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The Foolproof Discipline of God [Part 2]

Alan Wright Ministries / Alan Wright
The Cross Radio
June 1, 2021 6:00 am

The Foolproof Discipline of God [Part 2]

Alan Wright Ministries / Alan Wright

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Alan Wright, pastor, Bible teacher and author of his latest book, the power to bless Jesus became your sin when you accept crimes.

What happens is that I am called powerful God takes all your sin from you and that's an end to the person of Jesus Christ on the cross and they are your standards is a five Alan good news that will help you see your life in a whole new light. Excited for you to hear the teaching today. In the series proof is presented and rebuild the church in North Carolina.

If you're not able to stay with us throughout the entire program. I will make sure you know how to get our special resource.

Right now it can be yours for your donation this month to Alan Wright Ministries as you listen to today's message go deeper for happiness to do today's special offer. Just contact us at that's Pastor or call 877-544-4860 that's 877-544-4860 will have more on this special offer later in the program but now let's get started with today's teaching here is Alan Wright. Yeah, there can be pain to someone that we experience from the Lord, but it is not the kind of pain that we think of when we think of abusive parents and unjust laws and frustrations and anger in the world. All of that that we experience.

Sometimes we we we transpose those feelings onto God as if he is that way and he's not 11. I can't give you a list and say what here are the things it would be like punishment in here the things that might be the discipline of the Lord can't really give you a list like that because we walk in a unique relationship with God when I want you to see instead is the nature of God in the way that God speaks to us and what his heart is like and what you know his heart, and you know how good God is and you know what the sound of the voice of his love is like you can know if there is a loving expression of the discipline of the Lord versus the condemnation of the enemy. I may just be plain about that. I think sometimes people just because they experience something difficult in this world immediately start blaming God for it. I think God doesn't doesn't discipline in ways that even an earthly sinful parent wouldn't think of when you give my child cancer are destroying his life or do something to permanently hurt a child would do such a thing is that I just be honest with you and tell you candidly that I found over the years of walking with God. I'm almost hesitant to even say this because it's tender to me. And I'm also embarrassed to say that the time for the Lord's discipline may see a pattern to and it has been that the Lord is particularly mindful to help me and correct me if I ever miss use my words and this is increased in my life. You know there's some scriptures about the Lord holding teachers higher accountability and some of what I really feel this with my words and has not been just one time that this is happened to me just give you a recent example that I think was a discipline of the Lord and again it's unvarnished and I'm sorry you have to share. But I think I want you to know what discipline feels like I rarely do this but I was texting someone and we talked about another person in the tax, which is a terrible idea in the first place, unless it's something lovely that you're saying about, but I was sort of feeling egged on and some frustration, and so I sent back a text. It wasn't. It didn't have her saying it wasn't awful. Don't think the worst of the about it, but it was still something negative about the person and I don't have any idea how this happened. I have no idea. I sent the tax and I looked down and I hadn't sent it to the person I was gossiping with. I sent it to the person himself and was anything to do except just feel immediate severe pain in my soul. It wasn't one bit playful are funny to me at all.

I wept and swept because a lot of the person that I just spoke and negatively loved person and I did have a recourse to pick up the phone, you can't get a text back like you can't get your words back UK stuff words back down in your mouth.

Can you and Emily requested pick up the phone and beg forgiveness and tell him how much I love them and I dived at how how sorry and how.

Please forgive me and the kindness of God leads to repentance and this brother said Alan, this kind of thing happens and understand and all of you to and you're forgiven we shall not speak of it again tag often wept. A bit more that I may not feel like something severe to you but it is to me because Lord spoke to me and that I might learn how could this have happened is even happen since I cannot do that and I feel the Lord say to me, I have anointed the words of your mouth to bring blessing occurs. I felt the discipline the Lord give me cancer. Take away my child just corrected me and you have the best discipline. By the way parents the best discipline you can actually structure for a child is something that is not too severe, but I sure lets the child feel the consequences of their action is felt for a moment the consequences of my actions speak words that are life and it hurt somebody just because you thought you did in the darkness got understand the Lord sign on your not doing it in the darkness. Your words matter and that mouth of yours is cut one purpose in this work. I don't like that feeling.

But however God for it but I don't think the something awful and evil comes along your life in a hurricane hit your house or cancer comes in your home. God's disciplining you he loves you.

You recognize the voice of the Lord that's what you want to do here is the difference between condemnation of hell and the conviction the sweet conviction of the Holy Spirit. The devil shames and condemns. But God gives grace and conviction together. Condemnation Oro worldly grief. Paul calls it says you are a mistake but conviction the godly grief, the conviction of the Holy Spirit says you made a mistake, but you can change and you can grow condemnation says because you've done something wrong here last loved. That's what we've always too much experienced in this culture sometimes in our own homes and sometimes from other trusted authorities feels like because I've done something wrong and does not love this much that's condemnation. God never does that, for the conviction of the Holy Spirit says because you are so I want to correct you about this condemnation will make you afraid of punishment and so you'll be driven away from God, but conviction of the Holy Spirit always wants to draw you toward sin. If you ever feeling that you are afraid and wanting to get away from God.

You are not hearing from God, and that is not the discipline of the Lord that his accusation and condemnation of hell I'll tell you that condemnation from hell will make you feel doomed if you're feeling doomed by mistake that you've made. If you're making you getting the assumption that is disqualifying you. If it is making you get focused on your past rather than hell tomorrow. You can improve if it's making you feel less hope in your life that is not from God. God is a God of hope, abounding in hope and he has no interest in his children feeling doomed by their past mistakes.

The conviction of the Holy Spirit will correct you, and you may feel the sting of remorse for your sin, you will feel so hopeful at the same time a member when I was called to the ministry.

I was a senior in college and I was not even praying about it. I was planning my life without even asking God what he wanted me to do in my life and I had a call moment in ministry that some of you heard me share many times and I began to weep and I wept and I felt the presence of the holy God of the cosmos in my little dormitory room and I just I just I just was weeping and in the midst of it. I asked Saul that my sin and my selfishness was before me and I heard the voice of God, in the midst of it saying I love you and you know I'm calling you to the ministry. Don't you and I said yes and I would just say in that moment. I've never felt more remorse over my selfishness and I never felt more hopeful in my life. You can experience both the sting of remorse and profound hope.

At the same time and that's God. But where there's hopelessness. That's hell fly in the world we ever want to refuse the sweetness and the beauty and the power of the truth of God's correction when he loves this morning we love ourselves. And he knows what's best for us if you get a hold of a good teacher what you do you eagerly listen I told you a few weeks back I hopped into the in the mountains and and took watercolor lessons. I've never paid a watercolor my life. The lady teaching. It is a pro for 35 years of professional watercolor artists. She was fantastic she was sweet she was loving was horrible at watercolor. I had no idea what I was doing and she came over and stood next to me and she said now on I see you know I'm doing this gazebo sorta on Lake Susan in Montreat is that here now pay attention to the light and see where the shadows coming not on the water, but these very important shadows under the gazebo itself that are giving it depth and dimension. I said thank you. What else can you tell me I was this close to saying, could you take the paintbrush out of my hand to get hold of a good teacher what you want, tell me more tell me more. What else can you show me because I am a child and I don't know what I'm doing here. I need some help with this. Don't be afraid of God. God loves you and he's not going to condemn you perfect love casts out fear.

John said in his first epistle and the reason you can be confident in this beloved is because Jesus came and took the punishment on your behalf right will have more teaching from today's important series. Something is holding you back if you lack an important scene that could change everything. Is there someone you love to stack them back child.

What's missing blessing on faith filled vision spoken over you can learn how to embrace the big who practice a blessing to pastor Alan Reitz knew but it's a blast, which quickly became an enzyme number one bestseller after 370s until now the hardcover book has only been available through retail sales this month right ministries once send you the book I think for your donation did this not only receive the best-selling but also receive a free session video place in which pastor Alan teaches how to blast and covers content not found in the video course includes a detailed study guide perfect for personal growth or small group discussion. Make your gift today and discovered the power to blast the gospel is shared when you get to Alan Wright Ministries. This broadcast is only possible because of listener financial support. When you get today.

We will send you a special offer. We are happy to send this to you as I thanks from Alan Wright Ministries, seven 877-544-4860 877-544-4861 come to our website pastor. Our Today's teaching now continues here once again is Alan writing the gospel does it say that God doesn't care about justice.

The gospel doesn't say that God doesn't want to punish sin know if there is a just world, then wrong should be punished and right should be rewarded, and God isn't just in the reason that you have any sense of justice is because the world was built on the foundation of the justice of God. Know the gospel doesn't say that God doesn't punish sin. The gospel says that God does punish sin and therefore he came in the person of Jesus Christ, so that sin could be punished in the sinless son of God.

This is what Isaiah prophesied in chapter 53. Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows, yet we esteemed him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities upon him with the chastisement that brought us peace and with his wounds we are healed. The punishment that should've been on as he prophesied instead was put upon the Messiah and first Peter echoed this in chapter 2, saying that he of Jesus committed no sin, neither was deceit found in his mouth when he was reviled. He did not revile in return when he suffered, he did not threaten, but continued entrusting himself to him who judges justly judges justly, he himself. Jesus bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness by his wounds you have been healed and this is better than most people think what most people think and they've heard the gospel put this way that the way God must be dealing with punishment is therefore it's like, let's imagine a young man has committed murder. He's been found guilty in the courtroom and the judge is getting ready to issue the death penalty when all of a sudden the son's weeping mother enters into the courtroom and pleads with the judge let me take the death tell me instead and the judge says okay and she is executed instead of the sun and we tend to think this is what God is done for us in Jesus. But this is not what God has done for us in Jesus. In the first place and that illustration. The mother is not sinless.

All have fallen short of the glory of God except for Christ. He was sinless he was perfect in every way that woman was not infinitely glorious and deserving of infinite blessing, but Christ was and is perfect sublime glorious beautiful and deserving of every blessing in the cosmos. He earned it. The mother and that illustration doesn't actually take this in #she might sit in the executioner's chair.

She might take the needle or the gas in his behalf, but she doesn't take his sin. The sun still bears his sin.

The sun would walk out of the room with his send the same as it was before. He just wouldn't be punished for it. I want you to understand that God is done something much more for you in Jesus. Jesus became your sin when you accept Christ.

What happens is that by a mystical powerful miracle, God takes all of your sin from you and let sin be put into the person of Jesus Christ on the cross and they are your sin is crucified, and it leaves you therefore before God without your sin.

It means beloved that you are not just not punished. It means that you are forgiven, but it means not just that you are forgiven, but that you are transform because you see the illustration of the woman in the courtroom. There was no transformational power and what she did there was no a fact of her own shed blood, but the shed blood of the Lord Jesus. The Scripture says is powerful under your salvation. The shed blood of the Lord Jesus is powerful bungee redemption.

The shed blood of the Lord Jesus and his sacrifice means that there is therefore no sin counted against you and therefore you cannot be condemned because God is just and forgiving you because he has punished your sin, your sin is been punished in the person of the Lord Jesus. So there is no punishment that is left for you, beloved, if you are in Jesus Christ, you are holy you are clean you are set free, your God, you are an air you belong to God. You are a co-heir with Christ himself, your brothers and sisters to Jesus you're already seated in the heavenly's with him. God doesn't have punishment left for you. You can know that you can draw near to God no matter what, without fear. Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ. What would change in your life. If you started seeing God is the greatest teacher in the world who loves you infinitely and wants that absolute best for you at every moment, wouldn't you want every word from his mouth. When you want any correction he could bring in your life. And wouldn't it set you free this art recognizing that when that voice comes that condemning and accusing, you could quickly say that's just the voice of the devil, or of my own flash that's not the voice of God you can discern the voice of God. The promptings of the spirit and the sweet discipline of the Lord because it comes in law once you get that you become a lover of discipline because you're a lover of and that gospel love the way he puts it, there is the conclusion of this particular teaching the foolproof discipline of God in our greater series, foolproof. Please stay with us. Alan is back in the studio in just a moment sharing a parting good news thought for the day feel like something is holding you back as if you lack an important scene that could change everything. Is there someone you love hissing stack to help them out what's missing. Blessing on faith filled vision spoken over you can learn how to embrace the will practice a blessing to Pastor Alan writes new book, it's a blast, which quickly became an Amazon number one bestseller after 370s until now the hardcover book has only been available through retail sales this month right ministries once send you the I thank you for your demos did this not only receive the best-selling book also receive a free session video place in which Pastor Alan teaches how to blast and covers content not found in video course includes a detailed study guide perfect for personal growth or small group discussion. Make your gift today and discovered the power to blast the gospel is shared when you get to Alan Wright Ministries. This broadcast is only possible because of listener financial support.

When you get today. We will send you a special offer. We are happy to send this to you as I thanks from Alan Wright Ministries, seven 877-544-4860 877-544-4861 come to our website pastor at Gatwick by curing the studio Alan Wright with me and that I think you know obviously the foolproof discipline of God.

I love the way you put that even in her program in the day.

He said that this differently discipline and punishment and yell and how there is a difference between between God and us when it comes to earthly relationships and even parenting is does that penetrance in the same way will we what we are doing were raising or correcting Archuleta discipline more than upon exactly and we always teach parents don't punish her kids. Discipline them Up. Punishment is punitive. It is like okay we're needs to be justice in the world and so were going to bring about justice by punishment. That's what the criminal law system is designed to do. You all and the way God of gods, and he's a father and he's wanting to raise his children is wanting to grow us up is one of us to learn, know Daniel and saying I want to live with listeners today so so many Christians as soon as something bad, some suffering comes in their life. They think well know God's punishing me because I'm not been a good enough Christian that's what to say this one more time. When you accept Christ. Beloved God isn't mad at you he he will not in any real sense. He cannot punish you for your sins because it would be unjust to make two people pay for the same sense and Jesus has already paid for your sin. So God treats you like the love sons and daughters who never want to hurt you, was to teach help you to guide you and sometimes in order to learn the be things that are momentarily painful. But the discipline of the Lord is a wonderful gift, receive it, gladly, never run today's good news message is a listener supported production Alan Wright Ministries