sunday, 20, 20 in a snowfall at the White Mountains national Forest in New Hampshire. I would count. We wish all of you are happy new year and hope you'll join us again next year for our next Sunday morning. Till then, stay safe, be well during the rest is take out with preacher Garrett this week.

Stephen Law I live Mitch McConnell in one of Washington's biggest midterm money. Myth list for me to Senate races you think Republicans have the best chance of taking a democratic seed with Nevada not Georgia. George is right up there, but New Hampshire is a surprise, New Hampshire people really just kind of don't like that you have for more from this week's conversation, follow the take out with major Garrett on Apple podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts