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For Everyone Everywhere [Part 1]

Alan Wright Ministries / Alan Wright
The Cross Radio
January 11, 2021 5:00 am

For Everyone Everywhere [Part 1]

Alan Wright Ministries / Alan Wright

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Pastor author and Bible teacher Alan writing. When David's descendent finally was enthroned in Israel. Everyone believe things would be better a king from David's line again to Alan Wright another message of good view that will help you see your life in a whole new light.

I'm Daniel excited for you to hear the teaching today. In the series limited as presented at renewal the church in North Carolina are not able to stay with the entire program. I will make sure you know how to get our special resource. Right now you can be yours for your donation this month to Alan Wright as you listen to today's message go deeper as we send you today's special offer. Contact us at Pastor or call 877-544-4860 that's 877-544-4860. More on this later in the program right now. Let's get started with today's teaching here is Alan Wright are you ready for some good news because of the death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ the gift of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit is available for everyone everywhere to everyone everywhere. We are in a new series: Unlimited. It is a study of the book of acts. It's about the unlimited influence that is possible because the Holy Spirit has come to enjoy well the people of God is about the church and about the miracles Jesus continues to do really. It is a sequel. The book of acts is a sequel to the gospel of Luke.

It's about what Jesus is continuing to do who the church and we come today and ask chapter 2, to the very first Christian sermon that Pentecost has arrived. Believers are all filled with the Holy Spirit and some of the onlookers think they're drunk and Peter stands up to correct them in acts chapter 2 would pick up reading at verse 14 but Peter, standing with the 11, lifted up his voice and addressed to them. Men of Judea and all who dwell in Jerusalem, let this be known to you and give ear to my words.

For these people are not drunk, as you suppose, since it's only the third hour of the day, but this is what was uttered through the prophet Joel and in the last days, it shall be, God declares that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams even on my male servants and female servants. In those days I will pour out my Spirit and they shall prophesy, and I'll show wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below, blood and fire vapor and smoke. The sun shall be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the day of the Lord comes the great and magnificent day, and it shall come to pass that everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved once was a little boy was always get in trouble at his private Christian school lawyers made many trips to the principal's office. One day after the boy had been acting up again.

The principal had him at his office in Breslau thought he would try to bring a little more theological perspective to the child to get them to think something about the omnipresence of God and so he said to the little boy. He said son.

He said when you think God is the little boy said white principal said more sternly. Where is God, the little boy all of a sudden jumped out of the chair when run out of principles. Our stars sprint down the hallway, his friend said.

Where you going the little boy hollered out. He said I gotta get out of here said evidently God is missing and I think I took him where is God where is God for centuries and centuries. The Jewish people felt that they had a very good answer to that question God is transcendent and holy and he is in the holy place of heaven, and he intersected with the people of God at the Temple through the priests who mediated to move between God and humanity.

After the sacrifices that were offered so to the Jewish people. God was like a holy burning fire so holy that no one could get to near to him because if you come in your sinful presence before a holy holy God, then there would be a consuming nature to the holiness of God, so God was in heaven where on earth and we intersect through the previous and through sacrifice at the Temple, the Temple New Testament scholar Bishop NT Wright said could in that sense be thought of as like the fireplace, a place where there was warmth and illumination, and yet people were safe to get near to God. That's what was believed for all those centuries, but at Pentecost. Something changed and the people of God are all gathered and suddenly there is this mighty rushing wind, and the place is shaking and the fire is, so to speak out of the fireplace and it has come to rest like tongues of fire on all of the believers. They had been praying what Jesus had taught them. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done as on earth as it is in heaven. It's a prayer of ultimate importance asking for this mysterious merging of heaven and earth, so to see the kingdom, on earth is is to say that there is some connection that had not been before and Israel had prophesied and dreamt of the day that God would come and rule. Again, what would it look like for God to be in charge instead of Pharaoh or Caesar or Harriet. The rule of God on earth is it when you been as persecuted as the Jewish people enslaved in Egypt afflicted by the Philistines were run over by the Syrians exiled by the Babylonians and marginalized by the Romans.

When you have been persecuted like that. The thought of God's rule coming to earth is a is a wonderful dream, a passionate hope and then the Jewish mindset when it comes to pass that God's kingdom comes to earth, there would be at least two old testament forecasts that would come true. The first is that there would be a judgment of wickedness judgment day would come that an overthrow of evil and an exaltation of God and the people of God flourishing in this wonderful terrible judgment day was known as the day of the Lord, and the day of the Lord was anticipated through the prophets, as will look at in a few moments, but there was another another Old Testament forecasts that had to come to pass if this if this rule of God had come to earth and that is that as God had promised David there would be a descendent of David, king David, the beloved king of Israel who would be upon the throne of Israel once again when David's descendent finally was enthroned in Israel. Everyone believe things would be better a king from David's line ruling again.

So to the Jewish believer before Christ to say thy kingdom come, was a sale at the day of the Lord come so that evil can be judged and overthrown and God exalted, and the promise also of David's descendent on the throne.

So was what happened at Pentecost, Peter, under the unction of the Holy Spirit filled with the Holy Spirit, he sought he understood it was unveiled before he had a thousand questions answered in his heart that Pentecost day everything that he'd ever ever thought about her dreamt of along with his Jewish brothers and sisters. It was coming to pass.

But in a bigger and better way than he could ever have imagined. Have you ever had a dream that was fulfilled in a bigger or better way than you had ever dripped ever found a destination may be to be more wonderful than you had thought it would be, or maybe discovered a treasure that proved to be more expansive than you had imagined. For to be one my favorite adventure movies is national treasure, Nicolas Cage, who plays Benjamin Franklin Gates, historian and amateur cryptology Estes searching for lost treasure that had been accumulated by the Knights Templar and hidden by Americans America's founding fathers and he is on this amazing treasure hunt. A coded map on the back of the Declaration of Independence will point to the location and he's noble so he wants to preserve the treasure for the museums of the nation. But there's a competitor. There is a wicked competitor wants to steal it all for himself and so you could see the drama that developed this fun adventure.

It includes Band-Aids having to steal the declaration of independence. One of the most highly guarded documents that we have and then they have to discover clues on the back of it and oughtn't Dorf cipher written in invisible ink on the back of the Declaration of Independence and the takes in the Philadelphia and they interpret a clue about that about the treasure at Independence Hall with the Liberty Bell once resided in that leads them to go find a hidden pair of multicolored spectacles that have been invented by by Benjamin Franklin and they they are led to a church in New York City and it comes to the scene where they seems like that they're trapped to die under the church, but they discover. Finally, a small treasure room, but it's been looted. It's been pillaged and there's nothing there so it first, there's great disappointment, and then they remember the key that they had found on the on the ship Charlotte from the Revolutionary war times had been hidden deep in the ice and they use this secret key and it opens up a new room and in this room there is treasure. It's a small looking room, but there's treasure there and then. Then Gates realizes that there's a trough that has some sort of ignitable fuel and when he lights it is amazing see it, it's hard to is hard to capture that image earbuds amazing same where all of the treasure in this huge cavernous room is suddenly exposed and not only have they found the treasure, but it is better than they had ever imagined.

No one could've dreamt of such a massive room full of so much treasure something like that is what happened to Peter.

He had believed Jesus but not enough to stand by Christ. He had denied Jesus at the time of Christ's suffering after the resurrection.

Peter knew Jesus was real. He knew Israel that heaven had come to earth but it was like he just stepped into the anteroom.

He stepped into the smaller treasure room but was at Pentecost with all was illuminated it. Pentecost is where he saw the vastness of the treasure that was ours in Christ was there, he saw the spiritual inheritance and he was saying essentially the day of the Lord has come, and David's descendent is on the throne, but it's just far better than any of us had ever imagined that Allen Wright will have more teaching in a moment from today's important series at Arlington ready for a new year and this is the year you start planning and dreaming for integrating here right ministries has produced a beautiful, inspiring love calendar with each month not only depicts the Montana heart starting image that also includes especially A blessing for the night and after having Pastor Alan explains in his new book, the power to grant, which releases February 2 is available from Amazon for preorder now blessing faith vision of the left then told them to be fruitful or not isn't the real word for your productivity needs the fuel for 2021 blessing while calendar gives you space to write down all your important appointments and make plans for a wonderful new year.

And most importantly, each time you see the full image for them on your heart will be strengthened and empowering this year. Don't just organize your life for the 2021 calendar is our gift to you. When you make a donation is not right ministries. Contact us today and start your year out right by the power of blessing. Call us at 877-544-4860 877-544-4861 come to our website Pastor our and got away.

Today's teaching now continues your once again is New Testament scholar GK Biel offered an analogy he said imagine that there was a father at the turn of the 20th century. Around 1900, who promised his son that when he grew up and got married. He said, son, get you for your wedding present the best horse and buggy that money could buy, but in the meantime, a man named Henry Ford came along and automobile was invented and by the time that the boy had grown up and was married instead of buying his son a horse and buggy.

The father bought his son a car you wouldn't say that the father didn't fulfill his promise. You would just say that the father fulfilled the promise in a bigger and better way than what he could have described to the son, 20 or 25 years earlier. That's the way it is with God, we had prophecies and forecasts and shadows that were pointing to what God was going to do, but we had no other language way to envision at so here we are at the very first Christian sermon and and it is important to pay attention to firsts. I follow I was thinking about this, but when when I first came to rollers been coming up on 24 years ago I I realize I love love my predecessor, a pastor little he's in heaven now, and I'd I I was so appreciated. Everything about but we had different styles and he wore a robe and he preached from the high pulpit at the at will call the village worship Center it it's up high and and and it's it's is beautiful is majestic but I just what my style. I grew up in young life and tried to talk to squirming kids and I just like to be closer to people and end, and I died when Plano where the rope so I remember, I asked the ass that the search committee asset do I have to wear robe a bridge for that high pulpit at all. Never forget one of the one of the search committee members Elder named Harry Taylor. He said no you don't he say, but whatever you are going to do be sure do it the very first Sunday was good with it. So I appreciated that. Pay attention to the first time something appears it plant something in your mind, doesn't it. But there's a there's a principle of biblical interpretation that is referenced as the principle of first mention. Pay attention to the first time something is mentioned. The first words of God. Let there be light, was that tell you a whole lot about what all rest of the Bible's going to be about the revelation of God about God speaking into darkness right pay attention. Where is the first sacrifice of an animal well it was when God saw that Adam and Eve were ashamed and so he he killed an animal to give them better clothing.

Skins of leather garments that would cover their shame so tells you something about what sacrifice is going to be all about the covering of our sin and shame or where is the first mention of the blood of the Lamb of the Passover story was going to tell you a whole lot about was oak pay attention to the first and so here we are in is the very first Christian sermon and there's some things to notice just preliminary observation about this and it first thing that I think interesting is the first Christian sermon was provoked by actually a bit of mockery from the public about this acts chapter 2 verse 12 and all were amazed and perplexed, saying to one another.

What is this me, but others were mocking and said they are filled with new wine. They work they were they were they were saying they were there drunk. I utilize active Rivera told you this story, but when we were in our first church were serving in Durham will untie my wife was at home alone in our our newborn baby.

Bennett was upstairs and the police came to the front door with a man who was relatively new parishioner in our our our church: John and John was clearly inebriated, quite drunk, and we still can't figure out. To this day about the police that will. He said he knows you all and there is no pastor, they were just looking for someplace to bring this man and left in their head where my wife and the baby of theirs and allies like I don't know what to do.

I got a drug. Maybe she start calling me for a copy but it will come over there when the meantime John would just be allowed and the babies of their sleep.SMO.

I said to John Auch the baby sleep and so when I got to the house and I've got another Elder to come help me deal with the situation.

I got the hell out of forget it John who's barely able to stand up and I go and SNL. John was gone. He goes to PPC pink so that became a common phrase in our house since the baby's sleeping Babel when they're drug they just theirs is different. They are either dizzy and they they their silly they don't look awry. They don't act right last year sometime. I wife and I had a chance to have an afternoon. We are out of town at a resort pool and we had one afternoon we're going to read some books just have a quiet afternoon by the pool and unfortunately there about eight guys look like they were college age guys. I don't know film sunken spring break something and they were just theirs is all of drunk and they are so loud in their phone a football around their splash in and in the football almost as my wife tabletop and and it ended just loud and boisterous and what am finally came over to me and and the less the more sober of them and he said were not bothering you. Are we body a chance at I had it I like to mess it in what universe would you not be bothering us that oh so drug people there. They don't act like other people there that might be louder, they might be should maybe save them silly and so literally there was something happening at the outpouring of the Holy Spirit that made some people go with these people are drought appears they met with the morning's site is not it's, it's, which is barely good barely get going in the day, and it's not. It's not that.

So the disciples seem to be too carefree for anything looking like normal. Maybe they're laughing or stumbling, or even hang it all to each other, but it was at that moment that Peter, in response, think about this.

The first Christian service was in response the people saying in a mocking tone. These people are drought, but acts 214 know we really Peter, standing with the 11, lifted up his voice and address of them men of Judea and all who dwell in Jerusalem, let this be known to you and give ear to my words for these people are not drunk, as you suppose, since it's only the third hour of the day, but this is what was uttered through the prophet Joel to the first sermon was an announcement of truth. That was my really going on Alan Wright. Today's good news for everyone, everywhere. It's from the series unlimited and would get pastor out and back in the studio here in just a few moments with a parting good news thought for today just barely then ready for a new here. This is thing here as you start planning on dreaming friend raking here right ministries has produced a beautiful, inspiring love calendar with each month not only depicts the Montana heart stirring image that also includes especially A blessing for the night and after having explained in his new book, the power to grant, which releases February 2 is available from Amazon for preorder now blessing faith vision left then told them to be fruitful or not isn't the reward for your productivity. It's the fuel for 2021 blessing while calendar gives you space to write down all your important appointments and make plans for a wonderful new year. And most importantly, each time you see the image for them on your heart will be strengthened empowering this year. Don't just organize your life for the 2021 blessing calendar is our gift to you.

When you make a donation is not right ministries. Contact us today and start your year out right by the power of blessing, six 877-544-4860 877-544-4861 come to our website pastor with pastor Alan in the studio in her good news.

Thought for today to place a bookmark your for everyone everywhere with her take away. Just think about this is the first Christian sermon and as I mentioned in the broadcast pay attention to firsts. Something appears as a first in the Bible it has a lot of significance because it says a lot about what is continued and what Peter did in this very first sermon was to look back at the prophet Joel and he gave an interpretation that what had been forecast and prophesied to happen was now happy, which meant, and here's the good news it take way for today. It means that though there is a final day of the Lord in which Jesus will come back that the decisive day of the Lord.

Joel prophesied about his already taken place in the coming of Christ is crucifixion and resurrection that in the real sense that tremendous prophetic expectation has been met.

Jesus said don't postpone everything off into the future there will be another day of the Lord, but the decisive day award has happened and that's what Peter is saying this is that which Joel prophesied so it means the kingdom is today's good news message is a listener supported production Alan Wright Ministries