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The Marriage Supper of the Lamb [Part 2]

Alan Wright Ministries / Alan Wright
The Cross Radio
October 27, 2021 6:00 am

The Marriage Supper of the Lamb [Part 2]

Alan Wright Ministries / Alan Wright

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Pastor author and Bible teacher Alan Wright thinking God is like a wedding party because there was no greater celebration that Jesus could describe on our wedding party.

Everybody in ancient Palestine understood this is the greatest celebration imaginable. We can think of anything greater then a wedding celebration edges that that's pastor excited for you to view the teaching today. In the series.

The revelation is presented in an old church in North Carolina are not able to stay with us throughout the entire front, I want to make sure you know how to get our special resource right now.

It's a CBL or digital download. Your choice of body you've always wanted audio messages on what heaven is like it could be yours for your donation this month. Alan Wright Ministries as you listen to his message go deeper as we send you today's special offer. Contact that's pastor island.who RG or call 877-544-4860 that's 877-544-4860. More on that later in the program but now let's get started with today's teaching here is Alan writing she wanted to buy the she's beautiful where all kinds of people, but she's beautiful because she is beautiful, made herself ready for her husband and her husband alone. She's not doing herself so that others could be seduced. She is outwardly adorned herself because she is holy unto the Lord, the great prostitute on the beast parody of a wedding version of a marriage riding along together and their evil pursuits here is the real bride who is been learned with fine linen. Did you know that the priests were linen in their service in the temple because linen was the lightest weight material in which they were least likely to perspire. God didn't want the priest sweating it out.

He wants ministry to be a thing of grace and they've got on as if garments the priest and the bride is adorned with white because as we've seen, the blood of Jesus symbolically washes the people of God of all iniquity, so that, remember this beloved.

This is who you are in Jesus, whether you feel like it or not you are is not one stain of sin or condemnation or guilt left on your life. You are a radiant bright you are gorgeous to God's. And so here is the paradox of the Christian life that explains so much of our time.

We have been given our bridal clothing because we can't get our own righteousness, and you therefore enclosed with the righteousness of God. Remember the strange parable were Jesus after talking about how the kingdom of God is like a wedding party that a king gave and yes at this beautiful story of the parable.

Then all of a sudden, here comes the people that were were kind come into the banquet and they want a lack they didn't have the proper wedding clothes as it taken out and thrown into with his weeping and gnashing of teeth and everything to Jesus you just ruined a good parable here was so fun and I would get some idea thrown out just because they don't have the right clothing on. What's that about what you must understand is that kings and people through his extravagant banquet also have clothing, sometimes clothing of their own son.

They would be available for anyone who is too poor to afford it and put it on to be properly dressed at the banquet he would close, and those who refused it would not come. You must let Jesus clothe you wait until Jerusalem. He told the disciples until you are clothed with power from on high. Being a Christian is like getting a new set of quotes you don't wear clothing in order to be a Christian you where new clothing because you are a Christian, putting on a white dress doesn't make a woman a bride. The reason she puts on a white dress is because she is the prime that's who we are like that life you live in outward adornment of who you really are the righteousness of Christ. You have been clothed and yet you get yourself ready and I've been married 36 years, 36 and we still go on dates and I highly recommend dating your wife if you're married and I you know you married 36 years and you been around each other no you see what it does look like in the morning and then late at night. You know what is changed. You know what ages do and you know it all. When you go on a day you not like I'm gonna get dressed so I can catch me a good man tonight. You are my wife and it's the middle of December and were going to the Nutcracker ballet and going to Ryan's to eat filet mignon dinner at a time and so give me a little time a little space to prepare for tonight because your mind to say get ready. Jesus is coming to me and get ready. You better clean up your act raise not love you anymore and you might be left out of the party to get ready means your betrothal to him is yours. Your his menu CIR view of romance in the way we get married in Western culture is entirely different than most of the world for most of history.

Most marriages throughout history, and certainly in first century were pre-arranged marriages is not this parody that you sometimes see and hear about these awful situations were so evil.

Father cares not one whit for his daughter and forces her to marry some guy from places she doesn't like people and she don't like him and what is not that note, I would say that prearranged marriages in most parts of the world. Throughout history, it's a little bit more like a very personal form of online dating in NM 54 online online. The meetings are through valid mechanisms where they have a chance of discovering someone who shares similar values and and especially discovering someone you love the Lord is called on the same path of life, and that's a much better chance than that Hollywood version which you know makes for good movies where they see each other across the bar and the music was just perfect and all the rest of the crowd dims into the background and they got that halo look you know that they can get a look at each other and fall in love first don't know what thing yet they going to be spending their life together that that good for the movies but to stay if you think that's what it's all about is the feeling of infatuation of love at first sight 36 years down the road. I didn't do much for what you need is you need to call of God down the same path of life into covenantal fullness that takes you into the deepest treasures known to humanity in writing will have more teaching moment from today's important series is a misty place where you float around on crowds and pluck angelic types you are in for the surprise of your life are special product this month is all about the help of having it's our gift to you when you support having CDR bun invites you to discover the body you've always wanted spiritual resurrected body. Be sure that God isn't going to scrappy or the world make all things new.

Overcome denying anxiety about the end of your life you can have peace now. Pastor Alan writes helpful messages will lead you into more than a joyous revelation of how Brent according to the Scriptures that lead you into a bounding help so please help us stay on the radio in your area by making a generous gift today and will be happy to send you the body you've always wanted to see the outcome that is when you make your gift to Alan Wright Ministries today since you pastor outlines messages attractive CDR bun with your digital download as our way of saying thanks for your partnership. Now these are the final days. This offer is being made available to you this month, seven 877-544-4860 877-544-4861 come to our website pastor out and got to work teaching you once again is prearranged, meaning that the father has a sign, who is ready to be married and their family knows a lot of other family you know it is know a lot of people and they don't know they're not Facebook friends. Their real friends. You know people didn't have TV and air conditioning so they're not sitting inside apart from each other, you know a lot of people and you got big families and thereby knows her body is so you got a son his right to be married and then you find someone else's got a daughter to try to be married and you say when Joe tried to and so they me and you know they had it often and you prearranged and so instead of fall in love and get married.

It's really more get married and fall in love is real different view of it, but it is important because you need understand that the image therefore being the bride of Christ is not the Western romantic image of that it is a prearranged marriage image which goes far to help me understand what Paul means in Ephesians 1 when he says we have been chosen in Christ from the foundation of the world is not a wooden doctrinaire way of looking at predestination. It is to say that God's love for you was seated and something more than the swim's of his emotions, not because you got yourself looking good for God and therefore he fell in love with you. It's something that deep and eternal rooted from the foundation level, and oftentimes the father's family of the groom. The father would offer and the gift sometimes quite extravagant gift to the bride's family is wrongly called the bride price could you not buying the bride at that, the complete character of women when it's working well. It is out of gratitude and according to custom, we offer this wonderful gift to the bride's family and then the couple would be betrothed, and when your betrothal. This was a legal contract it could not be broken without divorce. You remember the story of Joseph the Christmas story and he thinks that you know Mary is pregnant so was he not do so I decided to quietly divorce her when they were betrothed and were married so betrothed is you are legally bound to one another can't break it without a divorce and now you're here, you're all but married you just had you not share the same home in the same bed and during this betrothal. Which normally be about a year.

During that period of time. The groom would go back to his father's house, and usually would add an annex in the upper room. In addition to his father's house and that is preparing a place for him to bring his bride when they get married and live.

They had a lot of money they might build an additional house on the father's property help you understand John 14,000, do not let your hearts be troubled trusting God trust also in me.

My father's house there are many rooms to go there to prepare a place for you and I will come back to take you to be with me where I am is preparing. And then, though the bride would know the approximate time of the wedding the exact time in which she would be joining up with her groom to go and have a big celebration that would be customarily reserved so that you would know the exact hour of that and yet she sees getting ready casinos is coming and when the bridegroom would come they would cry out in the village. The bridegroom is coming. The bridegroom is coming and the bridesmaid along with her. The bride along with her bridesmaids would have these bridesmaid light their lanterns number the parable of the bridesmaids son who didn't have any oil for their lanterns. It was a picture of having the oil of the Holy Spirit is a mood bridesmaids like when I got Nola may have some your oil. Jesus is filled with parable like no that's not the way it works. You can't borrow the Holy Spirit from somebody and in the reason for this is my comic dusk and those lanterns and they start being escorted through the village bride and groom and villagers would be shouting out the blessings I bless you shut all people leaning out the windows of their well wishes and people cheering there like a prince and princess, even if they were paupers they were treated like royalty.

And they will go back to the father's house exchange their marriage vows and then in the bridal chamber she would let down her hair for the first time because in Jewish custom women practice great modesty as regard to other men, but joyful intimacy with their own man and tired like thereby becoming got to go now going on a honeymoon.

That's what they do for seven days.

Friends and families stayed around and celebrate.

So the marriage feast of the Lamb.

The marriage supper of Jesus Christ celebrating the wedding of Christ and his people in a new heaven and a new earth is not a image of people standing around with some finger food you know and sipping on a little champagne. It is a seven day long, maybe longer if their wealthy feast. It seems like it's never going to stop people just keep laughing at people just keep celebrate a people just keep dancing and they just keep blessing the bride and the groom, that the image behind this is the kingdom of God is like a wedding party because there was no greater celebration that Jesus could describe on our wedding party.

Everybody in ancient Palestine understood this is the greatest celebration imaginable. We can't think of anything greater then a wedding celebration. It is that the kingdom of God like so God's image in Revelation 19 has called you both the bride here, the people God bride and also the blessed ones who have been invited so both images apply and as his bride betrothed to him what it means is that he's coming for you no matter what means if you had some bad times you've been depressed and you've had doubts your betrothed never going cross his mind could you fill in a pool got paralyzing comfort.

This is covenantal compared to shallow substitutes that an alluring woman on the beast could offer that eventually implodes maybe to be like this father knew that it was time for his son to be betrothed in the fullness of time the word became flesh and made his dwelling in the invited people to follow him to be his through the gift of the cross where he became our sin. We were given the privilege of being saved, becoming his righteousness being clothed with the Holy Spirit. Anyone in Christ is thus betrothed to him can't be broken without a divorce and God is not going to divorce but there be a time and it could be soon, which may be some dusk as if overage you hillside bridegroom's and maybe will be Gabriel or some other archangel that a sound the trumpet and say the bridegroom is coming it will light up the Holy Spirit all lined up outside inside of every person who is in Jesus Christ. Every single person who has a Holy Spirit. Every person in Christ light like a land and come to meet the groom is all of heaven and all the saints who been encircled around that emerald rainbow thrown begin rejoicing from all eternity and we with him are going to have the marriage feast of the Lamb of God, and is not going to just last seven days is to go on and on and on whatever celebration you've ever been to where you had your best friends, your closest family and people who only wanted the best for you if you ever had a moment we didn't have a care in the world and you just gave yourself over to the celebration. You didn't have to worry about what it cost you didn't have to worry about about what was going to happen at work the next day you just celebrate never had a moment like that. That's what the new heaven and a new earth to be like, and so the invitation for us is to know ourselves betrothed to the Lord cannot be broken. He is ours and you are his beloved and he loves you and he's coming for you and his covenantal love is all love is from everlasting to everlasting and is rooted in seated in his finished work for you. You where the righteousness that he bought for you yourself ready because he is coming and the marriage feast is going to be one Susie of a party that's what's coming and that the gospel Mr. Allen Wright good news message today. The marriage supper of the Lamb in the series.

The revelation I encourage you to stick with his pastor Alan is back here in the studio with a parting good news thought for the day and just about misty place when you float around on crowds and pluck angelic types you are in for the surprise of your life are special product this month is all about the help of having it's our gift to you when you support this not having CDR bun invites you to discover the body you've always wanted spiritual resurrected body.

Be sure that God isn't going to scrappy or the world make all things new. Overcome denying anxiety about the end of your life you can have peace now pastor Alan writes help filled messages will lead you into more than a joyous revelation of how men according to the Scriptures that lead you into a bounding help so please help us stay on the radio in your area by making a generous gift today and will be happy to send you the body you've always wanted.

This CD album that is when you make your gift to Allen Wright ministries today since you pastor messages in an attractive CD album with your digital download as our way of saying thanks for your partnership. Now these are the final days.

This offer is being made available to you this month, seven 877-544-4860 877-544-4861 come to our website pastor at work here now with past rally in our parting good news thought for the day one to put a smile on your face. You know the image of being the bride of Christ is Daniel is not like in our Western culture in America where we have this romantic idea about this really is rooted more in the style of people coming together in marriage by some sort of prearrangement, not the caricature of marriage being pushed on people like we see in some oppressive households but you whether loving families and their helping their children to find a suitable mate and the families know each other and they meet each other and so there's a kind of love that is all. We fall in love and then we get married.

But there's another way and that is we get married and we grow in our law and so I want to leave listeners you with this assurance you you if you're Christian. It means you been chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world. It means that it's in a sense of prearrangement and the reason that such good news is that it means that you can't have a bad day and therefore have the bridegroom lose affection for you, you're already his, and oh what a day it's going to be when he comes back to consummate it all and we have the marriage supper of the today's good news message. It's a listener supported production Allen Wright ministries