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CBS Sunday Morning,

CBS Sunday Morning / Jane Pauley
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January 30, 2022 12:00 pm

CBS Sunday Morning,

CBS Sunday Morning / Jane Pauley

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January 30, 2022 12:00 pm

On this week's "CBS Sunday Morning," David Pogue with speaks Attorney Bryan Stevenson, who has helped to save 145 wrongly-convicted prisoners from execution. These days the man behind Montgomery, Alabama's National Memorial for Peace and Justice might be better known his other job: educating Americans about the legacy of slavery and racial violence in this country. Ted Koppel meets with New Orleans musicians back out in front of audiences and sharing their unique culture, one that was severely hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, while perpetuating a French Quarter tradition of street performance. Actress Kristen Stewart talks with Tracy Smith about the stress she felt becoming her character, as well as the tabloid frenzy over her "Twilight" stardom, and her ambition to direct.

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CBS Sunday morning podcast is sponsored by Edward Joe college tours with your oldest daughter updating the kitchen to the appropriate decade retiring on the coast. Life is full of moments that matter and Edward Joe's helps you make the most of them. That's why every Edward Jones financial advisor works with you to build personalized strategies for now and down the road so when your next moment arrives bigger small, you're ready for it. Life is for living. Let's partner for all of it. Learn Jane Pauley and this is Sunday morning. More than 2 million Americans are in prison in a country of 330 million. That makes for the highest incarceration rate in the world of them. Some 2500 sit on death row, and 40% of them are black. Now consider this for every nine people executed in this country.

One person on death row has been exonerated.

David Pogue speaks with a man whose life's mission is to even the odds.

Ryan Stevenson has helped save nearly hundred 50 wrongly convicted prisoners death row nearly 2 million died during the journey, but his latest project might be even more ambitious. We can create spaces like this in Montgomery, Alabama is not another community anywhere in this country they can say that among them.

But we couldn't possibly do that here, exposing a painful past to get to a brighter future ahead on Sunday morning. Tracy Smith this morning is in conversation with Kristen Stewart fresh from her triumphant screen portrayal of Princess Diana.

Just the thought of playing Princess Diana made Kristen Stewart so nervous that she could barely open her mouth. Yeah gave my body a lot of anxiety that my mind sort of didn't really know about what you think is going on there big deal. Now I really didn't want to mess this one up.

She needn't have worried Kristen Stewart listens not later on Sunday morning with Ted Koppel whereafter the big easy or joyful music can break out any time any place as musicians are normal in those specialty was the last family caught this all like this and the crowd goes supposed to symbolize that the type of agreement shows the big coming. Thanks Salie has a word or two to say about Wardell that puzzling gain captivating millions and we take comfort in some comfort food and more on this last Sunday morning of the month January 30, 2022 will be right back. He's a man on a mission, saving the innocent from execution while shining a light on some of the darkest chapters of American history. David Pogue has his story you're a movie you may recognize the name Brian Stevenson is the hero 2019 movie customers played by Michael Jordan the right fix a true story of a Harvard trained lawyer receives an innocent black man execution in Alabama before just going to accept the system to treat you better if you're rich and guilty than if you're poor and innocent thing we can claim to be just Mr. Stevenson Justice in May please the court. If you're a Supreme Court justice. You may remember when Brian Stevenson convinced you to impose a ban on life sentences for children and if your visitor to Montgomery, Alabama the name Brian Stevenson is everywhere is nonprofit equal Justice initiative created this memorial to the 4400 victims of lynching in America. Each of these monuments represents a county where lynchings took place. It's called the national Memorial for peace and justice.

It's pathway leads you around big square and going steadily downward start out looking like tombstones or coffins and by the time were here there like hanging body yeah yeah Stevenson grew up in the poor rural South great grandson of an enslaved man. He attended Eastern University on scholarship and wound up at Harvard Law school, but an internship in Georgia changed his life. That was the first time I met a condemned prisoner is when I learned that people in this country were literally dying for legal assistance, but you are a Harvard Law graduate.

Nobody said you dude you could make a lot more money going into a law firm. It seemed like everybody set should be making a lot, but I don't know that I would be passionate must solve this community and I think I just knew that I be engaged in his 2014 memoir just mercy. Stevenson describes his first meeting with the condemned man the movie version goes like this for you do not follow rule 32 babies position if all that fails to take you case all to Supreme Court. I got all kinds of death threat bomb threat people made it really clear that they did not value what I was doing what we were trying to do. Why would anyone care and I think it's because the more you disrupt systems that have operated unfairly for a long time more you implicate bigger issues. Those bigger issues are obvious in his latest achievement thousand square-foot museum that traces the entire history of American racism. It begins with the abduction of Africans, 12 applicants. Dr. Paul's that ocean nearly 2 million died during the journey and the story of slavery will take you so these are playwright words no weaker hundreds of what they call slave narratives that we went through in the museum depicts what arose after slavery was outlawed in 1865. A culture of degradation and violence toward black people.

If one represents a lynching that Took Pl. in America where community members have gone to the lynching site and dog soil from that site, you know where just have 1/20 anniversary of 9/11.

I listened all day to the coverage was powerful.

We believe the memorialization this country, but that's different.

It's easier for Americans to moralize something was done to us that it is to memorialize something we did to others.

Yes, and that's the irony this country enslaved black people for 2 1/2 centuries we tortured and terrorized black people for a centrally segregated and subjected by people to racial hierarchy.

We continue to imprison and incarcerate and punish people of color in ways that are not apportioned, but we can be more than a country of enslavers and interim since aggregators and executioners only if we acknowledge that and that is says is the point of all of this to confront our unpleasant history as a first step in healing. Of course, not everyone is delighted. You might've heard this term. Critical race theory I have at this moment. People are saying people like you are trying to make us feel ashamed of America. Yes, you're right. Some people are like all afraid to deal with the truth because II don't know what I'll feel I want to punish America for this history liberate us to get the something better, but to get there. Talking honestly about the barriers we constructed over 400 years.

What's striking about Stevenson's offices Memorial and Museum is that they all sit on the very streets were black people once arrived in Shane. It doesn't make the city leaders uncomfortable that you your your pushing everybody's faces and machine of this place is ugly history. I think it's really important that we tell these stories in ways that are authentic and represent the power place. A lot of people so your national morals really powerful.

You just should put that in Washington. I want people to come to Montgomery in your book you describe yourself is broken. Is this work against this resistant system. What made you feel broken arm and I've had to stand next to people before they were pulled away strapped in an electric chair and burned to death, and so it's hard.

I am broken, but I am. I believe in brokenness.

I've come to identify with the plight of those who are suffering since the case described in Brian Stevenson. This helps to save hundred 45 wrongly convicted prisoners from execution, but he'll tell you his work is far from finished from the outside it seems like your work generally falls into two categories.

There's all this, which is education about the past lynchings of slavery and then there's your real job, which is representing people been unfairly incarcerated. Is there a connection between slavery, then incarceration now all absolutely. I mean we have the most punitive society on the planet. We tolerate excessive punishment that very few societies tolerates and that's largely because we have been acculturated to accept extreme punishment, beginning with enslavement gaming with lethal violence and lynching. History will help us recognize is that the stuff is connected. It's all connected enough for me. It's all one job and the job is just 2+ years into this time of color red Koppel is taking us to the streets of New Orleans for a refresher course on the healing power of chance literature words you don't normally associate with the streets of New Orleans quiet and empty.

The music ever stopped in the big easy floor of the pandemic.

There have been times when the music was hard to share names or just preservation. The home was established to preserve the music and the traditions of New Orleans jurors place of harmony between generations close during the pandemic. We were there. December 9-year-old Shirley Gabriel is in New Orleans to ship here was 33-year-old Brandon Lewis was no slouch either. As one Grammy nomination so playing in front of people having a communal musical experience is part of New Orleans music base 60 years ago it was his parents, Ellen and Sondra Jaffe will establish preservation. The whole band is its creative director committed to sharing its music part of New Orleans norms music is something that exists in a room by yourselves but in the music user without the nuance of New Orleans not only what goes on but also what happens on the street is the beginning of the pandemic go with the rest of the countries go online all division the whole put on the benefit concert live stream lots of special gifts for million dollars raised went to support the 60 or so desertions rotate in and out of the whole desertions hit hardest by the pandemic of the ones who usually work on the screen like millions of other Americans during captions on clarinet Lawrence on drums work from home as many of us have learned so is helpful, but it's kind of, you can see your audience at all.

The chemistry writing in her family is on the Sprint seen the difference immediately. Warm and sunny December morning at the corner of Lauren's freedoms recognized throughout the community is classically trained as Terry's all will rather write on the straight life on the street or playing with the Symphony Orchestra times zones as musicians school raised in a unique job at the chow. Shirley played the first drool 78 years ago he was 11, and most of the adult musicians were offered war.

That is something that causes not displaying for an audience but music becomes a way to process your sadness go to funeral in New Orleans and you end up in the Paris. It starts slow and so two blocks from Cemetery to accept the second line to talk about it. It's just something that exists people.

People like Charlie strike Shirley and Ben special relationship. 16 years Charlie every day with you.

Come down and play the song today I learned more songs in the last year and 1/2. My repertoire grew by like 100 songs, many of those in lockdown during captions in her family were feeling the strain I was going crazy not and I tell people, even if nobody is less. If you ask Doreen where she was playing Ken Albert Hall and sign reading because she is one of the world… Tourists gasping can get close to a million views.

When videos are posted online or Dorians loan growth was already expelled for a very long to text. Sometimes I can just long enough, just loud enough to write this right kind of memorialized well in New Orleans.

Always a second line of the first line is to honor the family to express their grief at the loss. Once the last family contest trumpet player he gets a call like this and then the crowd goes and supposed to symbolize that the type of bereavement over time. This person has gone on release does and those dolls would symbolize the spirit so that person resident does are not easy to come by. So that way handkerchief in the air. My job in the spirit. Take note passing the end of December so just page 83 cofounder preservation. The whole mother just suspect she would've liked to take with page again this week Stephen Law ally of Mitch McConnell in one of Washington's biggest midterm monument list for me to Senate races you think Republicans have the best chance of taking a democratic seed with Nevada not Georgia. Georgia is right up there with New Hampshire's products to New Hampshire people really just don't like you have for more from this week's conversation followed the take-out with Maj. Garrett on podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts now onto Ms. Becky's place where Jonathan Figley Artie found a safe haven to pull up a chair or grab some comfort to go starting at six every morning diners filing to this Becky's place to fill their stomachs and nourish their spirits with a home-cooked meal. If the lights are on. Odds are expecting James is in.

She answers the phone takes the orders and cooks and serves food made from scratch just like her mother for her mother left cornbread really a southern girl at heart and a steel Magnolia is Kentucky kitchen helping keep her better community on its feet on December 10 an unprecedented line of tornadoes tore through Kentucky and surrounding states, decimating town after town, including an estimated 75% of Dawson Springs, Miss Becky was home at the time, hiding with family and friends in her basement. I just said thank you Lord for off-site.that wasn't right about the house just close today right away.

Her home sustained significant damage, but she got off easy. The tornado killed more than a dozen in town.

FEMA says it will take months just to remove the debris and many are holding on by a thread. Just like Becky says she's not going anywhere this Becky's place has become a way to escape world. It's a home away from home, the kind of place where everyone's know everyone else since childhood, a landmark 70s these days there aren't many of those or anything else left Dawson Springs. So when the lights came on a Ms. Becky's.

After weeks without power. It was like a beacon for all and for waitress Debbie Hayes a lifeline for the first time since that night when it was the first time I had any normal estate.

Now there elbow to elbow with recovery crews from out of town. Everything. But on this day the diner is filled with regulars and it became clear this place is about something more today.

This Becky BBB astounds real special lab.

The last word game.

Everyone seems to be playing marital falling in love with word old the new craze or are you confused by yellow gray and green boxes bombarding your social media. New York Times crossword editor will shorts to explain what was a game of logic involving words you try to guess a five letter word.

The computer tells you which letters are in the correct position of the answer and which letters of your guests are correct, but in the wrong position. Six guesses genius because you got it into war three. Next is after five tries some past time for our current time because diction out. There's only one day flown word all can't binge you choose can be in excess central statements strategy so I was good with the Rose the start.

It's got five common letters, three of which are vowels so this gets you off and going back can access with only positivity and healthy competitiveness spying to feel like a word detective every morning and exercise my little Bryant sales as I quaff my coffee class offers us a spiritual lesson failed to win a journey through the gray to find life's answers and the best part is just a word were all looking for no subtext in a world where words are constantly being redefined and cleaned and defended success only to arrange little letters in a way that brings us closer that doesn't fit close just me. Not you.

Just me as I was take Kristen Stewart as Princess Diana in the critically acclaimed new movie Spencer after nearly 50 films in a 20 year career she calls it the role of a lifetime. She's in conversation with Tracy's inner all too brief lifetime Princess Diana held a few official titles letter on official title peoples Princess is the one that stuck. She was also known as the most photographed woman in the world. Her every move and every outfit captured on camera, even in her most difficult times like the days after her separation from Prince Charles since his last few weeks may have.

I want you to be set together will continue unchanged. Of course we can't know what Diana's life was really like when she was out of camera range, but that hasn't stopped filmmakers from trying to fill in the blanks.

Your Highness, family all gathered in the drawing that way.

Spencer title comes from Diana's maiden name is in the words of director Pablo Lorraine based on true events. In this case our 1991 Christmas gathering at the Queens estate back when Diana's marriage to Prince Charles was going down in flames still smile and she was presumably fed up to hear the constraints of being a royal you have to be able to make you do things you hate, hate in the film Diana is played with brittle intensity by actress Kristen Stewart. She seems to nail every detail from her highborn accent to a kind of crap animal look to her relationship with something Stewart thing or two about can you get out without being followed by cameras sometimes. Sometimes I run really, 31, Kristen Stewart, like Diana herself has become the kind of celebrity that the paparazzi can't seem to get enough of. She shrugs off comparisons with the late Princess Di that she's fiercely proud of how she played her. Tell me what you felt or thought when you first saw the movie all together. I think it's Diana, it's probably not our view of her.

It's our love for her and when I watch the movie.

I couldn't stop crying I just couldn't. Like I is that the endocrine it has the sort of lighter note, but I feel the loss of her so intensely so often when you sent to do, Diana.

Justice Stewart spent months perfecting the princesses speech and movement, but inwardly she was so nervous that the days before the cameras rolled. She couldn't even get her mouth to open, you actually had like TMJ. Yeah give my body a lot of anxiety that my mind sort of didn't really know about what is going on there big deal.

Now I really didn't want to mess this one up sometimes are buying is more than you do about your stress levels down manifest so physically done such an incredible job putting together the world is like diagram. Now it's on you and I can open my mouth.

Also, everyone wanted to know if I was nervous so much as like a freaking out be just like state champion is like I'm okay I got I got I love her, but then somehow it just you were able.

It opened up. I got lucky I know is it just seems she's had her share of luck born in Los Angeles.

Stewart started going up for on-screen roles as a child or parents who both work in the movie business reluctantly let her chase her dreams and when she wanted to blow off and audition her mom wouldn't let her. I genuinely remember being like this one in her telling you she is the last one because you have an appointment and you should not be somebody who is just like any lice honor commitments. Yeah, and thank God it is genuine. It sounds like a story like it in my exercise, and like I've got one and my mom wasn't like don't lock your commitments I would have not by age 11. She was well on her way to stardom in movies like 2002's panic room opposite Jodie Foster's and then there was the twilight Saga you started twilight at 17 shooting twilight at 17 were you in any way prepared for what happened now seems no one was in 2008 Stewart starting the first of what would be five twilight movies based on the books about a teenage girl who falls for a handsome young vampire by the time the final twilight installment came out 2012, Stewart was a household name and the highest-paid actress in the world and the movies alone were enough to keep fans in a frenzy.

Stewart and costar Robert Patton send off as well in the tabloids barely keep up.

That will be nothing like that in my career as compared to anything. Maybe he's right here now is there been a few.

Another high point for her work in 2015 the clouds of sills Maria.

She became the first American actress ever to win a Cesar the French equivalent of an Oscar in the movie, but these days students personal life is still making news. The most recent is her engagement to longtime girlfriend Dylan Meyer are you full on wedding planning now know it's a lot.

It's a daunting thing kind going on right now yeah yeah so there's no date set it sometime in the future.

Yeah, I think I don't engage for like five years like we want to do it sooner rather than later. For now she still busy with all things Diana leaves thousand years to really feel like these done critics have called her performance. One of the best of the year and she's very much in the Oscar conversation, but Kristen Stewart says is just happy to be here. How much of it do you think is luck.

I am so lucky. I happen to live in LA, my parents happen to be no respectively scripture) First Lady like those things are so random, so yeah, I think their system vast amount of coincidence and a little bit of skill to maybe I'll yeah I climb out of the ditch and rip my fingernails off of this movie like in all of this is completely like histrionic and totally like whatever too much exaggerated absolutely. It's true love it like a psycho.

That's the only way to make something like so committed and like so true.

On the eve of the lunar new year contributor wash you is finding comfort at a store that's just like home to millions of Asian Americans every time I remember that my mother is dead.

It feels like I'm colliding with a wall that will give author and musician.

Michelle's honor was 25 years old. Her mother died of cancer.

There's no escape. Just a hard surface. I keep running into over and over.

A reminder of the immutable reality that I will never see her again. This happened like destroyed my family and my life.

Part I think I just needed all of the space and word count in time to sort through that her story of climbing out from the depths of grief became a runaway bestseller for a long time I couldn't remember my mom before she was sick because I have lived 3000 my license at 18 to the last concentrated period of time that we spent together was when she was ill.

Three different types of rice cakes in the aisles of the Korean owned grocery chain HR's owner found comfort in thinking about my mom losing her hair, my mom losing weight. I was thinking about creating popping sailors shaved ice with sweet red beans and like a parting of the clouds like a mental cloud. I know we are all here for the same reason were all searching for a piece of home or a piece of ourselves. We look for a taste of it in the food we order in the ingredients we buy.

If you like your spokesperson for a smart sometimes. Like there are number one cheerleader's owner's influence is undeniable. As soon as you walk in the door using Korean food in writing her promotional video plays a loop nearly 40 years ago HR opened the store in Flushing, Queens, New York selling mostly cream ingredients as well as other Asian snacks and produce Korean today is the country's largest Asian grocery chain with more than 100 stores nationwide is become a kind of hope. Lunar new year shopping for you have to train yourself to some fancy fruit. You know that special when it comes down as owners gather ingredients to make us do that.

She says works for lunar new year and all year round. Best thing that I make currying contains still like the chicken soup of Korean culture. Kimchi is a staple of Korean cuisine is fermented often spicy vegetables are the base of this do see two really good content today is really old funky campsite making his presence known cabinets fermented with red pepper flakes with onion and garlic Dragon sometimes carrots and radishes. The longer the computers age more flavorful the stock similar some onions and poor. Top with tofu and scallions and has the depth of flavor we would like 20 minutes… My made really good like Korean food and cream comfort cooking. Monica came as one of the main dishes that I always think of an was one of the most important things for me to learn how to make my own. Something I really really miss eating there was a part of me that felt or maybe hoped that after my mother died I had absorbed her in some way that she was a part of me now these days shows honors. Go on tour with pop in Japanese breakfast and she's turning her memoir into a movie.

Do you see writing and cooking as a way of just know bringing your brother back.

Just for these moments to scour memory and relive see in smell and taste and hear all the closest that you can get one thank you for listening.

Please join us when our trumpet sounds again next Sunday morning. This is intelligence matters with former director of the CIA. Michael Morel bridge Colby is cofounder and principal of the Marathon initiative project focused on developing strategies to prepare the United States, bringing your sustained great power competition states put her mind to something, we can usually figure it out what people are saying and what we can know analytically and empirically as our strategic situation or situations not being matched up with follow. Intelligence matters were ever you get your podcasts