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The Mark of the Beast and the Seal of Christ [Part 2]

Alan Wright Ministries / Alan Wright
The Cross Radio
October 25, 2021 6:00 am

The Mark of the Beast and the Seal of Christ [Part 2]

Alan Wright Ministries / Alan Wright

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Pastor author and Bible teacher Alan Wright, godless humility, accompanied by love of self is of the devil counteroffensive is self degradation and self-condemnation and calls it religiously that's Pastor Alan excited for you to you the teaching today.

In the series. The revelation is presented at renewal the church in North Carolina are not able to stay with us throughout the entire front. Make sure you know how to get our special resource right now. It's a CDL or digital download. Your choice of the body you've always wanted audio messages on what heaven is like it could be yours for your donation this month. Alan Wright Ministries as you listen to his message go deeper as we send you today's special offer.

Contact us at that's Pastor out in.O RG or call 877-544-4860 that's 877-544-4860. More on that later in the program but now let's get started with today's teaching here is Alan writing is the beast from the sea from the land is like there is this unholy unity, the Dragon verse two gave them beast his power and throne and great authority wants what God did the father did for the sign right John chapter 17 Jesus lifted up. As I said hours come. Glorify your son sent you have given him authority over all flesh. Jesus said this over and over father and I are one in his give me all authority in heaven and on earth that was trying to imitate it. This is a story of unholy worship, they marveled verse three as they followed the beast. Verse four.

They worship the beast. St. Louis, like the beast he wants to be worshiped like God starting from the very beginning the dawn of the Christian community and back to the roots of our delivered people look people of God who after the Passover said in Exodus 1511 who is like you a lot among the gods was like you majestic in holiness also in glorious deeds doing wonders there's no one like God than about vision of an unholy resurrection verse three said he seemed to have a mortal wound but was healed entirety of everything we believe in. Everything is precious to us just what Paul said in first grade.

There's 15 that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scripture was married and was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scripture. There's only one resurrection and is Jesus Christ. This doesn't beast that Hollingshead and one on that morning mortally wounded by all. Looks like he's alive again that's not a resurrection. That is just an allowance to continue the work of evil until Jesus comes again and throws them into the abyss and Jesus rains the whole now and forever more.

Jesus is the one who was and is and is to come. In other places. In Revelation, the devil is referred to as the one who was and is not there is an unholy worldwide appeal. In this parody. Revelation 13. Seven authority was given it over every tribe, people in language and nation will that's what we just saw a few weeks ago. In Revelation 79 as we marveled and looked with a great multitude.

No one could number from every nation, tribe, and people in language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes. This is a picture of unholy signs and wonders that beast. Verse 13 performs great signs making fire come down in heaven, whatever that is referencing when not sure but is always giving counterfeit signs in acts chapter 2 Jesus of Nazareth, a man attested you by God with mighty works and wonders and signs that God did through him in your midst is the wonderworker. This parody has an unholy mark that causes both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave is not a respecter of person to be marked on the right hand of the forehead. So I'm running out of time, but this goes back to God saying to his people that his word is so precious, so powerful, so wonderful that it should be as though it's tied around your wrist and your four head so that conservative Jews would actually tied Littles boxes of Scripture around the wrist around and it would be around the left wrist pointing to the heart and this is pointing to the right hand and to the head that gets the mark it, symbolizing the hand, the right hand. This is what you do with your life in the head is how you think about your life.

It's it's suggesting that there is an imprinting and we in Christ. Revelation 14 one are amongst the hundred and 44,000. Remember 12 is the number of the people of God in 12×12 is the epitome of the totality of the people of God, especially when multiplied by a thousand, and they at Mount Zion. That's the picture of the kingdom of God stood with the Lamb that's Jesus who was slain for us and raised her eyes and intercedes for us were with him and what we have his name and his father's name written on her forehead where marked in the devil wants to counterfeit, even that an unholy number. This calls for wisdom. Verse 18 of Revelation 13. Let the one who is understanding calculate the number of the bees.

First, the number of man is number 666. What is this all about people fear this number and think that there might be, you know, some kind of specific implants that might be made and so forth. The limit to what I think this is about. This goes back to be in a parody that started back in Genesis chapter 2 about the nature of our God.

Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them and on the seventh day God finished his work.

The seventh day, what you gonna do finished his work. What seven Main seven means complete perfect God's number. The seventh day God finished his work that he done and he rested on the seventh day what you do on the seventh day rest rest say that with me rest rest from your work rest from your life rest because God has finished his work. So God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it. God rested from all this work great speculation about the number 666.

We don't have time to go into all of it, but there is a an ancient practice of symbolizing names through numbers because in ancient civilizations before there were numerals there were numbers that were attached to letters of the alphabet and this is famous and and and and and piece of history that there would be names. It would be associated with numbers, so if every letter has a number assigned to it and then you add up those numbers that are associate with those letters you get a number and so a lot of speculation has swirled around this because Nero Caesar in Hebrew is if you add the numbers together is 666.

The problem with all of the spec and it could be that there's some reference but the problem with all the speculation is that if you dig around and have a little fun with this. You can find all kinds of things add up to 666 some some wit some years ago discovered that if you take's assigned to letters of the alphabet that cute purple dinosaur adds up to 666 so I suggested maybe Barney was the antichrist, so I think there's something deeper than just merely trying to figure out who is the person not saying that it couldn't be referring to Nero or to some other person. One thing I don't think that's the intent, and it certainly wouldn't have been any benefit to a first century Christian whose family member had been burned at one of Nero's garden parties to tell them about some figure that was in the 2025 years from the end it they would have no idea who it was, possessing something bigger than that. Remember everything we seen today, the beast, the Dragon are all perverted parody of the Messiah. They are what they want to be what Jesus is cannot be.

They can only imitate up to a point, but never be. It's like Jesus is seven and all that.

The parody ever could be, will be six if seven means complete, then six means incomplete if seven means perfect, then six means imperfect. So in 16666 is the say incomplete, incomplete, incomplete it is to say, imperfect, imperfect, imperfect in this essay. Never. Seven. Never.

Seven never seven. Never Jesus never Jesus never Jesus trying to be trying to be trying to be but never never never will be.

666 is the symbol of the antichrist because God rested on the seventh day, and we are told that Jesus has become for us, our Sabbath, he is our Sabbath because if I trial my own to make my way of salvation I would die and exhaustion and I would die in eternity apart from God because it cannot be done if we seek to accomplish our own salvation by our own works. Our own merits will be weary and will be worried.

We will be exhausted.

We would never reach heaven.

There is one way, and it is Jesus Christ is the only way the truth and the life and he has finished the work for us to be hung on the cross took the sin of the world became ice and your sanity paid the penalty that we should have paid when he did he said to tell us. I finished writing will have more teaching today's important series is a misty place where you float around on crowds and pluck angelic types you are in for the surprise of your life are special product this month is all about the help of having it's a gift to you when you support hiring CDR bond invites them to discover the body you've always wanted spiritual resurrected body.

Be sure that God isn't going to scrappy or the world or make all things new. Overcome denying anxiety at the end of your life you can have peace.

Pastor Alan writes helpful messages will lead you into more than a joyous revelation of how Brent according to the Scriptures that lead you into a bounding help so please help us stay on the radio in your area by making a generous gift today and will be happy to send you the body you've always wanted.

This CD album that is when you make your gift to Allen Wright ministries today since you pastor's messages in an attractive CD album with your digital download as our way of saying thanks for your partnership.

Now these are the final days. This offer is being made available to you this month, seven 877-544-4860 877-544-4861 come to our website these teaching you once again is 666 is to say, never Sabbath never Sabbath never Sabbath work of man work of man work of man and never cries never rest never rest never rest tomorrow do more to do more perform perform perform man-to-man and manage human human mass with six sick sixes and Jesus is Lord of this we rest because he saved us saying is that darkness is not so much a power as it is the blocking of light and the devil is a creature, not a creator I wanted understand this, the devil is a creature, not a creator. Since is not a creator. All he can do is distort the good works of the creator doesn't make something on his own can't make something out of nothing can only block the light so God is half in the devil is called last all the lust of the world is just the counterfeit of people who need love, love, what is good pulsating with hate what is evil hate, lust, hate, hate, lost hate it will ruin your life will ruin your life in the society of our last acceptable river of lies out of the Dragon's mouth is coming. Mass grading is like more people under age 30 today think it is a bigger sin to not recycle bin, it is to look at pornography. Hate what is evil. Even if you're tempted by his use this counterfeit masquerade like lines, the words of the enemy.

People that are confused and found all these lines hate what is evil and love what is good and recognize the counterfeit desire is good. It comes from God and Satan turned it into covetousness. Can't we just desire. All that is good and desire more from God desire to live fully and him out coveting what our neighbor hats, counterfeit parody God gives discernment in the devil wants to turn it into judgment.

I wish I had time.

Every spiritual gift has a counterfeit God loves humility, and the devil were turned into self degradation. God loves humility, accompanied by love of self. So the devil counterfeit is self degradation and self-condemnation and calls it religiously. Humility, even fear is a perversion of faith because both are forms of the belief God builds faith for what is blessed future will be, and fear is a form of belief of a doomed future. Christ our Sabbath.

So that's all.

66 means 666. It just means never cries never cries never cried, humanism, humanism, humanism, and it always fails and we in Christ will never be marked by 666 we are told plainly right here. Let's set the record straight. The mark of the beast was for those whose names were not written in the Lamb's book of life from the foundation of their note Christian to have the mark of the beast is not will be tattooed on you is not will be a microchip implanted into you and I will be injected into you. The mark of the beast is a symbol of all these false ideologies and all that comes up short of Christ but you, beloved revelations 14 water part of the Assembly of God standing in the midst of the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ, now and forever already seated with him in the heavenly, and one day raining with him in a new heaven and a new earth and you instead of a mark of the beast have been sealed, sealed with the name of Jesus in the name of the father, not a literal tattoo every part of your consciousness in every part of your identity is shaped by this, you who are in Christ are sealed and you cannot be taken away from him. The 666 is a parody is a twisted attempt to mark people and get their allegiance, but it is nothing compared to those that are sealed with the name of the Lord our God, I'm telling you who knows what will happen. What tribulations might come.

There may be more economic persecution that might be your Kristin and you can't get a good job anymore, but maybe you need to remember Peter in acts chapter 3, who said to the lame man. I have no silver or gold, but what I do have I give to you in the name of Jesus Christ, get up and walk. I got the name will have any money right now that I have the name remember what Paul said in first Corinthians 6 and such were some of you but you were washed, in your sanctified and you're justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I might not have everything that you got the name and so your sanctified and justified and washed in the blood in the name of Proverbs says the name of the Lord is a strong tower and the righteous run into it in their safe disciples.

Even before Pentecost came back in the 72 returned with joy, saying, Lord, even the demons are subject to us in your name. Do you see what I'm saying if you have the name of Jesus. All of the authority of the father was given to Jesus and Jesus shared his name with you and there is no power of hell breeze from the sea breeze from the land.

No Dragon on the short no false ideologies that we get Empire ever could compare to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ is a strong tower justified by that name your sanctified by that name you could heal by that name. You can deliver the oppressed and the power of that name. Jesus said in John 14, whatever you ask in my name.

This I will do you ask anything in my name I will do it. This is the name Paul said that is above every other name. The name under which one day every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord, you have the mark of the beast. You've got name Christ sealed on your life and that is the gospel good news message from the series.

The Revelation it's the mark of the beast and the seal of Christ and pastor Alan is back joining me in the studio for reporting good news thought for the day and just misty place where you float around on crowds and pluck angelic types you are in for the surprise of your life.

I special product this month is all about the help of having it's our gift to you when you support this not having CDR bun invites you to discover the body you've always wanted spiritual resurrected body.

Be sure that God isn't going to scrappy or the world make all things new. Overcome denying anxiety at the end of your life you can have peace. Pastor Alan writes helpful messages will lead you into more than a joyous revelation of how Ben according to the Scriptures that lead you into a bounding help so please help us stay on the radio in your area by making a generous gift today and will be happy to send you the body you've always wanted.

This CD album that is when you make your gift to Alan Wright ministry said I will send you pastor's message is attractive CD album with your digital download as our way of saying thanks for your partnership. Now these are the final days.

This offer is being made available to you this month, six 877-544-4860 877-544-4861 come to our website pastor Alan and of course closing out with the name of Jesus. The name of Christ. That's a pretty good day so the contrast is that those that reject Christ and want to instead follow the power of the evil follow the devil's minions. The follow that beast out of the land that is symbolized by a mark but it's not a literal mark in general believe it is a little I think is a symbol essay is one lesson 71 lesson. Lesson seven is less than Sabbath never Jesus never Jesus never Jesus. But in contrast, the Christian has been sealed with the very name of Christ in these rich images that jobs are meant for our assurance. I want to say this as we concluded.

Make sure every Christian.

You understand this you don't need to be afraid of inadvertently being stricken with the mark of the beast and the mark of the beast is something that is a symbol and is chosen as a way of thinking is chosen as an ideology, is chosen as rejection of Christ is chosen as a following of the antichrist and so as a Christian you don't have that you are instead sealed in the name of Jesus Christ, today's good news message is a listener supported production Alan Wright ministry