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Producers’ Pick | Mike Rowe: Why more workers are “quietly quitting” their jobs

Brian Kilmeade Show / Brian Kilmeade
The Cross Radio
August 20, 2022 12:00 am

Producers’ Pick | Mike Rowe: Why more workers are “quietly quitting” their jobs

Brian Kilmeade Show / Brian Kilmeade

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August 20, 2022 12:00 am

TV icon Mike Rowe sits down with Brian for an extended interview. Hear Mike’s thoughts on why young people don’t seem to want to work anymore as well as what he thinks of Brian as a radio host!

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afraid to lose people work thing Yeah big lot talk Back Mike
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This area be talking to all my guess is where having here's some work on micro he's my only guess you actually do this for living is amazing. I don't get paid I this is just old El Reno money, I mean that I reject when the money outcomes are likely to make your I said.

It was a really lucrative I write this, you get paid you the deal.

Nothing that is just that warm the same thing every time I see you got two shirts, three pants, exit fashions done. I've embraced the uniform. He's got this new thing quietly quitting Kylie quickly got awesome yeah… I come up a monument to passive aggressive to someone saying as he blew a hopeful matter and you know that right if you just get the big three just as microsphere one is instinctive better than mine.

The big three. Why was the big three got the big one, out there's ego looking like because you know I love you tell people what they missed.

They missed me telling you that one of the big stories was the raid monologue of the other big story was the primaries last night and the other big story was was here the bricks that was so big we signed into law. Your whole inflation reduction act that really were expected. It turns out the only problem with the bill is the title is nothing to do with the bill. If you can get the title right how we supposed to believe in the actual content is in it. Look, we were joking about this the other day on Fox and friends, but it's so true it's it's it's the thing. Nevermind the politics of the thing that is making people fundamentally were embracing freeze is that nothing is what it says it is right to talk to my mom later.

Her books called vacuuming in the nude.

She doesn't really vacuum in the nude.

But that's okay.

It's a it's a book right it's it's a metaphor didn't course $700 billion dollars. So, okay, what if we passed a wall right now on your show But I did this just said listen no more names for accident bills. They get letters and they get numbers.

That's just what it is like a bingo Bracket. It's not sexy, it's not glamorous but guess what it you can't put your thumb on the scale of the thing that is just a couple letters in a random number people could look at it you know it's the same thing happened with the pandemic right is the China viruses that the Wu hand virus is is that the coronavirus is encoded is it well you know we spent so much time figuring out what to call the thing we forget to look at what the thing is what we could also just be accurate and says of course is the Wuhan virus was to China viruses for the other. Sorry to personal. That's where it started in murder same thing came to the Middle East. Good thing we want to make sure everybody knows Mike work with Mike Rose works foundation is something she contribute to its about rebuilding blue-collar America.

Also, you have how America works on FOXBusiness Mondays in clock back of the new season you season three will be up in September.

It looks like 100 and vacuuming the nude and other ways to get attention is not out until August 21.

You can get it now. Right it's out as it Brian, we really have to have a talk off-line because you get a lot of information from you, but I'm not sure how much that's accurate vacuuming in the nude and other ways to get attention. Hit the shelves yesterday.

My mother's special Americas grandmother which is right here on Fox news that premieres on 21 August at 10 PM my mother yesterday, Tuesday. Of course, of course, it is a Bobo Tuesday's big day for books.

But it's a nice day for him as well is incorrect.

A lot of people would hesitate correcting the host a lot of people would not like you know a lot of host would Brett would've stuck to their big three and marched you know right off the cliff is gradually themselves for not being flexible right lack of self-esteem on my part. You know what I think it's inertia.

This is, here's the thing all big three all your items in the big three have one thing in common which is that on the past.

This is happening right now that's the point. Thank you for minimizing the quality of my showing the content which people here you I will say I do I go out of my way to make sure you have on politics but I will say this at this doing a special of only 45 minutes. You did a whole series I will only guess I do know almost daily about the business, but I'm humble enough to ask questions and go out George P.

Bush, we got to the field to Midland, Texas.

We got to an offshore oil rig and then we go to the history of the oil Museum and find out what the role of oil and gas as and how they been diminished in our society by people who know nothing about it. Interest in petroleum interchange petroleum in the art keyboards there is to an oil and gas how we won World War II and how would it mean for national security and to tell a bunch of kids graduating college still major and that in high school don't do at your families did and to tell these great investment organizations that hold success from Blackstone to J.P. Morgan. I don't want do you mutual funds investing in something that will help turn a profit for them. I think it's criminal will look if if if you make fossil fuels. The enemy then you're going to reap a whirlwind of unintended consequences really really really quickly.

I get that a lot of people are convinced the End of Days is coming, 12, 15, 20 years down the road. I get that but there's no proportionality and there's no context and when you talk about flipping a switch and getting rid of oil and natural gas, and even coal that matter, you would you would hasten that Armageddon to an exponential factor China. In India alone, or building a coal plant every week for the next 30 years. The second change right there. 30 billion people right now still burning wood and dung to bring them into the modern world, and I could do it with when you could do was solar you're like an adult with Hydro you might do with nuclear.

We got real problems with that right France 90% of Internet problems that because you don't want to do responsibly what you have to do it responsibly and you have to do with fossil fuels responsibly, but you can't just go no fossil fuels are the enemy. It's it it's over that that will hurt on every imaginable level in my view TO write a great book is called fossil future right in it. He just says look, let's have a conversation. But let's at least understand that fossil fuels have saved more lives over the last hundred years, then anybody is really thinking about you know it. Fossil fuels have protected us from the climate right right and in so many ways, but it's hard to say that out loud today without it coming back over the net with so much topspin that summaries gonna call you a denier in the conversation ends. Casinos could happen in this is my by the way, I don't actually don't mind doing them, you stood your and more. The real world than I am actually not. I do travel I do a lot of features that you give myself some credit, get out yet again to thank you she really think myself or give myself complement, but Mike is to me the best analogy is to find the place from two years ago to find the place yet which we imagine police even in people so you know I have a copy of my car put that up there and you know it comes to Yankee Stadium.

A time to salute the first responders. The cops out there just a popular guess we have crime taking over every major city, small, big or small in Memphis doing a feature with on Elvis and Graceland and I asked the police chief, the former police chief was to be doing is reversing crime like this. Sam comes on Elvis week same conversation in Baltimore?

Was there.

I'll be there this afternoon as well and I'm friendly with some cops and it's the same thing doesn't matter where you go you talk to a good cop.

You can hear the same story and I think I think we were talking about right now is the fact that we don't we don't react anymore. We overreact to everything and what winds up coming out in the language is the perfect manifestation of that overreaction. We overreact when we call a bill something it isn't. That's an overreaction.

When we want to talk about reforming police will talk about reforming that we don't weep without defunding them just tear it down were in a rush to tear everything down fossil fuels Be problematic. They have to be the enemy and they have to be ended now. But see now are experiencing rising crime and other saying you know when you get more money. The cops I never said that in the people like Cory bush that will back off it and we have this thing we have VCRs that were taping just about everything. So we play back. Having said that, now the crimes of run will be like more cops that are coming to Kennecott we KK want to be a cop right so you'd you did that you defame them you disparage them there put their lives in the line they don't get paid a ton. There are some bad ones are some bad talkshows there is some bad firefighters. There is a bad teachers doesn't mean by a long stretch there all bad. We want to put them in that one category if we do this with fossil fuels. If we continue to make them the enemy by not get the vilifying people to work there and stopping company from investing there in two years little cargo.

Why does the whole country of rolling blackouts. Why are we subservient to China correct and then willing to go with the second.

Let's reverse that, but it's going to be hard to get a generation go back to the oilfields is going to be hard to get investment back into this industries right look. It starts with our institutions and a level of trust or mistrust that we have in them. This is not headline news people talk about this every day. But here the stakes are incredibly high. If the prognosticators of doom are correct. If the parties over in 12 years will then of course that's going to completely reframe the conversation until you are things your event is right look serious. People who hold serious elected office have looked seriously and earnestly into the lens of whatever cameras around and told us lights out right. We only have 12 years now. If that's true, you have one for conversation, but is it I mean that I don't have a crystal ball. I had Al Gore's yet Al Gore's documentary.

How is a crystal ball and we've weep you where he survived it and I think 85%. We put in. It does not come true yeah well I'd I just think that if you want to have an honest conversation. The minute somebody calls you a denier minute somebody says you're not following the science then we just evolved into this place where the conversation is truly over. And now we have to be left with the fact how would you like your Armageddon today sir, in 12 years we've served up this particular variety, but I'm here to tell you you turn off oil, natural gas and coal. Right now, today, then you'll have to wait 12 years you'll get it in two months you'll get it with empty shelves. You'll get it with gas prices that no one can afford. You'll get it with the bottom will fall out of the textile market. The clothes you're wearing the computer you're on the electricity that powers your Tesla yeah guess what, there's a turbine spinning somewhere up the food chain. I know it's powering that that would be natural gas, and a lot of people you know better than me are the so-called celebrities who fly around there in there gently goes Leo Leonardo DiCaprio and tell everybody how dear you doing how you did you do this, the world could be ending John Kerry's probably the worst offender you even a Bill Gates evidently was the one to persuade Joe mansion to vote for this monstrosity is man, it's like you have to. I had to pick on people personally but I would say to all the people you just mentioned are you asking yourself in my persuasive right mean it's up it's a fair question, and it's one that I could. I try and ask myself that all the time I die know I'm not always, but to go out with a message that is as elevated as it could be the end of the world is coming. The truth is inconvenient if you're going to sound the alarm below the klaxon or whatever that is right. You'd better be walking the walk. You know, I'll give Ed Begley credit last time I heard them talk about the stuff you still live in a tree right and went right back right so okay okay but 22 to deliver a message that Dyer and not live to deliver a message that Dyer and then buy a home on the coast present about right. Well this lease with you, people out fine. Find those voice in your head who's acknowledging if you're going to say a thing. Walk the walk and can't do it well then maybe say less budget. If you want, they were going to tell Mike is you you actually going with everything he said as he said in my ear, take a break, alright left little Allison and I went well.

I make eye contact with her through the smoky glass and it looks like a break right now would be the only logical thing to do back with more the Brian only show after whatever this is that I should try it sometime.

Your envelope they could close all fire fact it's free precise personal power. So is America's liturgy in the palm of your flocks. Weather updates throughout your busy day subscribe and listen now and Fox News or wherever you get your podcasts information you want truth you demand. This is Brian kill me, show states increase the amount they gave an extended extended that have an impact on your workers how to have an impact on our ability to hire a lot of people currently making as much money or more money not working all so guess what they chose not work and it's been they been reluctant to come back to work and sort of get used to micro with those micro works yet is foundation you got micro how America works on FOXBusiness Mondays at 8 o'clock the new season and that was hopeful CEO talk about some dispassionate to with you is about work, John Mackey, one of the most successful executives in the country can't get people to work and sit since the pandemic he can't get his mind around what's going on is not alone and he's in a tough spot because he needs workers he can get a robot to do that he needs workers buddies in a tough spot because he occupies a certain real estate in the conversation, and the fans of Whole Foods. The people buying large Tryon drill down into their politics. That's not a message they want to hear from a guy like that but it what choice does he have I don't know of any employer and I know a lot of employers. Brian especially in the construction world who couldn't hire a dozen people right now many regulars. My only question ask everybody how many are you hiring how many could you hire. It's amazing. We've we've got 7.5 million open positions 5.8 million people purportedly in the market looking for work.

Even with all those people got hooked up with some of these jobs and it's unlikely because the mismatch of skills is egregious, but even if they did it still be looking at 6 million unfilled opportunities and somebody somewhere at some point needs to ask this question.

Real loud. What does all of that opportunity.

All of that unfilled opportunity say about the country.

We listen to our conversations. How is change. It would be like why we get more people to technical colleges to fill up some of these blue-collar positions. Now we say why can't you again when the work.

So what happened, we went from getting to we have overstaffed in one place. Can he can't fit into acting and in the art. You can bring hard-working, a Wall Street, but man, if you are a plumber weird desperate for you. We train will send you school that used to be our conversation, but our new conversation is where's the workforce yeah well it's not really new but it is coming back around the wheel is spinning and that's the thing that's going to land squarely on our on our doorstep work ethic delayed gratification. A decent attitude personal responsibility all the stuff that makes me sound like an angry white Boomer on the porch screaming at the kids to get off as long I'm sorry that's the stuff that's for sale right now and it's the stuff. My foundation is always tried to magnify. It's the stuff no one wants to hear about it because nobody wants a lecture Brian nobody wants to be scolded. Nobody wants to be told they're lazy but at some point when you look around and you look at policies that are encouraging people not to work, then go back to our last break. Right when we were talking about what's the what happens if you make the police the enemy what happens if you make fossil fuels. The enemy what happens if you make work the enemy. This is what happens right and this is what you needed a leader to be.

Whether it's a governor and for your state or the president of the country or the leader of your family. You tell people the value and the value of work and you send stuff that was used to be innate, and I worked all day feel great about myself. You get that from your family, get that from your leaders. You get that from your peers will get that now we go and we can we can change that but I didn't think we have to consciously have to change that. But somehow through this pandemic. These guys terrible in every which is the same thing.

How did we get here where the work will micro the second Fox News podcasts network mind and on the next Fox News contributor and editor of the daily newsletter. I'm inviting you to join a conversation every weakness depend on its podcasts and striving.

Listen now by going up Fox News from his mouth to your years. Brian kill me. I become. I remember I counseling with all and my father that he does not understand our generation and I feel like I become my father I don't understand the younger generation. They don't seem to want to work and I couldn't wait for work for me. After working as I was able to get money to spend thing you think it's they don't want to work because they don't have to.

Whether it's their parents or government kind of fat are not an end that is more from John Mackey just talk about these just exasperated as in figure where the work ethic went because he was don't we don't know how we got it but I would to me. I remember getting my papers thinking, 12, 13, one more year. I can officially work micro here are talking about his new CD series is back on Monday nights, so Mike what is your take on what John Mackey is asking the question retort not rhetorically wants an answer. What happened well. We have associated drudgery with work all work self-fulfilling. We've made work. The proximate cause of our collective unhappiness. We believe today that job satisfaction has something to do with the job and it really doesn't. If it if it weren't, that case will guys like Booker T. Washington wouldn't have written what they wrote. If if if it were the case, the job satisfaction is all about the job then all garbage men would be equally miserable all Wall Street types would be equally optimistic.

It's laughable. All talkshow hosts would be equally engaged in no job satisfaction has something to do with the job, but a whole lot more to do with the person and if you if you start to look at work like this thing is that separate and apart from the man of the woman then then then you sort of arbitrage the fun out of it and and and you just reduce it to action and activity what you think this whole working from home thing is so sensitive right now.

It's so it's so fraught right because a lot of people who really favorite. I think feel as though okay finally. Now I'm in control now, I have a measure of control that I didn't have over what I wear or how I see it, or how long my breakers are so forth and so Sue was missing. So it sounds good. I control my nonworking. I control what I do.

I decide what I can wear yet I make my house in office yet it is all tracks right up to the point where you're not an entrepreneur. If you want to be an entrepreneur. If you want to assume the risk that comes with creating a business.

If you want to set your own hours. That's all well and good, but if you're going to accept a paycheck, then then you've made it a bargain is made at different kind of deal with yourself and with your employer, you know, you don't have to stick with that deal for the rest your life.

But you've made that deal micro want to hear this I think was is it from tick-tock. Was I right this from tick-tock. This is a twentysomething talking about this new term quietly quitting. Talk about the term quietly quitting.

What that means is people are not going above and beyond not chasing hostile culture and distinctive acquired. Essentially, they're doing what they're getting paid to do this quite quitting connotation sure sound a lot like training worklife balance. Look a C+ C you know it's a passing grade. Right. I mean it's if you work hard look but I would to school and probably you to we we got to grades we we got a grade 4 our accomplishments and her aptitude and we got a grade for our effort. I got attitude's attitude was 1 to 5 I remember right, right. So all that stuff really matters.

What is your attitude what is your philosophy. What is have you taken the time to think about your relationship with work right like to really think about it. Have you made it the enemy. Have you suggested perhaps that it's the proximate cause of whatever unhappiness you have in your life. Most people have. So the idea of quietly quitting.

I'm sure is very appealing to a lot of people because they don't have to step up and do it publicly, you don't have to risk being ostracized or shamed right you just quietly fade away. And yeah, that's what I'm going to do now but I… I actually really do hear you talk actually to sports. One way not to lose not to play and and if you're afraid to lose to the point we don't play you blame the refs you quit early to do things like that. We don't engage in all, so I will compete on the goal most women wear that to them and to try to make a way out, but if I fail, I don't like a failure. So I'm I can engage those people are obsessed.

These capitalists are obsessed with winning and losing making money with more life than that shortly. That gives you a purpose and to competing it gives you a bigger and if you have it will approach with the right way to test yourself.

That takes effort and that takes risk in the way not to have that is to say, those people were terrible and misguided.

I'm out in the way to give them the experiment is to give him a two year break from working pay them not to work and then take care of their apartments we have of forgiveness.

Sure, you have to pay. And guess who gets hurt by that everybody else and landlord's who didn't get the rent for two years and can kick them out loan payments that are not made by what you're reading my mind. We've we've just ask millions and millions of millions of people who have worked really really hard from the moment I got out of high school who've built businesses who who who create jobs were asking those people to write the check for $1.7 trillion in outstanding student loans from people who went another way, who made another choice to talk about forgiveness. Fine I forgive you but you can forget I'm silly, I can pay it off.

Deal look you if you took me 13 years to pay back the student loans with the deferment which had garlic I had to go to the bank and say listen, I couldn't afford hundred $26 a month so they say you have 18 months.

So when I came back it was to 25 and I did extend that to. I took loans at every year toast 35 adjusting about this morning because I hear that Joe Biden's about to forgive everybody's loan I got two dozen friends with big, fat, car payments and truck payments who run construction sites they need. Therefore, 350, they they need the big Dodge they have to have it they bought it.

They're paying it off there building your house there building our roads. Is anybody talking about paying off the debt of that truck that they know it. Let me look it up. Nope, no of course not. And by the way, nor should we. But the all you need to know about where the line is drawn is about what tools we value people on dirty jobs they don't quit quietly when they quit they quit they move onto the next thing and they keep going into anything quietly.

They do everything proudly and they do it all the way up like Ernest Hemingway said there's only one way to live all the way up doing it quietly doing something more important thing is more probably ought to do it well. Quitting quietly is just another way of saying whatever it is I've been doing doesn't matter.

The idea special and Hemingway can say that I'm an expert on about doing a special on him. He would write for three or four hours at a certain time certain day it was. It was those crazies on the say now that was it was a time to write is time to work and there was a time to live life and then write about what you left. That's right. And that's really, but he was discipline uses the same typewriter every day in the same room and people who not to bother them. So even those people were freelancing out there. You gotta set up a discipline side felt the best example site the right to assert about a certain amount of time it keeps records meticulously and he lives a life in which he may call his own shots and he does a better nobody else but I would tell you the town aside, it's the work. It's the discipline.

Look at this is why working from home is also scary. Most people don't have Hemingway's force of will.

White when your home like how it's very very difficult for people to do it. You just describe Hemingway by the way I love Lisette about athletics since you brought that up. He said there only that only three sports boxing is racecar driving in this mountain climbing.

Everything else is again really identical ESPN is currently covering all the wrong stuff covering all the wrong stuff absently.

Hey listen, we come back I'll a special guest.

Obviously, this most talented row in the family of Peggy Rowe the mom of micro brand-new book out yesterday.

I knew that vacuuming in the nude and other ways to get attention. A special on Sunday. This is the bright filming show when micro lets me locked out learning something new every day, Brian filming show over 100 meteorologists and the worldwide resources a fox in your hands box whether podcast precise personal powerful subscriber Melissa Malik Fox news or wherever you did your