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Former AG Bill Barr on his time in the White House, plus what Biden's oil bans mean for America

Brian Kilmeade Show / Brian Kilmeade
The Cross Radio
March 9, 2022 12:45 pm

Former AG Bill Barr on his time in the White House, plus what Biden's oil bans mean for America

Brian Kilmeade Show / Brian Kilmeade

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March 9, 2022 12:45 pm

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Tim Tebo would be right now in studio, best-selling author William Barth known as Atty. Gen. Atty. Gen. under Pres. Trump, who also served under Bush 41's new book is is fascinating is go one damn thing after another. Mr. Atty. Gen., welcome to the studio. Thanks much for joining me like you Brian.

It's great to be with. First off, we seem to hurt much of you since there ended with the Chubb administration and posttraumatic stress. Did you know I guess you had to know and after seeing the first year and 1/2 of prison trumps term that you walk into a firestorm. Did you know I was little, would you think what was it like I knew it was far as you say, a firestorm.

I also thought we were potentially headed toward a constitutional crisis with the way the Russian gate narrative right was being handled with Michael will be closer to you might be a little bit easier when you realize because a lot of people on the right to trump supporters couldn't figure out what really was the deal with the Russia situation, the mother goes underground. We hear rumors about subpoenas and grades and we see this we know quite what was going on when you realize that this was a hoax. I wasn't until I got into the government and could get all the information that I became convinced that it was that way but I was skeptical at about it from the beginning. It just didn't fit you.

There's no reason why Putin and the Russian intelligence services would've colluded with anyone in the United States if they wanted to do something and hack into something and dump some documents they would do it.

They don't need to coordinate that with anybody would be very risky for them to do that so I never really fit together with me and the more I found out about it the more skeptical I became. From what I've read the book you only take away is you like a true conservative do it matters more to you is the country and what worries you most of all is the progressive line of thought. It doesn't seem like a Democrat Bill Clinton was centered left, that's cool. Run against issues right. What's different now that motivated you in your 70s get back into government an extremely difficult time. Yeah, I think that there there's been a transformational change in the Democratic Party under Obama where it lurched very sharply to the left as I say in the book, then this is no longer family feud between within the family. I think that the progressive left has left the family. They are not part of the liberal democratic tradition of the United States there trying to tear down our institutions there no longer for free speech and I think it's a mortal danger to the Republic. This progressive agenda and I supported trump once he got the nomination, and I thought it was important to stop their momentum, which he did so you get a way that other Republican candidates wouldn't have see that's an interesting question in a way, yes. You know, maybe someone else could've won the election but he had some traits that I thought fit the times and and one of them was the ability to fight back against the establishment against the mainstream media not be cowed by them.

Keep on going and he could take a punch he could take a punch like no one I've ever seen and keep going and those that were the traits that were needed and he has taught the Republican Party something he's taught the Republican Party had a fight. I think that's a fair fair given credit for that and I think that's improves the party going forward.

A lot of positive things about the present you willing to accept the fact is atypical for a politician he never saw anyone quite like him. You mentioned you can take a punch.

He also clarity of views. Yes, so especially the border things like the border things about America first. That wasn't just a line in a campaign that some speechwriter put in because it was cold, tested, or focus group tested right. I mean he had. I confirmed: redmeat issues there were certain issues with him where he took a strong common sense position. He was right about it and nothing could get them off and I admire that about why the drug war. The cartels in Mexico. The immigration issues big tech censorship.

These were his issues that he was very fixed on and he was unshakable on them and he had the energy to push them through what I say is his impulsiveness had some downside to but also an upside. One of his upside was it gave dynamism to the administration and push things along. The loyalty generated from his base I think is bad. I think that what happened in 2016 is that a lot of ordinary middle-class working class Americans were just fed up with the, the smugness of the elites and the excesses of the liberals are the progressives they were mad and they wanted to push back and they felt though the progressives are taken a reckoning wrecking ball to the country and they wanted their own wrecking ball and they like the fact he was so plainspoken and got in their face, and he was combative and that helped him and he was sort of speaking for them and that's where I think that loyalty came from. I think that in that's way and in many cases it still there and he still holds highest amongst Republicans.

You said in 2016. You will crawl across class to vote yes just on one issue alone and that was the courts the appointments and Supreme Court two in the vacant judgeships right and he delivered on that as he delivered a lot of what he promised and are just just the courts.

In my mind justified supporting him. I never I thought I would start the never Trumper's and 80° role so how would you think about this record just as pick now I think they're good over the Longhorn called her to be good justices. All of you are the president has this idea that if you pick somebody have to vote the way from then on in perpetuity is not the way it works without guidance nominee. I don't know much about her but I think she's going to be probably more left than briar once more to the left and Stephen Waybright was treated at the end.

I mean it was pretty it was pretty harsh. I think you probably would like to stay another year, they basically retired while your Johnson once negotiated someone off the Supreme Court by offering to make his son, the Atty. Gen.'s right. Sometimes these games are played. Want to hear a couple of things were in the middle of this Russia Ukraine bore year you saw a lot of the foundation. The Russian hoax really laid the foundation for something like this to happen we could not make any progress in directly deal with Russia because for two years. Vladimir Putin was looked at as enemy number one, of America, and a close confidant of prison from which we now know is not true in what way did that play into what was seen because I think was very clear during our administration during Pres. trumps administration at the main enemy was China over the long term and that Boudin had made it very clear what his redlines were and what should've happened was an effort to reach some kind a modus vivendi with the Russians diplomacy to try to figure out what the framework is for us, coexisting with the Russians in Europe going forward that maybe there was a solution. Maybe there wasn't but but trumps hands were tied by Russia gate if even met with behind closed doors or if we try to negotiate with the Russians you know the whole Russia gate thing would've been used against them.

Can you imagine if it was during your term Afghan it we left Afghanistan like this during your term. Russia invaded Ukraine right to biggest disasters present trump does know what he's doing and then his lab.

He promised Vladimir Putin a backdoor room. He could have been a backdoor deal. He could have Ukraine right now you one of the things I point out my book is the media has been mainstream media has been biased for a long time and I reminded people how they brought down H.

W. Bush, 19 months before the his reelection in 1992. He was 89% popularity and I use the phony rack gate scandal in a number of other things to bring them down. Even though we had economic growth for those 19 months and remind people that things are much worse today and that was one of the things that I saw right away when I went back into government 28 years later, the press had become even more partisan and more rapid. Generally speaking, is it tell me if you think this is an honest assessment of why gas prices are so high, here's Pres. Biden, who even over the middle of an oil gas crunch and an energy crisis went to Texas were so much energy, oil and gas. The industry thrives and decide talk about burn pits here.

It was easy after this one question really is not great, but you can here cut nine so the gas prices have gone up almost 100% since you guys left office and he says his rush is responsible for the gas prices a subtle welling up troops a year ago.

Is that true nor obviously not use Russia as the excuse but he is basically destroying America's energy independence. He doesn't realize yet the fact that the United States is floating in energy and that is a tremendous benefit to the United States that allows us going forward to a restorable American manufacturing low cost manufacturing and it and brings our cost of production way down.

It's good for the middle class and working class to have cheaper energy and yet he's ruined that by essentially putting the kibosh on our end energy up. I put this in the best terms. I understand is that there is now a push with Janet Young leading to not provide financing for any oil and gas project in America is $244 billion in in liquid natural gas stalled right now because he can't get financing to drill into Frak and Janet Yellen is threatening these institutions that want to yell did want to finance these oil and gas companies to mine or drill for gas and oil. How even though it means profit for mutual funds big and small, and for these companies. How dare you do that in a free market economy.

That's right. And all the regulation is skewed against exploiting our natural resources, making us more dependent on other countries for energy one would've thought we learned during Cove Ed had dependence on foreign countries is a dangerous thing. There's nothing more important for our national security, and energy independence and are our economy moving forward and in the price of heating homes and so forth and had allowed the stranger is allowed to to tell companies do not invent due to financial institutions do not provide financing for X, Y, and Z company to refer to refined to drill to explore while they can gain the rules and the regulations and the oversight to create such uncertainty in the regulatory regime that you could cannot make investments, that's the problem and and that the Obama ministration at the same from they don't understand that people have to have predictability right regulatory regime to make these huge investments. Same with R&D when it comes to defense, yet he had a budget together of the Atty. Gen. Stay with me one more segment because his book is out sets number one.

One damn thing after another memoirs of an Atty. Gen. of the bar here. Don't move. You listen the brain to meet you go right back.

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This is Brian kill me show angry and frustrated right now is likely to double down try to grind down the Ukrainian military with no regard for civilian casualties. That was Bill Burns testifying yesterday CIA director and so far there's pretty clear they want to quickly get in within two days. Decapitate keep the capital and basically take the government hostage put his own one in William Barr my guest right now. Not only is this book about one damn thing after another out.

He also is a conservative thinker understands the political landscape, not just a great legal mind. I miss Atty. Gen. what you think Putin does now from help. From what we've seen so far.

I think Bernard Burns was right. I think he bit off more than he can chew and there's no exit ramp forum and he's going to think is just double down and and trying this out to try to claim our military victory. But then he's going to be stuck with guerrilla warfare continued casualties you work will Bush 41, when the wall comes down and we have a post-Cold War and it's part of my cowboy Gorbachev is Boris Yeltsin there and from what you saw then as we tried to help them become a capitalist country. I thought, and end up being a lot of corruption oligarchs and and and not being the people never felt that that capitalistic thing that we we maybe take for granted. Having said that, to have a Putin problem would leave a Russia problem. I think we have both in that Putin represents a certain strand of Russian thinking and Russia's cultural history, which is a conceive of themselves as a great power there generally very paranoid about people in and coming from the East or the West and they were humiliated by the end of the Cold War and so he is interested in building up Russia more and I think that's why he has broad support in Russia but I think that's can evaporate because I think they have had the Russian people have had enough of the taste of sort of Western style of life that they're not, like see when they're being strangled economically this big situation he says is indicative of what the fact that we can get 29 outdated to add 1980s makes into the Ukrainian the country of Ukraine were struggling to his indicate of what indicative of what I think was a major mistake by by Biden not to put those plane and other planes and other hardware in earlier we knew what was he knew what was coming.

He knew that he was facing a potential invasion of Ukraine but everybody right and yet the only way to deter that would've been the flood in leaf laid including planes now in the middle of the war. It's more risky to put those claims are matching them against it, but it certainly has raised the risk for us a lot and that's the kind of step that we could've taken before hand that might've actually different deter the loan with more missiles and so forth upfront you understand trumps language sometimes gets in trouble when he said originally. When we started moving on the Ukrainians. This is brilliant in Trump terms what he mean by that. Why don't always understand what he saying he does have this tendency to admire certain strong. That's a fact or law on food and and and she did something he admires about them and their decisiveness and I think that's what he was referring right.

Yeah, people like to jump on that. Yeah, and then say he's out of touch. Please try to say is you can be evil and make a move that's in your best interest right but not in the world's interests right he views things as transaction a series of transactions from my observations basic moving transactions is you dig get the jump on the other going to put them at a disadvantage right up front so there is so there want to negotiate away the advantage of Jesse's right at the beginning I saw what I think he was saying was smart because he jumped on it quickly. I have another job.

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Gov. DeSantis not backing off William Barr, my guest's book is out. One damn thing after another memoirs of an Atty. Gen.

Enough said Mr. Atty. Gen. how you feel about this bill will withstand this test of scrutiny is a federal government is threatening to take some money or financing away if it goes through. I think it will withstand scrutiny if it takes getting it up to the Supreme Court. I think it's an entirely reasonable bill is a very reasonable to say that kids at that kind of tender age that subject matter shouldn't be raised on school are you amazed we have to have this conversation. I am what happened with education in your mind. You have a long view of it in your book about what happened to the American education via public school system erected welcomes Christian Judeo values rest of there was no reason to really do what Europe is done can you expand on that a lot in the Western tradition has been that that moral formation and moral education was the job of the parents in the church and it wasn't the states role to help tell people what the good life was in and make man in their own image and but then when beasts establish public schools in the middle 19th century, the religion that was taught there was was basically consistent with with the morays and the beliefs of most Americans up until 19 1695% of the American people identify themselves as Christian and schools were basically Christian. They taught the Bible. They said the Lord's prayer and so forth and starting in the 1960s.

They tried to secularize school by stripping out Christianity and then starting under the Obama administration. It was more like indoctrination wasn't taking out Christianity was putting in something else.

Something else to tell someone why or why do be good. No words you say seminar shall not do this then you better be able to explain why and what you do away with Christianity you tell people why they started affirmatively putting in ideology alternative ideology like vertical race theory or transgender tourism and things like that some anti-American view right anti-American views and so the state doesn't have any business doing the state doesn't have any business and you know which week weird as you know, the original settlers in the United States ran away from my England because of religious liberty. But how does the income of the English run school choice, they pay for everyone's education and as long as the schools accredited.

You can send your kid to Church of England school Catholic school into school Muslim school, which means you think we should head and what direct vouchers I think I think in a pluralistic society.

We can have the state hospital to the traditional beliefs of the people and undermined the authority and the religion of the family by teaching these these ideological doctrines and so I think we need to have school choice and that's do you think of the of the organic uprising that we saw the last midterm election with Virginian others say what are you teaching my kid right and I'd like to see more governors but aggressive on this and the other part of it is and I said the systemic racism that exists in our society is the public school system in the inner-city and in the power warehousing. These black children in the inner-city and not giving them school choice.

We should be having. School choice charter schools parochial schools let the parents decide and see them line up for the year other schools. These alternative schools. My view of you and Mike pence with the two MVPs of the trumpeter Frank and Mark and I don't think there is any question for people they wanted to see I was ever present successful, but for somebody that knew, down from 20 years before I never going to be great friends with them but usually we always were very respectful governor. Even when he was waived, promoting fights when I had no idea. But to see you come and steady the ship like you did in the sea. Mike pence provide the congressional back and understand how that this the the know how everything ran in Congress and what he did in Congress is indispensable.

What is it say that both those people are really not on speaking terms with the former president wants to be president again why you I think one of the things about trumpeters, it's hard for anyone to have a durable relationship with him. Unless you are essentially dependent. I can't think of anybody that's lasted very long.

In any relationship was an independent person and I think that speaks to him.

I think he has many, many strong points, but he also has failings and that's one of them would he deaden handling criticism more people to push back against wants people to tell them what he wants to hear you really said the clown show around him after January be fully after the election to January 6. Let him down that path. You think that he did. He took their advice would you think he kept people around that agreed with him. Like Jenna Ellis and Rudy Giuliani and others. I think he he's more comfortable being told what he wants to hear. And I think they were telling him with great gusto that exactly what he wanted to hear. Most most of it was false, but he was guided by did you take Rudy Giuliani aside and say Rudy, you know this isn't true know, I know there's nothing there now. I did.

You wish you did know because I would've been a scandal.

The Atty. Gen. privately talking to a Rudy Giuliani that would been overstepping you ever question his lawyers and say we basing this on.

I looked at this thing like I like school staff look at this, or is there such a separation that you can't well right now.

They said they through through appropriate channels. You know they let it be known what their arguments were reluctant with their arguments were snuffing to make a lot of more just completely silly and based on false information to present repeated it as recently as January 13 this year. He said that his big piece of evidence about fraud was that more people voted in Philadelphia than there were registered voters in Philadelphia and that was completely rightly looked at it with a fresh set of eyes and there was something you were spoke up absolutely at unite I wanted him to win reelection. I went and I went in and it was the on. It was rough for me to go back into government and I did it and I wanted him to win reelection. I would've been happy if there was evidence not happy in the sense that if it turned out that he did when, but he did not win the election, and if he had one, would you want to stay actually know you made a plaintiff to the mother he roared like I don't to Gabriel's would've one damn thing after another memoirs of the Atty. Gen. can be a bestseller for a long time am so glad you came in hope will talk to you one nation this weekend.

Sure, thank you to great to meet you in person is a back with this guy named Tim Tebo, your archrival, right after this kill me. The more you listen more, you'll know it's Brian kill me that back everyone Brian kill me. Joe would be in studio if you want to vaccination you see if Tim Tebo is so great to see Tim in person book is excellent mission possible. Go create a life that counts baseball player. Football player Heisman Trophy winner now broadcast but were not initially talk about that before we get into the heart of the book. Your reaction to Russell Wilson be going to the Broncos.

Honestly, I am kind of excited about it.

I still I think I'm a little bit biased, but I just think bronco fans are awesome. I can't tell you how much I love my time there and letting you is when a player for the second lesson you left off. The radio is there but it was such a special couple of years being there with the bronco fans and I still love them to be honest with you I think your incredible fans and I think Russell going there I think is going to bring a lot of life. I think they have a lot of talent there. I think there can be really good and also I'm excited by the division. That's good be crazy guy like are you kidding, you see, I think. I think the Raiders and have a lot better. You know Josh there. Now that's going to be fascinating and it's you drafted radio and so that's can be really interesting. And then you that the Chargers obviously had gotten so much better so right pretty interested in bringing Peyton Manning. You think that was your job is what started before started to look back and say you know what if I would just say that I think it was so special.

Such a special time.

I think that we are able to do some really special things and specially from being one and for them to go on a run and win the division and and and he is highly distilled now that I was telling it was really special. And if you know you never know.

Maybe if you had more confidence and special things but also they they brought some mechanic at Peyton pretty good hands up in the human eye handing out pretty good year and half offer something. This was interesting reading the intro to your book and follow and I loved you had to write about a book you had a lot of success in life, but you don't pull punches when it doesn't work. I remember you writing about you. You play for the patriot. She pleaded over Bella check Bob Kraft invited to the house you expect to go over there for far too many to see you gave up a huge commercial dollars. Just because you say build you mind if I do this I got up really but would like you to cut you in the next day or right I know but what kind of got my hopes up with was Mr. craft that yeah come over the house we have in the luncheon and saw Mike and I guess very well not so fast Lebron will have your fired. So a football player baseball player broadcaster and I use to find a mission. I'm thinking to myself on surface. Okay, that's his mission he found broadcasting after you, that's not it. That's what I do for living right you found a mission and your mission happen to you because you saw tragedy in front of this and that tragedy was this little boy with 2 feet born back with just nothing to do with his fault not his fault but his life was was almost over. Before beginning it was his because he was viewed as a throw away because where he lived that they viewed him as cursed is less than is insignificant and really the only reason that he was able to survive was because he had two friends that were willing to do whatever it took to to fight to get them food literally steal food to the put it on his his his his table his plate to give him food and he was viewed as this throw away and I just knew that it wasn't a throw away to God and he should be a throw away to me or anybody else, and we need to and I personally knew that day I was called to go fight for boys and girls like him around the world and and you is that that was one of 15 years old and you were that nobody and it was something that I knew that was my mission. I didn't know exactly what look like I didn't know exactly what I was supposed to do, but I knew it was around this. It was based on this and I think there's probably a lot of people that are thinkable what exactly is my mission.

I've never had that encounter and I would say yeah I don't know exactly what your mission is, but have your eyes ever been open to a need to a problem to a hurting person and has your heart ever been pricked to want to go do something. If so, that that might be God saying hey go start to meet this need, and you might not know exactly what it looks like you might not know exactly the end goal or how the twist in the turns in it, but it's got also start with action and and I believe that that when we see this and we feel this we need to act and it will units. Also, living by faith. You don't know exactly what all the next steps are. But we have to take the step and and being able and willing to go do something and will continue to learn in the process.

Who was the foundation it started then and how is your mission even brought you to the war in Ukraine will tell you that when I wasn't allowed to start it because NCAA rules until I finish college and then was literally the first or second day after I graduated was when I started this into your foundation in our mission statement was literally just thinking about that boy is one of the easiest things I did okay. What is our mission statement. I thought about him.

I said okay. It's the bring faith, hope and love to those needing a brighter day in their darkest hour because I what is that boy you need he needs faith open love because he is in his darkest hour of need. He is a throw away and he needs help and he urgently needs help and so that was our mission statement and it is started with orphans and a start with special needs and then relent in the hospitals and then ultimately leading to more in the fight against human trafficking, a growing and growing and and it's been something that has developed and developed throughout the years because we didn't know exactly at first what look like the guys continue to show us as we've gone and I will do you Ukraine war starts United bystander Woody doing well we we been able to serve in the Ukraine for for several years, especially through our night to shine whose churches was not to shine is a worldwide proper people with special needs and there is been many churches in Ukraine that have hosted and partnered with us and that a loving the special needs community and so you know when all of this happen and were communicating with our host churches and I was partners that take care of orphans and special-needs kids is what you do what you need. How can we help how can we support and I'll tell you that we think that that that were supporting and maybe we are a little bit but I'll tell you their inspiring us more than we could ever do for them. The heroes that we have that we have seen that we have talked to that we have partnered with that.

We have watched they're not every day hero nuclear writer. This is great, raise the courage. It is incredible to watch a mean, you know, because of the time difference are teams getting up super early in the middle the night to talk to them first thing in the morning so they can figure out in the day. What I need. How can we support help in getting the safety and then working with you know different partners like life song and trying to get say forms ready in in Poland Russia so were the roads out there so many different things were grateful for Sony partners that are working on different parts of this but but what what they say is hey you know what we know bonds are going off around us, but we know God is in control and this is exactly were supposed to be in so many of had the chance when they taken groups out to stay out and yet so many of our partners go right back into serve, and to continue to help not tell you what it really is true courage and true heroism into both book is called mission possible.

People want to help you with the foundation and find out their mission where they go to your Dodge now you win the Heisman and as soft all right softly when the Heisman software you can you win a playoff game shock the world beat the Pittsburgh Steelers. You also for two years you making with her mightily. She almost made as a tight end in this lead to event unbelief success international fame. How does that compare to this what you're doing with your foundation has that success and supports compare doesn't compare lateral doesn't mean anything. Brian I think the thing that the world is going to tell us that it has and even at times that I bought into it, unfortunately, is that we need to strive for money, fame and power in that it's going to be rewarding and the more that you get the more identity the stronger identity, the more you're going to have it. I just don't believe it.

I think as economy is different.

I believe the more you give the more you actually have an I've seen that was only of our partners around the world.

We just got back front from Africa where were for for a month and you see it with so many people that that materially don't have much, but spiritually, emotionally, relationally, they have everything because of what they're doing every day, and I'll tell you what those are also heroes of mine took your fame and your power and using further people well I think what I really would love to do and strive to do is take that the little bit of success that I got is blessed me with and turn that success into significance because I believe success is about us, but significance is about other people and I would rather have a life of significance, the life of success because I believe there's going to be a lot of people that at the end of their life. They had a lot of success and they realize it doesn't mean anything and I don't want to be someone that Athena my life I have. I have a little bit of success, and I realized, oh my gosh, it's really a tragedy because none of it matters just so like a million bucks for such e-books about mission possible. Go create a life that counts to view doing that and only halfway there. I appreciate your brother LLC upon Abijah. I look forward to you baby I know you guys list. Why is New York City rash office set up Fox and friends saw America's receptive voice kill me.


Which was in everybody's the right to me Joe, do you from your current around the country heard around the world and hopefully in Ukraine. Dr. standing by. Want to be the center to get the nomination, Pennsylvania, and Rich Lowry from national review. So let's get to the big three stories you need to know Brian's three number three man, whether it's in Iran and Venezuela. Russia is sitting down at the table with us when you deal with madman when you spend much time with madman. Not only is it a matter love you have the potential to become one yourself. That's Rick Perry, former Sec. of energy longtime governor of Texas. The ripple effect of a reboot and a new Iran deal already extracting a huge price for American on energy security and with our allies managing all imports of Russian oil and gas enemies Russian will no longer be accessible in US ports of the American people will deal.

Another powerful board approved the formation energy and overdue American band of Russian oil and gas will present by blame prudent he goes was in place prudent for the outrageously high gas prices hurting every sector of American life.

Doing that will facts get in the way of that. I hope so we have to make a nonpolitical decision to drill your dome like we never have before.

The United States Shakespeare question question could be about Ukraine but not anymore because it is so please let's cease to be that is the interpretation of prisons on skin addressing a joint house of parliament yesterday got a standing ovation as he quoted Churchill and really inspired that nation like he did hours. The fight the Hollis brutality is on display as desperate Ukrainian fighter fighter over are fighting the overrated immoral Russian army for trying to shut down a country that simply despises them will bring you the latest and we understand the latest. Is there trying to circle the capital city and try to decapitate the they were the current government and I wish they got the message 14 days in I don't think that's going to happen, nor do I think they have the guts to do it with me right now is Dr. Ross. He wants to be the next Sen. from Pennsylvania.

These guys hands full.

Dr. Oz welcome Dr. Russ, did you ever think that Ukraine will be the number one store in America, not involving any impeachment talk did not. But I gotta say we start getting anything of it pretty early on we saw that they feel weak responses to some of his glory was probably unbelievably surprised when he could get away with as much as he was the bed.he thought.

But it is shocking to me that he would believe Russia could take over country 40 million people without paying a huge price and I don't think the expected world community to crackdown on his behalf and all that is good. The problem courses it was done so late that it didn't dissuade make the first move without you Nicole… Your Pennsylvania where modern for the Senate and the real issue comes down to what we could've done to prevent all but doubted That have to do with the stuff on the bike seat right here which is natural gas and oil in the state has, which you need resource we can power the entire country for 100 years could help our allies and culture are limited that they're not allowed to go back out computer solutions out of the ground that could help stabilize energy prices provide national security to our country. At the same time upper allies in your field is not meant. So here's what Jen Saki said when people say drill more at home. Cut 18 give you an example including the American petroleum Institute claims that this is an issue of having access or fines on the oil and gas industry has a lot of lines are alone, more than 9009 I would note that only 10% of drilling is happening on federal land. The other 90% private lands.

But I'm talking about the 10% in that case that the argument that there is no opportunities to drill for oil is just not actually seeing much more about wanting to return cash to investors than about a lack of opportunity do you think she's correctly characterizing the petroleum business knowingly so there's no way anyone orders this petroleum could believe what you say hello to you what you wrote to the spot you'll have permits to make the roads to the real core issue here about returning money to investors. There are patriotic Americans were saying.

I know I get natural gas on the ground in the cleanest way possible. Better than any other country will do it but I'm not can invest $1 billion if a year from now, a bit bureaucrat in the bike administration with a slip of their pen bangs my bill to put a pipeline pipeline in the future by natural gas to Jekyll doing what is not like it hasn't happened over and over. Get it literally just happened before… Put in bated Ukraine. Do you end up taking companies or trying to make wise investment and you bankrupt them.

Any business leader knows you not to buy inventory that you can't sell it to put the resources to play if they don't trust bike. That's why the response should be from Jen Saki to see Bobby speaking for Pres. Biden. We will make it a national security imperative to protect our natural energy. If people invest they will be allowed to complete their projects and ship their product.

That's what we did with the back seat right will operate operational speed and trumped in just a glutton builds up and that's incredible likable shopper helping with the COBIT. He said we will backstop that we will buy what you make to make sure you're not going to be bankrupted by investing in America we have to the same thing.

Oil and energy producer to get the money is what I guarantee they connect you finish what they start when I think is the most diabolical is the dinner Jen Yellin.

She goes over Danielle and goes over to the G7 and tells everyone start divesting from oil stocks stop pulling portfolios because we don't want to be part of the fossil fuel business. It's not good for the planet. So even though Mr. Mrs. Jones, who has a mutual fund run by a financial planner and where might be Shell Oil were some of the company might benefit you and grow your grow your wealth. They don't want it did to do it because it's not the green agenda and that is hurting so many companies and stopping the drilling in so many different spots and the reason why it's on federal land takes an average of hundred 41 days to get a permit into drill and federal went on average in Texas it takes to on private land where do you think you're going to go with your business. What would a question or see that here because it takes just six months to get you can do it online in West Virginia and Ohio literally across the border. So, not surprisingly, in within the country. We got problems reduce this in a way that I try to difficult Dr. I saw firsthand the fallacy of false narratives that work circulating around COBIT that a lot of you authoritarian top-down approach get batted by cortisol. As a scientist I see the exact empty with energy policy.

We woke green agenda will not work scientifically, policy, wishful thinking, or investment. It cannot be done yet were not scientifically able to do the things that they believe they can do the timeline I wanted to were going to use carbon-based fuels is a glitch to get the cleanest of these is natural gas we plow the ground without wasting that they would be on your Pennsylvania doing what you will continually then you end up with the best opportunity for us to bridge to a cleaner planet. Why won't woke green agenda be moved a little bit, text, text to accommodate science.

Just like with COBIT there so blinded by the possibility of someone else having a good idea if they want, except that the same thing is happening now with green energy without regular energy because we woke green guys will censor them shun them, and because of that we don't have people breaking divorce anymore saying exactly what needs to be said about the importance of energy in our national infrastructure COBIT we can.

We have here in New York City. Now maybe it's a city near you in Pennsylvania when you listen to us around the country. They say okay you take your masks off but not the preschoolers. So to the four-year-olds can't go to school without a mask. How ridiculous is that while the World Health Organization higher pandemic. Brian said do not master toddlers, children under the age of five should not wear masks. Here's why it doesn't work.

They can keep it on date can't get stoppable but doesn't work. The masks don't fit anyway it probably doesn't matter because young children don't see that what you probably COBIT, but they definitely are paying a price that we have more data yesterday, again showing the developing more more problems they can't speak to the teacher's mouth move they feel scared of each other got masks that blinded from speaking with each other that had glasses which brought the children do. They can't read the clog up all the time. The parents don't have to wear masks to parents are at risk. The kids, but not apparent. The grandparents are at risk kids should be allowed to live their lives the harm that were doing Brian could be irreparable.

We don't even know one massive experiment .it my grandkids. I got a couple that age group. They don't wear masks and put masks on the `Demeter by the way Yorty had COBIT never knew it where you stand on mandating the vaccine. Many vaccines were the worst ideas I've ever heard it. First of all invasive medical procedures generally are not mended on people we don't forcibly sterilize people we don't the lobotomies on people with needles and people they should decide on the market. Here's the reality bright. Amazingly, despite what you hear from big media Americans are smart.

95% of people over the age of 65 or which risk factors got vaccinated. Writing was a benefit indicates mortality getting vaccinated.

They want up and got there shocked by what I got my shuck to work at the hospital I thought was the right thing to do for my patients that I don't want it back to my grandkids because I don't think their meaningful risk. There is a downside of getting vaccinated like getting myocarditis violates basic medical knowledge to ignore net natural immunity, which is already been demonstrated be better than getting the vaccine. Why would it be that the Department of Health ignore science by my son was at Columbia medical school where you are. Got COBIT over Christmas and that his natural immunity got the first shot.

By the way, Norco medical school to school forced him to get a booster he refused faith that you have a choice I'm in immunology class literally taking the class right now in the class or told me not to get the vaccine because Yorty had to know that you'll need to get a vaccine afterwards they could not. He thought that would be teaching young people. However, by the way finally said nothing… It relented, because bullies are cowards in the school finally allowed not to get vaccinated. If it had prior COBIT but it doesn't make sense that we would take young mind to destroy them. Walk them by not allowing the truth to be acted on instinct, he is my daughters were told to do both in college is stating that they are out of school and so does my family members. One had just leave the school because it would not budge. Was a Sunni school. They just they would not budge.

He had to leave the school with one year left is refusing yet, but what I did with Oliver. We wrote letters to be had… Respected Dr. in in virology and infectious disease write letter saying it was all like it optional it was wrong for him to get a vaccine if Yorty had the oldest and eventually they like that you should do the same with your panic again will listing that we don't push back line think my audience big town halls across become look Pennsylvania had four people last night and I tell people just buy one request.

Say what you see. Don't back down.

If we do will continue to lose the culture war bringing Republicans will bring index cards. The knife fights don't go in there with the efficiency arguments going there with a big bowl statement that we as conservatives believe in the following realities were not to let you put your door body just as you think it's a good idea that have to be a good starting to please an extra much sense to me and my doctor that we wanted to happen and Republicans get vaccinated when we need to we don't get back to justice.

Someone tells us to. And that's the difference. I think this little deeper reality that I'm identifying that you probably are aware of the problem that were not there. Republicans care about fixing. We care about fixing stuff.

Democrats care about caring doing something that works, but not actually the reality of benefiting us like yelling, not yelling, not pick up our secretary says that you have 9000 Welton Woodbine said that not truthful right and, for example, if you truly are Zielinski ELM is for single day of arrival sit there and be there a war put aside with this for the country to present you like to mention they listen to a lot of the green support that I got put me in office. But right now I got a guy my on present of the entire country to put that behind and for the short term I'm Benadryl and maybe pour more money into R&D when it comes to renewables, but that's not leave the presidential leadership.

He still try to get political gain in a time in which he should just be leaving. So Dr. Oz and seen a Fox news Georgia GOP poll that has you here in between Morte between March 2 March 6 has you trailing Dave McCormick by 2415. How do you value close that gap. I don't think we have our own internal data, but it deftly closer race in part because they portend million dollars into the race and so we are working to stay on our path. We put more money out of the getting our message out, which will help us and we also have blown up his town halls that were going to work for me across this wonderful, wealthy people can hear the voice right for me. What we can do when were in the US that I'm very confident and we have a ton of energy underground and depose. If you look at them, but to be clear about this.

You literally combine everyone in every spot on the ballot because there are so many was totally different result. Absent amazed by what I buy at the handicappers right now. Everyone that McCormick and I percent for sure with appointed to each other, March, May 17 today is to be Sprint want to hear.

Dr. Oz is your your town halls, newbies like no other. You have no notes. You walk out there and you just take all questions you.

You talk of the top you had that many people can do that while television and you know for all those years you get comfortable thinking on your feet. I'm looking forward to the debates where that'll come in handy. But most importantly, you got to be able to explain the people watching voters fans patients why this matters to them why they have agency over their future goal was to be effective and we as Republicans have been quiet for too long there major decisions that impact our country like to witness you with this catastrophe in Ukraine that we have to have ownership over every don't say what we say and we get pushed aside. Dr. Oz was great talking to you. Best of luck in the spring to May 17 – you got it we come back your calls, 186640876 accent and Rich Lowry, respectively.

Also, the latest from the battlefield. This is the right kill me to kill me if you're interested in Bryan's talking about your with Brian kill me does it say that in the bill as it say that in the bill. I'm asking you to tell me what's in the bill because you are pushing false narrative.

It doesn't matter what critics say for who grades pre-k through three so five-year-old six-year-old seven-year-old and the idea that you wouldn't be honest about that and tell people what it actually says is why people don't trust people like you because you pedal false narrative, so don't say gay bill. That's how people label at the don't like it but it's a bill that sadly needs needs to be done in Florida. It is being done passed through the legislature and send and send it in the house and now the governor's genocide is what it says is don't bring up gender don't bring up sexuality with kindergartners first graders second graders and third graders go protest in the streets and that you dying to tell some first grader to what day is and what saxes I am not into that.

We never thought this would ever come up. I don't think it's necessary.

Please explain to me why it is sadly we needed because we see what's happening in our schools were people's gender is not a choice. 1-866-408-7669 we come back we can be joined by Rich Lowry back to the war under my radio makes you think this is the Brian kill me show you committed to grievous errors, terrible mistakes, he said no to Poland yesterday. Greener deal when he said no as essences front of all these roadblocks in Poland to transfer their fighter jets to Ukraine. What's he thinking shouldn't we be helping Ukrainians to defend themselves patient to set the Poland to the United States to NATO figure out find a way get it done.

And as for the new green new deal people all his policies have been and at appeasing the green new deal movement in America which means, of course, less production of fossil fuel or if I should wait again last night, and what he sees this big deal, essentially posted I get some eggs to give you all is my Navy. I ordered some plane from the for America that I can come until 2324 so if America did help me out here. I could give your makes Ukraine you're in a bad situation.

So all the sudden we get cold feet on the whole thing about selling having Ukrainian pilot shop in Poland and fly them out this it would that be something will be provocative to Russia and they might bomb Poland so Poland takes the bags and put them in NATO at Ram Stein airbase at NATO airbase this is Woody doing why you doing this.

That's it to be viewed as provocative, so right now Ukrainians literally holding on for their collective lives with 50 children that they know of dead in their capital city there waiting for some debonair cover in an airfield. It is protected and I can't get 1980s fighter jets is pathetic that they had to cut it had to come to this with you right now is Rick Larry Etter of Nash review author of the case for nationalism. Rich, can you believe were in this conundrum wanted to draw the line somewhere between you know Ukrainian having NATO perceived directly involved I get there drawn the line at your flight fly needs of fighters from NATO NATO territory. But you, please sympathetic to the polls and I support disarming to the max. The Ukrainians I don't think the error is really the question though you know they need any more missiles. We probably got them 17,000 missiles of last month, which is great. They need more. And they just need to engage in a desperate fight to try to hold key you know it's it looks like it's clinging to get besieged and it can be an alternative block by block this horrifying struggle, but it's really important that they hold out his presidency addressing parliament yesterday in England: slight see, we will contend that whatever the cost is light in the forest for the souls Ukraine and to the United Kingdom motivating to see him deliver that and then to get a standing ovation. I heard he was very motivational. On Saturday, deal with a bipartisan group of Congress in his room. Call all we know the what he's done already around the world with European Union basically to want to rush together their admission to the EU. Where is this heading so moving cattle were great residents from winter chill and some guy in a doctor giving a nice lecture quoting Winston Churchill. Churchill and someone who is living it and putting everything on the line, putting his life on the line just incredibly moving just the question is whether they can all keep a man think that can be the whole ballgame it if they don't if they do, you know, it's a stunning underdog victory to be highly embarrassing to Vladimir Putin maybe put his regime at risk if they don't know were going to a guerrilla war that will be extremely painful for everyone, and I think that that point will think will have the wit with hand up taking Steve. Now I can make Ukrainians and in the West deal and see whether he can pull a rabbit out of the hat for some sort of automatic victory, which would be achieving you getting Ukraine to agree to some form of neutrality giving 14 Ukraine date to give up the territories in the East and giving the getting the West, loosen up on the sanctions remove the ones that hurt most if he could do that, you know, you see if he would be a much better situation than he is now his team of the Cold War.

You are an expert in this area. We so we can find the Cold War forever in the 80s it'll reverse and now we see the Russians have rebuilt the military and we were evidently impressed with agree with they did in Syria, but how unimpressive has this been and how literally barbaric, have have been there tactics yeah so they could thought they could do in 48 hours and the class what you would flee in their no longer beer paying government and that will be at the puppet and that didn't work and it's been this blog has more success in the South in the East, but otherwise it's been your right, holy, unimpressive but doesn't mean that I can bludgeon their way to working there will and the Russian way of war is not subtle.

You know it. It involves a lot of artillery and a lot of rocket and not caring particularly about civilian casualties or reducing the city to rubble. And that's that's overseeing and I just fear it is good to prevail over time, just just out of sheer quantity if not tactical Jeep genius or her brilliant just here for five PowerShare quantity of vehicles inside block to block. I don't see them being successful. I don't see you working in the meanwhile, what kind of resources they had to put into Keith is going to release the pressure in other areas of the country to your son is the only town they've taken in the desert Ukrainian protests in that town they could not an amphibious assault on Odessa, which is basically open because they can't get past the two cities prior to that in the South is whether evidently have their experience troops.

I think I was getting a lesson that they are not the 10 foot bear the 12 foot bear that's good that that is going to steamroll any European opponent to occupy them or their mayors to be respected and have nowhere to pay attention to.

So I think that the exit would be. Take Eve you say we Peter military objective and Alex cut a favorable deal.

That's what got to try to do, but holding Ukraine forever.

It's not right and by the way for a KGB guy who prides himself on intelligence to not know that Ukraine was not going to greet them in any area of the country did not know the resentment build up since 2014 is criminal also shows how insulated he probably probably is no Burns was in on Capitol Hill yesterday to talk about the fight Vladimir Putin's mindset in which China might be thinking. Listen to this cutting. I think the president's electronics leadership for a little bit unsettled by what they're saying in Ukraine. They did not anticipate that the significant difficulties.

The Russians are going to run into our thinker unsettled by the reputational damage that can come by their close association with Pres. Putin. I assume he speaking as somebody without opinion with some intelligence behind that but I think that is illogical for the Chinese to say this is going well. Give rush is a more of a pariah state than ever we really want to be their only friend. Yeah. So for them whether they can take Taiwan out. How would go try it and it can't be encouraging out the differences between Ukraine and in Taiwan but Taiwan you think would be even harder military not to crack you know Putin could surround Ukraine with 200,000 forces just miles away from the border and just move in this neighboring country China would have this enormous and feed Phidias feet.

They have to pull off that the greatest most complicated amphibious operation ever to take Taiwan so that there taking notes and hopefully that their notes tell them well. This is not something you want to try, at least not anytime soon the nightmare scenario would be a lightning strike by Putin takes Ukraine Europe divided he placed no serious price and then you gotta think okay China could move you next to three years against Taiwan. Hopefully, at the very least it's move that timetable back given us more time to now we so Russian will get my sewage within 45 days. It's gotta stop that 670 barrels a day. It's pretty significant.

They say it's only between three and 7% of our arsenal. However, for we are Russia's number one customer ukase is to begin to do the same thing in and what even though the Europeans are highly subjected to Russian gas and oil they can look to do the same thing. If it does get shut off first. I could not believe that I should not of been surprised that in this time when you need leadership leadership in Zelinski is a perfect example of that instead of providing leadership and saying in this time going to have to push back against my renewable agenda by green agenda and start drilling here at home, likable people. Thomas Friedman wrote about today in the New York Times listen closely to a present buying does. He answered one question clearly looking at high gas prices and goes knows exactly who to blame. Cut nine. Russia is responsible you are not really to say Russia's buildup start affecting oil gas prices than the invasion finished it off you think clear thinking people understand this, they are not the problem. Yeah, I'm part of the problem but not the entirety of the problem the five senses.

No matter what the effect on the ground are, though, and how you assign blame is a policy matter present blamed matter five dollars a gallon gas. The president can pay a price and it's just another example driver talked about this before buying could have gotten ahead of the mass thinks that the mass with the following only democratic state. You have been a couple weeks ahead of that and maybe credit a different political oppression with people and he could've done the same thing here, you could've said you know what, this time I realize I still believe in the climate agenda but it's there. There more important things in urgent things right now and instead of begging the Saudi's to pump more work and create jobs here at home and and pump our own gas and oil, and build the structure of the pipelines we need into the federally think that we need and people might you know he is not as left-wing as I thought, you know he's willing to adjust the circumstances and deal with something that that we really care about you want to. It just hasn't done anything she's lying, saying, that will I give Julie's leases I test lease is not drilling on it. That's not telling the truth and saying that were built were were we have not had done anything to hurt the oil and gas industry in our country will we know Janet Yellen was over in Munich telling everybody to divest your portfolios in your financial institutions from all fossil fuels and or look for a major investigation based on making it impossible to have certainty to invest in think you need to drill into Frak and operation start and a day and ended at major investment that you need to build account on to pay off over time and if you have administration same over time were going to squeeze you out of business.

You know it. It's obvious what can happen. No one can make the investments and eventually will have green technology that works the green technology that cost-effective and that makes sense, but is not now does make sense to make oil gas more expensive and destroy these jobs to force us into electric cars and to windmills and solar unit just it just makes no sense at any level security wise economic live job was still sleeping. These are our commodities expert channel 23. It's one of the most misleading statistics is Craddock talking points we heard for years. It's meant to deflect blame from this administration for four will produce fields not producing wine here is we need to hear from the oil industry after Jim Saki said that they came back and said listen the reason why were not drilling is some of those those wells are dry some, it's because of increased royalty rates to the level where it would be profitable to drill to uncertainty about the regulatory environment going forward. For example, we decide to drill on land with you decide to kill that pipeline over there like you did the Keystone pipeline threatening to do potentially on the Tacoma access pipeline so this is creating an uncertainty in holding that the percentage of people drilling on federal land today as a percentage is as high as it's ever on federal land in place on federal and takes 141 days on average. And yet in Texas they say takes to get a permit. Yeah, I mean our thing here is that were basically the way new technology opened up new reserves that we weren't aware of or that were locked up previously. Basically like that the Saudi Arabia of oil and gas and we just won't pump and drill. It's it's crazy and and also missions are fungible, so if were not drilling it. A note here at home and then begging the Saudi to drill it so can be used still carbon emissions. You know it's not as though it doesn't count because it comes from Saudi oil. So this is this essential support to research and development in terms of green energy try to create new means of storage and and and better batteries know that that's great, but in the meantime, don't screw over ordinary people were paying the highest price when fuel prices are high, leader is the leader of the country but your own party would you mention saying to do this six democratic congressmen and women in Texas, wrote a letter to start drilling more here.

Please for once put politics behind and for a 70-year-old who clearly is going to be looking to get through one term I thought he might feel it might be able to rise to the challenge so far, he'd rather play politics and and I naïvely thought he wouldn't. So using risk as you view much more cynical intervention. Now you know that you really keep in about 40% of you still have a high level support among Democrats that it is basic fear before dropping out when actually it's right for the country and it would help in the middle. I think like I said Thomas Friedman, New York Times Mr. renewable.

He says it's time was still in fossil fuels.

I'm sure that was easy for him to type out rich thank and energy sources are oil, gas and coal is not going away anytime soon. Right either is, Harris or Joe Biden sampling maximum think this is kill me show breaking loose unique opinions.

All Brian kill me show today average gas price in America all time record high of over four dollars per gallon that's things proclaim conscience is worth about two pay four dollars a gallon. Hello $15 a gallon Tesla so there's a joke on you and that's Tucker Carlson's main port point thing the guys like Stephen Colbert, who make probably $60 million a year who could afford a $125,000 car is will is electric can afford to can say I am going to pay five dollars a gallon for gas. Most people I think 6/10 are living paycheck to paycheck. There's a lot of people and I lived that life whose paycheck to spend before they get left to pick what Bill not to pay, and now all of a sudden that's happening first with the supply chain.

As you can get it now we have the inflation issue which shows it so expensive that we have rising gas prices. Now we have record I gas prices, which are really gonna rock it off and said take responsibility for were saying or doing everything to to get those prices down you say well at your patriotic duty to pay more so that to me. Stephen Colbert's tone deaf. What is he Is an audience and the left-wing audience who just loves anti-Trump stuff and I think Job I like so that this only discernible Jay Leno audience who really got comedy on both sides of Fox News radio Studio City New York City you opinions and facts with a positive approach. Brian kill me back to us with your buddies. The right. Tell me, Joe, JD, Fanta standing by Jeffrey Scott Shapiro at the bottom of the was talking about what what is going on a rush as it has to do with oil and gas you the they actually supply grain to countries. I mean, I think the world wonder second was successful grain supplier so how were they done this and how they use grain to prepare for this war. Are they ready to absorb some of the sanctions diverted experience.

I'm still wondering why we only have 1/2 a dozen or about two dozen, I should say oligarch sanctioned.

There's about 100 and why was still going only seven of 300 bank sanctioned. Let's get them all. So let's get to the bakery stories you need to know Brian's three number three were bargaining with Matt the wrist in Iran and Venezuela, Russia is sitting down at the table with us when you deal with Matt man, when you spend that much time with Matt man. Not only is it a matter look you have the potential to become one yourself, wow that is so true. The ripple effects of reboot of the new Aurora new Deal already extracting huge price for America on energy security and with our allies all explained all imports of Russian oil and gas companies. Russian will no longer be acceptable US ports of the American people will deal. Another powerful blow energy and overdue American band of Russian oil and gas. They told us we were going to do that will present by by blaming food for the outrageously high gas prices hurting every sector American life work. We actually Joe Moore will just continue to blame will facts get in the way we have to make a nonpolitical decision to drill here at home like we never have before. The United States Shakespeare question based question about Ukraine. That's not anymore because it is overly ceased to be the fight. Heartless brutality is on display as desperate Ukrainians fight in overrated, immoral, demoralized Russian Army who are trying to shut down the country.

This simply despises him. I'll bring you the latest on that so I want to start where I have not really got over this yet.

So the press United States is individually here at home famously over the weekend. Sent out feelers are sent an emissary to talk to Maduro a government we don't even recognize in Venezuela. Mysteriously we get two hostages back there were taken to try to overthrow the government. A while ago I don't know who they are, but you are free and then we send feelers out to a run as well as Saudi Arabia sink you put more so I'm not sure if it's related, but studies got the 20th hijacker back how we lived. I Gitmo I don't know, but this guy's been through hell I guess is now on way back to Saudi Arabia when the administration reach out to the UAE and reach out to Saudi Arabia know they found out we don't know because he didn't pick up why they made in America.

Let's see Joe Biden. He took Yemen side and with the rebel side over Saudi Arabia okay you build eyes them is to be up right you might think you're terrible regime and the other negative qualities but without that wheel when the Cold War, they also team with FDR and accrued very critical time to finance the Allied war to just understand as imperfect as a yard is intolerable, we would be of that government. There were times in which many of which they have been lied to us, even though the hijackers were from there because it was in a Saudi policy.

Having said that, if you want Saudi oil don't beg him to produce it.

If you're the UAE oil don't going to cut a new deal with all Ron and not take them off because the previous illustration collectively realized that everybody had a bad opinion about a run there wreaking havoc in the region taken the money they were now able to use from the new Iran nuclear deal and finance terror throughout the area.

Send rockets into Saudi Arabia. Remember that member harassing our ships that stopped under Trump because we want to. The maximum pressure campaign. You can't do all that go back to a run asked Russia to cut a deal with a run.

You are allowed only in the adjoining room and then asked Saudi Arabia to step up and bail you out. They don't even take your calls. Think about that for second JD Vance Julius. Now you are to be the Republican representative to replace Sen. Portman seat and over in Ohio, author of hillbilly elegy we just had a pole come out on on the Senate race primaries JD Vance with members of the bow trailing Gibbons by 22 in Mendel by 20 so JD welcome back soft.

Did you ever think that Ukraine would be the number one issue at least for the last two weeks.

As you campaign for the sea with a primary coming up May 3 know the wall of the complicated and dangerous place. You new things come up, new crises of all leaders be responsive to the with your military background, knowing and stating the reason when you think see what you think about this whole big problem where we did make sense up to add RAM sign airbase in Orsay when I can fly them over because we don't want to take off the Russians really embarrassing because it suggests that were currently doing diplomacy. Twitter is the conversation we should've had with holes before we got the situation to begin with a look about my very strong you Brian is that we don't want to escalate the situation will all work effectively could be 1/3 world war. But we shouldn't be having these conversations in public, we should have our ambassadors and our leaders calling the Polish people figuring things out and not having this agreement and publicly one of the things that Biden clean when he was running for president of the return of the adults in the room. I can't think of another any administration Republican or Democrat that had such a public and embarrassing disagreement with one of our most important allies right now and as you sing with the Polish and the big problem I stand you know you want to act as a rule five why we so worried about a belligerent responsible and barbaric country who was chopping up to Ukraine and being out for what every time they match up to rushing the Russian display of military prowess has been absent. Their coolness has been present in their lack of conviction with this operation. Clearly we have to lie to your army. You probably have some serious issues why we so afraid of this really redline that we cannot cross here is yet got the nut job clearly showed that invading Ukraine, but we are where we are now and we have to make sure that we don't get in a situation where these guys are threatening nuclear weapons and they are our own leaders where the pipe ministration allowed itself to be very careless and talk about using certain people closely ministration talk about using strategic nuclear weapons. We have a madman with his finger on the nuclear trigger that thing with worry about. I don't worry about Russia's conventional military not something that keeps me up at night. What does keep me up at night is you know if if if Vladimir Putin is as bad as we fear is we do not want to get involved in a conflict with them.

Given the nuclear missiles that can vaporize American cities as two weeks, the French president said when he was asked. He said we have them to thank you so the biggest story that affects everybody who would vote for you is gas prices present mindset about where this is going here is cut 11 banning all imports of Russian oil and gas companies Russian oil will no longer be accessible US ports of the American people will deal. Another powerful bloated formation. This is a move that has strong bipartisan support in Congress.

And I believe in the country America's a rally support have relatives for three creamy people and made it clear we will not be part of subsidizing food for this maiden. We made this decision in close consultation with our allies and our partners around the world, particularly in your because you nonresponsive, prudent aggression has been my overriding focus to keep all NATO and all you and our allies totally united and went on to say the sensor build up the price of gas is going up $0.75 and it's because of Vladimir Putin number one. Do you agree with the decision, and you agree with the where the blame belongs. Biden wants to blame all this on to Ukraine. But look at the evidence and going up for a year and 1/2 of Biden administration got it more since the crisis started but really most the damage was done. When this guy became president and basically tore up our energy. I think that what extinction Russian oil makes sense, but only if only if were actually producing our own energy and not going getting it from Venezuela ran at whatever he or she were trying to get it from the big thing that we have the big leverage that we have American economic power. And it's not just not importing Russian oil but it's also becoming a net exporter of energy, ensuring that the Europeans and other nations will have to rely on Russian energy either enforceable or doing is basically taking this incredible prosperity engine here in the United States.

This incredible and we were in it for foreign-policy webinar energy independent and were not using it. And so what I really worry what I look at this crisis. I really worry that American policy under the bike ministration that the net effect of it is getting me to make our energy more expensive. It's going to be to make our people more miserable. It's going to be to make our entire national security less safe and at the end of the day not actually push back any strong or effective way against what's happening in Europe that that's where this could be going because we can't.

You cannot find an economic war with both hands tied behind your back and that's what bike do so. I know working at this how you feel about the policy. Phyllis reflecting a where you're at right now with 11% to basically yelled from nowhere to write the middle of the pack. How do you expect to climb over Mandell and Gibbons. If you haven't yet to take a pull at face value. Talk about pretty pretty tightly packed rate from the beginning to be a long slog, and I think something like 25 or 30% of voters haven't even made up your mind day you just to fight the fight. You believe in. You gotta put four policies in a message do you agree with and I think the polls will take care of himself like a very good about where we are quite remember, I've never done this before we had $5 million of negative advertising coming date to attack my candidacy effectively ended at all is a good sign.

I think voters really saying about the most important thing up old, but the vote that matters which is in the third Reich appreciated you got it.

1-866-408-7669 to see the lines of buzzing will come to your calls. I just won't listen the brain to meet you kill me the fastest three hours in radio you're with Brian kill me write these petro country countries with oil and gas tend to be authoritarian, like Canada, Justin Trudeau, the truckers, he seen, hostile like Mexico. I pretty sure you vacation there. I'm sure at some point, I don't see the authoritarian they got some cartel issues like United States of America drooling your home. Do we tend to be authoritarian not really sure about that.

So that's an interesting take from AOC weighing in on fossil fuels member. She was the author of the new greenfield agree new deal whatever they call it. Meanwhile, when it comes to the oil bands and what were dealing with now that affects everybody's pocketbook right now. John Tammy waiting to talk last night. He believes this whole thing. We should never have done this, I believe we should've done it right away, but I think that we should been double released in tandem trillion home cut 20 war is always and everywhere the health of the state and so we have this humanitarian disaster occurring over there for the Russian people and Ukrainian people and the elites won't suffer it in Russia in the United States.

We have a Biden ministration staffed by individuals who will never suffer the pain at the pump will never suffer higher grocery prices were actively getting in the way of the ability of the American people to trade with others overseas to import certain goods and services and so basically we have a scenario whereby government expands its power always and everywhere at the expense of the American people and certainly during wars. Wars or the oxygen for the statements growth right is true, but there's no other way to do it unless you want to hire an assassin to somehow penetrate the Kremlin and killed Vladimir Putin only thing we could do is**them economically to the people rise up to 30 17,000 people in jail did understand that this guy just perpetrated a brutal illegal war on their neighbors, many of which their living next to. So for those people think we shouldn't bear Russian oil should have no problem taking 600 and the plane for six or 50,000 barrels of oil a day. I bring you Poland. They have taken 1.3 million refugees followed by other European nations. 235,000, and hungry. 200,000 Slovakia hundred 53,000. Russia says it got 99,000 come back to. Then good luck with that and mulled over 82,000.

So what is happening. Why would we go to these ugly nations rather than drill more as Canada pick up the pace to Davis Hanson Hoover Institute cut 30 yet will translate that. That means that means North Dakota Alaska Texas you're not going to produce any of the dirty fuel will rank the narco state of Venezuela begged the theocracy in the terrorist state of around like route, Vladimir Putin of the Royal Saudi house will have them pump the dirty oral that we won't pump and remember it's it's going to make a safer wall were doing is empowering people who don't particularly like America and were telling people who do like America you can help us in this insane it's nihilistic and so I don't I don't know what the logic is other than its destructive. It's destroying the middle class here and it's making a small bowl and our enemies are delighted about it and he thinks this is good yeah to go over to that as well. It sounds great wouldn't it. Everyone tell me the whole business to give the dirty soil. In the world. We used to get a lot of it when their lease of fledgling somewhat of a democracy we had pride we are private oil companies.

There they nationalize everything. One common issue. Chavez died in his bus drivers now running the country who don't recognize but over the weekend Job I went over and said hello. Fantastic. So keep in mind to this evidently a cease-fire in battle. I hope it holds. It's only supposed to be temporary, sadly, but this is what they're saying evidently I'm pretty sure this is been formalized. Russia said if you want me to stop bombing just rode.

Promise never to join NATO pledge neutrality and give us Crimea permanently and recognize the independent Russian separatist region called the Don Bosch region intern with the promise to stay neutral. I don't know how that goes with the European Union application. Zielinski just filled out so they are talking, but with the rush is done right now they're totally gummed up thereby be able to take a tamper that I can be able to hold it. They had they might have an army. That's 100% in active. They said they have 800,000 we have 150,000 in action in country in Ukraine right now are and how secure you feel elsewhere your bag in the Syrian supply with you. You told Belarus to fight with you. You told Kazakhstan to fight with you but you not to do it. Chinese identify with you the by your oil, but they're not.

They got to be embarrassed by the military, showing the Russians and the thuggery which were witnessed good luck with your big friend your best friend China we come back. Jeffrey Scott Shapiro joined us and he has a theory about Russia prepare for this war, by weapon, rising food talk show that's getting you your with Brian kill me now for a lot of rain and we drank about 30%. World is off the table, and today heard that China is buying up all the pain that it possibly can.

So now the prices are going to go up the art world food program already had half the amount of rations that they're giving to people who are in refugee camps like in Yemen, for example. So you have a food crisis that leads to more uprisings. The problem that is happening in Ukraine right now that war is going have ripple effects all around the world in which America is going to be asked to take a leading role to figure out but what I do about so that is seen you focus on oil gas to look out for the green to green. The Russia has had a weapon I said Jeffrey Scott Shapiro think so.

Jeff joins us now. He has he is currently with the Invesco journalist DC prosecutor and former director the US office of Cuba broadcasting.

I got there just in time Jeff when you realize when did you realize it there. Russia could be weapon rising grain and food in O'Brien clearly journals a lawyer. My father has worked in cogeneration energy development whole life. He also looked at NASA during the Apollo mission. So I sort of from time to think about energy science, aerospace, and working on some project related in this area started doing some research, and even though Russia started advising the company greatly lacking a topic for fertilizer research and noticed that there was an earlier Kremlin order on February 1 and this order was actually banned the export of a chemical compound called ammonium nitrate and weakness is important. Because even though it doesn't sound like anything recognize her fertilizer ammonium nitrate is the key chemical component of a type of nitrogen fertilizer that is sort of a high-tech by converting fertilizer that stimulates growth so to the rest of the world. Well we all know that you comes from pneumonia right and to get ammonia that natural gas now Russian natural gas in the world do you take natural doubt that goes into a refinery or separation plant that separate the components of care which is divided nitrogen and nitrogen and then mixed with natural gas, carbon separated come out with the finish. Which is ammonia okay and rushes a huge exporter of ammonia and they have been exporting ammonia to different countries around the world, namely but still, which is a huge part of the food supply, especially in the Western comes here.

This is the reason I present both an arrow from Brazil ran over to talk with Vladimir Putin.

Even after the Ukraine patient began because he knew that there was no way that they could continue to sustain their growth and food supply without getting ammonia fertilizer from Russia so unfortunately the very cute situation right now focused on oil and gas, but the impact and the choices would have to make about how we use ammonia could go into how we deal with our own food supply here in the United States very soon. So when do you think will feel good. Now is the planting season right margin that's also in Ukraine is hoping to get their grain going on much or they can write that or not.

You have to make some of the hard choices right now. Being in the spring and summer thinking about whether or not we use some of the natural gas to produce ammonia right you used for fertilizer in the food supply, or whether we use it to generate power energy and electricity in the winter months when we keep that this is the growing season now are just getting into this Russia obviously foresaw this and I find it very aggressive that three weeks before they actually started moving armored vehicles and painted Ukraine.

Someone had the foresight to say put a complete ban on ammonium nitrate as early as February 1 to know exactly what point will start to see the impact of this but I think it's something is going to happen later. So what about a Russian grain.

We keep saying what so many people are reliant on gas and oil but about growing grain Russia obviously put a whole region of the world plays a role in that bill obviously plays a significant role, not like that you know a lot of fire over here in the Western Hemisphere comes from what happening down in Brazil but still can't function independently until have to be this thing working to get fertilizer any ammonia produced fertilizer to produce green to produce corn to produce soybeans.

Everything is coming out of this region here in the kind of fear. Unfortunately, a lot of it is reliant on what they're importing from Russia yeah and so far we haven't seen that. I'm pretty sure we could sacrifice a mushroom to many other countries that can meanwhile when you talk about when we talk about possibly taking out the Russian leader we Lindsay Graham got a lot of pushback when he came on said it's time for Brutus to rise up and it's missed and save the world more Helen destruction you think that's possible. So I go in time for the Russian people coming out tomorrow night thing that I think actually Sen. Graham was right. Some people criticizing her calling for an assassination assassination because assassination actually called her murder and murder, unlawful killing with malice and he is the comparison stop number beginning with the argument stop and try to kill Hitler with an unlawful killing with malice right we call defense of others in the legal under the justification of justifiable homicide rate. I think that there's a number of people inside of prudent United Russia party that are probably very content with him and there's probably a lot of people in the circle that there always are Russian circles that are vying for power and buying to remove them just the way Brezhnev removed Nikita Khrushchev in 1964, but sometimes people need to hear a moral outcry to know that something otherwise would be considered illegal or immoral is going to be acceptable or even want to buy the world and I think what Sen. Graham said what he said he did so because he was sending a signal to the Russian people and people who are close to Wagner prudent to let them know you do that if you have the courage to do this you will not be viewed as a war criminal.

You will be viewed as someone heroic. They were criminals committing genocide right. I still remember Yelton sitting on a tank is a tight overthrow of Gorbachev and keys to the government somewhat intact.

Even Russians have a tendency to hit that threshold in times of strife and I think we might've hit it now, but the one thing up. I have noticed when people rise up in the streets of the rest of the 10 years until the 17,000 that's what they admit to this. Probably more than risen up in the streets against this war and they kicked at all the press is stacking me easy job happening well right so many people in prison for the July uprising is now becoming the situation they really can't control. I think you're right that is going to be probably happens in Russia pretty soon. One of the reasons that democracies always change prevail over authoritarian society Brian because I start hearing society so much of the resources to try to police around the try to control so many things are controllable and to try to engage in a sort of illegal incursions that they do that they end up using all the resources they don't have enough actually win when it comes right down to it, we saw that with the occupation of Afghanistan already.

We also thought unfortunately we try to do even in Vietnam by holding a line right and we even thought how challenging it was to remain in Iraq even though we were on the right side of things for many years and we did occupation and liberation want to call the thing outside going around the occupation and a very evil one is extremely taxing on any kind of government that I think we seen so far is collapse of the Russian internal military structure. I think expose them. Quite frankly, for not being as adequate as we all thought they were serious and Belarus to bail you out.

You got problems and that's witnessing now hundred and 50,000 troops all in country and they have only taken one city even though they're trying to take the capital and just putting out told what occurred on a budget is some people and sometimes death Jeffrey Shapiro. Thanks so much, that you got 1-866-408-7669 Chris Wilson WDB L hey Chris, good to my think about why the administration may not be overly concerned about inflation and gas price. There that you talked about coming food and even past what we the people just outside the poverty line right why would you be doing that. Now why would you let billions of people in our country back from here. It's for dependency state socialism needs one particular thing any government dependency care if they squeeze people just outside of it. I don't care if people come here don't belong here because if they can take the government people dependent on the government. They eventually get what the real mission is socialism. That's what I think they don't care I Chris I wouldn't see being cynical I think you being practical. But I also think a huge pushback received in 2022, nobody's happy about the border. No independence. Everybody said maybe AOC in the way to the extreme left or happy about the border, nobody's happy about having Ukraine DC. The fact is that this country reached out only due to his arm and not fight form they see the Fed they see what's going on with the lack of drilling. They don't buy the permit scheme.

The keep throwing out us. There's a lot of things that are really tough to figure out that the American people about to give a huge shellacking to the people that are pushing that those socialist programs because America does not want it. Thanks so much, we come back I'll take your calls and find out. This indeed more no go right back is so busy he'll make dear Brian kill me that they're doing with this bill is not even amid the torrential downpour of nonsense that we get from these people and manages to stand out because what we know about them is the left there there very low integrity wires are also good at branding building brand at the don't say Gabriel when not only does the bill not do that the bill doesn't even mention the word day anywhere in all it says, as the governor points out is very specifically that you cannot cannot be classroom instruction by your teacher about gender identity or sexual orientation for kids up to the doctor grade 3 yet I was met Walter amount will chill reflecting on Gov. DeSantis about to support a bill that says don't talk about sex to my kid. If very kindergarten, first second third grade.

Of course, is outraged by what if your kids gay and ostracize the first two kindergarten, first, second and third graders need to hear that you got a pick their gender as if they had to pick their favorite color or sport to play.

Listen to DeSantis get confronted oppressor and say that in the bill does it say that in the bill. I'm asking you to tell me what's in the bill because you are pushing false narrative doesn't matter what critics say for who grades pre-k through 305-year-old six-year-old seven-year-old and the idea that you wouldn't be honest about that and tell people what it actually says is why people don't trust people like you because you pedal false narrative. He's a tough man government dissenterstalk about.

He's yes just throw issues out there to get ratings. He does it to affect people's lives. That's a little of you that you might not might've missed his work all over this war so is financing more, no, no, okay, I get started right now. Arun Rogers denies he signed a contract for $200 million, but it does say he is going back with the Packers and play into his 40s, which means his longtime backup quarterback is good have to hit the road so we'll see how that goes. Arun Rogers probably the most high-profile player in the league is a lightning rod with her signed by the vaccine or restart about moving getting traded these days. Now, give him some weapon. Next, Russell Wilson traded to Denver. This is a real surprise to me. This guy is a quality guy. He goes to the Broncos for a lot. Their starting quarterback tree lot to lot go to Seattle defensive lineman Shelby Harris two first-round draft picks to second-round graphics who thousand 22 fifth-round pick off Wilson self Seahorse get the rebuild, which they have to do and will to get the team there perhaps is ready to win big Brian on the shelf earlier is super excited great deal of assembly will paraphrase it says can be graded to be a great mix. He's got a very sacred feeling about Denver most fun year you had professional football because when he came in and got a chance to start you know statutory great Winning and John Elway who was the legendary quarterback and GM at the time the present team could not believe it. And then he goes to the playoffs and he starts again and he pulls off a huge upset as Denver beats Pittsburgh they would lose the next round in a month later they sent Peyton Manning and then guess what Tim TiVo did not attend most of the left that feelings. Next, Apple unveils a new iPhone to be available starting March 18. New iPhones can be the ISC 2022 comes with the iPhone eight style body and it packs a new processor 5G support has a $420 price tag. One point I think she reports that I think that a lot of the very technical and I don't mean anything you want. March 11 that's coming up quick. It's got a 815 chip to make for faster processing. This is the new SE has a CPU that's 1.8% faster.

I think the more the same thing just is what is I want to do something new listing they did new was I with the iPod lines you like to watch for this revolutionary mental change there nice I think in a totally new iPhone right and you know how to work and you just get frustrated because you don't know why messages are coming in. Where is your email mental knife for another job. As we switch to the next one you thought about babysitting. I thought about it right. You see, if you have paid to our three kids under four.

Even though their names work you work first. Brian you are the center place may not know if the shelf atomic most expensive cities for babysitting New York City average $23 an hour. Sam Cisco 23 as well.

The lowest Miami live on $20 an hour. One can't have multiple attire right and what if they're not well behaved. Is there like the kid give me problems they need 25 an hour. I mean, you want to keep the babysitter happen come back next lowest rates are 14 hours of you have a kid I want to save some money moved to San Antonio, especially if you want to work two jobs so I did see goes to show you the daycare is more more costly but everything is going up. We all know that plus all our money is losing value at the kind of a percent of your babysitting get paid cash. Do not tell the government do not call me W babysitting and not telling a great so don't forget to make.

I just got word vaccinations to be on Saturday at eight and 11 one. Bryce is always on right into one nation.

But on Fox nation would be doing a brand-new special who is present. Zelinski so that you be good so that you be good to build on the who is Vladimir Putin, which evidently is being clicked on like crazy. I got a great rating on Sunday because people are curious about who they want to see more to give me that a lot of people writing go.

I like the wraparound, less food, more bright with a writing Russian senility pays attention more Brian less food food and again I'm from Lindsay Graham school if you Brutus by B food. I know you can do over 100 meteorologists handle worldwide resources a fox in your box, whether podcast's personal powerful subscriber Melissa Malik Fox is not or wherever you get your