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TH130328/No Regrets

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie
The Cross Radio
April 4, 2013 12:07 pm

TH130328/No Regrets

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie

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April 4, 2013 12:07 pm

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Harvest messages are brought to you by harvest partners receive free email daily devotions or to become a harvest partner, please visit us Let's pray together. Father, we ask that you will bless. As we look at your work, especially in light of what it says about Jesus and the great sacrifice he has made for all of us. The Lord is wherein what is often called a holy week as we walk in your footsteps to the cross, and follow you to the tomb and then to the resurrection I we pray that we will gain a greater appreciation for the never because it impacts our life each and every day. So speak to us from your where we would ask now in Jesus name, amen I will. The title of my message tonight gives no regrets. Great question.

How many of you have ever wasted your time, raise your hand if you've wasted your time right. Let me restate the question how many of you of a television set and/or a smart phone, raise your hand.

Okay that that's probably you wasted a lot of your time now. There are so many channels now.

I mean over a thousand, and I am sad with a remote control and gone to everyone, and I hardly found a single thing worth watching, and also found myself wasting a lot of time in the home with smart phone which is basically a computer in your pocket you know people never stop looking at these stupid things and you notice that they're driving in there looking at them. So when the light goes green.

There texting her or updating their Facebook page or whatever you're standing in line. Everybody's looking at a smart phone there.

People are walking on the street like this in the outside you're walking into a crowded street with guards coming. Everyone is so sidetracked with this new technology.

And I wonder how much time do we waste.

I was in a restaurant a while back and everybody sat down and they were looking at their phone and sites in the text to everybody with this message be here now because nobody was communicating same with computers when they supposed to make our lives more productive. Now you can sit there in front of that machine and spend two hours. You know, cruising out surfing the web and tweeting and emailing and that whatever else you do on it and you can just waste a lot of time. Well, it's not a good thought thing to waste time, but it's a much worse thing to waste a life and that is Morgan a look at here in Matthew 26. It's a woman who was accused of great waste and interestingly, this accusation was made by a man whose life actually was a complete waste and that it wasn't organist see in the story if things are not always as they appear. I am convinced that when we get to heaven. Organist see things much differently. I think something that we will have thought of as good during our life on this earth may not be perceived as good in the same way we think that good is obviously good health and its having a lot of money and it's having a very successful career or ministry, and I'm not saying these things are bad, but maybe they're not as good as we thought they were on the other hand, we may think of any kind of a setback or sickness or a failure like I was a horrible thing, but I think when we get to heaven going to see that some of those setbacks and failures probably produce more spiritual food in our lives in the so-called good things did lighting in this story were going to find that things were not at all as they appear.

Let's read the text will talk about it.

Matthew 26 verse six and when Jesus was in Bethany at the house of Simon the leper, a woman came to him having an alabaster flask of very costly fragrant oil and she poured it on his head as he sat at the table when his disciples thought they were indignant saying why this waste this fragrant oil might have been sold for much and the money given to the poor and what Jesus was aware of this, he said to them, why do you trouble this woman. She has done a good work for me for the poor. You have with you always, but me you do not always have for imploring this fragrant oil on my body. She did it for my burial and assuredly, I say to you, wherever this gospel is preached in the whole world, what this woman is done will be told as a memorial to her. There things were clearly coming to a head in the ministry of Jesus. It had a lot of confrontations with the religious leaders. It was evident that they wanted him dead, plain and simple other problem is, Jerusalem was swarming with visitors for Passover so they couldn't risk an arrest Jesus knew things were coming to a great climax. He knew he was headed to the cross. He spoke of it frequently, but he thought he would just take a night with some close friends. So we went over to a man known as Simon identified as the leper well I should say, formerly a leper because Jesus healed them of his leprosy, and there was quite a crowd of people gathered there.

Guess who showed up for this dinner party.

The newly resurrected Lazarus men. There must've been a lively conversation. You can see a group of people sitting around Lazarus able to outfit what was it like coming.

What did you see on the other side you wish it couldn't stay there instead of having to come back again and are you really bummed out that chickening out like die twice it'll take her with no twice that's transferred to good deal once and found in and then Jesus had just delivered what we know as the Oliver. This course. Matthew 24, which is effectively a flyover of the end time events so there was a lot to talk about so this crowd was there gathered around and then there's this woman who was identified as Mary Mary of Mary and Martha thing and Mary is watching everything that is going on and she saw something that nobody else saw only despite the fact that Lazarus who was dead was alive again. It was there, despite the fact that there was a lot of animated discussion going on. She looked at Jesus.

She studied his face, she thought deeply, and she had an insight that everyone else seemed to miss it dawned upon her that Jesus was about to die and not only was he going to die he was going to die a slow painful barbaric death and he was going to go about it willingly. He was, not only in his last days she understood that Jesus was in the last hours of his life and in her mind. This unique understanding produced a response. Someone had to think him for this amazing sacrifice that he was about to make. She had to do something that would grab his attention that would show your gratitude something that would be absolutely over-the-top. Verse seven.

So she grabbed an alabaster flask of very costly fragrant oil and pours it on his head as he sat at the table and attention this for a moment telegraphing the biggest bottle of cologne and pouring it on your head or perfume, but it wasn't quite the same in this culture because this was a highly valued item was probably a family heirloom and it probably been in her family for years and it was worth a lot of money but she didn't care about that because she wanted to show her devotion and her love to Jesus. And this is something that made a great impression on the Lord. This is like a woman to bring a gift.

Guys really miss this memo altogether. We just don't understand how important a gift can be. I knew would never Donna Ngai going over to visit another guy to take along a little gift will even cross his mind but a woman going to see a woman I let's stop by the floors to get her a little plant a plant, why you don't listen told Craig.

Don't forget the card right.

Fill out the card all I don't really in you know that that's you know ladies are like that. There more reciprocal and they think of those things and so Mary wanted to show her deep love for Jesus and the Lord love this verse 13 he says assuredly, I said you were ever the gospel is preached in the whole world, what this woman is done will be told as a memorial to her.

We think about think about all the things that could be recorded as a memorial.

Another words crisis. I want the whole world to hear about what this woman did I want this duly noted, I want this on public record. Here we are 2000 years ago talking about it because it would just set significant thing again. What was it that you deliver a great sermon.

No, that you pray an incredible prayer of faith. Again, no.

What she did was to give the most precious thing that she owned to Kim. The value was in the cost to her. See in the same way, the value of the gift is not how much it costs, but how much it costs you, let me say that again the value of the gap is not how much it costs, but how much it cost you. David said I will not give the Lord that which cost me nothing. Maybe this was not the most practical gift but it was a heartfelt one now do this Iscariot first century calculator and again a man who knew the price of everything and the value of nothing instantly calculated the waste here and determine the value of this special perfume.

It was around $25-$35,000.

You might say down the drain, but she didn't see it that way. So he says what always like a dutiful Pharisee. That's a way and people are this way today know they don't understand giving everything over to God. They might even ask. Maybe not verbalize a police think it was the least I can do it still technically be a Christian or maybe another way to frame the question is how much can I get away with and still technically be say I've had people ask me that question over the years many times can I do this and still be a Christian. How far can I go and still technically get to heaven. Men that is a wrong question to be asking this type of person will read the Bible. If they find time in their busy schedules, though, praying, if it occurs to them closer. Though single worship song in church, but they don't go for the raising of hands, or any other emotional outbursts when the offering is received under some spare change in their pocket they might put it in there. But then again, maybe not act as a bridge immortal waitress and they would give to the work of the Lord and then they won't even be critical of those that go further than that. Their philosophy is all things in moderation. Don't get too fanatical. Don't be too crazy Mary. She pulled out all the stops and one for many this is why these first century Christians change their world they lived with complete abandon for God, it was said of them that they had been with Jesus. Acts 413 says the members of the Council were amazed when they saw the boldness of Peter and John.

They get to there were ordinary men with no special training but they also recognized them as men would been with Jesus. My question is, can people tell you been with Jesus. They should be able to pay if you leave this service and you go to a restaurant to your door wherever you are. Basically all the tell this is a person who knows God wants with God can people tell you been with the Lord of that I've been with the Lord.

See she was moved that she was going to give Jesus her very best. Now I mention she was Mary of Mary and Martha and we all remember the familiar story of Mary and Martha having the Lord over for a meal and a Martha understandably wanted to make a great feast for Christ and it is not appropriate and so she went into the kitchen and she was going to make some delicious meal for the Lord and Mary meanwhile just went out were Jesus was and she sat at his feet, so Martha is frustrated because there's so much work to do and she's going to be judged on what meal she makes because there's three judges and there's a secret ingredient know that's chopped okay but Todd know if you've ever seen that show. I like that show.

I don't know why but I do want to. Some of these ingredients a secret ingredient.

It's like okay you can work with flour and add dirt off the ground. You have 30 minutes okay but does so Martha is working away in the kitchen and she can't take it anymore and she burst and then there is Mary sitting at his feet and Martha actually wants Jesus to reprove her sister.

Lord, can't you see that I'm trying to do something for you from your food splattered all over her face in her apron. Jesus with cynicism. Martha Martha, you know, you're so busy you're so active, but Mary, your sister has chosen the better part you know there's a time for work and there's a time for worship and Mary understood a lot can happen when you sat at the feet of Jesus and he would catch things that you might otherwise miss or hear.

She is again in this room, sitting at his feet and picking up on something that no one else picked up on not Peter not James not John not Andrew it was Mary and Mary alone understood why I think because Mary listened.

She listened carefully as the Lord spoke and she understood that Jesus had said what he meant and he meant what he said see the general understanding that this time among his own disciples was Christ was coming to establish his kingdom on earth, but Mary had this since I did know he wasn't coming to overthrow Rome. He wasn't coming to establish an earthly kingdom. At this time he was coming to suffer and die on a cross and when he said that he wasn't speaking symbolically or metaphorically.

He was actually speaking literally of what was about to happen and this amazing gift and I think the great thing about it is you.I'm not going to bring a floral tribute to his funeral on the bring my flowers now let something to think about when you consider people that you love. You know is Easter is right around the corner. Of course it marks time and some of us may remember loved ones that were with us last Easter that are not with us this Easter. They left us suddenly on maybe recently, maybe earlier this year and one of the hardest things about losing a loved one, especially if they die unexpectedly, has never been able to say goodbye. You all know that our son went to be with the Lord five years ago and I think about them every day but I dream about them to an end.

Dreams are can be comforting and in difficult at the same time because in my dream I see him and John and I see him with my family as though nothing has happened. And of course I'm so excited to see and I walked up and I talked to him. He talks to me, so I'm very comforted by the fact that were communicating but I'm also wondering why he doesn't recognize this is an unusual and then he always in my dream has to go and I say to them, don't go and he has to go and now I'm in a panic and don't go and then I wake up and my heart is racing, and of course the reason I have the same is obvious because he loved us suddenly and I never got to say goodbye. There's things I wanted to say to him, and you might think of someone right now. In fact, I'll ask you to do a mental exercise.

You might find it very difficult.

Imagine a person you're with right now. Probably someone you love someone you care about, not just for a moment. If you would imagine that this was the last night you would ever be with them on earth you would never see them again.

Now let me ask you this question. If this were your last night on earth with this person. What would you like to say to them, what would you like your last conversation to be my suggestion to you is say it now. My suggestion to you is bring your flowers now. Don't wait till they're gone. When they can't hear you. That's exactly would Mary did for Jesus. That's why she lavished this perfume on his head no. Imagine for a moment if you were in this room and there is Lazarus and derrière are the apostles and there is Jesus, and it suddenly dawns on you that he's gonna die on a cross. What would you say to him what would you do for him. That's exactly the picture before us now. She wanted to demonstrate her love in a tangible way and express it to him and thank him for all that he had done and I think that we need to learn from her example to sit at the feet of Jesus I read about a statute that is been put together. It's actually the image of Christ.

It was done by a sculptor named Gores Walden any scope of the body of Jesus in such a way that you can see his face if you're standing but there's a sign next to the statue of Jesus that says if you want to see the face of Jesus, you must sit at his feet and sure enough it did get down low and sit at the feet of the statue. You can make out his face and I think this is true of all of us have you really want to see the face of Jesus, you need to learn to sit it is sweet now you might be bingo that sounds all very spiritual Dragon.

I'm sure you a lot of time to do that. Being a preacher and all you do is preach once a week right you know just sit around. All we can do nothing.

So I guess you could do that but I have a lot and I busy and I have a lot going on and I worked two jobs and I've to pick the kids up from work and and I have all kinds of things going on. I don't time to sit at the feet of Jesus. Does Jesus have a twitter account for the just text me when you want me to know something. But here's the think you can sit at the feet of Jesus is a body until we can just take time for you. Take time and money put it another way, you make time for it to. That was her secret and I can be your secret as well, making time and sometimes that means unplugging your computer. Sometimes that means turning off your cell phone. Did you know there's a new phobia out there now called Noma phobia. It's a fear of being separated from your cell phone. I'm not making this up. Time magazine folded 84% of people don't think they can be separated from their cell phone for one day.

You know that feeling of excitement. The only viable. All communication I really bugs me when I'm with people and and they're just on the phone the whole time. You know their texting and responding to texts and you're telling them something the root in the know they act like they don't give otherness of the defaults in the you be talking on the end of this can look down, looking down dollars and I'm all ears. That's heavy Greg which are standard.

I told turn it off plug it but it's even more rude when it's with God, you take time to listen. He says be still and know that I am God. I mean, in many ways were sitting at his feet. Right now when I commend you for coming here tonight in a somewhat simply going to church Thursday night for residents on the house like in some form of torture or something that you take you many times and I to come and be here for this service and that's a great thing and I think will were sitting at his feet will find ourselves wanting to serve him as well and I've always found that the more time I spend walking with God.

The more that I want to do in service for God.

I've been a pastor for 40 years. We made that pretty clear couple of weeks ago that I have never felt like I'm burning out. I've never felt like I need to, you know, take six months offering your offer and I don't you know think less of people that do that, but I've never felt a need to do that.

I love what I do. I love to prepare and give messages from the word of God. I love to be involved in serving the Lord. Other times I'm tired in the Lord's work, but I never tired of it and I take time off here and there to recharge. But I always look forward to getting back to serving the Lord and that's an overflow of one's walk with God. But listen, not everybody appreciated her sacrifice and generosity.

Verse eight when the disciples something that didn't seem why this waste in order to means to feel pain to be greed to ground with displeasure no one away, you can almost see their beef.

Can't you I mean realistically.

35 grand. I've spent on this perfume and she pours it on the head of Jesus is not a practical thing to do is that good stewardship is is really a good idea but there's an insight into who sort of let this little rowboat that's very important for us to know John's Gospel gives us a significant detail. John 12 for one of the disciples, Judas Iscariot, who was later to betray him objected and said why was in this perfume sold and the money given to the poor and then John gives us a subtle detail. He did not say this because he cared about the poor, but because he was a C see he was in charge of the money. He was the treasurer and he was taking it for himself so his motive was not a concern for the poor was a concern for money leaving his pocket and here's the irony of this whole situation dinner with the name Judas actually means and means the son of waste. What kind of name is that they give to a kid.

What does that say about the father.

Here, the son of waste pens. I am waste you are merely the offspring of boy would you want to hang out with a kid inventing now. The goal in my name, is the son of waste. When will you be around a person like that and this is my friend Ichabod which means the glorious departed. I want to be with you one of you mines of the story, the guy who had the unfortunate last name of on and you can imagine the ridicule. He had to face in life wherever he went. We would introduce himself all your blessings will that's all I truly already have the last name of the consuls to give it and so he actually instructed his family, that upon his death.

He didn't want his name recorded on his tombstone even want people to go and look at his tombstone to make jokes about his last name so I said just leave it blank nothing. Just a blank tombstone so they honored his wishes and would people would walk through that cemetery and see that blank tombstone. They say that sod how many of you heard that joke before raising. How would you have never heard it.

How do you have written still think it's funny how many of you don't get funny anymore.

Get out now know so here's the irony. The man whose name means the son of waste accuses the woman of waste who was really wasting something here. The woman or Judas.

Clearly, Judas. As I mentioned earlier, God sees things differently than we do. In fact, Judas Iscariot was perhaps the greatest waste of a life other ever.

I mean, you want to talk about potential he was handpicked by Jesus himself, getting through it all away and then had the audacity to accuse a woman with a good heart of wasting her gift that you gave to Jesus. But listen, this is typical of hyper critical people. I have found those that are so quick to jump down the throat of someone else often challenging their motives is usually guilty of something far worse. They project their sin on the person they accused one. In reality they are the ones with the problem I have found that the ones who complain the most are the ones that do the least: like this and I'm a good thick yet would you do and you'll find that these people usually do very little, but I found those a complain.

The least are usually those that do the most.

Judas didn't care about the poor, greed and selfishness motivated him on this that he was never a true believer at all. So Jesus commends her verse 10 he said, why do you trouble this woman. She has done a good work for me marks version of the same story has Jesus saying she did what she could know the more we know of what God has done for us. The more we will want to do for him. Nothing is ever wasted when it is done from a right motive for the glory of God. Don't be so quick to judge someone's heart. You can't see their heart.

I just judge your own heart and why you do things, but you think the person they're doing this for this reason, how do you know why they're doing it now, you can evaluate what they do or what they don't tooth but you cannot evaluate the motive of why they do it.

Only God can and will stand before God and give an account, so just make sure that you're doing it for the right reason she did what she could listen, we all can do everything but we all conduce something well is something we can do for God and said, I am only one, but I am one.

I cannot do everything that I can do something what I can do.

I ought to do what out to by the grace of God I will do. I mean there are people, let me do things that seem wasteful to others. There might be a young person that has a promising career ahead of them may instead decide to go to 1/3 world country and be a missionary and some won't say oh my, what a waste.

They could've made so much money that could have been so successful. What a waste of life. There might be a Christian who gives up certain pleasures and activities because they didn't want their spiritual life doled and some would say oh what a waste menu messed up big time. That was such an awesome party is in there and you and I am a steady.

When a waste. You recognize that the work of the kingdom is worth investing in financially today faithfully and regularly in the offering and one might say what a waste.

Or you may decide to simply live for yourself and do whatever you want to do with your life and God will say what a waste. Listen, nothing is a waste if it's done with the right motive for the glory of God. And I think when we get to the end of life and we look at how Christians live in all the nonbelievers live or even how the compromising people live will find that the person that took the time for God's word that took that time for worship that took the time for serving the Lord will be the one that is glad they did it in the other will realize how much they've wasted your life, read a story about a man his name is William Borden was heir to the Borden Darius state he was already a millionaire when he was a young man as a graduation present.

His parents gave him a trip around the world. So as Borden traveled to Asia and the Middle East and Europe. He found a burden growing for people that did not know the Lord. So we wrote home to his parents and said I'm in the give my life to prepare for the mission field. After making that decision.

William Borden wrote two words in the back of his Bible. No reserves. Upon graduation from Yale Borden turned down some high-paying job offers because he was determined to fulfill the call that God placed upon his life.

He wrote two more words in his Bible. After graduating, and the words were no retreat when undergraduate work at Princeton seminary in New Jersey.

He finished his studies at Princeton and he sailed to China to begin his work but he stopped first in Egypt to study Arabic because he was going to be working with people that spoke that language while in Egypt the Kingdome of spinal meningitis. Within a month 25-year-old William Borden was dead. They found Borden's Bible and saw two more words. He had written no regrets, no reserves, no retreats, and finally no regret those six words summed up his life. No reserves no retreat and no regrets, no good you look back in your life tonight and say no regrets much of a great of course not, could you only think all of us would look back at our lives with some measure of regret. I think all of us would say maybe there were things we should not of done are things we should have done more of. I can't change the past but I can decide what I meant to do in the present time when the live in the future that was then and this is now. So what can you do from this day forward. Some would say Borden's life was wasted.

But again, a life is never wasted when it's invested in bringing people to Jesus wanted his live for the glory of God. A life is wasted when it is spent on selfish ambition. So follow the example of Mary and William Borden and do what you can love to this event, Jesus and the disciples went to the upper room for what we now call the last supper. The disciples did not know it was the last supper. They just thought it was supper and usually dinner with Jesus was a time they all look forward to. He was such a joy to be around. He always would listen deeply to what they had to say and share such amazing insights. I'm sure there was laughter and a lot of enjoyment among these are guys who spent so much time together but Jesus was behaving in a different way they could see something was up. It know what it was. Jesus was not himself. No smiles, no laughter, somber tone fell over the room is again no one really knew what to say in Jesus breaks the silence here in Matthew 26 drop down to verse 21 now as they were eating, he said assuredly, I say to you one of you will betray me and they were exceedingly sorrowful in each one of them began to say to them.

Lord, is that I and he answered and said he who dips his hand with me and the dish will the training at this point. He identifies Judas Iscariot and says so whatever you do, do it quickly. Now the betrayer is gone and Jesus is going to have this final meal that really sets the stage for our communion service that were about to have together dropped on the verse 26 of Matthew 26 as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed and broke it and gave it to his disciples and said, take any.

This is my body and then he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, drink from it, all of you for this is my blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.

And I say to you, I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until the day when I drink it with you my father's now. This is the first introduction to what we often refer to as the Lord's supper or communion.

Luke 22. In his version of the same story we have our Lord saying this to in remembrance of me. So Jesus instituted a very important thing for us to do something that causes us to remember to sacrifice for us now look some misunderstand what communion it we don't believe in transubstantiation. By that I mean we don't believe that the bread becomes his flash and we don't believe that the great truth that's what we use here becomes his actual blood but we do believe though these elements are not wholly in and of themselves that they represent one who is and that is why Paul tells us that when we receive these elements that symbolizes broken body and his shed blood were not to do so in an unworthy manner that doesn't mean that we have to be worthy to receive communion by were there mean that we have to be perfect because of that were the case, no one could receive communion. This Scripture says don't receive it in an unworthy manner. What that means is when I receive these elements, I think deeply about who they represent, so I'm not to receive them in a overly casual or cavalier way. I am to recognize that the speak of the sacrifice Jesus made for me and then Paul also tells us that will receive communion together that a man should examine himself and by that he means you know, do sort of a spiritual self exam if you will.

How my doing spiritually. Right now how is my life with God. Is there any sin to confess is there any one I need to forget is there any impediment in my life spiritually. Is there something that's not right. We want to get that right here at the communion table.

This is the place where I examine myself.

This is the place right think deeply about my spiritual life, and most importantly, this is something that is for Christians only communion is not for nonbelievers. You know, and I've seen some churches that that are open communion services in and during the worst of people leave their single receive community to come back to their seat again. My concern with that as a nonbeliever can come and go receive the elements of communion and think that's doing them some good when in reality it could be doing doing them some bad because the Bible says a bite to eat and drink of these elements in an unworthy manner.

I eating, drinking, judgment to myself. I do not want you to receive communion. If you're not a Christian because this isn't for you.

This is a family celebration. But of course have a better alternative become a Christian right become a Christian and join us join the family.

Have you ever gone over to visit a friend and they're also been out for dinner and an old excuse me, we having dinner and they still know join us.

That's okay. You know, even though the moms and killer cooking know why I couldn't don't know. Come on you like part of the family will if you come in here and were sitting down for a meal so to speak, and you're feeling a little awkward but I don't really belong what you mean you don't begin with, join the family, but you can literally join this family.

You don't have to be born into this family. You have to be born again in this family is because you're raising a Christian home doesn't mean your Christian management race in a Christian home and that's great. But there has to be a moment when you commit your life to Jesus. God doesn't have any grandchildren to sons and daughter so everyone has to make that decision when they say I want Jesus to forgive me of my sin. I want him as my Savior and Lord.

So before we receive communion together.

I would like to give you an opportunity to make that commitment or if necessary a recommitment to Jesus and then we would invite you to join us in and honestly, if you don't plan on becoming a Christian today or tonight in your neck. I pray this prayer with me right now.

When the elements, just let them pass find that that's fine. No one will look down we were one will assault you are anything like I just assume that you're not ready yet and I respect that because I don't want to pressure anybody to believe, but I want to give the opportunity for a person to believe that they haven't done it yet, so here's your opportunity to get right with God.

As we pray together let's Farhad's father, thank you for your word to us.

Thank you for the sacrifice of Jesus as he went to the cross to die for just the sin of the world, but to die for our sins as individual so we can have this relationship with you, Lord. As we think now about his death. I pray for these that do not yet know you Lord that you would help them to see their need for Jesus and help them to come to you now and be forgiven our heads about her eyes.

Her clothes were praying.

How many of you would say tonight Greg I want Jesus Christ to come in my life. I want him to forgive me of my sin.

I want to know that when I die I will go to heaven. I want to get right with God right now. Pray for me that your desire. If you want Christ to come in your life you want him to forgive you of your sin, you want your guilt taken away. You want to go to heaven when you die wherever you are all much of this dandy her feet and Emily Juniper to stand up right where you are Emily Juniper – don't be embarrassed to stand up, others are standing and will be the only one publishing stand up. You want Christ to come in your life right now to stand your feet, lead you in a simple prayer of the shoe. Anybody else stand up now. God bless you too. There's maybe some more of you that want to stand, you stand now looking to pray together. Anybody else stand up, stand up now. Maybe you fallen away from the Lord you want to come back to him again as you've examined yourself a little bit and thought about your life. You know you're not where you are to be, you know, perhaps, are living the compromise lifer you been in the backslidden state wanted to make this commitment to Christ into your feet. Right now, send your feet.

Anybody else stand up now. Bless you one final moment in the stand.

Stand now, right now you that are sending.

I want you to pray this prayer out loud after me. This is a prayer of asking Christ to come in your life again as I pray you pray this out loud after me for this with me if you would out loud, Lord Jesus, I know I'm a sinner but you died on the cross for my sin and then you rose again from the dead, the coming of my life and be my Savior, and be my Lord and be my God, be my friend.

I choose to follow you, Jesus. From this moment forward.

Thank you for calling me and accepting me and for giving me Jesus name I pray. Amen.

The blessed