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SM120729/What Heaven Knows About Earth

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie
The Cross Radio
July 30, 2012 12:19 pm

SM120729/What Heaven Knows About Earth

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie

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July 30, 2012 12:19 pm

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Harvest messages are brought to you by harvest partners to receive free email daily devotions or to become harvest partners, please visit us Let's all grab our Bibles and hail hard right turn to Revelation chapter 6 are also going to look a little bit and Revelation chapter 7 in our series a recalling Revelation. The next dimension let's pause for a moment of prayer.

Father, we think you know for this book that reveals Jesus to us that reveals us to us that reveals our future to us in the Lord as we hear what the Bible says about what is coming to this planet. We pray that will gain an understanding we had not previously had the Lord as we think about what's going on in heaven. Give us insight there as well.

We commit this time of Bible study to you in Jesus name, amen. What we come now to a new section in the book of Revelation for the sake of illustration. Allow me to compare it to a film, how many of you like to go to movies or watch movies. Recipient of we all like a good story right.

And that's really what a good film is all about. It's not about the special-effects Areva news story minute but is it a good story and in every good story.

There is usually a hero. Often someone we will relate to. Of course, there is a villain.

There is conflict hero faces conflict overcomes it in the end that's a classic story.

We seen told over and over again. So for the sake of illustration. Let's compare the book of Revelation to a film and when I go to a movie. I always want to be there when the film starts.

I hate to be late because it's important in the beginning of a film you see who the main characters are never ever come into a film like 10 minutes late.

You don't know what's going on because in those initial scenes there establishing who is suing what is Watson. My wife you know she always has to go get popcorn first and I'm it's like a law and unwritten law must have popcorn if you Don't be late. We got to see the beginning of the film and in the you know so were sitting there and and were watching that it is she looks well think Kathy wanted to scream because this is an important part of the film.

All right, well, here we are, and how and Revelation and we have already established some important thing in chapter 1 we establish to the hero of the story in that's clearly Jesus Christ, we see him risen, glorified, sovereign, and in control of all things the good guys identified for us in Revelation chapters 2 to 4.

That's the church. Those that follow Jesus the villain with his bad guys come barreling in chapter 6 is the ominous four Horsemen of the Apocalypse of the real action of the book or of the film if you will now is starting the music is swelling your sink. Sinking deeper into your see your so preoccupied with what's happening on that screen you not even getting your popcorn into your mouth the other day we left the problem, the wife to look at your seat.

There was popcorn everywhere.

I think more went on the seat in my side I powwow you know what they would film that was about.

So here is a great conflict developing, and now as we come to this section in Revelation 6 and seven and onward the conflict is accelerating and it almost looks like wickedness will win the good guys are getting pummeled by the antichrist, but of course we know all this and spoiler spoiler alert we win in the end Jesus Christ comes back and establishes his kingdom. But now we come to that time of conflict in the book of Revelation that discover in chapter 6 to 19. These chapters contain seven or 21 judgments that will be unleashed in the world during the seven year great tribulation. In the book of Revelation we have three distinct theories of future judgment. We have seven seals. We have seven trumpets and we have seven bowl but let me say at the outset before we get into some of this judgment that is coming. God doesn't enjoy it.

The Lord himself says.

I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked.

You know sometimes people will say what I believe in the God of the New Testament.

None of the God of the Old Testament and the reason though say that is because in their perception, the God of the New Testament is gracious and loving and merciful. But the God of the Old Testament is harsh and unforgiving in meaning angry and glad to shows and ignorant of Scripture because there is a God of the old and the new.

And he has one and the same is the true and living God, and we see him demonstrating love and forgiveness in the Old Testament as well. As the new story of Pharaoh when he was confronted by Moses and Moses was demanding the release of the Jewish people said let my people go, and if you don't serve the plagues will come your way. They did a plate would come. Pharaoh would beg for mercy. Mercy would be extended for a what hardness are then another plate would come without for mercy. Mercy would be given then another plate would come. This is went on and on and on and on and we simply read Pharaoh hardened his heart. Thus, he experienced the repercussions of that. But the point is, God gave them chance after chance about the story of Noah building this art that flood did not come straightaway. There was allotted time for the people to repent and turn to God and to the point. The Bible says Noah was a preacher of righteousness, that means he told him what was true. He told them how to get right with God, but they loved it. Noah became a form of entertainment to watch crazy Noah build his boat. That is until the first drops of rain began to fall.

But that had opportunity to repent, the story of Nineveh. Here is one of the most wicked cities that ever existed.

And of course at stories on the book of Jonah know we think of Jonah. We immediately fixate on Joni and the whale and he was swallowed, and all that. That's not really the primary message of the book of Jonah. The primary message of it is God cares about people because it was a story of a wicked city that deserve judgment that were known for their savagery. Yet God was giving them one last chance to repent and Jonah didn't want to go and you know how that turned out.

And Jonah himself said in Jonah forward to your generous and compassionate God, slow to anger abundant in lovingkindness, and one who relents concerning calamity and to the point. Nineveh repented and turned to God and guess what God gave them and it was probably the greatest revival in human history. So don't tell me at the God of the Old Testament does not extend mercy. So here we find that God is presented to us in Scripture is good and loving and merciful. Listen. He is also righteous and just because he is just justice must be administered.

That's what we see playing out now in the remainder of the book of Revelation. Now we been looking at chapter 6.

Remember I told you earlier. Chapter 6 is sort of like flyover of the whole book. It's like we were at the close of the scene. We pulled back and were looking at the whole picture so that was demonstrated in the four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and the first is a white horse. And remember, we pointed out that representative of how the antichrist inaugurates the great tribulation.

Initially he comes on a white horse as a good guy, as amended. P. Amen. With global solutions, a man with economic solutions, a man who establishes peace treaties that are actually honored, but he's is his ruse or his weapon fact the Bible says to Pease. He will deceive many. And as it turns out antichrist is not a peacemaker is a troublemaker and following the white horse of pseudo-keys comes a red horse of war would appear that God allows mankind to unleash his nuclear arsenals and as we look at the Lord would comes in its wake with a red horse in the black horse and the pale horse. It looks a lot like what would happen potentially if a nuclear war took place. I can say this is certain, but it appears to be that when Jim called a red well over 100 years ago, a French chemist name Marshall in the birth a lot made the statement and I quote with 100 within 100 years of physical and chemical science men will know what the item is. It is my believe that when science reaches this date, God will come down to earth with his big ring of keys and Sadie humanity. Gentlemen, it's closing time." That's an amazing state statement from well over 100 years ago and I think that's what we see here before us. It's closing time antichrist begins to enforce his agenda on planet Earth is pseudo-benevolence gives way the bloodthirsty vengeance on all who dare to disagree with him following the black courts of famine. We have the pale horse bringing pestilence disease and all the rest. And so we see this horrific scene and we also see a group of courageous believers were put to death and what happens to them and now they're taken in to heaven. So that's where our story picks up. Let's read Revelation chapter 6 starting in verse nine. I will redound verse 11 when he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for their testimony which they help and they cried with a loud voice, saying, how long, O Lord, holy and true, until you judge and avenge our blood on those that dwell on the earth than a white robe was given to each of them.

That was said to them that they should rest a little while longer, until both the number of their fellow servants and their brothers who would be killed as they were was completed stop there. Who are these people, these are people that come to Christ in the tribulation. After the church is removed they will come to believe in Jesus. These are probably people you have shared the gospel with laughter were caught up to meet the Lord in the air in the antichrist emerges on the scene, they realize what is happened they commit their lives to Christ and they stand up for their faith. I want you to notice are two reasons why these people are martyred verse five. There slain for the word of God over the testimony that they help because their true followers of Jesus, they stand up for God's word in the antichrist as a like this and also there known for the word of their testimony. Here's my question to you.

Are you standing up for the word of God. The people know where you stand as a follower of Jesus Christ. You express your opinion openly and secondly do you have a good testimony to be, will know your story of how you came to faith in Christ. Listen if you are speaking up for the word of God and you have a good testimony you will say something similar to what these people face. I'm not saying you'll be put to death for your faith though in some parts of the world you would be what I'm saying is you will face persecution in some way shape or form of the Bible says all that live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. So if you say to me will grade I never persecuted. I get along with everybody. No one ever disagrees with me. I would say some is wrong with you because of your living a godly life. You will be persecuted up sometimes present are persecuted for the wrong reason. Sometimes Christians are persecuted for well being idiots right because of noxious. They're overly judgmental. They're mean-spirited, that's not why we should be persecuted. We should be persecuted for standing up for what is right for the word of our testimony. That's why these guys were persecuted and that brings us to the heart of this message.

What did people in heaven no about what is going on here on and do they even care. And sometimes we wonder are they even watching us right now. Now there are two trains of thought on this topic.

For some it would seem like one friend heaven will be so preoccupied with worshiping God of the lancing in our mind would be what's happening on earth. Besides all the tragedy and sadness in this world. Heaven would just not be heaven if we were made aware of it, then the other train of thought is pretty much the opposite of that people would think that folks up in heaven are just sitting there watching our every move you like wearables like their form of entertainment and they would even think that sometimes those people in heaven might be intervening in our lives and directing our steps in helping us to know what to do. You might be surprised to hear that I believe both views are actually incorrect in their way. Now, you might even ask a question will why would you even care about that. Well, the answer is you'll care if you of a loved one in heaven right let me take a quick poll here. How many of you of someone who was close to you in heaven right now reason. Let's a lot of how many of you are interested in what they're doing up in heaven right now, raise your hand up how many of you don't care you don't care at all. Go now as I want to talk about that I care a lot.

I dissented like a care.

At night because that's at the care Bears say I care a lot. I care a lot you can tell I have small grandchildren. Anyway, but I do care about these things, for obvious reasons, we just had a four year mark since our son went to be with the Lord.

In that event changed my life and I found myself having a greater interest in two things.

Number one the topic of heaven. I've always been interested in heaven. I've always preached on it a lot but I've never studied heaven like I have in the last four years. I want to know everything I can know about heaven what's happening there.

What's going on there what to expect when we get there and the other topic I spent a lot of time studying is whole. How can we have hope in the midst of crisis so you could say I'm a student of heaven and hope I didn't say I was an expert on heaven and hope I think I know more about the menu before but I think I still have a lot to learn but I think in time will all become interested in these topics because here's what you discover as you get older you will have more people that you know.I am anything you think so that depressing thought preacher great. Well, someone's gotta tell you, so might as well be me. Yeah, life is hard. I don't know if you got that memo time you got there though. Life is hard. It is also true that God is good he will give you this ring and hope you need in life. Now I'm not the only one fascinated with the topic of the afterlife are a lot of books that have been written on this subject that if you go over to Amazon right now and type in the word heaven you will find 200,000 options ranging from books to music to different things that you can purchase about the subject of heaven. Some of the best-selling books today are on the topic of heaven people are telling us about their experience of dying and going to have now look, I'm not in the position as a if these people have or have not gone to heaven. I don't know if they just made this stuff up or if they are intentionally lying about it or if he indeed had some time in the next dimension. I don't know. All I can do is take what they write and compare it to what I read in the Scripture. My believe is everything I need to know about heaven is found in the pages of the Bible.

I don't to go beyond this book and the reason I bring this up of their bins of books have been bestsellers even in the Christian world were people talk about their experiences and I had a lady saving on the on the go will will I know what Jesus looks like tonight said why would you know what he looks like she said what I read about this book on heaven and the person saw Christ describe nights when you know I don't know that I would be said on that. I was reading one of these books the other day. I won't say which one, but I was only a few pages in what I found a discrepancy a discrepancy with Scripture. So I then only the second I know didn't build might be what this person says I'm building my faith in what God says in his word, but I bring this up simply because a lot of people are interested will you know what the Bible actually said as a lot to say about Kevin.

Let me just give you some quick bullet point talk about something number one people in the heaven have some knowledge about what is happening here on her again. People in heaven have some knowledge of what is happening here on earth for me to get a step further. I think people never know a lot more about earth than we may realize there's four references another bring to your attention that would seem to suggest this.

Other more productive site for number one people in eternity are aware of the fact of loved ones are not.

Say people in eternity are aware of the fact that lowlands are not saved.

This is based on Luke 16. It's a story that Jesus told about a rich man and a poor man and one went to a place of comfort called Abraham's bosom and the other went to a place of torment described as Hades. Is he prior to the death and resurrection of Jesus. When a believer died. They went to Abraham's bosom, waiting for the time when Christ would die and open up the door to heaven, and if you died as a nonbeliever you went to Katie's a place of waiting but also a place of torment. Okay, now having established that Jesus tells a story know this is not a parable. The reason it's on a parable, which is effectively an illustration is because a name is given one in the minutes identified as Lazarus. He's the poor got another virtue is not in being poor and the sin was not being rich. The sin was that the rich man was so preoccupied with himself and with as well.

He had no compassion for anybody else, and no interest in God and there was a man in Lazarus who lived off the scraps of pulp from his table, and death. Not both doors and death is no respecter of persons. And it doesn't matter if you're wealthy or impoverished or famous or unknown everybody dies. Death is the great equalizer and on the other side.

The rich man is in torment, and the poor man is in Abraham's bosom, and here's how we know the people on the other side know about what is happening here, we read that they were fully conscious. On the other side because a rich friend in torment wanted to warn his brothers about this place and he says in Luke 1628. I have five brothers I want to warn them about this place of torment, so they don't come here when they got this indicates an knowledge in eternity about what is happening on her in the afterlife. We are the same person with real memories of her. You will know more in heaven.

Then you know on earth, not less. We don't all get a collective lobotomy will be go to glory.

You remember things.

These people were aware, this man remember I have five brothers. I don't want them to come to this place so that's the mode the first point number two when people believe in Jesus on earth it's public knowledge and have when people believe in Jesus under the public knowledge heaven. There's a direct connection. Jesus in Luke 15 told a story about three things that were lost. There was a lot she allots calling and a lost boy.

I don't know about you but I tend to lose things in the older I get, the more I lose, I would see my wife in a month. Not I think she's buying popcorn. But you know you lose things in this kind of embarrassing incident when you lose like your car in the mall you have a severe case of Alzheimer's disease right and so you want to eradicating the emergency read. But you know that that's the only time I ever use my trying to find my car and all. Pete, the problem is it one level up what I'm looking around I know it was this file all wrong level you know so you find that you lose thing. So Jesus tells a story about a shepherd who loses the sheet and he know he is 100, these laws once we leave the 99 and goes in the searches for the sheep. And then Jesus said he finds it and wrapping around her shoulders. He returns, rejoicing St. Louis friend, rejoice with me at all my lost sheep. Then Jesus said, I tell you in the same way the be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over 99 righteous people do not need to repent. Then Jesus told a story about a woman who lost the coin now.

It may seem like no big deal to lose a coin but back in this day they would wear that the headband of the wedding band and in this family without calling. So to lose a coin from your wedding band would be like using your wedding ring and obviously would search that if you lost was you don't care about the merit but you would search for because it is monetary value, but more importantly it has sentimental value and so she searched until she found it in his eyes he said rejoice in the outcome. Allots coin Jesus and said, Luke 1510 likewise a CDU. There is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents and then finally Jesus tells a story of the prodigal son.

The father wait until the spring son returned and then he rejoice. So two things jump out at me. Number one, there is joy in heaven over one person to repent. Whenever someone turns to God on earth. They break out in applause and have it sometimes a church and we invite people to Christ you know if there's lesson five, we may not apply was only for you know 10 or more. All fall flyball on or about will be due hereunder, but I know in heaven. When someone believes there's applause. There is excitement there is rejoicing so that just reminds us how important evangelism is to God. God cares about lost people, but the second thing is that statement of Christ. There is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents now.

We immediately think the angels are doing the rejoicing when a nonbeliever trust in Christ but Jesus did not say joy among the angels.

He said joy in the presence of the angel.

I'm not saying the angel told rejoicing probably do but he did not specifically say the angels rejoice.

He said there was joy in the presence of the angels. What I suggest you could he be speaking of loved ones who preceded us to heaven knowing when someone came to Christ because of their life and testimony and also Europe. In heaven, and your daughter, your son, your grandchild, your great-grandchild or your old buddy you used to work with are so many share the gospel. It comes the Christ joy and rejoicing in applause breaks out and you know because that's part of your testimony is just a good reminder that it's not over until it's over or as a top and said it's not over until the fat lady sings I'm not sure who this fat lady is but the idea is we think it's all done we leave this life.

We don't think about our legacy missing because here's what you may not realize maybe only reached three people in your life in this earth that come the crimes or maybe you reach 30 or maybe reach 300 and here's what you may not think about those three may reach 20 and 20 may reach 40 and 40 may reach 100 when it's all said and done, your testimony may end up reaching hundreds.

Who knows, even thousands of people and one of those people that might come to Christ because of your testimony two generations down the road might be the next Billy Graham who will then reach a generation against what the Bible describes it is prudent to your account so it all comes back to your faithful witness. Could it be that Wilmore and Everett were made aware of these things.

I think it's entirely possible let's come back now to Revelation 6. Here's some amazing insights and what people in heaven no, you're the martyrs crying out to God bring me to point number three, people in heaven know about the time and place of events.

Honor. Look at verse 10 they cried with a loud voice he no longer Lord only intrude until you judge and avenge our blood on those that dwell on the earth.

Again, these are people were martyred for their faith in the tribulation. They go to heaven but notice how they're aware of what is happening under while in the heaven. They're aware of a number of things. For instance, they know they were killed for following Christ that there is a direct continuity between our identity on earth and her identity in heaven were not different people will be getting heaven, where the same people relocated these martyrs are fully conscious, rational and aware of each other of God and of the situation on earth.

They remember that they were killed for their faith in Jesus. This is important because it will we don't remember anything about it will but they remember their mere mortals.

These are not angels.

These are people who have died and gone to the other side. Also, there where the passing of time. In her first and they think how long the Lord only intrude until you avenge our blood on those that dwell on the earth. Verse 11 said they should rest a little while longer. I bring this up because sometimes we will see you know men when you get to heaven you're not aware of the passing of time were just there worshiping for ever. That may sound appealing to some and really scary to others because you know that sounds like a really long church service and haven't your menu is everything just went a little bit too long and you found yourself getting bored. How many would say that's true, Ray. Don't lie to me. I've been the many. Trust me. Sadly, most of the ones I'm preaching that I'm bored of hearing myself listen, here's the thing.

Heaven is not going to be a long boring church service. All the other will be worship and plenty of it.

But the Bible says it will serve the Lord were to be working for the Lord. So listen if you have ADD, don't freak out. Give me a lot of stuff for you to do okay. Trust God on this but the point is is that people are aware of the passing of time. Also, number four.

There's a connection between the believers in heaven and those on earth. They speak in verse 11 of their fellow servants and brothers so not only are they aware of the injustice that was done to them. They're aware of those that are still on the earth are concerned about them. How long the Lord only intrude until you judge and avenge our blood on those that dwell in the earth. Their concern is seen so there is an awareness in heaven of what is happening on earth. Sometimes the question is not so when we get these new body. The Bible talks about the answers you get that new body that glorified body at the rapture of the church versus Linnaeus 1552 says will happen in the moment and the blinking of an eye. When the last trumpet is blown and the trumpet sounds interested who have died will be raised with transform bodies, and we would start living will be transformed and are perishable earthly bodies will be transformed in the heavenly bodies will eat your verse. I got it wheezing away the second so we don't get the new body I get is mine right now I can't even talk so we don't get anybody right will be going to Yemen well, it would appear the answer is no. So are you saying to me that a viable love one who died in the Lord their body is still in the grateful of courts and same.

So you see there in the grave know I'm not saying that one confused. Their soul is in heaven. Their body is still in the back of the Savior of these believers in the heaven. Verse nine he saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God so you are in God's presence of here's homework.

When a believer dies, your body goes into the ground and their soul goes to heaven. So what can a party do we have in the intermediate state ready for the answer on her and I'm not worried about it but at the resurrection at the rapture when believers are caught up to meet the Lord in the air. That is when we receive those new bodies, all of those new bodies be like short answer the be a lot like the resurrection body of Jesus.

Because the Scripture tells us for John 32. We know what he's revealed will be likable see him as he is so think for a moment about the resurrection body of our Lord, we know it was physical he stillborn his body the marks of the crucifixion.

They knew it was Jesus. He said to them a desire not another to prove he was a real person. He said to Thomas, go ahead and put your hand in the wound in my side. He still bore that wound, go ahead and put your finger to the wounds in my hands. He still bore those. He also give the foodie – Bible doesn't say was like translucent and his father fish like going down you know know is a real person with a real voice in a real body standing on the earth again, but any canoe really cool stuff like appear in a room without using the door and ascend to heaven affect the word that is user present is from the Greek word harp also the same word that is used to describe the rapture of the church in first Thessalonians 417 so the timing will be able to fly in our new body will perhaps but it's all good to be good.

No more physical disabilities, no signs of age. No sinful tendencies. Meanwhile, back on earth.

Things are going from bad to worse.

Look at verse 1206. I look in the open. The six seal, there was a great earthquake.

The sun became black as sackcloth and Sarah.

The moon became like blood in the stars of heaven told her the earth as a fig tree drops its late figs when shaken by a mighty wind. Then the sky receded as a scroll when it is rolled up, and every mountain and island were moved out of their place in the kings of the earth and the great men of the Richmond of the commanders, the mighty men, every slave and every free man, hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains and they said to the rocks in the mountains fallen SNI.

This from the faith in them that sits on the throne I'm losing my voice. My grandmother had a birthday party yesterday and there was a lot of singing and yelling and talking and now I'm paying the price.

Verse 16 they say to the mountains and rocks, calling us from the base of them that sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb for the great Davis brothers, was able to stand. You know, in the first part of Revelation chapter 6 with the four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. It appears that God is allowing man to unleash his own weapon, but now as we come to the latter part of chapter 6 of Revelation its cataclysmic. Now God himself is bringing his judgment down upon the earth.

Verse 13 mentions the stars of heaven falling to the one is a reaction interest. Verse 16. The nonbelievers try to hide from God. They say to the mountains and the rocks fallen SNI hiatus from the faith in him that sits on the throne and from the rest of the land. You know sometimes it said there are no atheists on bottles right but somewhat true in the point of that is often when facing death people will come to their senses and turn to God. I've heard many stories of people coming to Jesus on their deathbed and thank God he will forgive a person no matter how wicked of a life they live.

If he'll turn to Jesus.

Even in the last moments of their life. Case in point from Scripture is the thief on the cross, much worse in the thief the word that is there in the Greek for the is one that speaks of a criminal. He probably was guilty of murder probably an insurrectionist a rebel against Rome, a revolutionary type of a guy, but he turned to Jesus and said, Lord, remember me when you come in your kingdom and Jesus said today. You'll be with me in paradise. So there is that hope and here's the thing. More often than not, people will die as they of live and they die with hearts that are hard toward God and these people are not crying to God they're effectively crying to what mother nature. Hey rocks, followed us 20 Pringle Rock joint Mountain. You should be calling on the Lord, Lord, forgive me, not rock hi from the wrath of the line now become the one less little section will wrap up organ to be introduced to a mysterious group of people.

The hundred and 44,000.

They have a prominent role in the book of Revelation chapter 7 verse one after these things I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth at the wind should not blow on the earth on the sea, or any tree and I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God, and he cried with a loud voice of the four angels to whom it was granted to harm the earth and the sea same don't harm the earth, the sea or the trees until we have sealed the servants of God on there for snow. Who are these servants of God they're identified later as the hundred and 44,000 who are the hundred and 44,000 person he say who they are not. They are not Jehovah's Witnesses, and I printed out the sub because it Jehovah's Witnesses for many years believe they were the hundred and 44,000 and then when their numbers exceeded that they had to adapt their theology.

Accordingly, and so they feel that these were sort of the elite Jehovah's witnesses will to even claim to be one of these people is rather curious because number one they don't exist. Yet there still yet in our future and it is clear from the text.

As you will read that they are from the 12 tribes of Israel. So these are Jewish people so at this moment in time. The hundred and 44,000 are unconverted Jewish people. But here's what's gonna happen out of the rapture of the church were caught up to meet the Lord in the air God's goodness single out the special group of 144,000 Jews who find Jesus as their Messiah. Some things are said about them. You can read about the more Revelation 14 it says that they have their own song that only they know that's kinda cool. Nobody can sing their song with them.

Number two there described as following the Lamb wherever he go Revelation 14 for they stay very close to God. No lie in front of their lives and they are blameless and then here's an interesting thing. They are effectively indestructible because they are not harmed by the antichrist.

We find them at the end of the Revelation end of the book of Revelation standing on Mount Zion with Jesus.

So there like indestructible girls like spiritual superhero way better than Spider-Man, Batman or Superman because they're real and the protected by God even kryptonite can't stop them and what are they doing their preacher there like 144,000 apostle Paul. Think of the difference Paul made in his world. One converted Jew accepts Christ as Messiah. There like 144,000 kosher Billy Graham roaming the planet close to God protected by the Lord giving out the gospel.

So don't tell me people are not given a chance to believe even in the midst of the tribulation. In addition to this, as I pointed out last time there's an angel flying through the heavens, preaching the everlasting gospel and what can be described as a angelic mop up operation wise it's important because the Bible tells us that the gospel will be preached in all of the world before the end, it's Matthew 2414 and that is not saying that we need to preach the gospel before the rapture that seen the gospel will be preached before the end and the end is when Christ comes back again. So God's gonna reach the whole planet of all. Opportunities to believe opportunities to repent. So here's the good news.

Great days are coming for the Jewish people and for the nation Israel. The Bible tells us in this is another message or another time. In Ezekiel 3738 and 39 a large force from the north of Israel will march on her rent on her destruction.

One of the allies of Epworth called Magog and believed by many to be modern-day Russia went really ugly uniforms of the Olympics that one of the allies will be Iran, Persia and Scripture.

But that's just the ancient name for Iraq. It was fascinating this to think of all the threats that have been made against Israel. Of late by Iran with a threat to wipe them off the face of the earth drive the Jews into the ocean. They say one leader in Iran recently called for an Islamic awakening to destroy Israel he said in the near future.

The Islamic awakening movement would swallow the Zionist regime is think oh it's just Frederick. Well, listen, if you're Jewish you Mike to give a little more serious. Less than they heard rhetoric like this. It came from the knots in 6 million people were put to death. Imagine if Hitler had nuclear weapons what what happened to the Jewish people or a nation Israel if they existed that no I think they're taking these threats seriously and so they should and you know what these economic sanctions are not good at stop Iran there hell-bent on getting this ball and there hell-bent on destroying the Jews so all of this is building up I were watching them play out on the front pages of our newspapers say they will great but why you bring this up. I don't get it. Let's put it together like pieces of apostle okay so here's the hundred and 44,000 preaching the gospel around Bible breakup was go back to Ezekiel. Here's the attack against Israel following okay. I love the one really important part Magog attacks God intervenes, wipes out 56 of the invading army revival breaks out all of this revival for the Jewish people isn't happen until a really important event takes place. I believe that event is the rapture of the church.

Here's why listen if you don't know what that meant.

It takes too long to explain. Romans 1125 says I don't want you to be ignorant of this mystery brothers Israel is experiencing a hardening, in part, the full number of the Gentiles is coming today. There are not that many followers of Jesus were Jewish. Not that many messianic believers, and if you have any Jewish friends and he tried to show the gospel with them. You know what I'm talking about.

I've had many spirited discussions with the Jewish friends in Israel and other places about Christ as Messiah and you might say that there sort of like applying this. There are an unwillingness to accept the bank, the Christ could be there Messiah, but when God is done with the church with the Gentiles and what we call the times of the Gentiles were caught up to meet the Lord in the air when the full gathering of the Gentiles has come in, then God's spirit will be poured out upon Israel in these revivals will break out, including the hundred and 44,000. Can you imagine the we knew who the last person was that was holding this thing up. God is waiting for some person somewhere. What if they were in the service today and you knew they were, would you be tempted to persuade them know you wouldn't please please believe in Jesus so we can go to heaven.

The result of the preaching of the hundred and 44,000 results in the largest revival in human history even greater. The Nineveh Bible tells us that so many people believe in Revelation 79. You can even number them from all nations, tribes, peoples, and tonsils. What a great day it's going to be so much for the vengeful God that doesn't give chances after chances let's come back to what heaven knows about her these things are happening in her and there viewed and have an people maybe watching us right now coming back to the Olympics. How many of you watch the opening ceremonies of the Olympics global audience of 1 billion people and so we all walks and now the Olympics arm playing, watch a little bit of it last night and there was I it was a what's swimming competition and I also watched some of the gymnastics and such and I noticed there were a lot of empty seats and that's been talked about a lot are the seats not billed and as it turns out our corporate sponsors about the seats and they didn't get people into them and so just the regular public to think we want to go would be at these events is here. These athletes representing their country and I'll tell you what a really goes in summons cheering you on right and they need the added OC should be filled.

Listen were being cheered on right now who's cheering us on heavens cheering us on. Because in Hebrews 12 it says scene. We are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let's lay aside the way and the sin that so easily slows us down and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking on the Jesus of the author and finisher of our faith. So were in the race of life. But Paul says, or the writer of Hebrews and about with Paul actually says it's a great cloud of witnesses, who was a cloud of witnesses, well, right before Hebrews 12 is Hebrews 11 brilliant insight that he was 11 is a description of some of the great men and women of faith that have gone before us. People that serve the Lord with faithfulness and were used by God like Abraham, Moses, Joseph Gideon, the list goes on there and what is called the hall of faith Hebrews 11 so drawing on the scene since you are are therefore center surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, all the spiritual heavyweights run the race of the set before with endurance. Now is the author of Hebrews saying that were being cheered on by Abraham and evidently watching the same go or is he simply saying he was an example and he is asking us to follow in his footsteps so to speak.

All I don't know the answer may be that heaven is watching earth right now. It may be that loved ones are watching us in some way shape or form, but even if they aren't. I know this much. Jesus is watching and he's the one were running for coming back to Hebrews 12 looking on the Jesus the author and finisher of your faith, see the Olympic Games started in Greece and in the ancient games. We know that the runners would get out there on the track and there were no corporate sponsorship to Beth. Then Nike was a God. They worship not a shoe. They wore, but at the end of the race that would be the Emperor holding the laurel leaves that would be given to the winner, not a gold medal at the laurel leaves so as you are coming around the scripts in the race. You can see your reward and you can see the one holding your report that gave you the added motivation to run well in life one were running for his Jesus. We run for an audience of one, and you can see them there anything come on, you can make some folks we don't know when life is getting and we don't know what working to be among the number on the other side that will have answers to all these questions and will understand all of these things much better than we do now, but I think we want to make sure that were ready to meet the Lord. Here's the bottom line and I am now concluding so this is not the longest church service you've ever been to the bottom line is heaven is not the default destination of every person. By that I mean you don't automatically get to go to heaven when you die. As we saw that earlier story of the rich man of the poor man that died the believer, the nonbeliever one went to torment the other one to comfort that was decided by what happened on earth what we do on earth has repercussions in eternity. You decide where you will go you decide if you go to heaven you decide if you go to hell.

God doesn't want you to go to hell he wants you to join him in heaven. But you must respond to his offer of forgiveness purchase for you by Christ of the cross rate died in our place and shed his blood for us and rose again from the dead and will turn from our sin, but our faith in Jesus, we can know with confidence will go to heaven when we got in of the rapture happens before that and it could where the Lord comes for his people.

You can be confident you'll be ready to meet the Lord. So are you ready are you sure do you know what confidence that you would go to heaven if you died today.

Do you know with certainty the price were to come back again.

You would be ready to meet up if you don't respond to this invitation as we close down prayer. Let's all bow our heads father I pray for any now that are watching and I pray that you will help them to see their need for Jesus, help them become the one believe we would pray I will answer God and her eyes were closed were praying, if you would like Jesus Christ to come in your life if you would like him to forgive you of your sin.

If you would like to know with certainty that you will go to heaven when you die if you want to be ready for the Lord's return wherever you are. Want to the stand your feet right now, Lee join a prayer of commitment to Jesus just stand up wherever you are, wherever you are hearing me wherever you're seeing me send your feet will enjoy a prayer – to stand up, stand up to bless you you that are watching in orange county orange crest.

Stand your feet you that are in the overflow area out here in the amphitheater stand up in the court building stand up wherever you are. You want God's forgiveness. You want to be ready for his return. Let me lead you in a prayer stand your feet.

Others are sending you will not be the only one. Stand up now you want his forgiveness today. Anybody else got bless you that are standing one final moment want to get right with God today when we pray for you and me. Pray with you stand the bless you, bless you. Anybody else down there publish read all of you that are standing. I want you to pray this prayer out loud after me. This is where you are asking Christ to come in your life again as I pray pray this out loud after me pray this. Now, Lord Jesus, I know I'm a sinner but you died for me on the cross. I'm sorry for my sin. I turn from it now. I ask you to come in the my life and be my Savior, my Lord and my God and my friend. I choose to follow you from this moment forward in Jesus name I pray, amen