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You're Holy [Part 2]

Alan Wright Ministries / Alan Wright
The Cross Radio
April 27, 2021 6:00 am

You're Holy [Part 2]

Alan Wright Ministries / Alan Wright

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Alan White, pastor, Bible teacher and author of his latest book, the power to bless what he really love his mercy and kindness and grace. God is a lover grace, not a lover of law or Alan Wright to another message of good news that will help you see your life in a whole new light.

I'm getting excited for you to hear the teaching today. In the series belonging to God as presented at renewal the church in North Carolina. If you're not able to stay with us throughout the entire program I want to make sure you know how to get our special resource right now. It can be yours for your donation this month to Alan Wright industries as you listen to today's message go deeper as we send you today's special offer. Contact us at or call 877-544-4860 877-544-4860. More on that later in the program but now let's get started with today's teaching here is Alan Kreis does the unthinkable. He gives the holy Brad David's men to start moving. Are you kidding me. It is really why most scandalous stories in the Old Testament that these men and let's just be honest about it. These guys have been living from cave to cave and they come in they are not good looking guys right now who in good condition and there are starving in the breeze. Given this bread is Jesus uses the story to read and view the Pharisees is going on here so here are the disciples of Jesus and there out in the field and they are like kids are just, you know, got in the cookie jar. They been out there on the Sabbath day doing what they're not supposed to do, plucking it often eaten so that you know I just imagine there they stand no Peter got granola bar coming down on side of his face. No John over there and he's still chewing on it. You know that's not culture punch in the Pharisees or sit there going look they've broken a wall and Jesus defended them and took all the attention off of them and he brought it to himself only on his Jesus is your defender.

The word Satan means accuser and there is always an accusation being leveled against you Christians that you are condemned under the law and Jesus your advocate has stepped in between is the end process for one who was between and he instead draws the attention unto himself. He says someone who is greater than the temple is here now and this is his way of saying that what you saw in the Old Testament Tabernacle and what you saw in the picture of the shewbread. What you saw and that holy place.

All that that you saw he saying something even greater than that is here now he is affirming that that was a foreshadowing of Jesus himself. He is remember the son of David.

He is the one who is come from the lineage of David. So David was a king but Jesus is the King of Kings. David was a shepherd. But Jesus is the good Shepherd. David was a worshiper. But Jesus is the ultimate intercessor and advocate. And so Jesus is saying the real David is here in the real Tabernacle is here. The real shewbread is here and he is moving to the discussion to a completely new place and then he adds into this a very very interesting quote. He says if you have no what this means, I desire mercy and not sacrifice then you would've not condemned the guiltless he saying to the Pharisees, you don't understand what Hosea prophesied you didn't get the message of Hosea and you're not getting the heart of God. We see Hosea was this incredible prophet who was given an unbelievably painful assignment. He was supposed to marry a prostitute.

So he married Gomer a woman of unfaithfulness. And God said, I want you to be married to a woman who is unfaithful to you. I want you to be married to a woman who has just sold herself to anybody I want you to know what it feels like to be an covenant with somebody that doesn't love you in return.

And yet I want you to go Hosea and I want to marry her how much you love her and the miracle. The story did you read Hosea is that not only was he deviance in a breathtaking way he went married this prostitute, Gomer, but he loved her. The prophet got to experience the heart of God because he couldn't help himself. He does a lot of this woman even though she didn't know how to practice covenantal faithfulness to him and God said, I want you to see this because then you can prophesy for me and Hosea was the one who prophesied the word of the Lord is I desire mercy is my favorite word has said it means covenantal love steadfast love.

It means kindness and mercy and lovingkindness.

All of this and it's a beautiful word it just it's the kind of love that comes only in a covenant seated and choice rooted in commitment not romantic love not love, it can come and go but this covenantal deep love of God said I desire what do I really love what does God really really love. I love cats and not sacrifice that he had given them the tabernacle. He given the brazen altar he'd given them all this time so that the people could at least temporarily have their conscience cleansed, they could bring their sacrifice and know that I am guilty but right now.

An innocent one. This animal is going to pay for my sin, and so was a temporary covering is always a gift from God as a people would make their sacrifices and people would do these things so that they could be considered ceremonially worthy and so was a gift to the people. But what God was saying through Hosea all those years before Christ, seek God hasn't change. He's always been a God who desires Said he's never been a God who loves this system of sacrifice, and if he doesn't love that didn't ever love that it was just a temporary provision for the people. But what he really loves his Hasid mercy and kindness and grace. God is a lover of grace, not a lover of law. God is a lover of grace and his Jesus on his days, and if you'd understood anything about Hosea, you would not be try to condemn these disciples that Jesus called guiltless that day, seek, beloved, if you're going to be in the holy place and handle the holy things and be called to a holy purpose, says there's really only one part of two ways. If you're going to approach this in. One is to say, well, I'm just not holy enough. John disqualified I will do holy things or if you don't go the way of rebellion. You can go the way of religion in the way of religion is a say. I'm not holy as I am. But if you give me the list of things to do and tell me what it means to be holy. Then I will do my level best to keep those commitments and do those holy things so that I will be worthy to come into the presence of God and what Jesus is saying is that neither of those will ever work and neither will please the Lord. Talent right will have more teaching moment from today's important series announcing for 99 days in a row. Someone tells you, I love you I'll never forsake when you feel cherished. The what would happen if I'm hundreds day that same person. Sad that showing a cut enough for me to measure up on the Colletti anymore. When that one day contaminate the meaning of the other 99 days when 1% of conditional love poison. The other 99% which is 1% of lies enough to spoil grace instead of locking introducing unlimited capacity for fear if I don't measure up. When my having rejected when the Judaizers infiltrated the Galatian church a possible policy outraged and read a letter that describes the essence of the gospel of grace and why it must not be mixed with any form of Alan Reitz 12 message ideas series trumpets the power of the gospel in order to set you free, and empower you with pure grace. It's called Galatians and asked the gospel discover the purity and power the grace of God. When you make your gift to Alan Wright ministry said I will send you pastor outlines messages in an attractive CD album with your digital download as our way of saying thanks for your partnership. Now these are the final days.

This offer is being made available to you this month. Call us at 877-544-4860 877-544-4861 come to our website pastor. Our Today's teaching now continues your once again is Alan running.

We came back from a trip to Salt Lake City. Recently we had a mission team that went to learn about Mormonism shared the gospel with people in the Mormon faith got to spend time with Christians who come out of Mormonism and just encourage them to some estimates.

The evangelical Christian evangelical population Selleck city is as little as 1% are not that many Christians are in the Salt Lake City area. Most people Mormon and lots and lots of unchurched people. We had a very fruitful fruitful trip and I learned a whole lot about Mormonism and in perhaps if you have some connection with Mormonism or someone that you your your life may be many Americans even Christians in America did it come to think of it is like another Christian denomination, and in fact is interesting that the Mormon church really wants to try to publicize itself as is Christian but their beliefs are completely antithetical to Christianity or make they have the Bible, and I have a book of Mormon, but the system is come up completely antithetical to to Christianity. So don't say this anyway to to mock people for what they believe anything that I think is important is to see what this distinction is and I do so by way of illustration because we visited Salt Lake City. You can see there this magnificent Mormon Temple there about 157 temples around the world.

The Mormon church and it is absolutely a this is a it's a magnificent structure and next to it is a conference center that, amongst other things, has within it a 21,000 seat auditorium were the Mormon Tabernacle choir sayings and everything is pristine of multiple Square people really really nice and and and all of this.

But here's the thing we took a tour of the conference center. You can go in the temple and in our our guide was a really nice man. I take about seven years old sweet guy and we enjoyed talking to them was a former Baptist and we were very gracious to him. He was very gracious to some, he knew we were Christians. But we were we were trying to confront him.

We're just trying to learn what we once stood on the rooftop of the conference center so expansive that it has literally a forest on it has grass and fountains and trees were looking out at that glorious Temple and was to tell us a bit more about what is required to go into the temple, and he was kind enough to show us his card his temple recommend card. It's called and you have to be recommended by Bishop and in the ward of the Mormon church to be temple worthy and if you will agree to the word of wisdom that you won't use alcohol, you won't use tobacco and you won't drink hot drinks like tea or coffee and if you commit to give 10% of all your income to the church if you will keep yourself worthy, then the bishop can recommend you to be worthy to go into the temple. I was looking on the LDS website to read some about being temple worthy just give you a couple highlights from this.

Again, I'm not trying to mock you know somebody else's belief system. I'm doing at all. I just am trying to point out make illustration of what is so distinctive about the Christian gospel.

A lot of people don't to help distinct and absolute radical what were talking about today is but compared to this. Here's from the Mormon website and the temples.

Members of the church to make themselves eligible because there who make themselves eligible. What I'm trying to say to is that the spirit of religion always says you need to do something to qualify yourself but what Christianity says is you can't do enough. There's no way so we needed Jesus to make us eligible. That is the distinction to make themselves eligible can participate in the most exalted of the redeeming ordinances that have been revealed to mankind what the Christian gospel says is that you could never make yourself worthy, but through simple childlike trust in Jesus Christ, you are counted as worthy because of the perfect righteousness of Jesus and the debt that he paid through his own death.

Therefore, when you do the most exalted ordinances of the church like take the Lord supper together. It has in no sense, it hasn't in no way depended upon your own righteousness or worthiness.

You do not, and you cannot make yourself eligible to participate in something like the Lord supper or baptism or any other thing prayer and the laying on of hands.

You can't but I'm just saying look at this whole spirit, there continues in a sacred ceremony dogma in the temple.

An individual may be washed and anointed, and instructed and endowed and sealed it is paused and said you see this you have to agree have an interview with the Bishop agrees all of these laws make sure that you pay 10%. Absolutely you can't drink coffee and then the bishop can recommend you and then you can go to the temple and be washed what the Christian gospel says is that you could never make yourself clean. So don't even try to just bring your dirty self. David's ragtag men, sweaty cave dwellers and just come to where you dog belong and don't deserve to be there and because of an act of the grace of God has said eat the holy bread.

The text of this Mormon website says come to the temple is not now come soon.

Pray fervently set your lives in order save whatever you can in hopes that that day may come start now that sometimes very difficult and discouraging journey of repentance. The temple transforms the individual and makes abundantly worthwhile. Any efforts made to get there and this hostess sweet man who took us all around the conference and we graciously had conversation with him and stood there looking at the temple I was there when you got a do to be worthy to get the temple and he told us the same thing. And as we shook his hand and left. He said that when you go back to North Carolina. Be sure and tell everybody we are Christian I'm not mocking it. I'm pointing out a distinctiveness and saying that there are Christians who think that you have to somehow keep at least a small list of things to make yourself worthy to come into the presence of God. And I'm saying to you if there's even one thing that you have to do to make yourself worthy than your disqualified because the scales of justice cannot be balanced out by anything we do. Think of it this way. Let's imagine that there is someone who is cruelly and capriciously murdered and a convenience store heist and the time comes that that thief and murderer is on trial and you are a family member of the one who had been murdered and that murderer is given a life sentence and someone is yelling out. It should be the death penalty and you're wondering if you give the death penalty to the murderer are the scales of justice balanced. Of course not, because your loved one was innocent and was murdered. This is a thief and a murderer. You can't punish this person enough to bring that scaled-back canyon.

You can't the crime was too heinous. The innocence too much. You can never balance that you must understand this if you're really going to grasp what Jesus is saying I desire has said, mercy, love, kindness, forgiveness, not sacrifice, he saying the offense against God is too great.

The purity and holiness of God to wonderful you could never do anything to balance it out.

You could never make that scale balance, which means you could never handle the holy things you could never be temple worthy. You could never be justified in God's presence without Jesus to be a priest according to the book of Exodus, you had to be born into Aaron's family had to be born in the right family and then you had to be ceremonially washed, then you had to put on the priest clothing and then you had to be anointed what Jesus is saying on this wonderful day as his disciples are seemingly call red-handed breaking the law of the Sabbath he saying of the new temples here and these are my priests, because when you become a Christian your born-again into the family of God, you're born into the priestly family. It's your new lineage you are of Jesus. And when you're born in this family you come in justified by God's grace washed, washed clean by the forgiving cleansing blood of the Lord Jesus and you are dressed in the priestly garment, but it is that figurative garment of the righteousness of Jesus Christ you where the clothing of Jesus's righteousness is given to you a mantle around your shoulders and you are anointed with the Holy Spirit. What this means beloved is that you're just like the priest, but even more so your holy, so go ahead and the holy Vanessa Goss Allen running in today's teaching your holy go ahead and eat the bread. It's from the teaching belonging to God. Allen is back in a moment with additional insight on this for your life in our final word today announcing for 99 days in a row. Someone tells you, I love you I'll never forsake when you feel cherished. The what would happen if I'm hundreds day that same person.

Sad that sugar get enough. Any measure abound think I love you anymore. When that one day contaminate the meaning of the other 99 days when 1% of conditional love poison.

The other 99% will just 1% of lies enough to spoil grace instead of locking introducing unlimited capacity for fear if I don't measure up.

When my having rejected when the Judaizers infiltrated the Galatian church a pass. Apollo is outraged and read a letter that describes the essence of the gospel of grace and why it must not be mixed with any form of Allen rights, 12 message idea series trumpets the power of the gospel in order to set you free empower you with pure grace. It's called Galatians and asked the gospel discover the purity and power the grace of God. When you make your get to Allen Wright ministries today will send you pastor's message is an attractive CD album with your digital download as our way of saying thanks for your partnership. These are the final days. This offer is being made available to you this month.

Call us at 877-544-4860 877-544-4861 come to our website pastor out and got work and I know you talked about this couple days ago.

This really does seem to hit me in a way of saying that you know sin is bad when I can sugarcoat everything but at the same time you don't sit there and well I think that I think sin can have a bigger effect when it kinda derails you and get you folk your focus off God exactly instead of just repentance and get back on the road think that they know this was what Paul talked about Romans.

He wants us to see that we been freed from sin right and you will buy but I still sin. How can I be free from sin.

Well you free in the sense you don't have to send and something is changed and that's it. So we so will would today's message.

We're like priests. While I think the more literally you understand that the more that you see that in the old covenant, the priest we were born in the right family.

They were washed ceremonially. They were closed properly and they were anointed one is overseeing the day is this is what time for us. But even greater ends in a spiritual way. There were born into the family of God and we are washed by the blood of Jesus, clothed with Jesus own righteousness and we are anointed with the Holy Spirit and I just encourage or listen just to think of your life this way. See yourself whether you are a brand-new Christian he been a Christian for over 50 years you you are a priest and and it was what was understood to be one of those wonderful privileges imaginable. The old covenant is now the privilege of every single believer in Jesus Christ.

Today's good news message is a listener supported production Allen Wright ministries