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I Hope So, No More Condemnation [Part 1]

Alan Wright Ministries / Alan Wright
The Cross Radio
April 28, 2020 1:00 am

I Hope So, No More Condemnation [Part 1]

Alan Wright Ministries / Alan Wright

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April 28, 2020 1:00 am

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What we need right now is hope because of adherence sharing the light we've chosen to bring out one of our most requested vintage series. I hope so. From Pastor Alan Wright when he was so much certainty of our future blessedness so not sure that we cannot be rejected by God so much security and the favor poured out upon our life that causes us no matter what were going to live as a people author and Bible Allen right welcome to shearing the light of program of healing and hope shearing.

The good news of God is done for us in Jesus Christ.

I am Daniel Britt eager for you to hear Allen's message in a series called I hope so they can from the pulpit at Minolta church in Winston-Salem North Carolina. If you want to know more about. I hope so listen up next year on shearing the light did Allen writes daily shearing. The light devotional when you sign up it shearing the and stay with us at the end of today's broadcast for a special offer to help you in your spiritual life. Now with today's teaching is Allen right. Romans chapter 8 verse one my whole life. Romans eight verse one the entire world has been groaning waiting for Romans eight verse one all of history has been pointing to the announcement of Romans.

I verse one. Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, whom I will just say hello. You go home, therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. That's all I need today).

The greatest news we could ever imagine. Springing off of these pages coming looking for home in our hearts is a truth so daring so great, so complete that transforms all of life of flesh and blood cannot reveal this truth to us. So I ask you Lord, would you anoint the word, by the power and presence of the Holy Spirit and revealed by the spirit.

What can only be understood by the spirit that we would be delivered released and empowered always in Jesus night a man you can look at life through the lens of a perspective that shapes how you see it can be seen in many different ways.

I was riding on the road at Abby and Bennett Makar rural road last week and we are I don't how to screw quiet for a moment and then at 14 also observed that there was a house had a fire hydrant in the front yard and I for some reason he just recalled out this admin not be terrible to have a fire right there and Millie are and I think it was so bad about that last of us think of a pretty good, and then Gabriella Danielle said I don't think you be so bad and we started laughing as to how we all reviewing this accident was so bad about it. When you remember he's my lawn man and he said well I was just thinking about what a pain it is you have to mow around the fire. The only thing he saw and it basically said what's good about us. All was good about it. I said as I mean, if you house caught on fire and the fire truck came, they would have to go around looking for five minutes right there, my Savior house. Just think about the safety and well-being of the family and so Abby, what what was on your mind. Why do you think it might be good and she started chuckling together. Abby is our animal lover and she said I just think about how much we see would love having a fire in life we look at adversities as well as prions, but especially the difficult times or are times of grief and loss when things don't go the way we thought and we are going to look at those through the lens and that lens may be the lens of condemnation and for the vast majority there is some admixture of a sense of condemnation because we tend to when something goes wrong, we tend to feel condemned and it why would God if he's there. Why would he bring ass and then if you believe in God tend to think that in some way. God must be condemning me and from that we derive the idea that were not blessed the lens of the gospel is the lens of hope, which stands in direct contrast to the spirit of condemnation the lens of hope is not wishful thinking that somehow will escape the adversities of life, but it is instead an inward bliss and serenity that has grown absolutely confident of future blessedness and the future blessedness is therefore to us and evidence that we are currently blessed. I've used the image of the child at Christmas. Help me see this if it little girl says I hope I get a pony for Christmas. That's wishful thinking. It is especially if she doesn't live on a farm.

Her parents are going get her a pony and see this as I hope I get a pony.

We tend to use the word hope as I wish that it would come to pass, but I doubt that it will. That is not what hope is. According to Scripture, but hope instead in the Scripture is a little girl who's excited on Christmas Eve and you say, what are you so excited about desire, because tomorrow is Christmas.

Of course I don't know everything that's in every box I don't know everything that I'm to get for Christmas but I know that tomorrow is Christmas and so the delight the serenity. The anticipation that keeps a child awake with joy.

On Christmas Eve because Christmas is most definitely coming, that is his hope and but Paul has been communicating in Romans 5678 is a message of unfettered hope wherein he is building up to Romans eight verse one where he wants us to know that our hope is Christians is just like the little girl on Christmas Eve.

We may not have all the blessing in hand. Now we may not have it manifest yet but we are to live with so much certainty of our future blessedness so much assurance that we cannot be rejected by God so much security and the favor that's been poured out upon our life that causes us no matter what were going through.

To live as a people of profound hope and and sometimes we go through very difficult things and sometimes we go through gloriously wonderful things but the characteristic of the life that's immersed in the gospel is one that is of of N-word confidence in blessedness and therefore even we grieve even we cry when doing so is a people who have no hope or confidence were not when I'm grieving and were not without looking upon our adversities as though it is a picture of our condemnation, but instead what we can see in Romans chapter 8 is a positive. You can become so convinced of your blessedness in Christ because of what Christ has done for you who you are in Christ that even when you go through difficulties it will be nothing more to you then like the travail of a woman in labor who may go through the difficulty of it, but it is merely a sign that there is that of of extreme blessedness is coming into your life so that in many ways. What Paul is been saying in Romans 567.

Probably all of Romans, but especially 567 is why he comes to Romans 81 and says therefore based on everything that I have communicated with you. I am now making the announcement because of all of that. Therefore I can announce based on all of that that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ, we say that I want you to get this because hope will cause you to partake of the blessing. It is not yet manifested, you will live. This is this is a child in December. Waiting on Christmas you live as though you have the same joy now. The thrill, the serenity, the all of that is as as real as when the gift is manifested you. In other words, the other words you are your expectancy, get it is giving you this the taste you're partaking you're partaking of your blessing that you may not have it all enhanced and and how does that is incredible incredible to think about all December as if it's Christmas day but it's only Christmas Day. One day and and and ineffective some things about living in home plate is almost more vibrant than then the Christmas Day itself I mean I had a good Christmas and new. I didn't know what I mean. This they can also get that Nike for hybrid because you know who needs irons engulfed but anyway I saw in there tinkering around the Internet looking for the use golf club playing in the bay, and on and on my panties. You didn't have to make. I didn't know for sure but I think that I got it expectancy then get it and then focuses you hold it in your head. I'll go play with you know you want to play with the toy and that is fun to play with the toy I don't know which is better the playing with the toy does the whole of getting the toy. It is your partaking of the substance of future blessing now and that causes the condition of the soul to be one of incredible hope and and and that's why that's why sometimes we are crazy you know that's why sometimes we cry and yet we just hope and sometimes we laugh and were going through horrible things and why do you like that is because I don't see my life as condemned. I see it is blessed. This is huge. That's valid listening to shearing the line will have more teaching in a moment. Today's series felt as a candidate for Christmas stockings hung by the fireplace is waiting to be filled colorful packages just waiting to be ripped open the wonderful feeling when you're certain that something that is coming and there's a word for that posture of high health, physical health is about how in the sky doing that certainty left future child sized home for Christmas knots. Wishful thinking that if a child size many different Christmas, but I know it's gonna be good models have if you want me to fax hope Pastor Alan Wright thing.

Amazing exploration of the Bremen's final six 712 message CD album called I hope so delve deep into the writers of grace. We have the scatter watermark can see you or deliver you discover how hope can fix you fleeing missing her mouth on its Pastor Alan ICBM maybe it's time for you to feel like a kid at Christmas.

Again gospel is shared when you get to shearing the right. This bypass is only possible because of recent financial support were in the final days of this special offer being made available to you Collis at 877-544-4860 or come to my website sharing the right leg listening to shearing the lighting in today's teaching them to you. Once again Allen right.

If you are in Christ and your living under a stance of condemnation is because hell hath persuaded you to condemn yourself, because God has set you free. We prayed before our service and I felt God spoke to me and said today is the day it is a day for you to come out from under self-condemnation is a day to be separate and there's nothing to prevent that falling all this out and said that is, we came through chapter 6 and seven. This is not a message that is somehow glossing over sin. A lot of people in their attempt to be full of grace to sort of gloss over sin on our act as author and all of us know you can't do that. That doesn't make sense because we have foolishness and our lives.

If sin still in our lives, and it does have destructive possibilities and so Paul laid out that there's a battle between the flesh and the spirit and that battle is very real and if you he said in Galatians, if you so to the sinful nature from the sinful nature, you make you will is this is not to have hope and say there's no condemnation is not to say that we do not need to have strong warnings about the dangers of sin and the dangers of falling that is just the case I believe in our arm arm my baby boy has taken driver's ed last. Those who would together drivers education and thank you where to go right but he's taken it and take a moment to say nothing. What you learn and it did the same thing they did when Latin drivers education them when you took it and I was there they taught him some of the also spent a good bit of time showing movies scary, sad movies are Bennett does not like sad stories and they would every day. My show some parents try their teenage daughter who was a straight a student and had her whole life in front of her careless driving these things went on and on. Bennett finally said he just felt like crying out and say okay okay I'll never go more than 2 miles an hour so many more movies but I was driving off in the class and as I was walking out and on the teachers made his first statement to the glass. He said you're about to embark on the most dangerous thing you'll do in your life is, I did tell Keller talk glad that here's some warnings like that because not advocating for folly not advocating for sin were not not saying to our kids, go ahead. Just play the middle of the street and repeat yourself. I hope I don't have our car that's all I hope this were not saying you know don't worry about it car you know is not dangers your blast to go ahead and text, eat a sandwich bit with the radio and kicks him off the floor while you're driving your car not saying that right saying is that folly has consequences. Sin nature has its consequences and the because we know that things get a little mired little tricky thousand. How can we talk about. There's no condemnation, and yet we know that somehow got to be some punishment to be some rules conviction guidelines think it's a little tricky and because of sin, that doesn't lacks wisdom in nature and society in the heart the family wherever it might be in our desperation to get our children to be better.

We do introduce the idea of potential rejection and condemnation and then society reinforces that message. We take the child. It is so full of hope, because Christmas is coming and yet we want that child would be a good boy or good girl. We realize that because hope is so powerful tool we could take your hope, introduce some rules into it and use that to get you to try harder to be good little girl is just got unfettered hope about Christmas that's coming and we see that that's what we do is harness that deal. So we write songs for that little girl we tell her I know you got hope. Christmas is coming, but you better watch out you better not cry you better not count.

I'm telling you why Santa Claus is coming to you can have to do business with Santa when he comes the know when you're away those in your sleeping nose when you been good that you better be good because he can very easily with one stroke of the pen take the office good lesson but John is not a lesson just like that and reinforce it.

We take a new mall put them on Santa me there trembling, crying, trembling, but doing it because hey if you need more presence, it's worth it and first thing Santa says is have you been a good little girl yeah she said that they can vote, although probably between now and Christmas all probably yell at my brother and I'll probably forget my bad it might not think the dog I'm kind of analyses that will sort of that is can be greatly Christmas is coming. But what if I mess up when final rules and I'm not a good girl and and I may not get fully blessed.

Not my blessed masses depends upon me the following the law. The law has been introduced into my home. So this means that the law is anti-hope because we can keep the law.

Paul is explaining this in Romans six and seven. The law was good is not a lost fault that we sin, but the law has proven that we have sin and fall short and so if we live by the law. We will be condemned by the law and so if you want to disturb someone's hope and contaminated introduce some law which goes far to explain why Paul is laying out logically in Romans six and seven, the gospel, so that he can get the Romans 81. His wife is laying this out very clearly elucidating this kernel of powerful truth that the law was fulfilled in Jesus Christ and that he took the whole penalty for all who disobey the law so that the system of the law could expire and be superseded by the covenant of grace and if so wanted us to see how this is possible through the sacrifice of Christ and the exchange is taken place on the cross wanted to see it was really get that so that when he finally comes around to say therefore that it makes sense to us and we can cite no I'm getting right shearing the line in today's teaching no more condemnation you felt as a candidate for the Christmas stockings hanging by the fireplace is waiting to be filled colorful packages just waiting to be ripped open the wonderful feeling when you're certain something that is coming and there's a word for that posture of high biblical hope is about how in the sky doing it's about certainty left future child size home for Christmas.

That's wishful thinking that if a child size many different Christmas that I know it's going to be good models have if you to fax hope Pastor Alan Wright thing. Amazing exploration of Bremen's final six is a 12 message CD album called I hope Sam delve deep into the writers of grace. We have the scatter watermark and save heal or deliver to discover how hope can fix you fleeing and missing a mouth on CD album. Maybe it's time for you to feel like it Christmas again gospel is shared when you get teaching right this bypass is only possible because of recent financial support were in the final days of this special offer being made available to you, at 877-544-4860 or come to my website sharing the right leg Allen when we live with such a profound hope will it cause the world to notice the difference in the finance questions affix out what we don't do are the world any good and in our witness is only hindered if we live under a sense of condemnation.

I think what people are hungry for really is actually when they see someone who, though, like any humans may still stumble and fall but doesn't live under this binding sense of condemnation and a constant fear that I'm not measuring up every human soul is longing for some sweet freedom wherein we could know that were actually truly finally accepted, and so how could someone's see that and not want that always encouraged to hear from you whether you visit or call 877 like 60 again shearing the.OR G or call 8770 IG HT 60 get Allen writes daily shearing the devotional in your inbox each morning when you sign up shearing the non-who Archie this is been sharing the light Allen right a listener supported production shearing the