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Hearing and Praying [Part 2]

Alan Wright Ministries / Alan Wright
The Cross Radio
September 21, 2020 6:00 am

Hearing and Praying [Part 2]

Alan Wright Ministries / Alan Wright

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September 21, 2020 6:00 am

When we listen to God, we know what He wants and, when we know what He wants, our prayers become exceedingly powerful.

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Living in the Light
Anne Graham Lotz
Living in the Light
Anne Graham Lotz
Living in the Light
Anne Graham Lotz
Alan Wright Ministries
Alan Wright
Living in the Light
Anne Graham Lotz
Living in the Light
Anne Graham Lotz

Pastor author and Bible teacher Alan Wright is already in his blessing the drawing people unto himself to healing the sick and delivering the captive is already in the heart of God as all people should know him and be safe as need to participate with them and let our heart be connected with them. They tell me to pray for this man in the middle and I do not pray for Pastor Helen Wright welcome to another message of good news that will help you see your life for a whole new light. I'm Daniel Britt excited for you to hear today's message in the series called praying with power as presented at renewal the church in North Carolina. If you're not able to stay with us throughout the entire program I want to make sure you know how to get our special resource right now.

It can be yours for your donation this month to Alan Wright ministry as you listen to today's message go deeper as we send you today special offer. Contact us at that's Pastor or call 877-544-4860 that's 877-544-4860.

More on that later in the program but right now let's get started with today's teaching in the series praying with our here is Alan Wright after three days they found him in the temple courts sitting among the teachers listening to them and asking them questions. Everyone who heard and was amazed at his understanding and his answers.

Look at verse 48 when his parents saw him, they were astonished. His mother said to him, son why they were. They were just marveling. Mary was there.

Once again Marvin, what is this who is know who is this to taking it all in and it just continues.

After all, they had experienced with this you come down to verse 51 is as he went down to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them.

A look at this again. His mother treasured all these things in her heart and Jesus grew in wisdom and stature in favor with God and with men was saying is that the person who has a sensitivity to what the Spirit is saying is someone who is going to not rush past in daily life moments of listening for God is so prayer is not us coming and just barraging heaven with our many were in fact our prayer life would become altogether more powerful if it were less about God hearing our words and more about us hearing God's word when transforming if you've ever had that experience and you feel like I'm just I don't feel like these prayers are connecting maybe is because we we have not been profoundly inspired by what it is that God has on his heart that he wants us to be praying about about this is imperative. Every Christian can hear from God. Every Christian can hear from God.

This was told in so many prophetic instances. I love this from Isaiah 50 the sovereign Lord has given me an instructive tongue to know the word that sustains the weary. He went this be a good one to write on a postcard and claim everyone and what he awakens me morning by morning awakens my ear to listen like one being taught the sovereign Lord has open my ears and have not been rebellious. I have not drawn back. It was always in God's heart to fully restore that part of us have been shut off from God and make us spiritually alive so that we could discern the things of God is what Paul said to the Corinthians. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God for who among men knows the thoughts of a man except a man's spirit within him in the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. We have not received the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God that we may understand what God has freely given us the man and there's a typo without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the spirit of God for their foolishness to him and he cannot understand them because they are spiritually discerned. In other words, when you become a Christian.

Your spirit is born a new and you are alive unto God. And I want to understand.

You can therefore have communion and communication with the Holy Spirit.

The first thing that happens when you're a Christian is a Holy Spirit start speaking to your heart is saying you're a child of God and then as you grow up in the Lord.

What happens is that he's continually explaining to you who you are as a child of God giving you direction, instruction, and informing you and directing you and empowering how it is to pray when you don't know how to pray every Christian can hear from God. This is the truth that Jesus said when he said a man who enters by the gate is the shepherd of his sheep. The watchman opens the gate from the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he is brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them in his sheep follow him because they know his voice but never follow a stranger if I go run away from them because I do not recognize a stranger's voice. Every Christian, every sheep in God's full can hear and recognize the voice of the shepherd. In fact, Jesus promised this of the Holy Spirit.

He said when the spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth will not speak on his own. He will speak only what he hears and he will tell you what is yet to come. To bring glory to me by taking from what his mind and making it known to you all that belongs to the father is mine. That's why said the spirit will take from what is mine and make it known unto you.

Every Christian can hear from God. And so, let's cultivate our ability to hear what God is saying to our heart, so that our prayer life is linked up to what God is saying to me just tell you, you know what you get from this does give you some of the benefits that you receive from this you know the first thing that you get if you will hook up to listening to God. The first thing that you will get. And it may be the most important thing is you get faith because faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Faith doesn't come by you trying real hard to believe a lot of people think the faith comes out just like I gotta get this mental certainty. I got to sit here and I just got is gonna get enough faith and I just got. It was like I've tried that in done work you can stand over that sick person that loved one where we want to pray for and you dislike I don't really believe I will try real hard to believe in it. It is not faith in a done work. Faith comes by hearing and hearing comes by the word of God. So here's what happens here is what faith gets Quicken inside of you is where you get convinced that there's something in the heart of God that he wants to do because of who he is and when you're convinced that it changes everything that's in it.

I was talking about mellow Abby last week who you know I want a guinea pig and authorize asking for guinea pig over and over and not getting a guinea pig and yet she saw was willing to talk about a guinea pig over and over as a finally she said dad, do you want me to get a guinea pig that said that's a great question to ask because if she knows that it's in my heart for guinea pig then is going to instruct the way that she keeps asking if she becomes convinced that is not in my heart to forever get a guinea pig then should just quit asking see this is the way it works is that I would just just the only way I can understand some of the dilemmas that are in our mind about prayer. You know we got all our theology and owner go to seminary and you get about the sovereignty of God, and you get confused about this and how wise it.

Why do we need to pray if God is already sovereign and why we know how that all work in and in many go.

Do we want to do anyway if you know and and so forth. So, about a block in your mind never figures out the first question I can figure out about prayer by thinking about it in terms of process or steps are linear, things like that because really the only way you can understand the dynamics of prayers understand relationship is born out of relationship and it's a father child relationship. So I guess I just was thinking little bit about interact with my children out this year.

Another little silly illustration but it's it's helping me is actually bringing me breakthroughs in my own prayer life because of of them gain some understanding as to the things and one of the things I've always wondered about is okay 10 God wants us to pray, but if it's already in God's heart why we keep on asking anyone so well. You don't have to do this as at one time but but there's that parable that Jesus tells in which he talks about the persistent neighbor who say I really need some provisions to show hospitality to an unexpected guest and and the Bible says and Jesus said because of his bold persistence. He'll give him what he wants and so the invitation is to keep on praying while I'm confused by that because I might live is all right is hard to do while we desiderata wait on them to do it and you know at MDC I'm saying all these kind of things they can bog you down thinking about this silly thing that goes on in our house and is always wanted things too silly to actually admit but anything for the sake of a good sermon illustration get the point across is one of those things which you like.

If I tell that they realize he is not a sufficient dated a man of God just as just a normal person, but that's who I am and in reality, this goes on in our house every night. If I'm there at home we made our cuts and that there is something that we do find you going to bed and would like to read the kids like me to read something to them.

So we read through all the whole series of Chronicles of Narnia. What we want him were done twice sometimes you know I was sick say was the Bible reading every night, but it sometimes is not some has been-account all and I don't know if is a hype account. All people in here okay I want to the first service. Hang together. We were shocked swapping stories afterward. But anyway normally truly spiritual operetta but we're reading and so your reading log always made it because I will fine you know, in reality they want to get about no 15 or 20 pages read and I want them to think that alive and alert and full of energy and want to read a lot, but in reality most nights you know I'm just kind of thinking. You know, can we get about two pages that I have about two pages so will want to limit before pages and their wanting more. What I do is I always would like to play little game right and a really suspenseful moment. You know to be like and Lucy drew back her boat and suddenly she heard a rustle in the darkness and help leap what she never thought would be there. That's a good place to stop and pick up their morning I was driving crazy right there you know about Wanda Belial looking for to the and out sometime. I don't member this was the Abby was even born when the start I came to McDonald's along it only met when it started but some point maybe was the two of them they started Megan I said please please dad please read don't stop there. Please just one more page please. And so it some point I made the mistake of a trickle of mercy showing up in my heart I let thou I read I said I if I read one more page you promise to jump right in the Bethel Rice Lake no more questions as he said yes yes yes is okay. I read one more page and they seem satisfied enough in the jump in bed. Well the next night became the same thing on read along and you know and then out of nowhere appeared. That's goodbye.

And that there please please please in tonight is a little more force and that you know right will have more teaching moment from today's important series prayer as a Christian you know it's important and you want to make it a priority. If you're like most shared parent can slip so easily into routine fervor impression. Maybe you're wondering what is the key to praying with rail parlor in Ephesians chapter 6. The apostle Paul has a clear answer, praying in the spirit pray in the spirit.

Some would say that Paul is referring to spiritual gift and a supernatural prayer language Megan Allen writes unique series, praying with power Pastor Alan reveals five different ways of praying and spirit. Discover how praying God's word is praying in spirit.

Learn how to listen to the spirit as you pray, come to see Jesus as your prayer partner.

It's practical. It's powerful to pastor our nights praying with power.

Discover the power of praying in the spirit change your prayer life and you change the world you make your gift to Alan Wright ministry said I will send you pastor outlines messages through digital download as our way of saying thanks for your partnership. This broadcast is only possible because of listener financial support. When you get today. We will send you a special offer. We are happy to send this to you as I thanks from Alan Knight ministries call us at 877-544-4860 877-544-4861 come to our website pastor.


Today's teaching now continues here once again is Alan writing because I like to know if you can like this might happen. So now it was please please please please please please please please please please, look at a game this look like that's not enough places and so they got the message about please please please please please please please that somebody was please please please please please please please enough times. I said okay. All right. Sleep about read more page and all and is okay well this thing has evolved into where the please please is were a regular part of what were doing and finally I was having some fun with it and so I would not only require the many pleases but I also began to say only if you'll sing. Please, please, please, to the tune of jingle bells, and so there please please please please please please please please please please add it so you can just imagine now the scene is that when I come back suspenseful moment close that they just look at me and say what to do tricky one is the Star-Spangled Banner or something like that is the scenario in our home.

Our nightly situation. There say can you not conceive how it is possible that there is something that is in the heart of your father, but somehow your expression of persistence is a demonstration. You do believe that it is in the heart of your father, and the only reason that a person keep saying please please please is because they actually do believe that it is going to come to pass. It just hasn't yet been released, and what happens when you really hear from God is and therefore there is a faith is quickened on the inside of you because now you're not praying is simply your own mind your pray out of the heart of God himself. And if you stop praying at the heart of God. You are going to have a focus you have a passion and a persistence that would not be there except for the fact that faith had been born inside of you and when you get a revelation of your spiritual inheritance and you start getting a deeper understanding in your heart of what it means to really be a child of God and a co-heir with Christ you start persisting in some things because you like God is in your heart. You see, that's what you don't stop praying for a wayward child and got to bring them back. You don't stop praying about a significant God's heart to heal you.

Praying about the depression because it is hard to deliver us and set the captives free. It's in his heart, reaching my heart into the heart of God. And I'm participating in it. In his work on the earth to the other thing that will happen when you get connected up to the heart of God and any real intercessors miserably. People having gift and the calling of intercession, everybody. Everybody is called in her sleep, but there's some people there calling their their their job in the body of Christ is intercessory prayer that you taught these people but everybody's is open to all people. You get connected to the heart of God. You'll get glimpses of the heart of God that will take over your heart and in this what you experience is the compassion of Jesus. Compassion means to feel with years ago the first year of ministry. My first church and it was a Manning Lester who is the sweetest dearest man, his wife was the sweetest lady and Lester been sick for a long time and he had the last stages of cancer, and it was in his bones and sometimes in that those those those last days of his life he was hurting so bad that he couldn't talk to you if he could have spoken to you he to blessed you, but he couldn't really talk all he could do was moan and when he would moan it was his characteristic way in which he would moan it would just it was filled with anguish and he was a owe me, owe me one occasion his grown son had come to visit and I happen to be in the room at the moment and his son leaned down as if to pray for his father and I stepped back to just let this holy scene unfold and Lester cried out with one of his characteristic moans old me in the grown son did something that bewildered me. He leaned down and echoed back only and at first I was taken aback because I thought surely a grown son does not lock his dying father's pain. It couldn't be that a few moments later we stepped out into the hallway and it became clear Kenny told me that Lester has a grandson named Wesley who was two years old a little cute blonde hair boy and when Lester was at home and he had to get up from his chair and maybe just make it back to the bedroom. Each step was grueling and he would use his walker and the aged ailing Lester would take a step and say oh I may take another slow step oh Wesley, the two-year-old had compassion and he would come and bring his little hand and put it around the base of that aluminum walker and each step of the way would help lifting as he went, and when Lester, his granddaddy would say oh, little Wesley would say owe me is so that grown son was leaning over his dad that day to remind that from even a two-year-old. We have some sense of feeling with you when you begin to feel with somebody for their pain. You are getting connected to the heart of God because when Jesus looked upon the crowds, he had compassion he felt with them and he saw that they were like sheep who were harassed and helpless and needed a shepherd so sometimes even when Jesus was planning on just going to get some time by himself. He would stay longer administer the crowd at a compassion.

Sometimes he would wait outside the tomb of a man that he knew he was going to raise from the dead. Because his heart was so taken with the compassion that he felt for people not taking will hook your life up to a powerful intercessory ministry. You yield your heart and your spirit to God's Spirit and allow him to allow his heart to be your heart. He won't give you his whole heart. You couldn't possibly merit.

You couldn't possibly your your your body couldn't couldn't contain it, but he will give those that yield feel give them little glimpses and I'll give you little sense what will happen is that sometimes you just it'll move you will be the revelation of God to bring the way he gives your work to be the way that he directs you just just listen for it will help wiseguy just do that one need the one person at this time.

I don't know. He's got, but he uses your prayer life this in this this this is easy to understand if he needs to use a human voice to go over and witness to somebody so that some vital hear the gospel and come to saving faith in Jesus Christ. If he needs a human hand to give a meal to sunlight. The loop team banquet last night in order to accomplish his purposes of showing his love to the people of the world if he needs somebody that loves somebody else to put her arm around the millennium around her shoulder so that somebody could have the mercy of God, why can't we understand that God is so set it up that we are co-laborers with Christ for part of our labor part of our calling is just to be a people of prayer, for he moves to our prayer is already in his heart to be lessening the world drawing people unto himself to healing the sick, to delivering the captive it's already in the heart of God.

This is it's in his heart that all people should know him and be safe for so we just need to participate with them and let our heart be connected with them. If he tells me to pray for this man in the middle and I pray for prayer.

Just sit around and just saying if you'll wrote things is getting connected up with the creator of 100 billion galaxies knows every hair on every head, and he will take to the Mary's, the yielded spirit will take a spirit and speak that you will fuel spiritual prayer life in his excitement and God moves during and free prayer as a Christian you know it's important and you want to make it a priority.

If you're like most your prayer life can slip so easily into routine fervor and passion. Maybe you're wondering what is the key to praying with real power in Ephesians chapter 6. The apostle Paul has a clear answer, praying in the spirit to pray in the spirit. Some would say that Paul is referring to spiritual gift and the supernatural prayer language Megan Allen writes unique series, praying with power Pastor Alan reveals five different ways of praying and spirit. Discover how praying God's word is praying and spirit. Learn how to listen to the spirit as you pray, come to see Jesus as your prayer partner. It's practical. It's powerful to pastor our nights praying with power. Discover the power of praying in the spirit change your prayer life and you change the world you make your gift to Alan Wright ministry said I will send you pastor outlines messages through digital download as our way of saying thanks for your partnership.

This broadcast is only possible because of listener financial support. When you give today. We will send you a special offer.

We are happy to send this to you as I thanks from Alan Wright ministry's call us at 877-544-4860 877-544-4864 come to our website pastor.

Our so often affect all of my Christian life. Now, when I've heard the prayer is a conversation in conversation.

As you know, there's so there's a time where we speak of the time we sit back and listen. That's very true with prayer to there's a part of us that really have yours tuned spiritually. What God is exactly and as you hear from God.

It shapes what you have to say to God, so you're exactly right.

Any conversation is a two way communication and it means that our prayer life is not just a list of things we come to room for God, but instead the Holy Spirit speaking to us and therefore through us and that's when prayer really becomes powerful. Today's good news message is a listener supported production Alan Wright Ministries