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Putin Threatens Nukes as Russia Faces Fierce Resistance in Ukraine

Brian Kilmeade Show / Brian Kilmeade
The Cross Radio
February 28, 2022 12:39 pm

Putin Threatens Nukes as Russia Faces Fierce Resistance in Ukraine

Brian Kilmeade Show / Brian Kilmeade

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February 28, 2022 12:39 pm

[00:00:28] Brian’s Big 3

[00:08:12] Barry Pavel

[00:18:33] Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI)

[00:39:53] Michael Goodwin

[00:55:10] Jonathan Ward

[01:13:54] Brian’s Big 3

[01:23:57] Erik Prince

[01:31:55] Bret Baier

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Visit to learn more about galaxies he fold Fox News radio studios in New York City giving you opinions and facts with a positive approach. Brian kill me. I buddy Brian kill me. Thanks so much for listening or by the field and last week is exciting important time you have to find out what's happening in Ukraine and find out if for the world's biggest villains was finally going to meet his demise. That is Vladimir Putin my fingers across but so far it's perilous times over the Ukraine will talk about Sen. Ron Johnson Wisconsin is going for six more years in the Senate. He's got some new legislation and will go to talk about that. Also to talk to Barry Pogue powerful. He served a special assistant for defensive policies and strategies on the national Security Council for George W. Bush and Barack Obama. So we want to talk politics.

We want to talk about the survival of Ukraine. Also, special thanks to be key to a brand-new affiliate were privileged to have an expanding family. WH00 a.m. Akron Ohio Akron's news talk 640 WHO are welcome aboard. I hope you enjoy the ride. So let's get started with the big three stories you need to know Brian is a three number three. Over the last couple years. Putin has been more and more isolated. I don't think is good is a rush factor because he's fearful.

He's out at his compound doesn't come into town very much. He's increasingly unhinged. He seems erratic. He's descending into something that I personally haven't seen before. That is not Condoleezza Rice that last clipboard is it about Vladimir Putin. Is he crazy like a fox or just crazy. Western leaders knowing best feel he has lost it and is it different man.

What are the options and who exactly is left where you can call you who we can call a friend isn't even China. The fact that the sanctions have all of the loopholes is a big problem. What are we doing on the Russian Central Bank.

What are we going to supply to the Ukrainians in order to support none of those questions have been answered. Daniel politico weighing in on Meet the Press, the world respond to the massive way. But is it enough and rushes already feeling the financial pain I'll get into detail. More importantly, the people of Russia are feeling the pain. The ruble is turning to rubble by satellite images.

They show a convoy. That's more than 3 miles long Russian trucks and artillery units headed toward the Ukrainian capital. This is significant because the concern amid the backdrop of possible negotiations succeeding is that the Russians would increase the amount they are showing cities across this country that is trillions doing a great job Russia versus Ukraine the latest on the battlefield as three small cities all Ukraine stand strong so would not trade was referring to was with happy and keep there is a convoy 3.5 miles long. That's getting closer to the city. They say it's within 5 miles of the city. Why is that significant because so far, they've been trying to take Eve for the last four days and they been unsuccessful. In fact there's reports during get a car. These transfer vehicles go through the reader blown up her setback. So another day. They last and they will and every day they last, they win. Although it's getting harder and harder to get supplies in the get weapons in and people like Mayor Kluge go quite worried president is only quite worried's eval need quite worried obviously and there hoping for more help and they're getting help, but will it be enough. All hands on deck. Now we hear that Belarus is going to start using their troops to help brush out how pathetic they get 190,000 troops going against 100,000 combined Ukrainian troops. These guys up and therefore six months and they need Belarus to help them out and the people of Belarus want nothing to do with it is just their leader that sold out to keep his power will Shane go who do that. That's pathetic.

But I fear they're going for scorched earth. They go just the things that we were condemned for doing what it happened by accident. They can be doing intentionally and that is just carpet bombing cities like we did in Berlin and World War II. What is at stake while so far Vladimir Putin has put together the worst battle plan. You could imagine trying hit from four sides didn't even have plans in place to resupply his fighting machine as well as his people as well as the machines themselves like with gas and oil rumors they they rusted out a lot of it so so far. There's three small cities that have fallen in the number two city car key is under a thick attack right now as we speak.

But so far it's been something that has gave the Ukraine's performance as gain the respect of the entire world outside Brazil who standing on the side outside China, for the most part is leaning Russia but is not speaking out in support of Russia even Turkey is going to enact a doctrine between Turkey and Ukraine would have them limit the number of ships going to the Black Sea, even Turkey sees the error and folly of Vladimir Putin's ways hears Oksana more Cova she's Ukrainian ambassador: first, the fully have to understand that neither NATO not as a full sprint asked allies that the Russian Federation government is pregnant is the real reason why they attacked us.

They attacked us because they always wanted to destroy us. Nicholas free democratic and sobering. Ukraine is a threat to them with peaceful country whenever attack them, but they cannot allow asked to be independent and just to leave our own life.

That's why they attacked us into thousand 14 that's fine for the past eight years they've done everything the pressure us into into this and that's why now they started the work they did and they started a war and everyone sees it.

There was a reason for the telling the people that Ukraine is run by Nazis. Really, the guys Jewish number two is that there but you drug addicts, where does that come from witnesses some schoolyard bully plus playtime, drug addicts, and Nazis by the said only that one of two Jewish leaders in the world. Everybody knows Ukraine in Russia. Everyone knows Ukrainian or as a relative who is Ukrainian, and vice versa. They know they've done nothing. They want to be a European country. They don't want any part of Russia Vladimir Putin just was on television for 90 minutes talking about how even Lenin made a mistake in letting Ukraine be its own country and the Gorbachev obviously was part of the big problem that let them be their own country and now they want to retain their own country. There still losing men of the Russians in the Don Bass region where the Ukrainians have lost 14,000 over the last four years since 2014 in Crimea there so not willing to give that back there still fighting to keep that to a degree, but on these other regions will give you the latest will bring it to the battlefield. We come back I will examine the mental health of Vladimir Putin, who by all reports he's been very isolated really since 2019 Glencoe that had a big tough guy, very paranoid about getting it we come back we'll look at that as well as the sanctions with Barry Poppel who has rich credentials as a key advisor to both Bush and Obama and Ron Johnson a lot to talk about and we will get your calls, 1-866-408-7669, right after this going to.

You need to know basis and you need to know Brian kill me.

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This is Brian kill me show of Alaska has been more and more ice is not been the most part I don't think he's going to rush back because he's fearful doesn't look for a powerful signature price is going to stay in power. That word rational actors. A very elastic rate is out at his compound doesn't come into town very much and under companies been more isolated. He's increasingly unhinged in the way that he talks about the regime I met with him many times and this is a different he seems erratic. There is an aberrant, deepening, delusional rendering of history keeps descending into something that I personally haven't seen before, that is forms of interstate kindly to rush probably recognize the voice is just know the other voices are not of politicians. There people that have had some contact with him and can't quite figure out why this guy is acting the way he is because you could be evil but you could also be smart. This guy deftly is a demonic personality but he's never been less than calculated RT to be kind, useless and calculated with the reality. According to Barry Pavel. He served as special assistant for defense policy and strategy in the national Security Council for Pres. George W. Bush and Pres. Obama. Barry welcome. Where do you weigh in on what you've seen so far about Putin's behavior. Well thanks a lot. I think for many years. He was sort of calculating and somewhat strategic even if risk-taking and so I think you can see go back to the invasion of Georgia in 2008, the Crimea, to the little green med man that kind of pseudo-invasion and occupation. Further invasion to the Don box.

Later that year, but I think I think former sector defense by gate to in terms of that year and and and he said yesterday that he thinks it gone off the rails. I think that's true to I think is decision-making processes very uninformed. I think just like most dictators's advisors are in of scared into saying what they think the boss wants to hear you've seen videos of those sessions, killing last week working with cutting off intimidating competitive intelligence across a very large room. He's been isolated because of coded and so I think it's really you know anything could happen because he's not getting good information he has increasingly small circle of advisors and is not in and it's just not something that I think we have to expect that the rational decision maker going forward. So we have to be careful, keep doing what were doing, but I think we have to be quite agile, in terms of how to handle what he might do next. Soon, so let's look at this perspectives right and went to Georgia little blowback first tennis frenzy.

Invasion of territory really since World War II not respecting their borders, but they said Chaska feel he is such a hothead. He baited him into it so somehow they relate to stay in the size in 2012, take the Don box. Redo this Wharton speaking people.

Your Crimea never should have been given away by cruise ship does and then then incomes cut in Kazakhstan and they have trouble the leaders trouble. Can you help me out. He goes and he takes it now is in the sphere of influence same things happen in Belarus at leaders about to be ousted Schenkel's is. Can you help me I said yeah so he's got this influence. He said not to go for the big one. It's always bothered me Ukrainian they will come to the table, they will just give us this region which is give us Crimea… I'm not afraid of this comedian.

I'll go take him. And now we find himself in the audit definition of a quagmire. You see, do you see them thinking like that. I think you largely had it right. My one caveat is built very early. We still have a lot of Russian firepower that has yet to be brought to bear.

I like to share how not been going well for the lesson. For a lot of reasons. They have integrated their forces haven't assured supply lines them and lots of other observations about how poorly it's going.

This is really early still on. We have a 3 mile long convoy of Russian armored vehicles outside of TF, according to certain reporting so we have to be really careful. Russia will escalate will escalate.

I think that's very clear. And so we need to be plotting next steps and how we can protect and advance our collective interests, including those of the Ukrainian in a way that minimizes the risks of escalation them and protect our values and our interest that goes with this work for Bush as well as Pres. Obama and watching video now just in from Corky.

The second biggest city in the hidden lot harder to your point, but it looks as though Barry I will give you.

Let's fast-forward this, they continued to show the city in a haphazard see cities and haphazard way and taking out residence after residence and begin to set essentially flat in these places because they don't want to get out of their vehicles and fight of our block to block what are our options because it is you seen the protests around the world. We don't we didn't ask for those protest governments are asking the Germans of the French, the Russians, the Ukrainians, even the Belarusians to to protest in the streets.

We had 40 in America against this aggression. What do we do if the blood begins to really poor if zip felt he gets killed yet.

I think that is where things get much more difficult.

We have to be really careful that we don't instigate World War III were United States homeland with a homeland of European NATO allies are put it significant risk as well. But we also don't want to be bystanders and innocent democratic country knows completely flattened and so I do worry that Russia that the Russian military will use these Grozny tactics of just leveling city blocks and not caring at all about civilian casualties and I think at the images. If that happens then as the damages and across her screen. The pressure to act to the public sentiment. We Artie saw a pole. I thought all yesterday something like 77% of those asked thought that it was kind of our fight, and that NATO should get more involved.

Even though Ukraine is not a formal treaty ally so I think we need to sort of really kind of up the investment strengthen the weapon going in there strengthen the funding going in their humanitarian assistance wherever possible, but I think when you tip over point. When you start to put in.

You know, American forces, NATO forces that gets to me that the different situations so are the Ukrainians doing well enough that what were doing already is sufficient. We need to keep watching that.

I think it would look if and when to get to a much more difficult situation with a national conversation that we need to have happen and that needs to happen really quickly. We have to have a national conversation about practicality, we keep pretending that these bad actors are going to be rational to reset our relationships.

They cannot understand me. They can understand the other person but am me.

They'll understand that we do a China doing the run we did it with Russia and now by placating in 2008. We have an absolute mess.

In 2022. Do you believe the next leader of this country has to explain that in the world that were written. The only one we know that the only way to get through bad actors is through the strength of our military, and the fear of reprisal that we can talk, always with a rational person yet though I'm a big believer in particular tried to talk with colleagues that the only way to get through the punch them in the note that said, it's been remarkable how Europeans including the new German government have really come together and stepped up in unprecedented ways, including Germany's announcement of its new defense spending targets unprecedented again. But I think it took this kind of clear threat to unify the Allied and I think it would be less helpful if it's only the US note saying things but but I do agree we start connecting the dots a little more than we have we seen this particular movie before and we didn't do as much about us. We should have and so how do we apply these lessons to siege and paying as the really really top priority. By far, but also Kim Jong-Il in and others.

I think we really need to try to be a little clearer and a little stronger just right. I just think that that's a far positive it's going to work not know with Germany won't during ally, even if we disagree, but when you have these people want to reconstitute a country that disappeared in 1991. We can't sit by and try to talk them out of it. I wish we lived in a different world, but we don't Barry show was great talking to you. We come back.

Sen. Ron Johnson on how this all will play when there get brief today and what he expects to happen at the state of the union address where the numbers look extremely strong at this hour for Republican.

This is the right killing Joe so glad you're here. Fox News contests networks hundred on the next Fox News contributor and editor of the daily newsletter. I'm inviting you to join a conversation every weakness depend on its podcast to strive and listen no Fox News Fox News contests networks in these ever-changing times you can rely on Fox News for hourly updates for the very latest news and information on your listening download now in Fox News or wherever you get your favorite projects radio show like no other person because one wanted to divide us being viewed. NATO is a weak entity. If it were divided he could roll right through Ukraine and then right up to the border maybe through NATO as well so that has been rebuffed in the fight certainly is on. I think pray for quite frankly when it comes to nuclear weapons.

You don't threaten the use of nuclear weapons if you think your winning no don't do that. So it's a very solid front right now with NATO and it's very very hard moment, but thankfully we have some assets together that ensure that we are calm and we are going forward together. Sen. Ron Johnson joined just now that was Joel Rubin, former deputy assistant secretary of state talking about with the that the scare tactic to use on Sunday open a scare tactic if Ottoman princes were in our nuclear arsenal ready really nice center on Johnson joined us at Centerview surprised to hear that statement from Vladimir Putin. I was, not you say. If you feel your winning products left me a loser now, we all understand exactly what resources you have, but as I've been going out more. The rushing soldiers fighting for the kleptocracy of the dictatorship and tyranny. Russia operations what claims are fighting for the 24 the freedom of families with children fighting for their future start environment miscalculated prior an understatement. I don't think he even began to understand how ferociously Ukrainians would defend their country and their families and their children, and I think is finding out that his arm is probably not effective as he assumed they were partly that might be because the morale of these other crazy Russians are all called because he is okay difficult order to follow the slaughtering people that report so I'm just hoping and praying to pray for present going Peter shown true leadership true courage is certainly one of the factors in terms of why Ukrainians are fighting a leader there risking himself number one target is not leaving you see it, Ukrainians heading back into Ukraine. Other country gifts inspiring same time.

It's just a horror show is just off of these atrocities and there is one group people blame their Vladimir cooking and his kleptocracy and his crew that they are there no prior bear no more criminals. We've always been they are full-fledged war criminals and get feedback about center.

The other thing is pretty clear I like the fact that they exposed all this intelligence at the false flag and that they plan on attacking the day they did. I think in the long run that's a good move. I think it actually unnerved by Vladimir Putin may be changed is strategy which seems by military experts had chance to talk to ridiculous you want to attack from four sides with the third of his forces. Now, two thirds are in their country. But the problem is they're not supplied effectively didn't plan it out right.

Most of the people going and didn't even know about. Instead of trying to the capital and decapitate the regime that most people would do. Sadly, even though I did not my words and to do so. They want to try to take forcibly say lost on every single one of them.

So having said that, we've got we've responded with with a with sanctions and were on the way will after the eye. I guess the Swift system and the Swift system on the surface it seems a great move. The problem is with the implementation of it and its people are brought up like Andrea Mitchell hard or hardly a right wing zealot. The problem with going in there and on and on. This aligning their their assets or how they borrow money. We haven't gone through with it. Listen to what Andrew Mitchell said the 20 Swift still calls at Swiss cheese family on Swift because first half-life and about leader is the Board of Directors to approve it next week. They've got been cut out for any banks that are involved in energy transactions. So that's to protect Germany and Italy and others which banks are not as think some of the worst oligarch control banks, so let's wait to see exactly how it's implemented to you. New business you keep for the business world that's going to be key how we do treasury right now has nothing in terms of rules or the public about how their adjusting supplies.

Large percentage of the world's oil and gas supply and country want that oil and gas.

Depended on their populations are dependent on. We need to recognize that and was invited that you always expansion when a lot of oil and gas and hang out here. We still need oil and gas and you may have yours, but we need out back to reality.

I think there no missed you.

I don't think Gratian was was being honest about biggest blunder. Quite honestly, was just the reluctance of the West, including the US to fully armed Ukraine that I purchased them in my role the terminology member your visa. Several formulations of your journey prefers always concerned about wrapping up in your providing too much to Ukraine to get there would upset Russia well not another realize elected to turn will work out anyway. Now we have to supply be brave Ukrainians with the weaponry they need to extend their nation and we need to do it fast. I am hearing that were not quickly enough. We need to make sure this ministration responds rapidly. Can't wait a couple days. They need the arms now while the supply routes are still open for when five all bombing campaign. That's my concern right now is probably still reluctant to do all out war hoping to move in your decapitate. Through assassination the leadership and just saw his puppet regime to be accepted by the great people he's finding out that's not going to happen and might not want to lose and the horror that could follow him.

His desire not to lose could could be pretty bad when you get armaments and munitions into Ukraine. Now they might be doing scorched-earth already has predicted, get this, I would just in this report from one of the reporters on the scene. Ukraine says Russia has begun launching grad rockets which are not precise by any stretch. They just to vicinity into residential areas of car keep the second-biggest city as its invasion spotters so the trying to push Justin for trying to loosen up the target trying to kill as many people as possible so they can roll and unencumbered. So we have done and when I give the Germans tremendous credit.

It took a long time. I think it's 100,000 people protested bullet has a lot to do with it. They are now reigniting their nuclear energy program. Number one, number two there taking $40 million worth of lethal aid and sending it to the Ukrainians there very close to get there quickly, theoretically, and their allowing other weekly to come through their property through their country proper now. When asked about oil production and how we could make up for the fried rising prices, which is certainly a happen because the sanctions on the Russians but bear markets animals 500 points. Here's what Jen Saki said, especially as you and the first question was, what about the big calls of the time cotton and others have said to to actually get put online the, the pipeline let's listen cut 26 I would say that the Congressman's recommendation there.

The Keystone pipeline was not processing oil through the system that does not solve any problems that the misdiagnosis or maybe at the misdiagnosis of what needs to happen. I would also note that oil leases what this actually justifies and present guidance here is the fact that we need to reduce our dependence on foreign oil on oil in general and need to and we need to look at other ways of price and having energy in our country and others.

One of the interesting things right.

We've seen over the last week or so is that a number of European countries are recognizing the need to reduce their own reliance on Russian oil so I'm not sure we agree with that assessment. What needs to happen, but energy sanctions remain on the table so she think she's gotta find get solar panels and get some wind farms.

She does not understand it them, but that the world is not ready to transition from fossil fuels, even in a time of war, when people are dying. Now I would say Democrat ability to deny reality, simply draw drop what you're saying never never wrong. The legacy media media giants. They installed biking bill never admit they were wrong either so that we do a mediation problem here but but hopefully more Americans either being awake. In fact, were fossil fuel based economy.

Self-inflicted wounds don't work very well so it's obvious what we do but we need to drill more oil. Here we need to be calm energy independent again. We were felt. This ministration got into office and made us energy dependent once again that's not working out very well in center. I knew running for another term and is to be a hard race but one thing you do while you have in this term combined with center Mike Braun and Sen. Mike Lee to reduce legislation to protect doctors, patients and prescribers with the right to treat act. What is it was the wood problem is this addressing will bring up it shouldn't be necessary. Doctors have full off label prescription rights, no government agency note no longer regulation should prevent them from treating only FDA approved using a full FDA approved drug and right now that was happening. Also, doctors should be at the top of the treatment trip to and no government agency should be dictating and regulating how doctors practice medicine, but actually seen during pandemic to disastrous results published about people like me lost their lives because doctors were unable to use literally a cornucopia of drugs available throughout the treatment code early so and I think you get the proper covert go home wait be afraid to turn blue and through that much bring the hospital universal travesty. This is the text onto my right to try bill which allows people the freedom to use non-FDA, holy, holy, FDA approved drugs, but this just like that you only FDA approved drugs which they really do not get you if you met my Family that might campaign website Ron Johnson Brandy Lori outspent me 13 million to 2 million. They want to Senate seats if you want government accountability you want to see if save this you're soaking Wisconsin under need a lot of help. So, Ron Johnson right now the Z Republicans overall have a five-point advantage over Democrats in an ABC poll about where they will went with what party they want to leave the country.

You think that's going to help you when it comes to winning in Wisconsin again for the third time.

I think Americans are waking up to what a disaster Democrat Dublin Democrat policies are but you take nothing for granted.

Politics can turn on a dime on my mind work my tail off for I'm in front communicate to folks here in Wisconsin. Really this is a fight for freedom of our country is really a huge point here, and Democrat Douglas is to take us down the road to socialism green energy.nearly that's not working out two of us making us vulnerable left increasing energy prices, gasoline prices, which are over 40% as a used car prices meet the things don't just happen by all of these results are because of Democrat policies as I would open border one according million people entered illegally and were dispersed in some way shape or form all over America, where they are number larger than eight population eight states Democrat governors is a disaster and actually what this campaign can be about that.

We got the former for success during last ministration.

You have a reason hello what regulation competitive taxes and then let get government get out of the way and let America's best dream aspire bill to create a party prickly thank you to run the better back you and if they don't when you receive you, they lose your seat. They're not in a car that I can win the Senate by Sen. Ron Johnson, always working hard. Thanks so much, say, well, you got it.

Also Senate Foreign Relations Committee the budget committee and homeland security.

This is the right to make sure we come back your first time to talk. 1-866-408-7669 dome of newsmakers and news breakers. First, Brian kill show will came close to Fox and friends, we can share my thoughts in a wide range of topics in sports and pop culture, politics and business. So just subscribe and listen to Fox News by just the more you listen more, you'll know it's Brian kill me there. People now just discussing the talk about for the first time ever since been in power for 22 years that need maybe we need hopefully the coup hopefully they'll stop him before it's too late. I'm not predicting that I want to be crystal clear about that. I think that's a very low probability but the fact that is being discussed. That is something new he is. He's lost this country, including the people that are closest to my lap when they say by reporting to 69% approval rating all yeah all right disapproval. I'll end up in jail for 20 years. Anonymous bull.

I'm sure I can trust the government on that and that by the way, we understand seen in reporting this emerging economics meter the meeting that Vladimir Putin is having because we know as interest rates went forth from 9 to 20% in the ruble has dropped down to 30% in value. This is going to be the worst is yet to come for him economically as he's trying to pound his way through and khaki and other other city seas does have three small cities currently in the Ukraine.

Nora is watching on Fox nation. Thank you for that nor what's on your mind wandering around like George. However, I never starting to demonstrations in Moscow by I'm just wondering if you know you have to fight on other fronts, that he didn't expect an Brian I love Michelle I want you all the time I got to thank you enough and also on Fox nation be that you have the app today for the first time he get who is Vladimir Putin. So many people say, loses guy wouldn't come from, you know they will steal it there so much mystery with Russia anyway so did a whole thing on who he is. It's about 45 minutes.

I think everyone needs a competency on how how this guy is really changed.

I mean you can be evil but you do. You can also be cunning and he's lost that cunning this and he's totally detached and this operation is to kill his way out of it in this country paying an awful price. United NATO. He has sweeping in Finland ready to apply for NATO membership for the first time ever in the Ukrainian people speaking out saying I want to be part of the EU and NATO is exactly what you want a does not have a huge economy to build off of his relationship with China but they are there. There are rooted in being enemies, not allies. So see how long this lasts.

It was he alone goes, nor thanks much of the call.

A lot of people are also writing membrane to will get to some of them so will give you the latest. We know the second cities being pounded khaki. The second biggest city. We know there is a convoy of armaments heading into Kiki Avenue or Keith as the Ukrainian snow in TFS. The Russians know it as are coming in to really pound that country that city.

We know this said Vitale could go has backed off his earlier statement saying he's the mayor of that city. Former multiple multiple year heavyweight champion of the world.

He said were not encircled, which means that means you can get food and supplies in and out, which is going to be key in this last for weeks on end. Usually torture a bunch of people in the babies that are going to need food and kids are not going to school and wonder of running for their lives.

He has some long-term effects you are in talks now we are saying that right now we know Ukraine is going to talk saying we wanted total cease-fire and we watch out of the country. I do see Russia agreed to either one of those things well say this in the right till he chose. So glad you're here.

Live from the Fox News radio studios in New York City fresh office set up Fox and friends saw America's receptive voice. Thanks much Lucy everybody's the Brian kill me show this out and be joined by Michael Goodwin of the New York Post box is contributed to spoke to Donald Trump bottom Liao, Jonathan Ward. He knows enough about trying to the probably and the 10 universities. He's the author of China's vision of victory, the founder of the Atlas organization and concurrence consultancy focus on the rise of China and India is acting oddly. So for this big conflict will discuss that with him at the bottom of the out but first let's get to it by the way. Special thanks of course we welcome everyone in New York and also to our family of affiliates another one from Akron Ohio.

Very special one WHO I was now aboard. The slogan is accurate and news talk and we want to be all over Ohio were privileged to be in Akron.

Thanks much guys are signing up with us.

I hope you enjoy the ride. So let's from New York and heard around the country heard around the world. Let's go to the big three now the stories you need to know Brian's three number three. Over the last couple years.

Putin has been more and more isolate don't think is good is retroactive because he's fearful. He's out at his compound doesn't come into town very much. He's increasingly unhinged. He seems erratic case descending into something that I personally haven't seen before mystery is Putin crazy like a fox or just flat out crazy like he's never been before the Western leaders who know him best and feel he has lost it bases a different man. What are his options for now and on in and who exactly is left that he can call a friend friendly nation of friendly person.

The fact that the sanctions have all the loopholes is a big problem. What we doing on the Russian Central Bank. What are we going to supply to the Ukrainians in order to support them. None of those questions have been answered.

Daniel Pletcher not buying that this whole swift system in the sanctions have been implemented, the way they're saying the world responds though in a massive way that's clear what is it enough rush is already feeling the financial pain that is true there an emergency meeting right now with the economic counselors in Russia. More importantly, the people of Russia are realizing the pain of feeling the pain as their ruble is turning to rubble satellite images. They show a convoy. That's more than 3 miles long Russian trucks and artillery units headed toward the Ukrainian capital.

This is significant because the concern amid the backdrop of possible negotiations succeeding is that the Russians would increase the amount they are showing cities across this country. The latest from the battlefield. Russia versus Ukraine three small cities of fallen into Russian hands, and there is some word that the number two city under unnerved of onslaught right now could fall as well. Twice they tried to take it over the last two nights they failed to try to do it in daylight. Now with me right now is Michael Goodwin, Michael.

I get the sense that Vladimir Putin is clueless that the Ukrainian people wanted nothing to do with him and his culture in his country and these getting that reality check. Right now, but it's far from over. Does seem to be hanging in the balance. Still, which is something of a surprise. Of course I think everyone thought that Ukraine was his for the taking and I but I guess we all forgot the Ukrainian people were not on board with coming under the Soviet yoke again so it is a remarkable phenomenon to launch and also to watch the world reacting.

I mean, it is almost like a sporting event where people are picking aside and rooting for the outside in the world is rooting for Ukraine. I mean you just see it everywhere. You know whether tease demonstrations. There was a thing in and now one of the rugby games of soccer games on the weekend where Ukrainian player came on the field and the entire stadium erupted in cheers. So you have a real sense of the heart of the world is worth Ukraine, but in the end, this is a war and so bullets and that that will determine the outcome and certainly Russia has a far superior military they may not be well trained, they may not be well. Have a good plan, but they still have the brute force which is the way they have always operated my time if you don't mind leveling the city Berlin style 1948. You could do it but I don't know if the world will tolerated.

I am struck and hardened by 100,000 people in Berlin by the tens of thousands are fighting the streets of Paris.

At this time by the 40 demonstrations against Russia in our country and the 6000 that have been arrested in St. Petersburg and around Russia for protesting their own countries unprovoked war actions. I mean, this is great courage not to social media through logic and understanding.

This can't stand, I'm heartened by this and is been very little good news in the world of late. Brian I completely agree with you, and I would add that the all of the outpouring of support from ordinary people around the world I think is what force the hands of the governments in Europe and even Biden to get off their box and do something to help Ukraine. So you had this not only the economic sanctions on the banks and all that, which are still being worked out will see what they are. The Russian Central Bank. You know EP pulling out of Robert Rose left but also the military equipment for Germany to send military equipment and to say that it would stop its own spending on its own defense.

I mean this is this is NATO finally waking up.

This is what Donald Trump demanded of NATO. Three years ago and was accused of trying to break NATO up NATO as he told me last week is a paper tiger. But, finally, were seeing some signs of life and what is also shocking is how far behind Joe Biden's looks like he went to sleep over the weekend and he was awoken by what was happening in Europe to support Ukraine. The United States was not leading it was a follower Joe Biden learn to weld the Barack Obama idea of leaving from behind.

America is not leading.

It is behind and that is shameful.

We don't have to put American troops in harm's way, but we could have done a lot more. We could've done a lot sooner and it would've I think made a difference. I mean if Putin knew the world was going to react this way would he have invaded anyway.

I mean I think he anticipated that the world would stay asleep that Europe would moan and complain, but do nothing and St. Michael think about Afghanistan is false for sure in August to September and October, he starts putting tens of thousands of troops onto the border and he says listen this is the way they act. This is America, humiliated me, where mice will take advantage and think about it. If you break it down. He takes the two Georgia provinces in 2008. There was some sanctions he left he live with it and then in 2014 he takes is to disputed regions that are disputed. He decided that the Russian speaking the Don Bosch Regent a to cry me a since Khrushchev never should've given a weblog stage.

Nothing happened and then he puts these trips to the border. Nothing happened in Afghanistan. We leave we leave all those weapons on the ground they think with is no way since NATO was ever even former leaving still going to come together and stop them because Ukraine was even a member of NATO, so the go ahead and take it and now all of a sudden he's shocked to see this stand being made. So now this is the first time is getting resistance.

It turns out his army socks, Mike Rogers, the former House intelligence committee chairman said this about what he seeing so far cutting I would not get too excited about what you see is some early Ukrainian victories. Once the Russians have separate their logistics lines. This is going to get a little bit uglier and remember the Russians are right off the border so their logistics, their ability to push armament forward their absolute dominance and artillery and missiles presents a huge challenge to Ukraine and so we shouldn't deny that but he went on to say this cut nine is an improvement has managed in a week to do some half-and-half hasn't happened in a generation Germany as we militarizing Sweden is now sending weapon right to Ukraine. Finland is now saying were going to get involved in.

Stop Russian air flights way that is not something that we've ever seen happen and this happened in a week so I mean all that stuff is so encouraging. If we had begged him to do it would force him to do it when you hundred thousand children Berlin suddenly get this.

The Germans are saying that we are getting really nourishing to that was good. And then they say with and allow offensive weapons to pass through our territory. That's good.

Then they said to go to supply him, that's great. Now they say they can revisit nuclear energy.

I mean think this is unbelievable right shows how asleep.

They all were beautifully the right way to approach a bully, but instead they slept and wasted away until it was thrust in their faces and they knew that had pollutants stopped at these two provinces next to Russia and said that's all I want but when he went for the whole country and then and then talked about Poland and the Balkans in ways that suggested he said he really does want to recapture the entire Soviet Union and I think that's what woke them up but imagine again Brian if they had been on the balls of their feet in the beginning, if they had seen that that was was acting the bully because he thought they were afraid and would do nothing.

What if they had dissuaded him from that thinking in the beginning by showing they were going to get in and help protect Ukraine.

I meet I have to say the head of the EU as opposed to Nate over the head of the new usage said something very bold lubricant.

She said Ukraine is one of us, meaning Ukraine is part of Europe as far as we're concerned. I mean at that thinking had prevailed earlier if Joe Biden I mean that awful press conference where he said you know if if if it's a minor invasion in all of those things were invitations to Putin and he accepted the invitation. It's like come and get it and he thought he could come and get it. So thank God these, these countries are waking up to the reality that you give a bully an international one a foot, and that's what is happening here and I think finally they they recognize prudent for what he is just a chance to stop them and maybe depose him and I'll be one major problem. The real world is in need. Russia will always be an issue. I getting we don't know is we don't have to deal with this.

This guy is totally out of control, but I want you here Vitaly and Vladimir could start dealt with both of them and when I was doing all sports and you are your sports background to so I contacted the promoter over the weekend.

He says they're afraid of giving up the location. They're afraid of doing the satellite with a pointed to a German interview they did on Saturday on tape that was sent out through their new service. Listen to what they said why these two heavyweight champions who can live in luxury anywhere in the world went back one to become mayor and the other went back to to to join his countrymen. Listen to what the mindset of Ukrainians is cut 15 is not about moments about these values that you have chosen consumer wants to show us how we should live in chief made our choice. This is our country, our choice, our freedom, freedom of our children in the future to I think there's a lot more play than just assuming I've come. I was in Europe recently and I can back because I was called rather not take care of your mother. My circle of friends and especially in the sciences.

I can't miss saying you really need to be there. It's really how values and above all voting child.

Ukraine is free choice and decision and stand the fact that is not that we wanted to ask about values we want Ukraine to be a modern European state because we want to be part of Europe is where Europeans with her mentality geographically that with our history we are European and is he wants to. Came back to his empire us because aside we fight for our values, they noticed targets on their back there 67. He's got a huge this can be very hard to hide an elegant high ability to survive Zelinski to so this is going to be a very tough week or two and they can do that. These guys are going to live there to be living through it like fame, like they've never experienced before. The lesson here for a lot of American.

Two who have mock democracy Martha Stewart of the founding of America and what it means. Here you see living, breathing people, not just migrants coming from central America to escape violence. But you see people willing to fight for their freedom. I mean it it it should be a lesson to Americans to because I think we've all gotten lazy and hazy about our founding about what America means to the world right now Americans is leading from behind, which is to say, not leading at all, but it is time for a rebirth in America of of our values are historic values because it is that sense of freedom that the Ukrainians are embracing and risking their lives for. And as you say you know the these these famous celebrities are coming home to fight for that week.

That is a remarkable tale of the human heart and and for the for all Americans. I think it should remind us of what our country is supposed to be about the next column I would not close is Michael Goodwin. Thanks so much, my pleasure, Brian got 1-866-408-7669 your time to talk to the brain to me just so good year diving into today's top stories Brian kill me if you're interested in Brian's talking about a tour with Brian kill me and I will not be a diplomatic.

Some companies are trying to leave. Who calls exclude a number of banks so that they can apply some measures with their left hands and continue to trade with Russia was their right hands still doing this now still trading was the blood of Ukrainian men, women and children. This is not a method for the reality of what you're doing history will judge you and your names will forever remain in history books is names of traitorous of humanity who failed to oppose the aggressor in Europe at a crucial time and that's talking about is their vice Ukrainian Foreign Minister St. hey I know you want to get off the switch system you want to crush of the Swiss is that's greatest but don't exempt these key banks, like for example, energy banks, because if you do that you're allowing Russia to continue to be able to finance us in themselves up economically. I love what they're doing they are forcing the rest of the world. The SASE you left us alone.

At least put together decent sanctions and would would would Zelinski is done is what Joe Biden couldn't do this, unite the world to say luck, you know are fighting. You know the enemy is. You know exactly we did nothing wrong.

So try to help me you don't want to send people I don't even want your people.

We just want the weapons necessary to do it without asking for EU admission when Ynez Bonito admission or doing is asking for you to stop doing business with them, and because I got up the swift system and I stopped airline flights and they will all of they said they are starting to make it harder for them to get parts for their cars. Listen to this.

The ruble has sank major in 30%. They very taken at $7 billion from the banks of the Russian people that was going into Monday.

So interest rates image went from 9% to 20%. The value the ruble is down 30%. Carports are harder to find travelers going to be exceedingly difficult as a stop flights. They took out two World Cup matches the Formula One race was supposed to take place is not taking place. BP is bowing out of their relationship with the second-biggest gas and oil producer in the country, businesses are asking more more for their cash for their money in cash when you try to buy a couple coffee. We try to buy a car. They're not looking to even use the ruble.

That's the damage that Vladimir Putin is cast but that's how the world has to unite. I really salute that Prime Minister St. yet don't give me fighters don't help my enemy well said John. The more next. What is China. Think about all this. Why is India sitting on the side.

He knows both countries.

Well radio that makes you think this is the Brian kill me show this invasion was greenlighted by Beijing. Russia has 11 time zones and they were able to move their troops from the Far East back to Belarus to be able to invade not just from their Russian actual territory in the east and the primary Crimean sees territory in the southeast, but they invaded from Belarus as well. And there's insert link yet as we speak. That was able to happen because they move the troops back because she said okay.

I'd love it if you could help destabilize Europe and the US.

By the way love you to be the scout team offense to what a cyber hybrid war looks like. So we China know what it might look like if we try to seize Taiwan. That's a huge stretch. So far, but is it that center Ben sass, Charlie Ward, author of China's vision of victory inventor that was organization joins us now.

Jonathan would you think a sinner's asses estimation or hypothesis. Hybrid back with you will look at me. Beijing is a major piece of why this is happening would not be able to get this done without the backing of the superpower. He needed an economic patron in order to do this, knowing that they're going to be unit Russia can be cut off from the West up anyway and they were actually the state of economic warfare with the Russian Federation so the meeting that the Olympics is important, but the Russia China relationship building up across all fronts for for years now so I think this is absolutely accurate to see the status of the particle unit Russia China joint play to take down the American world and that's what I can tinker long time and we really have this problem with your multiple adversaries that are trying to take apart the world order that the US built and some they're doing it together. Middle Russia China problem. It doesn't make a lot of sense to separate the variables with the work of this course is inherently they've always been class right means that they don't have a great history of being great friends and how far back you you wind too many people use us the Sino-Soviet split as a reference point and they had. They were closely aligned in the Korean War. You go back a couple hundred years earlier you had a variety of treaties in their immigrant families allowed Russia and China to Russia could expand useful techniques. Western nutcase took much longer history than just the 20th century that were used herein, they've been cooperative in the past as empires as much as anything so most people don't have that reference point, but their ability to get things done.

Once they've solved the reporter which is what they absently have done here in the sense of they're going to go along to get along and then both press against the United States so so were doing something that we should not underestimate to, but let's look at how it's going so far. We see that China abstained from condemning Russia rather than just bailed out of it. You know where the light brush it right so you abstain from that number two is there calling for talks, so they're not coming out to vociferously defending Russia's actions correct and they have more trade with Ukraine and Russia does the major factors in the important thing here is to have a military superpower like Russia as a factor.

You know partner and and one that can harass the US in England 100 racial China's claims of the other. So don't be deceived by change the policy course they're going to lie on the world stage to the United States and other nations of their ability to not do not call this an efficient and impatient assertiveness play both sides of the chromatic state should not seek anyone when it comes to their profession of economic support for this situation was done in the short term is United NATO in a way haven't really seen in my lifetime I mean you have Germany I don't know necessarily in the lead on this journey see you have.

They've changed starting the move now you written or turn to for now not certifying it not getting her nostrum one yet, but they start to move a nuclear energy they pledge to get 2% of their defense. You saw hundred thousand people lining the streets of Berlin and now you have friends who took the lead on this and see Russia as an enemy. There's almost no nation in the world outside Brazil, India and China.

It doesn't see Russia as a belligerent power and the West's handling of this has some serious positive points to what were supplying the right military equipment.

Ukrainians are speaking right now are doing well in the field.

It appears to get a lot of Russian arbors be destroyed by chocolate laws distinguish applicable and this is all you know being handled in the right way. Thus far, creating a serious problem for curtains so so that's another important piece of the seven it's not that this is going well. Obviously Beijing gets to watch that they get to see what their major unlimited partner looks like under massive sanctions and in order that is not going well so so so those are important signals to to China as much as anything, and then Russia becoming a global pariah is if someone had just been begin petitioning around the fisheries report but also think where else disruption at the turn at this point there only you know, but serious friend is trying to put our Russia China problems compound so so we are thinking quite a dangerous situation in this crisis and coming out of it comes to having Neil Ferguson's thoughts are on this east from the Hoover Institute cut five debacle. I'm reminded of the worst year of the Carter presidency in 1979 when the Iranian revolution was followed by the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, but I actually think this could turn out to be worse than the consequences of this failure on it and it could be catastrophic for Ukraine that extend far beyond Ukraine.

The Chinese are watching this in their thinking to themselves. What if this can be achieved. In Ukraine, then we may well be able to do something similar in Taiwan than just a couple of years so this is a very dark situation.

I agree with your analysis and do you agree with his.

I want to put patients here are very profound and this is important that there be substantial resistance Russian invasion both on the ground and in Ukraine and also by way of international sanctions.

And it's important that Beijing understands that this this could be a disaster for the current deterrence in one Peter is deterrence about the extent and even if from you know Russia is proceeding with some patients are still in a wide berth to make it. Very costly working for them that that won't be lost Beijing on the other goes well for the multiply fit you escalate fit to start to turn the tide trying to select let's talk about India.

Why is India standing in the Senate really have a defense agreement with Russia but I mean dear to their the largest democracy in the world. How could they not even good turkey sees me take you back to 1962, China, India quarter crisis important work. At that point you know neighbor's biggest problem was prime minister. She did not want to side with the West even though we were willing to supply him with all the right material because he didn't want Sino-Soviet split to come back together. He understood that we did at the time, but Moscow and Beijing were work for the rest and enter him if he swung to the West and you have a Russia back to China once again Sino-Soviet split was underway at that time.

So it's the same issue for them now living there right on the border with China. China has territorial claims is already used force against India Justin 2021 history of that so took them nonalignment, which is their diplomatic history basically means having relations with both Russia and the United States. So they're trying to balance that alter a whole other military equipment and replace it with Mexican American equipment that all the parts that sits Russian weaponry and nuts for their parts and equipment comes from so you know they are around trying to walk a tightrope once again it it it. I don't know that that's sustainable. I don't think it's wise. I think it would be great for India can now firmly come into the Western camp, but to them they have a massive border with China Russia China relationship deepens, which it will after this crisis, there going there got into trouble… Explains there point of view, but you know it is a dangerous spot to me last night that is if this humiliation continues by Russia with a put 490,000 troops, which is almost 3/4 of their other fighting force on the border and they're able to not have success and they have to ask the Belarusians to come in and fight for them with them and this doesn't heal success that China is not going to work and they see the outrage of the West and the and the and the sanctions that are hurting their banking system destroying the ruble their credit rating. Stopping flights a commercial traffic.

These are the D investment from that country that China doesn't fear for that because the rest of the world is so invested in China already.

Case in point, look at the NBA.

They don't condemn anything with the Uighurs were seeing these these concentration camps and basically know it's even talking about the still of the Olympics as the rest of the world.

The capitalistic culture so ingrained that we give up all of our values. If they did something similar to what the Russians do it Ukraine the same thing. Taiwan would we just look the other way and not just about America, but most of the West so important for people to understand the nature of this problem. Both Russia and China. The strongest support for Russian reference court probation.

That's why this comprehensive strategic partnership as they call it. It's just so important to get the picture on that because if you look the other way on Hong Kong did not look the other way and went on Ukraine and you got to be able to see the whole thing for what it is. These are partners working together, they are supporting one another in their strategic ambitions and we got to call it for what it is sweetheart Russia, China, for the first time early Coke work to support each other and it doesn't make sense for us to look the other going on China and its unit genocide and atrocities in the military buildup that's absolutely about war in the Pacific longer. The rear ignorant about that.

Worse off or can it be that we've just seen a lot of norms be torched overnight when it comes to invasion of other states in the world is in some you know it's time for us to understand how dangerous that really is it's not just limited to Europe Pacific to: Jonathan Ward and they say the to State Department, Defense Department as well as the White House and say what you suggest we do about this Elliott Abrams is with me on Saturday night and you know we work to three Republican administrations dating back to Reagan and he said we have to go back to spending 7% of our GDP on defense. This is going to be even more challenging now because we have these two Cold War enemies, we have to understand that that we gotta stop trying to reset a relationship when the other side has no interest in resetting. Do you believe that we would you recommend it for for a will for a State Department Defense Department and the White House there was going to listen to what we need a new US grand strategy to handle the Research to economic containment kind of getting our companies to pull them back polar investment out stop throwing your technology and capital into the People's Republic of China and at the same time. Yes, I think you got increase US defense spending and get the alliance system to keep global allies in Asia and the allies in Europe need to start working together on both sides of this problem that's Russian, China, and also make it very very costly for the Russians in the field and prepare for the defense of the Pacific as well.

Yeah, I mean trying to talk them down as I can work and trying to tap into people's patriotism to start making things each year or and or and Central and South America would certainly help which is people don't see it now. Maybe the getting the wake-up call. I know Europe seems to Jonathan Ward, author of China's vision of victory. Thanks so much. Thank you. All eyes are on Europe 1-866-408-7669 from Wisconsin to New York to Washington to California will begin to all your calls will return on the brain kill me Cho don't move your knowledge base. Brian fill me show breaking news unique opinions. All Brian kill me.

Cho. Russia has four levels of readiness for their nuclear forces.

This is the second level of four elevated level and what I think Vladimir Putin is doing but I think he's trying to do his message of the West message.

The US-led NATO alliance is trying to extort us is very much aware that the United States and our NATO allies, but not only our NATO allies. Others, including Sweden, for example, providing much needed military assistance to Ukraine.

We have the capacity to provide actionable intelligence to Ukrainian forces to aid them in their fight against the Russian aggression and I think he's trying to extort us and induce us to dial that down a bit out of concern over Russia's nuclear arsenal that my my hope is that they don't cut a deal now and they'll just hold onto more of Ukraine evenly wants the whole country may be his way out is to take the portions which I have, what you should not be able to hold you should be holding Crimea, you can go debate with the other. The Don box region. He should not 14,000 have died to push him back. No deals been God, now as well as three other cities Ukraine. So through the cities, there still hanging tough. That's got to Tony listen W ABC and Elizabeth, New Jersey hey Tony. A lawyer could break down knowing that Pres. Biden is actually leading from behind when completely clear. Like the other tyrants around the world like a specially situation went through what was going to rock right to freedom and liberty filings from the White House completely. The Army completely that country that been under for over one 6364 years. I think what is this not to inspire North Korea and South Korea all you do something good. All that catches everybody like the product towards Japan are trying out for the right one action that Russia is taking towards Ukraine coming. The president leapt from behind in your other state that the Army were living in concrete right now I believe is unpredictable. Knowing that he is using these threats, and nuclear threat, thinks everything you said II believe it is in my previous guess it said why we like Ron Johnson why we why we letting Europe take the lead. But here's what one thing I do like about this because we refuse to take the lead because we didn't want to look like it was going to be US Russia clash is force the Russian Europe to say when second via our own people want us to show some aggression to defend the Ukrainians to maybe put more money in defense. So we are not the next victims. That's we been trying to do when Jane Trump was the first to be effectively get people like Poland and others to do it now. Juries parts to do a Francis pledge to do it. Now we see the the Estonia and Latvia all Eastern European nations are putting Bob putting together arms and guess what turkey the heretic of the NATO Armed Forces is combining the Ukraine to limit the number of ships going to the backseat. We get the right leader in there and Joe Biden is not the right leader and maybe the Democrats know it at least will have a more compliant understanding NATO who now understands that that alliance was put together predominantly for them. So I think in the long run them stepping up will help the next leader come in and have more cooperation and allow Sweden and Finland understand a better joint and that's it on for and to understand to that Russia is not the ferocious lien and that they are not. They have not modernized it forces the way they been advertised. Thanks Tony Alex's thing online in Mountain View, California. Alex McCall, I just wanted to add some additional information about India, the United States at the recent United Nations Security Council meeting made a proposal to condemn Russia and to demand that Russia leave Ukraine well India joined China and abstain or refuse to support the proposal that tells me that India is not a Western country. They don't share our values and I think that we should be careful in our military relations with the country they make. They may doublecross us so you know let's let's deal with them and work on things that may have common interest but don't make them a close ally and by doing this I think doing the coming around the house and they realize Russia is a private estate in Belarus. I hope understands if they continue to pledge to put troops into this fight to be facing the same sanctions.

A rush is over there and I can never absorb anything. Let me put in put aside some five Vladimir Putin put aside $600 billion just for this. It's not heavy enough, but they were ready for this to the best they could, Belarus got no net terrible autocratic leader why Fox news New York City pressure off the set of Fox and friends, America's receptive kill me.

I want to brain kill me live from New York, heard to come at you around the country and hopefully heard around the world because the whole world to focus on the Ukraine. I will discuss that with Eric printed matter of moments when it comes to tactics. Looks like we might be heading to the scorched earth phase of Russian operations because they screwed up the first four days so superficially and then bread. She put blank Fox news will be joining us at the bottom of the hour special – got a new station aboard privilege to have with us in Yuma, Arizona K BLU 560 a.m. news talk 560 where you will comes to talk.

I love it. Let's get to the big three stories you need to know Ryan's three number three.

Over the last couple years has been more and more ice and I don't think is good is retroactive because he's fearful. He's out at his compound doesn't come into town very much. He's increasingly unhinged. He seems erratic keys descending into something that I personally haven't seen before. That is a quick review of Vladimir Putin.

Is he crazy or crazy like a fox. The Western leaders known best things he's not the same guy will discuss the fact that the sanctions have all of the loopholes is a big problem. What we doing on the Russian Central Bank. What are we going to supply to the Ukrainians in order to support them.

None of those questions have been answered. Daniel plucker says hey I love the intent on the sanctions. But I have to see the execution she would mention that I Meet the Press, let's talk about satellite images.

They show a convoy. That's more than 3 miles long Russian trucks and artillery units headed toward the Ukrainian capital. This is significant because the concern amid the backdrop of possible negotiations succeeding is that the Russians would increase the amount they are showing cities across this country that is so interesting. Fascinating and horrifying Russia verse Ukraine, the lady from the battlefield is three small cities fall to run into Russian hands, and they're trying to take the capital and the second biggest city joining us now is Eric Prince form to be joining Shirley. He's a former US Navy seal officer founder, the private military company of Blackwater, knows all about weaponry getting it in and out of tough situations that's well be great to have them. We finally get him. He also knows what's effective and what's not. At this hour, we understand the second-biggest city car key is being besieged in a ham-handed haphazard way. That means are going for residences in Kyiv is now witnessing the aftereffects of having a convoy of three lasting 3 miles of transportation vehicles, artillery vehicles, as well as airplanes and choppers going into try to take that capital once and for all. The first plan was to take Eve the second was to keep the port city of Odessa and khaki and that that didn't work infected talk to mere military analysts and they said they couldn't believe how ridiculous it was for the Russians.

The thing to get to go to a country this size with from four different angles and taking quickly as you be lucky with 150,000 troops when you have 150,000 really only 1/3 or fighting. So for third or fighting. How do you expect to take down a country that's hostile to your existence at 30 million. So here's a little of. How's it going Ukrainian bashers speaking yesterday on this week with George Stephanopoulos. Here she is cut one first before we have to understand that neither NATO not as a full sprint asked allies that Russian Federation government is pregnant is the real reason why they attacked us.

They attacked us because they always wanted to destroy us. Nicholas free democratic Pennsylvania. Ukraine is a threat to them with peaceful country whenever attack them, but they cannot allow asked to be independent just to leave own life. That's why they attacked us into thousand 14 that's fine for the past eight years they've done everything the pressure us into into this and that's why now they started the one you know I did. She's you seeing it in there so many people are celebrities on down to just say give me a gun going back in the house look they're coming back into the fight from out of country from Poland and from Romania with a could be getting receiving exile, status, and maybe getting some accommodation from their allies instead they say none. I'm going back to fight for my country and that's what that's what Zelinski is said. He said wherever you are if you want to fight for us, will give you gonna let them fight so they're not demanding anyone help. They just what weaponry they may be able to fight for themselves and I just think that's awesome. The ambassador goes on when she was talking about peace talks are taking place right now as we speak. I'm just scaring the wires to see if I have any report on the Belarus Ukrainian border with these talks are taking place. I've only seen some video of both arriving at a big long table. Let's listen to more from ambassador Mark over our president from the beginning even even before the Westside that always focused wealth was focused on the diplomatic solution and even after they start.

That's the way he actually called for peace talks all the time but you always said to have a different peace talks penetrated the surrender. So of course we have we have a different peace talks that would stop the war and would say get them out from our country, but it's too early to talk now and the precondition were preconditions, but the demands of the Ukrainians are get out of the country stopped cease-fire immediately leave the country. I don't think Vladimir Putin is going to do either, but the other question is what is that me Putin thinking. Now I know how it went. I remember in 2008 Chaska VLE whose Western oriented leader of Georgia was being belligerent and somewhat provocative with the Russian leader. So the Russian leader came in and no one ever excuses his behavior. I get it never will.

But he took to these disputed provinces.

Now remember Condoleezza Rice saying this was avoidable is the first time this is happening really since World War II. This is a huge issue so in 2014 does the same thing with the two provinces in the so-called disputed recent Don box region in Ukraine. Any takes Crimea say well we had it up until the 1950s, so we should just get a back is allowed to keep it.

Some sanctions is able to weather the storm and taken out of the G7. Think about the G8 negative G7 is able to weather the storm.

They poison some exiles overseas in the UK we sanctioned their able to weather the storm and they threat the UK they say you better did they threaten Ukraine and they said you better not pull away. You better not apply for NATO, you better not be part of European Union so they didn't return. They rallied got rid of their pro-Russian leader and elected Bruce Janco, who then lost an election to the man was looking and outselling ski the actor, comedian, great communicator who wins election overwhelming would six by roughly 60% of the vote and then when it was time to step up in the negotiated letter produces no I want Charlie country does know what will get to keep those those Russian separatists regions and he says no you can do it and will get to keep like you just to hand over make it official and over Crimea says no knocking to do it. Say what you were to him. They want to decapitate the entire government including the mayor labs to be 67 former heavyweight champion Vitaly clinch go in there unable to do it. They don't want to get the car up until today when I have not seen any video yet to scaring Twitter for their second-biggest city they would get the courts to dangerous so the question is this, many we have pledged to give aid $400 million immediate aid now asking Congress. Give 6 billion. I'm sure will give it through weaponry, through aid immediately going to the region. But now we can flighting that we gotta get it covertly and it's gonna be a lot harder. We had all those weeks and months to get ready for as the Russians built up we could afloat in these weaponry but instead we diverted weaponry that was going to Afghanistan. We gave it to the Taliban so we gave it to Ukraine instead is not the type weaponry. They actually needed.

So now as Ukraine is under siege in a major city. We have to be able to get over using land to get supplies to them.

The question is if one of our NATO allies has a transportation vehicle full of supplies. The truck gets blown up is out of the article. Article 5 violation Cinemark want to cut for. I still worry about. For example, in think we talk about fair if launches his full cyber capabilities shuts down the power Ukraine does that somehow shut down the power in eastern Poland as well because once you let malware out that shut off his idea that article 5 will be could be about Cybertek cyber attack is one of those areas where we had so-called strategic ambiguity.

If you suddenly see American troops. It hurts because they've the person shut off for pollution is died because the hospitals go down your variable rapidly approaching what I think is article 5 violation got you clear on that guy's gonna get clear on it because they pride themselves on a cyber attack you just heard Jonathan Ward previous hour, a China expert trying to see how we respond to cyber attack because we know that capable of doing it. The use of the brain to Michelle. So glad you're here were falling all the events overseas. They're not waiting for nighttime to attack their once again trying take the second-biggest city and was seeing if the Ukrainians can continue to astound and confound Russia and astound us by holding out and winning this fight or at least holding their own use in the brain to meet you learning something new every day, Brian kill ratio the fastest three hours in radio you're with Brian kill made the sanctions are great. I support them hundred percent they think months and years. I have a fact it's really about winning the war on the ground.

We need the support Ukrainians were fighting and free if he succeeds in his ultimate objective, which is regime change and forced Zelinski out of power to arrest him or kill him. We need to continue to support the resistance. I'm convinced Chuck there is no way that Ukrainians will submit right to some kind of puppet regime from from Russia that is not going to happen, but to unravel that could take a long time former ambassador to Russia Michael McFall weighing in that I don't know why Vladimir Putin had had that explained to them but it seems that is the case. He thought he could maybe commence to heave for the 40 million people forced to vote for a guy that was elected with 60% of the vote in Zelinski joining us now is Eric Prince, former US Navy seal, founder of the private group Blackwater and Academy a right now joint is Eric welcome Brent, are you good Eric, first off, are you surprised on how slow is going initially for the Russians yet, but it certainly been a major rail on their part. Certainly not what they're expected.

But you know when they when they plan to have four active advanced that's four lines of logistics that is really spreading the offensive punch, probably a bit too lightly and I think they expected a cakewalk cakewalk and I think they've gotten a certain kind of bad sandwiches that was explained to me to buy somebody also is using battlefield that you can't leave weaponry on in the middle of winter on the enemy. You, on the border for five months with guys with no accommodation expected morale to be high in the stuff to work is that a possibility. Certainly a possibility. I think the difference to a wide cross-section of people currently have no conscripts which are serving for less than two years.

Very low motivation, low training of very abusive structure and you have a few longer-term contracted professionals that they depended on, but either forces neither made little headway. They did the air assault into the and another field on the western side of Kiev, thinking they would be able to reinforce and for more troops into trip to the capital.

They did not expect the free Ukrainians to July, even in the Russian-speaking. I figured go in, but I figured I told my friend he was in a state east of the river got to the present day Representative what rivers and Dnieper River that runs right through downtown give gift, straddling both sides. I figured you to take the Eastern Russian-speaking side of the country, but to try to take the capital, clearly a mistake and you know it is also showing that urban warfare very much. Even the playing field and in it kind of negates some of the apparent technological dances so I am. It's especially frustrating because I offered back in December ready a simple plan based on what was done in the past that would've prevented the Russians from invading you know when when the Brits were up against it, fighting the Nazis in 1940, Franklin Roosevelt authorized lend lease which is providing older US equipment to allies and this year the U.S. Air Force is already retiring 200 combat aircraft, including F-15s, F-16 and a 10 and if the US is transferred any number of those Ukrainians painted in Ukrainian markings and we could've one of the contract. Pilots always would Ukrainian pilots the airpower they would if they would've insured would've prevented the Russians from really crossing the border effectively in any way shape or form close add to this administration.

Yes, there was proposed directly to the Biden entity and met with a residing with a resounding were not interested right now were trying to rush weaponry and there even Germany is now we have to do it Overland Eric Prince how hard is that if at all. If you think it's a big deal that we have to go through Poland and Romania or somewhere else. That thing is this grind into a long-running insurgency like the Russians bought in Grozny in Chechnya. There's a lot of people going to die a lot of people to suffer and it will get ugly and you get the partisan warfare inside of cities to be a lot of civilian casualties and distant enormous amount of destruction and it was all preventable and that the frustration that the National command Authority in America lacks any kind of imagination any kind of the ability to come up with a different plan or except a different plan. All their talk of diversity.

They seem to only think within the Beltway bubble and that's extremely dangerous because I'm I'm I'm pleasantly surprised that the Germans have come around to help Ukrainian even the Swiss are sanctioning the Russians. Now this with Evan come off the sidelines, you know, the 500 years they didn't even sanction Hitler but yet there sanctioning the Russians so there's certainly a simulated and real antibiotic response from the Europeans from the international community but meantime there's terrain that has to be defended and Ukrainians are not willing to yield 81 81 km² to the Russians on this one so the awards are decided by Michael old background and you know that the Russians were also limited. You see, most of those destroyed tanks are all running on roads and enters a curve in Russian called the great rust with pizza, which is the great flush and of course Ukraine has an enormous amount of farmland and what is what is farmland. It's mud it's frozen now, but as you come toward spring to be even more confined to the roads really until until July so that would make it easier for Ukrainians to defend those lines of attack because the Russians are not can we would get off the road and try to transit real quick. Eric's deal sees the people of Berlin now today Paris of St. Petersburg 40 different cities in America. We have less than a minute that have stood up and made their leaders act not to military experts is that amazing yeah I was surprised, and Berlin.

They expected 20,000 people over the weekend social protest and 1/2 a million people so yeah they have definitely woken up and I guess that is still the power of of people in a democracy that you can make your voice heard. If you yelling loud loud enough Eric I didn't listen to Afghanistan. We face humiliation.

You try to help him in Ukraine and now we are sitting on the sidelines, scrambling to get involved someday to listen. Thank you so much. Maybe someday Ryan, thank you. Yes I will be listening. We come back threadbare joint distance of the right to mature very important day following all the developments overseas.

It's not slowing down. The fact is heating up the talkshow that's getting you talk with Brian kill me over the last couple spend more and more ice is not been the problem for most part I don't think he's good he's rush back because he's fearful doesn't look very powerful and this is can jeopardize his boy to stay in power that were rational actors. A very elastic rate is out at his compound doesn't come into town very much and under covert he's been more isolated. He's increasingly unhinged in the way that he talks about the regime I met with him many times and this is a different piece seems erratic. There is an aberrant, deepening and delusional rendering of history. He's descending into something that I personally haven't seen before, there's a one political person on that montage of people describing Vladimir Putin news no there is no bloviating there's no advertising that's just with their personal opinion is of people that have dealt with them before in the past manufacturing Marco Rubio three races. I can tell you everything, but this is not the same Vladimir Putin from five years ago, Brett bear, I joined just now. He's been all over the channel. As you know, chief article anchor with things like this happened break cannot be allowed to sleep. Brett welcome back. I know it's unbelievable the series of events is taken place and I just want to get your take on people like Condoleezza Rice saying this is not the same guy and I think it there are a lot of people saying that you just frontrunners in my crown and who just met with them in person say something similar that he dark and ominous and brooding and stuck on the pre-Soviet Union map for Russia and the UK investor to the US on the show this weekend. She has talked to people very close to who say roughly the same thing. According to her, that would mean I think it means dangerous things. It means that the 2014 playbook for Crimea is not the playbook that were looking at now and we could be looking at a lot of attacks that looked more like Grozny or Syria words very civilian targeted and could get very very ugly and the next day or so, since it right now car keys is getting ugly because there but they're showing it again but this time it seems to be with without any precision just but without without without increased frequency videos that have surfaced that are going to be careful out there to other things on the Internet that are just people putting out stuff and you don't know where it's from, you know, if it's not a trusted source that you know just be skeptical of it because people can say all kinds of things and there's a lot of stuff flying flying out there, but the people that you trust that are there who are shooting video yeah I been there. It looks like you know not carpet bombing but definite indiscriminate use of missiles and Empire and shall so would you know about the talks I've seen anything come out of those talks yet between, there's a place in the Belarus Ukrainian border between Ukraine and Russian officials so apparently they just wrapped up a short time ago and both have gone back to their capitals with two consultations.

They said and I promise to do talks again.

What that means. I don't know Ukrainians want a full withdrawal of military, including from the Don box which is the separatist area in the East and it we don't have a readout of what exactly Russia has demanded, but they say they're going talk again. So I guess that that is a silver lining report by Jennifer Griffin, the Belarus is not making moves and maneuvers and assembling in a way that looks like you're going to get involved. Do you believe that they would is that will going with because we woke up today thinking that they weren't therein, which to me would show the degree of panic. I think it was coming from Russian sources say the Belarus had signed on, but maybe Belarus didn't get that message.

I think you know, even if they were involved. They have fairly small military it's about 20,000 that they were able to bring in still significant to have a country support Russia because other previous allies have backed out. Given put my husband toward and pushed him away and I think that this is an indication that maybe Belarus is getting cold feet on that. So I understand there's three cities that have fallen Nicollet via the car in that area and to others in smaller cities, one of which is is a port city in and around the Don Buss region any significance to that, except for the fact that there really has been no cities taken to this point that the message from US British intelligence is that this is not going out during the dark landed. This is day five heading into day six and no major city is completely under control. That's a big deal at the big credit to Ukrainian defense officials and and soldiers on the ground, but it's important to realize that no, it states the day six and a lot can happen.

There's a lot more military might that comes behind that if puts all land on the table so you know, everyone is encouraged. We said Eric Prince honestly cannot believe Switzerland did even didn't even sanction Hitler.

They are now part of this sanctioning that the banks and investments in their country.

We know that Germany has stepped up in a wedding thing was imaginable in this day and age, sending lethal weapons, allowing others to send through their country and then pledging to spend 2% of their budget on defense as well as start pivot to nuclear energy revisit nuclear energy which is pretty astounding. But before getting too ahead, I was struck by on the switch to on the sanctions on the Swift banking system.

I thought it was noteworthy the entry. Mitchell said this about the actual sanctions got 20 Swift still calls at Swiss choice failing on Swift because first great thing about leader is the Board of Directors to approve it next week. They've got been cut out for any banks that are involved in energy transactions. So that's to protect Germany and Italy and others and which bank sent out a stick and some of the worst oligarch control banks, so let's wait to see exactly how it's implement and then Daniel Pletcher did some research, or so she senior fellow at AEI cut 21.

The fact that the sanctions have all of these loopholes is a big problem.

What are we doing on the Russian Central Bank.

What are we going to supply to the Ukrainians in order to support them how we can backfill Poland and others that are depleting their own defensive stocks in order to support the acquainted none of those questions have been answered so implementation is going to be key.

I think we should all look at that correct hundred percent if you can exclude banks from energy deals that most of the banks know that 80% of the banks will control hundred percent banks and all you needed is one way for money. They're coming out so I you have the UK minister Boris Johnson saying he is an advocate for full whole awful Swift and he is pushing that up today. It is interesting wants to buy demonstration in this environment. Remember the present came out and said notice the sanctions are better than Swift reduce corporate knowledge on the table at the press conference in 24 hours. The Europeans said we're doing, in part because they had a phone call a conference call with Zielinski you said this may be the last time you hear from you live or fighting for European values and dying for them and not move the needle with European leaders but they started bleeding on not only sanctioning poop directly, but sanction it. Doing the swift move as many holes as a random but doing and that had to buy demonstration scrambling to match up within 24 hours to the point where there's not a Federal Reserve chair officially because Jerome tells time ended February 5, so they had the fat have you elected chair pro tem temporary chair so they could sign the documents and do the Swift maneuvers. They like to Jerome how he voted for himself, which is very bizarre but it all happened within 24 hours because the body ministration was behind the Europeans on what they were doing. It's amazing, but disappointing to point out in the long run I think it's great that Europe understands this is their safety and security in the long run, but it's also noteworthy that were not leading coming, we're not leading. I mean when not at this is this is not our initiative. This story used to be America wants to do this but he can't get our allies narrow icing were doing this in America's playing catch-up.

I mean if if you saw that Joe Biden was calling Switzerland to get involved in the rating Germany to get of them like okay that's pretty much part of the course, we can't get to spend in their own defense. They obviously set up secure they already set up a deals with energy knowing that eventually the Russians could hold it over their head. They did it anyway but this time they think that the wake-up call from the people under fire because I think they realize it could be them next realize how stable or unpredictable, at least until Christian credit for dealing with allies and talking just bring them all you know together when not in and of itself is a big deal but when it comes to the actual movements and pressing for the move. It seems like there 24 hours 48 hours behind.

And so when critics say leading from behind like the in Libya another engagement. This car fits this bill would lease right now right energy stainless weapons instead of the risky, but we had a chance to get them in.

While the Russians were building up. We chose not to the javelins and others the way understanding I could be corrected that most of the javelin missiles and the anti-and these antitank operatives of the shoulder fire missiles. They came during the budget. The trump era that the smaller arms came during the the Pioneer and many of whom are repurposed from Afghanistan because the Taliban took the country.

Yeah that's true eventually but remember to drop one of the hold back weapons and aid to Ukraine in exchange for allegedly information about what God was doing in the talk going on. That's a whole impeachment thing played out, but eventually the weapons get there and eventually that process moves forward. After a little play in the trump beginning of the trumpet hundred percent that was one of it's hard to get you sometimes get your impeachments confused but I can remember that you have any ended up you realize ironically that day that he Faye got a call from Nancy Pelosi that they can move in impeachment hearings. He met with Zielinski and they hit it off at the UN in New York City. He was making great progress, and then we focus domestically again and then we know what happen he said he was due they were doing Vladimir Putin's dirty work and that's where the continue the Russian narrative.

There were all we had to live to for the past four years were down trump spoke on Saturday and for the first time a long time didn't bring up 2020.

Now Brett on your coverage tonight. Barring any titanic news from the battlefield how your break up your shell you going to talk about the state of the Union address you to talk about present binds 37% approval rating. The big, big hurdle to get ready speech for small world attention to someplace else, but take a skeptical country that 30% of independents have approval and you know the congressional physician just lifts the mask mandate for a Capitol Hill today you know yesterday actually was the official word but it's right before the said science is is impeccable in its timing for four announcements so I think there's a lot of hurdles that he is to get over and I know we want to be optimistic but in reality there are a lot of people who are thinking that the countries on the right wrong track 29% say that it's on the right track. That's a good number heading into the election. I just can't get over this mass in the presence on record saying I'm doing everything I can to ease the pain of the American people because of inflation and energy prices. Knowing he's not. He's not truly a land he's not pledging to do the things that the markets would affect it would affect the price of oil and scale general sake can announce it is time to get off fossil fuels. That's not the message is going to resonate with people outside political circles that aren't a member of the squad that is really something if you listen to it. She saying that yes the president agreed that the country needs to get off reliance on foreign oil, but domestic production. She says is not the way to do it now. I get the wish in an ideological world when you're thinking, green, and climate change that you force the issue and then suddenly technologies can take us to a place where no windmills and batteries in shoulder and everything else is take over the energy were not there yet know the country were not there until you get there.

We have very clean natural gas and other elements that are much better how we used to do that could change the dynamic and big picture.

So I think this ministration is really vulnerable on that in this moment, you know, vulnerable on crime volume 1 immigration vulnerable on inflation. Overall, but on energy just not a good answer for that to start a movement reported it to make every American by a Tesla.

So this way they could make great progress look cool and not use gas. Can you turn me on that mission, it would probably be admission you get the electricity from somewhere where they come from and all the stuff about getting to electric. We don't have the stuff in place yet to be able to get a car across country electric true and we don't have $100,000 to write of what a great fundraiser.

I was fantastic over Naples, Florida.

Yeah, yeah, I was so much fun. You did such incredible job first class everyone had a great time, including my wife and my friends, my neighbors, who just loved being there, but how much did you raise and can people still contribute to ultra if you want to donate to children's national to great because it helps kids around the world, but we radiated a record $2.3 million and that's really unbelievable week we started this thing seven years ago. I think we did 300,000 the first year and 600,001.2.

We had a cold in here. We did it all virtual storage lot of money but this year was really something to thank you to you but you took part. It was a big bat absolutely Brett, thanks so much appreciated.

We watch you all day. Especially tonight/report). Thank you. Back in and kill me. He's so busy you'll make dear Brian, kill me to have my pressure to really find Hampton go back to the table and stop this insanity.

A lot of people online or die really got away with too much and can't understand that West this weekend right now and like in this martial sports you take advantage of all field week upon it so we need to get stronger and we need to be quicker and help Ukraine to win this war because they life.

I cannot just put down by the fall of absolutely to get this to this just came in there's video now of prison Zielinski signing application, posing for photos and application to join the European Union's got 27 nations Naples got 30 you know we want to be in that.

Also, the US and the Russian and Ukrainian officials have concluded their talk to look forward to seeing what happened there. The fighting is not slow down. The cave has not slow down the second major city and they do know that the Russians have control of three cities for now. In as well as the Don Bosch region but there's fighting still raging there city still going on three cities inside the Ukraine will follow all of that as he continues to unfold and that was victorious for cheese Congresswoman from Indiana of Ukrainian birth and she wants more from this administration. The rest the world is acting even Switzerland has broken their their valve neutrality and said we are sanctioning the banks so many banks are in Switzerland.

Many Russian oligarchs have accounts in Switzerland look out over 100 meteorologists handle worldwide resources a fox in your box, whether podcast precise personal powerful subscriber Melissa Malik Fox news or wherever you did your