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Portrait of a Faithful Servant

Beacon Baptist / Gregory N. Barkman
The Cross Radio
July 4, 2022 2:00 am

Portrait of a Faithful Servant

Beacon Baptist / Gregory N. Barkman

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July 4, 2022 2:00 am

Pastor Bob La Tour teaches from the life of Abraham's faithful servant Eliezer.

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Well if you would open your Bibles to Genesis 24 I have certainly prayed and asked the Lord to use me tonight to challenge us and encourage us are grateful for his providence in our lives. I think the example of Eliezer is a good example of God's providence and showing his will to one of his servants. I almost has to go to Philippians 2 for my earlier Bible reading. I believe Jesus obviously is the greatest example of servitude of being a servant, that there could be an at the text we read in first Peter four basically is telling us be yourself. BLU should be use the talents and gifts God has given you to the best of your ability and for his glory years and years ago there was an advertisement on TV that many of you will remember it was an ad using the star basketball player Michael Jordan said I want to be like my. It was catchy, it caught on because he was so popular.

I certainly don't want to be like my but after studying this text for some time. I wouldn't mind being a little bit more like Eliezer and I'm hoping tonight that is so we look this over, that you will examine your own life and evaluate it how effective MI in the service of the Lord in these areas. I want to read an introduction to you just to put this in the context I think it shows the importance of this text.

So if you would listen. The title of the message again is Eliezer portrait of a faithful servant in Genesis 15 we read the word of the Lord came to Abram. Abram in a vision, saying to not be afraid, Abram. I'm your shield, your exceeding great reward. But Abram said God, what would you give me saying I go childless in the air of my houses Eliezer of Damascus and Abram said look you give me no offspring. Indeed one born in my house is my hair and behold, the word of the Lord came to him sign this one shall not be your heir, but one who comes from your own body should be your heir in Genesis 16 Siri, I been barren throughout their marriage. Try to fix things by giving 86-year-old Abram projection handmade Baker and remember the result of that Ishmael was born 13 years after that point God said to 99-year-old Abram no longer shall your name be called Abram, but your name shall be called Abraham Fred made you a father of many nations.

God then revealed Sherry, I would now be called Sarah, which means the mother of many nations and Abram said to God, O that Ishmael might live before you. Then God said no.

Sarah your wife shall bear you a son, you shall call his name Isaac. I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant, and with his descendents after him.

Abraham was 100 years old when Isaac was born in our text tonight. Abraham is now hundred and 40 years old. He had no idea that he would live 35 years longer is great concern. At that time was that before he died he find a wife from his own people for his son Isaac. Only then could God fulfill his covenant promises to bless Abraham of many descendents through Isaac and give them Canaan for their inheritance folks back in those days, parents made the marriage arrangements and I read this extended introduction this background because it shows a tremendous him or of Eliezer's mission and the deep deep trust that Abraham placed and I want to assess question tonight of all of us, what can be learned from Abraham's exemplary servant Eliezer. They can help us be effective in the ministry and in the marketplace and when I say in the ministry. I'm not referring necessarily to the pastoral ministry. Most of you, if not all of you have some form of ministry. What can be learned from this faithful servant of of Abraham that can benefit us in our ministry to which God has called us and in the marketplace as were out there with the world him the first thing I would share with you is his reliability is Abraham Stewart garnered Abraham's trust his reliability is Abraham Stewart garnered Abraham's trust. Genesis 24 124 and will read the taxes we go to the outline tonight instead of reading all of it at the star with verses 1 to 4.

Abraham was old while advancing age. The Lord blessed Abraham in all things. So Abraham said was old, a servant of his house, who ruled over all that he had. Please put your hand under my thigh and I will make you swear by the Lord, the God of heaven and the God of the earth that you will not take a wife for my son from the daughters of the Canaanites, among them when I dwell, but you shall go to my country and my family and take a wife for my son Isaac, and under this heading of his reliability is Abraham's steward, we see the Eliezer is a man of character and competence that's evidenced in Abraham making them steward over his wealth use a very rich man and this man was.

Eliezer was second only to Abraham he's a man of character and competence as evidenced in Abraham making them steward over as well. Let me say this to you, or put it in the form of a question to the people that know you best see you as a person. Do they see you as a person that they can trust that you are truthful that you say what you mean that you mean what you say Eliezer was a man of character over all of Abraham's wealth and then secondly, do they see you as a person of confidence.

Someone mentioned that I was talking somewhat recently about this message and and the person made the comment, well I certainly hope that people don't try to defend the faith who have a reputation of being incompetent at their work and in the context understand what the person was saying is first be a good testimony, no matter what occupational matter what our ministry. We gotta be competent in what we do. Abraham was a man of character and he was a man of confidence. Genesis 13 to states this Abram was very rich in livestock and silver, and in gold wealth back in that day in the ancient world was measured not by the land that a person of by the size of his herds in the possession of silver, gold and jewels.

Abraham was wealthy. Eliezer is not named in our text in Genesis 24 but listen to this. If you would nine times in Genesis 24 is referred to as the man eight times he's referred to as the servant three times as Abraham servant once is Abraham's eldest servant, and when referring to Abraham without exception.

Eliezer use the words my master 22 times in this one chapter.

What is that show may he was a man of humble loyalty to his master, and if were going to be commendable servants of the master of God. I believe that we have to demonstrate through our lives. Humble loyalty to him.

Eliezer is also a man of conviction is evidence when Abraham directs him to place his hand under Abraham's thigh and swear by the God of heaven folks, unless there was evidence that the servant believed in God and the seriousness of swearing by the Lord, the God of heaven and earth. His oath would mean nothing when he read that again unless it was evidence in his life that the servant believed in God, believe himself and God and the seriousness of swearing by the Lord, the God of heaven and earth is oath would mean nothing. This is kind of a parenthetical statement, it's a sad statement. There was a day in this country.

Young people that if you look the man in the eye and shook hands and said I give you my word. It was as good as a contract now know why character lack of character and this oh was as strong as it could yet Abraham was asking him. I want you to swear that you will do this the placing of his hand under Abraham's thigh was an ancient near Eastern custom by which an intimate touch affirmed in oath and here's the punchline. An oath like this was secure from violation. Even after the death of the one to whom it was sworn by me say that a different way. The servant had fulfill this oath even if Abraham died as long as it took. He would have to fill this oath now. Did you get a little bit adrift of why he hesitated a bit because were going to say next. Eliezer is a man of commitment to his work as evidence in his request for further clarification as his master's ambassador. Think about that he was committed to doing it right and he wanted to make certain that he did it right. It was an incredible task that he wanted to get done correctly. Genesis 24, 339 will not read these again but verses three and four notice. Abraham made it very clear that Isaac's wife was to come from Abraham's country and family.

He spelled it out very clearly to the servant yet.

Notice verse five. The servant said them.

Perhaps a woman will not be willing to follow me to this land. Must I take your son back to the land from which you came in that question to me is the implication Abraham might not be alive upon Eliezer turn a what if I come back and I don't have one with me. Do I take your son back to the land from whence you came, what was he to do then keep in mind the oath that he took was to go beyond the death of Abraham at that took place read with me verses six and seven. So three and four of a rent made it clear verse five Eliezer asked for clarification. Verses six and seven Abraham said to him, beware that you do not take my son back there. The Lord God of heaven who took me from my father's house from the land of my family spoke to me and swore to me saying to your descendents I give this land. He will send his angel before you, and you shall take a wife for my son from their it's a little bit puzzling because notice verses eight and nine. Follow this Abraham goes on and says, and if the woman is not willing to fall you, then you will be released from the so only. Do not take my son back so the servant put his hand under the thigh of Abraham his master and swore to them concerning this matter.

Abraham is not contradicting himself. He made that statement for the sake of Eliezer putting it in the vernacular chill if she won't come back here with you. Your free from you, but I believe and I think you would agree with me.

The Abraham had full faith will confidence that God was going to lead his servant to the woman of his choosing.

The second thing that we notice and this is his reliability is Abraham's stewards and also his resourcefulness, coupled with complete reliance upon God's resourcefulness, coupled with complete reliance upon God, and that was commendable. Verse 10 he prepared for his mission by using the resources at his disposal notice with the verse 10 says in the servant took 10 of his master's camels and departed for all his master's goods were in his hands and he arose and went to Mesopotamia to the city of Maple and just to put things in a context. Commentators tell us that the round-trip was a thousand miles and would take four months. That is a huge undertaking round-trip by camel 1000 miles for four months now, lest I forget it later because it's not my notes you know and I'm sure Pastor Ben Patrick Haywood said the same thing you prepare and prepare and prepare and sometimes just before the service alert put something else in your mind. No, and you want to share everything that that was a trip for an old man to be sure to go 500 mile and two months to a well and have the woman come out to you is amazing. I mean think about that not only time of day but the day to the place while he prepared for his mission by using the resources at his disposal and beloved.

That's all God expects us to do.

I can remember being in that room over there in 1979 probably I don't know what we call the class but I co-taught it. I cannot remember the gentleman St. peters Dr. Peterson. I taught that class.

Aaron Lynch was in the class. Aaron and Wendy may be the only two surviving people besides my wife and myself. They were there had 10 people you know 10 people a day with the Lord taught me. It doesn't matter how many are there to hear it could be one dude in his driver in a chariot and you know what I'm saying.

The point being, God expects us to use the talents and abilities and resources that he's given us no more and no less. If I can insert here. I think that's the definition of a successful coach. You take what you got as far as they can go you know you take what you got as far as they can go beloved look at your life and ask this question. Am I using the resources that God has given to me to further the kingdom. Then in verse 11 we see he not only prepared for his mission but he plan wisely he plan wisely, he went to the right place to observe the women in their natural setting. When they went out to draw water. Notice with the verse as he made his camels kneel down outside the city by a well of water at evening time. The time when women go out to draw water. He plan wisely. Verses 12 to 14. He petitioned God specifically, it wasn't some generalization. Eliezer said, oh Lord God of my master Abraham, please, give me success this day and show kindness to my master Abraham, behold, here I stand by the well of water and the daughters of the men of the city are coming out to draw water now. Let it be that the young woman to whom I say please let down your picture that I may drink and she says drink and I will also give your camels a drink. Let her be the one you have appointed for your servant Isaac and by this I will know that you have shown kindness to my master verse 12. The word show kindness to my master Abraham, the English standard version state show steadfast love the new American Standard version states show lovingkindness. Basically, Abraham wanted God to bless his mission for his master sake.

Those first 13 is simply reiterates the servant's general use of common sense, while depending upon God for a specific answer is prayer first. 13 behold, here I stand by the well of water in the daughters of the men of the city are coming out to draw water. I put in brackets in my notes, sanctified common sense.

If you know what I'm saying. I guys if you're looking for a Christian girl. There is a place that you will find a Christian girl if you're looking for a bona fide Christian girl. You can find one here with government available but my point being, go to church where the Bible is central is not a nano you know and and what he did as he went to a place where he knew naturally woman would be coming never suspect that they were going to be observed never suspect that might have the opportunity that this one girl was going to get verse 14. The first part of it.

We notice that his initial request of her would be simple and it be in line with a highly valued hospitality event day notice. The first part of verse 14. Please let down your picture that I may drink. That's not that big a deal.

He simply sang.

Would you please give me a drink of water. His expectation no from her would go way beyond the norm. Now think about this. Folks, the this man and the men with him to travel 500 miles for two months just come in off the desert and his expectation from her was without him mentioning his camels, the woman would offer to give his 10 camels a drink.

Do you have a clue of how many gallons of water a camel will drink. I didn't until I looked it up 25, 250 gallons of water. No wonder that this guy was standing and wonders you'll see. I mean, she offered to give his camels water and notice in verse 14B he says let her be the one you have appointed for your servant Isaac that would appointed in Hebrews me. Hebrews means to be right. Let her be the right one. Let her be the one that you have appointed for your servant Isaac Isaac or Eliezer. I should say he's not simply asking God to put his stamp of approval on Eliezer's choice not at all.

He's just saying word would you please work in this and let her be the one that you've chosen for my master. He's bathed his mission in prayer he desires for God's will to be done, fully believing that God can send him to God's choice for Isaac. Now we start seeing some application we seen a little bit so far, but in our third point is remarkable success was dependent upon God's faithfulness to his word and beloved. That's the way it is with us. This church operates under that truth success is dependent upon God's blessing we don't try to manufacture success. We don't try to drum up success. Success is whatever God would have us have. I pray daily for several churches being Deacon being the first Lord, will you please give beacon the people and resources you have us to have. Would you please give us the people and resources that you would have us have is remarkable success wasn't because he was a real thinker enough I go to the well a lot of gastric amount and you'll see why I say that in a moment the first thing under this heading.

His prayers were in line with God's detailed provenance notice verse 15 and it happened before he had finished speaking, that the whole Rebecca who was born to Beth Beth UL son of milk, the wife of name or Abraham's brother came out with her pitcher on her shoulder as she fulfilled the requirement of being in Abraham's family but initially Eliezer would have no way of knowing that fact, he would have no way of knowing where she came and that's why you'll see a little bit later he pops the million dollar question, whose daughter are you she fulfilled the requirement of being in Abraham's family but like I said, he would have no way of knowing that. Let me give you another illustration of this. Isaiah 6524 Obviously Took Pl. years after this event, but this is what it says God is speaking of Israel, and he says it shall come to pass it before they call I will answer and while they are still speaking, I will hear same thing is happening here, and God knows the thoughts and intents of our hearts as well as the motive behind our prayers even before we do, where do you get that Psalm 139 verse two he knows our thoughts of far-off that is not referring to distance but time before we think of.

He understands commentary after commentary will tell you that so she's fulfilled the requirement at this point Abraham's clueless of that. The next thing we notice under his remarkable success. His plea was made to one of many girls think about this.

Folks, so he comes in from the deserts to the well and I have to ask the question of why did he go to Rebecca among scores of young women.

I have no idea how many there were. But if there were only 10. Why did he go to her and I believe with all my heart. It's because of the leading of the Lord God's leading gave him a sense this girl was the one that notice verses 16 to 20. Now the young woman was very beautiful to behold, a virgin nomad known her and she went down to the well I'm just emphasizing that because of difficulty. This was not an easy task.

She went down to the well filter pitcher and came up and the servant ran to meet her me say that again the servant ran to meet her yells what would go through your mind. If you cannot get water from your family and this dude is running toward you that you never seen before. I mean, he ran to her and said please let me drink a little water from your picture, so she said, drink my Lord. Then she quickly let her pitcher down her hand and gave him a drink. When she finished, give him a drink. She said I will draw water from your camels also, until they have finished drinking and she quickly emptied her pitcher into the trough ran back to the well to draw water Andrew for all his camels. When you look at this her parents for purity or disposition of kindness or industry set her apart set her apart. But as we shall see these positive traits were not the litmus test. She had a lot going for her and again to our young people.

When you are considering marriage, you better think long and hard as I do premarital counseling will ever have the opportunity talk long and hard, get beneath the surface. Try to understand who this person is that you are thinking about making a covenant of companionship before God for the rest of your life, because next to your salvation. That's the most important decision you'll ever make jobs, change cars, change houses, change location change in God's economy. Spouses don't change in God's economy and the point being taken very seriously. His plea was made to one of many girls and I believe that God had led him to her specifically verse 21 his patient waiting on the Lord to reveal his will. Now think about this for a second I read the verse and come back to it. Make an analogy here. The man wondering at remain silent so as to know what the Lord had made his journey prosperous or not. I couldn't help but thing did Eliezer did Eliezer really believed that a gal was going to take her picture and give 10 camels a drink now why I asked that there are several commentators that asked the same question. Did he really member Abraham I got him off the hook if she won't come back with you your free from the cells, but he made that statement. Now he makes this statement in his prayer, Lord, I'll ask for drink and the girl who says I'll I'll give your camels water also let her be the one the words, wondering at her. The idea of quarreling to giddiness to stun to be a stock astonished. Think about that. She is doing it. She is giving my camels 10 camels water and she says she'll do until they're done drinking that's amazing. That's amazing.

Imagine how long it would take for her to go down to the well and give all 10 camels water and yet he remains silent.

No priming the pump.

No leading comments simply waiting upon the Lord, and I would think after that amount of time, I'd be giddy to mean she is actually giving these camels water as I will. I pray that she would and then verses 22 through 25 is priority was on his master's will is priority was on his master's will.

Verse 22 so it was when the camels had finished drinking that the man took a golden nose ring weighing half a shekel and two bracelets for rest weighing 10 shekels of gold and said, whose daughter are you tell me please. Is there room in your father's house for us to lodge so she said to him, I'm the daughter of Bethel.

Well whom she bore to name or moreover, she said him. we have both straw and feed enough in room collage what you think. his response was that what you think.

his response was then will first of all when the enormous task is finished, he appropriately rewarded her efforts, but then he immediately asked that ultimate question, whose daughter are you in the answer to that question will determine or disqualify her is god's choice for isaac.

doesn't matter. all the other things that took place. she gave him water. she gave the camels water. this was the litmus test whose daughter are you many years earlier folks many years earlier. following god's testing of abraham and offering up isaac.

we read in genesis 2223 and reveals that mahar is abraham's brother is specifically states that name were sunbath well had a daughter named rebecca why do i mention that because in hindsight, all believers can see the hand of god directing our steps. in hindsight we look back at our lives, we can see god directing our steps. we all would do well to reflect upon god's kindness and directing our passes. we trust and obey and let me say this again to our young people, the decisions that you're making now. i hammer this home with my senior bible class. i beg of you to understand the decisions that you are making now will have an impact on the rest.

i share this with our people at beacon before and just a quick flyover. i first of all, respect and love my parents have the utmost respect for the work ethic that they call and i say that because of what i'm about to say, neither of my parents graduated high school. okay so for me to go 800 miles away to some christian college and never seen before was you farther side than from home was maybe 50 miles an hour the biggest deal that it happened in my life at that point his dad stopped botta's fast food. one time hamburgers for $0.15 apiece conduct that is the truth but was a mcdonald's.

it was some other change, but here's the point that one decision that one decision to go to a college 800 miles away led to me being in reveal 317 70 recall this in my roommate was my future brother-in-law. the other decision was do i major in art. ed is straight are. i had an uncle unsaved, and he said you're an idiot if you going are dead. teachers don't make any money. little did he know i wasn't going into straight education.

i would be going into a christian school and just put that in perspective, larry huff, who graduate with me sign a contract is an accounting major for $20,000. now you say that's that's nothing.

i sent a contracted teacher developing christian schools for 5280 you get the drift.

he sent a contract for four times what i signed. okay, but i major in our bed master question.

what if i hadn't gone to bob jones, and that's not for everybody but what if i had gone to bob jones.

probably she would be sitting there there be no reason. there's a row of folks that wouldn't be here and probably wouldn't even be the way you exactly are you get my drift in the point that i'm trying to get across to the seriousness of some of the decisions we make are far longer term than we'd ever dream of them being so i majored in art.

ed and god graciously let me make it through the sophomore check and i will tell you i've said this is honestly as i know how i know it was the providence of god.

they got me to that sophomore check no question. 6/60 made it and i know you sure as i know my full name. i was not one of the best six at a 60 i know i wasn't i just being honest about it was god's providence because he had a career in education form and i happen to go to a school that had soccer her brother bought me shin pads for me to be able to play that first you i coached for 46 years and my point is, it's not about me and i hope that you understand that it's about us making decisions they can have far far reaching ramifications, and we see this we see this in this account how do we get an illustration because it would do us all well to look back on our life and see that the steps of good men and women are ordered by the lord in any goodness. we have is all of his grace all of his grace, and then we see this in verses 26 and 27. his praise was a tribute to god's faithfulness. his praise was a tribute to god's faithfulness. verse 26 then the man bowed down his head and worshiped.

and he said, blessed be the lord god of my master abraham was not for sake and his mercy and his truth toward my master. as for me being on the way, the lord led me to the house of my master's brother and let me say this just this under his praise was you tribute to god's faithfulness that sentence. as for me being on the way, the lord led me to the house. my master's brother and i really believe that an awful large part of the will of god is trust and obey. from day-to-day.

just do what you're supposed to do today.

to the best of your ability. do you the best to the best of your ability do what he's put before you today no matter what that is, should be anything beneath you to do and i think that's the way that we honor the lord. verses 28 through 5055 record all that happened when the servant went in a hoarse house and carefully he carefully rehearsed all the details of this mission is one reason why were not in expositor and he he faithfully just repeats everything that's happened up to this point, but i want us to get one last major characteristic about eliezer from these verses. all of and that is this his persistence in completing his mission showed his love for and his loyalty to his master reread it again his persistence in completing his mission showed his love for and his loyalty to his master, and i'll give you three kind of proofs of this persistence in his love and his loyalty.

he was so anxious to finish his task. he would need till he told his reason for being there. look at verse 33.

food was set before him to eat, but he said i will not meet until i told about my aaron so he was going to put something that would be fine for him to do, eat, he wasn't in a put that ahead of telling him what his mission was upon hearing rebecca's family give their blessing. he worship the lord will give 49 to 52.

he speaking, and he says now if you will deal kindly and truly with my master tell me and if not tell me that i may turn to the right hand or to the left than laban and bethel answered and said, the thing comes from the lord.

we cannot speak to either bad or good. here's rebecca before you take ringo and b your master's wife as the lord has spoken and it came to pass on a ram servant heard their words that he worship the lord allowing himself to the year than the servant brought out jewelry of silver jewelry of gold and clothing gave them to rebecca. he also gives precious things to her brother laban and to her mother so we see that he was so anxious to finish the task you did need then we hear that wendy learns that rebecca's family is giving a blessing.

he worships finally hundred he wanted nothing more than a return immediately to his master with his mission fulfill folks two months of rough travel on a camel in the next few verses would be very appealing to all of us notice 54 to 59 and he and the men who were with him, ate and drank and stayed all night then they arose in the morning and he said send me away to my master. wait a minute you just got here the day before, but her brother and her mother said, let the young woman stay with us and he said and he said send me away. not met set up her brother and her mother said that the young woman stay with us a few days at least 10.

after that she may go and he said to them, do not hinder me, since the lord is prospered my way and send me away so that i may go to my master so they said we will call the young woman and ask her personally and they call rebecca and she said, and said or will you go with this man and she said i will go so they sent away. rebecca and her sister and her nurse in a ram servant and his men. couple of things and i want us notice and in closing he didn't want to inconvenience for himself. he was consumed with love and loyalty for abraham. he had no idea what the man would be alive when he got back he had a two month journey through the desert ahead of and he only had a one day turnaround a one day turnaround. the second thing that i want you anonymous.

is this rebecca's willingness to depart to a foreign land to marry a man she never met was further evidence that she was god's choice for isaac the account of abraham's model servant closes with him identifying isaac as his master.

remember when they came closer to the place. there was a figure standing out in the field and she asked eliezer who was this an he said is my master and it was isaac but it closes with isaac and rebekah getting married. mission accomplished in the providence of god was always faithful to keep his promises. beloved tonight assess? what have we seen in the account of abraham's faithful servant shiva overview real quickly of what we covered tonight. his reliability is a man of character, confidence, conviction and commitment. could that be said of you your person of character, your company and what you do you know what you believe in you stand firm on what you believe and you are committed to the service of christ. could that be said now all of us have room for improvement in that area. second thing we looked at his resourcefulness, coupled with complete reliance upon god it wasn't that he was just going to get this done because of his wisdom and his ability on his resources couple with, complete reliance upon god, he prepared for his mission, using whatever resources he had that he had a lot but remember the widows. my all god expects us to do is use what he's given us.

we saw that he plan wisely sanctified common sense. he want to why were women came for water. then we notice god petition god specifically what i want the one that you want for isaac and then we concluded with a series his remarkable success was dependent upon god's faithfulness to his word.

his prayers were in line with god's detail province. do you pray father i ask that your will be done in this. i asked your will would be done. i don't need to give an illustration of that everyone sitting.

here's had to make that prayer.

i'm sure she was very young. father ii ask that your will be done in this thing his plea was made to what one among many girls and yet we see the on hand, unseen hand of god on him going running to the very one god had for isaac.

we notice next is patient waiting upon the lord revealed his will. 10 camels give or take 250 gallons of water voluntarily given by this young lady is priority was on his master's will. abraham said take a wife for isaac from my family and even though he saw all these things come true before his eyes. he waited for the answer to whose daughter are you and then the last two things.

his praise was a tribute to god's faithfulness by being on the way the lord let me and finally his persistence in completing his mission showed his love for in his loyalty to his master from start to finish this confident man of character was persistent in fulfilling his master's wishes and was quick to petition and praise god for his faithfulness and beloved the question. each of us should answer tonight is how do we stack up in these areas were not going to data thousand and all of them were not going to do all of them perfectly, but i think every now and then it would do us good to just think back on our lives, the good times the bad victories. the defeats and realizing every one of was in the providence of god for our lives, and it sometimes it sometimes is very tough times that polishes the most. i trusted this will give you food for thought tonight.

let's pray father's i come before you. i do pray you help each of us to examine our hearts. it is a privilege to be in service for you, lord, you told us to use the resources that you given us in a way that would honor and glorify you not to try to be something or not, but to be who we are to be all that we should be for your glory.

we thank you for this church, where the word of god is central. thank you lord for the ministry.

see you given this church and we ask you to help us to be faithful in an lord i can't help but think for missionaries the holliston laverne and the many others that we have florida ask that you would prosper their efforts that you bring forth fruit from their labors that will glorify you, you would protect them and provide for them-if those especially who have been injured or sick.

we have several lassies work in their lives. lord, once again, we thank you for your grace and your mercy. they quickened us to life. they granted us repentant faith showed us our need in your provision in christ we praise you for that. in jesus name, amen