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Spiritual Gifts II [Part 1]

Alan Wright Ministries / Alan Wright
The Cross Radio
April 20, 2022 6:00 am

Spiritual Gifts II [Part 1]

Alan Wright Ministries / Alan Wright

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Pastoral author and Bible teacher Alan Roy Udall six somebody when you encourage him but you help them face what they need to Facebook because they're going to make it through it and you can call alongside of them encouragements the currency of heaven that discouragement is the currency of hell, who wouldn't want to give us the spiritual gift of encouragement excited for you to view the teaching series higher power is presented with an older church in North Carolina.

If you're not able to stay with us throughout our entire program today to make sure you know how to get our special resource right now.

It can be yours for your donation this month to Alan Wright Ministries so as you listen to today's message go deeper as we send you today's special offer. Contact us at that's Pastor Alan.Margie or call 877-544-4860 877-544-4860. More on this later in the program but right now let's get started with today's teaching here is Alan Wright are you good days you are gifted you are not gifted in the way the world uses the term is in it.

I say all we got are gifted and talented as we got, you know, that person is so gifted also thought you know in a secular world what they mean by that because the whole idea of a gift means that you have received it freely from someone out is not something inherent is not something that you're just born with is not something that you accomplish to be gifted means to be the recipient of a gift. We are talking about the gifts of the Holy Spirit for the second week as part of a series that are called simply higher power were talking about the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives. So let's look again at first Corinthians chapter 12 verse one where Paul lists some of the guests and has some important things to say about them now concerning spiritual gifts, rose, I do not want you to be uninformed so there is a way in which you can, not be aware of the gifts of the spirit and therefore may be missing something that God has for you.

Verse four there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit.

Verse seven to each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good for the one is given through the Spirit the utterance of wisdom, to another the utterance of knowledge according to the same spirit to another faith by the same spirit to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit to another, working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another the ability to distinguish between spirits, to another various kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. And then in Romans 12 he lists some that intersect and some additional gifts here were six having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them. If prophecy, and use it in proportion to our faith of service than you said and are serving one who teaches, in his teaching, one who exhorts, in his exhortation, the one who contributes, in generosity, the one who leads, with zeal, the one who does acts of mercy, with cheerfulness and this is important for Sprint has 14 verse one pursue love, and earnestly desire the spiritual gifts, especially that you may prophesy so the gifts of the spirit are to be desired, which means that you can grow in the gifts and means that you have gifts and you can grow in those gifts and you can have the Lord give you new gifts. All of that, so that's over time of the gifts the Holy Spirit gives a little. I was the guy that put them to bed. If I was home I was one and expected story time. Now we read Bible stories. Then we, but we also have some fun stuff.

Hank the cow dog we would read this hilarious and I think maybe one of their favorites. What I would tell them spy stories. Yes, there was a very special spy family name the rights dared some real similarities to our own family because there was a father in this family and his name was Alistair debonair right. His wife was Annalise and the sign is so funny.

I was remember this but I gave them a chance to come and pick out their own symbolic name. I said then it will call you Benjamin something and he cut he decided what he was Benjamin.

If I was Alistair debonair. He was Benjamin millionaire right figure that out around age 8. It will be a millionaire and and then there was the little girl Abilene I is a city in Texas. I don't how would you with that but that was the spy family. The spy family had a red phone that was a direct hotline to the White House and when the spice was told they would ring and Alistair would pick up and the president United States have important mission. When the coolest rooms in the spy families house was the gadget room where there all the tools that they would need for their spy work all their espionage and they were always get equipped for every mission that they would go on, but there was some regular tools that each of the members.

The family had Alistair the dad had a special watch. I think it shot laser beams.

I can't remember what all debt and the mother Annalise. She had well eerily similar to real life. Everything was in her pocketbook that you could possibly need. There was something about her lipstick that was like a stun gun or some that I can't remember what it was something about the lipstick and but I do remember this is that that Benjamin millionaire right had a special chess set.

This was at a time in which the kid was learning to play chess and he had a special chess set that each pond in each part of it was a different kind of explosive and and little little one little Abilene.

She had a special magic blanket because she's always had her Blakey all the time and she could unfurl that blanket and it would go stretch across people and capture them in an impenetrable map and so as long as everybody would use their special spy tools. The mission could be a success. We bill those five stores out. I was thinking back about thought. Sounds kind of I was in it.

What memory we want young people to stop but everybody wanted. There is like you can't really do this unless you get your special gift and it is a sense in which you think about the mission of the church of Jesus is like the Lord has said, here's what you come to do your going to you're going to go and start in Jerusalem and in Judea and Samaria go to the ends of the earth and share the gospel and you can change the world you make disciples people you're gonna do, heal the sick, you're going to care for the poor. You're going to teach people and open up their understanding and your and it is all of this you go how we going to do that and it's like in a sense, the Lord has also said I'm good to be with you and I'm than to give you the tools you need to do it now. My illustration breaks down at a lot of different levels but it gets us into this idea that the body of Christ is far from the way a lot of people perceive church now is not a group of people that sits in the audience and watches something that's happening, but they are very hands and feet and eyes and ears of the body, expressing the very power and the very presence of the Holy Spirit, and so I wanted to talk to you again today about spiritual gifts because last time we only touched on a few of them and I just thought we needed we need to revisit this because I do not want you to be uninformed about spiritual gifts. I want you to yearn and long. As Paul said, desire the spiritual gifts in your life. I don't make them happen.

They come by the spirit, but you can want them and you can ask the Lord, and you can recognize gifts that you have and have them stirred into into flame talent right will have more teaching moment from today's important series which is better marriage. You don't need marketing you need more good news. Marriages like people are changed by human effort or even planning principles change by the gospel of grace sessions and lead you and your spouse into a fresh encounter with God's grace. A simple grayscale process that makes great communication easy to discover the freedom of forgiveness and celebration to learn how to pray for your last one another with ground when you're in the video series losses and get you copies of the company is going through some special challenges and powerful transformational tree for your marriage.

Marriage the grace of God is shared when you get right ministries. This broadcast is only possible because of listener financial support. When you get a special offer. We are happy for Misty thanks from Alan Wright Ministries, seven 877-544-4860 877-544-4861 come to our website past. Rowan got these teaching you once again is let me review. First, the gifts of the Spirit first and foremost first rent is 12. One we like these are spiritual now concerning spiritual gifts and is a point out this literally in the Greek says concerning the spirituals, which means that what he's emphasizing here is this is not natural ability is one of those ideas is not natural gifts or talents as wonderful as it is if someone is just an artistic person or someone's really good at math or someone is really athletic work. These are things we said with a person's gifted what but but what we talk about here are spiritual gifts wherein the Holy Spirit himself is bringing this Jeff through human means by connecting with you spiritually. There also there.

Gifts. Keep that in mind. First, rent natural for variety of gifts and I pointed this out the word gifts in Greek is Charis Motta, which is the plural form of Charis which is the word you hear me talk about a lot because it means grace so correspond to is the plural form in Greek of the singular word Charis which means grace, so the gifts are the graces of the Holy Spirit.

The same grace that saved you sanctifies you the same amazing Grace that Fred gave you is also what fills you the same grace. That grace that saved you and and and able to become a child of God is the same grace gifts of God manifested in the expressions of the power of the Holy Spirit at work in your life for the gifts so spiritual they are. They are graces and then verse seven to each is given the manifestation of the spirit and we made this point this is why the gifts of the spirit are not like Benjamin millionaire's chess set, which is something that stand by itself, the gifts of the spirit and never by themselves. It is a manifestation of the presence of the Holy Spirit. So the Holy Spirit is the one who's doing the healing or the encouraging or the teaching or the serving that is happening through human means. That's what that is what makes us talk to about so few other of the gifts and when first talked about encouragement. Romans 12 eight. If it is to encourage then a pulse of Balmain give encouragement use using years that we have a lady in this church.

Many people on the some of you know her a minute you made me know her earnings.

Karen rabbits and she is the epitome of the gift of the spiritual gift of encouragement. She soaked for it for years. My early years there.

I was amazed at at the notes that she would write to me she would write you know not just talk your birthday but just me and whenever spiritually you write this note to me and she is so encouraging, full of Scripture full of just encouragement about how the Lord was using me about the about that ministry about our family just in whatever images overflowing off and had just a wonderful sense not only of love with it, but kind of profound insight is in the you could seek to go on the front bench go on the back of the card and she ran out. She started going vertically up the side as you go. Christ on the scumbag Ms. Weick yet termed this way because of this, what she just like she just spilling over with it. Another thought is so amazing that you know I'm the special one that Karen writes all these notes to and some years ago we had a big, big birthday celebration for Karen and a bunch of people were there for this big celebration much church people were there and people got start saying things and and some ice that was the June Baisley not Karen is these notes that I get behind me and someone else gets it up in some I also said I love all thosewho arise before getting these notes all the top is just spilling over into what is that, well, that's the gift of encouragement. The word encourage here in the Greek language I want to know this because I love this work is par up, Leo, which comes from power. You you know that that prefix para like parallel and it means alongside of I like parallel means running alongside each other like that. So it comes from parent and it comes from the Greek verb, Leo. Which means to call now this is really important because this word para Calais oh is also related directly to the word part Plato's which is Jesus is term that he uses in John 1526 to describe the Holy Spirit so the Holy Spirit, he calls the para Calais toes which is just a noun form of para, Calais 02. Encourage he called the Holy Spirit the one who is the encourager said that's the word Paul talk about here in this spiritual gap that is called encouragement. So, I point that out because he of Jesus calls the Holy Spirit the part Plato's the encourager when you are encouraging people you're doing something very, very much like God. It is the nature of God. This idea of the para Calais toes one is called alongside to get translated a lot of different ways it interesting. I read in this week in one central African culture they translated as the one who falls down like white and the reason they do is because the image is if someone has has been taken hurt or ill on the side of the road and a passerby comes to help them. They get down with them and so they use the word to me one who's fallen down next to someone else who's in the encourager is also an image of one who was called in to help and that's where you get the idea of an advocate in first John, Jesus is called the para Calais toes and advocate, and that's an image, a legal image of when you've been accused and you don't know what to do about it.

You have an advocate legally. Who stands in the gap on your behalf. That's encouragement, and when were discouraged. We just need someone who has a supernatural capacity to help reframe the story of our lives. The power to prevail, and to endure comes when we have someone that puts courage into eyes so people need more than just a pep talk. They need something supernatural and that's what happened in encouragement is not superficial is not what Jeremiah spoke about when he said some false prophets a peace peace when there's no peace is not superficial, but it is profound in that you don't fix somebody when you encourage him but you help them face what they need to face because they're going to make it through it and you been called alongside of them. Encouragement is the currency of heaven and discouragement is the currency of hell, who wouldn't want the gift of the spiritual gift of encouragement on time at leadership. Romans 12 a the one who leads, leads, with zeal so passionately. I was looking back at a sermon that I preached in 2010 and I saw that I'd made comments about the gift of leadership. I want to read you verbatim what I wrote in 2010.

I said this is a very important gaffe, the Spirit empowered capacity to lead God's people successfully while keeping a servants heart people with this gift usually have supernatural wisdom to see programmatic and administrative solutions that help the church and I then had this line pastor Chris Lawson demonstrates this gift regularly.

I'll look to him for it. Have you ever searched for a spiritual solution and found that nothing would quite fit and then there's one adjustment in the logistics and suddenly opens up right and I wrote these words 2010 we had been laboring for a solution to a problem it were an old, our church is full. What do we do this in 2010 no place for people to sit and pastor Chris said I've got an idea.

We could start a new worship venue using a videocast in the Fellowship Hall and so we did and in short order are dented to ground but what we never realize is what we started back in 2010 of trying. Could we do the sermon by video and have a different band and the people we didn't know was going to become a multi site model where we have four campuses and we been able to expand our mission to her threefold so leadership is anointed of the Holy Spirit and becomes a gift when there is a supernatural unction on it right or good news message spiritual gifts from the series higher power encourage you to stay with us because Pastor Alan is back your in the studio assuring a parting good news thought for today just a moment, which is not a better marriage. You don't need more good you need more good news.

Marriages like people are changed by human effort or even principles change by the gospel of grace sessions is my thing and lead you and your spouse into a fresh encounter with God's grace. A simple grayscale process that makes great communication easy to discover the freedom of forgiveness or celebration to learn how to pray for your last one another with chair ground when you're in the video series losses and get you copies of the company.

Marriage is going through some special challenges when your marriage is find powerful transformational tree is for your marriage today. The grace of God gospel is shared when you get right ministries. This broadcast is only possible because of listener financial support. When you get today we look for any special offer. We are happy to send this to you as I thanked him. Allen right ministries, 877-544-4860 877-544-4861 come to our website pastor and got a whack blessing your life grayscale vision for your free grace and encouragement. Allen writes a daily blessing is free. Just a click away. Pastor I got away like yours do you know assuring Pastor Alan sporting good news thought for the day, but would be silly for me to suggest that you know your spiritual gift is something you choose, like going down a grocery aisle and just choosing your own but would it be something to say that the most most the time the Lord is going to use natural talents and skills and the means created you are, after all. And so, you're probably not going to be terribly surprised you know it's every every good gift comes from God. So there are there are abilities even the non-Christians have, but it came from God. So it is good. It came from, but if there is a scientist who has a brilliant mind to make discoveries because he or she has a capacity to think through things.

I think that's a that's a gift from God when it comes to gifts of the spirit we are talking about those ways that the Holy Spirit supernaturally empowers you to do what you would not be able to do by merely human ability, and sometimes is your St. annually where where let's say a supernatural gift of teaching intersects with a natural talent or skill of teaching and where that intersects with how you cultivated. Sometimes that's pretty blurry then nothing. That's okay with God right it doesn't matter as much. Some of the gifts it's very clear that there's a prophetic utterance. If there is a healing miracle. It takes place that these are not things that by any means human what you can do but all of them. All of the gifts, whether they be the ones that are more ecstatic and revelatory and miraculous seeming or whether they seem to be something that we could relate to everyday life. They still are gifts from God and what we want to do is we want to learn what all the gifts of the spirit are both those that are more dramatic and those that are less dramatic and find what you gifts are and find how God can use you and learn more more about how those gifts can be cultivated in your every Christian has spiritual gifts and every Christian can grow in the power of spiritual gifts. Thanks for listening today. Visit us or call 877-544-4860 that's 877-544-4860 if you only caught part of today's teaching. Not only can you listen again online also get a daily email devotional that matches today's teaching delivered right to your email inbox free. Find out more about these and other that's pastor out.Lou RG, today's good news message is a listener supported production Allen right ministries