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Bless the Lord [Part 2]

Alan Wright Ministries / Alan Wright
The Cross Radio
November 30, 2020 5:00 am

Bless the Lord [Part 2]

Alan Wright Ministries / Alan Wright

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Pastor author and Bible teacher Alan Wright.

God is glorious and he knows he's glorious but he takes joy when you know this, you can see what God sees because the joy you have a fellowship with him. That's Pastor Alan Wright welcome to another message of good news that will help you see your life for a whole new light. I'm being excited for you to hear today's message in a series titled the power of blessing is presented in an older church in North Carolina.

If you're not able to stay with us throughout the entire program I want to make sure you know how to get our special resource right now. It can be yours for your donation this month to Alan Wright ministry as you listen to today's message go deeper as we send you today special offer. Contact us at that's Pastor or call 877-544-4860 that's 877-544-4860. More on that later in the program right now. Let's get started with today's teaching in the series praying with our here is Alan Wright think the key to understanding this is at least for me this week is just to think like a father is in the midst of this Psalm says that the Lord is like a father has compassion and I think the way that took to understand this is to think the house a house of father father who has so much more wisdom than the child so much more resources than the child be blessed by the child and suggest you three ways as we think about this together, and the first is that, well, I just put it simply, that when we bless God we cause God joy. Now this is tricky because God is already infinitely joyful, he wouldn't stand before you came along is doing all right before we had church today if we hadn't had church today and nobody bless his name. He will be just fine. It is not will be depressed in heaven. He is joy.

He is joy and so how can you cause God joy when he is already joyful and I were married for 10 years. If we had kids and this was really by and so design I think I would've started earlier. She said listen, we can have kids and once we have kids we don't will happen for ever and she said so listen joy in our marriage so we had 10 years and it did enable us just to really build or are a real deep fun intimate marriage during that period of time and out. We did some things going on. We did some things like wells and seminary.

One summer all my professors that would like you to go work in the hospitals a chaplain all summer and and said you know at said be good.

I'm sure she said but you know when I suggested we go to Europe for a long time.

I say will that we don't see that it was a rationale she said we got a chance. Here we can we can break the piggy bank and go and do this and travel all over because once you start your work and then we have kids we would never take a trip like this until the kids were out of the house and you are retired and then we might be too tired, so is he convinced me that we took this big thing all the summer.

You know we all of Europe. We had a great time. We just what I'm saying is that before we ever had kids having a good time we had joy. We love those years. I mean if you said were you empty because you didn't have kids I'd say no. We were not we were we were having a great time and we had joy and then we had our first baby boy and oh how he calls me joy, I like what I'm saying is I was totally joyful before we had kids.

We had kids and I was more joyful on such that you're totally joyful now was I said you were empty.

I wouldn't empty doing a kid I was always more to seek joy is kind of like love. It doesn't have a quantity assigned to it.

If every parent is ever had worn one child knows that you have this child you love that child all your heart and you dislike me and I don't like to party like I can imagine loving a child. Another talent you have that of the baby and I love this child took, you realize that there was not a limit to love. I you don't measure it. So you had one child so much love to children that you get so much love you. Today it just your love just multiplied but wasn't limited before. This is the way it is with God. There is a way I speak of a mystery in which God can can be completely joyful unto himself. He was joyful before he ever made creation, father, son and Holy Spirit.

He made the world and of the overflow of his joy and delight. What happens when you bless them, is it causes his heart joy. It's a great mystery, but it must be true because Jesus in describing the father and describing the nature of the kingdom of God in describing what happens when when a sinner repents when someone is lost is found, he tells a series of parables in Luke 15 about lost things a shepherd loses a sheep one sheep out of 100, and goes and looks for the one sheep and when he finds he puts it on his shoulders.

He brings it back and and and Jesus is and he is rejoicing because about a woman who loses one precious coin goes and looks for that coin.

When she finds that she come back and calls all her Francis is everybody rejoice with me, have joy with me because I have found it, and then he tells the story of a man who had two sons and one of them went off and lived in riotous living but came to his senses and when he came home. The father was was joyful and had a party and celebrated Jesus think this is a way God is when you bless him.

When your life comes into alignment with his it causes him joy. You see there's a sense in which God is absolutely complete and yet he is filled up afresh with joy that comes from you. Speaking blessing over him JI Packer and his classic knowing God says that we have in previous chapters made the point that God's, and in all things, is his own glory.

They should be manifested, known and admired and adored.

This statement is true, but it is incomplete and needs to be balanced by recognition that through setting his love on men.

God is voluntarily bound up his own final happiness with Ayers if all is for the very nature of these relationships. They God's happiness will not be complete until all his beloved ones are finally out of trouble God was happy without man before man was made, he would've continued happy. Had he simply destroyed man after man at sin, but as it hit, but as it is, he has set his love upon particular centers and this means that by his own free voluntary choice.

He will not know perfect and unmixed happiness again until he is brought every one of them to heaven he has in effect resolved, that henceforth, for all eternity. His happiness shall be conditional upon hours. Thus God saves not only for his own glory but also for his own gladness.

This goes far to explain why there is joy. God's own joy in the presence of angels. When a sinner repents and why there will be exceeding joy when God sets is faultless at the last day in his own holy presence.

The thought passes understanding, and almost beggars belief, but there is no doubt according to Scripture, that such is the love of God. God is supreme and he is sufficient unto himself, but he loves you as a father loves a child, so he is wrapped up his heart with you and when you bless him. He is joyful right second way that I think that like a child unto a father that you bless God is that you are able to come into an alignment with the truth of God that brings God great pleasure because God wants you to walk in the light savings is simpler than that. That when you bless God and you announce how wonderful he is and you recognize that he is the forgiveness of your sins.

The healer of your disease risk. Diseases in the Redeemer of your life you are proclaiming truth about who God is and when you see and walk in the light rather than in the darkness father just loves this Mark Twain is the one who said that when I was 18 years of age.

I couldn't believe how little my father knew and at age 21 and I was amazed at how much he had learned in three short years. What blesses a father is when a child matures into an understanding that the father has wisdom to run out any father of your child come June says something like this that I know I've messed up my life at different times. Sometimes I just haven't recognize how much you have to offer me but I know that you have a lot of wisdom and you have a lot more life than I have and I like to ask you about the situation.

I like you talk to medics that like tickling some your wisdom. Every transfer denies that it only know that you'll get that happen very often but but that blesses the father apply now if that father was insecure and had audit emptied in a father might say, well, good. Find what you know you know I'm a real good I am. But what a real father, a loving father delights in is that the child has come into the maturity of seeing things in a higher level that to bless someone is to announce a positive vision over his or her life, but it is a true vision and if it's not truth that is just wishful thinking.

That's Alan Wright will have more teaching moment. Today's important series before that to be fruitful.

She dressed for that called Abraham to fibrillation.

She dressed 10 for not releasing sound into ministry.

He dressed 10 while passing secret strategy to empower you to be all he mentioned to be when others affirm you unless it is proven their worth. You did well on a townhouse accomplished and go prove yourself competent information is nice.

It's not the way strategy is to declare your wife before you have anything to prove it in the kingdom of God is the fuel for your productivity marked the reward for it will be in your hearts be sealed from (because the ad is holding a blessing for media ready to shatter the ceiling that keeps you from soaring Iraqi pastor and writes the power of blessing will change your life change as you discover the ancient scale of the Hebrew patriarchs bless their children learn how to tune your heart to accept blessing and reject curse. Most evolved drink in the unquenchable blessing of God in Jesus Christ Alan Wright sent a message to have on the power messages to see through digital Dharma is our way of saying sphere partners today is the last day. This special offer is available to you.

This broadcast is only possible because of listener financial support.

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We are happy to send this to you as I banks from Alan Wright Ministries, seven 877-544-4860 877-544-4861 come to our website pastor

Today's teaching now continues once again is Alan Wright if I say to you that God loves you and God has a wonderful plan for your life and I see God working in you.

I've announced truth over you when you bless God and you ascribe to him the glory that is his you are announcing a truth statement you're walking in the light and when God receives this there is there is a delight to the heart of God because he doesn't want you or I stumbling about in the darkness. And God enjoys the fellowship of those that are walking in the light.

He is at all places at all time. He is omnipresent and yet the Bible says that God inhabits the praises of his people that when there are people that are blessing his name that he is manifestly enthroned in the midst of that praises because it is like aligning your self with the truth of who God really is okay so we bless God because God is infinitely joyful, but you can cause. Enjoy the mystery and because when you bless God you are announcing the highest greatest truth instead of focusing on your adversity, which is one level of truth you're focusing on a higher truth and that is about who God is and supreme years and that blesses God to see you in that light, and then the third way we can bless God is is again is it is a beautiful paradox, but when you bless God you are recounting in gratitude Thanksgiving your recounting how blessed you are, let me say this way when you bless God your recognizing that he has blessed you and the thing that delights a father more than anything else is to see his child blessed if my child will let me blessing that blesses me more than anything else.

Nothing blesses a parent more than for a child to prosper is apparent like it when a child says thank you for this, yes, but the real blessing for the parent is to see that the child is truly enjoyed something that the child is truly filled with something that is good. So this is why on Christmas morning. Ever since our kids were little they don't come downstairs until everything is ready. The video cameras rolling, because it it is the great delight of the parent to see their faces when they see the presence in the tree it if it is the delight of the parent to see the wonder and the child. So when we had opportunity for years ago to go to the Grand Canyon.

I've been to the Grand Canyon before and my wife had been there many years ago I wanted to see the Grand Canyon to been a long time. Ceci and I want to see the Grand Canyon. But what I was actually watching. We stepped up to the first breathtaking threshold and look out over that unspeakably majestic Canyon. I was not looking at the can you look at my kids. I wanted to see my kids see the Grand Canyon more than I wanted to see the Grand Canyon years ago another picture this, I was out the beach we get to the beach. I like to run out. Say hello to the ocean. Say hello to the sky and my wife likes to come in and start getting things unpacked and cleaning the sink and so I ran out to say hello to the ocean and the sun was setting and it Ocean Isle Beach a particular time of year.

Even though you were on the East Coast by the slant of that particular island particular time of year the sun sets just a little bit of it. Setting behind the ocean itself and its guy was just glorious and the pier was silhouetted against it in the cues and colors were warm and beautiful and I saw the sunset. It was setting fast and so I ran back in and I said and you gotta come see this is that I be there in a minute. I was going about. I ran back out is going faster and faster. I said honey please you got to come see this sunset so is it all right she comes up see the sunset. Why did I want her to come see the sunset with me was she going to make it prettier know where she can do something to make the sun more majestic know it was just going to eat it was just that my joy was increased by her beholding the same beauty that I behold God is glorious and he knows his glorious but he takes joy when you know he's glorious when you can see what God sees because enjoying you have a fellowship with him, but my wife she's a she has a Cadillac and that's a little bit older model that we bought an extended warranty on it so take it right into the Cadillac dealership and get the work done on it in a few years back she taken it in, and that the Cadillac dealership. They treat you nice notes I've been to the Cadillac side have been to Chevrolet Sidon. You know they they take care of you Cadillac side you cool in his air-conditioned garage in the you know and she call me up later.

Tell me about have dropped the car off and she said the people at the Cadillac place or treat me like a princess and I said will, honey you are a princess. She said I know that see but it just seems like the Cadillac people only other ones that know when you bless you Laura because you would forgive her of my sin will know that I was glad you see it when you say you're the one who heals my disease is the Lord's motto says already know that about myself but it sure blesses me that you see it when you say you redeem my life from the pit of the Lord says, yeah, I know that too, but it sure does bless me to know that you know it because you come into agreement with the glory of God himself. You're looking at the sunset with him. You are blessing God by letting him see your breath be taken away by the Grand Canyon. When you worship him when you get lost in your words about him when you bless his holy name. You are blessing God because this is what God wants.

John Piper says God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him. Your father wants you to know that you know that you know your sins are for Kevin and when you see it and you bless him for it.

He takes tremendous delight in that he does not hold your iniquity against you because these, the person of Jesus Christ and taking your place on the cross and paid the full penalty so that the psalmist says your said is cast as far as the east is from the west rental store this week that Amanda had been escorted by the angel and the heaven and the man was kinda worried about this and get broadcast up in front of him or something. We got to see the Lord says that the Angels at autoroute are buried on your sin and if so where do.

Names that I will remember and if so, what about the Lord he might bring about this at all.

He didn't even know that You Sent You Naturally Way, Bible teaches us. It is the East from the West, you can't get in other words, there is no calculation to that it is infinite when you think on this and you think about how he is paid the price in full.

Not in part as something catches up in your soul and you decide. Bless the cell forgives all my Lords taken delight in you blessing him because you're recognizing what he has done for you. That's what happens here is that the this all grows like a Christian because David disliked because he was getting more and more excited about this and he starts out bless the Lord, O my soul, all that's within me, bless his holy name, but then it grows by the time you get down to verse 20 he's right.

Let's expand this thing bless Laurel you Angels now is only speaking to himself. He speaking to the Angels they speak into the cosmos. You might want to do is work obeying the voice of his word.

Bless the Lord all his hoes, his ministers who do his will bless the Lord always works in all places of dominion and all places of all time. Everything praise the Lord. So just a vision. He starts realizing this is not just about me this about you this about everybody this about all the saints is about the Angels and archangels. This is about creation is about what we were destined to do this is what we are designed to do that we are the ones who are called upon to just bless his name and God was already completely 100% totally thoroughly.

Sufficient unto himself is blessed when the creatures, bless him you because God joy in bringing him delight even while you bring your own soul into order.

When you bless God he is blessed and is amazing. But that is the gospel is today's teaching series, the power of blessing and we'd like you to stay with us.

Alan is back. Just a moment with additional insight on today's teaching for your life and today's final word pastor Ehrenreich however change when you make will send you the power our way of saying thanks for your partnership and when you get your mailing to nursing your him so to help someone out ministries to send messages check to see with your digital download as our way of saying thanks for your partnership. Call us at 877-544-4860 877-544-4860.

Today is the last day. This special offer is available to you come to our website Pastor what a way to end the series now.

I think this is so key and very eye-opening. Would you say to the person listening right now that a high degree of blessing is coming in the agreement yes absolutely interest get this through your mind God is most blessed when you are most blessed. This is his nature.

Any loving parent can understand this.

I'm happy to see my children be happy.

That doesn't mean that there's not discipline if not the type that it just means that when you are richly blessed of God and you return that in thanksgiving to him.

He is so so blessed is amazing Daniel to think of it, but we do calls God joy when we bless his holy name. I think learning would learn today you can go back now and reapply it to the entire serious and I have that vision of what it really means to live with blessing to be a blessing and a thanks for today. Visit us or call 877-544-4860 that's 877-544-4860 if you only caught part of today's teaching. Not only can you listen again online but also get a daily email devotional that matches today's teaching delivered right to your email inbox free. Find out more about these and other that's pastor out Today's good news message is a listener supported production Alan White