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Russia Targeting Ukrainian Civilians; Calls to Ban Russian Oil Intensify

Brian Kilmeade Show / Brian Kilmeade
The Cross Radio
March 7, 2022 12:38 pm

Russia Targeting Ukrainian Civilians; Calls to Ban Russian Oil Intensify

Brian Kilmeade Show / Brian Kilmeade

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March 7, 2022 12:38 pm

[00:39:43] Michael Goodwin

[00:55:13] Katie Pavlich

[01:16:05] Sen. Roger Marshall (R-KS)

[01:31:56] Miranda DevineĀ 

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Visit to learn more about galaxy Z fold live Fox News radio's New York City rash office set up Fox and friends saw America's receptive voice is in everybody's the right to me Joe I know you all been following with placing overseas and may be on the cusp of World War III that will get anybody's attention even if united to form policy, especially when it affects everything happening here with gases between four and five dollars video you are listening to us when you knows the price of food because of inflation because a lot of brilliant policies of person Obama is usually present buying and then you see the fact it would not really reacting to grain prices going up, which is at the root of a lot of different you know a lot of different things that you maybe my nappy whereabouts.

Be aware of. Because what happens in Ukraine. The big gray producers and I believe Russia is number one will talk any court any car Chief of Staff dear George H. W.

And W. Bush talk about the Vladimir Putin he knows the Russia that is now emerged and what he expects from here on in. Also have this government responding in the bequest. Of course, with any card and with any president and any Chief of Staff is can you possibly get NATO and European Union to understand the threat of Russia. Now they do. Let's get to the victory. The stories you need to know Brian's three number three present violence to the front of the American people after the Russian invasion any promise to turn bladder Fernando pariah well because of the fact we continue to rely on the Russians to negotiate with Iran. It turns out that was alive.

We have sent our negotiating squad to Vienna to negotiate Iran deals through the Russians think about that the Iran deal is imminent. I am not kidding.

The bad news.

The bad deal of 2015 is rebooted even more slanted towards the evil regime. And guess who we are counting on to help us.

Russia units earned by Gallagher. You can make this up at that acceptable that they are even talking with them, allowing Russia to be at the table little cutting a deal with Iran. This notion that somehow banning Russian oil will raise prices on American consumers is an admission that this guy that this killer that this butcher Vladimir Poulton has leverage over us. So I think we have enough, but we should produce more American oil and by less Russian oil are not actually none at all. Yes, Sen. Marco Rubio band Russian oil from American shores. A bipartisan push for a reluctant White House to finally make that decision. The follow-up has to be to drill our own oil. Instead, we are big in Venezuela and Saudi Arabia to pick up the pace.

Unbelievable 600 million barrels a day. We can fill that gap. Would you before that what we ought to do is give the Ukrainians the ability to create a no-fly zone.

More stingers more missiles that can go higher than stingers and of all consummate this fighter deal get those May 29 in their hands, absolutely to do with right day 13. Russia gains the North Richard Russia gains in the North stall as they point their focus on the capital still while their eyes gazed the port city of Odessa and estimate a 1.4 million refugees forced from their homes at least 10,000 killed, including many many Russian soldiers at least 1200 Ukrainian citizens of that is just terrible good news is, and I mean this good news. Russians are our suffering prolific losses prolific. They lost nine aircraft on Saturday alone. Nine. Aircraft is like Vietnam style when you have an insurgency would Stinger missiles and you have tanks being taken out not only they rusty and creaky by green soldiers, but you also have Javelin missiles blowing them up so you got that huge convoy sitting outside keep one by one they get taken out. They ran at a gas so they are in turn instead of saying while were losing this they're getting more more brutal for being brutal on the most innocent people, families, those citizens have nothing to do with this conflict that they started unnecessarily. So they are getting more brutal and the Ukrainians getting there's a need for more more help and we are flooding them with weapons. The best we can. I'm pretty sure about that talked a lot of sources exceed that of the same story and we are fighting in the best recount supplies but they're shutting off inside about five different cities.

They have encircling about five different cities, not total, but close to total their stop in the power and the stop and the food in there stop the water so I don't know how long these innocent people could hold out but the presence of Linsky who single-handedly responsible for unifying NATO and exercising European Union guarantors Norstrom to pipeline and suddenly getting everyone to realize they need weapons and the represent themselves in free cultures everywhere. Here's presence. Linsky this morning: Wendy's think about the sense of impunity or having invaders they announced the planned atrocities. Why because there is no reaction because there is silence, not a word as if the Western leaders have dissolved tonight. The audacity of the aggressors is a clear signal to the West let sanctions against Russia are not enough. So there's 27 makes coming. We believe from Poland.

They said opponents is listening if you give me F-16s or give them they'll give them my mix and we simply don't have any actual woodworking it out. We get to get it there. That's from a conference room, conference call on Saturday with lawmakers, think about what he's able to do we know presence really been able to do for the last 20 years that is motivate both sides of the aisle to come together.

Europe and NATO to work together in order to take out a common follow by being the face of the good guys as imperfect as Ukraine is, and what country is perfect. He is been the perfect voice and the perfect showing the perfect leadership skills to motivate us in the right area. I think it's rewarding and I think it's a learned moment for people around the world see what can happen in time of crisis do you step up step down you run like a hottie did to another country. We still haven't seen him when he stay and fight. I don't want to ride. I want arms so looking around at the fight. It's frustrating for me and I may be for you even know you go on social media skate around.

I watched sky the BBC. I watched our network IGCC and I'm not seeing much of the Ukrainian forces before what we see and look to pure results depart brilliantly.

They are getting more more armed and the Russians are not this big bear. Everyone thought they were. They are creaky they are unmotivated there uncoordinated in their inexperienced Col. Steve galliard was a former deputy assistant Secretary of State.

He was on ABC today and he says there's only one way for this thing to end.

I think at this point it have to be negotiated peace, George.

The Russians cannot achieve their political goal pulp food and cannot achieve his political goal, one military analyst is saying that within three weeks. The Russian military will be exhausted, the economy might not much better be much better. The way that this battlefield looks right now. Mr. Putin could not accept that he cannot look for a settlement here because this map is a humiliation and you're saying he doesn't have the means for a long-term occupation. He doesn't have the troops he would have to probably double or true triple the number of troops that he is a housing not in Ukraine right now but we think that what will eventually happen is that the settlement will occur and and he will have to negotiate some kind of face-saving agreement with the thing is they can hold what they have. I don't want them in the Don Bosch region and I want to make crime area Crimea if they stay there. That's not cataclysmic but I don't think that's right. But they do hold onto Odessa.

The black seashore areas Mariposa no way can we allow that to happen, and they just gonna just creep up in the north and take some of that area make a buffer zone. We can't let that happen because you're reinforcing this butcher behavior and you let them think that the to some degree they could spit it is if they want even though they didn't but the losses Ukraine.

I'm not looking to minimize the devastation. I'm not looking to soft title.

1.4 million is probably to be up to 4 million had their lives destroyed and many cases lost Gen. Jack Keane militarily about what he seen cutting Ukrainian aircraft of still flying that absolutely stuns me that the Russians have not been able to gain air superiority and take and take Ukrainian aircraft down and also supplement the phone systems, cyber attack, which is an instrument of national power that the Russians are very good and then reassess to do about it has had negligible effect on this campaign and it casualties way higher than anybody's expectations here and I think that being very deceptive about it a listen. Gen. Keane you've heard about our show. He had no problem criticizing Trump also was very hard by the his hard stance on his hard stance on Iran was heartened by the Abraham Accords and it was hard that he decide to give hard weapons, legitimate weapons, javelins and stingers to Ukraine. I wish he gave more, but at least he gave some, and now you are good about Pres. Biden turnaround the shipment that overlapped administrations and that was rushing to get it in as much as I respect present Biden's decision to tell everyone about the intelligence that the Russians were going to make up some story, some false flag operation. To invade this invasion did take place and they are trying to make things up. I don't like the fact that we didn't Russian arms as well as supply so having said that, looking at the fact that Pres. Obama after they took Crimea in the Don Bosch region gave them blankets and give them MRAs. It still amazes me that political people who masquerade as diplomats like Fiona Hale, former senior director national Security Council still tries to blame Trump listen to this setting is an awful lot done by the administrational by Congress and by standing itself at the United Nations.

I think that just the one point that sums everything up that you yourself touched on is that Pres. Trump had a pretty critical payment with pallets ministry assistance to Karen was desperate for us in a particular junction, basically to get the to Ms. an unscheduled personal feta. I don't agree with Pres. Trump and Rudy Giuliani run around and try to use leverage to find it, were present. Biden was up to, which is unscrupulous I die never agreed with that. Do I think should've impeached no but that three month pause has nothing to do with the fact that they don't have as many arms and it supplies as possible. They used a little bit leverage. That's the same thing present Biden as VP was going back and forth saying I want you to fire that prosecutor when I can arm you will give you anything so maybe for one or two months in prison.

Zielinski came in present Biden was present. Trump was slow to give them aid and may be held after three months. As I mentioned, I didn't, don't approve of that but has nothing to do with the current conflict or in right now and the readiness is no way a three month pause has nothing to do with the defected, the Germans would lead over said anybody go overland with arms is a problem. The fact that Estonia, Lithuania, as well as a pole and started arming and a good rate Ukraine until the war actually started as a problem but a three month pause of the course of six years is not a problem at all. And that's when I look at people that are supposedly diplomats are even example, a current ambassador Taylor was over this on Friday. Think Betsy Taylor famously at some contentious relationship towards the end were present from the guy will not bring up anything political he will not bring a prison trip was great or bad, he just wants to solve the problems he cares about Ukraine Fiona Hale who people put on a mantle now because you testified against Donald Trump who I think we should examine her background extensively to find out what she is up to now uses this time to go after Trump and that's what they're doing other thing will Trump imagine if he was dealing on the on the level with Zielinski for the all four years.

Nothing to do with it nothing to do with his older overall effectiveness and as he was working at a deal in a one-on-one relationship with at the United Nations would Zielinski incomes the impeachment call by none other than Speaker Pelosi. So I would take you because I want to talk about what's going on with the demise the domestic production as it comes to purchasing 600 million+ barrels of oil from Russia. I'm heartened by the fact that Democrats and Republicans on the same page on this. I'm mystified that the present. Biden has knocked on the same page and said would get together oil and gas elsewhere. I'll explain. What does bother me about the bipartisanship because where they get partisan, is how replace that 600 million barrels use in the brain tumor which are very important but very important day will take your calls next 1-866-408-7669 your knowledge base of Brian kill me show precise personal power is America's limiting in the palm of your flocks. Weather updates throughout your busy day subscribe and listen now and Fox News time tests done, for wherever you get your podcast Fox News podcasts network. I'm been dominant Fox News contributor and editor of the daily newsletter.

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Listen now by doing a Fox News information you want to truth you demand. This is Brian kill me show you this right now I feel like moving that direction.

Republicans forgo criticizing what your character to think same time, and you should be able to have the ban Russian oil in Europe to increase domestic production and that is where Joe binds that the problem because he's held captive by the environmental left side of his guys last week that the real tragedy of Ukraine is it slowing our efforts on climate change that will summarize with the far left you is about the best of all production, that is Gov. Chris Christie became arm to stop buying two 20 million barrels of oil we can understand that but don't tell me I gotta pay more for gas before the Russians were still online.

We really pay between four and five dollars. So don't act like that's the fall drill more from her domestic production.

Get it up marginally in North Dakota marginally over in Alaska marginally up in Texas really some leases that's called leadership not being led by your party. William was NW TRC in South Bend hey William, thanks for taking my call.

I typically will react the same way. Can you believe this type of attitude regularly read deeper than this is just absolutely mind blowing really calling the shots. There can't be but Biden is really making these decisions behind the change. I how can you not go back to doing something that's going to take care of the American people first and foremost notes.

Interesting is the shale tracking really came to prominence under Obama. It's not that he wanted it. It just rose up at that time he didn't stop it, and he kept saying I'm not going to stop fracking but he doesn't allow the expansion of fracking on federal land you know who was putting together a campaign against fracking Russia because that was a direct hit on what they wanted was to corner the oil market will continue to be a big player in the oil market. Russia was afraid of our fracking Pres. Obama says and I know people in my own party, knocking to be happy, but we're going to continue with and go back to fracking at a high level.

This is a worldwide crisis in order in their in order to avoid World War III and not on inexplicably and inexcusably hurting the American European consumer. I am going to increase oil and gas production, and will just have to understand that for now while at the same time accelerating R&D when it comes to renewables.

That's called leadership.

It's very simple. Rich was here the Fox News radio app in Scranton, a rich Brian my call. I appreciate your knowledge and three. Thanks, my thing is though what this the political year.

This political theater and chicanery is running thin for them so when they have to start drilling for oil here because between electric cars, I heard on Fox and friends this morning talking about the one I don't congressman about the windmills coming out of Rhode Island or Long Island Rhode Island that that that second work we know it and I live in a very heavy left area and it's running thin with them between these gas prices and everything else with the fuel going up. These people can't survive on this letter when I think of that the chicanery is running thin. I agree with you and someone to see when things get really clear when there's a war or a pandemic. Or, you know, the sum of things. If we witness before you just have to pivot away from ideology and towards practicality and you just make the announcement. I mean if I'm a leader if I want to be a governor or president or mayor.

I relish these opportunities. That's why would run for office to be you don't do it to get rich you don't do it to feed your ego you do because you feel so you years of experience allow you to lead a country you love at the right time to do the right thing doing chill mansions doing right now to his party. We have to drill more while continuing to push R&D on renewable energy that's responsible you. I must has electric car show. He said let's get nuclear gas production up. It's not his best interest to say that is it. We come back any court will came close to Fox and friends, we can share my thoughts in a wide range of topics in sports and pop culture, politics and business. Subscribe and listen. Fox News time just Fox News podcasts network in these ever-changing times you can rely on Fox News for hourly updates for the very latest news and information on your listening download now and Fox News or wherever you get your favorite projects from his mouth to your ears. Brian kill me if I want is an alliance we outspend 15 to 1.

We outnumber them in ground troops. For the he's not crossing NATO and we are all that we can to support.

I agree and I think the one thing were seen since Russia can handle Ukraine. They do hate Russia more than ever, and they despise the soldiers are not convincing. Any hearts and minds. In fact, the first major. The first major city to fall now to two Russian troops is now and have to witness the Ukrainians and care son protesting the presence of Russia in that small town.

Think of 1 million people, or 500 I'm can't remember June 5, 2000 1 million. I've never been there. Obviously, so there protesting to not afraid of Russian troops and the Russians can hold it they can hold any major city nor can they take them with their doing is instead of pulling back and recalibrating like a Western power would do the Grozny and the whole place there raising the whole town for getting rid of the entire city and with their doing is killing women and children. They have snipers at the edge of cities shooting families so they become more brutal because I have no skills. It's absent incredible witnessing, but five major cities are gradually being encircled. But don't worry I said is that is as tough as it's gotta be have the troops to sustain this if they wanted to keep this country down 800,000 to a million Russian forces if they are well trained, they don't have them they don't exist. They pare down their military forces in numbers to get high quality evidently I don't know the details. Haven't seen the 40 but in 2008. They were impressed by the way they took those two provinces in Georgia and the 2014 when they took the Don box region and Crimea was much harder than they ever imagined and that was pretty much an untrained Ukrainian force. So things are going well for Russia and they have to they cannot stop now because it was Vladimir Putin's personal lack of self-esteem and have talked today understand it there talking about humanitarian corridors.

I wouldn't trust it, but in some of the cities is no water and there's no electric signal.

Pete still winter over there 5° going to some bar reporters so they might have to take that chance.

So obviously presence. Let's get cannot have more respect him him nor should you but he's asking for something that they can't deliver.

And that's a no-fly zone.

Why because we have a no-fly zone have to enforce it at the Russians going breach that you shoot them.

We have a shooting war, and as we point out to me. We were able to survive and when the Cold War by almost agreeing that when I can issue direct at each other will use proxies, North Korea, Vietnam, an example in Cuba got it understood Sue Gen. Keith Kellogg had 1/3 option content maybe getting UN no-fly zone that puts her Over Russia and then Russia starts to say, you know, this is getting a little bit too hard.

What I mean by that is economically it's too hard politically is too hard. Now it's military too hard and you have to get to that point because we got to make it so hard on Putin show hard on the Russians. They've got to stop. So listen to some of the companies that are pulled out so Japan's phone at the Toyota plant tick-tock is gone, Disney's gone, no Netflix or Microsoft. No Apple, no Dell, no GM now to the big four of accounting firms Price Waterhouse as well as the other big one was it was KPMG.

They have pulled out their accounting firms out of Russia. They pulled about the Swift system in some some accounts except for energy accounts, which makes Russia want to push to China's version of this witnesses swift system, which is something called union. Good luck with that and so far, most people agree that China has not been overtly or making it very clear that they're going to side with Russia in this calling for a cease of the violence point of the Westford happen, but there's not a lot of that drove was saber rattling in the anti-West Frederick coming out to China. I actually think from what I've seen so far this this being glum down and see the Russians underperform like they are in seeing how alienated brushes become with the worst yet to come.

I think the China's thinking twice.

Is it really worth just getting rid of Taiwan because there is democracy, we all know they're not a threat. So there's some good things coming out of this horrific move to invade a country but to give brother Pres. Biden high marks. Now I also we also that poor perhaps you did in the Washington Post. It said present. Biden is 47% approval rating in March as compared to February were was 34% on average. Now we have a dramatic swing like that when you not even leading war nor our men and women fighting this war makes me think that might be an aberration and outlier Stephen Hayes said before you take a bow. It's a good job present biting for uniting you should understand Zielinski as the one united Europe NATO and got them to listen to us. In some cases cut 18 clever at the beginning of the Biden ministration to go public as quickly as they did with the intelligence gathering with the smart thing. I think with effective not because of the deterrent because it made clear that Vladimir Putin was lying about what he was about to do, but it also created this gap between what he was saying with the present was saying with the administration was in terms of the significance of this war what it would likely mean reshaping the way the Western world operates and what we were doing we were late on sanctions. We didn't initially sanction. We were late on Swift when we didn't send the arms before the war that were now rushing into theater and said that that's a guy you not a big fan of Trump pointed out their problems with the best ministration you can choose to give praise by the part of the back because these things that he said we couldn't do like nortriptyline can't take it off-line. It's almost done.

It's off-line and it's not done. And now it's underwater. But it's a tough thoroughly finance Gartner stream one done.

A true leader would do this. A true leader would say were going to push LNG to get natural gas over to Europe and quickly supplant gradually or or or automatic or are rapidly to get you up.

Give them an ability to get off Russia's natural gas right now. Russia's keep it afloat because they need the money and they need to add the export and your and your needs. The gas and electric the gas and oil. But if we can provide be there number one supplier and even a discount rate.

The short-term, that's leadership back with any cardamom giving you everything you need to know you're with Brian kill me talk show that's real. This is the Brian kill me show. I do think we have to worry about him moving against, I don't think he'd need rehab really stupid to move against Finland and Sweden who are in new members are very very close partners in faith and this blue wall is really important, and succeeded in retrying the map of Europe. He is succeeded in bringing about his worst nightmare, which is a reinvigorated NATO that's rediscovered its perfect purpose that is absolutely united and is can put additional forces all along this morning, which is exactly what he didn't want to be a race all those things is 100% correct, but I also thought Neil Ferguson had a great point to with he's with the Hoover Institute. This kind of a race they are taking cities.

They are killing people. They are taking land but they're also losing a lot of their soldiers and we don't know when the gonna lose the public sentiment because the public doesn't really know much what's going on. We understand but This is over 7000 Russian protesters in jail. This post to a minimum 10 year sentences you got 7000 already wait till they find out that they lost about 5000 of their kids in a war that they totally made it happen.

They conjured up an enemy. They pretend it isn't there were Nazis. No one buys it. Russians know there's no Nazis in the Ukraine presence Jewish.

So here's what Neil Ferguson said cut 20 dealing with a nuclear power have to keep reminding the nuclear enemy. We have links to them by the way, we have more and better more accurate Nixon you so don't even think about it. We didn't do that.

Yeah, he goes on, cut 21. If we can just help Zielinski hold outright. Make sure that she has enough hardware to get the Russians probably fall down in the suburbs of Kyiv and it may not take too long for Russian economic collapse to lead to one of those dramatic and unexpected sequences of events that changes the world forever. It is, it's fascinating to see this happen and I just love the fact that the Russians we made 10 feet tall were 12 feet tall. Have such as such would outdated equipment have such bad tactics. Bad leadership, horrible fighters, lack of coordination there fighter jets. The role outmanned in terms of these makes. They wandered the Russian jets they want no part of our jets were sitting here with precision drones. They can even get precision planes use James Califano cut 22 so it's not just about Ukraine.

It's re-absorbing the post-Soviet states that it's about having dictatorial control over central Europe, and ultimately about pushing the United States out and isolate the United States it and seeing NATO dissolved and the biggest cheerleader for this we can never forget as China.

This is exactly what China wants China once a week and and divided Europe that isolates the United States because the one thing that China and Russia and Iran all have in common is it's a zero-sum game for them. Every expansion of their power requires a diminishment of ours and it hasn't happened is James care family, the VP of Heritage foundation. It hasn't happened.

Joe was in WRC and around Joe Brian good morning. I can't believe would buy oil from economy down in Venezuela. I can think is what Joe Biden brought it to the most incompetent leadership. He called Wally that it, killing it. Now we doing something it back which drop no more man-made got sick and you know so that it wanted hundred $40 a barrel. Now the door and all moderately every door down and now were going well in your party so much money on 75 every day now that we find in my trunk build the American people would know what will we will call me skyrocketed and incompetent man got a neighbor leadership. Brian had done this till it yeah I mean certainly it's been pretty terrible. It's been his group rewind pretty much what he's been 34% approval rating, he was unable to convince your taxes.

One Germany to do a single thing.

Fran said will take the lead because Joe Biden wasn't so.

Yet McCrone whose use rotate it's a rotating position B's head of the EU. Right now he keeps doing Vladimir Putin fall flat in his face releases communication there but you cannot say were leading Morris Johnson was the quickest to separate from the EU now to supply weapons and eight and if you listen to what the international coverage they laud the Brits we've done a lot we been late. We did not do enough. I love the fact it Joe Biden said at a time that the going to invade the ghetto invade so why were we. What were saying this publicly. If we did believe it privately why we are not flooding them with weapons and aid that to me is a bit of a bit of a mystery.

So 97% of the Russian forces were actually in Ukraine right now. They did do not have humanitarian corridor with her discussing it at this hour. In the third round of peace talks are taking place today so far, according to the mayor of which is Mayor clinch Co. of Kyiv.

They say so far what he knows of combined 10,000 people are dead in a war of choice from Russia. Norma listening online depreciated in Connecticut, a norm down. Now I know it's late, it's too late now. I don't think we can put it together in the middle of a war, but that's what I don't know if you saw Adm. Fogo who was once in charge of European defense for NATO. He said that they try to get a missile defense in there, but there was no sense of execution from the administration and we can share it with people who need it most. I know, but a lot of people listening to me right now say why we getting involved why we and the guy was one of the questions today. I did hit one of our affiliates and they said a lot of people call and say why do we care about Ukraine.

So if you're a politician to their defense. If you say Hanford and iron Dome in Ukraine. The sickness and that's a corrupt country. We don't know what's going on over there why we giving our missile defense to another country so close to the Russians who might be able to turn it over to Russia or the Russians might take a bike course would want to share that technology. So I agree with you.

We should do more for missile defense, we should got more that stuff and they had a time, but humanitarian aid can't be under understated overstated because you look at Mariposa right now there's no there's no food there's no water and there's no power or know what we could've done to get generators in there besides bit you know earlier, but I'm sure there would've been something Robert was sent W VMT over in Burlington. Robert Brian, I just want to bring up again about inviting made by canceling the XL pipeline from Alberta United States Army that was just to please a OCN the end of Viper squad.

Now it's just mistaken on talking about the retort from Democrats is was online anyway and the promise of that is what people bet on oil, for they bet on oil in the future. As I look America is going to be reducing X amount of barrels in two years.

It's a good bet. That's where the investment would flow that would be a positive occurrence.

Go ahead and write thanks and call would be great.

A guy that does have his head about them continues to impress me. I don't care if you think I'm fawning just fact that Sen. Joe mansion again stepping up 32. Look at the gas out four dollars was because of this inflation targeting traffic on it now and basically were in the same room set back neck was referring to my couple bit more my glove anyway. Linda nothing. I'm willing to listen to something and say whatever it would take to ramp up our energy will basically produce the oil and natural gas bill. The pipelines we been stymied were not getting anything done.

From the standpoint energy we can do both. We can do energy that we need this farce in this fossil world we live in and do a cleaner than anybody else the world and innovation. We can also transition to cleaner technology yeah and we could do that and Gilbert's clean anyone tell you different natural gas and nuclear. That's when Germany started to pivot to and as Elon musk brought up not just paraphrase. He said there is a lot of these nuclear plants been mothballed after the tragedy of natural this tsunami that hit Japan they said wow I saw the nuclear accident that happened through no fault of their own will get into willing to lessen the chance of that happening been a target of a terror attack and will get you stuff that's less dangerous of the community so they going to go green their economy.

What happened is the prices of all of all utilities went flying up so they got my oil and gas from guess who the Russians. This is not hard to figure out its huge mistake.

Another huge mistake.

I really want to get in before this hours over.

It's what happened with the Ron evidently were close to a deal when it comes to the nuclear program that allow them to get their oil back on market and reduce most if not all of the sanctions among the people who sees the folly in this because were dealing with the Russians is Col. Richard Kemp, the former British military commander on with Mark Levine yesterday cut 40.

We should not be allowing any form normalize relationships Russia.

I believe we should sever diplomatic relations. Anyway, we should probably stop any Russian from traveling to our country. We should certainly cut off trade totally with Russia isolate them, make them a prostate certainly not use them to negotiate a nuclear deal with a country that has a proven track record of terrorism and extremism that intends to have a nuclear missile arsenal will moderately threaten the Middle East money from Israel, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, all the countries in the Middle East. It would also directly threaten loss negotiations. The deal should be immediately stalled. Yeah, absolutely even hear Brian Tilly choking B on the five a little bit later and you can always order any of my books with his history of perspective of right, including the president and freedom fighter and of course Sam Houston in the Alamo event last why is New York City fresh off the set of Fox and friends saw America's receptive voice kill me. Thank you much for being here. Everybody's the right Tilly choking with you from New York but heard around the country and around the world. I will say this I don't see in this building, especially, but also through the city. People are back yesterday on Friday. I was even on a train that was crowded Thursday to I could not believe it. Things seem to be getting back to normal and instead of having to celebrate that moment. We got a war to look at and I know most people is owned and they see the need to understand what's happening here, and how can affect this at home aboard happened outline for you Michael Goodwin coming up next. Katie Pavlovich will talk about the present sunrise at least one pole 10 points in a his approval rating.

Does he really deserve that with inflation. This high, with gas prices. This high I'm shocked.

But maybe maybe I'm in a bubble. Michael Goodwin's advice. Let's get to the victory. Now the stories you need to know Brian's three number three, Pres. Biden stood in front of the American people after the Russian invasion any promise to turn bladder Fernando pariah well because of the fact we continue to rely on the Russians to negotiate with Iran.

It turns out that was alive. We have sent our negotiating squad to Vienna to negotiate your ideals through the Russians yes and Mike Mike Gallagher, always making Lotta since the Iran deal is imminent. I am not kidding. The bad 2015 deal rebooted to be even worse now.

I guess you were counting on to help us Russia sickening.

This notion that somehow banning Russian oil would raise prices on American consumers is an admission that this guy that this killer, the butcher, Vladimir Putin has leverage over us.

So I think we have enough of it. We should produce more American oil and by less Russian oil are not actually none at all. Banning Russian oil for American shores bipartisan push for elected White House to finally make that move, but the follow-up has to be.

We drill here at home. Instead, the White House reaching out to Venezuela and Saudi Arabia. No joke, no malarkey what we ought to do is give the Ukrainians the ability to create a no-fly self.

More stingers more missiles that can go higher than stingers, and above all, consummate this fighter deal get those May 29 in her hands that established diabetes. The fight the 12 brushes gains in the North stall as they point their focus on the capital still while their eyes gaze on the port city of Odessa.

An estimated 1.4 million refugees forced from their homes at least 10,000 killed, including many Russian soldiers at least 1200 Ukrainian innocent citizens would be right now is Michael Goodwin, Michael, welcome back. You call this week and was how Putin pulled this off. We telegraphed it. He telegraphed it. Why were we more ready for going to be one of the assessment probably will have to wait until the war is over, but I think the immediate question is if were not going to do a no-fly zone and I understand the logic behind not wanting to do that, then what are we going to do because if we don't. Otherwise we're going to sit there and watch this massacre. There's no question that Putin is going to fight to the finish. If he can, and that means basically reducing all of Ukraine to a pile of rubble and everybody, and it can either flee or die, I mean God is clearly the Soviet way of war, and that is what he has unleashed on Ukraine and so look, I understand by many Republicans and Lincoln don't want to do a no-fly zone and because many other members of NATO don't want to read it because they think that Putin has said.

In fact, you know, if you encounter in the war, then that's the start of World War III and that one is talked about using nuclear weapons so you don't want to go down that road, but there have to be other things to do and that was the point of my column, not just sitting here wringing our hands watching the I'm gonna be hell to pay politically in this country. If you stand on that rubble like Hitler going to Paris at the World War II and declared victory over Ukraine and we done nothing, I just think that is going to be a stain on America for very long time. Absolutely. So we do about it. Talk talk talk about playing politics to talk about how we got here and they just say no one really mentions a brazen Obama and respond accent. Jake Tapper did should say in the you know after Georgia promises were taken away didn't really do much except some sanctions after Don Bostic Romer was taken. We can really do much we send MR Rees and blankets and this no joke, it's not sarcasm, it wets what we sent him to prison Obama because he wanted to reset the relationship he thought his personality not being George Bush that was the problem, pushing Putin he could win them over. After all, the our economy need help we could help. We couldn't do that. So then would present truck took over.

They gave him legitimate arms out there was a pause there along the way and that pause was because a Prez United States stupidly sent Rudy Giuliani through the country trying to find information on Joe Biden weather was there or not. I don't think the wisdom of that move can be supported but listen to how it's being spun, yesterday I give Fiona Hill who pretends to be a somebody that is a think tank or some deep politician that stays above politics is all about politics.

Listen to this cut 13 something is an awful lot done by the administration. Also by Congress and by standing itself at the United Nations. I think than just the one point that sums everything up that you yourself touched on is that Pres. Trump at a pretty critical payment. White House ministry assistance team Karen was desperate for us in a particular juncture, basically to get the lungs and is an unscheduled personal feather.

You put a mean of three month pause in operation. It was eight years income six years incoming after 2014, there were study showing that not all tried to stop it but even finished the previous year's allocation so there was nothing that was held back. Ukraine got everything that was sent.

Thank you for that. Yeah, I mean, so there was nothing lost and so for her to say that this is that this is the deep state run bailout. They want to tell us they are above politics were not buying that anymore. We saw him very involved in politics because they don't call it politics because they think they're the smartest people in the room and that whatever they say is with not politics, it's their point of view and they use and abuse their power to buttress their point of view that what Fiona Hill revealed when she testified and what she continues to be strong, to see which traits you politics. Sometimes they just do your thing but don't tell me your diplomat, your deep thinker, your policy person when you really a political person masquerading as a policy person.

So one thing I I think overarching that I thought about this weekend's presence was his United. The way this country and the Western world away didn't think was possible by saying the facts by expressing how desperate situation was by showing great coverage he mobilize people, not politicians and the politicians responding to their people and people realizing I'm pretty much on the same pages you in our case, Republicans and Democrats Chris Christie pointed that out. Cut 17 a president that unite the world. It was Zaleski, not by him. Zaleski is the one who united the world.

He's the one who were from the beginning with very clear about what leadership was supposed to look like we should've been arming the Ukrainians for the last year. We want we should've been doing much more on domestic production of oil instead were going backwards and we gave the card to hold us hostage and with more extreme to we gave them the car. Hold your hostage. Your thoughts behind the pace of things all along Joe Biden and his reluctance. To engage in these things is always slow, always late softening over the weekend.

Brian Lincoln says NATO, trying to hold talks on supplying me aircraft to Ukraine holding talks in the second week of the slaughter talking about doing something that is the whole thing. Remember back in the beginning about sanctions are they a deterrent or not, the White House gave conflicting signals and Zielinski was very clear. You should have done all of this before the war, and there might not have been no more. I think that is the message that he is been trying to deliver if you had done sanctions early. If you have armed us in a way that gave us a viable defense. Putin might not have attack and I think I think that is a legitimate argument. Now obviously the White House will say all we've done this look out look how united we are united is a process that's good what's the result what's the result of that unity.

So far Russia is still there, killing Ukrainian civilians and leveling the cities so so far. That unity has not produced any definable result. That's what it's supposed to be about not about the process not well, not whether NATO is having happy talk meetings where they all agree on something, what are they going to do about this a lot or not it and if it's not a no-fly zone. One incident I would say Michael I am getting multiple reports of the weapons are flooding and we are seeing the Russians paying a heavy price. My hope is they start blowing up that caravan that's been stuck in stuck without fuel outside keys when they start blowing up those tanks. I'll believe it and those are personnel carrier carriers with this right you want to get I want to get to you before will have to let you go.

And that is we start to see bipartisan push to get rid of the $600 million of daily purchases of barrels of Russian oil.

I got it. What we do next is where the rubber hits the road we have to drill more Jeevan Democrat Joe mansion agrees. Listen to what Murphy says of Connecticut and tried not to laugh if prices go up in your naturally through the market mechanism is going to have more US production Joe mansion reference call state.

I represent a state that's can have a lot of wind power online very soon. And so my preference would be to try filling that gap with renewable energy.

I would just want to make sure the United States if we have to fill in what we lose Russian gas. That's not just from West Virginia coal that's also from Long Island sound when power is he kidding not you can say oil. You can't say you can say call. Otherwise, your Joe mansion your Trump person. I mean it saying there's nothing practical about the Democratic Party. That's when it's missing whether it's crime or oil production or anything else. There's nothing practical about it, it's all dreamy, pie-in-the-sky, transitioning to a new future. You know transgender athletes crime in the cities slow on slow on oil. All of these things are about some kind of future benefit, but none of it deals with the here and now and that's what I think the American public is fed up with Washington wants to control everything, but on its own timetable on its own ideology not known ways that touch ordinary human one. The one exception of courses. Democrats believe the government should just write checks to cover everything time and that part of the inflation problem.

Thanks so much is like to discuss.

And now I just hope that the real leader merges the puts politics.

Second, and just says I can do is best for the country to time of crisis. And believe me, if we don't stop Russia this to be a major crisis is also to be a great opportunity. We could stop this festering this festering wound from continuing to try to expand and rattle the cages of the West and stop them in their tried their tank tracks right now Mike Goodwin. Thank you all right now.

Katie pallets by the hour, but your next, the I am not diminishing the amount of pain and suffering is happening. Ukraine, but I am also not diminishing how the glow was going off that Russian military machine which needs to happen. Thanks to the valor and the toughness of the Ukrainians. Imagine we give more weapon stumbled Branko Mitchell learning something new every day, Brian kill me show a radio show like no other. Brian kill me everything house is burning on the people sitting in the basement we live in his house is burning everything shooting in No people or anything no communication, no water, no light, no water is nothing so that's just a little of the real-life stories of people on the ground and I just think if I you know, if we continue looking maps and talk about losses and pluses and tanks. You forget the human portion of what's happening here. And because of the brutality the Russians that are going back to caveman philosophy when frustrated, just drop bombs on entire cities we do is hurt women and children. The Armed Forces stay there in the American and the Ukrainian people. In this case get angrier. You will not win over one city, you'll take it for a day or two, and your people go to get shot and they had to get harassed and they're gonna get blown up this whole thing is gonna blow up on him.

And if the present. Zielinski is forced from keep these going to go to the leave outside the city. Out West where the Russians basically can't touch him.

He'll set up an insurgency like you've never seen before. Rich was sent WHI all in beautiful Dayton Ohio a rich trail. Nobody talked about the farmer for 19 and we don't have an alternative to electric tractor electric bill for 19 and in no lighter company brought about a month ago in the one state outbreak of fertilizers going to be going up to go up. Why don't nobody talk about the farm right together. I should damn you may be aware of it. I will start doing it on TV and radio grade point to go up right you know you shouldn't lose money while spending all day farming and all we can.

Your whole life, so foods and I got the price going to go up in the working class is going to be heard factoring to supplying the grain for most of the world is Ukraine and Russia will stop buying their grain gradually and Ukraine has to use this. Decedent fertilize. I'm not too sure the gonna be able to Mike listening to in Glendora, California hey Mike Brian to point him. I remember that just three weeks ago when Biden and Lincoln were saying, hey, you're going to know their March 2014 you're going to get invaded. Zielinski say hey stop stop it you know your fear, my people were, you know, we don't believe you, and on and on.

I thought that was one thing that I remember that there was a mistake on his part that I thought Downs I thought they were actually playing the game because he was trying not to panic his people. My hope was, he was hoarding reserves and hoarding supplies. Maybe that was okay to go ahead with the point that you did that second quick thing is that you know their target these medics from Poland and in other places. I just googled or how may make Russia has mayhap you know 2000 make. I don't know how many you know if there I don't know how you make the roaring reserve. But even if they get the 6200 hundred guys you know Russia going to just overwhelm his guidance and you know 500 maintenance and should not because I don't think there's an never-ending supply of mags on the on the NATO whenever you say they still have those all those fighter jets and the fighter just don't own the skies into the maze Gen. Keene just said it. He said Sunday night and all for change today. He said it's amazing to him that the Russians don't know the own the skies, yet, and now they get word that he gonna fly higher because of so many Stinger missiles on the ground so good point thanks to do the research. Always like it.

I don't know everything to do with this conflict.

I'm not seeing as much as I thought I would. In this year of social medium seen such a fracture. Look at the fight, but I know this Ukrainians a fight like hell and put not all types are hurt on Russia.

They will blow up a city at what cost they can hold the city. People hate them and I don't blame the more you listen more, you'll know it's Brian kill me back here, which is the question of the of of banning the import of oil and gas from from Russia you know it is not insignificant that we actually taking more petroleum from Russia than with you from Saudi Arabia are sold so the band will result in also obviously affects the world supplies well since the oil go from $100 a barrel 250 maybe $200 a barrel, but it's extraordinary tort for all of the of the sanctions that have been imposed and they have been unprecedented on on Russia to sanction everything but the thing that drives their economy and that is generally call you know Giancarlo is reporting as he sees in the place. It does usually get that type of candor because his bipartisan support to stop or start banning Russian oil.

What happens after that is where the rubber hits the road and parties differ in logic difference from a logical behavior. That's why want to bring Katie Pat which Townhall entities here over Fox News and Fox news Sunday. Yesterday Katie welcome back. Yeah, I want to make the easy part.

The beginning of the easy part is both parties including Nancy Pelosi and many other on the left are saying yeah let's stop importing Russian oil. Does that surprise you that they are not support banning Russian oil you're supporting higher gas prices in the United States as a result of the policy that Nancy Pelosi supports I'm not there to bipartisan push against Vladimir Putin and what he's been doing in Ukraine and it gets worse by the day in terms of bombing civilians in the photos that were seeing the front page of the New York Times today is really a clear depiction of what's happening there. I think a lot of the time we don't actually see photos and video of the carnage shot because he states too graphic, but it it's more a talent that the tapping there on the issue of where the administration has put themselves. They backed themselves into a corner here because they have completely shut decide this idea that energy meeting oil and gas is a national security issue and have not made a priority instead and put climate change at the center of their foreign policy agenda and now working at that is causing major pain for the administration, in the sense that, on one hand here saying that they don't want to sanction Russian oil or stop importing it because it's a small portion of what we important country.

At the same time there thing if we do stop American both see their prices go through the roof at the pump and they know because of their own domestic war on energy. They backed themselves into this place where they don't have any good choices right they allowed to continue funding his war machine and at the same time. Prices continue to go up in the United States as a result of the conflict, but also because prices are going up. As a result of Biden domestic energy agenda and they don't believe in oil and gas purchase signaling campaign that the Ron because if they truly didn't believe in oil and gas they wouldn't now be looking all over the globe as Joe Biden is doing today and saying what made you will impart Iranian oil meat but rain attend State Department diplomats over the weekend to Venezuela down with the Madura regime.

By the way, technically, right now, the State Department and recognize that the president they recognize the other guy at work again after Friday partner oil and by the way was the import Russian oil so they don't like will John Kerry loved oil for his private jet.

He takes around the world to talk about climate change that they don't want domestic well and Ted Cruz last week said that Joe Biden has sanctioned sanctioned and in terms of a broader idea. Domestic oil producers more than he is punished Russia and and put sanctions on importing Russian oil and that's true. When you take a look at the Keystone pipeline. The fact that when it wouldn't loan by 700,000 barrels a day in the last now working that we get about 500,000 barrels a day from Russia. It would've made up the Empathy ministration to say is Kentucky did last week that while the Keystone pipeline would take a long time to get back on board Lucia take a long time to get started because the issue of energy being a national security problem is not going away right is guess is $34 a gallon. If you go ahead and take Russia out of the 27% of it is we're used to being high. What you do is immediately say were going to start drilling elsewhere. Alaska, North Dakota, and just say this is going to be the production in these few, these investors in commodities and oil futures will say okay what would getting somebody to fill the gap.

There maybe we might want to use a friendlier country like Mexico or our candidate.

Fill the gap. So Europe has this house I was interested in this debt your produces 3.6 million million barrels a day of oil they need 15 million so they also your produces two 230,000,000,000 m³ of natural gas a year. They use 560 billion for call Europe has 950 million tons of coal the year they use the produce half that.

So guess who comes to save the day. Russia provides 20% of their oil. 40% of their gas and 20% of their coal now we are seeing a Porsche and let's it's all lipservice to start going back to nuclear in Europe.

We have to step up and be their number one supplier of natural gas, which I understand the infrastructure is not quite there were close if we have a focus.

This could be a great moment in time right now and I January argument that somehow the oil companies in the last two have all drilling permit on existing federal lease that while they may have believed it, but that fear of land management still have to approve each one of those permits to digging a well and they are not approving those permits for them to do so and Joe Biden had a situation here where we just talked about the bipartisan issue to stop importing oil from Russia. He is been led so far down that illogical, unsustainable climate change agenda by the last degree new deal so to speak, but can't get out of it, even though very small minority of the country support such an aggressive alternative energy agenda at a time when the world so runs in oil or in an emergency, and the alternative sources just start making up the gap when it comes to needing to deal with the problem right now whether it's high-energy pain for American, European, whether it's stopping the flow of blood money into a country that is slaughtering civilian and unprovoked war yeah I just had a no-fly zone. I understand the reasons not to do it with the current situation of just hoping for the best while Russia sluggishly and amateur initially and brutally without conscience just tries to raise city raise cities and kill as many innocent people as possible so we have to find an answer there, but one answer is it to sanction and isolate Russia at the said same time, begged him to sit down the table with us and convince our Ron to get back in a bed nuclear deal is what Congressman Mike Gallagher said about this cut 43 so here's the hard truth present. Biden stood in front of the American people after the Russian invasion any promise to turn bladder Fernando pariah well because of the fact we continue to rely on the Russians to negotiate with Iran. It turns out that was a lie. We have sent our negotiating squad to Vienna to negotiate Iran deals through the Russians and the Russians are demanding that the flow of weapons, commodities and trade with Iran be exempted from any US sanctions so Russia will get a massive win with the steel they will step into the vacuum that are appeasement crates in the Middle East, but trade may not be the worst part, this dealers will also be a massive win for China because China wants crude suppliers they can control, so why, why were doing this why they seem to be okay with this is getting out this gotta be national outrage was sitting at a table letting lab Robin company fly into Vienna and do this deal with us by new Iranian nuclear agreement to be announced this week and the American people, including a number of people and promote people in Congress know nothing about what actually negotiated in secretly know what happened last time around. When the Obama ministration negotiating to find out cash into a rhyme to pay them off. I went out a situation where the Russians are negotiating at the table with the Iranians would have said that none of the sanctions that we are putting on them in terms of Ukraine can apply to the Iran nuclear agreement, which means that Russia has a backdoor to invade the sanctions, which is a big reason why they feel like that they can continue to inflict this pain and suffering on Ukraine because they are going to get a backdoor away from the sanctions this week, whether it's with Iran or whether it through China.

Any other issue here is know I mentioned State Department diplomats to Venezuela over the weekend to talk about maybe lifting thinking on Venezuela to import Venezuelan oil to fill the gap.

Should they decide to sanction rational elementary years has helped Russia evade sanction.

Russia had helped Venezuela in the sanctions where you think allies were both enemies to take to fill the gap. We could do it domestically, but were emboldening this this trio of Russia, Iran and Venezuela, while also, China is watching and looking at their business prospects and as you mentioned who they can get in business with and then control that even more leverage over the last thing we seen them out. All through Africa to South Africa in terms of their taking over entire industry in demanding payment and loyalty that is no none of it makes any sense. When you have domestic drilling available it all happening go away if they just change their policy and how this is that the reports that I saw this run deal as they say that there putting mechanisms and the new president that would follow.

Joe Biden would be able to change it or no administration would be able to change it. I've never heard of that. How do you have a good agreement not pass through Congress that no future government can change so evidently the writing that in which is why is which is why Iran seems so happy to do it. We used to think about the Washington Post poll that is present. Biden's approval ready go from 34% in February to 47% now in a approval rating in of his actions in Ukraine at 52% Katie Pat which was your take on this thing is I think the majority of Americans are tired after 20 years before and they don't want you get the United States involved militarily inoffensive troops going into another country.

At this moment and Joe Biden has delivered on that in Ukraine and in upper been able to push off the results of the investigation of the Afghanistan catastrophe and distract the public from consequences and responsibility for that entire debacle, but also during the Union address. If you're someone who is maybe not 88 super political person in the washer right and get that speech he sounded like the Joe Biden that people voted for on the campaign trail enough person I while he's been in the White House is governed from a very far left but when he talked about the border crime unity and coming together we can debate you know he actually means that that doesn't over the past year yeah and thereafter haven't Neil added up to that. But if you're watching a donkey attention to day-to-day politics, but he said sounded like he was a centrist willing to work with both side of the aisle for the future of the country right because of the problems the border is an absolute catastrophe. The problem is nobody knows no new police officer, not their families at the retired men and women that anyone is in support of the police officer thinks it thinks the prison. Biden has been in their corner maybe doesn't say the fund, but what is he done to stop the defined movement almost nothing, actually nothing and then when you come from his current right with when he comes his situation in Europe is present so it's either United the world I be the first to say to present Biden was able to use his 40 years of experience to unite NATO in Europe, but it was Zielinski's urgent pleading that continues and is communication skill that has everybody United for the seemingly, and Germany among people changing their policy right talked about how you support the police that he talked a big game at the union last week when he said we need to find the police but if you look at the people he put in charge at the Department of Justice that they don't change the policies or the personnel in charge.

Nothing going to change when it comes to crime going down. I you have Kristin Clark who is the Atty. Gen. Deputy Atty. Gen. not Kimberly Dr. Thailand, but number two or three the Justice Department to the candidate for defunding the police.

They are actively not going after criminals but going after law enforcement agency focusing their attention on them rather than on repeat offenders and 80 hardening time of the sentencing guidelines for federal crime to working with local prosecutors because the local prosecutors and a place for all a lot of the time is happening in LA and New York and San Francisco, and Philadelphia all subscribed to the same kind of defund the police attitude and not criminal can somehow justify their behavior because they been wronged by the just need to be torn down until in this social justice, ideology, and so you unless your personal policies unless he changes some of the policy people implementing at the department.

Nothing is going to change and people will see that he doesn't risk saying something at the state of the union but not following through, much like he didn't follow through on campaign promises to unify the country would receive in the channel this week I will be on the five. I believe now decide next week about the five I think I'll be on plus report tomorrow and I'll be on Kennedy tonight sounds good Katie Pat which was great, thank you so much and Brian, thank you. Sorry I Katie PA VLI CH a will we come back I'll take your calls. 1-866-408-7669 from which having Ukraine to politics here at home. This is the brain kill me show on radio show people for the kill me if you're interested in it. Bryan's talking about your Ryan kill me will not forgive the destroyed house will not let our air defense shut down over today and more than 500 others that hit our land all over Ukraine. It our people and children.

We will not forgive the shooting of unarmed people, destruction of our infrastructure. We will not meet forgive a fleeing citizen forced to one of the 1.7 million live in for sleep Ukraine talk about the real destruction of the anger towards Russia justifiable in every way. Brian listing in North Dakota hey Brian, I'm sorry Lewis listing in Pennsylvania my bed hey Lewis talked about fracking.

I think your your earlier right.

I think we can up the production but I don't think it will be in time I think we have to proceed with it.

I'd like to see it not near my house.

You know I mean and pastor were there were like 600 feet from people's homes and that's that's that's not right. II think to the health adjusted setback policy anyway.

The consumption of oil should be reduced by grounding some business judgment or nonessential greatly. Some oligarchs and also passenger capacity there only airliners should be that you should only run those airlines and airplanes with greater than 80% capacity passenger capacity around the edges. Right now we need to purchase is to fill the gap. We major drilling to improve in North Dakota and Alaskan Texas that could do it, then use pledge to get some pipelines going would which are clean. You know they are safer and safer than putting it on rail or truck and then you say were in a war footing were fighting for the free freedom of what the Western culture and to not attend that the unit to not the elimination of Eastern Europe as part of the Soviet sphere people understand that there's response way to Elon musk Mr. electric car says the same thing over nuclear energy to less Russian size open up and fire on it. Nuclear energy say use of the brain to meet you. So glad you are and keep it right here. Keep in mind to get more me tonight on the five Fox News radio studios in New York City giving you opinions and facts with a positive answer.

Brian kill me.

Thank you much for being here buys the brain kill me Joe how to become a tear from New York crime-ridden's always a mess but people are back and heard around the country around the world.

Sinner Roger Marshall be with you shortly by using a representing a place could be more different from this place that is Kansas. He wants to make a major move and I hope he gets bipartisan support.

He'll tell you that in the second and then we have branded divine point out in your post, today, guess who people are blaming for will blaming for this war in Ukraine from I'll explain, but I will never defend what's get to the big three stories you need to know Brian's three number three present Biden stood in front of the American people after the Russian invasion any promise to turn letter Fernando pariah well because of the fact we continue to rely on the Russians to negotiate with Iran.

It turns out that was alive. We have sent our negotiating squad to Vienna to negotiate your ideals through the Russians. Yeah that's true around you. Limited I'm not getting the bed bed deal 2015 rebooted to be more slanted towards the evil regime.

Now here in 2022 and rushes helping how they even allowed to travel there will discuss this notion that somehow banning Russian oil would raise prices on American consumers is an admission that this guy that this killer that this vulture Vladimir Putin has leverage over us.

So I think we have enough of it. We should produce more American oil and by less Russian oil are not actually none at all. Yeah I hear you been rational for American shores. That's what sinner marshals talking about a bipartisan push. Sure, the White House still reluctant sure why all explain what we ought to do is give the Ukrainians the ability to create a no-fly self.

More stingers or missiles that can go higher than stingers and of all consummate this fighter deal get those May 29 in their hands. Adm. James Debbie does make a lot of sense. The fight here on day 12. Russia gains in the North stall as they point their focus on the capital city and in the south. The port city of Odessa. An estimated 1.42 1.7 million refugees are forced into Eastern Europe. They're able to accept it.

For now, but the Russian sewing after the battlefield really good at one thing killing civilians and just destroying a citizen of buildings arbitrarily right now sinner Roger Marshall Center, welcome back. How much is this cute kill you to watch these Ukrainians being killed the morning Brian, I thought the videos last night my wife and I were chatting. This is why I think bloodwork could lose the war that the world's market is that there and watch this people that were kinda neutral and on the one on the sideline like oh my gosh, you need to do more. We did five townhomes this weekend and this was the topic. What more can America do to help these brave Ukrainian.

Their courage is inspired all of us by God. The pavilion of the children killed boy, there's a special place in hell for Vladimir Putin. They have lost some of these reports are correct center. They have lost as many people in two weeks of fighting. Lesson two weeks of fighting that we lost in all 20 years in Iraq. They're not even trying to avoid civilian casualties if we have an incident in the battlefield. It's investigated for years people are fired on the spot if there's a problem. If something happens, it's considered a mistake. This is considered part of their philosophy third round of peace talks today is been said that Russia can't quit now because he'll be humiliated at the same time there still killing people.

What do you propose will number one thing we could do to stop this war is a course of an oil embargo. I've been talking about the importance of American energy independence and its impact at the gas pump, but also national security. For years I was born and raised in the oil patch.

The concept up here in DC they think you can just turn on a path that will start making the soil, but there is in all of government right now against the oil industry that the feds are trying to make it hard to loan money to the people of the EPA is making it hard to get permitting the using the Endangered Species Act to shut down oil wells so what I'm proposing is to get this embargo today and of course we need to get Jeff: we need to make that happen as well and we need to go along with Lindsey Graham's plan of trying. Vladimir Putin is a war criminal by what you are describing and what were all seeing her these war crimes and the biggest difference between today and when I was growing up and watch a Vietnam is working, why working everybody video camera cameras from from home watching this almost like like you're in the living room with these people and I think that's looking to bring the wrath of the entire world down the fund. Vladimir Putin isolated starving to death for their economy is loyal related that the big Domino we have to go out absolutely. We have to and that's what you said you put up for a vote of the legislation that bans oil imports from Russia. We have to make up the 600 million and the present United States is pushing back on his own party and scrambling to Venezuela and Arad to see if they could fill the gap. Reportedly in Saudi Arabia. Is that okay with you that were asking our enemies that help our enemy with winners that ever worked for anybody, but this was a result of Joe Biden policies. I described all of government war already on the oil industry but evil act going across the world right now. The evil axis of the nations of Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea Russia once owned the world.

Russia wants to rule the world. China wants to own the world and I ran and North Korea want to blow up the world and work funding by the way funding it blood money. I want you here in Zielinski spoke again today: this think about the sense of impunity on the invaders. They announced the planned atrocities. Why because there is no reaction because there is silence, not a word as if the Western leaders have dissolved tonight. The audacity of the aggressors is a clear signal to the West sanctions against Russia are not enough and that's anyone I want to see the have to close the skies. I don't think we can do that.

But Adm. Chevy is brought up a good point is when we give Ms. of Stinger missiles and missile defense systems allow them to quote do their own no-fly zone right. I was on call this weekend with Pres. Galinsky and he is certainly a modern day Braveheart, his courage, the gravy, the bravery of the Ukrainian people who inspired all of us and we got to move quickly, but right now my Democrat friends are not to let a crisis go to waste. Very simply, what he asked for a course was to control the airspace were not to be able to do that right now.

I think it should be on the table though, but he needs the Japanese. The Mig 29 jet setting: in Romania we need to move those toward have to pay to help backfill them. We can't leave Poland and Romania defense was either against the terrorist is as well. We need to act quickly. We need to fund the $10 billion, but think about this.

The Democrats are trying to tie the $10 billion-$22 billion of more covert funding, even though we have over $100 billion studying their mental client to the big on the bus as well so they won't let Google go to waste the mess around with this all week long holding Ukrainian people what speech just never ends up here. I'm mad as hell. I don't know when, when, in the politics of all this. Why can't we just do the right thing get the funding through Congress just moved over to Ukraine every day center. I got to get really, I can walk you back to gap in finality or are you saying that your for the Democrats will stop buying Russian oil. They have tied it to something else or some type of Ukrainian funding tied to something else you got so I think everybody here in Capitol thinks we need to come up with $10 billion of funding help Ukrainian belted out by more munitions to help with food and water, all those types of issues they wanted Haida funding to more covert relief dollars so the president is asking for another $22 billion of covert relief for more testing and more vaccine but we have over $100 billion setting there from the last covert relief on the not been spent yet another good.

It takes both of those entire government open on Friday as well. Yeah, it's unbelievable. It's unacceptable nobody's looking for covert relief money right now they want to do that nested therapeutics during the height of omicron they might have a sentiment there, but instead they come up with the therapeutics didn't preorder them to know and get some and shyness can hit with omicron right now which is I find somewhat heartening to see that that the virus a spring in the world are finally starting to suffer with the center was relook right now we're looking at a situation where we need full support for the Ukrainians. We also need a what different way to get oil and gas to Europe from what you know about I LNG infrastructure. How close are we to be able to get our natural gas in affordable timely way to Europe.

Brian certain we have shipped out were speaking on the way over there are print contact Louisiana the private sector is responding to it.

I don't know that we could turn that needle today to do everything that you agree that the Russia is shipping them, but there's our friends over Israel have a pipeline that they now have new natural gas that they could be getting the gas there as well. So I think realistically it would take a year maybe two years to totally replace what Russia sending them right now. In the meantime. Europe is paying for their sins. They shut down all their nuclear energy so they don't have the baseload America. Please don't keep the same think that the European Union is making serious I want to hear center Chris Murphy he say a little bit what you're saying but at the end of his statement is the one that sticks with me crisis, while thing you are naturally through the market mechanism is going to have more US production Joe mansion represent call safe. I represent a state that can have a lot of wind power online very soon.

And so my preference would be to try filling that gap with renewable energy.

I would just want to make sure the United States if we have to seal in we lose Russian gas. That's not just from West Virginia coal that's also from Long Island sound wind power. We really think Long Island sound wind powers can replace Russian gases, lap in Kansas about 45 but electricity can now produced by wind energy, but without the baseload load that we have right now from coal and nuclear natural gas we would be up a creek without a paddle. Right now I'm in favor of using cleanup portable energy model: paper taken traditional energies in making them cleaner. We have biofuel technology right now. The tailpipe admissions that happened were not utilized.

Maximizing those to their real solutions out there. The carbon footprint of America that a 25 year low producing 14% less than a decade ago.

Thanks American innovations left accentuate the positive in all the above energy policy were going to have to have more new baseload want to get away from coal burning for the solutions are out there, but we can go from 0 to 100 miles an hour will be in the same shape. The Europe is right now. We will be at the mercy of Vladimir Putin in Venezuela and the Middle East.

Once again we keep going down this White House energy policy. So now Joe mansion not only back to you. He also was backing for increasing production at home, so you should have one.

It looks like Democratic vote. Here's what he said yesterday on Meet the Press cut 31 people my state of West Virginia is basically foolish for us to keep buying products and giving profit giving money to Putin to be able to use against Ukrainian people is exactly what he's doing so I would willingly why would we show the result we have understand there's more dependency in the world but you know there's a problem we have the ability to ratchet up and be able backfill. We have the energy we have the resources here with the technology were million barrels sure today. Right now the weakness ramp up like that. We don't have to put any more pain on the American people and already suffering with inflation now, but I believe the American people would pay if they had to change or saving freedom and saving lives of people, innocent people. Can you get a John tester on board with that. I can you get some other so-called moderates on board with this and maybe you need your 60 votes to pass you natures is like violation to ban US ports of the Russian oil today. You got Joe mansion to get others we do really Joe mansion is another profile encouraged to take a lot of guts to stand up your entire party. Look, you're wrong. We need to pivot away from this plan. Let's use some common sense. We need to applaud him but I do think is more folks out there if they want decent dental look at the science and as well as the affordability of the energy I put on the energy committee with Joe he get he absolutely get that he's from a covert date. I think he understands that we have to do different things with coal. He understands organ in a small nuclear module reactors we could take the waste from the current uranium being used in our nuclear plant is that many small going reactors to the solutions are spreading out there.

We have the technology I mention the biofuels as well, but we need the White House. I mentioned this earlier and want to come back to her right now that the Federal Reserve Bank all the people that govern our banks are making it almost impossible to loan money to the goalpost right now through the month through the oil rigs out there doing oil that we had compared to a couple decades ago and the people that I grew up with people living doing oil before I was born very successful businessmen and women cannot get long ago drilled oil. You can't just flip the switch to make this happen. If we embargo Russian oil will be some short-term pain. I think $0.25-$0.50 a gallon, but the long-term gain over the next little pay it back in a year and little preop or national security posture. What makes Sec. Pompeo and present, so successful was we had energy independence.

We didn't have to worry about Iranian oil and here we have the people lack the power working together now trying to get Iran back back in line with his nuclear talk allow them to start filling oil again just scratches the craziest quality of everything in my life considered to have depression of the free market these banks to not supply and not support oil and gas 20 does make a profit. It is good business sense. It just doesn't fit the green agenda is criminal. I'm so glad you got to keep bringing that up to Roger Marshall.

Thanks so much. Thanks Brian govern the story you got it.

And also he's actually medical doctor. We come back. I see up there 186-640-8766.

I will watching the unfolding war.

Right now another push by Russia, but they're paying a heavy price for use in the brain can only show makers and breakers. First, I only show radio that makes you think this is the Brian kill me show they look back everybody is because up there and was still waiting patiently, North Dakota. Brian hey Brian, good with that in mind, one a crossroads right revealing. Also what's happening in Ukraine and if you take a look at we turn everything up to electric your Weatherby our cars or transportation trucking Waterworld. I also work with the government and their big push is all about EMP protection.

So now you come along and everything electric we have here and then we get a truck number needed to get that everything down.

Everything's going to go to standstill and it is the poorest strategic planning on the planet. Yeah, I also heard that you guys know to cut were told to pull back on the drilling that directly affects you guys yeah you also never realize there's two XL pipeline. There's one it's already in existence. And it's only running you crank that baby up for we could get a little back down $50 a barrel will have any problem. I know about that but I guess you would know more. You're the expert Don W a KV real quick done summer 2008. Still president, all you heard in the media constantly with gas prices under Republican president America gas price on the Republican Pres. gas price record you think you mentioned happening in our Democrat president Don the American people do they get it. Thanks so much for the call. We come back.

Why is Donald Trump's fault. I'm not kidding. I don't believe it but I'm not kidding, breaking news, opinion, steer it all. Brian kill me show something is enough not done in a special spy Congress by heading itself. I think just the one point that sums everything up that you yourself touched on is that Pres. Trump pretty critical payment withheld medicine assistance to Karen was desperate for some particular juncture basically to get him his personal feather. Now that is a total mischaracterization. Fiona Hill yesterday to say that that gap that she said existed that Michael Goodwin educate me. There was no gap existed when Pres. Trump was try to get Zelinski to do an investigation with the by directly up to when he was vice president night states what Hunter was doing with a multimillion dollar deal in that country. Then there those conversations resulted in impeachment but don't pretend like I was a critical time and that this is huge And lethal aid getting to Ukraine when the previous demonstration would give them any aid outside blankets and MRAs and Miranda Devine wrote a column on that without knowing the Fiona hose got embarrasses over that statement and she joined just now New York Post columnist and also author of lap laptop from hell Brenda welcome back Brian Hill running Democrat narrative which the talking points that they have week instead of doing everything I can to try and avert catastrophe. I just cleaning things to try and justify bad bad behavior enjoyed by being compromised by Ukraine and Russia Trump for this. Are you kidding really delusional but unfortunately because right to control you not not swayed since the media they think they can control the media narrative amateur latch extent that is true, and they've managed to do it. Look at the Russia collision heart. I just think that they may have. It's like the boy who cried will they have told so many lies they have bombed the narrative in their direction.

So many times I think that people are now that I trust the media, and they don't trust anything that they rate that comes from the Democrats expected when we Google which you chronicled in your column. Talk about with the Joe Biden did do we was in charge Ukraine policy after they had the done bus region taken from them in Crimea is pretty much vice president had that in his portfolio highly handle it accordingly. Any man would start by flying into TN at regularly lecturing the Ukrainians on corruption. I keep he was single miracle about how they would just get a democracy on it state that would unlink turn their back on corruption while son is being paid $83,000 plus a month to sit on the board of these corrupt Ukrainian energy company and unite everybody knew that within the State Department that one made level officials trying valiantly to family internal warning. A couple of them actually went to Joe Biden. Personally one time on a force to another time in his office and said look, unite this recording of the problem with that anticorruption entity. Ukraine is a lot of chatter from the oligarchs and thought about Hunter being on the board of the original which was the whole point of Hunter thing on the board arrangement and mange iPod compound things by going off and boasting in a public forum that he had forced Ukraine to Ukraine president at the time for a chancre to find his chief prosecutor, a man named Dick to show it can what the time he works by actively investigating corruption at charisma and he had just seen the property all the finer of charisma. I got cultural checks keep paying Hunter the money actually occurring favorably country biting into his fishing lodge in Norway. They had a close personal relationship.

Hunter and Mr. corrupt Ukrainian oligarch and unite thanks to his relationship with Hunter and thanks to apply that which paid to the prosecutor's office before picked a shark and got there. It shook execute got off holding international charges that he went up on the money being frightening hit London bank account was frozen and he was good to got started back with $83,000 a month well spent and Susie talk about problems with Ukraine's present United States is at the very least, should have somebody investigator asking those questions in the Obama administration when they become commentators. Fiona Hill hoopoe characterize herself as a as a think tank or as a as a diplomat is nothing but a politician masquerading as that which I think is even more damaging for the one person no one was counting on Miranda's Lattimore Kaminski Zelinski Nokia Zelinski is a guy that's actually unified dado and Europe in a way that no Western leader has an Pro present, Biden hasn't gotten close and is motivated the masses to help out these people in the way the bread the president never got close to doing either you or Zelinski today cut three Wayne flexible. We will not forgive the destroyed houses. We will not have the missile that our air defense shut down over my fees today and more than 500 other such missile that hit our land all over Ukraine to fit our people and children.

We will not forgive the shooting of unarmed people, destruction of our infrastructure. We will not make forgive him communicating he's gotten the big city wanted. He prorated the West to do it and find a way to get it done. We got to the bottom of it. That pole and said I will give them a blessing to be replace the end of the America said we don't have any laying around. We found some now those going to happen, he wanted more stinger missiles you want to worry he's getting 80 once more to humanitarian aid. He's been forced to do you know what happened. They peopled the people of Berlin. The people of Paris. The people in America in the check in Slovakia and the Czech Republic have risen up in their center square and let their voices be known, and that has forced the change in policy.

That's leadership absolutely and its leadership that we don't say really many other places in the world may not in the way.

I mean that. But I would say that it probably couldn't have mortgages with unifying nice site than Zelinski or tripod. I think it's clarified a lot of things for Europe and II just like to think that dalliance and it's courageous as the Ukrainian people have pain and I mean that PS3 extent that patent has met these Jew to sell only at the courage of Ukrainians in the leadership of Polansky. However, I think they need to be realistic and understand that Russia has new Russia has a lot more plot, unite tape, tape, sit back and Putin is now at the negotiating table and I think that that should be seriously and I think America and Europe should be putting pressure on Zelinski to guarded the negotiating table and start suing for peace because the catastrophe. This destruction is a day of civilians is just going to continue the life I don't see couldn't just pulling out thing I'll forget about it, but I don't. Col. Steve Gagne had this point to say he's from Debbie Assistant Secretary of State on this week with George Stephanopoulos. As we cut five. I think at this point it have to be negotiated peace, George.

The Russians cannot achieve their political goalpost. Putin cannot achieve his political goal, one military analyst is saying that within three weeks. The Russian military will be exhausted economy might not much that be much better. The way that this battlefield looks right now. Mr. Putin could not accept this. He cannot look for a settlement here because this map is a humiliation and you're saying he doesn't have the means for a long-term occupation. He doesn't have the troops he would have to probably double or troop triple the number of troops that he is a housing not in Ukraine right now but we think that what will eventually happen is that the settlement will occur and and he will have to negotiate some kind of face-saving agreement. I mean that that could be good news for the whole world they need 800,000 troops to hold a hospital.

Ukraine never be able to do it. Do you agree lately and looked at the document flooding around now that labral the Foreign Minister had I been calling on the military dropped 40 Russian aged 18 to 72 – sending babies into war and and I can tell you that mother Russia are not going to be happy about that but look at United news out. Just this morning that Russia is offering to stop hostilities immediately based on a number of times. One thing that Ukraine brought into the Constitution that it will not join any block like make sure that Russia China ship of Crimea is expected in a couple of other things I at the beginning and I think that's a good sign. And I do think that Ukraine should be encouraged by waste to go to the negotiating table and Mexico provide DuBose said that but I don't know about compromises when the dividing up your land and taking from you and saying I need to sign in. The bottom line. That doesn't sound like much of a compromise from her and I got I really don't have much heart, much time one thing or the Russians. I'm trying to the Russians to be dry they're being abused other being isolated by the by the world community in a way, I didn't think possible for more and I want to bring it to something else and no one is looking at and that's the Irani deal were asking the Russians to help us cut a bad Iranian deal.

This could allow them to to start putting their oil online and eliminate most of the sanctions that is hobbled them for the last four years. This is disaster America's first forgetting to pay attention to unbelievable Ukraine Biden ministration. Indiana still trying to buy the Iran nuclear deal wash and I helping with the negotiation and China. We had the video I placed it on the Islamic Republic used agency on Saturday, which charged that Russia's chief negotiator just everything about how Ron got much more than it critics take because America is going In hand to Iran oil going to Saudi Arabia going to Venezuela. I mean, seriously, we have an oil and gas.

Why do we need to beg other countries for it's so tragic.

And it says self-inflicted wound and that this deal can make it.

I hope something happens where the divine. Thanks so much.

Thanks Brian pick up laptop from hell to if you want in-store inside story on a lot of hunters dealings with Ukraine. Listen we come back I'll finish up your calls I see up there 1-866-408-7669 no doubt about it. The human cost is great. The suffering needs to end. But if we don't in this the right way, which is postponing a more massive death and destruction push by Vladimir Putin. Next he's gotta go diving deep into today's top stories Brian kill me the fastest three hours in radio you're with Brian kill me.

There are no humanitarian portal instead of humanitarian corridors can only make blood he will family killed today in math. The woman children right on the road when they were just trying to get out of town to escape the whole family. How many such families have died in Ukraine. We will not forgive. We will not forget. We will punish everyone who committed atrocities in this war on our land will find every basket which shot at our cities are people which bombed our land, which launched rockets, which gave the order and pressed start. There will be no quiet place on this earth for you except for the grave and that is Zelinski speaking today let everybody know that he still fighting he's doing KB still in the D. It's estimated, according to the mayor clutch go is about 20,000 dead if you take cumulation and round off all sides, who thousand 500 Russian soldiers evidently killed his benign aircraft shot down on Saturday alone which is unbelievable.

Vietnam like considering that they should be owning the air civilians in the Ukraine, at least according to the UN 1200, 1123 have died already in that country. The crisis 1.7 about a million have gone into Poland sanctions. 19 oligarchs 47 associates among the companies that are bailing out one of the refineries. Just reviewing is refusing to take the Russian oil and refined the Russian oil and visa MasterCard a pulled out shell GM Netflix Disney Boeing of poll that you know hasn't McDonald's cocoa Coca-Cola and Pepsi guys what you think it up, pull the hell out of there with these people understand how bad their good their leadership is here son right now is run by the Russians. That's the one city that's run by the Russians major city. There are a Ukrainian protest in that city. They are in hell than I can be able to subdue this country. The country hates them more than ever, if they take a city. The neck to be able to hold the city today to get a move on Odessa with a little bit stronger in the South, but overall, Russia has no idea what they got themselves into Ukraine is how to fight in every day that goes by. They are being armed. I do know they are suffering and that's tremendous and it's unacceptable barrel pole. In particular, they had no lights there that no water for four days. He tried to leave the got bomb back in.

They were told there is no humanitarian corridor.

There wasn't. Then they said this buses waiting to take you to Belarus or Russia. Thank you.

I'll stay here Daytona Florida is where we find Gary W NDB Gary to know people who judge about all our oil reserves. We don't need to go Calc will allow immediate short-term top and that would tell horrible thing so over his head.

Gary it's unbelievable what makes him a transportation expert and not by what people would not fall.

About 40% of sake or will help my comments it's two days. Thanks Gary appreciated. It's not so oil to some correctable expect to see the White House make an announcement today, tomorrow, said they going to do it and they say the American people seem to want to, but they should be ready for higher gas prices listen, I one hand, you're saying it's only 7% of all her imports fine, we're telling you I'm telling you where their number one customer shut it off, then you're saying if I cut that off.

Expect gas to rise. All right guess is already over four dollars. I know you want a fall guy and say the American people willing to do it, but this is not it too smart for that. Overall you want to see long-term what's going to happen long-term. What's going to happen if things in today Russia realize their interventionist policies will not stand. Other big operations their army their Navy their Air Force is not ready for prime time.

They are not to be feared and if they do take on a NATO country. They are outgunned out, banded out sophisticated but I think the big picture is China Chris Christie's assessment I think is right on the money cut 16.

The thing I do think a lot about this week is China, and China is watching what we do watch what we've done, which I think about Putin have the permission to do what he did and there to see now how we respond and react going forward.

And so this is not just about what happens Ukraine which obviously is vitally important to your an important mostly to the people of Ukraine.

It's good be. What's America's role in the world and I was present G looking at what were doing and I were interacting and and are we tough enough and strong enough to prevent them from getting active back to I think this sends a message not only to getting China getting hit with the omicron variant now seeing is it worth it, even though it was to be harder to boycott China to sanction their banks and their institutions. I get it. This thing is it really worth it. I want the only problem Taiwan is to them. Is it represents freedom in a democracy there never been a military threat. Don't pretend that they are who they really want to do that and divide the country against them, and make life more difficult for them for what reason and Taiwan is on. They are sophisticated and they do have a battle plan over 100 meteorologists handle worldwide resources of Fox box whether podcast's personal powerful subscriber Melissa Malik Fox news or wherever you