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CBS Sunday Morning / Jane Pauley
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April 4, 2021 1:58 pm

CBS Sunday Morning,

CBS Sunday Morning / Jane Pauley

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April 4, 2021 1:58 pm

In our cover story, Susan Spencer talks with experts on why conflicts arise, and in what ways conflict can be good and productive. Tracy Smith talks with Hunter Biden about his new memoir, "Beautiful Things. Lesley Stahl interviews retiring Washington Post executive editor Marty Baron. And Conor Knighton checks out vaccination efforts for rabbits against a fatal virus,

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Life is for living. Let's partner for all of it. Learn morning and happy Easter Dean Holly is off today and this is Sunday morning. Easter is the day for rebirth and new beginnings and new beginnings are what many of us hope for when it comes to the disagreements large and small that seem to divide us at every turn. So question why not just agree to disagree. Susan Spencer has gone in search of answers from social media to family fights to partisan politics does not seem like conflict is everywhere these days conflict is any friction between humans. You say anytime there's friction between humans and I think will there's always friction between you and I always conflict, agreeing to disagree. I had on Sunday morning. Then I'll have some questions for Hunter Biden. The president's son.

As you'll see, the younger Biden has much to say about the controversies he's faced. So how often you talk to your dad.

I talked to them at least once a day.

It seems that for years. Hunter Biden has been making news for all the wrong reasons but now he's trying to set the record straight about his addictions, his business and his personal life and how could you not have foreseen that this was going to look back because I really didn't. I'm on Verizon's with the as I possibly can. Our candid conversation coming up. Carrie Underwood is an American Idol winner who's gone on to a hugely successful career of her own. She's talking with Michelle Miller for the record, Carrie Underwood's superstore. She says still a small town country girl at heart. I was just a girl from Oklahoma in a small town.

I love this thing that people love to.

I have been given every open door. I am so blessed and so grateful more than anything I want to use those gifts to get back from Carrie Underwood later on Sunday morning. We're in conversation this morning with journalist Marty Baron was just retired as the executive editor of the Washington Post will be talking with Leslie Stahl, Marty Baron, the editor of the Washington Post is packing it in. Baron took over eight years ago, a few months before Amazon founder Jeff basals bought the place where you have accomplished over these last two years is extraordinary.

We need fresh ideas and talk about the money but I think the wasn't the most important thing, though the money was about the most important. Marty Baron head on Sunday morning.

Connor Knighton watches veterinarians hop to it to protect bunnies from disease plus a musical mystery with Seth down holiday thoughts from Steve Hartman and more on this Easter Sunday morning April 4, 2021 will be back in a moment, can we just agree to disagree. Even in these divisive times. Should we be able to diffuse our disputes before they get out of hand. Susan Spencer looks at all sides of the argument. Billy Moore was born and raised on the south side of Chicago were growing up meant growing up too fast. Chicago has a community that is heavily rooted in street gangs street culture. That culture pulled him again after his father's death.

Billy was just 15. My mother is a single parent. At that time was working to support me and left me a lot of time just to be one of booze without the type of supervision. You know, let me down the wrong payoff so to speak. It happened yesterday on a Chicago street elective violence so common that it would ordinarily pass notice except involving extraordinary young man was Benji Wilson a star high school basketball player on November 20, 1984 Billy Moore says Benji bumped into him on the sidewalk.

You know, when I asked him was he going to apologize us, excuse me in no uncertain terms, he just turned around and told me you know you can only no excuse now what. And at that point I felt threatened because he wasn't back down and what I did at that moment I felt like I myself and I pulled going out Aesop's Benji Wilson died hours later feeling more than 16 went to prison for 20 years. When you came out of prison. How are you different from the 16-year-old boy who went in as want to make sure that if I was ever given a chance to succumb from up on this. I wanted to be as productive as a person is a citizen to my community as I possibly could you now 53 and, having lost his own son to a shooting in 2017 Billy Moore has been trying hard to make amends is reconciled with Benji, Wilson's brothers and he works for Chicago CRED. A group whose mission is to stop deadly street conflict which run identifiable groups of young men who are actively involved in conflicts where mediating these conflicts. Billy Moore is a conflict survivor and now he works on systematically interrupting gang violence trying to prevent that tragic mistake that he made journalist Amanda Ripley got to know Billy Moore while working on her own four year quest to understand human conflict, personal and political. One of the biggest surprises for me was how similar human behavior is in all kinds of conflicts whether it's an ugly divorce or a labor walkout or a Civil War so talk to me little bit about how you see politics through this lens you know when we are in two groups who are opposed to each other.

We start to make huge sweeping judgments about each other and we make big mistakes. Ripley writes about those mistakes in a new book published by Simon & Schuster part of Viacom, CVS her recommendation for ending the political divide. How about another political party. The world doesn't neatly sort into Democrat and Republican. I and most people don't neatly fit into just one category. On average, countries that have more than two political parties are less politically polarized and there's more trust, but all conflict is not necessarily bad, right, things might be pretty boring if we always all agreed on everything. You're absolutely right. Conflict is essential Columbia University psychology professor Peter Coleman says there is such a thing as good conflict. Every creative group Beatles Monty Python. All of these groups have a lot of internal conflict and what they did with the conflict is often times find a better solution so conflicts can result in fantastic innovation: heads up a conflict research center with a very relatable name, you run the difficult conversations lab which I think is a lab where all of us feel like we would fit right in. How do you study conflict. We wanted to try to get people in real time in the space together talking about issues that they had major differences like trompe l'oeil gun rights, like climate change, and we study the conditions under which conversations over those differences go well or go poorly things go well when he tells participants to remember one basic fact, life is complicated to give an example, you may take a conversation over pro-lifer chores and so when they go into these conversations. They're armed for battle, but you say to people.

This is a complicated set of issues about health and about morality and about religion and about family and if you do that people feel less hostile people think about it in more nuanced ways. And they ultimately feel better about their conversations but clear communication is not something human beings are always good at so somebody will say something and they may have met one thing, but you put a different meeting on and what you're going to respond to is the meaning that you put audit in which you can end up responding very, you know, either emotionally or with anger astronaut Dr. J.

Bucky circle the earth 256 times in 16 days, says NASA realizes that avoiding conflict in such a tight space is a real challenge.

Have there been instances where anything is actually gone wrong because people just couldn't get along well, I mean the reports are in this Russian space program. There were three missions which are a bully believed to been terminated because of no interpersonal problem really that that's that significant About whether in space or on the streets of Chicago resolving even the smallest conflicts can mean the difference between life and death of the first things they do and they tried to interrupt gang violence is to ask what is the root cause of this conflict, but how did it begin and many times no one remembers the people who started the conflict died a long time ago. The prisons and graveyards.

I feel with young men who died for our pain with a life because it was caught up in the cycle of day you get a few more used to grow up and mature, they would never make those mistakes. Marty Baron has been one of the leading newspaper editors of our time, but now he's retiring, which is why he's in conversation with Leslie Stahl of 60 minutes.

Marty Baron, the editor of the Washington Post and before that the Boston Globe and the Miami Herald is packing it in under his leadership those papers.

117 Pulitzer prizes for stories like the repatriation of the young Cuban boy Elian Gonzalez lawbreaking by the NSA and predator priests in Boston, as seen in the Oscar-winning film spotlight to focus on the individual produce rehab. Schreiber played Baron going made famous in that roving spotlight Road your hero will like heroes of the people I work with your embarrassed members. You look, I realize how much of a one-person show when we visited Marty Baron at the Washington Post newsroom in February.

It certainly looked like a one-person show.

I haven't seen another person outside of you in this building today. This is completely empty. This is called absolutely.

Everybody's been working from home March. Even before Kovic. There was a sterile look to the new modern newsroom newspaper offices a lot of charm history dirt Galleria drug by forcing his wings were on the wood manual typewriter work, all you could hear people working a lot of the old characters are you find your nominal character reliable start. Marty is one of the great ones licenses friends and colleagues couldn't celebrate the 66-year-old characters departure in person. You have accomplished over these last two years is extraordinary. They toasted him in a farewell, what should Marty Baron do next and we roasted and training. You can't hang it up at 66 Marty Pres. Biden is 78 in spotlight Baron was humorless, but not in real life deeply moved incredibly grateful was amazing. Marty why are you retiring well on 66 I've been in this business for 45 years. It's an exhausting profession.

It's been particularly exhausting over the last 46 years and also just during the era of where you have to be on duty all the time just wears you down where she down more now that you have the digital age people expected no information what writer what you have to be first like to be first yes dear not first in digital subscriptions. That's the New York Times but they are an impressive second with 3 million subscribers, more than three times as many as the paper had when Baron took over eight years ago, a few months before Amazon founder Jeff Pazo's bought the place.

What about Jeff Pazo's is he the reason the Washington Post has increased its circulation to the extent it has well as a question to Chuck businesses been instrumental in our turnaround.

We need fresh ideas.

I met with Richard and talk about the money but I think the thought I wasn't the most important thing, though the money was most important. The most important thing was a fundamental change in our strategy will appoint. We were focused on covering the region around Washington and so we just came beside the strategy that you have is been fine the past, but if I find now we have the opportunity to become national and international. Because we don't have to distribute physical papers all over the place we can do it digitally. Everybody anywhere in the world could read the Washington Post.

I didn't realize that when he bought the Washington Post he already had a strategy he'd studied this came to you with a plan to question him him he is a start. Use if he does his research over the last 15 years over 2000 newspapers in the US that one in five have gone out of business. Local news is having a hard time.

It's become a news desert out there is the answer for newspaper today to get a sugar daddy are not ever newspapers the sugar daddies should they go you know well the good good for the lake of fire and find one.

There was also a business unit would go billionaire who acquired beauty organization billionaire to turn the post into a national and international paper Jeff Pazo's made a $250 million investment allowing for engineered doubling of its newsroom staff from 582 more than a thousand, and adding Internet friendly graphics and clickable videos of the Democrats is the fake news media residential.

The biggest story in the last four years was a Washington story. They are truly an enemy of the people. The fake enemy of the people they really are there so bad.

So let me ask what it's been like to walk around with emblazoned on your shirt you're an enemy of the people will go from sub was a moment that I realized that he would stop his effort to destroy the Free Press in this country.

But as the editor-in-chief of the Washington Post. Did you not feel an obligation to answer him defend tell the public that's wrong that's not true. Absolutely I'm real dumb. Usually, soft-spoken, Baron decided to raise his voice. Democracy will not die.

Darkness with the Washington Post around 40. For me personally, but without about both breasts talk about our role be clear what are our mission is why we have a free person is countrywide.

The First Amendment exists that some truth or matters of life in a section of the newspaper called fact checker. The paper is documented all of the former presidents false or misleading claims over 30,000 false, misleading, misleading statements and some outright lies lies thousand 12.

Thank you for your entire post for your tireless effort to uphold the tenets Free Press Baron's office wall is plastered with thank you notes you know in our office. We only put up the hate mail. This is true, so why put only the positive ones are staffs receivable of threats all a lot of viral emails, born the our staff recognize that there's a huge portion of the population appreciates what they're doing. What about you, have you gotten threats death threat threats and various types absolutely. We had four years of Donald Trump and we've had one year of the pandemic. In what ways do you think we are changed forever. I think we're more realistic about the nature of our country is a greater sense of vulnerability.

People never really thought about a pandemic before in the same way I think were were much more aware now of the vulnerability of our democratic system. We realize that the democracy can be threatened in ways that were unimaginable in the past and if we start thinking of ourselves as vulnerable. Everything changes are very nature it was right but maybe it's good thing you should realize that these institutions are more fragile. We thought they were and his wake-up call for us as a country tree Barry mar all my goodness, I want to tell you about our new shout. It's the Jews news podcast and in each episode mean a weekly gas that can cover all the quirky find inspiring and informative stories that exist on the ball because well I and maybe you do too. From the newest interior design trend Barbie car to the right and wrong way to wash her armpit also working to get in the things that you just kind of want to leave and were not able to do in daytime television. So watch out. Tristan is ever you get your podcast. It's a good news on the got a growing number of doctors have decided to hop to it know Connor Knighton tells us it's not what you think from the files to the volunteers there's information about what to expect from the vaccine to the steady stream of vehicles. This clinic in Gig Harbor, Washington. Looks like one of the mass vaccination events happening everywhere these days. You open the doctor told it is until you get a closer look at the patient's we have here made the list to the front may see the rabbit is in here to get a covert shot is was for you. You're welcome. She and dozens of other rabbits to get the vaccine for our HDV to rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus.

You need the date name while humans are affected by the disease is highly contagious virus is bad news for rabbits first identified in China in the 1980s. The initial our HDV outbreak wiped out more than 140 million rabbits restrain our HDV to pop up in France in 2010 and 2019. Washington got its first case we had people who were desperate, you know, calling our clinic repeatedly over and over again. Haley just really want this vaccine please please let's get the sexy Dr. Lucian McGlocklin was the first veterinarian in the country to import the vaccine as our HDV two has historically been a European disease. No American company has produced a vaccine she had to get special permission to bring it into the US.

It is more than 90% effective, which as we know, again from the vaccine stuff that's actually really good, really happy with that. Considering that the alternative is almost 100% fatality.

It's really good today pieces of our HDV to have been identified in a number of states but since so few veterinarians obtain the vaccine. Finding a dose can still be an ordeal. How far away are people coming from to get the shot several hours I haven't seen an upper limit for how far people are willing to travel to get the vaccine. This is Ruth Leonard Ginsberg, Ruth Berg, supra rabbit rescue has been the driving force behind the mass vaccination clinics. You're very welcome but you so much.

Rabbits don't have a lot of champions and somehow I connected so the cello at the and I do everything possible to make their life fulfilling better happy partnership with the local veterinarian group has administered close to a thousand shots. So what were trying to do is kind of like their doing with Comed vaccinate everybody is stop the spread is that the disease people can go back to normal. Bunnies can go back to bunnies have been under an unofficial stay-at-home order virus can linger on services including grass so they can't go out the yard. They definitely should mix with other rabbits outside of the pod. Right now the worst. Our HDV to outbreak is in the West and Southwest were new variant has hop from domestic rabbits to wild rabbits in California. The Oakland zoo in cooperation with federal and state wildlife agencies has been testing and vaccinating endangered riparian brush rabbits just in case the virus makes its way to the small population of cocktails suffered. Better safe than sorry. Which is why even though there hasn't been a confirmed case in Washington for more than a year, celebrate good girl Dr. McGlocklin is still regularly vaccinating her patients. When you witness for the shots and send fully vaccinated rabbit on its way.

What is that file. I loved makes me so happy, and that it say it's just like him.

I am mad in the virus in the face think that you don't get to take this money away now a matter of faith. Here Steve Hartman at the start of the father Tim Belk of St. Ambrose Catholic Church near Detroit had a problem. How in heaven's name was going to sprinkle holy water on people's Easter baskets while maintaining social distance as you're pouring the holy water into the water pistol. Are you saying forgive me Lord yes is a form of absolution.

The pictures went viral last year, much to the delight of most people I know I had a couple detractors show the clergy saying that this was sacrilegious to do it that way and I said guys were talking about chocolate bunnies and sausages here.

That's why this year. He plans to go out a vigorous work just for Easter basket that kind of ingenuity weaves across the country throughout the choir in your car let my go to resume Passover Seder, I will not let them go.

Will we saw people bundled up in beach chairs and lots of praying behind the wheel. The drive-through has been a real godsend to folks of all those who stayed home, found ways to keep special like 82-year-old Laverne Wimberly of Tulsa, Oklahoma still got dressed up to the nines. Every Sunday, always in a different outfit just to watch her service on the computer, reference you want to be respectful and primarily that's the reason why I continue. You have always closed and I see not one outfit is hanging up on the treadmill. Absolutely not. But Laverne says she is running out of closet space. That's right, you cannot go another 52 Sundays that there is much more. This is the last thanks to the vaccines. The renewal we celebrate in our spring traditions feels especially profound. I felt that firsthand when my wife's parents both fully vaccinated came to visit us this past week.

It was the first time we'd seen them in over a year there's Easter we can all believe Hunter Biden, the son of Pres. Joe Biden has no no shortage of controversy in recent years means there was plenty to discuss when we sat down to chat long ago you said your dad always saw the good in you through all of this. Was there ever a time when you thought okay there's no way he's going to give up on me. I've done it now never ever met once Hunter Biden is the president's second son Yale trained lawyer and a lobbyist whose well-publicized drug problems, personal scandals and business dealings seem to have kept him in the headlines for all the wrong reasons. There's a current department addresses investigation into your finances. What is it about can you say anything I want, but what I can say this is on cooperating completely and I am absolutely certain 100% certain that at the end of the investigation that I will be cleared of any wrongdoing your hundred percent certain, and all I can do is cooperate and entrust in the process. From the time he was a toddler, Hunter Biden and his older brother Bo fixtures in Joe Biden's public life and when they were both hurt in the 1972 car crash that killed their mother and sister.

Their dad a newly elected US senator took his oath of office in a hospital room conflict between my being a good father need a good Sen. which I hope will not occur. We can always get another set but as the Biden sons got older, their paths diverged.

Bo was a war veteran and Delaware Atty. Gen. with his sights set on higher office, but Hunter, who was kicked out of the Navy reserve. After failing a drug test grappled with substance abuse for years and after Bo died of brain cancer in 2015. Hunter says he was binge drinking vodka so heavily that his father intervened came to my apartment one time when he was still in office as VP. It's really ditched the Secret Service figured out a way to get over to the house and somebody to 70 when you sit down fine. You're not fine.

He sought, and God help then rehab but in time he fell off the wagon and deeper into the abyss, you would wake up some morning session say some morning schedule slept for like 15 minutes at a time and be looking for cracking to smoke whatever was there.

Yeah, I spent more time on my hands and knees picking through rugs slowly anything that even remotely resembled crack cocaine.

I probably smoke more Parmesan cheese than anyone, anyone that you know I'm sure Tracy could make standing yeah yeah I mean I want time for 13 days without sleeping and smoking crack in freaking vodka exclusively throughout that entire time. Hunter Biden struggle with his personal demons is a big part of his new book from an imprint of Simon & Schuster of Viacom, CBS company. The title beautiful things is a phrase he and his brothers shared to remind each other of the good in life. It was the last thing that Leslie recently was beautiful things and he took his last breath the entire Biden family, but the way Hunter dealt with his grief made headlines when he began dating his brother's widow after Bo died started a romantic relationship with Hallie's widow when the news of that broke had a people look at. I think people were confused by it, and I understand that I mean I really do to me is not something that is difficult to explain because it came out of a real overwhelming grief that we both shared and we were together and trying to do the right thing and that grief turned into hope for a love that maybe could replace what we lost. It didn't work. It didn't work and you said you lost clients over this. You lost business over this yeah down from the world food program.

Yeah yeah well I made a lot of decisions that I probably shouldn't made. There was a lot more compassion and understanding for the people that knew me, but was a horrible time to. And then there's this in 2014. The younger Biden took a job on the board of the Ukrainian energy company Ariz my holdings at a time when his father was then VP had an active role in US policy toward Ukraine. It raised eyebrows at the time, but by the 2020 elections.

Hunter Biden was the center of a political firestorm. Hunter got thrown out of the military. He was thrown out dishonorably discharged not your use and he didn't have a job or do you became vice president. Would you not resident. He made a fortune in Ukraine in China and Marzano simulator area of the players. Looking back to make a mistake taking a spot on the board know I don't think I made a mistake taking spot on board. I think I made a mistake terms of underestimating the way in which you would be used against me must've seen optics even back then you must've nothing.

How could you not have foreseen that this is going to look back because I really didn't. I'm I'm on Verizon is with the as I possibly can. All I know is that not one investigative body, not one serious journalist has ever accused has ever come to the conclusion that I did anything wrong or that my father did anything wrong, but the rumors lived on in October 2020 New York Post article said that emails purportedly showing shady dealings in Ukraine by Hunter Biden were found on a laptop computer that he supposedly left in a Delaware repair shop in 2019. The details were sketchy at best, and last month I declassified intelligence report said that before the election.

The Russians had launched a smear campaign against Joe Biden and his family. It does not specifically talk about your laptop, you was that your laptop for real. I don't know. I don't know. I really don't know yes or no. If the laptop that I don't like the idea. No ideas could have been yours of course. Certainly, there could be a laptop out there that was stolen from either could be that I was hacked.

It could be that that was the that it was Russian intelligence. It could be that it was stolen from me and you didn't drop off the laptop down repaired Delaware.

I remember at all at all.

So will save usually calls me right before he goes to bed to tell me that he loves me. Hunter Biden says he's rebuilding now and sober since he married South African film producer Melissa Colin in May 2019.

If his story means anything. He told us it's that the only thing more powerful than a monstrous addiction or eviscerating grief is a families love you and your dad talk every night every night while we talk at least every night, somehow the way not only does he talk to me every night. He calls every one of my daughters. He talks to each one of them every day, and he talks to me. I know the safe.

Yeah but by the way he's always been always he talks each one of us. But I tell you why because he's lost because he liked me, knows what it's not what it's like not to be able to pick up the phone and talk to Sean and he almost lost you. Yeah you hard Biden. We cry too much. Yeah, but you know I guess one of the reasons unclear is because you know beautiful things were here we are now here with a spiritual case for getting a covert shot is Dr. Francis Collins, the director of the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland good Easter morning gives you don't know health is the largest public funder of medical research in the world. I'm a physician scientist and an evangelical Christian. I believe that science and faith are not in conflict. They offer complementary perspectives with science answering questions that start with how faith often better position to answer why on Easter Sunday. Of all days find good reasons to hold despite the tragedy of the code 19 pandemic that is taken more than 1/2 million American law were pursuing ways to serve one another and love one another while keeping our families and communities safe. Millions of Americans are now getting the vaccine is not just around the corner is here, but we are not yet at the finish will take all of us, with God's grace to get getting a vaccine following public health measures is a service not only to ourselves but to others in preventing the spread of the virus and protecting the vulnerable from severe illness and death. So this is truly a love your neighbor. It's okay to ask questions to help make informed decisions about the vaccine, but as people dedicated to truth, it's important to use reliable sources of information.

One resource I recommend is get vaccine answers.your friends on this Easter Sunday as we celebrate our risen Lord. Best hope to end the suffering is to ensure that almost all of us have developed immunity to covert, 19 that's what these extraordinarily safe and effective vaccines can provide their gift in answer to prayer.

Please do your part, unwrapped gift, roll up your sleeve save lives. I'm Tracy Smith. We wish you and yours a happy Easter and hope you'll join us when our trumpet sounds again next Sunday morning.

This is intelligence matters with former acting Dir. of the CIA.

Michael Morel bridge Colby is cofounder and principal of the Marathon initiative project focused on developing strategies to prepare the United States for an era of sustained great power competition United States put our mind to something, we can usually figure it out what people are saying and what we can know analytically and empirically as our strategic situation or motor situations not being matched up with follow. Intelligence matters were ever you get your podcasts