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SM130616/Needed: Superheros

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie
The Cross Radio
June 18, 2013 1:13 pm

SM130616/Needed: Superheros

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie

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June 18, 2013 1:13 pm

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Harvest messages are brought to you by harvest partners to receive free email daily devotions or to become a harvest partners, please visit us, let's read our Bibles and turn to Ephesians chapter 6 word are theories that were calling happily even after the victory that were talking about parenting today and I'm going to zero in on fathers in particular, the title of my messages needed superhero. There's a lot of superhero films that have come out the last few years Spider-Man, Batman Ironman for the list goes on. This weekend is the release of the highly anticipated new Superman film called man of steel and of course will remember Superman growing up is been around for a long time if you really want to compare superheroes pretty much Superman trumps everybody right. I mean this guy can fly. I this guy has fire that comes out of his eyes immediately. Pretty much at the top of the key in the superhero world. Remember that old TV show as they would introduce him faster than a speeding bullet more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound up in the sky bird template beds. That's right. With a problem with Superman, Izzy's fiction is a comic book character, but I want to talk you about a different kind of Superman today. He's often simply called dad not not just talking about biological fathers.

We have a lot of them. We also have many of them. Unfortunately, the walk away from their wives and from their children, not talking about a dad that stays married to his wife, a dad that raises his children to follow God and be responsible. A dad that is a godly role model and a leader in the home to me that is a super man. It really is in the goodness is the good news is you don't have to wear blue Titan your underwear on the outside. The some of you do that anyway but that's another message for another day. But no, seriously, what once was the norm. It was expected that men did their part, men were there for the wise men were there for the children and that that's become the exception today I we all know the facts in our country right now and I think that you could trace almost every social ill in America today, to the breakdown of the family and specifically to the absence of masculine leadership a lot of steps to confirm that the beginning of the 21st century American men are choosing to disconnect from family life on a massive scale, I might add a far higher rates in other industrialized countries. One expert said were in danger of becoming up fatherless society. Listen to this. In 1916, fewer than 6 million children lived in single-parent families today that number is 22,000,027% of children under the age of 21 now consider these alarming statistics. Fatherless children are anywhere from 100 to 200% more likely to have emotional and behavioral problems. A child I come from up fatherless home is 68% more likely to use drugs or alcohol far more likely to become sexually active at an early age 3 times more likely to commit a violent crime 63% of teenagers who attempt suicide come from fatherless homes 71% of high school dropouts from fatherless homes. 90% of all homeless and runaway children again from fatherless home 80% of all youth sitting in prison today grew up and up fatherless home.

Some of this fatherless on our 300% more likely to become incarcerated in state juvenile institutions fatherless donors who marry have a 92% higher divorce rate in fatherless son 30 or 35% more likely to experience marital failure. Fatherless daughters are 53% more likely to marry as teenagers. Fatherless daughters are 111% more likely to have children as teenagers and their hundred and 64% more likely to have an out of weblog bird 80% of teenagers admitted to psychiatric hospitals come from fatherless home and I can just go on and on. Almost everything can be traced to the breakdown of the family that's what were taking the time to talk about what the Bible says about the family. When I see the family. I don't mean the traditional family I'm talking about a biblical family that doesn't God's way and then make that happen. There needs to be a man that stands by his commitment. My friend James Merritt said and I quote the most endangered species in America is not the spotted owl for the snail darter but responsible fathers" that's true. You see why I call them super heroes and listen.

Dad, I want to know something. I'm not here to beat you up today I'm here to build you up, I'm here to thank you because of all that you do you know Mother's Day is traditionally a very high attendance tapered church.

Did you know that next to Christmas and Easter, Mother's Day is third for church attendance. I'm sorry to say that Father's Day is not even in the top 10 days of church attendance. Words says a lot. Unfortunately, but my point is is that you guys are here today as a father and that says a lot about user God blessed now, the issue of fatherlessness is not only a problem in the human race.

But even in the animal kingdom read an interesting story from James Merritt book James Merritt's book of being father fathers and up fatherless world and he talked about Kruger National Park, which is the largest of the largest wildlife preserve in South Africa or is the largest wildlife preserve. 30 years ago the elephant population was growing so rapidly that they felt they had to kill off some of the elephants and they did that and then they relocated some of the younger elephants in the jungles were resettled in Philipsburg national Park. All seem well for a time and then a serious problem began to develop. There was an unexplained slaughter of rhinos taking place at the Ellensburg national Park out they thought immediately would be poachers because there are people that specifically go after the rhino and they kill it to get his horn but after they did some surveillance it was discovered it was not poachers at all. Actually, it was young bull elephant that it actually developed into kings replete with leaders James Monroe Paul elephants that were attacking rhinos and goring them with their tasks.

They were even wearing black leather jackets and they were all tatted up. They were out of control.

I made a part but the so the young bull elephant start killing the rhino so they don't know how to solve this problem with someone is my dinner what we brought in some older mature male elephants, so it would be like it was normally as it is supposed to be so they had a project to put together. It was sort of a fosterfather big brother project in front of these older more mature male elephants within weeks.

Discipline was restored and the younger elephants bonded with the older ones imitating and accepting or exhibiting more acceptable behavior and there were no more reports of rhinos being killed. So how could this help us in our culture today. I think we need large male elephants roaming our streets on the he agreed okay will actually one expert concluded with this statement, quote, even in the animal world. The presence of father figures is essential to civil behavior discipline in the recent relational decorum with others." So this is the principle that God is said in the motion and the many ways in America, we have engaged in a social experiment that is not going well at all, let me just say if you've been blessed to be a father. It is truly a privilege someone 27 says children are a heritage from the Lord.

Children are a reward from him there like arrows in the hands of a warrior sons and once you blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them.

Now this word that is used every heritage can also be translated to our children are a gift. We don't own them.

We don't possess them.

They're not are so much to mold as much as they are given to us to fall to help discover who God is called them to be not to keep, but to nurture and you know it takes time to raise children and sometimes we will think they know a lot more about it than they did because are just starting out. I've had people say to me. We know our children all love the Lord and they never rebelled against Christ in any way by holding your kids five and six. You don't even know what you're talking about way to you've gone through the turbulent waters of the teen years and then come back and talk to me, we see out will see how you fare. By the way the problems with teens.

That's so unique to our time. Even Mark Twain wrote years ago. Quote things run pretty smoothly until your kid reaches 13 that's the time you need to stick him in a barrel, hammer the lid down nice and snug freedom for the knothole okay.

Then he concludes in the eye when they turn 16, plug up the knothole will buy a larger culture. Ignore biblical values.

In fact, it openly attacks the values of the father and a mother together, raising children, but every now and then someone will see the light. I read article in the major secular magazine about the problems of fathers not being present in this article says and I quote fathers on TV come in two principal varieties. Mr. mom and fat. Their words not mine. The most popular shows of the last 30 years have been about family. This article says they are baldhead of failed dad at the center, the Mr. mom pipe was defined by the defeated awkward confounded Raymond on the irenic ironically titled everyone loves Raymond the loser dad was central to a program called blank.

My dad says and remains a staple figure today on shows like guys with kids." I haven't watched any of the shows so I don't understand other I mean I get there point, but I haven't seen the shows myself, but here's what I love. You know you have this attack against the family, the attack against the father every other variation in the place of a biblical family but then along comes a show on television that breaks all the rules and is a rousing success. It's called Duck Dynasty seen that show how many of you have seen Duck Dynasty raise your hand. How many of you have not seen it. Okay, here's the premise of Duck Dynasty. It's a story of the Robertson family that owner Doug Cawley business in Louisiana they have a patriarchal figure Phil Robertson, a matriarchal figure color Ms. K they have their sons marry and then think of their grandchildren and they love to go hunting and fishing in and there really a bunch of rednecks is what they are and are proud to be rednecks and they have long scraggly beards and long hair. Most of Mobley, but then as you want to show you begin to discover this show actually has family values and even more biblical values Internet. Every show ends with the Robertson family gathered around the table over a meal and praying and thanking God in Jesus name, and in the show is taken up.

In fact, it's the number one nonfictional TV series on cable. It beat out American Idol and Survivor in the coveted 18 to 49 demographic secures my point.

What amazes me about this show is its popular among young people is an uninteresting sort of like the new father knows best exempt father has a long scraggly beard likes to hunt squirrels in the thumb. But apart from that he had to show that as values that are admirable. I think young people today so many of them raised in fatherless homes really long for family. They long for that stability. You probably all heard about the suicide attempt of Paris Jackson, the daughter of Michael Jackson and this girl. My heart goes out to her. She's lived a very different life along with her two siblings and then to have her father died in 2009, so she tried to take her life. She tweeted one table for her suicide attempt a lyric from the Beatles yesterday all my troubles seemed so far away now it looks as though they're here to stay and so when I read the story of Paris Jackson trying to take her life. I wrote a little blog post and sent out a tweet was picked up by a couple of the new services and put out there to more people.

Here's what I said, I pray the Paris Jackson will hear the good news of Jesus loves her and I pray that whatever PG is facing. She would know that though her earthly father is gone.

She has a father in heaven who wants to give her life meaning and purpose than the parasite said don't take your life, but rather dedicate your life to Jesus Christ and if you do that, you'll find the happiness you desire and you'll also have the hope of heaven hope she read that because I understand what kids are going to come from fatherless home because I came from a fatherless. In fact, I was conceived out of wedlock. I was not planned.

I was meant to be. I was not planned by my mom or the guy she was involved with. In fact, my mom lied to me for years about who my actual biological father was. I later found him with Alzheimer's and died in an advanced stage, which was very disheartening to have them not remember my mom or me but I grew up without a dad. I grew up without a father figure. My mom is married and divorced for seven different guys in and well I should say one of them was the exception to the rule.

All of them with these kind of woozy lounge lizard smoking type. Do you know what I'm saying not admirable figures in the my mom married one guy that was different from all the rest. He didn't drink, he didn't smoke and he was a good man and ironically was also an attorney at the Joe.

Ironically, his name was Oscar Felix Lori. What I may Oscar Felix Lori, I only spent a short time with him. He lived in New Jersey so I was originally a Jersey boy for a while though born in California when Jersey procedure know what that's filling more that's more filling. But he actually treated me as a father should treat his son and he was a good father figure for me and he adopted me as well and that's where I got my name Oscar on no Lori but as I look at these kids eight and I know what I've gone through it sort of is enlarge my heart for them.

That's one of the reasons we do crusade. That's one of the reasons we continue to try to connect to the changing culture because we want them to know that they have a father in heaven who loves them. They can change the course of their life. He did it for me and he can do it for them as well. But you know we don't always appreciate our father what were young we view but as we get older, we begin to view our fathers differently. I read a clipping from a Dutch magazine, a number of years ago, I read many Dutch magazine, though I someone set this on the me I here's how it charges her father at various stages of life for four years old. The child says my daddy can do anything at seven years old. He says my daddy knows a lot a whole lot in eight years. He says well my daddy doesn't know everything. At 12 years. He says will naturally dad doesn't know that either. At 14 years. He says Dennis so old school. He just doesn't get it at 21 years. He says that's so lame at 25 years. He says that knows a little bit about that, but not too much at 30 years. He says let's find out with dad thinks about that 35 years, he says, before we decide let's get dad's idea. First, at 15 years. He says what would dad have thought about that at 60 years. He says my dad knew literally everything you have things changed.

I think that you have to be a parent before you can fully understand what it means that your parents did for you.

It was DL Moody, the great evangelist that pointed out that you really can determine how good of a parent you were until you yourself have grandchildren letdown is a test or parenting that I think I'm thankful to God because both Mike's and sons Knutsen son. Sometimes I sons commit sins but their son. Both of them were in our rate father would see what the Bible says to fathers today.

Ephesians 64. You fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord want you to notice that those words are directed toward father meant to put too much pressure on you, but I wanted to say that I think husbands hold the key to a flourishing marriage already pointed that out. As we talked about the role of husband because we are to love our wives as Christ loves the church. Men are the initiators and I think cousins in many ways hold the key to a successful family. It's not the mother. Don't play an important role. They obviously do I find it interesting.

These words are specifically directed toward men. Maybe that's because it's assumed mother's usually do their part. Mothers occasionally walked on families but fathers often far too often, so we know the mothers are more nurturing and more affirming but fathers often fail in this regard. Paul is specifically says to fathers father, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord. What does that mean the word provoke means to anger that, and it suggests a repeated pattern of treatment that causes the child to have anger and resentment that boils over to outright would we provoke our children to anger, number one by showing favoritism just what kids aren't stupid even really young children and they know when you have a favorite you think you hide it well. You don't hide it as well as you think and when you compare children, one with another. It hurts up when you say dear Chuck why can't you be smarter like your sister for more athletic like your brother, why can't you do with they do know, don't show favoritism to children.

You know, for while I only had one granddaughter, Stella, so I look about buying things for her and and now I have four granddaughters and whenever I get something my wife says you have to get more of them. He can't just get one. Get more of our the others will feel left out.

So, on another day when I would've bought this dollar whatever it is I'm buying now.

I times and times for media kits and smaller unit but we see this pattern in Scripture. One of the best illustrations. This story is a story of Jacob and Esau.

There were two brothers that were at odds with each other. How did that come about that because Isaac favored Esau and Rebecca favored Jacob so one parent favored one, the other parent favored another that developed a rivalry between the boy that you would've thought that Jacob was not favored by his father would've gotten that memo. And that's been a very fair dad to his sons but he himself favored Joseph over his other son. This resulted in major sibling rivalry and the boys even sold their brother Joseph to slave traders.

You know you have a problem with sibling rivalry when your boys come home and they sold one of your socks but that's because of the favoritism of the parent.

The same is true in the home of David David the first King of Israel, the Lord told the prophet Samuel to go to the town of Berkeley again because there he was gonna find the next king of Israel, because the Lord had rejected the present King Saul and the Lord told Samuel you're gonna find that King of the house of Jesse, so Jesse is called before the prophet, and he brings out his seven sons strapping good looking young man, the magnificent seven. There they were an the product looking at each one of the Lord say to them that's not the one that's not the one that's not the one prophet saying hey you have any more signs and diseases will yeah he's out in the field is a little weird. He likes to like play his guitar and sing songs about God. David, he's my youngest notching the phrase in it. Jesse used to describe David as being the youngest is not one that just means youngest in years, but it means the least. In effect, he said he's the least.

So much so he didn't even call them in to appear before the prophet along with his other brothers.

So David is summoned he comes bounding in from the field and the Lord says that's my boy David went on to be the greatest king in the history of Israel but yet he carried this pain through his life. He himself wrote my mind when my father and mother forsake me. The Lord will take me up lesson children will carry this pain of having one child or sibling favored over them throughout their lives. Another way we can provoke our children is by never complementing them know what I grew up I was never a firm there were no out of boys, there was no I love you. There were no hogs in my home.

And so when I became a parent I overcompensated for sure. You know I wanted Christopher to know how much I loved him and quite honestly I over did everything we would just go to toy stores for no reason wasn't a birthday wasn't Christmas and I would buy him a big giant toy just because I wanted him to have a great childhood would come in the house.

My wife would look at just roll her eyes like what is wrong with you.

I sort of agree with the statement of Dr. James Dobson what he said.

We all owe our first child, an apology right will make some mistakes with our first child.

I know that I did for sure. But you know you want to show the child you love them, and it's a good thing to affirm them, but maybe in some ways in our culture today. We've swung too far. Maybe there was a culture where children were not affirmed enough and maybe today we have a culture whether over affirm that I read an article in the South Florida Sun Sentinel that had the headlight went crazy children goes too far.

A quote from it says fear just worry about spoiling their kids so they criticize lavishly withheld prey, but now they worry about self-esteem, so they withhold criticism and praise lavishly and this is gone on to produce a culture of super narcissistic kids. As I mentioned last time, as we look at marriage so buying the balance of affirming, complementing not being overly critical, there is a place for discipline. Obviously, to deal with out of my next message as we talk a little bit more about parenting, so that's the negative don't provoke them to wrap down the positive look of the verse again bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord bring them up no means to nourish or fee.

Another translation says let them be. Kindly cherish we are to be tender in bringing up our kids.

It doesn't say knock them down and says, bring them up. That's hands-on. That's involvement in your child's life because many kids are left to themselves today. Their parents and are not present in the Bible says in Proverbs 2915 a child left to himself brings shame to his mother in a way of epidemic today of children being left alone. They call them latchkey kids. According to one U.S. Census one third of all school-age children in the United States are for some part of the week latchkey kids that if they go home to an empty house or apartment in the total number may be between five and 7 million children between the ages of five and 13 so they go home to an empty house so who's influencing these kids many cases their peers are training them more than their parents or the public school system God for bid or media TV, the Internet, that is why parents are given a charge from God himself to bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord you want to be hands-on with these kids. You can't just let them go and just do their own thing you know to be a part of their lives.

You train them in being responsible young men and women start manners and I was taught my sons to be respectful especially when meeting an adult I see disrespectful kids. That's a result of bad parenting in my opinion, are you up to teacher sunning your daughter to show respect is that when you meet somebody you shake there again you look him in the eye. Your respectful toward them.

We tried to teach them proper etiquette. I've looked at were up to my wife. I'm not the best person to teach etiquette. In fact, I can illustrate that are right now for you because my wife is a website called virtue you girls of you don't know about it. A giant screen is coming down. Oh, it must be a video. My wife is a website called virtue did you girls are know about it is specifically designed for all the Christian girls out there. It's a great site if has everything from teaching to the little videos on on cocaine and other things while they were shooting video on etiquette teaching etiquette to little girl so they use my granddaughters you'll see three of my four granddaughters in this video are Riley Stella and Lucy and that I happen to show up. This all happened that her friends also. I sort across the party sat down and created chaos. So look at the video camera, q. week terrain, Riley and I went to I well I got hungry because you're talking so long. One member language and began eating everyone look at his plate and went to start with and then you do this you can even attempt to get all yes I have deeded now and raving always want to be polite and complementary.

We need only married you don't like it to your stomach.

As I mentioned had this app I eat the food was good and I was so sick I didn't want to swallow it so you do this since is a trend to comply in your sick like this now that Lincoln don't because I may choose to think in the bike you're feeling suggest that authority swallow this phenomena probably be sick in the brown meeting to find out after you swallowed it, and the food is in good the person to me. That said, how did you like the meal and it was bad what you say I would say something like this can't think fire we speak well, I've never really had anything like that before. Next: diplomacy.

So we went reason I use and I'm in a have to choose myself and anyone buying I can't take it anymore and actually getting so you don't want me teaching your children etiquette right so what we did it we are to bring our children up were not to tear them down. Why do we need to bring them up because they have a sinful nature that is already bringing them down.

David said in sin did my mother conceive me.

You know you never have to teach a child how to send it just comes naturally like it came to you. Listen to this were not sinners because we sin, we sin because we are sinners. It comes naturally and it comes easily. So we need to lead the children in the right direction. But consider this, nothing can really happen through us until this first happened to us. Never repeat that nothing can happen through us until this first happened to us. Paul in Philippians 49 says the things that you've learned and received and heard and seen in me practice these things in the God of peace will be with you. You cemented me know listener that if you want to produce a child that is hard against God.

If you want to produce a child that will never want to go to church then be a hypocrite. It's almost worse than being on non-believing parent and I'll tell you why your nonbelieving parent like my mom was I just said well that's the way she lived she did know God and I came to Christ and saw the way a person is supposed to be. So I never thought she was a hypocrite, she was true to what she what but if there is a parent that does. I'm a Christian and I love God and their hypocrite in the home and you wonder why that kid is turned away from the Lord. I'm not saying every kid is turned away because apparently hypocrite because in many cases, they turned away when the parents have been a sterling example if the government of throw a parent under the bus for having a prodigal son going to have to say the same of God is having a prodigal child means you're a failure as a parent, then God is a failure as God. Obviously that isn't true. But my point is, there's a lot of prodigal children out there that are running from the Lord. But my point is simply this, to the best of your ability. Be a good example for your children to follow so you bring them up and this is a constant process and never stop. We get some good advice for Moses. Deuteronomy 6 what he says these words I'm commanding you today, the P in your heart and you will teach them diligently to your sons will talk to them when you sit down in your house when you walk by the way, when down and when you rise up. See I always have. Look for teaching moments with my kit and when I see my kids and me my grandkids to. I always look for opportunities to share truth with them.

Yesterday we got together for a little Father's Day celebration were having fun and I started telling Bible stories to them, but I try to do it in a way that engages them because what I want them to say it, tell us another one top of that, I'm trying to bring the word of God to them in a way that they understand. I'm always looking for those opportunities and I think that's a good thing to do in life with our kids, you know, instead of telling them to not watch TV weather to sit down with them and watch their favorite program. With that, they probably won't like that a whole lot but then you can offer some perspective and maybe biblical worldview. They might even begin to see it differently than they had before.

But you see we are to touchscreen them up in the way that they should go.

That's were told in the book of Proverbs. What is ME that phrase train up as an interesting one and literally translated speaks of the actions of a midwife who, after delivering a child with different finger in Christ date.

This resulted in the baby thirsting for mill so wanted to bring them up a simple translation would be created first in your child's life forgot creative thirst letting Julie to live in such a way that they will want what you have never noticed that when you go out with someone after church save for a meal and they get some food. Special events at night that their food always looks good in all go out with people looking to get a bike people I don't want to eat late at night will come with us okay out drink water right so you're sitting therein I'm using now I eat entire cupcake someone bite so you're sitting there in the art of their burger and fries which I happen to love them confusing in a mall so you're looking think I have one French fry cherub all you want and when you eat that stolen French fry.

There's something about it.

It's like so much better then you are your own and your fries are never as good as the stolen money never notice that, but the ideas that they had something you wanted and watching them enjoyed means you wanted could that not be said of our faith when we are walking with God we have a real relationship with Jesus Christ. It will create in your tire child, a desire to know God when they seem on train when they see dad being a spiritual leader and they say I want to be like that when I grow up. Train them up creative thirst enough, but also in verb form for speaks of breaking and bringing a horse in this submission. So if it's an idea of putting parameters and you're trying to control something that is out of control so you put it all together and they think the creating of first-in but also setting up parameters you have external boundaries for their protection and internal motivation. Who are we to do this for a child. Okay, so we only do it for them and their very little no because his word child is translated many ways in the Bible the first time we read of it. It speaks of an infant that is translated again to be a young boy.

Later, it speaks of Ishmael and his preteen years. It also is a word used to describe Joseph at 817. Thus, the word child speaks of young men and women to young adulthood. So that means you continue to train up your children through their lives in the way that they should go and what is ME while actually another way to translate that would be according to their vent. The amplified Bible translates it as follows train up a child in the way he should go.

In keeping with that individual kept her bed when he is old he will not depart from it. I think you'll discover in time that every child is different. Our two sons Christopher and Jonathan could not be more different from one another.

Christopher you I did tell him what the Ptolemy again you I did tell him again over and over and over. Jonathan, you told him one time.

Now I really seen this with having four granddaughters because girls are so much different than boy's by the way that they play my granddaughters like these little toys in Europe you've ever heard of them there called Lala Lucy's other like these little plastic dolls and when you buy them. They come with SS raising a little dog or a purse or whatever and everyone has its own accessories. So line up all these Lala Lucy's and they have all the accessories with everyone will now we have little Christopher are the first grandson and he destroys everything he does to his job as search and destroy.

I have this one joy at the hammer we tone balls and needed as a man, that boy. He's a boy. Every child is different, but I tell you I love being a grandparent. By the way grandchildren are the reward for the pain of parenting.

They are in the punishment to your children. The put you through it. And so, if you're wondering what the role of a grandparent is I haven't for you today. If you're taking notes your grandparent. Tension hears the to do list for grandparents.

Are you ready number one pick up the grandchildren number two spoiled up number three, load them with sugar number four. Send them all that your mission, should you decide to accept, but even when raised in a godly home.

Children will rebel that is not always a bad thing. It could even be a good thing is a also great means are starting to think for themselves. I mean don't you want them to be independent. You still want your kids living with you when there in their 50s. I me, you wanted to get out there in their own get married, have their own families so they come back and say you know mom how do you know the Bible is the word of God.

Dad how can a God of love allow injustice in the world. I'm not sure if I believe this myself they're going through a process they need to go through and the need to stand on their own 2 feet and the need to keep loving them, you know, if you go to the story of the prodigal son in the gospel of Luke.

He rebelled against his father. He went to a distant land. He made a mess of his life. But there's one thing the boy always knew he always knew there was a place at home for him because when he came to his senses.

He said I'm in a go back home again to my father and when he returned his father Randy Kim Ed defect tar out of it. Now that's what he deserved. That's how it happened. The father threw his arms around him and welcome him home again. I think the main thing is we keep loving our kids they can escape our presence, but they can never escape our prayers, but I think the most important thing is be that example I read some interesting stats that disclose that mom and dad attend church regularly throughout their life. 72% of their children will remain faithful and the tenants, but if only dad attend church regularly 55% or remain faithful if only mom attends church regularly. 15% will remain faithful have neither mom attends regularly. Or rather, it neither attends regularly, only 6% remain faithful is seen how important it is the pastor's legacy on and not just drop your kids off at church, but take them with you and leave them and train them and raise them up and you do this throughout their lifetime. Because one day there God and that can be gone because there Mary that can be gone because the Lord calls them home and that happened know us, our oldest son five years ago was called I haven't, you know it. Father's Day is a hard day for me because I think of him and he is to make me the most amazing Father's Day card you've ever seen Christopher was in artist and he would do these beautiful cards custom each year I was in for them. I said don't buy me a gift. Make me a car and I saved them all and I have them on myself today along with the cards that my son Jonathan is given me and all the other things every drawing migrant gifts. If there hanging on my walls and I say all that stuff. I just love it. You know, but whoever plans on their child preceding them to heaven, you know, when I was in high school I was a runner. Believe it or not. Short distance runner. I was pretty fast for a short time.

Christopher was a runner as well. He was a long-distance runner so we would have races I go to his truck needs and I Ray seven. You know I can always freedom even as he got older and I got older I could still be them in a race and always took pride in that I be them every time. So one day we were on the beach and I don't remember his exact age. I think he was in his 20s at this point and I said you want to race the course. I made it a short race so would play to my advantage. Not yet seen the mark right there. Let's run the market ready that I'm ready get set go home. I took off and he's right next to me the whole time ago no time. I psyched you know I try to get the little burst of energy. He passes me he kills me any passes up an assignment.

I was crestfallen and proud of him.

At the same time. Like I could, you know you beat me and were in a race of life and we can think of. This is sort of a relay race and with a hand on the baton now.

The idea is we run and we him the baton on to our sons and our daughters and then they handed on to the next generation.

It's a legacy of a godly life to Kim Dunn here it is that you carried on so you can say with Paul.

I fought the good fight.

Finish the course. I kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge will give to me on that day, not to me only, but to all who love his appearing.

In my case, my son, who beat me in the race on the beach also beat me in the race of life, and he is in heaven and affects the end of the baton. The mean and I'm carrying on.

I'm gonna pass it on.

Do his daughter's not an etiquette but in other ways to my son Jonathan to his daughters and son. My grandson and if God is gracious to my great-grandchildren, but that's what it's all about were here to know God, to walk with God that we leave this world and we go to heaven let's make sure we do that job well and in closing, there might be some of you I mention prodigal son.

Maybe your prodigal son. Maybe your prodigal daughter maybe even running from God. The good news is the doors open, God will welcome you back in your turn from your sin and ask for his forgiveness. Maybe there's some of you here right now that have never put your faith in Jesus Christ. Maybe you came today as a favor to your wife.

Maybe you came as a favor to your kids dad come to church is thinking. He then so you showed up. I'm glad you're here, but I want to the no doubt that you of a father in heaven that loves you. I want you to know dads if you failed and you've not been the spiritual leader is not too late to change as I mess up everything okay can change that.

Start today to be the godly man is called to the beat. You'd be amazed at how much good it could still do some and give you an opportunity dads and moms men and women, younger people warning been married yet. You don't know Christ. You don't have a relationship with him.

You can have it right now Jesus Christ came to this earth on a rescue mission to save us from our sin, he went to a cross. He died there in our place.

He bore all of our sin and then he rose again from the dead and now he is here with us right now standing at the door of our lives and knocking and he says it will hear his voice and open the door he will come in if you've not asked him, and yet do it right now as we close in prayer. Let's pray father, thank you for your word to us. Thank you for your love for us. Thank you for your call that's extended to every one of us right now and I pray for any deer that may not yet know you are not certain that they would go to heaven when they die they are still living in kilts and sin, but they need a second chance in life. They need to be forgiven. Lord, would you help them to come to you right now and receive your forgiveness.

What I have is about and her eyes are closed and were praying.

How many of you would say today. I need Jesus Christ in my life. I want to be forgiven of my sin. I want to know that I'll go to heaven when I die, I'm ready to say yes to Jesus right now. Attach your desire. If you want Christ to come into your life if you want to asked Jesus to be your Savior and Lord, would you raise your hand up right now and I'll pray for you wherever you're sitting you want Christ to come in your life. Raise your hand approved for you.

God bless you. God bless you and you and you will bless you. You're watching a video screen. Raise your hand up I can see you but the Lord sees you. You raise your hand to hear and harvest Riverside on the amphitheater up in the court building dirt harvest Orange County raise your hand that you want Christ to come in your life. Bless each one of you, maybe this some of you that would say have been a failure is parents are as a husband or wife or even as a Christian I want to recommit my life to Jesus. I want to come back to him. Pray for me. If that your desire would you lift your hand up by Melanie. Pray for you. You want to come back to the Lord today make a recommit, I would ask now that everyone of you that a razor Kenneth you would please distend your feet nominally doing a prayer of commitment to Jesus. Every one of either razor can stand your feet right now wherever you are, stand up. God bless you stand up, stand up, stand up there watching my video stand up harvest Orange County stand up outside in the amphitheater and the court building.

Stand your feet right now here in the main sanctuary. Anybody else stand nominally join a prayer of commitment or recommitment to Jesus. One final moment. God bless you. Anybody else stand now. You won't regret doing this. Anybody else all right all of you that are standing. I want you to pray this prayer out loud after me again as I pray pray this out loud after me right now pray this is me if you would, Lord Jesus, I know that I'm a sinner but I also know that your Savior and you died on the cross for my sin. No, I choose to follow you.

Forgive me of my sin be my Savior and my Lord be my God and my friends.

Thank you for your love and your forgiveness in Jesus name I pray, amen