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Steve Wilburn : Day 7

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie
The Cross Radio
July 6, 2010 5:52 pm

Steve Wilburn : Day 7

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie

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July 6, 2010 5:52 pm

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Harvest podcasts featuring Pastor Greg Laurie are brought to you by harvest partners to receive Pastor Greg free online daily devotions or to become a harvest partner, please visit us acts chapter H I title this message change probably never heard of us like this to Freud good, but that's an inside joke.

Anyway will listen. We have a lot of change today to say the least change according to the Webster's dictionary means this is to become difference it's to alter if the transformer converts is to undergo a variation. Women do this all the time like changing their color of their hair or how they know dressing you know and Syria didn't work.

She okay for who I would you say that you get. They knew that it all the way. They were make good all of these things. It doesn't take much for a woman to change.

All she has to do is wake up on the frumpy side of her bed and I could be reason enough for complete and total makeover endorsement. You know that the skies were the same one we just do it in a different way.

I mean like we can sit there and have our cell phone and everything school and happy as a lark and the soul walks in with a brand-new 4G iPhone. This is like a piece of junk.

I did have a new phone. I did a makeover in the cell phone department here. I need something different in my life.

It is guys. We are so subject to that so many different things on me were subject to horsepower in suspension. The new model cars. All of these things we always like change change as part of our lives from changing lanes on the freeway to changing channels on the TV. Think about all of our lives.

We have had change but now think about this for a moment how much change we've had just in the last decade the last 10 years. Think about how many things have changed 10 years ago. We all had cameras with film in them. Could you imagine that. So you have to actually take it out and taken to a store to have it developed. Who does that everything is digital now how many of us 10 years ago were buying stuff on eBay like nobody nor any other online company in it.

We weren't even thinking about doing online banking that we needed information you want to like what in Encyclopaedia Britannica. Okay, now you just google everything you find not like two seconds okay 10 years ago nobody was texting nobody was tweeting.

Nobody was social networking on Facebook Facebook. All of these things have changed in the last 10 years that's not all exchange the cost of living has changed a lot in the last 10 years.

Consider these price hikes from 10 years ago, going up to the observation deck of the Empire State building in New York City.

Use the cost 10 years ago for box now it's over 20 blocks. That's all. 400% increase gold paralysis was two and a $79 an ounce.

10 years ago, and as of last Friday it was $1272 an ounce a gallon gas was about 3010 years ago, now it's like what control box on the whatever it is okay is certainly not about 30 anymore and movie tickets used to be five box another 12 1314 box of meats is crazy how much is a bucket of popcorn us like 35 box. I don't know you know whatever they can take my kid you take an entre to become on an Apple stock shares for Apple computers went from $102 a share which was crazy money anyway per share. Now, as of Friday was $271 a share.

Thanks to all you iPad buyers.

Thank you. Yes.

And last but not least, the happiest place on earth is not so happy on the wallet.

That's right, as this event tickets went from 41 bucks apiece to $72 apiece so now when dad takes his family of four out to Disneyland. He's 8 1/2 a for PS to break the bank. Yes we all say we like change, but in reality there are many facets to change that. We just simply don't like you know the cost of living in price hikes is that's at the top of the Lewis inflation middle like that if we were honest we don't really change all that much read at the same same thing for breakfast every day. I mean we drive on the same roads every day we go to bed at the same time you were such creatures of habit and I have to admit I'm a massive creature of habit myself. There's so many things that I do that in the same money I have little ritual for no light.

What will breakfast and everything is set up on the cereals this and it nuts and raisins and all that I just created my own little stockpile. Okay, so every morning the same thing. Okay for shooting at the bran flakes bran flakes. Then I took out the oval logo, then I think of the reasons you because you these raisin bran you they have like no sugar coated raisin ice conduct the best reasons you can buy put tones of reasons. Then I get walnuts in a crack about your wallets all over the top and my ritual every morning. I have that for breakfast and never seems to change. And then of course you know I'm an in and out in a fanatic and don't my birthday was last week and thank you so much for those of you to give me in a note cards bless you. Okay so anyway so now I gotta punch in and out cards will be in and out for the next two months and by the way God they know that is crazy.

By the way were churches in Los Angeles is that in about two blocks away. Yes it already ate there last Friday and up and of course I order the same thing every time a double double animal style with shot chilis. That's right. That takes it to the next level. Thank you very much us in your pump. There amen Bridget Road six yes, you know, we know why are we so much like that. Why do we like kind of our little grooving and everything. I think we find security in the same old same old info change can be exciting. Most change involves a certain amount of risk you like. If you don't like your job, you can always quit if you like your job job just quit and go do what you want to do.

Maybe you want to be a beach bum or supplement everything but the problem is if you make that change in your life who's going to pay your bills you know and what you gonna do with your little venture being a beach bum doesn't pay off okay there. What then that's why most people never really do a lot of change in their life. It was Benjamin Franklin that said this quote when you're finished changing your simply finished tonight with our title in mind of change were going to look at the apostle Paul. He was in instruments that God used.

Think about this. He authored two thirds of the New Testament under the direct inspiration of the Holy Spirit of God himself. As we look at Paul's life. Tonight we will consider three distinct points number one is callousness number two.

His conversion, and number three is calling. So with that in mind, you know, before we dive into acts chapter 8 let's get just a little bit of a backdrop now as you know, in acts chapter 7 records the first martyr of the Christian church's name was Steve and he was a witnessing machine. He was filled with the Holy Spirit of God, as God chose to use him mightily, no want to God choose to use Stephen someone will put it like this. He made himself available.

He was available he was a guy that just simply said she Lord, here I am, send me he didn't like what Isaiah says in Isaiah chapter 6 is a God. I see a need him to make it happen. I mean this is the guy who was brought in by the original disciples to do what just make sure there was food for the no older women of the church is to make sure that no food portions were good and handed out to those women who had lost her husband's and what have you. They were just brought in his servants.

That's it just, you know, we need you to come to help out with some of the basic needs are. But Stephen took it upon himself to become so much more to Nunnally did did he do what he was called to do, but he studied the word of God.

He made himself available to the Holy Spirit.

He spoke when an opportunity came up to speak there. We just went out with the SWAT team down to the school cool vibe area down in Los Angeles down the street from a our church. We went out there on Friday night and here we are 26 no kids from this church we went out there and we let 14 people to Christ last Friday.

It was absolutely awesome. I mean, it was just like it in here were these kids just like Stephen making himself available, just wanting to stand up and become everything that God wanted them to be, you know, in the you know and so God use them, so much so that the high priest even came to question Stephen like what are you doing what you're doing and that's what they came to question him about in the Bible records as he was giving answer to those who asked him why he was doing what he did. The Holy Spirit was so much on him that his face was shining like an angel and because of the wisdom that God had given him as he was sharing. The Jews were literally covering their ears and they couldn't take the wisdom because he was hitting them with truth and they could not handle the truth and they're going on and on and on and on and I may just like they couldn't handle it and they picked up stones and they stoned Stephen to death at the end of acts chapter 7 they stoned him to death in them. What they did. After that is, they laid the robes at the feet of a young man named Saul. So here we have Saul, this is the first place that we hear of the apostle Paul who was at this point still going under his Hebrew name Saul so he was in hearty agreements with putting Stephen to death and he watched it all happened so this is the very first place that you hear of the apostle Paul when he again was still going under his Hebrew name Saul so that again is our backdrop. Let's look at our first point is callousness. This is the apostle Paul's callousness as he was known as Saul of Tarsus. Let's read about it here in acts chapter 8 starting in verse one it says in Saul was in hearty agreement with putting him again. Stephen to death and on that day a great persecution arose against the church in Jerusalem and they were all scattered throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria, except the apostles, and some development and they buried Stephen and they made loud lamentation over him, but Saul began ravaging the church, entering house after house in Dragon off men and women he would put them in prison and he would put them in prison. There just for a moment's Saul it says here, again, was in hearty agreement, meaning he took great pleasure. He was personally gratified and having this young man, Stephen. This young man who was sold to Jesus having that young men put to death, and that was just the beginning.

Verse three goes on and says that Saul began ravaging the church is the King James says making havoc in the church that word ravaging in the original language. It means this it means he was taken great pleasure in defiling the church or dishonoring the church. It's meant here to treat shamefully or to devastate and that's exactly what Saul wanted to do. Why, why was he so bent on this well to answer that, we must look into the life of Saul, the Bible tells us that he was born in Tarsus in Sicilia. He was a Hebrew of Hebrews, meaning he excelled above all others in the pursuit of the Jewish religion. He was brought up under them noted the most noted rabbi of the time gamma Leo. He was impassioned with the great seal he wanted to serve God with everything that he had. He was a Pharisee.

He was a son of a Pharisee. The very name Pharisee means separated once they were the highest ranking of the religious order in Jerusalem.

In that time. And they were known for their rigid adherence to the ceremonial fine points of the law you remembered Nicodemus when he came to Jesus and in chapter 3 of John.

He was a Pharisee.

He was one of the leaders leading teachers of that time so the Pharisees were this high ranking order of the religious law of the day.

He was intelligent. Saul was he was in passion for the law of God, and he was full of zeal. What a great combination.

You would think it that was where there we found trouble in paradise because Jesus he had come in and completely turned the religious status quo completely upside down in Jerusalem. So Saul took it on as his own personal conquest to stop and to completely extinguish this new movement called Christianity. Only one problem. There was one problem. So his religion was dead. It was completely dead. The Pharisees, the Sadducees, the Sadducees were sad to see see the agent because the religion was there.

Remember, God had not spoken to his people for almost 450 years. At this point. Why, because God's people had walked away from him.

They rejected him by their own lifestyles they had turned the relationship with the living creator God into nothing more than a dead and lifeless religion everything and become nothing more than just holidays and rituals and we just got back from Israel and you go down by the what's called the Wailing Wall which is the support wall there for the actual Temple Mount and you see all the Jews that go there to pray and and you see all the rituals and you see these people that are impassioned with what appears to be such seal but yet it's it's all empty, but it's lifeless it's it's it's just these things that they do.

I wonder if that would describe anyone's life here tonight. Maybe you've gone to church in the past.

Maybe your dude always you know, make it out for the big holidays you know as I ran I made it out. You know I make to make sure they get the church on those big ones.

You know that they call people like that see any Christians you know because if you make it to church on Christmas and Easter are you nosy are always there for the big ones you know and everything, but know this, no, there a lot of those type people in the world today. A lot of those people they and they feel that they're there fine with God because you know they they had that one little part of their life.

In fact there are so many people like us in the world today that a recent Barna poll actually you know quoted as saying that there's over 70% of Americans today that claim to be Christians. Over 70%. I mean, that's crazy. Well that's the case, not driving here on the 91 freeway was a 70% winter driving on the wrong nerve you know cut me off and engine is like I'm reading Not good. Okay you all of these things that happened were these people out if 70% of Americans are Christians. Yes, Paul. He was religious. Paul was faithful he was full of passion and zeal. But know this, he was also empty free had a huge problem.

He had the same problem that most people still have today.

He had a big fat void right in the center of his heart and no religion can ever feel that no good works. In fact, no person, place, or thing can ever fill that void. That's inside of our heart. I remember that void so vividly in my own life I just remember how it was gnawing at me and I remember how I didn't understand it and I kept thinking whenever I was alone, you know there's got to be something else.

There's something else I member and I first really felt this void in my life. I remember when I was in like seventh and eighth grade. I never came home and I was telling my mom I go get it all figured out. She's like what I know.

Marie came from and she's like oh yeah. Where will I watch all these movies with Dr. Leakey finishes like you.

We all evolving from command amend the format in which we evolve units is all this whole thing to this evolutionary process issues like all that's nice. I said, and she goes like this will.

The Bible says that God created us alike, just like what and I said what you believe she goes off with his men arrived and you have to figure it yourself. Figured out my cell phone 12 years all I think you know what the right side like I just remember how I was so stumped right there. And from that point on I could never figure out why I had this emptiness inside. So I found myself always having to surround myself with other people's I got in the party scene and I was the guy at the parties of lamps even is hidden on the table. He does whatever it took to make other people laugh and I would bar people in all of this just to be the center of attention because I always had to have people around me whenever I was alone I would wonder what is the meaning of life. Obviously, why am I here right it's like, which is something else out there is or Martians as Army. I was always wacky and crazy things would go through my head but I was looking for some reason, why am I here have you ever thought that to yourself is something more than what I'm seeing is a something more than what I'm living because it was eating away at me because I had a really cool car in high school I had you tried to address right size I tried to do and be what people kinda wanted me to be but yet inside I knew that I was just nothing but opposer.

I was like you are just trying to be accepted by everyone.

Right no identity to myself, who am I why am I here I couldn't answer those questions is very difficult for me. Yes, Saul of Tarsus. He was filled with callousness in his heart he was empty, he was searching for fulfillment.

Maybe he thought as he was climbing the corporate religious ladder if I can wipe out Christianity then maybe more people will love me. I can make a name for myself.

Whatever it was. One thing for sure, he was an instrument of Satan as he was ravaging it devastating the church.

What Satan meant as persecution against the early church, God was using for his glory. How, as the Christians were fleeing Jerusalem trying to escape the very hand of Saul persecution just what was leaving Jerusalem what the Christians the message of life. The gospel of Jesus Christ. The message that there is a God in heaven it came to this earth.

Any live on this earth need went to the crossing died for the sins of all humanity that he sat there and said what I'm going to come here and have the sins of all eternity. Put upon my body so that man and all humanity can live. They can be forgiven of their sins. That's one went out with them.

So this message as they were being driven out of Jerusalem. The message went with them all to the known world of the time.

So what Satan meant to devastate the church God use to expand the church which is incredible how God can do things like this and not only was the message told but the people were understanding that not only did God love them but they could have a relationship with him. All people of all colors all races, men and women slave or not they could know God personally, not just the Jews and remember back in Hebrews. She's me. Genesis chapter 12 when God spoke to Abram when he was first developing the Jewish race still father Abraham the minutes of the day. Anyway, whatever. But, buddy. It's like he's shared with them. I look.

I want you to be the bearers of the light for all the nations of the world. But the Jews took this message and he took it to themselves like a toddler says learning learning.

The kids have become a Marine and the Jews kept for themselves, but they were never supposed to do that, they were supposed to be bearers of the message to all the nations of the world. That's why God took the message of the gospel and he gave it to the Gentiles to spread to all nations of the world and that's why there's a partial blindness upon the Jews today because they rejected the Messiah, the Savior of the world. Which brings up our second points his conversion.

Paul's conversion let's turn over to acts chapter 9 and let's read starting in verse one. Now Saul still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord went to the high priest that he asked for letters from him to the synagogues in Damascus, so that if any be found belonging to the way both men and women might be brought down to Jerusalem. Verse three and it came about that as he journeyed, he was approaching Damascus, and suddenly a light from heaven flashed all around him and he fell to the ground and he heard a voice saying to him, Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me and he said, who art thou, Lord, and he said I am Jesus whom you persecuting but rise and enter the city in it shall be told you what you must do in the men who were traveled with him stood speechless, hearing the voice but seen no one will stop there while this is a radical conversion a radical conversion right in the midst of Saul's sinister plan his plans are foiled, his plan, his ideas, his own set of blueprints for his life all get thrown out the window just as fast as Saul gets knocked off of his horse on this road to Damascus now this ravaging Pharisee, who was on a mission to completely cross and extinguish Christianity.

He's completely rattled. He shaken to the very core of his being. As Jesus speaks these words to him, Saul saw says his name twice like listener.

No man why are you persecuting me know this. Jesus knew every single thing about Saul knew what was in his mind just like he knows everything about you and me because Jesus he looks at us or it could be better put, he looks right through us. Nothing is hidden from him. Nothing is hidden. You might think that you're getting away with certain things that you've done in your life or you have this side of you that goes over here and you know that the select area that nobody knows about would guess what. Maybe nobody else knows about it. But God knows because you can hide nothing from him. God season.

He says in Jeremiah 1617 my eyes upon all your ways, your sin is not hidden from me. Nothing is concealed from my eyes.

He sees it all. He's intimately acquainted with us were like a clear transparency before him. You've heard it said you know what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas know I'm sorry it's acute you know your advertising.

Let your campaign, but everything that someone does in Vegas is seen by the hand in the eyes of God.

Everything that you do in your own home. What you do on your computer. Everything is seen by God the things that you think in your head. The thoughts that you have towards other people as you spiral and they say what you think. Is this something you like, it's beautiful when you're thinking I wouldn't put that on a dead rat. Okay, that God knows what you're thinking, which is needed to get dressed in the closet with the lights turned on him and God knows everything and we joke about things like that but the serious thing.

The things that you know that your guilty the things that are brought shame in your life. God sees all those things and know this, you have to give answer for those things when you stand before him one day in heaven. If you're anything like me, that you sent shockwaves down your spine issue horrified you and that's exactly what it did to me that's what drove me to the cross. I felt like I was driven to the cross but not in a hateful spiteful way. I just felt like you know God says, look, this is the rule score. This is what's going to happen.

I don't grade on the curve.

Okay, it's not the good deeds outweigh the bad deeds. She's me know has nothing to do with that. It's like you're going to be held accountable for exactly what you've done as anyone got one of those tickets from that.

You know the photo op tickets at the intersections. Okay I'm sorry I'm so sorry that over 500 bucks I is that ridiculous or what they're telling us okay but anyway but you know you can't know when there you can find it insecure just so guilty.

It's like because you want to fight.

Musick will know why I was like stop know it was still yellow and it's like they just like they don't even talk to you like go to this place on the website so you go there and all of a sudden there you are. And here's the video camera but it's not okay so it's like you got all these different angles is like there's lights. Okay, it's green yellow.

It is like you.

You are behind the crosswalk in the nose and you like sleep like there's nothing you can do and then the fine is like 500 stinking dollars to many double doubles of eyes. You're killing me here. I mean it's not like oh I'm sorry because you hundred box know it's just like working to take you sound like a smack your wrists take you out to the backyard to got to apply for NP to let me slide out are you okay you will never need now when the light turned yellow you like lights sideways in the middle of the intersection.

I stopped, I stopped right in my right okay there you go to some right you only usually get one of those in your life because once you do you'll never get another one. Okay, anyway, that really does have anything to do with our study here tonight. The point is if we stand before God.

It's the same thing I did trust me, God has a better way of keeping track of things wonderful man's technology I'm sure that when we stand before God's like no no no I didn't do this like a key role with this is a hologram and this is what you like is that he's looking at every angle, but she's even worse with God because not only does he have the ability of showing you what you did physically. He also is judging what was going on in your mind while you were doing soy. It's like this is something that man could never do what God says you will be judged not just on the deed, but what the motive in your mind was what you were doing crazy.

The motive of your mind and your heart what you were thinking while you're doing it choices like guilty. It's like guilty. That's why the Bible says all have sinned, all have come short of the glory of God. All all means the in the original Greek language.

It means this all okay every single one of us. Okay, so you could say that Jesus looks right through us. He's intimately acquainted with everything. Psalm 139 says he formed us in our mother's womb. Before we had one day he knew all of our days. I wonder what Saul was thinking as he heard those words must've been just ringing in his ears, Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me all. He's probably thinking no beach is known not. Then he asked the question that every single person has to answer in one day or another. He says, who art thou, Lord, who are you know don't tell me don't tell me go doubly on Jesus all all this time on thinking I'm working for God. All this time on on this religious Pharisee. I did my whole life to the study of the Old Testament Scriptures. The canon of Scripture is the penitent, but Moses wrote the apostle Paul might build the quote of first five books of the Bible and he was a genius. All this life of devoted prayer and is like I missed it's the Messiah, the Savior, all the things I read about and you were him Lord Jesus, when you say that Jesus is because right here Jesus as your Lord you the God of heaven. Wonder how many of you here would say Jesus is just a religious figure is a good moral leader who is a prophet of God something to be admired. Maybe some here are some you know would say what he's just a madman. Everyone's got their opinion but the question here tonight's who do you say that he is understand Jesus did not come to the earth to be a well wish or he did not come to the world is just another good example to follow.

Jesus came to the earth as the living Messiah, the Savior of the world so many times people quote Jesus in the sermon on the Mount, and Jos will just love your neighbor as you know you love yourself is the got Jesus like the HS love you did do they read the whole sermon on the Mount's honey Jesus said if you look at another woman you lust after her. You know it's it's like you're John it's over your committed adultery just right there. Hey, if you're if your eye causes you to simply walk it out to write Inc. object, chop it off Jesus as many that come to me in that day and say Lord, Lord, did we do all these things your name is is depart from you cursing creature that they read the whole sermon on the mount or just take out the pieces they wanted Jesus talks about radical judgment in the sermon on the mount for those that have rejected it, so he didn't come to just be a well wish John one says in the beginning was the word the word was with God the Word was God. The word there for word in the original language skills of the Greek word Lo Goss which is still Nice to find expression in the beginning was the divine expression in the divine first was with God, the divine expression was God then in John chapter of chapter 1 verse 14 a little bit farther down it says in the word, the divine expression became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld him with our own eyes we saw him.

We walked with him is what they were saying the very divine word came and lived. He was God himself in the flesh that Jesus was.

He was no man pleaser he was, not some self-promoting profit.

He was the living God become flesh and he came to die for us on the cross, and make way for all humanity to have their sin forgiven and defined purpose. We are to find purpose in this emptiness in life were to find what real satisfaction is we can know now how to get to heaven. With this temporal life comes to an end and understand this temporal life will come to an end.

Every single one of us will die.

I'm not trying to be a bummer here. I hope you live until your hundred years old. But guess what. Eventually we will all die.

One out of every one person dies is just it's just the way it is. You never hear so it would all I got it.we know is like 6000 years old, like everyone dies. Everyone.and you know if you're fortunate left enough to live a full life.

They're saying now that the average lifespan of a man is 78 years old and a woman is like about three years old or 81. That's if a 747 doesn't fall the error on your head or somebody else you know stops at the red light is when you see a green light. Many people think all green light means go choose me green light doesn't mean go.

It doesn't know green light means proceed if safe and you drive by faith every day because you do it. I degree my go right we don't think all it actually means proceed sick. Let me make sure that the other guy is paying attention so that his red light means stop to him because if he doesn't see the red light. He's in a keep going on. Come back to Los Angeles one day and I was will talking on this device but anyway whatever sucks anyway so I was just talking anyway. So I'm driving and will go this intersection and I mean the guy right in front of me.

This die doesn't sit around like.

Just let me just say or pregnant), like all just like Casey got out why coming literally 5 feet in front of me. It's as it was crazy, but it's like you never know when an accident and we all have family and loved ones that have succumbed to death what and what we feel is way earlier than they were supposed to be the by sickness or anything in it and I'm so sorry if you've had someone close to in a loving person that you've had passed away. It's just a what happens as part of this life that's that's falling away from God were living in it and really your time of sin and death. And this is not the way the God planted. Remember, God planted in his timing and in his course when he created man to live in the garden of perfection. It was man that sinned against God's man that ate of the forbidden fruit. It was mandate, God himself kicked out of the garden of Eden and you know what we can just blame them, which is like what's been able to plumb and they brought it upon us. Listen, we've ate enough of the forbidden fruit. Our own selves and if we were back then we would've done the same thing. Maybe we just would've done it sooner, but don't blame anyone else because all of us are guilty of our own sin. God has done these things in our life to give us a way to escape this life of sin and death and give this great promises here and now.

The self-righteous Pharisees saw a man full of rich religions. A man who thought Christianity was just nothing more than a farce, a man who was confronted with why are you persecuting my people. Jesus said to him because of the persecute my people you are persecuting me that goes the same today.

Anyone, it comes up against you today know this Jesus that is better for that person to have a millstone tied around her neck and thrown into the depths of the sea than to mess with my little ones but now Saul was falling on his face is now face-to-face with this reality. What was spoken by these believers was true. This Jesus he's not dead he's not there. The one that we saw bet on the cross is not dead anymore.

Please align this message because he's alive. His message must be true.

He must be the Lord for who else could raise themselves up from the dead.

That's why Saul who was full of religion. He's now transformed into a man who calls Jesus Lawrence it is and if he is Lord. This all must repent of his sins. He was humble himself before God, he must surrender himself to God's plans instead of his own plans and in verse 19 to 20. Saul was prayed for peace filled with the Holy Spirit of God and is baptized which brings up our third and final point is calling. Let's read acts chapter 9 starting in verse 20 and immediately he began to proclaim Jesus in the synagogue saying he is the son of God and all those hearing him continue to be amazed, and were saying is this not he who in Jerusalem destroyed those who called on this name and who had come here for the purpose of Rick bringing them down before the chief priests, but Saul kept increasing in strength and confounding the Jews who lived in Damascus by proving that this Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah will stop there. Here we have Paul without the pomp of man's religiosity, he finds himself clothed only with the Holy Spirit of God, and he starts turning his world, his sphere of life completely upside down his life is been radically changed, which causes Saul to change his name. Saul, his Hebrew name, which means man in demand and that certainly was his goal in life. It was his aspiration to be the man to demand like many of us. We want to excel want to be somebody we want to accomplish great things in this life.

Saul was that man.

He was a Hebrew of Hebrews. He was from the favored tribe of Benjamin. He was highly he was trained by the highly respected rabbi. He attained everything a man could dream of. Saul had respect, he gained power.

He had prestige he lived up to his name as the man in demand, yes Saul, that everything in life except satisfaction. Saul was dead on the inside for religion and wealth and position in all those things he gained in his life couldn't satisfy him couldn't satisfy the cravings of his heart because he was created to know God and to serve him. Yes, without question, Saul had a radical conversion but are not all conversions radical or least they should be for when someone comes to the real Christ when they truly repent of their sin and they turn from their sin. We must start to follow Jesus. As we turn from the things that have separated from us from him in the first place. And that's exactly what Saul did. He turned away from his self-made position.

He turned away from his pride, he turned away from his arrogance he turned away from his own self-reliance and he became a new person so is fitting for Saul to change his name from Saul the man in the man to Paul, which means it's a Roman name which means the little this is true transformation.

They were from the man and the man by his own choice to the little one. This was just know this was just an outward change that really truly reflected what had already taken place inside of Paul's heart is so it should be for us. We were true believers should have real change change that is noticeable to those that are around us. Those that are in our sphere of life. Yes there should be the signs of radical change in each and every one of us from the inside out a change of heart, a change of attitude. A change of outlook on life. A change in our perspectives. I wonder if that change has happened in your life. I wonder if we were to take the people that are around you.

The people that are that you surround yourself with either at school. but you know either you know where you hang out your best friend, your neighborhood and what have you. I wonder if they've seen that change the people at your work. See Paul seized this change and he embraced the new calling no longer working against God's will, but rather for God's will. A set of holding religion over someone's head as the man in demand.

Paul perceives people's the little one. Again, why because it's no longer about here. It shouldn't be anything about us. It's about people coming into relationship of the living God and growing in that relationship with him wasn't what Paul said in first grade. His two forces in my message and my preaching were not in persuasive words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith should not rest on the wisdom of men but on the power of God that's with her powers. And that's what happened to me. That's what changed my life three decades ago and I just want to see people not only come into a relationship with God.

But I want to see people walk with him. I want to see people have this you know walking relationship with him, and let me just tell you if you come to know Christ and in and in things that radically change for you.

I wonder why because I know that when I first gave my life to Christ. I didn't really have any follow-up so I didn't really I was reading the Bible.

I wasn't praying I really wasn't doing anything so guess what, nothing really changed my life. And so when I asked Christ my life. He was sincere. It was real, but I never did anything with it. Therefore, I never went anywhere. It was about three, maybe four months into this we ask in Christ my life. Again, you would've seen any fruit my life. You would look at me and said this guy is not say because nothing really changed with. I was still drinking. I was still cussing all of this stuff, but then someone asked me if everything you want to crusted you actually did like you know three months ago four months or whatever was is a will are you reading your Bible lesson.

I don't have a Bible you don't have a Bible and I remember they took me to Christmas or not. This is in the 70s. Remember okay this before logarithm board okay and the others of you, you know. Reread that's right. Tony tells all the whites but there I was, they took me to scriptable shortly. Bought me a bottle. I remember it was like $59 and that was like, that's like 200 bucks today.

It is like a nice Bible they had in the place of his all killer leather they put my name on it was a killer study Bible and I just couldn't believe that they would buy me a Bible so nice and I never take nothing home and I started reading and got started speaking to my heart when I'm trying to say is this. When I first gave my life to Christ.

I have to be honest, it was just fire insurance. I did not want to go to hell your center, you're going to hell in a handbasket with the other option asked using your life.

Have your sins forgiven and not go to hell go to heaven like okay I take that. Okay so my first experience of Christ is really fire insurance. What I didn't realize I didn't recognize my know what I didn't. I didn't have really explained to me was so much more for me, but he wants us to follow. We need to read his word daily on the talk about sitting down like a monk, a good 12 hours reading to go to work I will sleep today because I don't have time. No I'm not talking about that.

Can you give him five minutes five minutes. Hey listen can you just commit the five minutes a day can you just do that if your fineness turned in the 10 minutes 20 crates. If it turns in a 20 minutes when the great just five minutes and that's fine. But just like just lock everything out, no cell phone know this know that no tweeting to say no nothing.

Just I'm going to read clients concert speaking to you to start changing your life and all of a sudden his plan will start unfolding in your life. That's what happened to me was what Paul said in first grade design. 16 he says provide preach the gospel. I have nothing to boast of from under compulsion, for woe is me if I don't preach the gospel. He started talking about the sink because it changed his life and that's not for me. I started witnessing the people I started telling about Chris. I didn't even know it was witnessing. I did know like a glutton tell people about Jesus. I was just telling people because he was radically change my life.

So, I'm talking about it because he change my life. It's like I'm going to talk about it but you go see a movie, it's like to talk about how if you will think twice or three okay don't talk to me about excising you okay anyway, whatever. It was good as I killer you know what ever you know this is like you did he put on his angry eyes. Whatever gets arts but to see what Paul makes it perfectly clear that there's nothing to boast of in preaching the gospel is the bragging rights all the glory can only go to the one who saved us, but he did send this him under compulsion, the King James says it's a necessity that word means and originally was imposed to do this, it's my duty and he goes on to say woe is me.

If I do not preach the gospel. He says great sorrow and misery on me if I do not preach us. Listen, every believer here. Woe is you. Woe is me. If we do not preach the gospel great sorrow and misery on us if we walk through this life with people on the highway to hell all around us and we don't tell them excuse me.

By the way, do you know where you're going. Are you sure let me tell you about this guy I know they can forgive you of your sin that can bring happiness in life. Woe is you and woe is me.

If we don't do that and official Oslo lobbyists involved with such a awesome church like this is you have it you have in place.

Look, maybe you want to get into a witnessing conversation with some Hindu or some talking fine.


Can you just invite him the church can you go to their house. Can you pick him up. Can you bring them. Can you be that instrument that God uses to introduce them into a relationship with God.

That's was so awesome about being part of this church because this church is always going preach the gospel. He may tell you about great glory. He hasn't changed. He's matured. He's a phenomenal teacher but he's got a passion for the lost and I started coming here 31 years ago and guess what me and my wife did every single week. We came Sunday morning Sunday night Wednesday night and guess what we did. We brought people to church. We were always inviting everyone we knew it, so we were to somebody one person can wink the one person one person whimpers not enough like 30 people, and by every week somebody would fall in suppose they'll come to know as we have all limitations limitations everybody everybody everybody else on this one verses from your house and pick you.

I mean that's what we did and we would bring people if you came to know Christ as he was crazy and God still does that today. Tonight we talked about change and it's been said if you do not change direction. You may end up where you're heading. If you do not change directions. You may end up right rear heading. Let me ask you tonight.

Where exactly are you heading because if you don't change directions you want to send up their and I wonder. I wonder if God has a better destination than what you have planned for yourself. He probably does, because here tonight.

You might be here and I don't know where you're at with Christ. I know many of you and I'm so glad that you're here, you been here for years and I love you tremendously, but some of you. I don't know, but God knows like we said earlier everything about you incoherent.

And here's the killer thing you'll why we only show so much of ourselves to people we show the side that we want to show right so that the like us will think you would just wake up in the morning.

I just hope everyone hates me today because I'm just needing you know I maybe there is something like that for most people, you want to be lights you want to be accepted minutes. I know it's the majority. Any notice wake up just trying to be a you know an idiot so so it's like you try to show your best foot forward right you you just try to try to be nice and nice. How are you good in everything.

And people like you because of what they see. God sees you for who you really are. He sees the ocean sees nice kind, but he also sees that bad and the ugly. It will have the site so he sees everything and here's God. He says I still love you see that's what true love is true love is like I see you at your worst. I see you in your nightmarish moods.

I see you what you really think inside when you have that nice little smile in your face I see what you really think and I still love you see that is what real love is love is knowing the real score and he still loves you. But don't take his love and read it the wrong way because if you don't come to God on his terms. Not your terms. His terms. You will not be accepted by, so he loves you and he loves you enough to accept you if you will come to him, but you must come to him on his terms. What are his terms you must confess that you have sent that you've done wrong.

Listen. The easiest way to define sin is not a rocket science thing here. Sin just means you knew the right thing to do and you didn't do okay just pretty simple. So you know when you knew that you do some wrong.

It sin to you, because you knew it was wrong you not in the Bible, stapled your four head. God gave you conscience inside is what separates you from the animal kingdom and would you feel guilt inside and shame and thought it's because you are guilty when I feel shame is like is shameful because I did something wrong, and those of the red lights that flash in her mind and what third therefore God has put them there so that it drives us back to him in repentance. Repentance means you're doing is wrong some wrong stuff from several truck stop doing the wrong stuff. Repentance that means stop turnaround and start going his way. That's what repent means when you're the practice means stop doing what's wrong turnaround and go his way. So you must say that you're sorry to God. I'm sorry that I sent.

I'm sorry I did things wrong but I want you to be my Lord, I want you to be my Savior. I want you in my life have you made that commitment to him. Have you made that to him in real reality. Meaning it's not like this. Okay yeah this is my life and it was six in the Bible you know you Sunday school and you know what it know I may have you like, I need you my life. I need this to be real not just seeking care. Now I'm talking about here now. Do you know him. Are you sure because losing your holy Trinity depends on this. This is a big question.

There is no bigger question in all of eternity.

Do you know you're going to have it. Do you know that. And what about those of you that made that decision you were walking with the Lord you were just there you are. I mean, you were on fire. Then all of a sudden you just got inoculated something happened to you and you just kinda got caught back up in the old things and now you're kinda lying wishy-washy year, with the Lord in your condo, not in your just, whatever you lost the fire you lost everything and really you become a prodigal son or prodigal daughter. It's time you come home. It's time to get serious.

It's time to become everything that God called you to be reliving in the last days. I mean, is it just me or do you turn on the news and just the world's gone wacko I'm it's just crazy.

I mean terrorism. Everything is going on in the world today.

Craziness. Spouses killing each other, killing their kids kids killing their parents on me like all my goodness, look at the world we live in. Look at some your own stories, but things that happen to you is horrible but God loves you but he want you to come to him and his terms.

So there might be some of you here tonight. The need to get right with this is what church is about.

This is like coming getting right being re-encouraged like okay I did get back going and going in the right direction so want to pray for you and I want to give you the opportunity to get right before God. So that's I have anyone move around. This is important on Christians be praying because it could just be a handful here tonight.

The need to get right with God. This is important here tonight so let's pray together.

Father God, we come before you, and pray God that you move in the hearts of each and every person in the sanctuary.this is a holy place right now. Your presence here for the river to a more gathered, you're right here in our midst and you're moving in the hearts of a few to get right with you here tonight so God speak to them.

Give them the courage to make a stand for you tonight, for we asses in Jesus name all the greens.
