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Blessed to Be Secure [Part 3]

Alan Wright Ministries / Alan Wright
The Cross Radio
March 29, 2021 6:00 am

Blessed to Be Secure [Part 3]

Alan Wright Ministries / Alan Wright

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Alan Wright Ministries
Alan Wright
Alan Wright Ministries
Alan Wright

Pastor, author and Bible teacher Alan Wright the answer is not to withhold the blessing so that then they'll try harder. All that does is it creates more insecurity and they act more like an orphan. We want them to act like an air like an air you need to know yourself as an that's pastor another message of good news that will help you see your life in a whole new light. I'm being excited for you to hear the teaching today. In the series.

Power to bless taken from Pascarella's book of the same title is presented in an old church in North Carolina. I want to make sure you know how to get our special resource right now. It can be yours for your donation this month to Alan Wright Ministries as you listen to today's message go deeper as we send you today's special offer.

Contact or call 877-544-4860 that's 877-544-4860. More on that later in the program but now let's get started with today's teaching here is Alan Wright. Sometimes you find yourself just holding onto the book and clinging to the promises you walk with God long enough to be times when it is clinging to the promises, knowing that he is coming when we when we feel like orphans and people around us feel like orphans.

What we don't need the Bible to become just another rulebook about how we should act. It really is more a picture book of the beautiful pictures about who our family is who our father is and where were headed its accrual Jess Martin Luther King Jr. said the Saito bootless man they got to lift himself by his own bootstraps. So Schiff and Zeni. They they waited for their boots and held onto their book and to the promises. It was interesting, and fitting that Jan Jane said they picked up Schiff and Zeni on Easter Monday, the day after resurrection. 2008 and all that the kids had on him with a close on their back in the photo album and Jay laughed and said, an orphan is said and when you get them some new clothes would like you to send those close back. I would like to note that when you come into the family of God. You do not come with any of your own goods and none of your own righteousness.

Isaiah prophesied. I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my soul shall result in my God, for he has clothed me with the garments of salvation, you come in naked and you get clothed with the righteousness of Jesus so they had to wait a few days before they could get all the paperwork and get out of the country and so they had to go stay in a hotel so they took these four-year-old orphans to the Sheraton and Addis Ababa. They had never seen green grass before, much less had they seen a hotel like this with this lovely fountain and a giant swimming pool in the back which they never seen. It was interesting. Jay say Jane said with all of that stuff there. They were mostly fascinated with the elevator buttons and just kept pushing. I guess blessing is like taking Ethiopian twins to see their first green long or refreshing pool. And when you bless your words are painting pictures of others lives that are more glorious than any marbled hotel are painting a picture of the spiritual riches that are in Christ Jesus. During all those long months of waiting, the staff at the orphanage often would sit down with Schiff and Zeni and look at the picture book and they would say this is your new home in America and so when the twins came, they really only knew the words poppy and America and so it was really cute. Jay said when they finally made the long trip back and pulled off in front of their lovely house that Schiff just stood in the front lawn and went America he would find out there's more to America than that lovely house or neighborhood, and that freedom and an honor and grace will be lavished into his life. Schiff and Zeni went our preschool and in and they grew up in our neighborhood and it's a beautiful it's a beautiful thing when a love comes and get you like that is so Jake up adopted. He wanted to assure them that they were secure. A lot of people have thought over the years and centuries that for some reason it's better to withhold, blessing, love and affirmation because they're afraid that it would go to a child's head, the opposite is true. We don't become self-absorbed because we are secure in love opposite happens. Tim Keller put it so well. You only think about your big toe.

If your big toe is hurting a lot. You don't think about and you don't think about your ego unless your ego is hurting people that have to think about themselves. Self absorption are actually insecure, not vice versa. The secure person does anyone spend time thinking about hammers your secure you can think about others going out. The Lord there is a big study in the mid-20th century from Harry Harlow.

It proved that.

Well, it proved that all the ideas that had been up to that point for parents that had been advised not to overly coddle their kids so they could toughen up their kids were there just weren't true. There it was very interesting and controversial experience. They took a rhesus baby rhesus monkeys and they didn't they didn't they didn't have their actual mother. They just have surrogate mothers that were basically made a wire and some of them were just wire and some were wire that were covered with soft cloth. So that leaves when the baby monkey would, but it would feel the softness and was very interesting. They would take the wire only mother and put milk with it and then they had the soft surrogate mother with no milk and on the whole, the rhesus mutt babies preferred soft mother. Even though there was no milk and they said that when they would take the babies away from these surrogate mothers and let them be away for three days. It didn't toughen up the little monkeys instead they became insecure, afraid and clinging, and this just began to rattle all the ideologies of the day, and psychologist began to say, wait a minute. You don't create security by less contact comfort of a baby and that's when it really began to change course. The Bible has always said this, I learned to trust in my mother's breasts.

I became a confident, secure soul when I was loved. So what we want to do is want to bless people so that they become more secure and this is to say that we are in a sense, not literally adopting but we are partnering with God to release the spirit of adoption. The mentality of adoption and if you blessing someone who is not yet a believer is not blessing them as one who has been adopted, but one who can be adopted. One who God wants Missy. So the blessing for someone it doesn't know Jesus yet is essentially to say God loves you infinitely and nothing can ever stop them from loving you is traveled all this distancing won't you, that's a blessing for the child of God.

We are joining in with what Paul says in Romans 815. You did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption as sons by whom we cry, Abba, father the Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs and heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ. You see the. The first ministry of the Holy Spirit. After we are born again is to bear witness to our spirit that were children of God, that you been adopted. Roman adoption is something we know a whole lot about have spoken about it in past sermons because of just Indians institutes, we know very very much about what it was like in the first century so we know exactly what Paul's imagery is here in in first century Rome, an affluent family that had no air might want to adopt a grown son to be in error and often it was a slave that they had affection for adoption was the only way that a slave could come into what was called the pot to protest us power of the father so adoption was to bring a slave into the power of the father. The primary motivation is to carry on the family name and the inheritance any property or debt that the one who's been adopted had previously is completely forgiven. Once their adopted owed the whole world.

Everything, but when you get adopted by new father all that debt was canceled, according Roman law and you lost all legal standing with any previous family because you are now totally legally member of the new family and the Roman law allowed a father to disown her biological son, Roman law did not have any provision for a father to ever disown an adopted son, and all of that, the forgiveness of debt taken on of full new legal entity and the assurance you can never be disowned is all the background of what it means to be an adopted child of God that everyone of your debts. All of your sin is completely forgiven than matter how great it is when you're adopted it's gone and you have you have been severed from the kingdom of darkness in the world and you taken an identity with the new family. And that's who you are is who you are, whether you're feeling out whether you're living it. Whatever, but that is you are in the family of God and as such, you will never be disowned. Hallelujah in talent right will have more teaching moment from today's important series inspiration and practical help to grasp is that in conjunction with the excitingly suppressed Allen's new book, the power to classically put together some tools to get you started on the journey of speaking life empowering the people you that the toolkit includes a message of Pastor Alan's recent sermon on the mysterious passing from the gateway to understanding the power of all blessing also included in the kit is a booklet with a list of scriptures can be spoken directly expressing blessing scriptures and product pricing can easily access them for specific situations when you make your gift right ministries this month will happily send you the power to bless toolkit is our way of saying thanks for your partnership resources are available for immediate digital download or available in CD and a partner with and be inspired and equipped to bless someone's life to the gospel is shared when you get Alan Wright Ministries.

This broadcast is only possible because of listener financial support.

We are in our final days of offering the special product. We are happy to send this to you as I thanked him Alan Wright Ministries, seven 877-544-4860 877-544-4861 come to our website teaching you once again is God's traveled far too great a distance to just turn his back on you because you're having a bad day and so we bless people so they'll be more secure. We bless people so that they know themselves to be heirs rather than orphans is so much can be said about this but I just jotted down a few notes about the contrast between the way the orphan heart speaking figuratively compared to the heart of an air and let me just give you a few of these you can chew on this but for the orphan that they tend to grasp at things as if there just won't be anymore. Most of the adoptive parents ever talk to that, especially when they've adopted internationally like the helpings did the kids that are four years older. Some like that that they're so used to be in an orphanage where they didn't have their own stuff and everything shared soon as I get something that's like they need to hold onto it so there's this classic behavior of hoarding and I talked to parents. You know I got one friend who adopted internationally, and his little boy love little toy cars and he said it.

For years he would find those cars hidden everywhere under mattresses, pillows behind books and everything you know just so afraid you're not going to Europe you will lose your cars. You gotta grasp everything is in the air. To think that way the heirs give as if there's plenty more to talk about finance times, with your life and you give, you find that out as I do not run out because God run out and he my father orphan thinks that authority is something to be feared or is not feared. Then to just be used for your advantage and I know this is this is controversial in this day and time.

You know but sometimes authorities aren't to be trusted. Sometimes they don't. They have they would as they should, but the air doesn't look on authorities. This way, that the once you're in air you think of of your of your father or your mother over authority figure. Life is someone who could bless your life and could promote your life and you think of it that when you say so.

The idea of being able to yield to an authority is not difficult for an air is difficult for North afraid size will take something from the orphan has trouble with our relationship until they start feeling like an air.

And so for the orphan is more about being right than it is them being in relationship you see at every juncture in our lives. We are in relationship and there's also right and wrong and were making daily choices about which places it will be our ultimate emphasis is it always about I have to prove myself right or is the relationship the thing that so valuable that the whiskey was wrong but if were constantly constantly constantly having to defend, defend, defend our right on right on right on right in the air don't think like that, relationships, things important. The orphan is insecure and wanting to prove something. But the air secure and just wanted to bless. We insecure you always try to prove something, try to prove that you know you should be except it creates all these behaviors that the orphan settles often for just the feeling of love and it is not a feeling that's happening right at that moment you know it is not a euphoric feeling of love, then they can feel abandoned all over again. They are to feel like that the heirs is his all into committed lasting love relationships.

Covenantal relationships you will gotta be married and be feeling like you got some euphoric feeling to be in a love to still be married.

I've been married for all these years on and I still have times of euphoric feelings of love, but Anna's my wife because she's my wife and we are in a covenantal relationship is so if somebody is not feeling all tingly and love. Nobody's going all know we must not have love anymore that's when orphan thinks all know I'm feeling abandoned orphans gravitate towards feelings all the time and and it could lead to towards a substance or can lead from relationship to relationship.

The bottom line. All this beloved is that the orphan is motivated by fear in the air is motivated by faith, and when you bless somebody what I'm trying to show you is a huge foundation of this is when you bless someone you are doing what the world doesn't do, you are moving towards them as God's move towards us in an unconditional love and a process of affirming with genuine discernment about their place in this world of security in the love of God and in affirming that you are building up security.

And when you're building up security and that person you are rooting them and grounding them in love so that they can be who God designed them to be.

If there's somebody in your life that you like to see change and grow and flourish. If there's some live is not acting the way they should. The answer is not to withhold the blessing so that then they'll try harder. All that does is it creates more insecurity and they act more like an orphan. We want them to act like an air if you act like an air you need to know yourself as an air what the hell these wonderful friends been wonderful to just what Schiff and Zeni and what happens is, then they grow up and you're just part of a family and it started with a dream and work from the Lord. And this is the nature of our life together as Christians we are the adopted children of God, and that makes us one really big family.

I started last place that I work my way out to force at least I think a Methodist wanted.

Yes, I one predestined to win, but it was fine because you know once I finally realize I'm strapped in here and even if this thing turns over I'm not going to die so I might as well put the pedal to the metal and I want to bless you to live your life like that secure in the love of God, knowing that you have been blessed and you have been given in Christ. The power to bless others and that the gospel to today's good news message list to be secure from the teaching. The power to bless and Pascarella in his back with us in the studio shearing is sporting good news thought for the day. Just a moment of inspiration and practical help to bless those who have been conjunction with the exciting release of Allen's new book, the power to bless you put together some tools to get you started on the journey of speaking, life empowering people you that the toolkit includes a message of Pastor Alan's recent sermon on the mysterious blessing of FNM the marks at the gateway to understanding the power of all blessing also included in the kit is a booklet with a list of scriptures can be spoken directly expressing blessing scriptures and probably pricing can easily access them for specific situations when you make your gift right ministries this month will happily send you the power to bless toolkit is our way of saying thanks for your partnership resources are available for immediate digital download or available in CD and click partner with us and be inspired and equipped to bless someone's life to the gospel is shared when you get to Alan Wright Ministries. This broadcast is only possible because of listener financial support. We are in our final days of offering the special product. We are happy to send this to you as I thanked him Alan Wright Ministries, seven 877-544-4860 877-544-4861 come to our website during the studio with Pascarella and reporting good news thought for the day. If someone just tuned in these final moments of thought and they didn't catch the full teaching or we just need to put the cookies on the bottom shelf to be blessed to be secure. Where do I find that blessing.

How do I how do where do I start on that. Obviously it's with our relationship and our standing with Christ. When God created Adam and Eve, he blessed them, he affirmed them. He loved them. He never said to them well, if you will prove yourselves to be a good son and daughter to me and if you'll take good care of the garden that I'm gonna really love you and I'm really good except you.

That's nobody's instead he just affirmed them and blessed them because they were heroes. What did Satan do what that serpent do but to lure them into feeling ultimately of deep insecurity soon as they send their eyes were open, they solve themselves ashamed in the sight of one another, hiding from each other, hiding from God and God is been committed right from the dawn of time to make it such that we could be secure again. He never wanted us to be afraid of him, or afraid of. Others are afraid for our lives what God always has wanted is for us to experience his law and the Bible says perfect love casts out fear. There's no greater expression of this in the picture of adoption. So when Jacob blessed eat from Manasseh, the first thing he did was he adopted them. He made them years they were guaranteed share of the promised land and God when he comes to you and you find yourself believing in Jesus. The first thing the Holy Spirit does is assure you, your adopted as a child of God.

You belong to God, and nothing could ever separate you are. Ms. love build your life on that blessing. Build your life on the assurances of God and avoid the voices that are making it conditional. Where may be. God doesn't love you so much because you haven't been good enough avoid that voice and drink, and the voices of the true gospel and blessing wherever you can and read the Bible this way over and over, assuring you of your permanent place in the heart of God. When you do, it won't make you lazy. You will energize you when you do know your security in the Lord. It won't make you selfish, ill make you other center that's the way it works. You've been adopted by God in Jesus Christ that makes a secure and secure people pencil. Thanks for listening today. Visit us online. or call 877-544-4860 877-544-4860 if you only caught part of today's teaching. Not only can you listen again online but also get a daily email devotional that matches today's teaching right to your email inbox free. Find out more about these and other resources and Pastor out how to work bench Pastor out Today's good news message is a listener supported production Alan Wright Ministries