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10-6-22 After Hours with Amy Lawrence PODCAST: Hour 2

Amy Lawrence Show / Amy Lawrence
The Cross Radio
October 6, 2022 6:06 am

10-6-22 After Hours with Amy Lawrence PODCAST: Hour 2

Amy Lawrence Show / Amy Lawrence

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October 6, 2022 6:06 am

Former Seattle Sounders FC goalie Jesse Bradley joins the show | And extended conversation with Jesse Bradley | Your phone calls.

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Operating system talking, not your computers or phones your internal human operating system. I'm feeling a little overloaded. Here's how you can ease my stress. Close your eyes are softly gazed at something in front of you. Now inhale for four counts Excel for six keep repeating much better.

Longer term, there's better help online therapy still match us with a licensed therapist. We can connect with via video phone or chat visit better and save 10% on her first month we were both even baseball so sided with even ended a few days later then was originally planned. Of course, because of the lockout which seems like a distant memory and we got for wildcard theories of different format back to the best of three and its Friday Saturday Sunday.

There are no days off. It's Friday, Saturday, Sunday and they just continue until there only four teams remaining that move on to the division theories so coming up on Friday eighth Tampa Bay Cleveland, the first game it starts it starts at 9:07 AM Pacific time about these teams of course are in the Eastern time zone 1207 Eastern time. That's followed by Philadelphia at St. Louis which begins at 107 local time, but for all intent and purposes of your baseball fan, you better leave your day wide open Seattle at Toronto is the third game of the quadruple header and the nightcap is San Diego at New York. I'm sure many people will be having be a long day after hours with AB Lord. The CBS sports radio or live from the rocket mortgage studios do need to know what it takes for a home to fit your budget and your family rocked HK a quick first hour peppering in your responses to our show question tonight with the 2022 season behind us.

One of the best and brightest memories and moments and will be re-tweeting your responses from our show account after our CBS also on her Facebook page after hours with Amy Lawrence and her phone number. We love to sprinkle in some more calls toll-free 85521242278552124 CBS mariners to make the playoffs for the first time in 21 years. Remember, it was back to back, walk offs actually to be able to trim their magic number to one and then to finally clinch a wild-card spot the American league because of the fact that such a critical and monumental week for Seattle and the fans are fired up. Seems like a great time to welcome another former Seattle professional athlete's name is Jesse Bradley first time on the show was a goalie for the sounders but also played professional soccer in other parts of the world and has a passion and a drive and energy that will get you hooked and engaged it right away just a couple of conversations with him. I can't wait to hear how he does at the radio stars are Jesse welcome to the show in Seattle that is obviously a huge week with the mariners back in the postseason phase are going crazy you're there. What's it been like in the midst of this mariners fever. We are celebrating.

There's some euphoria going on when you wait for something productive and it finally happens every people are going crazy and I know season-ticket holders didn't celebrate you know the magic number was down by 4321 they would not celebrate until they clinched because sometimes is a little trouble you do hasn't made the playoffs we gone to a lot of games you know my kids are always some fun kettle corn summer relaxing retractable roof. There's a lot of things, but now is actually two units renting drone of the blouse with momentum and I like to use towards the platform metaphor for life and I like to say. Looking back at the mariners 2001 and 116 games.

Most ever.

That was the high point people still talk about the glory days and then there's the dirge of all the euros without playoffs and the mariners needed a new song, and sometimes in our lives, we can't live in the past and the glory days of pastor, even in the disappointing days but we need a new song in the mariners of given fresh hope for the city and there's a buzz right now.

And hopefully we get some success love CMA could be brought in the playoffs are some great players on the team but everyone's enjoying it is been a long time. Does that help then extend to fans believing that they can be a contender for the World Series or are they satisfied with being nominated quote unquote that is bucket with making the playoffs. That's right, they are so thrilled sometimes when you meet a goal and you feel like you will be and set the goal to win the World Series this year and so there's less pressure on them in in sports pressures huge and how you manage pressure and I think they're playing freely their enjoyment. You see the bond they have no great teams have an awesome culture in the locker room and with the mariners they built that up. And so it's really a bolt and I think they built it with the foundation it's glass, Julio Rodriguez, 20 home runs right root of your candidate. They've got talent and got some starting pitching that I think they can be around for a while and they know it, so they're not complacent, but they're also not nervous and they don't look uptight so I think there set up well whatever experience they get. This year it's can be valuable in the years to come. So fans are shifting and next year I don't think Megan playoffs is going to bring the same excitement will more expected and I think they got a chance this year's universe. The Blue Jays is good be a great matchup that series starting off on Friday to actually at 107 Seattle time as you mentioned, it's in Toronto so I can imagine the be a lot of people are either ducking out of work early or if they have to work will be listening or following the mariners cub on the down low. Jesse you you are former pro athlete will talk about your career. What are the secrets to building chemistry in a locker room in our clubhouse. As you point out, it can mean intangible that can take time to build it. Absolutely. Winning builds a bond in winning build friendships and everyone's happy.

When you're winning, but the key is to have those relationships before the winning comes.

I've always felt like the best teams I played on the most successful teams is felt like family and we just like spending time together and whether it's cards on the back of the bus is getting a meal together to talk about life together, you get to know everyone's personalities and when you can. You know who to joke with you know who to jab and you know to bring out the best in one another on the great teams you're thinking we more than me and you look around and you start to know where someone likes the ball. You know the runs are going to make and you set them up for success. When you bring out the best in each other. It gets contagious, and suddenly people are using their gifts and their good never been plaintiff such a high level and then someone else starts to do that and pretty soon again, it becomes contagious so the best teams have the best cultures. It starts with leadership coaches.

Venice, the captain of the team and truly a you drop the selfishness. You're not thinking about stats and awards and you're not thinking about money or your next contract you're focused on this group and you're willing to sacrifice make some personal sacrifices go the extra mile. I mean there's just a culture on winning teams that you show up early and you stay late because you're doing the small things well my Scottish coach used to say it's the wee things and little things and insight of the way you do the little things that we do everything. If you do the little things right you to get the big results in championship teams. They understand that they do the little things well and everyone's committed to it. You can't have silos, you can't have division you've gotta be on the same page.

You gotta have buy-in. It's always starts with great leadership all my goodness that works in every locker room. Jesse Bradley is a former professional goalkeeper in the US in Scotland in Zimbabwe were so pleased to connect with them here on after hours with Amy Lawrence on CBS sports radio so Jesse, we know that Seattle sports fans are excited about the mariners. There also extremely passionate about their sounders and you spent time there. You got a big event coming up that brings people together for faith and family.

What about that culture with the sounders. Why do people buy into it and why is it so successful there. Seattle the soccer city and you see that it all ages. I have four kids are all playing soccer University of Washington the right number one in the nation. And I'm good friends with the coach.

It's great to see players develop at every level and in the sounders have been so strong, sounders one, the CONCACAF title this year and for those of you who don't follow soccer is closely that's the champions of the MLS. The league in America in the champions in Mexico and they come together in a tournament in American teams of never one that this right first time they ever won a championship. And so the solders are celebrating that this year but really is representative of American professional soccer now so much better than it's ever been. The quality of the players just keeps raising the fans. There's 33,000 fans on average the come to again for the sounders and its electric they're saying in its incredible atmosphere.

Even if you don't understand the intricacies of the game when you're in that stadium. You just don't forget it in the sounders have been consistent. They won again. MLS titles to MLS titles they want. Other cups they have a tradition of excellence and the city in any time someone does something with excellence like what so you don't enjoy the symphony that much, but if you go and you see the dedication of the excellence you can appreciate that and people come to the game see that in the constant singing and in the movement. The dancing it's like it's a place you just want to be and the sounders of carryback faith and family. We had one before coded and then we had to wait a while for groups to gather but your back on and so this next game is coming up Freddie Montero's the all-time leading scorer for the sounders use. Also, in addition to MLS All-Star one humanitarian awards and so he and I long conversation talk about our life or journey our challenges, our faith, and that's part of the day. Faith and family. You know I love it that so many pro sports teams really see before their athletes. It's holistic and a lot of teams of chaplains.

Sometimes you see prayer before game and when someone gets injured in all of us. We have intellectual we have social, relational, we have physical we also have spiritual and I think faith and family is a celebration that we are spiritual beings. That's important part of our lives and am so grateful to the sounders partner with us and we do encourage people in this part of their lives, except it's more recent as a development with pro sports teams that they are paying attention to not just physical health but mental health, emotional health, as you point out, spiritual health is so important.

Athletes just like any other human being in any walk of life, they tend to thrive when all of those various parts of us are healthy and working together.

It's not just about having a physical body that is talented.

It's about having a mind and heart and your emotions that are also locked in and you can see how teams are starting to understand that because they're spending millions and millions of dollars to make sure that their athletes are cared for in other ways. Yes, that's so well said cared for is the key that is not just someone who performs well on a field, but your caring about the whole person you I played college in the Ivy League at Dartmouth and I couldn't figure my own life since I was doing so well. Our team on the Ivy League championship by personal awards is a great school and I couldn't figure out what was missing on the inside and then I took a class introduction world religions and I never even thought God existed. I come from a family: Baskin-Robbins 31 flavors listeners you know that was spiritually listeners see just portrayals probably a wide range and we want to respect each other so for me in my journey, some I discovered later in life, and the professor assigned by what I but Jesus, I was blown away. I was like wow, I've never heard this, and I start a relationship with God. But what happened is from the inside out is that I'm not performance-based identity does not put pressure on me love and there's a security there in similar sport psychology. Why do teams bring the men because mental health is so important when you care for people you can bring out the best in people. That's true in every work environment is true in sports, and when you can provide where an employer can provide the resources someone wants to develop and grow in different areas of their life like that person's gonna thrive when your home, then the insiders will be an overflow on the outside and that that's so valuable to so much pressure on kids right now. They should be enjoying sports, but instead sometimes the parents. I joke that if you as my kids really plan soccer teams and sometimes are parents that are really over the top and sometimes something to give you that way. Had you a camera called the parents cam if you could show the sidelines and what that yelling at this Ralph 14 years old and Mike just got a rough life is like person about if they had to show that on social media and expand your page. It would be embarrassing like what other position you yelled at like that, but sometimes in sports, we just go we get out of control, and if the parents are to control the pressure for the kids at home is intense, and then suddenly the not enjoying it as much and so again were talk about culture. In this interview, but changing the culture where it's it's different and it isn't the pressure performance-based, but it's about developing people. It's about relationships and when it's healthy at a young age. You know so often the kids that are going to excel, to play the sport longer than I can get burned out and really sports in our culture, sometimes sports dominates, and it becomes the number one and I don't think sports is ever been designed to be the number one in life and when you elevate that high and I know because the goalkeeper put that pressure myself. You start to lose the joy, the sport, but when it suits right spot and you got other things that are above it, then you actually you're at your best goes you know we saw this with the men's national team.

I think against Japan recently is that they just won't cups, they look stiff and in sports to get too much pressure on you white knuckle it. Do not play your best, so haven't sports in its proper place. Caring for the whole individual.

That's really good to develop a kind athletes going to be long term and then they can pour back in the younger athletes and now you've got a consistency where it's healthy and we need that in sports, we really do. And the more athletes high profile athletes who are willing to speak out about their challenges in mental health or that they needed time to recover from something that happened in their families or personally to them away from the field, the court, the ice, the more people will be willing to speak out and recognize that it's okay to very real part of being a human. Forget being an athlete were spending time with Jesse Bradley was a former professional soccer goalkeeper and E play for the sounders but also played in other parts of the world where soccer is King Jesse why think it is that in the United States we lag behind when it comes to our passion for what people call the beautiful game you know such a good question. If you do a great job in studio sports radio.

I mean, I did that jingle I was the serum of the muted regular jingoism I had with you today and talk about the stuff the topics you bring up are so rich like you just talk about mental health and for athletes go to be transparent, I played in Africa.

My career ended tragically took a prescribed medication to prevent malaria and it was the end of my career is fighting for my life for one year, 10 years to fully recover in the heart of the side effects course are the physical side effects. But you know what caused panic attacks and waves of depression is an athlete.

I never knew how to deal with those things I never knew how to let people in. In overcoming that in re-storing, rebuilding my life in my mental health. There was a lot there in the recover and I won't get into all that again that transparency that letting people in learning the skills I was excelling on the field, but I didn't know in between my ears, how to work through things so I appreciate that reminder that we can be vulnerable and that comes as no healing until the revealing and so Windows that transparency, then we can learn in some new coping skills like that. I never have before. And you know my expense overseas in Zimbabwe and Scotland. Soccer is clearly number one sport.

Your kind of question around the world. The world cups coming up.

There's an estimated audience of 5 billion people noble sporting event that comes close and so in America we have great options of mean there's 567 sports gives her choosing from soccer is one of many but in other countries soccer's number one there's no close second. It's not close at all in America is making some great steps forward. I've thought in our countries. Soccer will really take off when the professional league is outstanding and I like I said earlier, the MLS is developed so much further than what it used to be because young kids need to see that picture and the need to go to the stadium and see the excitement in the high caliber of clay, so that's happening.

Soccer takes off in a country where the kids are playing in the streets, not as a lot of you soccer in our country. But when kids are playing in the backyard when their plan in the streets are playing in the grass of the park centers duty because they love the game. That's a hint that is taken off another one is great coaching.

You can't have top sport the nation without phenomenal coaches and that's something that were seeing continually improved in the US and you know one bit of evidence that I would say is that when I go to soccer games now people clap in the appreciate the intricacies and the details of the game like there soccer intelligence and are picking up on it and I think for Americans were used a lot of physical contact, and sometimes violent Lubbock allusions soccer doesn't have as many as mother sports are Americans who love goals and it's like soccer does laura so i think you know that's the stumbling block and embracing the sport but okay once you know the sport you see the beauty of it and you see around the world. that's why if you have a chance watch the world cup, you know. tune into an mls game and talk to some people who know the sport is once you pick up on that.

then i just seen so many people say soccer is not for me and now there like i love watching the game early saturday morning. watch an english premier league and it it's a it's a phenomenal sport.

it's one that you don't need a lot of money.

you don't need a lot of equipment that's what's so popular in many countries as well yeah and then there's a lot of running is great for kids and obviously i'm in. it's been a huge part of my life. so it's a passion but i really think that america is appreciating the world cups, and for years it's going to be amazing and would build up to it. so the un's team does well this year.

no pressure, but i'm telling you that's could be a game changer in america, there definitely should be pressure. there should be pressure on team usa in the world cup that comes up later this year, especially after missing the last round. i was devastated. jesse ike i couldn't watch soccer team usa for over a year was so crushing, so i agree with you winning as you point out, tends to attract a lot of attention is the bright shiny object.

it also breeds a culture or more young people. young adults want to play because they seen success on the grandest stage. i would get how do you hang on for just a second there in seattle.

love hearing you talk about the passion for the mariners as well as the soccer in seattle, but i know that you also have passion and drive personally anybody transition in your own life as you share part of your story and your abrupt end to your professional soccer career so will get right back to you so excited to spend a few more minutes with jesse bradley, former pro soccer goalie in seattle and other parts of the world, but has found a new passion in life and you can hear it is after our case is operating system talking, not your computers or phones your internal human operating system. i'm feeling a little overloaded. here's how you can ease my stress. close your eyes are suffocated something in front of you. now inhale for four counts exhale for six keep repeating much better longer-term is better help online therapy still not just with a licensed therapist. we can connect with via video phone or chat visit better and say 10% on her first month with amy lawrence on cbs sports radio you are listening to the after-hours podcast here is how to have yet ended their drought issue here with rick riz on mariners radio. but if a passionate sports town. even when the seattle mariners aren't making the playoffs are just a lot more excitement now with the major-league baseball postseason on the horizon after hours with amy lawrence on cbs sports radio were spending a few minutes with former seattle sounders goalie and professional goalie all over the world. jesse bradley and jesse were just talking about the world cup and how important it is for team usa to do well to continue to grow the sport here in the united states.

it's already the beautiful game. it's already the most popular sport by far around the rest of the world and for some reason we lag behind. i said yes very important for the americans to succeed in november and i'm hoping a brooding because i feel like it's a team that we can all get behind. now i one of the things that i have recognized about former athletes and you shared a little bit of your story with us that your career ended abruptly and that you had it taken away from you when you still thought you had many years to give one thing that i hear over and over from former pro athlete is how difficult the transition to go from playing a sport and being in that world and that culture to than finding a new purpose for their lives. you sound like a very passionate guy a lot of energy, a lot of drive. so at this point what drives you you're done playing soccer you've recovered physically what you pour your energy into thank you so much. you know the women have been phenomenal.

us they set the bar high. now the man let's go guy let's get their lives get there. you know what i discovered in my recovery is that there's a whole grade of their challenges. i learned that my identity can't be performance-based. what i do is not who i am and then my faith grew. now my pastor speaker. now it's my joy to spread hope to really hundreds of millions of people around the world and its i never saw coming. ending sports is brutal. i missed the locker room miss the guys miss the competition the stadium. you never to have that exact same thing for a lot of athletes it takes time. it took me time to discover what's next.

but i love giving back the community.

i love connecting a wide range of people. i love it in our church people from all nations and cultures and ethnicities in a little place like seattle where people ask the hard questions about faith because that was me. i had hundreds of questions i want to kick the tires and find out what's going on so i love those conversations and you know, we continue to provide content hope is a new website where were bringing that content for people who might be struggling in their marriage are struggling to find hope it's all free, and we just want to be there for people people on the phones. that's what they are meeting with her at and we want to provide the content answer the questions or least have the discussions that relevant for people today. i know that you have your faith and family night coming up. you mention your website and also you told me previously that you are attempting to bring awareness and resources for clean water in africa so i guess my last question would be how to have time to juggle all of these things jesse with four kids, no kidding, you know, passion drives me. i think fire is more important form like our family of four kids one is adopted. i'd love to see no foster care system.

america loves the every kid in a forever family. you mentioned our initiative with clean water, we can have clean water for everyone by 2030 and $50 brings clean water for a child for the rest of your lives. i love bigger picture goals were takes everyone to rally and jeff up in this to see some And you know i wake up every day.

seattle's coffee everywhere, but i'm just feeling fully alive or without cause, but like you find the pain in my life has forged and fueled a passion and a purpose that i didn't even know before that and i think that if you're going to a setback right now just listen to what can be redeeming what you're learning and how you can make a difference in someone else's life going through that same thing and more than laws are more than a politician more than too much pressure on the government like we all need to step up and love our neighbors discover what her talents are just come alive like live that vibrant life it it doesn't have to be compartmentalized. we all have struggles we all need each other and i'd say like we need god to we need love from towards ourselves from other people and from god. when you receive that love then you filled out and then you got something to give. and that's when life gets excited. love god and love people. it sounds so simple and yet it really isn't that you can find jesse on twitter at jesse j. bradley and you can also check out his website for a lot of these various resources i jesse and promised he will have you on the show again. maybe you could be our world cup correspondent. once the us launches forward because it's been so great to talk to you and i feel like we could do that for a long time.

i loved it yet. i would do it anytime. let's talk more soccer hopefully you get a lot of emails and comments about yes i finally some soccer lids lives diving more, but amy, thank you for all you do to been consistent. when you keep a lot of people encouraged and inspired at a time of the day when not a lot of people are there. so just keep you know spread met hope and thank you for your faithfulness in in your role because that inspires people and their role in their work as well.

thank you just ain't so gracious of you. i have sometimes there just a couple of us in the building and were trying to hold the whole thing together, but to know that people are out there listening and paying attention and that we can connect with people. that's really the goal used to be.

talk about sports to cheryl my sports knowledge to drop it on you.

just kidding him and being totally snarky, but used to be about sports, and talking sports or entertainment.

now i tell people my number one goal with the radio show is to connect you make a connection. and people will return and will continue to hang out and and feel like they have a companion as opposed to a radio host is talking at them right man jesse main thing i would definitely go talk more world cup soccer when we get closer into november. i'm almost afraid to hope with team usa in the men's work and come up because i see i feel like there's disappointment all the time. i see it over and over. i get excited and then i get crushed. so yeah i don't know but i'll all be hopeful. i suppose i will be fun to talk about it with jesse was got experience around the globe where soccer is humongous to make sure you find him on twitter.

find us on twitter after our cbs in the wake of what is been a season full of moments and memories one that made us forget all about the lockout or speak for me not for you made me forget all about the lockout. what is the best and brightest of baseball in 2022.

also on her facebook page. this is operating system talking, not your computers or phones your internal human operating system. i'm feeling a little overloaded. here's how you can ease my stress. close your eyes are suffocated something in front of you. now inhale for four counts exhale for six keep repeating much better longer-term is better help online therapy still not just with a licensed therapist. we can connect with via video phone or chat visit better and say 10% on her first month and our phone number 855-212-4227.

you are listening to the after-hours podcast will widespread stand arms all over the place different from the stretch. the 11 for use these after-hours with lawrence. i listen to it dozens of times i have watched the video i watched and listened to the videos and the calls over and over as our pools was getting closer and closer and closer and what a phenomenal final season at 42 years old.

i know he's not dying. i know we still have more to look forward to, but it's different in the postseason and run 30 different category.

i started talking about it in march and back.

i started talking about it or at least referenced it once when our pools first returned to st. louis and said that he would finish out his career with the cardinals where it all began, where he won two world series rings and numerous other individual honors. this goes back to march 28. he'd been gone over a decade and they brought him back as he returned. i was musing about the number of home runs he had to hit woody in the lineup enough, woody's enough at that what the thing is to put them in the lineup because he Eating not just total run, but double singles run scoring hit from our pools.

they seem to be so clutch over the last six weeks is the machine for a reason. this guy lit st. louis in the summer and fall of 2022. definitely one of the best and brightest of baseball this season.

the call with john rooney on cardinals radio that was a friday night because it seemed like all of his big home runs toward the ad came on fridays or saturdays when we were not on the air but it did not take away from the excitement. i cried whether i was watching in my living room. my bedroom whether i saw him alive or sought after the fact what a campaign he really was a major piece of what the cardinals did this season. not just a sentimental piece but an actual piece that help them to win the central division title and get back to the point at which they are hosting a wildcard theories starting on friday with the rest of major league baseball it's after hours with amy lawrence on cbs sports radio. i really hope you enjoyed that conversation with jesse bradley, former pro soccer goalie who always got an extraordinary journey that took some drastic and tragic turned and yet he is full of energy to the point where he doesn't even need coffee in seattle as of you missed it will be on our podcast. of course, and producer j is also said that he will get up on our youtube channel. pretty quick, but the quote that sticks with me.

the pain in my life has forged and fueled a passion and a purpose that i didn't even know before that that is so, so true of many human beings. it's going to the fire it's going through the pain. it's coming perilously close to death or coming face-to-face with our own mortality into losing people that are precious to us. it's being reminded that life is precious and fleeting it seeing our dreams disappear or dissipate or get destroyed in front of her eyes.

it's all of the things and he mentions anxiety and depression, which is a major challenge for millions of americans it's documented.

it's even worse in the wake of the pandemic and if every age group, it's young people, it's young adults.

it's adults of all ages. it's obviously older americans as well. so many of them isolated and cut off during the course of the pandemic.

i remember when i first started my blog post i wrote one particular article about the point of our pain being so that we could share our wisdom our experiences with other people aid to let them know they're not alone because there isn't anything new under the sun on this planet regardless of how alone we feel other people have already gone through what we've gone through physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, all of those things and so if we can somehow find it in ourselves as we heal from painful experiences and losses tragedies to share those experiences of other people will find that we can inspire and encourage and that we can let people know they aren't alone. so that's one major reason for paying the human experience that is tough. life sucks sometimes are just no way around it and honestly, if you live long enough, you go through cycles where life sucks a lot. we just it's it's half it's tough to to be a human being it's it's tough to be an american.

it's tough to be a lot of things and stuff to be magaly speak for me personally, but i daughter a granddaughter just lost my last grandparent, a member of the corporate world, a sister and find a friend. all of those things. if you're engaged anywhere and with anyone. eventually you will experience loss. if the only due care about his material possessions. eventually you will experience loss until we can use that pain to let other people know they're not alone, but also i am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason.

and here's jesse reminding me of that.

the pain that he went through coming out on the other side changed him. it forged and fueled a passion and purpose. he didn't even know were not human beings who never change right were certainly affected by her circumstances all the time. that includes the pain and the difficult challenges that we face. none of us will ever be the same after the pandemic that changed us in so many ways. as a society as families as individuals and if it changes our purpose. it changes our passion it creates in us a drive to help other people or to find a different focus, and were human beings that are almost like amoebas. it is causally changing changes in a very real part of our human experience as well.

it does definitely hurt to have a heart right so a bunch of friends and family members have reminded me over the course of the summer which was at was tough.

it was challenging. was very emotional that the price of great love is great grief. whatever it is that we love will experience loss and yet that great grief be uncovered as part of our soul in our hearts that might, out of dealt with before. we didn't even know existed so man i'm inspired listening to jesse and if you did miss that conversation.

i guess that will share it on our podcast first thing on thursday morning after hours amy and also on our youtube channel which is been dormant for a while, but we have not forgotten. it's certainly a part of a bar after hours experience that we love sharing with you it's it's different. it's goofy. for whatever reason you all love videos.

i mean i get to hear and make the most incredible and insightful point about sports and what you most care about is when you get to see us do stupid things on video is just that part of my experience it's after hours with amy lawrence here on cbs sports radio 855-212-4227.

talk to alan.

he was in toronto.

what are the best and brightest moments and memories of 2022.

alan older april 7, 1977 your birthday.

you save time in the first time the other five years will yes the orioles saw 31 wins better than last year to 183 and 79.

much better than i expected, very, very bad start to the reform 16 and down the strip. they were 36 and 17. from july 3 through september 3. they were the personal eliminated solar october 1 for five years remaining that might encourage mixed your next are you sure they were 30.42 against her own division, but next year would be a balance schedule pretty good. i'm very encouraged with peoria and oriole time for the last 50 years. what a heartbreak over the last 50 years.

yes i think that's a part of being a sports fan to word document the human experience will part of being a sports fan.

part of that experience is definitely going through the highest of highs you hope at some point over the course of your lifetime, but the lowest of lows. they seem like they're far more frequent and stuff and that was something that we just have to get used to because sports they can make a break your heart be back next year wants to have a good 2069 which he would retire. but i get it is under contract for next year and the longer you just paying you to play a baseball game will be. i think all of us would probably accept that it's it's interesting when those of us who don't play tell other people to retire. maybe there intangibles in the clubhouse that they are are thankful for in a human picked may impact the younger players can be more of a coach on the field so i understand his numbers are not what they were nor are our pools but think about the impact that he's had with not just younger cardinals players but the number of dominican players and the number of other hispanic players that really look up to him was then maybe the tiger. i mean, obviously it's a lot of money and pay them regardless and less he retires, but if i'm him and the monies they are. i don't think i can retire either he's he's still part of the baseball culture he's got a really significant piece in baseball history and an there is a real good chance that a lot of young guys are looking up to him and i are thankful that he's around. looking forward, i will report back to sop@u2 sarah have a great wildcard weekend. let's find i don't know that i'll be going to any games this weekend. i deftly need i need sunday to be parked in front of my tv. i did once where i was at an event on sunday that week two at lambeau field and it is not easy to keep up with everything else going on when you're out one day and i wouldn't trade it. it was the experience of a lifetime even without the snow i it was amazing to be at lambeau field for a sunday night football game against the bears, especially to be out there on the field for for the end of the first half and have time. but it is difficult to cover everything that's happening in october when i'm not parked in front of my tv with a laptop that's running on other material that also got my radio next to me so i can go back and forth among other games.

my dvr my notes. i'm such a nerd.

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