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Spiritual Gifts II [Part 2]

Alan Wright Ministries / Alan Wright
The Cross Radio
April 21, 2022 6:00 am

Spiritual Gifts II [Part 2]

Alan Wright Ministries / Alan Wright

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Alan Wright Ministries
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Alan Wright Ministries
Alan Wright

Pastor author and Bible teacher, Alan writing, no other illustration really makes sense except to say that gifts are like you're a member of the body and the hand in the foot by the mind all need each other because we are so intimately connected. That's pastor excited for you to hear the teaching today. In the series higher power is presented with an older church in North Carolina. If you're not able to stay with us throughout our entire program today to make sure you know how to get our special resource right now. It can be yours for your donation this month to Alan Wright Ministries so as you listen to today's message go deeper as we send you today's special offer. Contact that's pastor at an.large E or call 877-544-4860 877-544-4860. More on this later in the program but right now let's get started with today's teaching here is Alan Wright so for for years my early years there.

I was amazed at the notes that she would write to me that she would write you know, not just on your birthday but just I am in whatever's barely to write this note to me and she is so encouraging, full of Scripture full of of just encouragement about how the Lord was using me about the about that ministry about our family just in whatever images overflowing off and had just a wonderful sense knowledge of love with it, but kind of profound insight as you can see she go on the front bench go on the back of the card and she ran out she start going vertically up the side as you go. Ms. comeback Ms. White term this way because of this like crazy, just like Jesus spilling over with other thought is so amazing that you know I'm the special one that Karen writes all these notes to and some years ago we had a big, big birthday celebration for Karen and a bunch of people were there for this big celebration much church people were there and people gotta start saying things and and some ice that was the John Baisley not Karen is these notes that I get behind me and someone else gets in it and some I also said that I love all thosewho arise before getting these notes all the top is just spilling over into what is that, well, that's the gift of encouragement. The word encourage here in the Greek language I want to know this because I love this work is par up, Leo, which comes from power.

You you know that that prefix para like parallel and it means alongside.

I like parallel means running alongside each other like that. So it comes from parent and it comes from the Greek verb, Leo. Which means to call now this is really important because this word para Calais oh is also related directly to the word para Calais chose which is Jesus is term that he uses in John 1526 to describe the Holy Spirit so the Holy Spirit, he calls the para Calais chose which is just a noun form of para, Calais 02. Encourage he called the Holy Spirit the one who is the encourager said that's the word Paul talk about here in this spiritual gap that is called encouragement. So, I point that out because him.

Jesus calls the Holy Spirit. The para Calais chose the encourager when you are encouraging people you're doing something very, very much like God.

It is the nature of God.

This idea of the Paraclete toes one is called alongside to get translated a lot of different ways it interesting. I read in this week and one central African culture they translated as the one who falls down the light white and the reason they do is because the image is if someone has has been taken hurt or ill on the side of the road and a passerby comes to help them. They get down with them and so they use the word to me one who's fallen down next to someone else who's in the encourager is also an image of one who was called in to help and that's where you get the idea of an advocate in first John, Jesus is called the Paraclete toes and advocate, and that's an image, a legal image of when you've been accused and you don't know what to do about it. You have an advocate legally. Who stands in the gap on your behalf. That's encouragement, and when were discouraged.

We just need someone who has a supernatural capacity to help reframe the story of our lives. The power to prevail, and to endure comes when we have someone that puts courage into us so people need more than just a pep talk.

They need something supernatural and that's what happened in encouragement is not superficial is not what Jeremiah spoke about when he said some false prophets a PCBs when there's no peace is not superficial, but it is profound in that you don't fix somebody when you encourage him but you help them face what they need to face because they're going to make it through it and you been called alongside of them.

Encouragement is the currency of heaven and discouragement is the currency of hell, who wouldn't want the gift of the spiritual gift of encouragement on time at leadership. Romans 12 a the one who leads, leads, with zeal so passionately.

I was looking back at a sermon that I preached in 2010 and I saw that I made comments about the gift of leadership. I want to read you verbatim what I wrote in 2010. I said this is a very important gaffe, the Spirit empowered capacity to lead God's people successfully while keeping a servants heart people with this gift usually have supernatural wisdom to see programmatic and administrative solutions that help the church and I then had this line pastor Chris Lawson demonstrates this gift regularly.

I look to him for it. Have you ever searched for a spiritual solution and found that nothing would quite fit and then there's one adjustment in the logistics and suddenly opens up right and I wrote these words 2010 we had been laboring for a solution to a problem it were an old, our church is full. What do we do this in 2010 no place for people to set and pastor Chris said I've got an idea. We could start a new worship venue using a videocast in the Fellowship Hall and so we did and in short order are dented to ground but what we never realize is what we started back in 2010 of trying. Could we do the sermon by video and have a different band and the people to we didn't know was going to become a multi site model where we have four campuses and we been able to expand our mission to her threefold so leadership is anointed of the Holy Spirit and becomes a gift when there is a supernatural unction on it.

That's Alan Wright will have more teaching moment from today's important series which is the better marriage you don't need marketing you need more good news. Marriages like people are changed by human effort or even planning principles.

These are changed by the gospel of grace sessions is my thing and lead you and your spouse into a fresh encounter with God's grace. A simple Gracenote process that makes great communication easy to discover the freedom of forgiveness tolerance celebration to learn how to pray for your last one another with ground when you're in the video series losses and gives you copies of the company is going through some special challenges on your marriage is your friend powerful transformational tree is for your marriage. Marriage the grace of God is shared when you get Alan Wright Ministries.

This broadcast is only possible because of listener financial support.

When you get today we look for special offer.

We are happy for missed you as I thanked him Alan Wright Ministries, 877-544-4860 877-544-4861 come to our website pastor and got to work today's teaching.

Now you once again is less talk about mercy.

I love the gift of mercy. Romans 12 verse eight the one who does acts of mercy do so with cheerfulness.

The mercy enables a person supernaturally to feel what others are feeling mercy gaffe empowers someone to be able to love and care for others who are in need, not because they ought to, but because they feel it so deeply that they want to. It's as if they must care the mercy gift is so beautiful because it almost has a prophetic quality to it because a person full of mercy may become aware, not by human intuition or intellect but may become aware of what someone else is feeling and therefore what they're experiencing. Analyze and the connection then becomes powerful and palpable in the mercy heart then starts overflowing with a desire to help and that turns usually into prayer pastor Brandon has this gift beautifully. He will at times I've been praying with him and praying for people and you can just see when this comes upon him that the Holy Spirit is granting his pastor's heart, a mercy that then often erupts in tears doesn't have to but feels almost to down to his very bones, shaking with it a sense like what the Holy Spirit himself does where he begins to intercede with groans that are too deep for words.

And we need to have the mercy gaffe be accompanied Paul says by being cheerful about it wasn't me. My is mean cheerful like you. You have a mercy giving you going to a difficult hard place where there's grief or pain and you're just chipper. That's not what it means what it means is that when you have mercy, by the gift of the Holy Spirit. You not only don't mind being in that place that others would avoid because there's pain or struggle or hardship there but you're glad to be there is a beautiful thing and God gives this to me and I'm so thankful for it. I don't ever ever feel like someone says would come over pastor my beloved spouse is dying and I don't ever go know I want to run the other drink no. I'm glad I'm glad to hold someone's hand in the holy moments of making a transition to heaven. I'm glad to be amongst those that more mercy you know Jesus healed because he loved people and often times in the Scripture, you'll see it said that Jesus saw the crowds, and had compassion.

That's why he sometimes wanted to go take a nap and get by himself, but he re-stirred with this mercy the heart of God. Oh, ask God for that gift. I want to talk a little bit more about the revelatory gifts or the prophetic gifts we said last time that the idea prophecies not like Old Testament prophecy where there were thunderous rebukes from the Jeremiah knows and that Amos is not like Old Testament prophets were expected to be infallible or else they were condemned as false prophets know were told in Corinthians that the New Testament prophecy is for upbuilding for encouragement and consolation and were told that when we get prophetic words were to weigh them which means that they're not coming perfectly when needed. Discern does that really feel like bears witness to me almost was. We had a different word for our data prophecy because it's been misunderstood and abused. We're talking about supernatural revelatory words that bring encouragement and people know that God has spoken. Let's talk about a few of these revelatory gifts.

Discernment first rent is 1210 to another the ability to distinguish between spirits. Some years ago an elder came to me and many years I said I had a dream in which you had been approached by God, and he offered you the gift of discernment and you said no and I said he said did you say no to the gift of discernment. I said of course not.

I would never be inclined gift of the Holy Spirit from the living Lord, what are you talking about take that dream home with you tonight and put it exactly like that but with this elder we, spoke to Joe that what and but a few days later I got to thinking about it well and I had in my mind at that time. The idea that my plate is pretty full of sin needs all the time and I struggle you know about Tron not to figure out. I got a fix them all and I think that maybe I had thought that discernment means that now walk in the room and not only do I see all the needs of the present but almost every demon and every other dark thing and every other probit I got me some about that. And the Lord really help me see no that's not what the gift of discernment is about to discern something that that is a problem, doesn't mean you're supposed to fix the problem. It might just mean you're supposed to avoid the problem. It might be that year ago. Distinguish between spirits, meaning knowing what is evil and what is of God and that maybe God just want you to pray. Or maybe God wants you to know who to link arms with or who do not link on is a very valuable gift. The word of wisdom is mentioned in verse eight to one is given through the spear the audit of wisdom and this is a kind of revelation that can happen through you, in which there is perhaps a confusing situation or a stalemate or a dilemma and there just seems to be no way for it except for a supernatural word of wisdom and this happened to me. I think one time years ago when a man came seeking counseling because he was believing he was called to a new vocation and his wife didn't believe it was good or godly. He told me about the new vocation, and honestly I didn't bear witness to it, and I didn't think it was particularly noble vocation, but he was so positive in his mind that this was God and that his wife was standing in the way that their marriage was in jeopardy and I thought how in the world can we move forward.

There was no way to talk him into hey maybe your wife is right. And while I'm sitting there praying about this story an image from many, many years earlier came right up into my mind and it was a story of a case in which I had been offered a scholarship to go to Israel for five weeks but we just had our baby boy and aunt had no grace for me to go half or five ways. We had a baby boy at home. I felt like it was God I was supposed to go as she did have grace for it and so I realize that the higher priority was for me to honor my wife and to cultivate our marriage. I stay home. Well, a year later I got offered the same trip she had grace for now with I told the man that little story but… I was essentially saying. Perhaps there is a way in which there's something that you feel really is God. But there's a higher priority with your wife and instead of trying to talk about the job. Let them see that image and I think it is. Came like a word of wisdom is like the light just turned on his insight.

So sometimes when you're in that you just asked the Lord, would you give a word of wisdom here the word of knowledge is similar to this but it often comes with visions or impressions or just knowing something that maybe Laura wants to address. Maybe something along wants to heal, to another the utterance of knowledge. Verse eight according the same spirit and you know this is like sometimes it just comes up in these images in a prophetic way, my assistant, Laura Hall is fantastic and since everything she does in our work in and out. I love I love partner with her, but one of things a tremendous guilt about getting work but she is a beautiful revelatory gap and way it shows up tomorrow all the time. She just gets image.

It is just you just pops right in her mind for the Holy Spirit is just fantastic. So just happens all the time but I was thinking about our spy family and it made me remember a story from some years ago that we were at the New Year's blessing service and after air by that have a blessing spoken of and for the new year, Laura and a team came to bless me and my family and the night before by some fluke. Our family had gotten our old DVD of the of the animated movie The Incredibles and we had just enjoyed watching The Incredibles and we came in on Sunday morning and afterwards Laura begins the time a blessing and she's began with these words.

I just have this image. It came in my mind of you guys are The Incredibles, as she began to just speak out blessing about how you know that I was doing incredible things and the course will what was happening.

There was a meeting we go that's not a fluke that's not a coincidence that can't that cannot happen.

God has our attention so God brings impressions like that and all of these gifts that we talked about last week and this they really in the end are not like us and our spy gadgets because what really the only image that makes sense of this. Paul says in verse 12 of first Corinthians 12, just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ.

And no other illustration really makes sense except to say that gifts are like you're a member of the body and the hand and the foot I mind all need each other because we are so intimately connected.

You have your Christian gifts of the spirit, some you may not even be quite aware of its time for them to be fanned in the flame and the Lord says eagerly desire so ask him. He may just be ready to give you a new gift and that's the gospel Alan Wright are good dues message spiritual gifts from the series higher power encourage you to stay with us because Pastor Alan is back, you're in the studio assuring a parting good news thought for today just a moment, would you have a better marriage.

You don't need marketing you need more good news. Marriage is like people are changed by human effort or even principles. Marriages are changed by the gospel of grace sessions is my thing and lead you and your spouse into a fresh encounter with God's grace. A simple grayscale process that makes great communication easy to discover the freedom of forgiveness, shower and celebration to learn how to pray for your staff bless one another with chair ground when you're in the video series losses and get you copies of the companies marriage is going through some special challenges when your marriage is fine powerful transformational tree is for your marriage, making the streets today. Marriage the grace of God gospel is shared when you get to Alan Wright Ministries this broadcast is only possible because of listener financial support. When you get today we look for any special offer. We are happy if we missed you as I thanked him Alan Wright Ministries, seven 877-544-4860 877-544-4861 come to our website Pastor our and got a lick blessing your life grayscale vision for your training makes free grace and encouragement. Allen writes a daily blessing is free and just a click away. Pastor Alan got away with Pascarella and her parting good news thought for the day. And that's a good thought right there is bold enough to ask the Lord to show you and I think that when thing about encouraging every listener to really want God to move in your life by the power the Holy Spirit and you go will why and it's because we love people. This is what it is about Jesus ministered not just for the sign and wonder of revealing himself as the son of God, but because you love people. He saw people and Saul that they seem like they were harassed and helpless.

As if sheep without a shepherd. He saw the sick, and even when he was tired and probably should've retreated for his own personal rest. He couldn't because he cared so much a compassion upon the and people in the world today are lost and people listen listeners you have friends that family members they need. They need the healing mercies of God, they need encouragement to come. Supernaturally they need wisdom and God would like to use you and that's what the gifts are about so we don't long for the gifts in our lives so that we can be showy. We no longer have the gifts of the Holy Spirit so we can say look how spiritual I am we don't long for the gifts of Holy Spirit so used for like we got some spiritual badge. It is because we love people and I want to help people and I think you do too. So ask God for more more of the power of his Holy Spirit to work gifts in and through you.

Thanks for listening today. Visit us or call 877-544-4860 that's 877-544-4860 if you only caught part of today's teaching.

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