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Podcast/ TH130124/ Samson: The He-Man She Weakness

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie
The Cross Radio
January 29, 2013 7:57 pm

Podcast/ TH130124/ Samson: The He-Man She Weakness

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie

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January 29, 2013 7:57 pm

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Harvest messages are brought to you by harvest partners receive free email daily devotions or to become a harvest partner, please visit us or I will grab our Bibles were in the theories that were calling the greatest story ever told.

It's and I don't want to talk about one of my favorite character from the Bible. Samson and the title of the message is that he man with a C weakness so turn your Bibles to Judges 16 Judges 60. Let's begin with prayer. Now father as we look at this amazing life of this man that you called and gifted and blessed and also a life that was largely squandered. Let us learn from it.

Let us learn from both the victories and defeats of Samson I and that we would be godly men and women so we commit this time a Bible study to you now in Jesus name we pray. Amen.

You know, one thing I have found in life is that it's full of prizes. There's many unexpected pleasures and blessings that come your way. There are also tragedies and things that are very sad that happen as well. That's life. I been greatly surprised by the way some people's lives have turned out you know it didn't go quite the way you expected ending of people that I went to school with that had no potential whatsoever.

You thought this person isn't going to go anywhere then never going to amount to anything made you even call them geeks and nerds. By the way, no we call the boss.

But that's another story.

But then there were those that maybe had so much promise. You know with that star athlete at super talented individual and then you looked at the trajectory their life took and it was a whole another story. Now, let's think about people who were spiritually gifted not been a pastor now for 40 years so I've seen a lot of people come and go. I've seen some very gifted individuals who were musicians and preachers and had other abilities might seen some of them crash and burn. I've seen some that I thought were going to change the world and then they just effectively self-destructed.

And I'll tell you as time goes by I find myself being less impressed by the things I used to be impressed by and more impressed with the things I used to be less impressed by. Let me explain.

I find nowadays I'm far more impressed by character and charisma you know if you've charisma purely gifting that's nice but I like to see character going along with it. I find myself more interested in seeing personal integrity, then Mayor talents you know will you stand the test of time. I'm impressed, not by a person was a huge ministry, but I'm impressed with someone who still married to the same person that impresses me because so many things change of time goes by. And so I think the idea here is that if God has gifted you. We want to take this gift and we want to use it for his glory and we went only to start this race. Well, we want to finish it well wasn't important because you can hold the first place position in a race all the way to the end. But if at the end you break the rules or you don't finish the race. It doesn't count.

Cutesy and I don't think people always think about that one. Another perfect example of this is Lance Armstrong. He didn't play by the rules.

I mean, he agreed to the rules and of course he was guilty of doping, but that was maybe not is worse sin that he committed. You want to call it a sin, but it was maybe not his worst offense that would be a better word.

It was Eddie covered it up and then that he lashed out at those that dared to bring up the fact that they thought he was doping that he was using drugs to enhance his performance and so forth and he gave his confession to St. Oprah recently in I don't know if that helps or not, but I'll tell you this, he was disqualified. He lost all of his Tour de France titles. He won a medal in the Olympics that he lost as well because you agreed to play by rules and he did not play by the rules. The same is true of the Christian life. Paul says I discipline myself less when I preach to others I myself would be disqualified. We have to play by God's rules in the race of life. So we want to finish what we have started. Jeremiah tells a story of a trip he took of the potter's house. There, God spoke to him in a Jeremiah 18. He writes these words the Lord gave a message to Jeremiah he said go down the shopper clay pots and jars are made. I'll speak to you while you're there, so I did as he told me of John the potter working out his wheel, but the jarring was making did not turn out as he had hoped. So the potter squash the jar into a lump of clay and started again. Then the Lord give this message, O Israel, can I not due to you is the potter is done to the clay as the clay is in the potter's hand, so are you in my what a perfect picture is so easy to understand were like the clay and the potter's answers a song that is to have the lyrics just to be clay in the potter's hand, willing to do what his will, commands, and so there is the potter working and there are the things he is doing in our life. No, we do have a choice. We are not an inanimate object. A mere piece of clay.

We have a will and we can respond to his working, or we can resist his working. We could yield to what he wants us to do and we can disobey him when he tells us to do something. I believe the steps of our lives are allowed by God before our conversion and ordered by the Lord after God is a plan for your life. So here's a question are you going to work with God's game plan for your life as you continue to read the story of Jeremiah talking about his trip to the potter house upon ourselves outside in the field were a lot of crackpots and vases and wreckage. These were things that didn't work out so the potter just took human room in the field life like that.

There are those people that flex and move and go the way God wants him to go and they turn into what he wants them to be in their those of resistance say no and they self-destruct in their life lies in ruins in the field that is a perfect picture of the life are going to look at now we can look at the life of Samson. I mean this was a guy that had amazing potential that was largely wasted. We all know about his superhuman physical strength that was squandered. He was raised up by God to be a leader over Israel. He could have been one of her greatest leaders ever, but instead as I became a proverb of hell not to live, and he makes a mistake that we too can make get a good beginning, but he did not have a good ending. That is why Solomon wrote of Ecclesiastes 78 the end of the matter is better than its beginning great American poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow said, quote great is the art of beginning. But greater is the art of ending" and as we think of Samson.

We of course have one other name that usually comes to mind Samson and that Fry's. Sadly, that is how he is remembered, but you know there were a series of compromises that took place in his life that brought him to the place of vulnerability where he ended up taking no one-way trip to the Lila's barbershop little things that turned in the one really big thing.

I don't how many of you remember the explosion of the space shuttle in January, 28, 1986, seven crew members died in that tragic mishap and of course many wonder how did this happen. How could this amazing crafted all that money was spent on all of that scientific technology on board just blow up. And as they did a lot of research it was revealed that the primary cause of the explosion was the failure of something called an O ring and all ring is a rubber ring that played a crucial part in ensuing the seal of the shuttle when the O ring failed and allow the hot gases from the burning rocket to escape resulting in the explosion.

It's amazing that something is magnificent as the space shuttle could blow up because of something this small and relatively insignificant as a little rubber ring Samson story is similar.

It was a breakdown in smaller areas of his life, and then the explosion came. This is important to think about because some of you listening to this right now our young and you have a lot of potential, and you want to go to make a difference in the world. So pay careful attention to what were about to read together and don't make the same mistake that Samson made because his life is one of the greatest paradoxes of the Bible coming back to how God gifted him yet super human qualities you known away. He was almost like a superhero. People love superheroes right we like to watch movies about Batman and Spider-Man and Iron Man in all this, but these are fictitious characters. But Samson was real. He actually was a man that was gifted with the super superhuman strength, but here were going to discover how it ended.

It's really the death of a superhero in some way mentally. He was sharp and clever and very alert spiritually. In some ways he he was strong in other ways. He was a rat fact is Jesus Christ himself. Most likely announce the birth of Samson. As we look at the story early on in Judges. The angel appears to what woman married to a man named Manoa. She tells he tells her that she's going to have a son who's going to begin to deliver Israel from the Philistines and then the angel disappears. So she goes and tells her husband, Manoa. Guess what just happened.

Angel of the Lord appeared to be any told me that working to have a son together is going up begin to deliver Israel, and Kenny was very on seven and I didn't even get his name and Manoah said, Lord, please send the angel back the Lord's prayer.

The angel reappeared again and told both of them the same thing and then Manoah asked the angel's name and his response was why do you ask my name seen. It is wonderful woman no offers the angel a meal.

The angel says that's okay. I don't want to eat but go ahead and bring an offering to the Lord so Manoah setting up the sacrifice to God that the smoke ascends the human. The angel goes right up the smoke and go to heaven. They both kind of freaked out a little bit to no when you and I and they said we have seen God. So why do I say Jesus may have announced the birth of sense over this could've been an angel but a couple of things strike me about this angelic appearance. Number one. When asked his name, he said, why do you ask my name because it's wonderful world we heard that before. Isaiah 96. He will call his name.

What wonderful Counselor, mighty God, the everlasting father, the Prince of peace, who is out about Jesus and after that Manoah and his wife say we have seen God so this may have been what we call a Christ. Often he a Christ company is an appearance of Christ in the Old Testament there are times he did appear prior to his birth in Bethlehem and so this may have been one of those times when it just shows you how significant Samson really was. But it's also interesting what was said. You'll begin to deliver Israel out of the hands of the Philistines. It didn't say he would complete it. He would just begin yet about a 20 year reign could've been much longer.

These are very dark days in Israel's history get as we read earlier in the book of Judges, it says everyone did what was right in their own eyes and the word of the Lord was scarce, God's people were afraid of their enemies and they were in hiding. Things were very dark time was right for someone to come in, turn off the darkness and turn on the light. Interesting thing about Samson was. He was to take the bow of the Nazirite very specific things were required to cut down number one you would separate yourself from all wine and liquor so Nazirite would never drink anything anything alcoholic.

I never to they would never touch a dead body, number three, there were to be holy to the Lord and probably the most well-known thing about Nazirite is a razor never touch so they never cut their hair, and of course we think of Samson. We think of his long hair and sometimes we may even think that his power was in his hair, but the fact is this power was in his commitment to God symbolized by his hair.

I'm not just saying that because I'm ball. I'm simply pointing out that it was a result of his commitment to God when the Holy Spirit would come upon it almost seems like God empowered him for what he needed to do in the moment. We traditionally think of Samson as being super muscular you know really cut. Maybe he wasn't. Most likely he was, but it would be funny if he was like a scrawny little do you know an excuse me my name Samson. I mean, I don't know whether the spirit of the Lord will come upon them by the way, that was my voice of a geek that was out when I do a at me that I don't know that's how I think the sound but were not sure what he looked like we do know your long and he had this commitment to God in the spirit of the Lord will come upon well before we read from judges.

Let's think about a few things that we know about Samson that led up to this right off the bat as he comes of age he goes to his parents and says I want to marry that woman got her for me now and other problem was a woman with the Philistine, meaning she was not an Israelite, not a believer in the true God, a worshiper of false God so right out of the gate.

Samson wants to marry a non-believer what's wrong with that was wrong with that. The Bible says don't be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship does righteousness have with unrighteousness light with darkness is able. Greg yeah but you know I'm dating this non-Christian guy or non-Christian girl and I'm in the lead him to the Lord.

Is that what you're going to do is a missionary dating is that what you're involved in. I'm when is a brand-new Christian. I had this great burden to share the gospel only with really cute girls I'm not making this up. I don't why don't want to talk to just anyone out. Talk to cute girls. They need the Lord all day.

Lord, attention said stop that now you know. But you may think that your area of evangelism only. We want to share the gospel with everybody but the problem with being a ball with the nonbeliever is rarely do you pull them up far more often. No pull you down. There are exceptions are exceptions, but generally I'll tell you what.

It's miserable and this is not God's plan. But Samson disregarded that didn't really care about what God's plan was and immediately God involved with this nonbelieving woman and that's where the story begins well.

One thing led to another and he goes from heard of a prostitute and then things just escalated, so the devil got the mighty Samson Hooker line and sinker, dishonesty, fearlessness, Judges 16. One day Samson went down to the Philistine city of Giza and spent the night with a prostitute word soon spread that Samson was also limited. Giza gathered together and waited all night at the city gates. They kept quiet during the night scene of themselves in the light of morning comes, will cello. But Samson stayed in bed, only till about midnight and he got up, took hold of the city gates added to post and lifted them bars and all, right out of the ground, put them on his shoulders and carry them all away to the top of the hill, across from Hebron. I love it. Samson went down to Giza to a prostitute he went down any step away from God is a step down your notice in the story of Jonah after God told him to go to Nineveh and preach.

We read Joan instead bought a pair to go to Tarsus and he went down to the ship you're always going down when you're going away from God.

Never in so here he is disobeying the Lord, going in the wrong direction.

No one's forcing Samson to do this he deliberately made this choice crossing the line is he. He was so self-confident, he thought, who's gonna stop me and so he took this step.

He doesn't seem to have any remorse or concern goes to a prostitute any help getting to that. He's been blessed by God he's been called by God and yet he's living this way and it was really going to come back to haunt him later. What he sows in Giza with the prostitute.

He later reads with the DBS. Delilah was enemies find others in the city and they set a trap for the post a guard and a server get together when he wakes up in the morning, and he's not getting out of this place, those gates are locked well yell for normal.that's true number Samson he wakes up but would like me to leave city.

Now Billy walks out gates a lot no problem up ribs about good cardiovascular you know oneself carries them far away to Achilles. I would get to work out what I'm doing this you know, done some on the hill since they know what chased them there just like dumbfounded and he had this power and he would need a special category of the Olympics. What would it be gate pricing there's a problem he had power without purity. Yet strength without self-control, and for 20 years.

Samson had experienced the thrill of victory, not once had he ever been defeated.

He should have been so thankful to God. God cut him a lot of slack might say, God give him a lot of rope and he hung himself in the sometimes when the Lord doesn't bust us straightaway for our stupidity. We think that we can always get away with. Sometimes we don't reap the immediate consequences of his sin.

We might even in our warped thinking rationalize what were doing for think maybe God is not against this, despite what the Bible says maybe God is even okay with this. Maybe the Lord saying though my word says you shall not do this you go. My child and do whatever you want. The Bible says because sentences not executed quickly against the sons of men. Their hearts are set to do evil fully meatless the paraphrase that because you don't get busted right away. You don't think you'll ever get past but God says your sin will find you well. Don't confuse his grace with his permission, and even worse is blessing he Samson always got out of every jamming as if he's not always get out of every Jeff. No one will ever defeat me, but those are going to be his last words as he would find as he meets Delilah Judges 16 verse four reading from the new living translation afterward. It happened that he loved the woman in the Valley of Surette whose name was Delilah and the lords of the Philistines came up to her and said to her entice him and find the words great strength lies by what means we may overpower them. So we may bind them to afflict him in every one of us will give you 1100 pieces of silver. So Delilah said that Samson please tell me where your great strength lies with what you may be down to afflict you, Samson settlement they binding the seven fresh bowstrings not yet try to become weak, like any other man so the lords of the Philistines product seven fresh bowstrings and now men were lying in wait staying with her in the room and she said the Philistine drop on your Samson. He broke the bowstrings is a strand of yarn break when the Texas fire, but the secret of his strength is not known to these Philistines were desperate. Samson slaughtered them for sport. On one occasion to settle a bet he killed 30 of them on another occasion he killed a thousand thousand now with an AR 15 he did with the pony picked up off the ground me to Gabon to admitting today.

You know, so they were terrified of him. No one would take him on. No one would oppose him how we get together the double smart.

You know that don't you change his tactics if he has to he sized up Samson and said man I'll never get him on the battlefield.

Maybe I can defeat him in the bedroom.

So along comes Delilah whose name by the way, means delicates and I bet you she was a fox right you know she was attractive and you know that temptation comes an attractive packages, but it's misleading the promises like, what it brings death. I wonder if there's a Delilah in your life right now some relationship that's dragging you down some situation you're involved in that spiritually depleting you Samson is getting again involved with the wrong person ignoring all the warnings that God gave him. The devil is always walking about looking for trouble. First Peter 58 says be careful. Watch out for attack from the W great enemy. He prowls around like a roaring lion looking for some victim to the power and he sized up Samson perfectly, and he realized this as I see men with her.

She weakness in that frame going to hear them.

And of course Delilah found a willing victim in Samson was like a game you Samson told me the secret of your strength that I may afflict you, you know you are in a messed up relationship influences that to you right this little box.

Tell me the secret of your strength that I may afflict with you afflict him being delicate little you defeat me the greatest Samson who kills Philistines for entertainment and so we can play along with this and each time he talked to regard a little bit closer to the truth. Listen for temptation. The properly more kids magic. There must be a desire on our part.

James 114 says each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed.

When desire is conceived to give birth to sin, and sin when it's full-grown, brings forth death, for Satan to succeed we must listen yield a most importantly desire what he offers any use different kinds of bait but listen, it's not the bait that constitute sin that somebody, as I pointed out to you before, it's not a sin to be tempted. So don't feel bad if you been tempted and sometimes we do, don't wait. There were just walking along, minding her own business and all of a sudden some horrible thought comes door Minard's temptation with the company think that will do it doesn't mean you did something wrong and that you are tempted resist it say that suffering God of some the double library.

Rebuke that resist that in the Galway, you know, get behind me Satan heard the story about a woman that loved the shop. She was married to a very cheap man and he did like her to go down to the mall because she always bought something and so one day she was going to go to South Coast Plaza probably ends. He said were you going. She said South Coast Plaza. He said why she said I'm skimming the windowshopping said okay but don't find anything she says I will so she went down to go to Nordstrom's and you walk around checking out all the stores and she saw this one displayed was really nice dress and she's looking at it in the window and and so the salesperson says want to come on in and try it on so she goes in and tries it on and and then Sabina and comes home and has his new dress was very expensive. The husband said I told you not to buy anything. She said Mohanty you don't know what happened. He said what she said. I went to the dressing room. I was just trying it on the devil himself appeared to me what the husband said the devil. Yes, one of the devil say he said he would give me an address and said you look really good in that dress and then doesn't said or did you say he said I said get behind me Satan said that's great. One of the devil say that is a looks good from the back to just the job relax. Tell me the secret of your great strength that I may afflict you. Couldn't Samson see what was going on baby but he was under the influence of said just what sin makes you stupid.

It makes a stupid I've seen intelligent people who know the Bible make the worst decisions imaginable under the power of sin. That is why the Bible warns about the elusive glamour in trickery of sin member the prodigal. He ran away from us.

Father went to a distant land in the Bible says when he came to his senses. He said I had a better my father South. But first he had to come to his senses and sometimes when I hear of people who gone prodigal. They run from God there living in sin. My prayer is Lord, help them come to their sentence. I trail leave in heaven right now, Lord, wherever they are, whatever they're doing.

It will just come to them that this is insanity because sin is like a form of temporary insanity and sometimes it's not temporary even you rationalize your way through it. You know you say those things that that time been said so many other times well will just go so far, no. I promise I'll return it. I'm only borrowing it for now just one time will never do it again right. The Bible asked the question, can a man take fire in his lap and not be burned when I was a little kid I used to like my army men on fire. This is not a good thing to do is I discovered I took all my little army men out. I put them on newspaper and I had a lighter and I would always Get the guys had their guns out like this right does it guns pointing out and I would like the end of the gun and it would melt and the guy would be like this in the need been sort of you know, you know needed up in a little flaming Pottle and I thought that was so close I was burning one after the other and all of a sudden the newspaper I put them on ignitable half so I grabbed the whole sheep, a burning paper and ran with it down. A trashcan made out of wicker and threw it file almost bring the whole apartment down. That's how it happens, you can take fire in your lap and not be burned say they will all handle this. This will get out of control all-knowing to stop him on. I mean dessert is a perfect example is in it. I mean run a restaurant in New Delhi then then the server comes and says can I tempt you with the dessert really say tempted you notice that no that's okay we don't want dessert. Humans are not a one hour later when dogs are thinking very much in the one person says will just bring wanted for Forex right and in the desert comes in. This is my problem finally tasted dessert, actually okay. The moment I tasted like a shark with blood in the water. I going to a feeding frenzy and so everyone think you know you sort of marked up mentally.

Your little section and and like when others are talking.

I know I just can't even start. Okay, so how did this happen.

How did Simpson get into this situation because of a number of compromises. Let's identify them if you're taking notes write these things down number one moral compromises always make us vulnerable moral compromise always makes us vulnerable and sensitive not have that simple relationship with the Lila he would not be in this mess. This is how it always works out there were earlier situations. He starts right on marrying a nonbelieving woman, then he goes down to a prostitute. Now he's with the Lila. It was one thing after another. Number two temptation comes an attractive packages when sin comes, it's not ugly and destructive words not ugly. It's destructive but it's desirable and so attractive. Remember when the devil tempted Eve at the tree of the knowledge of good and evil to go ahead and eat the fruit in the Bible says and when he saw that the tree was desirable. It was attractive. It was beautiful. That's what drew her in pleasant to look upon. Number three temptation comes only choose the wrong friends becomes only choose the wrong friend Cincinnati consistent ability to choose the wrong people to hang out with. First, it was a philistine girl than the hooker from gaze that now the Lila first Corinthians 1533 says don't be deceived, evil company corrupts good habits so this the Lila the delicate girl she would not give up to badger Samson day in and day out, and Samson gets closer and closer to the truth of the secret of the string and each time Delilah does what he says and Samson throws a pursuing Philistines aside like rag dolls.

Now she's going in for the kill. Judges 16 verse 15 again. The new living translation. Then Delilah touted now is in trouble. How can you say you love me when you don't confide in me sensitive to that's implied in the Hebrew I made that up. You've made fun of me three times and you haven't told he would make you so strong, so day after day she met Tim until he couldn't take it any longer. Finally, Samson told her his secret.

My hair is never been cut.

He confessed I was dedicated to God is and that's right from birth of my head were shaved ice rink would lead me, and I would become as weak as anyone else. Delilah realized he had finally told her the truth so she sent for the Philistine leaders come back one more time.

She said he told me everything so the Philistine leaders are turned and brought the money with them.

Delilah loads Samson to sleep with his head in her lap and she called and Amanda shave off his ear making his captors certain and his spring left him and she cried out Samson the Philistines of come to capture you when he woke up he thought all do as I have before and shake myself free, but he did not realize the Lord left so the Philistines captured him and counts out his eyes and took him to Giza where he was. Velma bronze change made to grind grain in the prison stop there. Such a sad story.

Samson had been running a race he just fell in he fell hard. This was a result of choices he made. She said if you really love me do this lesson anyone who asked you to prove your love by crossing a line doesn't love you girls. Some guy says if you really love me you love sex with me. Dump him.

Don't go any further.

Same thing for guys in our day and age we got a turn of the other way right girl says that to you. This is bad out, don't be so committed yet to go to church so much.

You have to read the Bible you don't want a relationship with a person that's dragging you down.

You want a relationship with a person the build you up with someone you if you're single. How many of your single measure your single also shy going rate is 100 a month you really sorry sorry the ball how many of your single come on yeah look around for like now you're looking for a guy you're looking for a girl and there's nothing wrong with that will come a guy or girl should you look for this look for someone who is more spiritual than you eat a lot of times you lots of questionable is going on.

But with this here Christian. Yes, why did you hesitate well I mean you know define Christian follower of Jesus Christ.

He says God a lot.

Okay let me raise the bar. Don't just be a ball with the Christian find a man of God, find a woman of God.

That's what I did and she was super cute to that's nice, but you see the thing is this good for someone in spiritual, godly, Samson did the very opposite of that. Here's what's amazing to me.

He was comfortable enough with the Lila to fall asleep in her lap talking about sleeping with the enemy and what was he thinking in numbers. One of the saddest statements and all of the Bible verse 20 he didn't realize the Lord left even realize it. He didn't realize the party was over, he just thought he could get up like he had so many other times in and that some people think all y'all get out of this when I was get out of it. Always find a way out, and when they don't find a way out and one day they realized it's over another to reap the consequences and that's what was happening.

The Samson in real time, and the devil got what he wanted kicked them to the curb treated him like yesterday's garbage.

Look at verse 21.

The Philistines captured Jim had gouged out his eyes and took him to Giza where he was Velma Bronstein, a bronze change and made to grind grain in the present three things we discover about sin here sin blinds you and finds you in a grind, you are it isn't already down blinds you and find you then I grind you first of all sin blinds you as I said earlier. Sin makes you stupid. You do a rational thing I know of men who have left loving winds children for some stupid fling that led to nothing but the ruin of their marriage. I know women were done the same, leaving husbands even their children, and some diluted effort to find themselves.

I can stand it when I hear people say that what you I'm trying to find myself shut up please don't say you'll never find yourself you know Jesus said you need to lose yourself if you want to be my disciple.

Lose yourself and take up the cross and follow me blood since Gary was my supper as any for me. Stop thinking so much about yourself and when you start doing that you'll find the fulfillment you've always wanted, not by seeking it by seeking him is when you put God first to bring you that fulfillment and so Samson wasn't thinking along those lines.

He was blinded verse you start fantasizing about these changes, that when I'd never do it but I can think about it, I can pretend that for a lot of these things start your never be unfaithful to my spouse, for we are having our problems here just a little word of advice never discussed her marital problems with the member of the opposite sex. How stupid is that you go to some girl here your Mary got the single I'm having problems with my wife and I was wondering if you could counsel me are you serious you think this is a good idea, you would be amazed how many times I've heard of this happening. And so it starts out way of blinds you you think your situation is different, but it really hasn't number two. Sin finds you, you know, when someone sins. There is an initial excitement.

Sometimes until honest shall be how many of you first thoughts could question how many of you have sinned, raise your hand if you've sent. Good. How many of you have had fun sitting razor. Have you had fun.

What is wrong with you. I'm leaving that now that I like the fact he said because it's true. Now we know it doesn't last. But there was some fun. Even the Bible says there is pleasure in sin for a season, there's an initial euphoria when you get away with something for nothing. I went to think they lied to me. The preacher lie, it's fine.

Will this preachers online.

It'll be fun.

It would be fun to jump off the Empire State building be better than any ride it any amusement park until you hit the ground that the one-way trip, but it was fun for a while. That said, it's pleasurable for a time of the Bible says the wages of sin are death so the first time you have that sexual encounter. Visit the listed website the first time you steal that object. The first time you get away with that line the first time you have that drink whatever it is you get away with it. See, this is pretty cool I can be a Christian and still do all the stuff to have my cake and eat it too, will they say you can't do that but I don't know. I've I've had taken eat what's going on here. This is my cake I need nothing's happening. Well getters and it's phrase that means you can have it both ways. And so the idea is you think you're getting away with it. You got the best of both worlds here live in a double life you come to church leader a Bible study and worship God that I get a garden party get truncated and accepted, and maybe do drugs and maybe rip off somebody it is in a great those are great. This can all come crashing down and you like a ton of bricks because that sin, but I feel good about it when your feelings can mislead you see sin will blinds you then it will find the Bible says your sin will find you out then will grind you after Samson was that really really not really human to grow light on know he was grinding the consequences come when a miserable scene when he hears this guy he was so powerful on the battlefield and his eyes are gone, his hair shaved off pushing this thing around in a circle. The Philistines are laughing at him throwing things out on mocking him, but I wanted to know despite his bad decisions. There was still hope here's a life verse now for all publicly challenged people also known as bald men. Verse 22. However, the hair of his head began to grow again after it had been shaving. I've quoted this verse many times.

Lord, you promised in your word, let it be truly the analysis hasn't worked so far nobody even more than hair growing that this means that God give second chances God was giving to Samson another chance worldliness in the world in a fail at times and I guess the only thing I can say is let's learn from our mistakes and that do the same thing again. Let's fail forward. What is that mean means when you fail to learn from it and don't go that direction again. Samson was feeling forward. His hair began to grow his strength began to return one night the procedure over the big party. It was a drunken feast were sipping their God. Dégas know Dégas was interesting.

He was sort of like a merman divert of a mermaid, they worshiped him.

Merman top part was a man bottom part was a fish, so there were sipping their fish God Dégas some stupid Philistine had probably the worst idea in human history.

Palin springs Samson out.

Have them entertain us brought up Samson and in the final act of vengeance. He was guided by a servant of the foundational pillars of the temple where the Philistines were partying away, and Samson said, Lord, give me strength, and he began to push on them and they're all just you know party which said that create good times come on. It thinking there is an update on the 10 all of a sudden the room start to shake a little bit what Samson doing over there while I notice his hair is growing back again. Yeah, he was pushing those foundational pillars and the foundation collapsed and the roof collapsed and he ended up killing more Philistines at this moment.

Then, in his entire life. He literally brought the house down so the good news is he defeated them the bad news is he was defeated with the canoe turned out a lot differently before we close this message. Let me just throw one of their name into the mix here.

This guy was the polar opposite of Samson were Samson zig this guy that his name was Joseph everything Samson did. Joseph did not do everything Joseph did, Samson did not do just to show it's possible to resist this kind of temptation.

Here's Joseph. You know a story we looked at it already. In Genesis sold into slavery by his brothers purchase by amending part of her to be a sleigh put in his beautiful home to oversee all of his affairs in Gaza was so hard-working that pretty soon he was running everything Potter for his employer trusted him but a friend, a wife, we don't know her name was. But you look at Joseph and the Bible says he was very good-looking and she started hitting on him day and night. She was far from subtle changes that have sex with me she was probably the first cougar in human history right and then one day she said I'm in a get this kid is not getting away so she dismissed all the servants. He was alone in the house with her and he was fine. She grabbed him by his clauses tunic and pulled him down on the bed and he did what any clear thinking young man would do in those circumstances the rent as fast as he could know sometimes that's the best thing to do. Just run in.

The symptoms are praying for strength.

Lord I'm in this place of temptation I just give me strength get out of there. Get out of the place literally walk out the door and go away now. Don't pray for strength get out of that place. If you can, and often we can and so Joseph ran to the Bible says we should do.

Second Timothy 222 run from anything that stimulates youthful lust. Follow anything that makes you want to do what is right pursue faith and love and peace and enjoy the companionship of those a call in the Lord with pure hearts I with pure hearts. Joseph did not dabble in it. Like Samson, thinking he could handle it, nor was he self-confident like Simon Peter saying the wall deny you. I will never deny you. He ran the Chinese proverb that says quote he would not enter the room of sin must not sit at the door of temptation. It was a no-brainer.

Better to shun the bait in the struggle on the hook lesson flee temptation and don't leave a forwarding address every temptation is an opportunity to flee to God and I wonder you been listening to this message is some of you are engage in some you should be involved in.

Maybe there's a sexual relationship. Maybe there's a moral compromise of some kind, some other thing you're doing that you know is wrong before God and you haven't been posted yet and you've sort of deluded yourself in the thinking you're always going to get away with it.

But remember, sin finds you, your sin will find you out. Here's the good news, if you will turn to God and call it what it is and stop making excuses for the Lord.

This is a sin. It's wrong and I repent, God will forgive you of your sin and maybe some of you need a second chance like Samson did, maybe you've fallen in this area.

Maybe you're dabbling in this area. Whatever it is, God will forgive you whatever sin you've committed.

If you asked for his forgiveness. Don't neglect the small things in your life.

Like the O-rings in the space shuttle because little things lead to big things is not how you start, it's how you finish." Ecclesiastes 78 the end of the matter is better than its beginning a word to older Christians finish well domestic up now you walk with the Lord. All these years finish don't rest on your laurels don't live in the past cross that finish line serving God toward the younger Christians start well get good habits in your life.

Surround yourself with godly people were did non-Christians repent and come to Christ. Now there was a mean repent. I don't think I've even printed yet. Why should I repent, repent means a change of direction. Bible says repent and be converted in times of refreshment will come from the presence of the Lord. Listen, you can find this out the easy where the hard way. There's nothing that this world offers you right now it is going to fill that void deep inside of you know relationship.

No experience, no possession, no accomplishment. Nothing because you were created to know God and into you, nor relationship with him. You're going to be searching, don't waste your life doing that here is God who holds a missing piece and offers it to you now and will forgive you of all of your sin. A most importantly give you give you the assurance that when you die you will go to heaven you have that hope right now. If not, let me pray for you and there might be some of you that need to say that Jesus come in my life.

There might be some of you that are like prodigal sons and daughters that would say the Lord, I need to come back home again. See 2000 years ago God demonstrated his love for you by sending his son to die on the cross in your place, and to pay the price for all the sins that we have committed. And then he rose again from the dead. Now he stands at the door of your life in the knots and he says if you hear his voice and open the door he will come in. Would you like Christ to come in your life would you like to be forgiven of your sin. Would you like a second chance in life which you like to come back to the Lord is so respondent's invitation as we closed on prayer. Let's all pray father, thank you for your word to us and your love for us. I think you for every person here every person listening and watching. I pray Lord that if there are those here that don't know you that they would come to you now that they would see their need for Jesus that their eyes would be open spiritually and that your Holy Spirit would convince them of their sin and help them to believe now Noah has about her eyes are closed and were praying together.

How many of you would say tonight.

Greg pray for me. I want Jesus Christ to come in my life.

I want him to forgive me of my sin. I want to know that when I die I will go to heaven. I'm ready to say yes to Jesus. Now pray for me that your desire. If you want Christ to come in your life if you want him to forgive you of your sin if you want to go to heaven when you die, would you lift your hand up right now. Let me pray for you if you want Christ to come in your life with her hand up a prayer for you wherever you are there in the back publish to the Parmer I can see it please you want Christ in your life. God bless you with your hand accomplish you. Anybody else consonant speaking to you tonight.

Here's your opportunity to get right with him. God bless you guys over here in the side, bless you. Anybody else raise your hand up if you have been raised yet. I'll pray for you accomplish publish you tests bless the heads are still valid. Maybe some of you would say I am a prodigal son. I am a prodigal daughter and I've come to my senses tonight I realized how empty, that is, I want to come back to the Lord.

Pray for me. If that's your desire would you lift your hand up in the reprieve you need to come back to him again tonight with Dragon all pray for you accomplish publish anybody else with your hand God bless each one of you already nominate us all in the event of raise your hand if you would please I want you to stand your feet and I'm the lead you in a prayer of commitment right we used in just stand up, you raise your hand. Even if you did not, but you want to make this commitment or recommitment to Christ stand up anomaly Jun forgot bless you guys standing. Others are sending by the way, so you won't be alone stand up.

God bless all of you standing anybody else maybe didn't raise your hand but you want to make this commitment or recommitment to Jesus stand up now. Anybody else got bless you one final moment stand now publish anybody else stand up, stand, are you that are standing on the lead you in this prayer and I want you to pray this out loud after me in this prayer you're asking God to forgive you of your sin. So again, as I pray pray this out loud after me now pray the stuff you would Lord Jesus, I know I'm a sinner but you died on the cross for my sin and paid the price for it. I'm sorry for my sin. I churn from it now. I ask you to come in the my life.

I choose to follow you, Jesus. From this moment forward be my Savior be my Lord be my God, be my friend.

Thank you for calling me and accepting and forgiving in Jesus name I pray, amen