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Biden "Convinced" Russia Will Invade Ukraine, So Why No Sanctions?

Brian Kilmeade Show / Brian Kilmeade
The Cross Radio
February 21, 2022 12:28 pm

Biden "Convinced" Russia Will Invade Ukraine, So Why No Sanctions?

Brian Kilmeade Show / Brian Kilmeade

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February 21, 2022 12:28 pm

[00:01:02] Rep. Chris Stewart (R-UT)

[00:18:25] Sean Duffy

[00:37:32] Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ)

[00:55:13] Amy Kellogg

[01:14:07] Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY)

[01:31:55] Byron York

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Fox News radio studios in New York City giving you opinions and facts with a positive approach, it's Brian kill me by Jason Tibbets in the ability today for Brian kill me.

That's it honored and privileged to be with you. Thanks for doing this a lot talk about happy Presidents' Day to anybody out there the thicket about the president usually wanted to take some time to recognize them and some great presidents along the way work well to understand what they did. Now they did it, but we've got a president is under some pressure right now. I tell you because the we've got to rush on the move potentially going to do Ukraine and I want to get right after the because were thrilled to have Congressman Chris Stewart dumped I was in Congress for 8 1/2 years from the state of Utah. But in Utah's second congressional district Congressman Chris stores on the House intelligence committees on the Appropriations Committee was a former Air Force B-1 pilot actually holds the world record fastest trip, I think, or around the world is also the author of a new book that is just come out the final fight for freedom.

The final fight for freedom. Please help welcome us to the show.

Congressman Chris Stewart good morning Jason, so good to be with you.

Thank you. Hey, thanks for having us look one of the things really bring to the table. The impact that you make there in Congress is your understanding and your in-depth analysis of not only the military background but also the intelligence background and you know the concern is that the Vladimir Putin's about to move back into Ukraine for the second time obviously taken over the Crimea Crimea and and now looking to make another bold move. What what you think is happening. What's your best guess is you see it. Yeah, I think you know the president's been pretty clear as have been many of the other ministration officials that the decided sometime last fall that he was going to do this in intelligence on this as it had been pretty clear and by the way Jason when I say that the intelligence you know I understand there's a lot there skepticism regarding that and I share that skepticism can sometimes you just get it wrong and using a student has done this before. Remember last April he matched some soldiers on the Ukrainian border and threatened, but this is obviously something different and everything that he's done militarily since that has been consistent with yet she's actually planning something we haven't seen in Europe since the 1960s to generations nearly and that is an actual massive land invasion of another country of free and independent country. I think there's a possibility that we could change his mind, but but if he doesn't go it will be because that because he actually did change.

I not because she never intended to do this in the first place we go to take key keys that the capital or explain everybody why and what is so appealing that Vladimir Putin wants out of Ukraine. I know that short should have a big border but why is he doing this. Many took over Crimea was not enough. Yeah and I talked to the central question is why does she want to do this, and yet he did.

You're going to Crimea in the eastern Basque region of eastern Ukraine and that's quite a bit different for number of reasons. One being is a number of ethnic Russians that live in that region, but the rest of Ukraine is very very different and there is clear clear evidence of direct Ukraine does not want to be part of Russia. They don't want to be folded into the former Soviet Union.

So then you ask, why would this KGB saw enough exactly what Vladimir Putin is always brilliant and it is essentially consented to possibly three things. The first thing is, he's made it clear he said repeatedly that the fall of the former Soviet Union. The fall of the Warsaw pact countries was in his mind and the mind of many Russians. The greatest catastrophe of the last century so wasn't the Holocaust wasn't World War II. It wasn't any of those things in his mind the greatest catastrophe was the fall of the Soviet and he simply wants to rebuild keys made that clear. Anything he said publicly again. And yet, we will rebuild this at some point and I think the second incentive for him is that he really wants to weaken United States wants to embarrass United States wants to diminish the idea of freedom or democracy around the world to build a point-and-shoot. Look how weak they are with their inability now to be any kind of player on the world stage and in the third thing is this PT will not she simply will not ever allow Ukraine to join the West, certainly not as a member of NATO, and by the way we we had no intentions of inviting Ukraine to join NATO may not not in the foreseeable future. Not for many many years. They are, after all, wants to one of the most corrupt countries of the world but but the final thing is, again, he will not allow them not to join NATO or or even more just to lean more towards Western Western influence wrinkles are the three simple reasons why he would consider doing you know if you: listen to the Russian ambassador to the United States. He says there's no threat that's Russia is going to to go into Ukraine.

Let's go listen to the clip three days. No patient and there is no such class. It was fixed in Russian documents that we come to me so I France and the State Department Russia S publicly decided the glass case redness to continue diplomatic efforts to resume all outstanding issues. Russian troops on SRM Russian territory.

We don't we don't threaten anybody Congressman Chris Stewart boy when you got 100+ thousand people and now some of those are less than 10 miles Ukrainian border. It seems like maybe that is not exactly the full and complete truth well what I said I thought, wow, what a relief it is good to know they don't threaten any course they do, and we look to diplomacy and some of the public statements about this would be perfectly aligned with what is expected of me. For example, he said well we agree on principle of the potential of a meeting between Putin and Biden well I mean when would you never not agree to the quote principle of potential meeting that doesn't mean you're getting me back. I think it's very unlikely that they ever do that and it's the same thing with you three days ago. They claimed that they were withdrawing their soldiers. Of course I turned out not to be true, you know, one of the things we able to do that.

I think kind of to trip them up a little bit, not as we talked little bit about this potential for false flag. I mean it's a Tom Clancy kind of book right but it's exactly what they would've done they would've pretended Ukraine at it, you know, did some type of offensive maneuver not justified in going into the crane. The next they still may do something like that and we really are seeing the full spectrum worker that we talked about and it's already begun waiting for him anyways.invasion. Ukraine is already begun with some of the cyber attacks and the misinformation and false flag we've already witnessed in Ukraine. Let me ask you about that because as an American is just tell you not listen to the radio there listen to you and I talk. What's the threat to them. Is it it is the cyber attack. The cyber repercussions is it is that the area of greatest potential escalation involving the United States. Yeah, I think it certainly is and I would but I would add maybe two more to the list and by the way Jason just her real clarity. III know you know this but speaking for my view. I would never would never vote to authorize the use of military force in Ukraine. I would never support sending American soldiers to defend Ukraine. We don't we shouldn't. We should go to war with Russia over this issue there not a member of NATO, we don't have the same treaty obligations. We do it other NATO countries, I think, by the way, and I hope you have a chance to talk about it in and out Burger look. I do that and that is one way that I think we could dissuade them from doing it but I'm not advocating for war but but if to your question.

If this happens, it's a catastrophe for global security and and it affects Americans in a number directly versus what you said because we will impose sanctions on them and they'll probably retaliate with cyber attacks which they have an enormous capability.

They've demonstrated that member.

The attack on our pipeline a little more than a year ago as just one example they could do that and much more.

The second thing is if you have any frightening effect on on energy prices vendor Jimmy seven analysts expected hundred 40, maybe $150 a barrel and when we see that then you can be paying seven or eight dollars a gallon for gasoline that affects all shear stress units and in such an inflationary. It will already find ourselves in the final thing is we should diminish. And that is enough to get to human catastrophe. You can see millions of refugees throughout Europe. The global supply chain interruptions and once again the spike in energy means that there were literally be hundreds of thousands of people in Third World countries starve to death because they simply can't get food because of those issues which is again directly attributable from bloodwork going in Ukraine so I'm not advocating that we get involved militarily but on the other hand, we have to recognize this will be a cost rush that personally here in United States. As this unfolds.

So how do you dissuade Russia at this point anything so far into it.

Now you put those wheels in motion looks like turn the wheels in motion. But how, how would you dissuade him yet again to present in certain sanctions, the mother of all sanctions. It's not the work they've already got ways round sanctions. China has promised to buffer the sanctions they can't do it completely, but they can make a big difference are trying to catch steps in and helps soldiers and pulled the ball in Poland in the Baltics again. An important step, but Glenn wasn't going to go in Poland right now only thing that will dissuade Vladimir Putin is a threat of an armed and organized resistance. He's willing to leave shoulders and the Russian people are willing to be soldiers in a military campaign going to take you have been to occupy the country's the one thing that he does not want and that they will not support his week after week. Russian soldiers being sent home a body back because there every time a Russian soldier vote pastor Ukrainian citizen.

He wants truck is going to throw a hand grenade at being you know snipers on rooftops and that is the only thing that P fears of bodily Afghanistan. A recent reminder should should remind us of the power of the ongoing battle because you might find something that she occupies Ukraine so I think that's the one thing this present could do is say we will armor resistance.

We will support or resistance will gather the NATO allies to support a resistance. And if you were to be very very clear on that and adamant about that. I really think that's the one thing the Bible is his terrified on one thing that might change his mind, but I don't think our president has mentioned that at all that I'm aware of.

Maybe once or twice, but again it certainly has been a key short of his efforts to avoid this now know what I hear a section sanctions sanction sanctions and and then come Alaris. We got to go to break your pretty quick, but… Of the clip to Kumble Harris in Munich Germany and her push for unity, understanding that our work together and I unity the sign of the strength of our nations individually and collectively.

I do believe I think we all now our greatest strength is our unity. This is a moment that has made that clear that our unity is evidence and is a measure of our strength well in her first trip to Europe, there is the vice president talking about unity didn't really think that through going and Afghanistan that that how much do you think is that a contributing factor going about 30 seconds, or you have to go well what I'm confused because I thought her greatest strength was our diversity, but you know that's another question. Ukraine, they looked Afghanistan about debacle.

There's no question that he looked at that and said now is the time now is the time to go. They didn't do the center trumpet they said now is the time to go and it's an outcast and had enormous implications for that we've been talking with Congressman Chris Stewart is the author of the final fight for freedom new book out member of the House intelligence committee and one of the smarter people in Congress out there and thank you for your service in our Air Force as well. Congressman and thanks for joining us today on the bright kill me to appreciate it. Thank you sir all right will be back with more stay with us right back just seen Fox News senior meteorologist. Be sure to subscribe to the Janet Dean where ever you listen to your podcast and don't forget to spread the sunshine Fox News punk asks network and on the next Fox News contributor and editor of the daily newsletter. I'm inviting you to join a conversation every week is the bend on its podcast listen no Fox News by talkshow that's real. This is Brian kill me show the purpose of the thanks and have always been and continues to be absolutely strongly believe in and remember also that the sanctions are a product not only of our perspective is United States but share perspective allies and the Allied relationship is such that we have a great that the deterrent effect of the sanctions is still meaningful, especially because remember also, we still sincerely hope that there is a different path and within the context of the fact that that window list of all open. Although it is absolutely narrowing in the context of a diplomatic Still being open a bit of a word's out there for the first time visitor to Europe VP, Le Harris there in Munich.

Talking with others in answering questions from reporters. Give her credit for answering questions, but it's all about sanctions, sanction sanctions now. That's been the go to answer but Vladimir Putin Russia when it took about roughly 25% of Georgia they announced sanctions on that and leaders of Barack Obama when when Russia decided that as you know we want part of Crimea we want part of Ukraine. This is what Pres. Obama said at the time, cut 26.

Today I'm announcing a series of measures that will continue to increase the cross on Russia and on those responsible for what is happening Ukraine.

We are imposing sanctions on specific individuals responsible for undermining the sovereignty and territorial integrity and government of Ukraine, making it clear that there are consequences for their actions to make clear to Russia that further provocations will achieve nothing except to further isolate Russia and diminish its place in the world. So the Pres. Obama and VP Joe Biden sanctions will you know be a deterrent. And boy president, you know, Putin is just a little bit scared of how bad those sanctions could be because boy he was on the receiving end of them when he wanted to Crimea that became such a deterrent. It was such an overwhelming force but I would want to step on that again undocking to go back in there the other.

It's awfully hot. I don't want to touch that stovetop are you kidding me sanction sanctions.

Sanctions. Sanctions are we just heard from Congressman Chris Stewart talking about you do sanctions. You know that's part of the normal thing that second be the deterrent that's going to be the difference between Vladimir Putin trying to piece and puzzle over the Soviet Union back together and expand its horizons and its territory and influence upon the world. I think people like Vladimir Putin and presidency and others around the world.

They just look at sanctions from the United States. It is hard to giggle like what the world how many times if we said these are going to be the toughest sanctions we've ever had.

Will then why were they tough before, like if you're going to put in sages give us the biggest baddest sanction ever on the history of the planet.

Don't tell me you gotta go back and you still have more sanctions you can put on top of especially when Russia is still in Georgia. It's still in Crimea and now it's looking to take over potentially the entire country that just gets under my skin because we have not use these as a deterrent.

It's just word salad from the vice president and the president. I've seen it happen on both sides of the by the way, but it didn't happen with Donald Trump. I can promise you that because they knew he meant business. Stay with us here on the bright kill each show will be right nice person is America's fox weather updates throughout your busy day subscribe and listen now and Fox News time or wherever you did your project Fox News on just network these ever-changing times you can rely on Fox News for hourly updates for the very latest news and information on your listening download now and Fox News by or wherever you did your favorite radio show like no other, kill me for taking the power out of your hands last year and listen to you guys preached about Gov. Northam's executive orders and how we comes in the office. You don't want to follow his orders is that makes no sense and makes all of you a bunch of credits just love that clip from the Virginia mother Alicia Vaught.

She she's got the most important title out there mother telling it like it is there in Virginia to a school board who was a little contentious. They actually set the cops in date to have her have her removed.

At one point but I were pleased now to talk a little bit more about the coronavirus school boards and all that with one of our favorite Sean Duffy, former Congressman from Wisconsin joined me on on Fox News doing all sorts of hits and postings guest toasted shows and whatnot and just an all-around good guy and he's got I think 27 kids of his own.

So Sean Duffy thanks for joining us from Utah with yeah yeah better producer with only nine kids.

I can only imagine were dealing with our three and now my grandpa asked if I have four grandkids now. We just had our fourth grandchild that that was born over the weekend and it's is the greatest joy greatest thing in the world to see your daughter give birth to two beautiful healthy little girl. It's just it's just amazing and you've been through that your dad in the and a good one at that. What you know your drawing number four for the grandchildren. Congratulations and talking about. My mind was that you don't look old enough to be a grandfather, but I'll take your word for it so I read about great grandfather is that you can send them back to their parents were. I'm still in the throes of my nine kids and I have to keep them when they get routed to defendant. Her mind that's that's right you and Rachel play a little zone defense there… Let's talk let's talk some more about coronavirus is one of the great tragedies of what's going on is how this is been handled I know Rachel and see nurses doing a great job on Fox and friends over the weekend and in other shows his ear and other things as well but both of you been vocal about this. What's your Kelly here. Take care were getting towards the latter part of of February.

What's your take on how this government is handled mask mask mandates and certainly as it affects the kids. I think it is important government policy to keep people think that's important and coronavirus is dangerous but you always do that with an eye towards freedom and maximizing freedom for people and I don't think the government has done a good job with that and you did you play the clip on the way indoor segment with mom in Virginia, basically calling out the school board for for not following the directive of the new Gov. take Nassau by the way love the things I've seen in another some some varying evident masks and methods and 95. It will work correctly.

They don't work for putting mastodon work with kids that for the most part aren't dying from coal bed for some who are document carry on Fox said those kids and gotten sick from cold and have pre-existing conditions and other factors that place a healthy child, you're pretty safe from from covert older people that are united in politics is that the school board member actually when she didn't like what the bomb was saying. She pulled up a picture off the school board member math books in a crowd and called out for not wearing a mask itself a mandate on the kids in school let's let's play that clip is clip 24. Listen to this exchange is a picture of you right here on Facebook with crap. People with no mask on this is going out to you. Here's another pit now with you with the new masculine.

I'm sorry you are done, police officer, please listen the people come and criticize me right Jamie right now my family is not Congressman Duffy. What's your take on that extreme. While we don't leave one on all places and people have questioned. Sometimes they bring your family from time to bring your donors and sometimes they bring the questions that they ask you when you raise your hand and you want to run everything is fair game and what of pictures on Facebook of yourself masculine to see. That's exactly the first thing I thought was this is not some private photo of you in the backyard with your kids.

You posted it on Facebook you decided I'm going to make this public and now they put it up to show the hypocrisy, the school board member called the police to take her down.

I mean that's what they're dealing with in Virginia and I think other parts of the country and I don't like what you're saying. Can I have a cop come in and remove her because I don't like to normalize normalizing the people don't like you want to bring lawn and you can't run radio but if you want to share a deputy with actually standing by the podium after directed to do so. The other the other board members be I think the cop moved away to speak freely about what you this is a whole new realm in America where those in power can call law enforcement to shut down. There's a lot of speech all the barbs that were thrown at me.

I'm sure you didn't agree with you but you have to hear it because that's what we believe in democracy, we back and go to elect officials and what they think the policy should be American politics in regard to this new realm of I don't like what you're saying. I'm going to shut you down. I'll have one more willing To shut down until another board member said B.

Now that's the essence of freedom of speech is allowing others with speech. You just don't agree with allowing them to say their piece in its it's always interesting to me that those that I find it often not always, but often those that preach the most tolerance for other probably the least tolerant among us.

I want to play another clip for you. This is from London breed on the Meet the Press this is the mayor of San Francisco and part of it is this sort of rewrite of history were saying hey, this is not a Democrat or Republican issue. You know where were were above that it's not an eye. I was listening to this and I thought yes it is. It is a Democrat and Republican issue. Let's listen to clip 21, we failed our children. Parents were upset and the decision to recall school board members was a result of that, this is not a Democratic Republican issue.

This is a issue about the education of our children and I think that ultimately it's important that anyone who serves in any capacity whether school board Congress, or as mayor. It's important to respond to what your priority is as a mayor or as a school board member and that is the role that you were put in the office to do so in this particular case, the board neglected their primary responsibility to focus on other things. Other things that are important but not as significant as what they were there to do and that is to educate children to reaction to that because I get it say I get a little frustrated when they try to say don't know that that's always the confusion they throw out it right when they know they are wrong. They were the wrong side issue for a long time wasn't a Republican or Democratic. She we were all doing that know they weren't yelled at because this has been a Democratic Democrat have been all about masking all about shut down all about vaccine mandate. Republicans have been on the side of freedom and Republican say I think you should do that but we don't want to mandate you to do it in Democrat ideology to force people to restrict people to mandate people and so she's 100% wrong for not applicable if you know why think that in San Francisco all these people who voted to recall the school board, a Republican, changing away absolutely not. Still left wing liberals happen for you and I know this all too well politics and we talk about. I disagree with you know the Democrat members of the house, but when it comes down to your family and we all know that the pathway to success in America is a good education and you start to impede my child the dictation for your ideology. Now we all stand together and we all get really really angry. I care less about global warming.

I care less about open board Democrat open borders. I care less about crime. I care about making sure my kids can go to school and can maybe take a mascot.

I care less what the name of the school. I care more about the math and the science of the English in real history that I do about that I do about other issues that divide people not like you saw the going to remove board members and why now damage control the mayor's coming going on, go no and all but this is all political and political theater from the Democrats in the beginning that's exactly. It's exactly right that I want to get your click taken when you got your back on the history as Wisconsin you got proximity to Canada. What's your take on what's going on with the truckers. Now they were and I don't know what day number. It is, but boy, I got say that the unbelievable tough stance that the Prime Minister has taken accusing them of marching with people with which swastika is in and shutting down that whole city arresting people you see people getting kicked to see horses tripling people what what your take on what's going on up there on the terrace right in and you see what happened in America with even January 6 and school board mom mom going to school board in Virginia the year ago the bite ministration calling them domestic terrorists.

This language is being used, to shut people down here as I know I was on the financial services committee chair of you were very concerned about the five, six years ago when banks started to say what bank people we don't like gun dealers knocking out small small small dollar lenders were talking about bank cigarette shop. You might not like what illegal business adjacent banks was down and there was a program called called operation chocolate with FCIC was putting pressure on bank to stop making the legal businesses.

Now this is going to a whole new level. If you can have a checking account, you can have a credit card you can access your finances, you can function in society and they use that power of finance to go out to the truckers and basically destroy their lives. They can't buy immediately Like yeah and I think you can see that same thing happen here Chinese do with the Chinese credit score when they go out to the leaders they go off the finance and a shutdown freedom movement in China works in Canada. Hopefully you truckers continue to protest and push back and advocate for freedom because the whole world is watching them.

I successful all of these tyrants who are in elected office are going to have the fear of God put in them not to be reelected. Yeah, Justin Trudeau, the Prime Minister could not have dealt with this worse to not sit down and talk with the truckers you know that the beginning of this pandemic. The triggers were the heroes there.

The ones out there. We did know how deadly this virus is going to be. They were out there doing their job delivering stuff for us. I've I've said several times I just think of your fight against the blue-collar truckers probably on the wrong side of the issue because I've never seen them be the problem and was at 90% of them are already vaccinated. They just like the mandates well I might not like to go shutdown shutdown trade and their people. You have no other avenue to have your government here you to advocate for your God-given freedom back. You do things that are still peaceful but make people listen to you and the chocolate were doing what was on the bridge from Detroit over to Canada is other ports of entry, and also around the capital city. They want their voices heard back. What's interesting is I think a lot of a lot of Canadians were in favor of the mandates before the protest now majority of Canadians want the mandates gone and so the truckers of change the hearts and minds of people.

I hear the left in America talk about please please print out each deep on the please please are horrible warily pushing back on Canada and the police brutality, you see several cops you know you need a protester you see them running around the whole story on the video and the video of the horses trapped in a couple people that they're going to the crowd. In America they would lose their mind over law enforcement. They say nothing about police brutality in Canada because they're okay with please brutality as long as the brutality is against the Justin Trudeau is just fine doing the sit ins and in marching with the BLM. He was just fine with supporting in the country of India, a year-long type of of protests in it so it hypocrisy is to study. This is been great talking to you. As always, Ruth, former Congressman from Wisconsin Sean Duffy thank you so much for joining us today and I give us give our best all the rest of the Duffy family. But thanks for joining us on the bright Kilby Joe calling line by the way for the show. 1-866-408-7669 866-408-7669 were to try to get some calls up again stay with us on the bright Kilby Joe, your knowledge base Brian show will gain close to Fox and friends, we can share my thoughts in a wide range of topics from pop-culture politics and business subscriber. Listen just the more you listen more, you'll know it's Brian kill me.

Hey, this is actually adjacency of its ability for private.

Let's go to the call line we have Peter, thanks for joining us only show what what's what you think it will tell you one thing, or what you government is gusting the Canada supporter of the world from World War II on words and it just we need the support of the world get government out of power Justin Trudeau's more corrupt than Hillary ever being and scandals are almost on a quarterly basis in the multimillion dollars and he just is a power-hungry little well listen you're there in Canada.

My guess is the mood is changing on this is forcing people to think through the issue.

We love our neighbors to the north.

We love Canadians usually just good wonderful people, but it's pretty shocking to see how aggressive the Trudeau administration is been in the end the way he's taking this with father's me as he won't go out. Listen, he doesn't talk to them the way he handled himself and in Parliament in making the accusations about marching with people with with swastikas. I think that was way over the line. Just go out and talk with these people have an understanding a deep appreciation understand the heroic efforts they went through at the beginning of this pandemic to do the things that they needed to do and we want to have open open the highways and in commerce and trade, but we also want free speech. We want to build to express the frustration but delay the way Canada is handling this all Justin Trudeau is just a national embarrassment to Canada in front everything is going out West is for Ryan Kilby. Joe, thanks for joining us from the Fox News radio's New York City set up Fox and friends saw America's receptive voice Brian kill me. Well, almost, almost bright Kilby.

This is a Fox News contributor post of the J sit in the house podcast was anywhere and I also serve the Congress for 1/2 years and during that time I was honored and privileged to serve with gentleman from Arizona from the fifth Congressional District Aryan Arizona Congressman Andy Biggs is joining us down the line from 90s on the House Judiciary Committee.

He's the chairman of the House freedom carcass and not at all bashful to share his opinion on what he thinks is going on in the world Congressman big six are driving us to be with you and I've never notice you express your opinion even yeah that's it. Well you get the judiciary committee together got a roomful egos look out everybody was so the body is supposed to be debating issues. It was always amazing to me what I served with you like, you know it. Now that the Democrats have control Nancy Pelosi's back with the gavel you got Jerry Nadler there and whatnot. How many things they won't talk about like the origins of COBIT that no it's about immigration reduction. I talked about the order. I mean if you and I sat down to me to list all the things that Jerry Nadler doesn't want to talk about B all the issues of the day and never forget everything you were talking about is jurisdiction and that he doesn't want to talk about anything about. That's exactly right. Judiciary committee has brought jurisdiction really important weighty stuff but did not even bring it up and talk about it. Things like covert border. Maybe it's it's crime you would think the time of the judiciary committee talk about crime doubling of the homicide rate in some of our biggest cities up to be read by Democrats.

We would want to talk about that all right. I want to cut a go around the horn with you though because there's a lot happening in the world in there some big dates coming up. You know that the president supposed to be out there announcing his new Supreme Court pick will be.

That's can happen. Supposing the next seven days.

Based on his own timeline that we also have the March 1 state of the union and Congressman, I don't know what the world Joe Biden is going to do on March 1 to stand up and try to say hey you know what hears all of her accomplishments. This may be the shortest state of the Union speech we've ever heard. Well the substance will be short but it might be longer just meandering and some statements loses his way talking and there's really not a lot to say about what he's accomplished. Unless you're happy with the border. Happy with you, no inflation that economy happy with a wrecked supply chain. If you're happy with all of basically embarrassment embarrassment internationally.

Just goes on and on how they emasculated the country and just just hears time.

Jason, I think it's stunning how quickly Erica Pres. Trump.

I made some comment somewhere. Or at least I read about it where he said to the country kids this bad, this fast under what, Harris and Joe Biden are actually doing. But here we are Nancy Pelosi and others are talking about putting a fence back up and around the capital in advance of the of the stated union with what your thoughts about that. It's ridiculous. You know there's again to make up stuff, you know what it may be a threat there may be we don't know that there's anything something a little like these are the same people still won't let us take people on tours of the same people that authorize spying on members of Congress, their staff and visitors looking through emails, etc. what you have going on is is typical of an authoritarian type of tear you know, this kind of grab control and hold hands and sticking up a fence around the Organization is just a bad symbol to the world that some of the American people and quite frankly unnecessary. Well, it's the people's house and we need to have access to it may need to be able to have access to their members of Congress, and there's no reason why the family from Mesa Arizona coming together to come see their Congressman you and you can't get what your staff or interns to go take him on a nice little tour look at the history of what's going on maybe go visit some of the committee rooms. It really is a shame that that's the direction you're talking about going. We can even have a committee hearing in the committee room so it's fall. Another member is telling me that there are some members that haven't been to Congress have been to DC in like a year to because they just do their proxy voting right yeah absolutely you know what every time that the proxy vote is the talked about well I'm excusing myself because I've got a COBIT related situation, but that's not true is that why you're vacationing on a boat somewhere. "There was one member of the Democratic Party's stood up and wasn't wearing quite the appropriate clothing for a committee hearing about so you'll have to look that one up by yourself. Let's get into some of the other weighty issues that are out there listening but Canada we were the freedom convoy the way the Prime Minister of Canada.

Well, mean that is been looks like something that would come at a real hardline regime like Russia or China or something. Not the Prime Minister of Canada right mutual so the face of it was the violence that we saw coming down over the last couple days will be structures up but don't forget to be the first talk about seizing cash now should go after everybody was there. They arrested people simply for bringing food into the truckers. This kind of prohibition on freedom of assembly, freedom to speak in the way he couched. I mean even called the Jewish member of Parliament of Nazi. He you know this is true no speaking of an agenda to bring all these people simply as gracious comp supporters only what being a Trump supporter meeting in Canada. Who knows what that was like his golf courses. What is for hotels serving that's the problem. President like they would take your dog in your pet truckers I love. I mean, you've probably been II have you look in the cabin the least. Truckers imagine a trucker in Canada, long-haul distances pullover take a rest sleep. They may have a dog or cat with them or something.

These people are coming in and taking the animals and see if you have eight days to bail them out.

Otherwise, really euthanizing my what kind were spewed on that one yeah where is the list of some some folks on the left are starting to call it the left should be rising with it with the right on the this what you saw is the tyranny that will, we will do not want to see happen.

I mean juices and you know it's outside the rule one he actually imposed the type of emergency measures that you would see if you were under a terrorist attack that's where this guy was going into it which was ruthless quite well in this is the same Justin Trudeau who marched with DLM protesters and who also supported these protesters who lock down pretty much the first year in India. He was totally fine with that but boy when it happens in Ottawa.

That's a bridge too far because it might be embarrassing to me in these all these mandates and goodies. These putting a place in all heaven forbid that I actually get out and talk to these truckers have him come over and in the you know, talk, talk to the issues of them got you a short amount of time I wanted to keep going around the horn to get other things happening, you represent good state of Arizona immigration.

I mean, we've been talking about this since the moment Joe Biden even before he took office, try to articulate and explain to people who maybe are in a border state how bad it is just a couple three data points number one you had four times as many people apprehended in January for sure she had just a year ago last month of trumps ministration hundred 53,000 of those they released more than 60,000 of them into the country. This released them into the country that another data point is information I just received last week from from Sheriff Lam who I think you don't know County, they have seized over 20 million pills is what the last year and they believe they got maybe 10% of the fees to me to believe that they only got about 10%. So you talk about 20 minutes in the pills of which DEA showed 40% will contain a lethal dose that's important to investors that I guess the third thing is to understand that we are on pace already. This this calendar year to exceed the 2 million that we had last calendar year of illegal effort and apprehensions with probably another 6 to 800,000 got away. That's what you're looking at the nation, overwhelmed and that's that would put you in the top 10 largest cities in the country.

Just as people come in. Well, it really is stunning and it's so you know it, to hear Joe Biden, Harris out there talking about protecting the territory in the sovereign border of Ukraine, while not addressing what's going on in her own border north and south.

By the way, and not even protecting and inviting.

Essentially people into the United States. And then what's there. Here, you know, put them on airplanes, allowing them to use documents to get on airplanes that are like arrests documentation that can insist so absurd in its offensive.

But it's very real mean. These people are coming into the country. Now they have no paperwork.

They can't do you know that you need food you need shelter.

He needed a job. Any all these things I just puts more pressure on on good taxpaying Americans yet everything from your education system to medical care system to your judicial system just as almost things get taxed and streamed. It is amazing to me. I made were not to scratch the surface of the inhumane conduct. You know the other data point that was given to me last week was that were still almost 75% of all women coming across are all right. Sheriff Lam told me encountered a lady. She had a bag of pills and if it was told fortunes with these are morning-after pills I expected to be raped multiple times will coming across the border even after paying the cartels so she brought postal that is not an aberration. That's not an aberration is inhumane and it is this human trafficking and and I think the Biden Harris administration is complicit that I really do. But I wish the judiciary committee would actually have a hearing on it but no heaven for the last topic for a congressman is and again you're on the House Judiciary Committee crime we seen this wave of crime and surgical crime. We've also seen a wave of prosecutors who were electing not to enforce certain laws and not is exacerbating the problem, that's exactly right. And we had a hearing last week. I'm trying to rank of the crime subcommittee. Jason and we had a hearing last week, and the two Republican witnesses were trying to raise that issue and just say let's can we talk about what the DAs are doing about the cash bail letting people out to go commit additional crimes and wishing that all over the place and you have places like Tucson, Arizona, highest homicide rate rate ever. And these DAs are letting these folks out to commit these crimes unit that Shelley County is just a mess you got in wave after trying to course Kolodny got disco. The DA uses the prosecutor in what what what what is it, as it did smash and grab all over the place now because place like separatist goat is 100,000 books will come in and steal whatever you want now. It's sad. It's avoidable in this is these are self-inflicted wounds. All of the things we talked about with even get into Ukraine and some of the other pressing topics with congressman Annie Biggs for the good state of Arizona. Thank you so much for joining us today on the bright kill me, Joe. Things just keep doing the good work you're doing to please. Well thank you think you will be back right after that. Stay with us to today's top stories trying to kill me if you're interested in Ryan's talking about it with Brian kill made a it's actually Jason Chapin some filling in for Brian today is one of the hardest working on television and radio call-in line. Here the bright kill me, Joe, 866408766988664087669 let's go to Eric who's in Orlando.

Listening on W WDB oh Eric, what's on your mind, how are you today sir fired up. Yeah me too thousand dollars but don't get caught putting in $600 in your checking account kinda makes the movie to get rid of cash make sense and it limits you in Congress when a stray galleon, but I think your podcasts are way more powerful addressing more people could nobody watches C-SPAN anymore. I used to joke that we are used to host them the number one showing sees the oversight yeah sorry good I was wondering if you saw Marjorie Taylor green recently on podcasting.

Another sitting congressperson.

I couldn't remember his name but if you were still in Congress. Guys like you and Trey got a true patriot should be appalled because apparently she's taking turns with for the congresspeople making sure there on the floor to make sure that the votes are recorded and she's getting yelled at by her own party to that.

Hey, we don't. We want to go home so just like you said were people proxy voting that haven't been there for a year. If the American people thought was going on and I fear that Marjorie Pellegrino probably the primary here and try to get her out of Christie's but she's a true patriot.

She calendar we the people what's going on and it's just some drunk sure glad to not be part of any morning well everything you've done for us will thank you. I really do appreciate it's an honor police to serve that you're right there a lot of people that wanted to go to the floor habit voice voided out, which means that they they would just allow the vote by unanimous consent and it's kind of a lazy way to do it because you don't have to actually vote and you know get people like Thomas Massey. We were in a boat on the one of the biggest appropriations in the history of our nation and everybody was back home in and they wanted to just voice it and he said no we got a get beer and do her job.

Oh my goodness did he take a bunch of heat on both sides it out for that. So yeah, that's a problem when that when Congress is doing it by regular order. Going to the appropriations and process the proper way the budget process as it only has only happened once since 1976 budget act as a guide through the normal way it's always been CRs and on the bus and it's wrong.

Stay with this is the bright kill. Each show will be all right radio that makes you think this is the Brian kill me show and I bet you're thinking, hey, that's not Brian kill me that you're right for Brian. Brian kill me show and there's a lot to talk about thrilled to have on Amy Kellogg is joining us. She's a Fox News senior foreign affairs correspondent is she just stacking mouthpiece couple days ago Russia who is winning the propaganda war over the Ukraine conflict and has an update on some of the things that are happening there at the White House. Amy, thank you so much for joining us on the bright kill Beecher hi Jason, thanks for the indication part of it anyway.

Still talking back completely playing that he wanted to make patient fish that whether or not you recognize the self-declared People's Republic Ukraine the Republic that Russia had an acting for the last eight years. Russia denied that they are rushing back. And yet there are Russian troops there anyway to each of his loyal footsoldier Foreign Minister KGB foreign intelligence. Lawmaker and each patient about why important people. These Russian-speaking people in the eastern part of Ukraine genocide hearing the traffic demand and that the only solution was to recognize that years Russia has given out three quarters of a million People. They cannot really argue that they are protecting their own people and couldn't conclude it best extraordinary meeting on scene Russians don't debate their stuff publicly going to make patient about whether or not to recognize complex and Matt will be a huge complication of violation of the agreement which are part of the whole parking age that could be a peaceful resolution to bank Cpl. Doc not clear, does that give an indication that he's not intending to take over the entire country me that he may or may not go into keys or or is does that give us some sense that he's just interested in certain parts of Ukraine like he was with Korea earlier exactly what I'm thinking and remember, earlier on my little incursion, thinking Christian right determine the Western font backtrack on that might be considered a lecture incursion going on back for eight years already there. However, very considerably and I don't know what the endgame would be back in the late indiscretion creating software or maybe slow and stealthy American incursion into key after printing Ukraine.

However, it is quite extreme. I can listen to the argument experiment in the complete argument that key fascist regime