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SM121028/Hot Button Issues

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie
The Cross Radio
October 30, 2012 2:58 pm

SM121028/Hot Button Issues

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie

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October 30, 2012 2:58 pm

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Harvest messages are brought to you by harvest partners receive free email daily devotions were to become a harvest partner, please visit us right now, let's turn over to exit this chapter 20 the title of my message is hot button issue is Frank father you've given us your word and your word is truth, and it is from the basis of your word that we can evaluate what we should think what we should say what we should do and how we should live.

So we pray Lord that we will be biblically informed believers on all issues of life.

Even some that are controversial.

Speak to us as we open Scripture we ask in Jesus name. They met you know there was a time when probably the best known verse among all people would have been John 316 right for God so loved the world he gave his only begotten son whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life seem like everyone either knew the verse are then you little bit about the verse, but that is no longer the favorite verse of both people especially nonbelievers fact, I believe the nonbelievers favorite verse is Matthew 71. I don't even think they know that it's Matthew 71, but it's the one they love the quote and here it is Judge not lest you be jots.

Why is that their favor because that usually what they say to you or to me only have you density to have a biblical worldview and other words if we dare say something is right or something is wrong or we make an evaluation about something else to back. How can you say that that so judge mental that is so narrowminded, that is so bigoted doesn't the Bible say judge not lest you be judged with don't be put off by that because really a better translation of it would be condemned, not lest you be condemned. I am not of the position to say who's going to get in heaven or who's going to get end up in hell. Ultimately, that's up to God. But I am to make judgments in life as a Christian every to make judgments do not if I'm stepping into the street holding the hand of a small child.

I look both ways to make sure it's safe.

That's a judgment by a walking by a dog and I decide to pet it and suddenly he bears his teeth and growls and I decide not to pet the dog because I like having a hand that's a judgment and so him to make judgments and evaluations. As a follower of Jesus Christ. Paul the apostle said, as believers, are we not unworthy or worthy to judge even the smallest matters in the also said judgment begins at the house of God. So we must make judgments but we must not condemn only bring this up because were living in a time where it's politically incorrect to have certain view it if you stand up for a certain issue. You will be labeled in a certain way.

So let's tackle some of the hot button issues that are talked about a lot in our culture today. Let's start with the family. What is the family. What isn't the family. What about gay marriage. Why is that a bad idea. What about homosexuality. Isn't it true that a person is born gay.

And then what about the topic of abortion. Why is it really wrong to, as some would say terminate a pregnancy is and that the right of the woman in the one about capital punishment. Now some material don't talk about those things you're getting political now with the second. It is my intention to be political, for the sake of being political. It is my intention to address an issue from a biblical worldview. If it has political ramifications, or even if it doesn't it doesn't matter to me. I'm looking to back away from a topic because it is a political hot button in the moment because these are spiritual issues and these are moral issues.

Don't forget slavery was once a political issue to it was the law of the land.

You are the right to own slaves was that wrong will of course it was in our own president in Abraham Lincoln, to abolish slavery in his Emancipation Proclamation and a lesser-known person, but a significant impact over in England was William Wilberforce. He was British parliamentarian who came to faith in Christ and instead of just sitting idly by key used his power in the political world to overturn slavery slave trade that the slave trade over there in England so yeah there might be times that there is little bit of a bleed over into the political world, but we must stand for what is true, we must think and we must act biblically. Now this is very important because there are even Christians who are well-meaning who have a little bit of a biblical worldview sort of intermingled with a lot of emotion also influenced by what may be politically correct or culturally acceptable.

What I'm suggesting to you that I need to have a complete biblical worldview and I need to make my decisions based on what the Bible says so let's start with the basic premise. How many of you believe the Bible is the word of God to grab your Bible: bullet up. This is a source of authority. This guys holding an iPhone but I know that I know you have the Bible other than O2.

Yes, please put your phone on mute Sir we don't want calls of the service, but this is the authority, the word of God.

It is to affect everything that we do, or at least a chip. So when you look at Exodus chapter 20 that gives us the 10 Commandments I was I could talk about all the commandments today because there's so amazing and there's so much there to one full but the interest of time, I'm in a deal with six of the 10 Commandments.

Let me just give you kind of a flyover of them the 10 Commandments were given by God to Moses on Mount Sinai. There divided into two sections not five and five but actually foreign set. The first four commandments have to do with our relationship with God. Commandment number one have no other gods before me commandment number two have no graven images commandment number three don't take the Lord's name in vain.

Commandment number four. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. The final six commandments have to do with our relationship with people so let's dive into commandment number six Exodus 20 verse 12, I should say commandment number five. Excuse me. Honor your father and your mother honor your father and your mother before word is spoken about how you treat others.

We start with the family. Few things in life can bring us greater pleasure than our family.

I would just with all of my grandkids yesterday and they're all swarming around in the pool and having a great time little alley use whose only two has a little floaty's on which match my floaty's that I were in the pool as well and then the older girls are are you know little bolder. They can swim a little bit better and then there's little Christopher who I was holding who will he just watch.

As for now, but is so much fun you know the family can bring so much joy and few things can bring us greater pain that are for templates you know when things are going well.

But God is established, the family affected him and said that a family can survive without a nation but a nation cannot survive without the family, God set it up bringing a man and a woman together in marriage. And then, of course, ultimately with children and grandchildren. That's his order. So what is he start with honor your father and mother will certainly love site of this commandment that the Bible tells us that one of the signs of the end times will be a lack of respect for one's parents. Second Timothy three to the last days.

People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, bolsters proud blasphemers, disobedient to parents, so the Bible is telling us in the last days there will be an attack on the family know this. Satan always hates what God loves God loves the family that he established the marriage of a man and a woman is a physical representation of his love for the church and the church's love for him.

God effectively says you want to know much I love my people look of the way that Christian man loves his wife. You want to know how much my people love me look of the way that Christian woman loves her husband. This is my model.

This is my example for all of you to observe, so it should come as no surprise that the devil would try to undermine the family. Notice it says honor your father and mother not honor your father and father or honor your mother and mother or honor your mother and her live-in lover, for her part, we tamper with God's order at our own peril. There is a movement afoot in our country to redefine marriage and family media and modern culture are pushing for same-sex marriage. The normalization of homosexuality is also gaining momentum. TV programs are popular today like modern family and in the new normal sort of illustrate this with the emphasis on gay marriage and homosexuality in general. You would think a huge percentage of the population must be getting now for some advocates.

It's a size 25% on many accept the premise that it's at least 10%, but an extensive survey was just completed by the Gallup polling agency. The largest of its kind ever in which 121,000 Americans were interviewed and revealed the 3.4% of the US population are gay is a very small percentage that includes gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender.

But even though it may be a small percentage. It is become a very big topic and it is come right to the doorstep of the church now. People like to portray Christians as & gay and gay pastors and that's not the case at all. We don't see this as a worse sin necessarily than any other sin I don't see the Bible distinguishing the sin of homosexuality is the greatest of all sin. In fact, of the Bible does talk about greater and lesser sins, but it would appear that the worst sin would be to sin against the life. Let me illustrate.

Jesus said the Pontius Pilate up hardened pagan Roman man, the one who delivered me to you was committed. The greater sin. What would be a greater sin than sending Christ to be executed after he'd been scourged test pilot that greater sin was committed by the high priest Caiaphas who should have known better and he is the one who sent Jesus to pilot that was the greater sin using the knowledge brings responsibility but yet at the same time we can back away from that.

What are going out of our way to be critical of a person in a certain sinful behavior were just they look for not going to back down of the Bible says something that is a sin. It is a sin, so someone says that you think it is a sin to live in a homosexual lifestyle guy. I think that your homophobic.

Please will you know what for you to criticize me for making that stand. I could just as easily say to your homophobic oh we hear every week go phobic all day long.

Okay, listen, I'm sin, a phobic sin is sin no matter how manifests itself peers of the Bible says. First Corinthians 6 910 don't you know those who do wrong, have no share in the kingdom of God. Don't pull yourselves those who indulge in sexual sin were idol worshipers, adulterers, male prostitutes, homosexuals, thieves and greedy people, drunkards, abusers and swindlers. None of these have a share in the kingdom of God was in the Bible does not give a confused statement on this topic.

There is no confusion on this issue unless your confusion is with the Bible.

The apostle Paul in no uncertain terms clearly points out that homosexuality among other things, is a sin in Romans 121 to 27. Again, God's order is for a man in a woman to come together now somewhat safe. Well, I don't feel I should judge other people and that's the way they want to live in front of a site. My God would never judge a person who lives awake. My God is loving my God is accepting you know like when I'm in the city right now this God your invoking is not the God of the Bible God is loving God is accepting God is gracious, but God also says he will judge sin. No matter how it manifests itself when you sort of redefine God in your own image, save my God says is for my God wouldn't do that, you are violating commandment number one which says you shall have no other gods before him, itself, fake God is a fictitious God maybe to be more technical. You're worshiping you because as God your invoking is not real. So yes, we must enter what the Scripture says publicly, no key people are born that way will I don't actually believe that now I believe everyone is born a sinner and I believe that some people may struggle with certain sins that others don't necessarily struggle with some may deal with same-sex attraction. What that does very well. I you and I've been tempted this way.

That means I gay don't. I mean, you're a sinner been tempted in this way, and you need to resist that temptation. Just as another person would resist the temptation to commit fornication or adultery artist.

I lie. I don't know it's tires because we don't want them to do that. Note the stealer to lie or view stealer alliance to Stein to get what I'm saying.

Just because your tempted in a certain area does not mean you should give into it, and we should do everything we can to strengthen the marriage and depersonalize it. We should do everything we can to strengthen our marriage so our family is strong, you know, back in the old days if you will come from a divorce. I was kind of scandalous.

I know because I came from one back in the late 50s and early 60s and it was I was the odd man out like I didn't have a mom and the dad and I would spend a lot of times visiting with my friends who had parents at home and nowadays if you come from an intact family. It's bizarre your parents are married. Actually when you tell someone you been married for 38 years is Kathy and I have been they look like you're from another planet. What is wrong with you. God is established. Men and women coming together onto your father amendment my mother a commandments. The next commandment number six verse 13 you must not kill ever there was a commandment that was ignored was this one. We live in a violence world. Even in America. Our culture is awash in violence and killing 2 million people year become violent crime statistics in the United States. The Bureau of Justice statistics, just reported that violent crime in America rose last year that the first time and to dedicate so we know all about violent crime all around us but a better translation of this verse would be used shall not murder. I know it's often said, you shall not kill, but a better translation is, you shall not murder. This commandment forbids the taking of another human life for no justifiable understand this.

The Bible does not condemn all killing number 35, plainly see the difference that God established between killing and murder. All murder is killing but all killing is not necessarily murder. There are times when death is permissible, though not desirable. He seemed like when like in defending yourself like if someone breaks in your house now look of someone wants to steal my stuff I wouldn't ever want to take a life over stuff. Far as I'm concerned, they can have the stuff, but if they mean harm to my family. There's going to be trouble and I'll tell you what I'll say praise the Lord and pass the ammunition Jesus told his disciples to take a sword with them on their journey.

Now these of the Disciples of Christ. Take a sort.

Why would they carry a sword around for shish kebab for self-defense. It's justifiable to defend yourself and God is establish order and laws to govern the culture by those who break the laws will face the repercussions. God is even raise up the military and the police to do his work on Romans 13 three says the authorities do not frighten people are doing right. But they frighten those who do wrong. So do what they say and you get along well. Authorities are said by God to help you.

The authorities are established by God for this very purpose to punish those that do wrong. God is establish the authorities now is an interesting thing is establish all authority.

Check this out. Will Paul wrote those words just what authority was in power. The Roman government and just who was the Caesar of Rome, Caesar, Nero, one of the craziest Caesar's of a lot. One I might add to persecuted Christians. Yet, Paul says all authority is established by God.

I believe that our president is in position right now because he's been established by God.

And when he was elected and we knew it, I prayed for him and we may have another president and we may have the same president in the days again, but whoever is elected to this high office has been put there by God. And we as Christians are to pray for that person.

But we also should vote.

That's one of the freedoms that we have in our country. Let me take it a step further. That's one of the responsibilities you have in this country.

I would not say it's a sin to not vote, but I would say it's getting close to one of your crazy elements like the Bible says to him, the nose to do good and does not do it to him.

It is a sin. If I know that by cussing out vote. I can make a difference for the better of my country and I didn't do it to me that you're responsible. I think every Christian should register and vote is is very important.

Let's go back to this word murder. It needs to – in pieces. It's never used this word murder to describe the death of an animal. There are those that would equate the death of an animal to death of a person that's wrong it's never used to describe the death of an opponent in war and it's never used to describe the death meted out to capital punishment. By the way, capital punishment was established by God himself.

Genesis 96 says you must execute anyone who murders another person for to kill a person is to kill a living being made in God's image.

The Bible his capital punishment is justice, not murder. I bring this up because there are those that are proposing capital punishment and listen, you know there are good people on both sides of this debate so I'm in a just simply say this.

I believe there's a place for I believe it's legitimate and I do find it ironic that sometimes those were against it would favor abortion on demand. I find it curious that those people the why of the vigil outside of the place where the mass murderer who is been convicted is about to be executed, holding signs that say thou shall not kill.

But at the same time. They believe that it's a mother's right to terminate a pregnancy or to abort the child if she wants to. So this to me is completely illogical. They want to kill the innocent spare the guilty. I want to spare the innocent and see the judge. The guilty shots bringing us to the topic of abortion.

Now I want to know something. This is not really debatable. And when I say this I want you to understand the Bible does not give a mixed message as to when life began. The Bible is very clear in pointing out that life begins at conception, listen to David's words and someone 39 tissue made all the delicate inner parts of my body.

You knit me together in my mother's womb.

Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex. You watch me as I was being formed in utter's inclusion in the dark of the womb you saw me before I was born every day of my life was recorded in your book.

Every moment was laid up for a single day had passed and I listen to Jeremiah's words, God said to Jeremiah Jeremiah 15. I knew you before you were formed in your mother's womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my spokesman to the world. I saw you in the womb. Jeremiah and I put a call in your life before you were even born.

You see, God recognizes the unborn child notice he says I formed you in your mother's womb.

Every child is created by God. It should be given a chance to live. God does not say well I waited until your morning. Have a plan for you because you were really a human you were just a mass of tissue.

Listen, I know little bit about this because I was conceived out of wedlock using that's all for the reason cited is the why a woman will get an abortion. Hey, you know that that I'm not married. This is inconvenient. This is a little bit embarrassing will listen. I'm sure glad my mom didn't abort me, you know, so God is a plan for every baby out there, regardless of the circumstances of their conception, they are not illegitimate children.

Many illegitimate parents illegitimate children.

Yet despite the support centers are commonplace since the passing of Roe V Wade in the early 70s 50 million babies have been aborted in America every 15 seconds and abortion occurs in America. Abortion is going to do a $500 million a year industry in the United States, and an estimated $10 billion a year industry worldwide thing of all those babies aborted thing of all those babies killed in the United States would one of them have grown up to be a scientist, he would've discovered the cure for cancer. Would one of them grown up to be the president of the United States or maybe a preacher of the gospel or will never know what we because those pregnancies were terminated in the one thing that people don't talk about is the impact it has on women. Those about abortions. According to studies experience a higher depression rate and attempt suicide at a far higher rate than those that have not had one a University of Minnesota study and teen suicide found that the rate of attempted suicide. Increased 10 times routines would aborted during those three during the previous five months.

Abortion is not the NC state or you do you carry the child to term and you have a few options number one perfect world, you marry the guy you raise a child in the way of the Lord is good.

Option number two, you raise a child as a single mother. Option number three you put the child up for adoption is plenty people. I would love to adopt the child but you do not have the choice of aborting the child.

If you believe what the Bible says why know we have new terminology for to make us more comfortable with abortion.

We call them fetuses, embryos, globs of the cell's uterine contents, products of conception of my favorite potential human beings, etc. use it to potential human being really, what else would it be a horse listen is not a potential human being.

It's a human being with incredible potential made in the image of God. There might be someone listening to me right now that is pregnant you're embarrassed you're considering an abortion. No one will ever know you think here's my challenge to you go to the sonogram is a what we know to sonogram his right effectively take a picture of the baby in your womb. It's amazing the detail of sonograms now and studies and found that 90% of pregnant women who got a sonogram decided against it, abortion is because they realized that that's not uterine contents. That is a baby for me to my womb right now.

I heard the story of a woman who lives life was in danger. And this is often cited as a legitimate reason for abortion. You know people's I don't believe in abortion unless the mother's life is in danger will actually I don't even accept that.

Let's eat mom you're walking across the street with your little toddler child in here you are in a car come speeding toward you know what you going to do well. Mom says I'm in a get out of the way. I don't care about the job to get out of my way because my life is in danger. The car hits my child that's okay as long as it doesn't to me. Are you kidding again of a mother are you any self-respecting mother would impulsively force the child out of danger and she got a kid that just the way it would write.

I heard a story about a woman named Pam who was pregnant and that she was a missionary over in the Philippines and that she had amoebic dysentery, the leading cause of death in the country and this was her fifth child. She was dehydrated, very sick and she went to see a doctor and he said you need to abort this child because of the powerful medicines of the church taking our you could talk carrying this child. The term, so this is one of those real mother's life in danger. Scenarios can prayed with her husband. They decided to go forward and she died she died. Which one of the child live. So they had that child.

By the way the child was born. His name is Tim Tebo, quarterback for the New York Jets and an outspoken follower of Jesus Christ. I'm glad to made the right decision. As you listen to this message of the Unum and Greg you know I'm really enjoying this. That much but I'm feeling okay about myself because I at least to my knowledge, I have never murdered anybody and you know in our families intact. So I think I'm okay. But wait a second, Jesus took this a step further in the sermon on the Mount and he said in Matthew five you for that.

It was said by people long ago don't murder anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.

But I think anyone who is angry with his brother is subject to judgment. This is talking about a person that has anger and hatred toward another person, Jesus is saying I'm not just telling you to. It's wrong to murder. I'm saying it's wrong to hate is anyone you hate that they walk in room your blood pressure goes up on us and you wish they were dead. You need to repent is that the sin wasn't doesn't say what you know I would never kill them, but all assassinate their character man all all of that stuff out on the Internet. Impact on makeup things about the Bible tells us in Ephesians 4 we should get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words and slender, and instead be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as got the crisis forgiven us. We as believers or not they hate but rather we are to love our enemies become the commandment number seven Exodus 20 verse 14 you shall not commit adultery. What is adultery but sex with someone besides your spouse if you're married, fornication is sex with someone before you're married, according to the Bible. These are sins.

All of us know someone or many people will fallen into the zeds. Can you imagine what our culture would be like if we obey this single commandment. Can you imagine how different our world would be how many divorces would've been avoided. How many families would still be together how many fathers would be home to raise their children to know that they can trace most social ills to the breakdown of the family kids that get into drugs. Teens to get pregnant people that turned a violent crime in almost every incident incident, they trace it back to the breakdown of the family that specifically to the absence of the father.

So often marriages fall apart because of this sin. Listen God is given the marriage for there to be fulfillment in a oneness between a man and a woman sex is not some toy that we play with to satisfy our desires. The Bible says in Hebrews 13 for give honor to marriage and remain faithful to one another in marriage, and God will judge those who are moral and he will judge those who commit adultery.

And yet the sin is committed so often I'll tell you what it hurts, you so mostly will come on Greg you know it's it's not that bad.

It was just a one night stand were just having a little fun as long as it's between two consenting adults.

Why is it wrong because the sender that when a man and a woman come together sexually.

Oneness takes place. Even if a man comes together with a prostitute. It's the same thing. First Corinthians 6, Paul says, don't you know that if you join yourself to a prostitute.

You become one body with her. The two are united in the one so run away from sexual sin. No others since it clearly affects the body as this one does so with her to and it hurts others as well. Then of course there is teen pregnancy or just unwanted pregnancy and that lead so often to abortion and so much more. Thou shall not commit adultery commandment number eight you shall not steal, restricting such a widespread problem in our culture today and among those who know stealing is wrong. It's interesting why they think it's wrong.

The study was done among those who stole her thought about it and they asked him the question, why don't you steal the number one reason given was, I might get caught. Number two will the other person might try to get even or number three. What you might not need the item about because God says it's a sin and it's wrong. Here's what the Bible says about it.

Ephesians 428. He was been stealing was still no longer putting this work would something useful with his own hand me of something to share with those who are in the figure 3 principal syllabi is a Christian number one steel no longer no-brainer. Don't steal, and if you have stolen stop and if you took something from someone, give it back to me and I could steal something from someone at the whole it was a sin.

Lord, I'm sorry. And then keep it. No way that's not yours. Give it back.

It's called making restitution is a story of a man named Zacchaeus in the Scripture who was a tax collector, which meant that he worked for wrong collected very high taxes on the people then to make matters worse, he added more on top of the pocket of the prophet. So we had a conversation with Jesus and afterwards he said I'm going to restore fourfold that which I have taken from others. And Jesus said, truly, salvation is coming to this home is he he made restitution so people stolen steel no longer means don't download things illegally don't take things that don't belong to you. Number two it says and do something useful. He must work with his hands.

God want you to go on to be responsible and work for a living. Second Thessalonians 3 says whoever does not work should not eat we hear some of your living idolize refusing to work and wasting time meddling in other people's affairs. Settle down and get to work. Earn your own living news flash, the world doesn't owe you a living. News flash, number two, the government doesn't owe you a living be responsible and work if you can, and number three it says share what you have, that you may share with those who are in easy as you work hard you save your money, you're able to help other people.

Commandment number nine verse 16 you shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. Don't lie. No course of this one's a little harder to keep than others. I'm not talking about bald-faced lies. By the way, I resent that term. What is it like bald-faced what's that supposed to meet. If you adhere it's not as bad.

Why do I have to be uses the illustration. This is personal none to their those, of course, but a survey was done among people in the rest.

Why they lie in the number one reason was the fear of offending someone. So I can to get that actually because there are times when you don't want to see. Tell the truth to someone because you know will hurt them, guys.

Let's just say your wife is crying on an outfit she says, honey. Do I look fat in this here's the answer. Guys, no matter what, no why because you want things to be nice around the house. Nobody in your current encouraging ally side trying to make a point here how easy it is.

Maybe you are invited over to someone's house for a meal and and it was awful. It was so bad you threw up three times inside your mouth. Sorry that was an appropriate anyway. So after the meal is done completely nauseated. The person who made it said how do you like the meal. Well, I've never seen those particular ingredients put together in such a way take you know what to say what's true. It was horrible so you maybe will say something else but we tell these little white lies so-called everyday. You knowing someone calls your house you want to talk to them your child answers the phone is a tell him I'm not home.

That's called ally summonses. Where were you, I forgot when you did it.

I love your outfit when you don't. I was just getting ready to call you when you were the checks in the mail when it isn't as other ways that we can light gossip and backbiting gossip topples governments Rex marriages ruins careers destroys reputations that causes nightmares and sponsor sufficient to generate screen even its name. This is God's dislike of serpent Izzy and will tell an intentional lie about someone else to hurt them. This is something we should never do is one commandment left that I'd like to deal with than the little time we have left.

Number 10. You shall not covet your 17 you shall not covet your neighbor's house or covet your neighbor's wife or your manservant or maidservant is altered don't hear anything that belongs to your neighbor.

Now listen coveting is not desiring something we don't have. Sometimes he will misunderstand when you're walking with their Christian friend down the street. Golkar drives leg up while Golkar in your Christian friends and Pasternak cabinet maybe naming all their violence – on that cabinet like that. No don't do that, but that's not correct what they're saying it's not a sin to admire something. What does it mean to covet.

Notice the context you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, Izzy coveting is wanting something that will never be yours should never be yours. In fact belongs to someone else. I want that.

That's what it means to covet.

Actually the literal definition of the word covet means to set your heart on something or a better translation to Kant after something sort of like a predator pursuing their prey like a dog with his food earn about a Roman Catholic priest, what are the confessions of 2000 people skitter every kind of sin and iniquity confessed, even murder but he said he had never heard anyone confessed to committing the sin of covetousness because we don't really know what it is missing, but we do it all the time that the apostle Paul said, you know, I pretty much kept all the commandments with this was the one I struggled with the most wife because all the other commitments are external, thou shall not commit adultery.

Kevin on that. Thou shall not kill Kevin none that thou shall not take the Lord's name and date, none that thou shall not covet. That's harder to figure out its internal if we want something that belongs to someone else and you're going to get it, no matter what, for 30 pieces of silver. Judas Iscariot betrayed, our Lord.

First Timothy 610 says the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil which while some of covet it after they veer from the faith and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. Listen, it's not a sin to want to be successful in business or to make a good living, but if you become obsessed with it and you're willing to do whatever it takes to get there. When that's the most important thing in life you that can become coveting and adultery, confusing idolatry. Because the Bible says covetousness which is idolatry. That sort of like let's say you are the neighbor and he bought a new car is that while that's a really nice car so you went down and bought a car just like it. Same model same color same everything parked in the driveway right next to his. He looked at it that's I coveting that's copy to send a copy irritating. Yes, not a sin.

Let's see whatever your name if it had to Golkar, you mind if I take it for a spin your neighbors as well.

Okay, so you're on the block and you keep driving you never come back. That's Grand Theft Auto you see now. It started with wanting something.

But now you've taken it to the next level. I want her husband. I want his wife. I want this thing from that person and you go on. So here's a question. Have you ever committed any of the central of course you have. Of course I have of course we have more ways than we realize.

We taken the Lord's name in vain. We've had other gods before him we live, perhaps we stolen or committed adultery or murder or the very least, we've lusted or we've heated and yet the Bible says if you offend in one point of the law, you're guilty of all of it. You don't some people say well I live by the 10 commandments. That's all the religion I need know you don't know Elizabeth, the 10 commitments, there's only one person was ever lived on earth who kept the 10 Commandments perfectly.

It's me and I really share that because it sounds prideful but no I'm joking I'm joking.

The only person is kept all the commandments.

Of course, is Jesus but every other man and woman is fallen short, so then why did God give the commandments are not given to make us righteous know they're given to show us were not righteous. Given the show as we fall short of God's standards there given to show us.

We need help.

The commandments drive me into the open arms of Jesus who died on the cross for all of my sins and the Bible says he took the handwriting of ordinances that was against you nailing it to the cross and what that means is, he took the penalty of the commandments that say the soul that sins shall surely die. Many died in our place and absorb God's wrath. That shouldn't come on me and upon you in a full turn from that's in the believe in him for forgiveness and a closing prayer now there might be some of you that need to repent of some sin. Maybe you been a moral maybe you had an abortion. Maybe you've lied to you, stolen, or you've covered it.

Maybe you hate it. Maybe your hating.

Maybe you've even murdered someone would God forgive you see what he'll do it right now, but you have to admit it's a sin stop making excuses for it in turn from the Bible says that we will confess our sin, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sin and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. What is it mean to confess our sin. A literal definition as to agree with God about to confess is to agree with God so how does God view sin is God's love said no as God hates sin. Yes, so if I agree with.I think that sin right God, yes, it is you hate it.

Yes Lord, that's right I hated so I should heated to call it what it all right. Lord, I'm sorry and I turn from it.

What is it mean to repent means to change your direction. The Bible says godly sorrow produces repentance.

I mean you can be sorry sometimes for the repercussions of his sin, but not for the sin itself.

That's remorse.

That's not repent remorse is getting caught. Repentance is being sorry enough to stop doing it and change your behavior so you need to repent of this sin, if you want to be forgiven of it. So the Lord is spoken view today and I've hit a raw nerve somewhere or someone nerves plural.

There is a remedy there's forgiveness's are like going to see the dentist and they see those dreaded words we have to do a root canal. No, I hate those two words root canal unit that means is going to be some pain.

All I know they say it won't hurt.

It always hurts, especially those drills. I don't care how good they are. You feel and you know what the Dennis is just doing his job because why did you go if you're like me you went graduate major trouble. I did, I don't go to the Dennis Ellis. I have serious tooth pain, and he says yeah you want to get rid of this thing.

You need a root canal. Listen, I don't want a root canal but I don't live without being either and I recognize the temporary pain will eliminate the ongoing pain so all right Leilani you get the root canal to get better and you're good to go.

So I come in.

The Lord started touches a nerve that hurts how that hurt to I needed jewelry cannot know you want to be free from this or not.

So you need to turn from right now that's hard for some people because you don't want. Wouldn't it.

You don't want to admit you've done something wrong but you have to to be forgiven, to give you an opportunity to make that commitment or recommitment to extend an invitation right now to Christians and non-Christians for the non-Christian.

I'm inviting you to believe in Jesus and he will forgive you, no matter what you done and no change for the Christians on the say there's a sin in your life that you've not dealt with or sin in your life that you're practicing in the need to repent of. Here's a chance now to get it right. Let's all pray father now. We thank you for your word to us is not always easy to hear. It's not always comfortable, but it's true and if we will take the proper steps we can be forgiven and relieved of the pain that that sin brings through a guilty conscience that now exist stay in and day out your word even tells us of our heart condemns us here greater than our heart.

Lord I pray for any care that need to repent. Help them to do that now what I had served her eyes are closed.

How many of you would say today I want to believe in Jesus Christ. I want him to come in my life and forgive me of my sin.

I'm ready to say yes to him I want to follow him. From this moment forward.

Pray for me is that your desire.

If you want Christ to come in your life today wherever you are, would you let your hand up, publish publishing, God bless each one of you will bless all of you aware of your seeing me right now outside of the amphitheater up in the court building harvest orange trust harvest Orange County you raise your hand to. You want Christ to come in your life, lift your hand up, let me pray for you. God bless all of you a bless all of you. And now there might be some of you were Christians who committed these sins, and you've never repented of them. You tried to bury them, but they hunt you.

Maybe you're committing one of these injure your in an affair. Your in a homosexual lifestyle.

Your stealing your line you're doing one of these sins you know what's wrong God is spoken you and you're ready to repent of it and turn your back on it today God is spoken.

You raise your hand me pray for you publish a bless all of you standing are all of you with your hand. Anybody else lift your hand NAAMAN ask all of you get a raise your hand if you would please distend your feet normally join a collective prayer standup standup Morgan, a pray together wherever you are, stand on with the rescue to be looking around he just pray look in your own heart. Since root is between these folks and God. Anybody else you need to stand to make this commitment or recommitment to Jesus stand out wherever you are standup harvest Orange County stand up harvest orange Chris you stand outside of the amphitheater and the court building stand is this is between you and God. It is a matter of ICU provide don't see you.

I have nothing to do so is between you and the Lord in prayer to pray to him right now. One final moment of forgiveness danced in all right quality that are standing pray this prayer out loud after me.

Pray this now.

God be merciful to me a sinner.

I've broken your commandments.

I have fallen short of your standards I've sinned against you and I'm sorry Lord, and I repent to bid today and I want to walk in fellowship with you. I want to walk in friendship with you. So cleanse me of my soon. Thank you for the death of Jesus on the cross of Calvary.

I choose to follow Jesus from this moment forward in your name I pray a all right. You guys can be see the government follow