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Stunning COVID Reversals in Blue States: Pure Politics, Not Science

Brian Kilmeade Show / Brian Kilmeade
The Cross Radio
February 9, 2022 12:45 pm

Stunning COVID Reversals in Blue States: Pure Politics, Not Science

Brian Kilmeade Show / Brian Kilmeade

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February 9, 2022 12:45 pm

[00:10:33] Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA)

[00:18:37] Rich Lowry

[00:39:30] Jason Riley

[00:55:17] Anthony Munoz

[01:13:52] Mike Rowe

[01:31:46] Martha MacCallum

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Live from New York City set up Fox and friends, America's receptive voice killed back everybody of the Reiki will be Joe where committee from New York around the country heard around the world following all the action. Today's going to be interesting the president not giving up and go back better agenda that should be exciting to be a 130 meeting today. I'm sure I'll miss it. And nothing will be accomplished in doing it so easy to talk to seals about it. That is really nothing to do with going on this country, this our rim talk to Dr. and Sen. Bill Cassidy and Rich Lowry.

So let's get to the big three stories you need to know Brian's three number three this is a political hit job there taking all this stuff that I've ever said that's wrong.

It's emotional you write. It's good because it makes me address that I really wish was an outfit you rush of apologist you regret something I do think you have to be very careful to not apologize for nonsense correct Rogan's modifying the danger of apologizing, I know were raised to apologize when you are wrong, but in the cancer culture environment. Why believe you just can't commit to turning off and pulling the plant and not thinking and acting together. We absolutely united taking different steps for the same steps will be very, very hot. Russia should write in other words, no infuriating mistakes that took place behind closed doors in Afghanistan that led to the bloodshed in the path and the what happened with the embarrassing exit from Afghanistan and the escalation of events in Ukraine how we exceeded control of talks to France and power to Germany are bringing the latest. There was a is a time and place for pandemic restrictions and in this case circumstance that changed case counts are declining years has changed. Wow, she still on CNN. Dr. Leanne when they told us they were following the science that led to lockdown stiletto mandates. I didn't believe them now. They said the science is leading us to freedom and I still don't believe them were breaking the chains of mandates and the restrictions because of political science. The study reversals in the blue states coming your way.

So were having is pretty extraordinary. Not complaining but I am deftly pointing out that New Jersey says I'm gonna lift the Mande Chicago office on the go with her second year lifting them as mandates and you're blue in the New York City dog lifting tomorrow really in Illinois as I think I left them to really resent because the science debts are 2500 when you don't. I thought the mass within to keep us safe. I thought that we have to wear them everywhere. If we want America to survive if the country to thrive if we didn't hate our neighbors, but it turns out political science matters because the American people are fed up with the lockdown of the shutdowns. The mandate mania that's taking place in the pushing back on Monday.

Jen Starkey was very critical of places and governors like Duncan of Virginia for battling it out until the school districts take the mass of give the parents an option to put them on or take them off. Remember, this got to our advice to every school district is to abide by public health guidelines. It continues to be at this point that the CDC is advising that masks can delay reduce transmission there also a number of other mitigation measures that we put in place but that continues to be CDC guidance is always been up to school districts. That's always been our point of view and always been our policy from here and our policy from the federal government is to continue to advise everybody to abide by public health and that was the answer to question about unit about Virginia really so administration put together task force. They claim now to recalculate hospitalizations after a controversy ensued over how the country is counting the severity of covert so they are now putting together task force for this metric. Listen to this. If you check into hospital and you have a broken arm. You know you have to have surgery for anything you twist your ankle hurt your back. The test of a culvert if you test positive.

You are now hospitalized for covert know you know fundamentally that trouble that's exactly how we counting it. She wonder why hospitalizations are so high consistently wood cases are glowing going solo dramatically over the last 2 1/2 years we been counting everything covert to be coming from cancer surgery.

Hope never happens to you, but you covert positive cure covert patient covert patient really just wait. If they really decide to a serious probe on their deaths. Bill say over death covert death covert it or are you someone that died with COBIT for another reason. That's why believe the 900000 Number Is Way too. I all people really died, but of what is to keep so I just played you Jen Saki on Monday. He was Jen Starkey on Tuesday when it became clear that these other states were lifting up their mandates, including California: states are not. I think it's important to note they still allow for decisions to be made by local school districts.

Our hope is that states leaders will look at the science and data about what's going on, don't make decisions about local school districts local school districts have always made these decisions so we have a little bit of a problem.

The administration does because this is pure politics simply Boris Johnson. Let's always restrictions disease and helluva political turmoil because the party boy was having parties where videos was locked down on the same thing when the when that shot across the bow of the rigidity of the New Jersey governor when he barely won a race in bright blue New Jersey because of the mandates the lockdown's way too severe, and now in Virginia, you see what happened there.

When a guy ran out of nowhere and be an established candidate and Gov. Young can wins because he wants to give the power to the parents. Even Dr. Leanne Nguyen of CNN Ms. lockdown Miss it's terrible whenever you come out of this now. She says the scientist change cut for there was a is a time and place for pandemic restrictions and in this case circumstance that changed case counts are declining years has changed. Yeah the mass don't work the keep you 5% safer. If you have a child psychologist and an economist as well as a public health official in every meeting, Mr. Pres., you would not have this problem because you have a more weighing in and out when I had press conferences and as soon as people talk about kids and mass.

I have a choice of child psychologist not date. I want trumpeting my policies will come up with their own policies and say I'm really worried because too many first-graders can spell can't read don't know the alphabet don't add it add don't come to school inner cities don't turn on their iPads don't have them in particular the problem is all these others, they got caught with mass off, you know, for example, they're not making it up and they're not doing something that gets them in put their health at risk, especially in Stacy Abrams case is obviously she is somebody the profiles of someone who should worry about COBIT because she is overweight, and those people who are overweight, overlooked as a pre-existing conditions look at Chris Christie for somebody that would have trouble wrestling with this virus. If you're young and healthy.

The chances of you taking good things serious. Its misfires are minimal as opposed to older and not healthy. That's just a fact yet. She's walking around the school without a mask on it when you challenge originally says how dear you do that on Black history month, which is farcical on its face. As you know Stacy Abrams goes and goes as got caught three separate times with mass off your little kids thoroughly mass hears her somewhat of an apology cut six.

I will say that I went to read to kids for an African-American reading day. I approached the podium with my mask on. I follow the protocols. I told the kids and taking my mask off because I'm reading to kids who are listening remotely as well and we were socially distance. The kids were socially distant from me. I told them that's what I was doing and in the excitement. After I finished because it was so much fun working with this kid. I took a picture and that was a mistake, protocols matter protecting our kids is the most important thing in anything that can be perceived as undermining that is a mistake and I apologize okay that doesn't explain the three other pictures with you doing the same exact thing like the governor of California. You just lied the governor of California say took off because Magic Johnson asked me to and then we find out that he sitting there in the luxury box without a mask on hanging off his ear. Magic Johnson nowhere to be found flat out lie. Mayor Garcetti held his breath when he took out off his mask, a flat out lie. Why because they know the mass don't work. They don't keep her safe. But they have no problem taking advantage of those with no voice and that's kids. You hear from kids speaking up in Virginia last night, bravely telling what it's really like reading class being suffocated by these mass which is the Johns Hopkins study shows only makes you 5% safer we come back sooner.

Bill Cassie wrote a great column on about energy security and what exactly is happening now that we have to. We provide natural gas like nobody else with the Saudi Arabia natural gas.

At least we were to present Biden to go over it with our own oil reserves are no longer energy independent. So it comes up to Europe, speaking in one voice.

We can even say what we would supplement any loss of oil that Russia stopping you from getting that oil would cause because we don't pump it like we used to. Is that okay then Rich Larry the bottom of the hour over what the 2022 election should be about busy day 1-866-408-7669 I'll be taking a closer sour don't be last.

This is a Branko Michio honest commentary you need to know and Brian kill me precise personal power is America's losing in the palm of your flocks. Weather updates throughout your busy day subscribe and listen now and FOXNews or wherever you get your project FOXNews podcasts network London dominant Fox News contributor and daily newsletter. I'm inviting you to join a conversation every week is the Ben Dominic's podcast.

Listen now by doing a FOXNews information you want to truth you demand. This is Brian kill me show use in hospital in that particular region are not overwhelmed if they're not overcapacity. We can send a number. For example, 75% or 80%, then we should be able to relax all restrictions and I actually believe that we should be starting to with the first researcher moved should actually be the restriction on children actually harm that we should be discussing children continuing to mask that is a liberal doctor from CNN Ms. lockdown mandate changes or tune it will not commit to getting her kids vaccinated who are between zero and six and are about to announce that the Pfizer's got a new resistor regimen to vaccinate your infants. Are you okay with that, Dr. and Sen. Bill Cassie joins us out sooner where you stand. First off on what's been happening in the blue states suddenly they realize we could take the mass off you buy that this is science wanted politics and neuroscience. Client reported there is a written article from John Hopkins University looking at the impact of work on nonpharmaceutical interventions, mask lockdown, that sort of thing on terms of the death rate from the disease.

COBIT and they found no impact whatsoever. None whatsoever. Another report that you wear your master religiously inside your left likely to get infected. But like I was at the airport the other day and the lady was announcing that you had wear your mask and cheddar math talk is the point where religiously there is also politics. Brian I mean people are sick of being told what to do by the federal government for things that seem to be of advanced marginal benefit.

It was a clear benefit.

You know I don't run a red light. Are you grateful you get whacked people do that, but it is a benefit that they will perceive were sick of it. You see, I think the politicians respond so I was in New Orleans yesterday and you had wear a mask with the state.

You don't have to wear a mask right correct. So how's that working for you. You know your new your mouse usually about team you show you think are when you go to a restaurant that's frankly not, no big deal for me. I'm been vaccinated but but then people go to New Orleans you know it's going to happen.

I can't send been a big deal, but the rest of the state. Frankly, people little bit looser and that's probably a little more enjoyable.

We all going to be on vaccines. We don't yell coming up on a year since we vaccinate you're probably there now you'll have to get revaccinated probably just like your flu shot every six months you get a booster dose every year you get a booster.

It kind of adjust to the different strains that are floating around, but your previous immunizations in your previous infections give you a little bit of immunity. Even if you don't get the booster that's probably the direction redhead it would COBIT will become more like the flu/common cold and less like the thing that Philip or ICU is killed no over 800,000 Americans a simple Cassie or guest center energy front and center when it comes to this crisis in Ukraine and also at our pump. Listen to with the German Chancellor, the new one said about the possibility of afternoon invasion Nordstrom to pipeline being disabled.

After all, no stream to would put Germany and some other European nations on the Russian crack pipe of energy. Let's listen when you commit to turning off and pulling the plug and I think you didn't mention it. You haven't mentioned that we are acting together, we absolutely united taking different steps for the same steps will be very, very hot. Russia that's not going to throw that in the ocean. If it doesn't, if they invade you so many Biden policies been disastrous when it thought to do lower greenhouse gas emissions. For example, but not done that but they have great price at the pump and internationally so your Germany and your heating bill would go up 50% for the average person you know something like that for the average person in their home or business and become uncompetitive because the cost of fuel in the business becomes incredibly expensive.

You cannot get the Chancellor to agree to that. He's got to have some assurance that he's going to be able to replace that natural gas that is missing out on with another source of the Biden administration is doing everything they can to shut down US production that's wrong. We need to produce as much as possible not just for ourselves but for allies like Germany to give them the freedom to shut down the WorkStream to that until they have that freedom.

He's going to be reluctant to say so and we got to acknowledge that our energy policy directly impact the national security of our allies Germany farcical to get rid of all nuclear energy. They cut the steel Russian. They wonder whether over a barrel. Now, no pun intended. So once the Germans are very logical. We don't have any common in this case I think is probably true absolutely. So we are now trying to cut deals for them with the UAE and others in Saudi Arabia, I always thought we were in route to have an LNG use was awake getting over there and affordable way in a competitive way because of the fracking that's happen you from an oil state what have you seen this. I know what I see the pump with you see in terms of drilling and excavation of most of our big time drilling the our, show this administration is done whatever they can to shut down. Newly failed in the our accountant, Rochelle. They've also made public pronouncement that they wish to stop all drilling for oil and gas on public land and learn as well as in the hour, Rochelle.

Now if you're trying to supply gas for the rest of the world and ourselves to fight back on the kind of no economic leverage of the Russian you don't start by shutting off happier supply policy has been a disaster by the Biden administration and by the way they say they want to do it. The lower greenhouse gas emissions so the Germans burn coal that makes a lot of government we need to have more of our resources produce creating American jobs strengthening our economy and weakening that argue political opponents. This administration sarcastically go electric cars he's got to natural resources.

The rare-earth you like right now China who get it from Africa and if you've ever seen reports of the child labor that they used to get that rare earth out of Africa.

It's heartbreaking.

So you might pat yourself on the back feel like oh my gosh of the Graham Green and there's some child being exploited in the Congo. So if you do a lifecycle of the pollution that comes from the mining in the processing of the batteries. It it away a lot of the advantage electric vehicles, cantilever vehicles don't pat yourself on the back, thinking to be impure when you get them that's not the case got a gray, socks, is that,talk to center God we come back we going to parties and their strategy now to win back the house then women of color will gain close to Fox and friends weekend as I share my thoughts in a wide range of topics in sports and pop culture, politics and business subscriber.

Listen just Fox news contests network. These ever-changing times you can rely on Fox news for hourly updates for the very latest news and information on your listening download now and Fox news or wherever you get your favorite contest from his mouth to your years. Brian kill me. So the real question the cons.

How do we make sure that people can plan for it and and what measures so that everybody knows. So it doesn't feel like it's based upon politics. It feels like it's based upon making sure that there's no transmission school and it feels like the four or five different factors, which is what New Jersey used are vaccination rates. That's what Massachusetts uses low community spread. I'm just asking the CDC to actually weigh in here so that we had that kind of guidance around the country right Q10 your children any transmission in school that's ready Weingarten embarrassment shows every child in this country an apology for running up that union putting I guess schools and buildings and teachers above the kids and I really know how many teachers really feel as of the be protected by that unit, in which Larry Georgia Tsao International review Rich is an amazing, suddenly, the sciences, New Jersey and New York in Illinois and California can release the mass mandate change in the course of about two or three weeks. It is amazing that the politics can society changed and I think when Republicans take the house that should be a major focus of the investigation and how did the CDC come up with the guidance that amazingly still in place that kids to and above have to mask when the European health authority doesn't recommend any such thing.

The WHO does Rebecca recommend any such thing, based on a flawed, clearly a flawed study. Nothing else supports it.

How did they do this and this is why got this map mandate all cross country. They could point the CDC and they were just following guidance you know would be good soldiers, so I think that that has to be something that's really probed. I'm very curious to see this variant is is going out and now they're going to revisit hospitalization numbers you know why rich because his son to realize that some people go in there with a broken leg or have to get a back operation. The attested plasma covert there now covert patient to go to Hogle stumbled into that realize did make Democrats look good, went silent. Now the government can look at those numbers to see if hospitalizations are really less. We thought how much you want to bet we here in a couple weeks talk about the 900,000 deaths are not covert because of covert debts, not now. There is overall increased mortality. Overall more clearly in the pandemic has taken a big toll but we were in this. Now were always arguments that were dismissed at crazy conspiracy theory that misinformation are suddenly getting credence and because just the moral and intellectual case for the restrictions and the most alarmist way of looking at the pandemic is just collapsing and the politics of collapsing as well and that's really the key factor, it just they realize anything that keeps getting back to normality is bad for them and I think that this another case of clinical malpractice by the way, Brian, and part of the lighthouse. They should've known that these blue state governors were going to start getting up on the map mandate and gotten ahead of it and still being in favor of the policy that becoming more untenable by the day got me on Monday. She's kind of Kentucky, critical junction Tuesday with Murphy and others doing the same thing.

She's like well it's up to the locals with the present hopped on some of those governor calls or the vice president or reporting charge would be able to take the pulse of them, but according to Larry Hogan and others. He never hops on Siu has no idea what's going on in anybody state and the one that turned out to Virginia as well.

The boat yesterday state Senate pretty evenly divided body, but half the Democrats voted with Republicans to lift lift the mandate out July 1. That's too far away and you trot it boost that date forward, but just assigned you know three weeks ago where talk about this that they are all thing you can with the monster and the terrible policy that can destroy you know the schools and I am happy Democrats in Virginia in the state Senate thing yet we can get on board so the worm is turned on this one so much easier with this interesting is people that just are going to find a party like Gilmore cut 13 study this week from a professor at Johns Hopkins concluded that the lockdowns we all suffer through had little impact in reducing covert deaths. Okay, that's kind of a big one to get wrong last July. Pres. Biden said you're not going to get covert if you have these vaccinations well I already knew that was wrong then and now we all do the former director of the CDC, Robert Redfield believes covert originated in the lab and now our intelligence agencies agree it might have, but for months on social media was banned to even discuss it know what rich Larry Bomar statement. There was probably new to everyone who watches CNN and MSNBC as they refused to cover that study. Friday night they want to get a laugh in the getting more facts and they're getting fax from Bill Moore who is a atheist I'm she sure he does not like fox and certainly is like Trump and never like Bush so how do you get your head around that left-wing libertarian so he didn't like the government when he thought about it and with the war on terror and all the rest of it. Any like this that Democrat about him last two years and had a really good monologue a week or two ago explaining he had Ari Fleischer on a clip from way back when his light White House press secretary criticizing him, and he had a clip from Dana Perino on the five thing directly, but maybe Bomar to run for president and she's like in my was like I didn't change Democrats and shape the Democrats to push me into this position. I think one of those heartening intellectual developments in the country at the moment that you have this class of dissenters from the left to our conservatives want right-wingers who are fox people and put it Bomar's one and resell them another Barry Weiss, Glenn Greenwald met IED just driven crazy by the insanity of the local left Emmy orthodoxy and the dishonesty promoted by the media and say they're just about to think about, that people don't know who haven't really delved into it and looked at themselves because the overall coverage has been so misleadingly Marjorie Taylor green one the reasons you suspended from Twitter two weeks ago.

If you thing the vaccine don't keep people from getting just completely obvious.

We FIND an example that we all know people are an example that so just the orthodoxy hasn't caught up to the facts of reality Russell Brand obviously way the last siding with Joe Rogan and he gets labeled listen to him when I was trending as a result of the ongoing Joe Rogan Farah guy where Joe Rogan controversy's are promoted to the forefront of the new cycle.

One aspect of the story was that publication and the circulation of ice over meanness of talk about Joe Rogan's guests and their political biases and I noticed that all Russ may have passed and who are living side offers voice. I use when I talk Russell Brand is a liar is featured on there has been on Joe Rogan 3×5 sure I remember those occasions the right wing just how my right wing. How can things I love watching this all right wing.

I measure some of the left-wing. I imagine many of you are so disenfranchised with modern politics.

The modern media.

The relationship between media big business and government the ineffectual nest of democracy the lies I continually told in the media that you no longer identify with any particular political party. Why seems to me this reading criticized here is that a lot of people have become disenfranchised with what were once regarded as left-wing parties because the left-wing parties all doing enough for ordinary people, and he went on to say left-wing is gone nuts. I think it's a fascinating time yeah absolutely lift circulating on Twitter that was trying to make the case that Joe Rogan told the right and yes I did look closely enough to see that Russell Brand was on the right. Looking at it really loosely all these crazy left-winger thought all equally talk to everyone and if there's one thing our culture needs at the moment that someone like that, just wanting to listen to air all views and not shout anyone down or imposes this kind of spurious orthodoxy.

We're talking about so we would to take. I was happy Canada. I'm fascinated about blocking the second bridge the parking of braces, as they say 20% of all commerce comes between US and Canada through this Michigan bridge and now the truckers blocking that they bring to Ottawa. They had three provinces cave and start to drop all the restrictions in their mandates but not Justin Trudeau tweets out this government is been focused every step of the way and follow the best science this Pogue help to keep as many people save as possible, frankly, worked in I can't. I can understand the frustrations with mandates, but mandates are the way to avoid further restrictions.

They didn't have the right to protest to disagree and to make their voices heard. We've all we've always protect the right. Let's be clear, they don't have the right to blockade our economy are democracy or fellow citizens daily lives. It has to stop.

He's not giving in lazy and he's only lost one member of his party that says he should. I want to go inside Canada, but what is it say to you in the big picture. Well, I think what was going on like the blockading of it like on the left of that, like it when he went out but what happening Canada in the US can we have a federal system, and you had red state governors like Rhonda Santos who been different than than others all along you have different media outlets like boxes and pointing out that the make sense all along exist in Canada in late conservatives have totally gone gone along with muscle lockdowns and the restrictions there. There is no alternative media and the truckers get hit you when at a time of the pandemic is waning with a more restrictive policy whether you have this vaccine mandate and they don't get vaccinated at the cross the border. What they do all the time to come back to Canada.

Then you have to quarantine for two weeks, which is another way of saying your likelihood of lost you know so that that's crazy. I think obviously Trudeau should give them on that but that the truckers are making a huge difference could not have a lot of conservative politicians up there like you know what may wish to be with those guys.

Maybe we should be pushing back more against the restrictions facing some loosening up some stuff you've seen that the conservative leader toppled there, and a new more combative guy take his place. That's been a fascinating phenomenon and it's having a real fact and one bizarre part of it. You don't get a favorable coverage or fair coverage of the truckers in Canada.

Gotta get it in the United States, including outbox is coming near our organizing aid know that you know a truck convoy freedom convoy in the US mean the Republicans excuse me, that the administration now is a few weeks to get ready for it to go ring Washington DC willing to do send the National Guard after international truckers.

Yeah, I was attracted to the truck I can about this yesterday impossible to move right there huge machine parts one and I wanted to go anywhere. It's really hard to make a go go anywhere and apparently the tow truck companies out there aren't leasing their tow trucks to the cops and the five solidarity with with the truckers potentially potent form of protest. I do think it over to talk about math though, you know, by hook or crook.

Some of the pressures being allowed off here so you can give they're getting more restrictive. The thing at the pandemic with lessening here you actually see some of these matters being lifted release sunset it and that I think that the crates a little to put pressure out of the bag and Richie seek to see this big push out the story how it seems as though the house looking to recruit house members who are women or minorities to represent Republicans in the house, John, James, being one of the examples of people go over these congressional seats. I think of Vern Jones in the in Georgia to switch parties now is running think this would be effective of you to the quality candidates. I am elected, the quality carefully, which met you the diversity you want to have but eat the quality of the most important thing they had a pretty diverse class last time around. So maybe will be replicated here and you know I'm not being counter. I don't believe in" but all all all things equal, if you can help you to really really impressive. Women and minorities.

It helps change of pace of party and you want the party to become genuinely across ethnic enterprise and there been some hopeful signs there with with the Latinos really disaffected from the Democrats and Joe Biden at the moment. You will see what happens if a Republic is key to about 2020. They will shoot themselves in the foot. I think that's right. Politics is future oriented. Go out in a stop slam the brakes at least somewhat by doing legislatively to the extent he doing anything and then think about how you carry can it prosecute the fight in 2024 right he's a rich Larry to get the messages.

Thanks, Rich got it. 1-866-408-7669. Finally, you have a chance to talk we can rhyme your brain to just click on comments and come right to me almost your knowledge base. Brian only show talk show that's real.

This is Brian kill me show Justin not fight reporters and fairly at all, but that this congestion is related to the vaccine requirement is not across always seen these requirements across industry range industries vaccine vaccination requirements and implement it with no distractions have helped increase vaccinations.

These requirements help protect my people from that and there's been zero indication across industries that they would lead to distractions including on this policy, we do see some of these condition due to process is clear that these disruptions have broad in scope beyond the vaccine requirement implementation so that is Jen Saki reading a statement clearly rattled as more more Democratic governors during a mass mandate to New York in particular this it will wait till March 1. Okay you have 1/4 grader with up with a mask over the face and I haven't really talked to been the same kind of depressed around out to worry about. Just wait three more weeks so will see what happens after they go home for winter break.

Okay you know there's a lagging indicator when it comes to these vacations from Thanksgiving to Christmas doesn't happen right away but still they have no problem saying that so she's read no statements to try to get it right on like the present. They just love don't let him answer any questions at all, but it up at the CDC director stands by K-12 masking guidance as the states relax news of their rules now where ready for the next war for listening to me.

Your mom and dad or grandparent you dear you okay with 0 to 6 getting a vaccination because they say they're ready.

Pfizer is ready to do it now. The last time I saw this study, two shots were that because I gotta try three really so just an experiment on tiny babies.

The most vulnerable what you see how we do with three because two is really that good, as opposed to looking at the low low low low low chance of anything seriously happening and saying I and how to be responsible parent. I'm pretty sure I can handle it from here. So those are some of things that we been we've been discussing here and not to see where this goes because I'm seeing a lot of people out rates across the country.

Today I talked to 1/10 grader and her mom.

So the first day in Chicago sign Chicago but Illinois. They do want to give their last names, but was covered in the makeup in the papers in the local media, and they did give their last names.

She decides because now the only kids having a pet you had to make their own decision. Then about where mask first day she takes a mask and the guy in front of her, turns around and said are you record it while you're trying to kill me or try to kill me, and when she wouldn't put her mask on. He tried to stab her.

So she runs out of the room because I 112 cops comes guys taken up a little crazy… These guys traveling to school with a knife in order to stab people that don't agree with them when it comes to where to master the classroom. Now, on the other hand, if you do wear master marketing bumper were in a mess, but if you actually want protection in you that concern you got a someone vulnerable at home. Are you coming off your own cancer surgery that emphysema you got asthma use worry about no problem but don't wear a paper mask your word and 95 mask because paper mask protect somebody else protect you marginally. They say, but if you, for the most part somebody else or not at all for the 95 mask makes you in control of your own destiny to do that is me peace of mind wide open as you relax enough to understand delightful recipes want to go through it anyway.

You really have a choice.

Thanks much was the right kill me, Joe. Don't forget my Saturday show 8 PM one nation Fox News radio studios in New York City giving you opinions and facts with a positive approach. Brian kill me.

Thanks much for being here. Once the right to me Joe, dear from New York City, where crime is never been higher at 7277 precincts not good news but something we have to address and coming but heard around the country and around the world. I should say we are going to be speak with Jason Riley had a brand-new book out of the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, I should say it is called the black boom will get to them. In a moment and anti-immuno so the best offense of limited history of football who happens to be a Cincinnati Bengal the last time Cincinnati was in the Super Bowl. He was on the team and Boomer size.

Since bangles lost to Joe Montana's 49ers in both franchises go in the exact opposite directions. What about now with this quarterback will talk about that but first let's get to the big three stories you need to know Brian's three number three this is a political hit job there taking all this stuff that I've ever said that's wrong. That's what should only have the right, it's good because it makes me address that I really wish was an outfit use of apologist you regret something I do think you have to be very careful to not apologize for nonsense correct because the political hit job at this point, Rogan's modify the danger of apologizing I know are raised to apologize when you're wrong, but not in this environment.

Not today. You just can't you commit to turning off and pulling the plug and I think you will think together we are absolutely united taking different steps the same steps will be very, very hot. Russia stuff that's in no infuriating mistakes that took place behind closed doors, Afghanistan, and the escalation of events in the Ukraine. Have we ceded control of these talks to Germany and France. I'll bring you the latest. There was a time and place for pandemic restrictions and in this case changed case counts are declining has changed yeah that is it. Dr. Leanne went off to see it and hold your ears. They told us they were following the science that led to lockdowns didn't believe them. Then now they said the science is leading us to freedom. I still believe them. We are breaking the chains of mandates and restrictions because of political science studying reversals in the bluest of blue states coming your way. Jason Riley joins us now.

Jason you talk about how the average American community in America had gaze that you didn't even fully understand to you had a chance to research it and watch them go away under this president, but they gained under the present trunk. So having said that was put on hold for second talk about the current situation, present from said because two weeks. I shut down two weeks or so. The spread it's been over two years. He wanted to relent and get these chains restrictions off. He couldn't do it was always impossible.

These of these left-wing governors were clamping down walking down what changed. I think the public got fed up. I really think the amount of pushback by the general public that saying that the policies before didn't work that reopening the economy was essential getting back to school with the central and that the lockdowns were far worse than the virus quickly to the latest rain which works for a lot of people amounts to basically a bad bad cold and people just aren't buying the reactions of the politics of the book putting out there to out to the respondent having a bad cold. I guess not use more from the CNN Dr. cut five ICUs hospitals in that particular region are not overwhelmed if they're not overcapacity.

We can set a number. For example, 75% or 80%, then we should be able to relax all restrictions. I actually believe that we should be starting to with the first researcher moved should actually be the restriction on children actually harm that we should be discussing children continuing to mask. This is driving me nuts. I've been saying this for two years, no one ever asked about the psychological affected never at the table when Anthony Fouts she locks down for their own good. Now people are saying. While this is really strange and now there they look to the Hopkins study last week to say the restrictions of lockdowns of mandates didn't really result in saving any lives and they didn't cover it. But now they couldn't deny it over the weekend and this week it changes this one thing from the bottom of things changing because of the bottom up.

You could say that an Brian I mean society in general mental illness. People not getting treated for everyday ailments of hospital running the damage done by these lockdowns.

We probably won't know the extent of it for decades until we go back and look at all the lift up sleep at many of them politically driven.

In response to COBIT so it is not just the kid fighting in general that I think a long recovery so you please give this book the black what numbers were exposed to you that made you think that this had to come out. 000.

First of all, it is really a story of how the working class benefited under Donald Trump's policy prior to COBIT blaster capital representative supports a number of people in the working class. But this is really a working class pool with all wages rising at a faster rate for black than they will rising for white rising for the working class at a faster rate than they were rising for management with a record low level of unemployment for Blacks record low levels of poverty for black chemical shift and underreported story.

The numbers were only the prompt, which is so busy with this thing Pres. tromping claiming that he was a rapist who had policies that would hurt minority that they don't want to talk about this because it would undermine that merit well and that's what the book usually can do so and said something very similar to what you wrote cut 33 seeing the system over and over and over again like black American society. They like black Americans are uninformed they like drug dealers and people are basically government dependence for the rest of their lives and fortunately now were talking about how these crises is extending amongst the race. That's right, just black America anymore.

The person you dish out white American. There only gigantic song depending on the government. Government is happy to give them whatever they want, so long as they stand by let society needing government and that is what this administration is all about removing power from the individual and transferring it to the government's Jason if Republicans had such a strong story to tell. Why didn't they tell it what I think they tried to what you're up against. The media controlled largely by the left and so it's hard to get that message out, but I do think a number of wax waking up to what the Trump economy. Prior to COBIT was doing and that's one reason Brian, I thought you saw an uptick in support among black and for panic for comfrey election. And so even though it wasn't the couple.

His numbers went up among those with my thinking was partly because of lack looking at their paychecks, noticing how clickable jobs work.

They were making more money and and and in the present focus on reopening economy which we are talking about earlier.

I think resonated with a lot of service sector workers let people the hospitality industry and a lot of working-class so that his ministry is using to some fiery more remorse in the black community. I so the numbers the one from 89% to 68% in terms of his approval. Buyer's remorse.

I mean, I think Republicans still need it look better job of outreach black you think I need to go up there and and and after the book going to the community. Show up. No advertising black radio and black Internet black cord and so forth and and I don't think enough of them do that. But if they do decide to do that. I think they will find adequate and the black is very interesting so I didn't see you cite some specific policies trumpeted to place.

It was just the cutback of regulation. No, I think it was largely up to things like regulation and I meet people talk about all your cutting taxes and that only helps the rich.

No what that that with the cost of corporations bring money back to the US. They had parked overseas, invest in US business is here.

Then one about having to hire more people. A lot of people happen to be black and and so corporate tax cuts were down to the benefit of working class Americans. Typically, the manufacturing sector and other sectors and and so I think it was part of a growing economy. Trump was growing economy and that's what what flaxen and low income people have always needed more than some sort of policy and they need a growing economy and to the extent that we have a growing economy will go out there and take in the ministry.

We currently have lately. They want to go first.

A lot of those policy regulatory policy and the tax policies. The Trump put in place and to me that's only going to lead to the outcomes we had prior Trump very low growth people open up the borders and allow illegal workers to flooding the could be paid off the books that help or hurt the average American community.

Illegal immigration doesn't help anyone. Brian and we have to pay attention to what's going on in the border and I think this president come to regret that he is ignoring what is going on down there.

I mean anyone who is interested in legal immigration will form the gotta start with getting control of the border and to the extent that that is not interested in doing that he's never going to get Republicans to the table to fix our legal post which of course need debts that would be something interesting you think that there's any sense among Republicans that they need a urban policy. Well I do Republicans talk a lot about short and that's very important in the black community and all the rest is really welcome getting an education. They also talk about.

And if you live in one of his low income black communities that are very violent, upward mobility going on in the community that violence in the neighborhood that Violet kids can go to school and the worried about getting shot in the street by the pew. So yes, to the extent that the publicans are focused on crime control and and better education opportunities for low income individuals in the country think that the very viable urban policy that they can go out there and felt with respect to school and we know. I think the unions really played their hand during the COBIT lockdowns. I think publicans should really take it damage of how unions treated our children when when when when when they kept the schools close for political reasons. To try to leverage that in the higher paying benefits for themselves. I think the public to make sure Americans never forget that story did the teacher locally imagined. It does resonate in other areas. These charter schools to do such a great job in bucking the trend these financing from the cities and for the state and it seems like these Democratic states don't want to finance charter schools that really directly benefit minority communities because there first allegiances to teachers unions and the unions are not part of charter schools exactly the unions do not control the people who work in law school and it doesn't letter it really matter whether both schools are doing a good job by the kids are backed up by the kid" or RRR providing middle-class jobs and that's all the union cares about her. That's what they care about most. I should say and so yeah until that that dynamic can be changed until we can break up that monopoly.

These low income minority can suffer. But yes, this has nothing to do with the quality of of of charter schools, which is often put out there by the left that they're not as good dated the problem up to the left that they are good that they are successful and therefore they undermine all these arguments they put forward about why traditional public getting a job all because the low income. All they come from difficult backgrounds. Charter schools are taking a look back think it and producing miracles with them.

So it's not the kids school. We have the right education models out there. Charter schools are one of those model we should be expanding the model scaling them up in the unions won't let us in. The Democrats are in hot unions of the Democrats will know love Jason Riley. Our guest Jason you take on one Williams is postulates that is really present Obama deserves the credit and it was the lagging indicator during the Trump years with the numbers approved was because a prisoner by my nose inspirational figure of no doubt you give people a sense well II you know that there is an Afghan American present. I understand that but what about his policies and Obama always had high personality rating among black All-American, but his economic policies were not popular. Forget how bad black hat is economically under Obama black unemployment did not fall below double-digit until the seventh year of the Obama presidency under Trump it fell to record lows on a poverty record lows.

I mean, there is no comparison between how blasted under Trump prior to the pandemic and how they did under Obama, there is no comparison economically better off under Trump and and so you know, this idea that Trump inherited this great economy and anyone who became president not do what what happened under under Trump is not slowing down under Obama. People like Larry Summers not talking about a recession, a high likelihood of the recession in the first year of the Trump present that did not happen.

In fact, drop growth accelerated economic growth accelerated poverty rate fell.

Wages grew.

Everything went in the opposite direction of what the left was predicted would happen under Trump present give Obama credit for what happened under Trump trying to have your cake needed to win tails you lose argument because the thing that got badly under Trump at the left predicted you think they would've blamed Obama want to give Obama credit for what the good things that happened under Trump know when he's been like six years blaming Bush. I was amazing for the economy to class and took over. We had a whole lot of money and momentum spend on the black a boom it's called Jason Riley the writer pick it up.

Thanks much.

Jason will talk to you soon. Thank you. 1-866-408-7669 faculty calls just a moment at the bottom of the hour and immuno sweet talk a little football the game the big game just over a week away, educating, entertaining and enlightening. You're with Brian kill me radio show like no other, kill me restaurant on her face.

This is now way to learn a foreign language airplane is instrument my slicing or transfer any spending one more hour in a mask made me sick sick because I can read literally sick because lack of oxygen gives me a killer headache.

After seven hours sick of wearing masks even the box itself says just don't provide protection against over 19 rule is really just a tool for compliance has nothing to do a commonsense law or science. Guess where that happened.

Loudoun County, Virginia, mostly to the left school board to the left.

Pushing back against Gov. Young can saying not let these kids live make their own decisions let their parents make their own decisions. They don't want to pushing back, but these kids are standing up speaking at. Does anyone think you if someone helped with the writing now with the sentiment you got a look at these kids faces.

They don't look like kids are always in detention looking to cause trouble. They look like kids that have had a durable wear a mask for a period of time. You never get used to it you imagine trying to study that are just learning there.

You fidget anyway when you're little kid and then a little bit later you trying to I don't know create some normalcy you know the mass tells you shut up basically says don't saving.

But why whenever one you're actually mouth is covered so there said there's something there. Is this a message center by number two was you tired of repeating yourself and then if you do something to a flight attendant where they can hear you, and I was just on a plane yesterday need take your basket up as his weight. Don't put your master what you want to hear me. Do you have a pad which I jot something down on pretending that these mass were affected that they work.

We know them what's going on fourth and fifth graders. We know what the numbers look like. Now you gonna watch the Exodus of the mask and I knew it would. New Jersey didn't knew for sure when California did it today. Kathy Hoke will do in New York believe it on the kids people to look back and this stupid what we think are they what legacy will Donald trump Stoffer to know was hitting us.

Then he spent the rest of his time trying to get the economy back and people back. The more you listen more, you'll know it's Brian kill me back everyone the brain kill me Joe. I best often sublime and everything will be a Hall of Famer over Cincinnati Bengals. He probably join you shortly. But in the meantime, just to update you on what's going on. We expect the governor of New York today to come out and save where the mask okay.

The mask you can if you're vaccinated you notice we don't even hear the press United States said this is a pandemic in the unvaccinated because we know it's not. We know the omicron variance seems to be in the vaccine, but they say they lessen the symptoms.

If you take the vaccine so that's pretty important.

I think this in pretty important fact. I think that's where the present is bringing up something couple things. If you wonder if it's just the governors going off the reservation and saying we had to get back to normal. Even Anthony faculty came out and said something yesterday to the financial times. Why wouldn't he talk to the financial times. He says this as we get out of the full-blown pandemic phase of Cova 19 which were certainly heading out of the decision will increasingly be made on a local level rather than essentially decided or mandated. There also be more people making their own decisions on how they want to deal with a virus. Good. So that's good. He never takes responsibility without the CDC, the FDA, with things go wrong.

I told you so.

And immuno's joy just now Hall of Famer offense of tackle 13 years in the NFL.

Anthony welcome back to Brian kill me, Joe brought it back for a heavenly backhoe. Last year we spoke. If I said to you by the way you since a Bengals would be in the Super Bowl next year boot you've told me I will have to check your drinker, but now you know what it is amazing you wanted because I do the key. Every year people ask me okay how to do.

I was at practice were to three days this camp. When I looked at that you know what I don't know what's going happen but I really believe this team can win 10 game drama what that get them what Super Bowl I wouldn't go that far, but I thought they would be pretty good because of their division been there the toughest division you can argue you. We have the ravens got the Steelers every year. I mean it's tough to predict 10 wins in a hat and the Browns will look like they were the team on the upswing. We would've ballot practice while you are just enthusiasm.

Really the players of the staff and the management brought in.

I just saw a different enthusiasm at different level of play out of it and I just I saw that these guys really enjoyed this was just practice practicing with each other on me.

To me it was a team only on and that's why so that's why look at. I look at a lot of that culture look at the account but I saw a lot of how they just enjoyed being there practices are not that man this is this is some different thoughts in the last several years so we always heard to the little things you guys didn't have in Cincinnati didn't have the indoor facility never spent a lot of money, no pressure to put a winning team on the field and since you know Boomer was there and Kenny Anderson was there and you were there. We we haven't seen that is what is the talent was out there. Did they just overcome those things that happen. I think you know where was created in the graph you know what I was there. That was kind of similar type of thing, but we have some amazing coaches in fourth grade wise, we got the two Super Bowl game with the same type of environment. I think your recent you look at the culture that their building.

No couple years ago at the graph six of the seven guys are Multiple your Guided plate for their dad in high school free agency.

They brought in were leaders on the respective team some playoff experience and that's just kind what they been doing the last several years.

In the former teammate of mine who's done the radio for years and years are quite next to my first four years bailout.

He always said when your best players are your best guys. That's when you have some special I think that's what they're put together here what you seen how does he compare the best thing a quarterback seven. That's Kenny Anderson Boomer by Joe borrower will how does he compare to them right now as similar. At this young I got things very comparable even maybe ahead of schedule. You know not not only physical ability, but mental ability always his leadership coming to be a captain as a rookie in the NFL is amazing to come back after not playing you know a full season come back healthy is good work ethic.I think you have a schedule that you guys I had a chance to play with two guys I played with amazing I believe Kitty should be in the Hall of Fame Boomer has I think statistics to the been there but I think Joe is you know keep them healthy.

He's got a long career ahead of them could be one of the best to play the game is with his approach. As you know, we sat for 3 to 3 years in Ohio State and goes to LSU and becomes statistically maybe think had the greatest college season ever. As Elsie was a net national championship last the next year they fall off a cliff and then he goes and gets wrapped. He has a bad injury last year and this year is in the Super Bowl XL every off-season, work on a little bit of everything is not really wanted to specific focus is that I have seen the field has always been something that come naturally to me pretty good standing spatial awareness somewhere but is that with my preparation.

I'm able to diagnose coverage for quickly and he always sound so confident, but he looks so young when you talk to them. What made you what you see a lot of restrictions on how close you can get. Haven't got to appreciate again got a chance to go down to camp and amazing the first time I we ever met he walked right up to me after practice and reduce himself. I was there with the former teammate need to set a guide appreciate you guys being here. You know present-day Presley love with the former players I got you got a come around more and it was just like your player just say we need this for the guys really appreciate you guys and that that was rare to hear. In the past, just coming as the leader of the major check in your clinical you're going to go check you out the just the conference coming up in the that's what you love to see a quarterback and he's become the amazing leader of the football team and you listen to guys talk about you know that that's not to stop that is said but it's really true gas best assets of mine whenever I think almost everyone agrees on that and of course you know something California starting at USC.

What ME first time since the 90s I was actually covered. I was in Los Angeles at the time.

Juvenile sports radio X TRA the last time the Super Bowl was there is course. The lost football entirely wasn't mean something California have they got behind the Rams that really nice you about the Rams in the charger plan. I hear the crowds a pretty good you know when the Rams left LA and went to St. Louis. A lot of people are happy that they came back as I think this is the type of city that the Super Bowl with the warm weather all week here today great facility. From what understanding of talking to him I don't I live in since I still have a lot of family here come back here a few times a year and people really see a lot of Ramser's legacy a lot of bumper sticker to see a lot of Rancho so I think they really taken back to the ramp back. It's good to be back in LA in Southern California for suitable absolutely negative commencement that you might be in your life. I am coming up June 17 to the 19th and 10. This fatherhood Festival what what could you tell us about why this is some really exciting in the tomorrow heart no Taken Pl., June 17th to 19th know the Hall of Fame village that are powered by Johnson Controls in the fatherhood Institute or a really cheap enough to have the fatherhood Festival. Matt first night you have like the biggest movie night in the country will fill the stadium up and have a movie and then Saturday or just going to encourage all the dad to be there and have you have a day of just interaction with the kids activities and really connect with your kids and it's all about you know fatherhood and just how important that is in our country and then were going to do that, but not eliminate, the mom have a nice little area there were good having fun running around with the mom to be pampered little spot date for them on the field under chance will be taken care of and then pretty exciting that we can have that you know with the NFL football started in Canton Ohio with the big expansion we have the Hall of Fame were on the member but then now we have the Hall of Fame village park by Johnson told which is an amazing, amazing its facilities being built more information. I got the book fatherhood and get involved bring fathers bring kids out here sponsor opportunities just on the just amazing. I'm excited about this because it has to do with fathering it in for me.

One of the greatest joys in one of the toughest things for me and you know not perfect, but I enjoyed it would be a father and that so we have a chance to really know. Invite the dead that there teaming up with the father Institute to have this fatherhood pretty exciting to go right exactly know were looking though.

Hopefully we have Hall of Fame dad to come out here you all think that interacted the Hall of Fame way with their kids and see Leslie to be seen football right now is Brian Flores's lawsuit and coming out and saying that I'm tired of being a token you guys are considering me seriously for the giant job you not consider meeting consider me seriously for the Broncos job when I was available and Elway was president talked about them being hung over during the interviews she filed a lawsuit virtually eliminating himself in getting the job in Houston. Lovey Smith got that and am just wondering did you mean the numbers don't lie. There are not many African-American coaches, I think, is only one other job open right now and I think you could be filled shortly and the Pittsburgh sewer coach we would do you think learned it from the player perspective who's now really love by an idea I think about all around the site since a flight and respected your Mexican-American how you feel about that.

What you think the fact that 70% of the American you would think that there would be more opportunities there for the African-American coaches complement the tough situation. The you know to be and have the Rooney rule, which was supposed to be a situation where American coaches are considered in our so you know this stuff especially have all the openings in the you know lovey Smith job that forces up for so it will be interesting to see what happens. Hopefully this is someone moving forward.

They can really lay the plan out not be of much reactive than proactive. No take care of this book that I can see where you know coaches feel that way you know we got no Mexican-American. We had top floors without the Hall of Fame on the championship. The raters that we have longer barrel Hill coaching NFL but yet it's one of those things that it looks like will be addressed here with what's going on with the board.

So Jesus with merit your lawyer, but I'm not a lawyer, you know I can't get some of the allegations that have been your blog. It's hard for me to set up another game and not around much about what even right after I brought seven years is a lot closer to it.

Now you and I have nine grandkids, trying to figure out you know what to go and things like that so I don't follow it as closely as I did so to say that doesn't have merit.

I can't make an intellectual response to that because I'm not that close to it. Got it NCI.

I hope you have a good time and enjoy talking nonsense in a past and how things but if you had you found a way to beat Montana and the 49ers with data. How is that just the last question. How would that have changed the trajectory of the Cincinnati Bengals. I think it would've made a big difference could that would appeal twice in the 80s.

They were the team. We came twice very very close Montana down the road you know we probably met. Second one what I had a Super Bowl and repeat kicker Jim breaches the ultimately discourse.

I think a lot of things would change and I think it might've been somewhat different in Cincinnati with the way things quite frankly, after a couple years after that, you know, 18, 19 years. It was just mean very very bad on me that what was a very good been since I think it could've been different if we especially the one that second one. Think things would've been as bad there as long as it was what happened got in the course of the greatest mind maybe football history program founders at team that his family so anti-thanks so much. I look forward to. Can you commentary and maybe talk giant television enjoyed always enjoyed being with the big fan so reach out and I'll be there I go get them anti-thanks so much, we come back I will take your calls. 1-866-408-7669 brain to meet you fastest growing talk show in America. Your if you're interested in it. Bryan's talking about your with Brian until made waterways like all this is like just that video. It always been out there right like this is a political hit job there taking all this stuff that I've ever said that's wrong. It's emotional. You're right it's good because it makes me address that I really wish was an outfit you should propose as you regret something I do think you have to be very careful to not apologize for nonsense correct so that was Joe Rogan talking about the smashup of sometimes use the N word in the past. It didn't seem to be. I'm not going to look up your to content in each Epley holds that I haven't seen challenged by now. The derogatory way was try to talk about the use of the word when it's acceptable why it shouldn't be acceptable so people put smashup together on top of what he said and had the audacity interview people and being sarcastic that have a counter opinion that to Anthony fatty in the government and people want to stop them so they decide to go back in time first 20 years of doing the podcast gradually sit on stand up guy was pretty know he was out there, stand up comedian for 30 years so I'm sure this could be things out there than are acceptable now to say the word was afraid of people to take out of context, but in terms of the mentally handicapped people used to use a certain word on that intern to help people describe African-Americans use a different word on that.

So everything that was acceptable in the 90s is not acceptable in 2020.

Everything that was acceptable in the 80s is not acceptable in 2020 7060s a lot of people around for a long time. She tried to store the rock when he was a wrestler. He was on basic television and some paper view making those comments know what a problem with it but in 2020. In retrospect, as he sat there in his fake wrestling said some derogatory things about Somerset think background now you try to cancel the rock you kidding Jimmy Fallon because he did what was SNL losing S&L skit that was written up. I'm sure not by him and Jimmy Kimmel boutique condemns everybody but the same time is using what is African-American what he views African American accent to talk about Karl Malone. Good luck with that. No go ahead, keep criticizing everybody. It all comes back around. When we got to realize not only should you not take down Christopher Columbus's statue of Teddy Roosevelt statue, but you should also not hold people accountable for what was acceptable 30 years ago 10 years ago, same-sex marriage, best example 2008 we were to refer to gay people in our society. Certain light, certain things are not acceptable. Now, back then was in songs.

I mean, I don't think I had to explain this to you.

I look up and all of a sudden I hear that he was going on with the rock you was going on with the Joe Rogan and think to myself what happened to go back years of your television ready are you going to say something to offend some people at some point so I think people gotta stop apologizing. It doesn't work that was then this is now moving forward Dave Portnoy's barstool approach is probably the only one that will be effective for survival. Don't forget got the Saturday show one nation coming up on Saturday 8 PM and 11 live from the Fox news New York City set up Fox and friends saw America's receptive kill me. They look back. Everyone slid his moment to the brain to meet you know I appreciate you being here. The number to call in about 15 minutes would be 1-866-408-7669 Martha McKelvey joining me at the bottom of the elbow right now were joined by micro micro is found some time in his busy schedule to change his same genes. Turns out, according to reports that were in the same series wearing look like shirts you found the womb and you said I can make one shirt and make it over and over again is that true crime in question will resources on my property right. My so every morning now you know I'm teaching myself to do so little and got up from our church come from my diet, myself. You know I grow the indigo here. You have a solar lead. I did but I upgraded to speak with what's going on now but they've got a moon powered right so it's no good during you know the dark. The Munoz goal reflections powerful enough to drive delay as well as gloom. So we've got were dialed it over here. I've been using moon energy for long time I didn't know you were so this is really caught me by surprise. You know what I out I III read somewhere that it really work. I believe that because I believe everything I read that you see as so it's all coming together for yet I couldn't find the time right you know I'm really confused as I do listen to podcasts and I take all of them is Scripture.

So I believe everything that I ever heard ever is true. So we talked about last week sort when you're gracious about the car you moment from your schedule on my podcast and it struck me. I wish we do talk more about weird supportive between the need to be skeptical and the need to be able to trust somebody something somewhere you know it really seems to be the thing that's creating so much of the confusion around this right now. We just can't find that sweet spot that I know. By the way, the way we heard you were kind enough to interview me. We finally worked out a way that I could actually go on podcast use audio and video yelling at that awkward moment when I just stare straight ahead and you stare at me and I think can you hear me, and you can't, and I was like at all. I'm going to post video about awkward moment which was really long writing that you know what you're podcast good goat rodeo that precedes it where you would kill me technology like a cow looking at a new gate that we want to see so the other thing was, so I so I got I do like tapes of the Saturday show that you can't get enough of.

So I have a chance to do that show and then I do you podcast and I got great and all of a sudden I left my phone in my office I just go meet you there once was me with a comeback. It's emergency logoff I have to lie evidently if I don't logoff. There is no podcast I had control of your career.

I always sought I mean I so I had to go find a way to logoff about when you do a podcast on my platform, we say goodbye. Don't really go anywhere. You just have to wait five seconds for everything to upload then you close your computer go on with your life. You said goodbye when the computer shut and ran out of your office so fast you left a hole in the wall shaped like you running like technical. The trouble but what it all. It's all good. Everybody loves you find your book. You know it was time well spent. I agree so good news.

One of the first things we talked about is you were in a I went to a diner and and with it the whole thing is is a bigger picture now but tell us about your mass story. Oh yeah, it was very very small moment and otherwise inconsequential meal but I like to meet a body diner morning and you know I'm walking quickly and he was sitting in the booth about 10 feet from the door so I just walked straight killing men.

There was some screaming behind me and gone back to her span.

Thanks, Sir Sir Sir I need your vaccination card question okay you know you don't make any trouble.

But I'm already crying out loud. Quarterbacks made everybody.

I look showed her my card and she said okay thanks my turn to walk to the booth and she said and I just asked you to put on a mask while you walk over there to the booth and I've never done this before. I'm not calling for not trying.

Jagged Little pill but it just struck me the absurdity of the moment struck me know I can't do that and there was this weird, awkward pause behind her mask and I looked at her and my body is now maybe 6 feet from me matchless everybody in the places mask with a girl sitting down eating and I think something happened in the universe, at least for her to put words in her mind, but I could see something in her eyes and she said she said I understand it's so I smiled.

I think she smiled behind her mask walk. I sat down in flagrant violation of California state. Thank you. That is crazy is micro get but that's now in the country is as you know, New Jersey started Connecticut, Illinois, and now today starting tomorrow, it's good to be announced today the Gov. of New York State says no more. If you're vaccinated. No more indoor masks. Obviously, no outdoor mask you guys in California had outdoor mask or no restaurants at all. Now they realize it and they can't even control the narrative anymore. Mike what happened, why are these blue states waking up well I think the question perfectly. Many years ago when he wrote a great fable called the Emperor's new clothes. When the Emperor was convinced that Taylors had made him beautiful garments when in fact they had made him anything at all make it sitting on the chair may be incorporated down the street as throngs of thousands of people in the town came out.

Everybody applauded everybody on because nobody wanted to admit that the Emperor was vacant so they all pretended yet is beautiful close on until a kid standing in the front row is looking around he sees the naked Emperor like payment.

Make an once he said it. Other kids said it and then some occult that people began to nod and then very quickly became clear that the Emperor's new clothes can exist and so in some way. I think that's what we've been looking through for the last couple of years we've been asked to believe that which is unbelievable. We have to lend credibility to that which is incredulous. We know it makes no sense. Span treat to gel in an airport for treat to gel on a plane and then spent 6 feet apart in an airport we know it makes no sense to walk through diner with the math going to take off when you're seated you know me know.

It makes no sense to cover acute space was two years older five years older 15 years old school, we know we know it.

And yet for two years. Very few people said anything.

Well now the kid spoke up and people were nodding their heads were coming out of our stupor. So you mentioned on Friday last Friday I think this is turning point is how consenting I said Mike I hope so, but no one's Covering it deny carrying it on the Sunday shows he started talking about the hygiene theater. My words but things are saying the of this might not be effective in the shutdown was a savings sought on CNN at nine in the morning they actually said the Hopkins study said that why these a lot of the sacrifices and restrictions didn't amount to much. Didn't say much and now were in the situation hours rippling through and I keep kicking my eyes off Canada when I see these truckers ringed Ottawa there now blocking the bridge that goes to Michigan and they're saying we not all, we only want mandates just for us lifted.

We went up for the whole country and three prominent provinces have crashed. These are the truck drivers of the world. The anonymous people to deliver the food. The packages and allow you to rebuild your house, because the materials are at your doorstep or at a Home Depot.

They have had enough. Are you fascinated by this is a man who knows what working-class people than almost anybody else, well I'm not surprised by confirm something that I've always believed the kinds of workers were talking about whether there truckers or plumbers or stream figures or pipefitters or Daubert on the front line of work, which means there also engaging with the public in a pretty unique way. Great, they have to take on what's happening, especially the truckers. I mean, they have basically been in lockdown their whole lives. They live in relative isolation, travel, but there alone. By and large, and so I think that as a group make a really unique perspective. Of course my take on the whole thing right now were between 50 and 60,000 truckers short of where we need to be in this country.

I need to know what the numbers are in North America, but you ignore the truckers at your peril. Because those guys will happen. Right now their parking and the wheels come off the box. I don't I don't think there holding country hostage. I don't think you're doing anything outside of their right to do what I think. Among the other things that they're reminding people of that these whole whole lockdown would've been on the survivable without people and trucks bringing things to your home that you need. Whether it's your food, whether it doesn't matter, they are truly on the front line of civilized life right now. You can ignore you and it just watches to tell you that in New Zealand a convoy of freedom protesters standing up against vaccine mandates, believing that New Zealand and Australia.

Extremely oppressive, and in America. According to Brian brass, a trucker whose organize the American efforts go to store in Sacramento Google rot to write to Washington DC, man. I know the Job I'd like to get you. I know that he will be your being helpless to this but if they want to wring Washington DC we know they could shut that down is basically shut down anywhere though the traffic so that is that is a private problem. They can avoid by releasing all the restrictions. Lastly, go ahead for good when it goes black. I don't know what flat means exactly what it's going to be a critical mass. Maybe it's a trucking convoy. Maybe it's some kind of civil obedience. Maybe you know what the Democrats in Virginia shows that Hill died on regarding the mask mandates and from what I can tell this morning they died on her own party is turned on them. It's changing your changing in Virginia don't know when or how it's going to happen, the New Yorker, when or how it happened, PC going to happen. The playbook for overcoming out of this thing were doing it in fits and starts and ultimately that's good news. Couple things you been on here for 30 years still robust and between standup in his podcasts consenting to doing it for 10 years. I imagine if you been on television onstage for this meta time there something you said the 90s it don't hold up in 2020.

I never thought I had to say that, but now they're trying to cancel him to try to cancel the rock, Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Kimmel, Howard Stern on things that they say there were whole Lotta maybe not acceptable. Then we just on the edge. Now they would never say it individually. I imagine here's Joe Rogan on this new revelation cut 19 waterways like all this is a relief because it's like just as that that video. It always been out there right like this is a political hit job there taking all this stuff that I've ever said that's wrong. It's emotional yeah right it's good because it makes me address that I really wish was an outfit you should apologize. You regret something I do think you have to be very careful to not apologize for nonsense correct so there you Dave Portnoy use always try to be cancel these always on the edge in Barstow which is I will never apologize, Rogan got yelled at by the private prison trumps that she should never apologize. We know that's how he feels, so did you go to DeSantis. He said he can apologize how you feel about what's going on right now and how they're attacking.

I apologize I'm sorry if I were talking about accomplishment. Joe used that word but were not allowed anymore. Even if your talking about how evil that word is right on the weekend… Would probably love Sam Harris has a podcast called making sense and he just talks about the movie the childlike way that we become enthralled to the language in the mystical magical powers assigned to certain words and were grown-ups trying to have a grown up conversation about the changing lexicon and the various rhetorical devices we use that have nothing to do with racism but if were not allowed to use words in the context of the conversation about the changing nature of language that we just don't understand between eight and syntax that makes us that makes us children so sorry apologize if you're not sorry say I know what was in my heart I know what was intended and so no I can't. I can't do the perp walk for something that I don't feel sorry for Mike.

You, but don't ask me tomorrow all Friday night. Everything is always changing. While the one thing doesn't change your podcast is great the way I heard it. The also the host of dirty jobs.

It's back in action on discovery and how America works on FOXBusiness you're very busy guy, Mike. That's a lot of Jean shorts will look at the risk of throwing my arm out myself on the back ground workup scholarships coming up in a week and 1/2 on micro works. We got $1 million were giving away to people who want to learn to drive a truck run a welding torch learn plumbing or maybe build a little and are powered by moonlight in order to keep girl garments everything same cyclic micro thanks so much, right Victor something new every day to try and kill me show radio makes you say this is the Brian kill me show with regard to the suggestion that the RNC should be in the business of picking and choosing Republicans to automate supportive traditionalism view of the national party committees is that we support all members of our party, regardless of their positions and some I do. But the issue is whether or not the RNC.

They sort of singling out members of our party who may have different views from the majority. That's not the job of the RNC so that is where the conflict is right now you have conflicts come because he doesn't feel that way I can. McCarthy said you know I feel as though there overplayed their hand and they actually are. With the January 6 meetings and in the committee and the attacks but the one thing the Republicans are not playing into the plate into their hands on Friday when they went ahead and try to minimize though event and one ahead and condemned through century to Republicans why go back and have that fight.

It makes no sense. You of inflation plaguing everybody's life. You see, with the after action report.

Afghanistan is you want the attention on you breaking news unique opinions. All Brian kill me show.

Let me ask you what capacity do you think CENTCOM as to facilitate continued evacuation of the Afghan allies who remain at risk. Sen., I believe we have a moral obligation to help those at risk Afghans come out of Afghanistan.

If confirmed, I commit to you to look at what options are available to be able to assist about Department of State so we regarding getting more more information about what was actually going on behind the scenes of the White House when they made that ill-fated decision get Afghans in the way they do. The time they did with me right now it's Martha McCallum and Martha McCallum host the story Martha.

I am they the mistress wants to move passes the American people won't letter A Trail and Apparently the Pentagon Will Let Them Either. I Thought That Carson Wallace Made a Very Good Point This Morning When He Said That the FOIA Request on This Went through Very Quickly 2000 Pages of Documents That Were Contributing to This Report That Came out the Washington Post Yesterday Morning Which Says at the White House and the State Department Basically Dropped the Ball and That the Pentagon Wanted to Handle This Very Differently, Will Even Have the Quote from Gen. Mackenzie Ackley McKenzie Who Also Says in a We Could Have Handled This Another Way, so It's Pretty Clear Now and I Think You Know It's Typical in This Kind of Situation Where in the Beginning Everyone Sort of Hangs Together, but Now There's A Lot Of Finger-Pointing Going on and Really Stands out to Me. Brian Is Just the Total Lack of Ability for Anyone to Step up and Say You Know What I Should Have Saw This Coming. It Was My Responsibility. I Am Resigning or I Would Offer My Letter of Resignation Because I Lack the People of Afghanistan down and Let the People of This Country down the Last 13 Lives at the Abbey Gate Never Needed to Happen Just As an Aside, When I Saw the Victim.

The Photos That Were Released Unclassified Photos Now from That Event Where I See This the 13 of Them Lined up. It Is so Incredibly Chaotic They Had Never Been in Combat before That Young Men and Women Lost Their Lives. It Is Such Got Wrenching Disaster to Look at What They Allowed to Happen at That Gate, and There Were Options. We Know That and They're More Clear Now You Will Begin Those Reports Is Getting the Explosions Can Be Suicide Suicide Bomber. They Never Expand the Wire so She Was Supposed to Get Right There Anyway and Then You Figure McKenzie Was Told Which I Was Told by Adm. Kirby Didn't Happen like We Did Happen. He Actually Said It, the Day He Got a Call or Burglar Brought up Give a Call. Do You Want to Take Kabul or You to Take Ali so We Only Want the Airport I Will Kirby Was Tell Me.

Not Only That Never Really Happened Is Because I Had and I Have Him on the Record Saying That Yes, That Was an Offer That the Taliban Made to Us to Me and McKenzie Were Both in the Room and It Was Relayed to the White House Here.

One of These Quotes I Think Is Is Pretty Telling You Is Command This Rear Adm. Peter Vastly Obviously Was Ignored. He Said That in Afghanistan during the Withdrawal Ever Told Investors That the Military Would've Been Much Better Prepared to Conduct a More Orderly Operation of Policymakers Had Paid Attention to the Indicators What Was Happening on the Ground. One Thing I Know Where 1211 6th Ave. Will Going As Anyone to Fight What You Will. These Promises Voice Usually Wears When They Get to Kabul.

The Ready to Fight. Why Would They Fight. Why Would They Fight Because and Then We Find out the Transmission from the Honey Saying Excuse Me, Were Being Overwhelmed. At Least Give Us Air Cover. The Pakistanis Are Allowing All These Terrorist to Come through Their Border. This Is Not a Fair Fight and We Would Not Even Do It Because Joe Biden Said We Gotta Get out.

If We Engage Is Going to Be a Fight That We Find out through These Reports, the Marines Were Engaged They Were Engaged Hundred Marines Were Engaged with with Taliban during the Fall of Kabul. There Was No Fighting As Extraordinary As You Accurately Point out. We Watched All of Those Provinces Falling in Quick Succession, Which Was a Very Clear Indication That the Dominoes Were Falling Faster Than Anybody Thought That They Wanted and You Know It's Interesting Just Going Back to That Offer That the Taliban Gave While Member There's A Lot Of Negotiation Going on Starting the Trust Administration with Taliban about How to Exit from Afghanistan and Basically That the Line from the Federal Government Right Now Is That While He Was Not Authorized.

McKenzie Wasn't Authorized to Accept That Offer of the Elite Wonderful, Why Get out and Most Out Of Your Way. That Was Never Considered at the Top Levels of of the White House Cell.

That's Why They Didn't Really Think It Was a Big Deal so McKenzie Kinda Said This Ready by the Way, I Don't Know Why People Have Not Forced the Present to Answer That Question and You Show up with an Interview with Him Said Amerman Gen. Mackenzie Said This about You. You Told Did When You Give This Metaphor Some Will Be of a Hold of These Bases What You Say You Said You Never Heard Anyone Say That so McKenzie Said, Whichever I Find so so Interesting. McKenzie Said Everyone Clearly Saw Some Some of the Advantage of Holding Barbara, but You Cannot Hold Bargain with the Force Level That Was Decided. So Instead of McKenzie Say Listen, Here's My Start If You Go to This Is All Countries in the Fall.

This Is like Having Children. Okay Fine I Can Hold Bargain That Okay Don't Know How Bragging We Had Anyway so I Will Point You in General and Civilian Leadership. If the Civilian Leadership Is Leading the Business Type of Disaster Doing on Somebody Else's Watch and Why These Guys Were Able to Get Away with That They Still Hold Their Jobs Today. Thankfully, They Don't Hold the Prestige That They Had Because They Don't Deserve No, They Don't Deserve It and There Was a Time in This Country When If You Had an Enormous Responsibility and You Screwed up the Honorable Thing to Do Is to Step Forward and Say You Know What This Did Fall under My Purview. This Was My Responsibility and I Think Were a Little Bit of That in This Report, and I Think He's in a Comments from McKenzie about Saying Look I Don't Have It and If You Look into This Fine Print on This Brian from Back Then Everything Back Then, We Have Enough People to Help Destroy Yeah and in Other Words, Subtext We've Been in a Stripped, so Bear Here in Terms of Boots on the Ground That That There's Very Little We Can Do and How We Left Barbara.

We Left Telling Yes and We Left Prison We Left a Prison. Frank Harris There so We Let Some of the Strattera Central Never Should've Allowed It Was.

I Never Should Recommended so They Will Believe You Know That I Have Ever Seen Was of White Secular University in Because If You Told It When You're Leaving You'll Begin to Start Losing His so He'll Turn on You You Worried about Green on Blue Red on Blood Red on Green Whatever It's Called You or Them Shooting You yet That's What He Had to Leave without Telling Them Because and Still Leak out and Aleve Are Our People Susceptible.

I Mean I Just Can't. I Can't Believe Some the Explanations We Got and I Am Heartened by the Fact That We Are Looking at This and People to Care about This Now.

Michael Was Was Asked Today about What You Say about the White House Saying What's Happening.

Ukraine Has Nothing to Do with Afghanistan. They Can Scan Get Any Communications. Don't You Believe It's One Leaves the Other Yeah and and I Thought What His Answer Was Excellent on That As Well. He Said If You Go through This Statement That Was Just Put out by China and Russia by Environment Put in an Presidency and They Make It Quite Clear That There Decision-Making Has Been in Part Based on or Fortified by What Happened in Afghanistan Because They Do Believe Now That Is It Is a Fruitful Time for Them to Be Adventurous in Their Own Regions and to Consider Taking Back Ukraine Consider Taking Back Taiwan and That That Is Absolute Is Instrumental in That Decision-Making Process so the Couple of Things I Noticed Was a Couple Days Ago but I Want to Share Want to Go over This with You.

So the Chancellor Shaws Was Anything Same to Charles Coleman to Initials.

Olaf Shows Came out and He Wanted to Reassure America.

They Were on Their Side. She Was Asked Whether or Stream to Pipeline and His Answer Is Telling Him What He Doesn't Say As in It Goes Off-Line, Very Simple Answer If They Invade Ukraine When I Was in or Stream to Cut 30 When You Commit to Turning off and Pulling the Plan and I Think You Didn't Mention It. You Haven't Mentioned That We Are Acting Together, We Absolutely United Taking Different Steps for the Same Steps Very Very Hot Russia That Sound like You Got a Sub Motion to Pipeline While He Clearly Didn't Want to Say the Word Marching to Pipeline and He Was Asked That Reporter Was Very Good by the Way Her Questions off the Top to Present Biden Were Also on Cell and Mark All Started This Very Deep Relationship over Energy with Russia and Left Shows Is Continuing at There's No Doubt about It. His Language Is Fairly Strong, and That Although He Would Not Say That He Would Set up the Nurturing to. I Also Thought That the President's Answer When It Was Asked to Know How Would You Do That, I Promise. I Promise.

It Can Happen on That. The Problem Is and I Asked Jake Sullivan about This on Fox News Sunday, We Never Should've Gotten to This Point the Restroom to Because the Fact That They Lifted the Sanctions on the Entities Who Were Involved in Building the Binder Ministration in the Beginning, Set off a Chain Letter, since It Absolutely Set up a Chain of Events and Dan That Is Very Hard to Try to Put That Genie Back into the Bottle. At This Point Right and I Guess This Whole Thing Started the Minute They Would Took Their Nuclear Energy Off-Line Because What Happened in Japan Because of the Tidal Wave Right Yes It's Okay This Is a Get Hit by That They Were to Get All Our Energy off so I'm Not I'm I Don't Group I'm Not Prepared to Go inside the German Thinking, but Did They Think to Themselves, That's Going to Make Us More Dependable on Oil and Gas. They Said in 2045. We Plan on Being in Hydrogen Perfect. I'm Really Concerned about 2045. That's Fantastic in LA so Does Anyone Think Long-Term. In Germany, so Now They Are Susceptible to Being Held Hostage by Oil and Gas.

So How Do We Fix That We Are in Talks with United Emirates. I Guess That's What You're Able to Find Mr. a Mysterious to Get Them More Oil and Gas Right to the World Is What about Us.

Can We Give Them Moral Guess Is That Has Anyone Thought about That Well. I Also Asked This Question to Jake Sullivan about You Know Why Did We Cancel the Keystone XL Pipeline Extension Part of and I Know That a Part of It Is Already Already in Action. Why Did We Say That We Can Ban Federal Leases for Further Exploration of LNG and in the United States and Didn't That in Some Ways Lead Us to Where We Are Today and He Said in His Answer on Eventually. At the End of the Answer He Said Well We Also Believe That You Know We Want to Be Completely Weekly.

We Want to Be Free of Any Coal Powered Energy Sources in This Country Said That That Goal Is Worth It. Okay. So, If Faculty Is Worth It Right Now.

That's That's Part of Why Were Here to Because Were No Longer Any Energy Independently Came up an Incredible Becoming Energy Independent Was a Geopolitical Game Changer for the United States, and It Made Us Less Beholden to the Situation We Find Ourselves in Right Now and I Was Scrambling Unique and You Help Germany Because It Will Allow the Keys to We Allow That Nurturing to Pipeline Sanctions to Be Lifted and You Know Now, We Don't. We Can't Find Any Any Fight Natural Gas Which We Were Which We Are Binding, and in This Country Abundant Supply Needs United States Got Revolutionized by the Fractures.

Energy Is Always behind Geopolitics Right I Mean You Look Back to the Beginning of World War II. Japan Had a Hard Time Getting Their Hands on on Energy Right They Had Been Sanctioned. The Dutch Were Cutting Them off. I Mean, These Are the Situations That Put Countries in Perilous Moments When They Have To Make Desperate Decisions and That's Very Important Energy Policy Is Is Hugely Important. I Am Not Somebody That He Struggles with How What Role We Should Take in Ukraine Because What People Don't Realize If Russia Is Able to Observe Ukraine. Not Only Do We Look Weak. All This Diplomacy This Taken Place over the Last for Five Months, but They Become Stronger Country Because They Use Old and Actresses of Ukraine This Some People Loyal to Them There. They Have the Entire Coast. I Must Say It's a Reconstitution of the Soviet Union What Our Enemy Is No Longer a Pure Gas Station Oil Company. Now They're Able to Use A Lot Of What Ukraine Brings to This Brings to the Table and They're Closer to Our NATO Allies. Then, Instead of Us Being Closer to Them. Well, I Mean the History of Ukraine Is so Complex When You Look Back. They've Had I Think Five Presidents since They Were Freed from the Soviet Union Block I It's It's a Really Complex Situation, but the Fact the Matter Is Just Looking at It from the Other Perspective. For a Moment, Is That Larry Couldn't Believe That Ukraine Is Part of Russia.

Yet He's Half the People They Are Russian Ethnic Russian They Feel like They're Part of Russia and I Just You Know I It's Interesting to Look at from All Different Angles and He Put Says Yes. So What If I Put My Military Guys on in My Country Where I Want What United States Anytime You Have To Move Back 100 Miles and Then You Will Be Okay with Why Should I Have To Move My Military Assets to a Different Part of My Country Because You Say so and and That's That's Where You Know That's Where We Are Right Now and and He Has Plenty of Freedom to Move Things around in Belarus and in Russia and You Know It Really Does Come down to an Actual Invasion in Terms of Obviously That's over Time, Be Prepared for.

Here Are More Things in Your Mind Doesn't Matter to US Security. If Ukraine Zubaydah Well It Matters in Terms of the Long Term Shaft. You Know I Mean You Need to Have NATO Was Created As a Bulwark against against Soviet Expansionism and Re-Expansionism and If You Lose Ukraine and I Would Point out the Last a Good Chunk of It Right the Don Bass Region Is Controlled by Russia As It Is Right Now on 14,000 People Fighting That Region over over the past Couple of Years.

This Is Already a Territory That Is Very Very Much under Struggle and My My Guess Is That One Way or Another. It Might Not Be Tanks Rolling across May Be Political Manipulation. He Will Get Control of Ukraine. It's Very Hard to Figure How Is Time for Doing This Point but Will Yeah I Just I Guess World Condemnation without Action. I Was an Engineer without Going. Listen More.

This Can Come Back for More Block and Then Get It in the Hour Whether She Wants One and Then She's Had Her Show at 3 O'clock Which Is Hotels Exactly What Will Happen to Best She Can. This Is the Rank of Major This Weekend. Check out Brian's New Show on Fox News Channel Because Apparently He's Cheaper Than Infomercials for Nonstick Pans. That Is Not True. Well, That Really Hurt One Nation with Brian Kelly Saturdays at 8 PM Eastern on Fox News Channel Laura Brian Coming up Fast Is Three Hours in Radio You're with Brian Kill Me If I See You in That Particular Region Are Not Overwhelmed and Not Overcapacity. We Can Send a Number. For Example, 75% or 80%, Then We Should Be Able to All Restrictions, and I Actually Believe That We Should Be Starting to with the First Researcher Moved Should Actually Be the Restriction on Children. Actually, That We Should Be Discussing Children Continuing to Mask That Is Dr. When Miss Shut down Lockdown Mandate Who Is Losing Her Mind Because She Can't Take It Anymore. She Got Young Kids Who She Flat out Told the Sea That Knows I Think It Was Wasn't Wolf Blitzer Was Somebody Else, a Nameless, Faceless Person over There Is like Yeah I'm Not Really Gonna Get My Kid Vaccinated Because They Haven't Pfizer I Really Has Done a Study That Shows It Works for 0 to 6 Years Old, yet Were about to Release Anyway.

Martha McCallum Here Martha. It Seems like It's Where Become Release All Acts Free Holick's Jerseys Free Illinois Free Tomorrow. New York Will Be Free for Adults Indoors Will Wait to March 1 for Kids yet. What's Happening. I Think That Boris Johnson Started That Some of This in Motion Because He Got in Trouble like Stacy Aaron Just Got in Trouble for the Mass Thing Right and His Solution Was to Be like Harry Not Only Was I Wearing My Mouth, but You Don't Have To Do It Anymore Either. And I Think That They're Trying to Get Ahead of a Very Difficult Midterm Situation People. When You Watch the American Public Is a Tremendous Force Right and When You Watch What's Happening People. People Are Done, People, and I'm Not There Some People Who Love Being Afraid Who Love Hunkering down to Embrace This, Which I Think Is One of the Most Damaging Outcomes of This Entire Pandemic Is the Psychological Impact That Is Having A Lot Of People Very, Very Dangerous on but I Think There's Just Sit There to Sensing That the Momentum Is Gone against Them As Can Hurt Them in Terms Who's on Your Show.

So Wearing a Content Coming Therein and Geraldo Rivera about This Notion about This Sort of Slow Boil across the Country Might Not Even Be Us. That Might Be a Full Boil. At This Point That Is Embracing What's Happening in Canada for the Most Part and Time How They Can Handle This Politically like Kentucky Just Just Yesterday and Michelle Lansky Mother Chevrolet 900 Hours Waiting for the CDC to Just to Tell Is an Open No Hold Hold Hold like Braveheart at the Lion Right, No, No, No, Not yet Really Hold Back on Now Is Being Overwhelmed Is like When a Big Wave Comes and You Can't Stop It You Get Tossed around Right and When You're on the Record on Monday Saying They, like Ripping Young King Doing and Then You Find out Murphy's Doing in New Jersey and New York. Illinois and of Course Gavin Newsom Back to Original Point Think Gavin Newsom's Lack of Mass ACA Was Lack of Mass May Improve over 100 Meteorologists Handle Worldwide Resources a Fox in Your Box, Whether Podcast's Personal Powerful Subscriber. Listen Fox News or Wherever You Get Your