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TH131010/Your Number Is Up

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie
The Cross Radio
October 14, 2013 11:34 am

TH131010/Your Number Is Up

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie

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October 14, 2013 11:34 am

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Harvest messages are brought to you by harvest partners receive free email daily devotions or to become a harvest partners, please visit us Daniel chapter 4 Daniel chapter 4 and the title of my messages. Your number is up okay. Quick question, why am I here on this earth. What is the purpose of my existence a polis done among Americans and the question was asked in 61% of those pulled said the main purpose of life is enjoyment and personal fulfillment find that amazing. The main purpose of life is enjoyment and personal fulfillment. I guess it summed up in that phrase you some fancy printed on a shirt life the beach and arrived at sodas or a lot of people like to be. Here is the thing that concerns me 50% of those that gave that answer classified themselves as born-again Christian. So is that really what were here as Christians for enjoyment and personal fulfillment while working to see that question answered in the lives of two men to King's. The Bible will often put two people together are two situations together to contrast them to show them what's right and what is wrong. Jesus talked about a Pharisee in the public and the one after break one prayed right the publican one prayed wrong. The Pharisee we find the story of Cain and Abel put side-by-side a godly man, able and ungodly men came the same with Abraham a lot Jesus did the same thing when he talked about the wisemen who builds itself on a foundation of rock and the foolish man who built this house on a foundation of sand. The same thing is there in the parable of the sheep and the goats of the narrow road and the broad path, and so forth. So these all give us a picture that is the loudest ring ever. Okay so you must be hard of hearing, this would be a good time to muted you have a phone please nature phone because that alarmed me okay they likely did know here it's so people are put side-by-side situations are put side-by-side to show the right and the wrong we have that here in the book of Daniel we have two very powerful kings. They were related.

First there was Nebuchadnezzar. And then there was his grandson Belshazzar one on the wasting most of his life ultimately made the right decision. That would be Nebuchadnezzar, the younger and the foolish one made the wrong decision and they both have the truth of God's word presented to them one at time accepted the other rejected face the consequences. But you think about a guy like Nebuchadnezzar.

I mean, you want to talk about powerful Nebuchadnezzar was a man that had on limited power. Yet God, God hold of him and I bring this up because we might think of people that we can't even imagine ever being a Christian. There were I give them same.

Praise the Lord, are carrying a Bible. Richard Dawkins being a Christian. Or how about Bill Marr about Howard Stern, Lady Gaga, oh you don't think that's possible you think God could not reach any of those people no matter who they are or what they're known for, and telling you no one is beyond the reach of God's forgiveness in the story.

If God could reach a guy like Nebuchadnezzar he could surely reach anyone well know people that seem unreachable, but the fact is, no one is beyond the reach of God and if there was Nebuchadnezzar. I said unparalleled well power and fame exposed to spiritual truth and a lot of that's it was Nebuchadnezzar that through the three Hebrew holy boys into the fiery furnace, Shadrach me shack in a Bendigo because it would not bow before his golden image that you directed of himself, but was also Nebuchadnezzar that saw these men spared in the midst of the fiery furnace and an extra guy walking around in there with them. Nebuchadnezzar described as a son of the gods who we believe is probably Jesus himself taken Sunday stroll with his three young men and so he saw that he acknowledged that God preserve them.

But still, he did not believe in. There were other things he was exposed to and still he did not believe but now everything was going to come to a head. You know sometimes when you share the gospel with someone you need to think of it like a time bomb and may not happen today, but it may detonate tomorrow or in a week or in a month so you just so that Lucy is a witch of the say. Maybe they blow you off.

Maybe they laugh in your face. Maybe they ignore you, maybe they say will that's I think you and any walkways and will let him go very well. Don't ever underestimate the power of God's word and that little seed you just so because what may happen is a week later they may wake up in the middle of the night and suddenly your words will come crashing down on them and they'll be thinking about it.

So our job is to just so that seed of the word of God and leave it in God's hands and on our crusade in Philadelphia. I was told by my friend Joe opposed to positive cover Chapel of Philadelphia that a young lady showed up in their women's Bible study group and wanted ever seen before. So one of the ladies run in the group assess lady where she was from. She just came to Christ of the harvest to say that we just tell that's great but here's the truly interesting she was a practicing Muslim and that she saw this big event at the Wells Fargo Arena.

She pulled in and what caught her attention was we play the video that you saw also at the Southern California crusade of amending Earl, who was in Albuquerque New Mexico also raises a Muslim who is on his way to commit suicide. Never Earl story and instead he will he heard out on the radio for a song. He liked resisting the music he was going to kill himself and muck up the story but anyway he went in. He came to Christ and embraced Jesus as Lord instead of Allah, and it was that video of Earl story that reaches other Muslim woman got to reach anybody.

I don't care who they are, what their background is okay so let's look at a potentially unreachable person who is reached Daniel for starting numbers for phenomena read down to verse nine and this is from the new living translation understand this is Nebuchadnezzar writing I Nebuchadnezzar was living in my palace and comfort and prosperity. But one night I had a dream the greatly frightened me.

I saw visions that terrified me as I lay in my bed so I issued an order calling in all the wise men of Babylon. They could not tell me what my dream meant. When all the magicians and chanters, astrologers and fortunetellers came in. I told him the dream, but they cannot tell me what it meant.

At last, Daniel came in before me and I told him the dream he was named Delta shahs are after my God in the spirit of the holy God is in him. I said to him, all Delta shahs are master musician, magician, brother.

I know that the spirit of the holy God is in you and no mystery is too great for you to solve.

Tell me what Mike dream me it will stop there. So what we learn from this. Again, as I said, no one is beyond the reach of God hears Nebuchadnezzar the most powerful man on earth at that time many Babylon is what he ruled over Babylon had walls that were 350 feet high 87 feet broad at the top six chariots could raise along the walls of Babylon, side-by-side, thinking that this time.

Historically that they can wreck something like this. There were 250 watchtowers placed in strategic locations around the circumference of the city one palace alone covered 11 acres one banquet hall alone could see a thousand people versus incredibly powerful man.

How does God reach him through a dream he had a dream.

Verse five that frightened him. He saw visions as he lay on his bed, God got them through a dream. You wonder how the Lord could reach this person or that person might do it through a dream of the book about social story of a Roman centurion in Cornelius now to be a centurion in the Roman army meant that you would commit 8200 men.

Roman soldiers were fair, but centurions were really feared at this time.

Despite his position of great power with Rome. He believed in God, but he didn't know him yet what he knew of God. He believed he liked the Jewish people. He was sort of ruling over enforcing Rome's authority over even believe in the pagan gods of Rome, he believed in the God of Israel, but even know how to approach of the heart of the Lord reach Cornelius well the Lord reach them through a vision. He had a vision and he was told to turn. He was called told to call for Simon Peter, who is also directed by the Lord and they came together so God can work through some unusual means to reach a person so having this vision of this prayer of this drink Nebuchadnezzar rounds of the usual suspects the magicians the enchanters the astrologers, the fortunetellers, asking for help in other still fortunetellers out there today psychics that people will actually go to and pay their hard-earned money to trying to find some kind of an answer and then as a last resort. He calls and Daniel and John we read in verse 19 that Daniel was overcome for a time against at the meaning of the dream, the king said Delta shahs are don't be alarmed by the dream tell me what to me. Daniel was replying and said I wish the events were shot on the street verse rather than this dream would happen to your enemies, my Lord, not to you. See Daniel understood the dream we realize this dream is a warning from heaven that Nebuchadnezzar was about to face a certain judgment. Amazingly, Daniel and develop sort of a affection for this crazy king, and does so he didn't really want to tell because if this is not good news and people and died for saying less to Nebuchadnezzar he could just snap his finger in your God. So did tell him that God is going to judge him was hard, and it's hard sometimes until the truth is in it. I think of Dr. Sue run a series of tests on someone in you want to tell them everything's okay. Don't be alarmed. You're all right but then you find that spot for you find that lumper you find something else, and you've got to tell the person the truth because you want to preside prescribed a course of treatment or maybe a surgery or depending on what it is of the things that they should do to get better but you have to tell them the truth. First, in the same way as Christians we have to declare the whole counsel of God, but sometimes we edit out stuff were uncomfortable with like hell or judgment will say believe in Jesus and heal make you a happier person and bring you fulfillment and joy in and happiness in your life and the person says will I don't want to believe in Jesus.

What happens if I don't believe in Jesus. I'd rather not discuss that quick question. Do you like warm climate away. You needed to talk weirs of the Bible's, you know, tell the with a smile on your face. You told him with a tear in your civil. The Bible says there's a judgment and if we don't believe in Jesus Christ, there actually is a place called Helen, you know, it's hard to say those things that we have to tell them the truth that Daniel knew the truth now is to reveal it to the great Nebuchadnezzar effectively says judgment is coming, but there is still all but you can repent verse 27 okay Nebuchadnezzar pleases the mini stop sending do what is right. Break from your wicked Best Buy be merciful to the poor. Perhaps then you will continue to prosper.

Listen king there still hold your repent.

But if you don't repent judgment is going to come on you effectively. That's what Jonah did. You went and preached of the Ninevites, also a very wicked people. He said 40 days and then it will be overthrown. Actually, there was hope in that message because the fact that they were being worn implied that there could be a forgiveness of the term from that sin.

Brinson forgot about his judgment on Sodom and Gomorrah. There was no warning. There was no profit Jonah walk into the street. It just came on them like a ton of bricks. It was well-deserved but in the case of Nineveh, God give them a chance.

In the case of Nebuchadnezzar. God was giving them a chance and God does give a lot chances. I think the problem is, sometimes we confuse God's grace with leniency or maybe even ignorance.

By that I mean because you don't face the full I just woke up to people here because welcome back because you don't face the immediate consequences of your actions. You might think you're getting away with it. But the Bible says your sin will find you well. If we were to go back and translate that from the original language would translate out to see your sin will find you out what it means is your sin will find you out the jewelry purchase on the matter what no MAV in a year and maybe 10 years MAV in a month and maybe in a week. It could be in 10 minutes what is going to come over there will nothing happened so maybe God wasn't paying attention. Maybe God doesn't care.

Worse yet, will deceive ourselves and the thinking maybe God is okay with you.

I prayed about it, Lord. I was going to sit with my girlfriend.

I know the Bible says, but what you say and the Lord spoke to me and said I'm cool with that was you speaking to you okay God didn't say that because God will never contradict his whereby the point is you get a face of a God was giving an opportunity to repentance. Ecclesiastes 11 because God does not punish sinners instantly people feel the same to do wrong lesson the wheels of God's justice may grind slowly but they grind Shirley Murray Pete that the wheels of God's justice may grind slowly but they grind Shirley Nebuchadnezzar. He was one wicked cat. I mean the things he did. He was ready to butcher an entire class of men just because they could not recall to him a dream you had an accident forgot he was ready to put to death and he would not worship the image she erected any had king Zedekiah the King of Jerusalem witnessed the execution of his own sons before he downs that man's eyes out of the sockets. So you get an idea of what Creek Nebuchadnezzar was yet God in his grace was giving this Creek an opportunity to repent and so now he doesn't repent now the judgment comes. Daniel four verse 28.

All these things did happen to King Nebuchadnezzar. 12 months later he was taking a walk in the splat roof at the Royal Palace in Babylon and he looked out across the city had said to the great city of Babylon. I buy my own power to build this beautiful city is my Royal residence as an expression of my Royal splendor while he was still speaking these words, a voice came down from heaven saying okay Nebuchadnezzar. This message is for you. You are no longer ruler of the kingdom. A man posting on earth hears a voice from heaven. Nebuchadnezzar is taking credit for all he has done it interesting. He wasn't a Christian. He wasn't a believer in the Lord God of Israel is just saying I did this all but the point of it is is anything that any manner any woman accomplishes in life is been given to them in effect as a gift from God. I mean I don't care what you discovered or what you've invented or how much money you've amassed, how successful you have been that life was given to you by God. The beat of the heart was given to you by God. The intellectual capacity to come up with those things was given to you by God. So when do you think look how successful I am looking how clever I am alone now careful and remember it's all a gift is that heart stops beating in the party is over. As it was for Nebuchadnezzar's grandson. It's good to remember everything we have is from the Lord.

As I said, Deuteronomy 817 says that. Be careful to not think you have been made wealthy by your own strength and energy. Remember it's a Lord that gave you the power to become rich, and he does it to fulfill the covenant he made with your ancestors.

So God did it.

God gave it to him, but he took credit and God's judgment came on him so what happened Nebuchadnezzar had some kind of a mental breakdown. We don't know exactly what it was or what we might diagnose it as today when it was some kind of mental illness where he was reduced to an animallike state eating grass in the field. His hair grew out long it was matted just as a prophet had predicted.

He was given 12 months to repentance from his moment of glory to ending up in the field and does so, he was brought down by the way, he's not the first world leader that was brought down. You know you look at these people basing all powerful. And then then they face the consequences of their sins and their crimes. Adolf Hitler you know with his Nazi war machine marching over Poland marching over France trying to wipe out the British people wanting to rule the world effectively trying to eradicate the Jewish people ends up in his little bunker holding the gun up to his face and killing himself or Saddam Hussein with all of his boasting of all of his arrogant downer hiding in a cave or Moammar Qaddafi with his cruel to radical ways for so many years and he is actually killed by his own people, and I think of the French leader Napoleon and his battle of Waterloo history tells us in the morning of the battle little dictator stood gazing on the field of battle and he described to his commanding officer. The strategy for that these company. By the way, Napoleon was a brilliant military tactician and he said you put the info to hear wind up at the Calvary, there will put the artillery over here at the end of the day England will be at the feet of France and Wellington was leaving the British forces will be a prisoner of Napoleon laughter applies. Napoleon's commanding officer boldly said well we must not forget that man proposes. But God disposes with arrogant pride. Napoleon shot back. I want you to understand them. Napoleon proposes and Napoleon disposes Victor Hugo, by the Way Rd., Les Miserables, commenting on this said and I quote from that moment on Waterloo was lost. For God sent rain and hail to the truth of Napoleon could not maneuver as he had planned and on the night of battle.

It was Napoleon who was a prisoner of Wellington and France was that the feet of England."

Interesting. So we think oh I'm in control I'm in power all this.

I know you won't know you won't fear God. Reverence God. Remember God has the final word on every subject's no matter what things might look bleak for you right now all men. This is never going to change.

This is the end God will have the last word.

Things are looking bleak for the Christian church as a way of persecution came against them from the Roman emperors affect starting with Diocletian sees me starting with Nero up to Diocletian.

There were 10 major attempts to wipe Christianity off the face of the earth believers were fed alive to wild animals and Roman arenas for sport, torn apart torture. Many bird at the state Diocletian the Emperor of Rome was so confident in completely wiped out Christianity get a coin struck. That said, the Christian religion is destroyed in the worship of the Roman gods are restored."

How did that work out for Rome. Not so well. Christianity alive and well.

Thank you very much. Rome nice place to visit. Great pasta nice rule in Caesar. What we remember about them. Caesar nice name for a dog you don't name your kid you name your kid Caesar in your name. Your dog got her to commune in your let's get the right unit in your job. Caesar in your name with your children after an apostle or a biblical character. We have Caesar salad that's pretty nice you know. But from his come and gone, but God gave a second chance and Nebuchadnezzar for 34 after the dissent in the madness. Nebuchadnezzar comes to his senses. After this time it passed. I Nebuchadnezzar looked up to Kevin my sanity return. I praise the words of the most high honor the one who lives forever. His rule is everlasting in this kingdom is eternal. Nebuchadnezzar believes in God Nebuchadnezzar because the Old Testament equivalent of a conversion, he believes in the Lord. I was then a radio broadcast.

The other day and someone has a question.

Do you think will see Nebuchadnezzar in heaven and I had to say. I think we probably will because he did turn from all of that sin to the true and living God. Pretty amazing story. So number two know it's me on the reach of God.

Number two, having been reach we need to pass it on to other we have a responsibility to pass on what God has given us.

Pastor Chuck Smith did on an amazing job of taking what God had given him in passing that on not only to people sitting in the pews enjoying this teaching year after year, decade after decade, but he passed it on to hundreds of young men that went on and started churches all around the world. This is what Paul said to Timothy, these things commit to faithful men will be able to teach others also.

And so he did that job well, but we'll responsibility you have a responsibility to pass the truth of God to your children and then your grandchildren and if you live long enough, your great-grandchildren that something were all commissioned to do my July I believe I'm called to be more of a silent witness. Well here's Romans 1014 says alchemy calling him to be saved unless they believe in him and how can they believe in him of no one ever tells them about him and how can they hear that message and thought unless someone tells them so Nebuchadnezzar he didn't seem to do a very good job in passing this on, he dies. Basically, one year after his conversion.

He has a son amazingly named evil merit will give them apparent names her child that evil merit.that was a son's name.

Well, evil merit on delivery long.

By the time chapter 5 opens we have the grandson of Nebuchadnezzar, Belshazzar went out of his way to blaspheme an insult, the true and living God turn over to Daniel chapter 5 now this is the second King in our story verse one.

Number of years later, King Belshazzar give you great fees for thousand of his nobles and drink wine with them while Belshazzar was drinking. He gave orders to bring in the gold and silver cuffs of his predecessor, Nebuchadnezzar had taken from the temple in Jerusalem, so that he and his nobles, his wives and his concubines might drink from them. They brought these gold cups taken from the temple of God in Jerusalem, the king and his nobles a drink toes to honor their idols made of silver and gold and bronze and iron and wood and stone. So this guy now is going out of his way to mock God look what happened.

Verse five. At that moment he saw the fingers of a human hand writing on the plaster wall of the king's palace near the lampstand, the king himself solving hand as it rode in his face turned pale with fear such terror gripped him his knees, not together in his legs gave way beneath him.

I love that story go to so they're all just having a good old drunken time and they see a hand note just a hand, not an arm I hand writing on the plaster of the wall so here is a message from God himself is the good reminder that drinking makes you do really stupid stuff doesn't.

I read a four-year study that was just completed that determine the following and I quote young adults who binge drink frequently are more likely to show this advantageous decision-making patterns than their peers who don't drink you neither for your study to figure that out. Seriously. All drunk people do stupid things they don't do the same things that sober people do. Yes, exactly. This wasn't just a drinking problem. This was a pride problem. Belshazzar, the grandson of Nebuchadnezzar inherited everything he had from his grandfather would been humbled and restore like many young people he did not learn from his older you know for years now in America.

We've had a fixation with you. You know everything is about youth culture and youth is celebrated.

I we look to the younger people for our style cues. We look to them for ardent slaying. We look to them for what we perceive as cool sometimes even our world view when it really should be the very opposite we should be looking to older people for the cuties on the scene of your old you of wisdom because I been a lot of stupid older people, but there are some maybe there's a lot especially those will walk with the Lord and learned a lot and you can learn a lot from them.

Proverbs 2029 says the glory of the young is their strength. The great year of experience as a splendor of the old. The Bible celebrates gray hair. I would celebrate any I don't care what color it is one of the first sign of gray.

We want to watch that gray right out of our hair right you know when I became a Christian at the age of 17 I sought out the wisdom of older men. I think it would people my age had to say that there stupid as I am. I want to talk to people who live life.

I want to talk to people who walk with God.

I want to talk to people who know the Bible and I want to learn from them. Then one day I woke up and guess what I was one of the older guys. I like it when my aunt got up.

She's in her 80s and let them vertically see this year and referred to me as this young man Greg Lorenz. Yes, that's why this is why hang around people in their 90s now. I feel young again, but this is the thing is, Belshazzar foolishly think of what we can anyone tell me I know everything and dimes can live the way that I want to live. So when all of its glory and splendor partying away. He didn't realize judgment was at the door. With the story gets really interesting. The prophet Jeremiah foretold the judgment of Babylon. Jeremiah actually wrote all nations will serve Nebuchadnezzar and his son number him and his sons son or grandson that would be Belshazzar until the time of the judgment, not only did the Scripture and Jeremiah and Isaiah did that the kingdom of Babylon would end with Belshazzar, but it name the guy who was going to bring them down. Cyrus is a coming conqueror would come through to open gate while Belshazzar is party and with his concubines and his lords and his body, the Medo Persian forces were amassing outside under the leadership of Cyrus now. You would've thought that Belshazzar was a move away. Wasn't there something written by these prophets about the kingdom any yes or was what was the name of the guy who was in the lead the forces against this Cyrus what's the name of that guy with all those armies outside the gate. Cyrus here's the thing that's amazing how does the prophecy say he would get into the kingdom. Two gates would be left open, and we should check the gates.

He didn't do that, you know why sin makes you stupid anything all this, it won't happen. I know it's happened all these other be one happen to me, yet will and God has given us warnings in Scripture just like you gave to Belshazzar.

There will be consequences. Again, as I said the Bible warns that all would be Belshazzar's.

Your sin will find you well. Verse five again the fingers of the human hand writing on the plaster wall and the king himself solving hand as it wrote the writing was on the wall that's for that expression comes from one day those same fingers of stone back in everything fingers I should say wrote on stone these words I am the Lord. That is my name and my glory will I not give another either my praise the graven image. It those same fingers that same finger of God wrote you shall have no other gods before me. So now that hand is writing again. The king is ignoring now is find out God means what he says and he says what he means. The king turns pale his knee start knocking. It's been said, when your knee start knocking Neil on them to Belshazzar kneel and pray know he calls and the astrologers and the soothsayers in the fortuneteller to help him out because they don't have an answer and then his grandmother comes walking on that would be the wife of Nebuchadnezzar, and she tells him about this profit in the kingdom still maintain annual who could interpret dreams so Belshazzar calls for Daniel and the prophet is brought in any interprets the dream and he says okay that this is the dream I Daniel five verse 25. This is what was written many many tackle parsec.

Here's what it means many means number God is numbered.

The days of your reign in these product to then tackle means way you can wait in the balances and you fail the test parts and means divided your kingdom is been divided and will be given to the means and the Persians loose paraphrase your number is up, the party is over. We don't know when are numbers going to be. We don't know how long we will live.

Psalm 90 verse 10 says 70 years are given to us Sunday even reach 80 and you know many make it to 70 some make it to the readings. Pastor Chuck was 86. Billy Graham is in his 90s. George Beverly Shea milligrams longtime worship leader made a pass to hundred and some people to make it to 70 so you don't know when your numbers going to be up so we need to deal with that reality. The Bible says teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts to wisdom of your younger don't to me. Yeah, tell that to the old people. Greg know what you know nobody knows for sure like it end in your 40s or in your 30s Lord called my son home at age 33. That would've never been my plan. I can guarantee that but he was ready to meet the Lord and that's what we all need to be ready to meet God.

Then of course Christ could come back and call us to heaven and the rapture.

Even before death, so we need to be ready. There's nothing you can do to turn the clock back. I read the $13 billion worth of antiaging cosmetics are sold annually $13 billion worth, and that South Coast Plaza only to listen all of those ointments and creams and whatever else you're doing isn't going to stop the March time. I hope this doesn't depress you because you know, for Christians, it's win-win, right when we leave this world we go to heaven doesn't mean we want to die, but it means were ready and when the day comes, we know will meet the Lord, but it should make us want to make every day count. So here's what he heard. Your days are numbered tackle you been waiting in the balances and found lacking. I don't know about you but when I get on the scale. I never like what I see and I always way more than I want a way I can't think of a time in recent history right wing way less than I thought I was at home watching the way this much and so God skills are different. See on our scales. We want to weigh less on God skills you want to way more because it's talking about the weight of a life. The depth of a life of the substance of a life. So here's effectively what Denny was saying to Belshazzar you can put on God's divine skills and body. You are a light weight. There's nothing of substance in your life.

Your life is been live for nothingness, and then now there's going to be a dividing your number is up verse 29 dented Belshazzar's command. Denny was dressed in purple Rose of gold chain was hung around his neck. A grill was put on his tea by me that this unsavory listing.

He was proclaimed the third-highest ruler in the kingdom. And that very night Belshazzar.

The Babylonian king was killed too little too late… Give all the stuff that Daniel liked and the like. Did your what I just told you, Cyrus and the Medo Persian forces are coming and that this is kingdom is over with I really don't care about all of your rewards right now. Never did. Never would and that was it. And there's a last night for every nation, for every person will be a last meal last statement last breath then eternity. So that brings me back to the question I raised earlier.

Why am I put here on this earth will that question is answered. What it the prophet say to Belshazzar he said to him, you will not glorify God she got was the root of his problem was not glorified God because you've not glorify. He said so why am I here in this earth. Here's the answer. You don't write on anything else like this down I am here on this earth to bring glory to God.

Isaiah 43 verse seven everyone was called by my name, whom I created for my glory. The Lord said, my former roommate Psalm 29 says, ascribe to the Lord the glory and strength. Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name. That's what we should do on earth. That's what we'll do in heaven. Revelation 411 says you are worthy all Lord, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created everything and it is for your pleasure, the exist and were created know I'm not here on this earth to find personal fulfillment and happiness. I am here on this earth to bring glory to the God who made me but here's the good news. If I fulfill the purpose for which I was created to glorify God. I will find personal fulfillment and happiness, not from seeking input from seeking yeah seek first the kingdom of God. Jesus says, and his righteousness and all these things shall be added to you.

What are these things Jesus said don't be like the nonbelievers who worry about what they're going to eat once again aware. Don't worry about that.

Focus your energies in your passion toward putting God first in having his rule and reign in your life, seeking first the kingdom and God will give you the things that you need to find the fulfillment you want. By knowing the God who made you well.

Belshazzar did not do that and his number was. Not done a lot of funeral services over the years, none are easy, but let's just say some are well there are easier to do than others.

Let me put it that way especially when an older saint dies, you know, we knew it was coming. They serve God. You can talk about how they live for Christ. Top of the receiving the reward someone like Pastor Chuck, although you miss them and it's sad. There's also a joy in knowing this was a life will live when someone dies young was a very hard services to do because you know we think of the promise of the potential there in their heart but the worst kind of funerals to do for a pastor are funerals for nonbelievers and I've done those because of your family that has a loved one die and they don't go to church and they don't know any Christians. And so the colors and say, could you come and do the service for and what you say you know we always try to find something nice to say about a person you don't want it because carefully really told the truth of funerals. You know, so everything in other the best person over live the nicest person never lived in. They were just, you know sweetness of life in on some of the people think the guy remember what okay whatever you know, we try to find the positive things right. Isn't it interesting that the things that are important to us now are not important, then I mean your negative talk but you know I just I was worth. That would be really weird to say or he was so good looking you and say that all pleasant. Let me know you won't you try this well he was cawing he was considerate and somebody will.

There's a lot to talk about the pay their taxes.

I think they recycle there you go.

Sunday will just waste their life. They just throw their lives away.

They live lives without substance much better it is to hear those words. Well done good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of your Lord. So let's wrap this up for last point is really summations of what we see number one New Orleans beyond the reach of God. Godric could be someone as powerful as Nebuchadnezzar, a wicked man like Kenny can reach anyone any where. Number two, having been reached. We need to pass it on to others.

We have a sacred trust given to us by God that passes on to the next generation to share the gospel with people we know, certainly to share with our family to pass on that spiritual heritage that was not done in the case of Nebuchadnezzar. The message never even made it to his grandson. Belshazzar factors Belshazzar did not even know about Daniel until his grandmother told him number three would here in this earth to glorify God. That was the problem with Belshazzar you did not do it and if you fail to glorify God. Everything's going to break down ultimately and if you don't believe me read Romans one later. Romans one talked about these people that did not glorify God and then all the sin and depravity that follow in number for one day we will all be weighed in God's divine scale.

We will reap what we sow.

Whether it be good or bad. Again, the wheels of God's justice may grind slowly but they grind Shirley God will be looking for weight and substance not lightness so how you living your life are you seeking the glorify God.

Are you chasing after happiness or personal fulfillment, or things or success or whatever. If you are. You're like the proverbial dog chasing this tale going nowhere. Don't don't throw away this precious thing called life. Don't waste this valuable commodity call time use it well for God and when the day comes and he says come on come on home. Then years and I'm ready Lord, and you don't have regrets well, you know, there might be some of you here that have never put your faith in Jesus Christ. Earlier on in my message I said that there is a hell and you know there is a hell and God doesn't want anyone to go there. That's why he sent Jesus to die on the cross and replace Jesus to God's judgment upon himself so we don't have to face in a by the way, we deserve God's judgment because every one of us of sin. Every one of us have broken his commandments so many times but God loved us and wanted to show that love in a tangible way. So he sent Jesus to live the perfect life and then to die that perfect death on the cross and then to rise again from the dead and Jesus now stands at the door of our life in the not as visible hear his voice and open the door to come in my sleep. There's a door.

My heart you live anywhere as is it small, no, no, it's a metaphor the ideas Jesus is I want to come into your life. So it's sort of like if you went home later tonight there was a knock at your door and it was someone you wanted to come in.

You open the door and invite them in and here is Jesus saying I want to come in your life, but I won't force my way. It's your choice. You have to invite know if you invite me and Jesus is saying, I will forgive you and you can have the hope that you'll go to heaven when you die, and I give you the meaning and purpose in life you desire.

If you reject them by not opening that door in your face the consequences in life on earth in your face the final judgment of the choice is yours. I would like to close in prayer and give you an opportunity to believe in Jesus Christ. And if you've not done that respond to this invitation. I will extend you folks are watching on the Internet. You can do the same things so it's all bow our heads right now. Everybody praying other. We've heard your word. We don't waste our lives. We don't want to be spiritual lightweights.

We want to go to heaven one day and receive a reward for lives that were lived well. We don't want to be turned away and that final day and sent to judgment. Lord I pray for any here now that do not yet know you.

I pray that you will convince them and convict them of their sin and help them to come to Jesus right now. Now I had to broaden her eyes are closed and were praying. How many of you would say tonight. Greg, would you prefer me. I want Jesus Christ to come in my life. I want my sins forgiven. I want to know that when I die I will go to heaven. I'm ready to say yes to Jesus right now. Pray for me that your desire. If you want Christ to come in your life is going. If you want your sins forgiven. If you want your guilt taken away if you want to believe in Jesus right now. Would you raise your hand up and let me pray for you wherever you are, no slipped her hand up appropriate publishing anybody else of Treanda published you raise your hand up or I can see it.

Please, bless you. You want God's forgiveness. You want to go to heaven when you die raise your hand up appropriate publishing. Maybe some of you are prodigal sons and daughters and even wandering away from the Lord you want to come back to him again tonight, would you raise your hand up in the me pray for you right you want to come back home again raise your hand compliance compass. Each one of father. I think enough reach one of these and I pray you give them the strength to stand up and follow you, for we ask it in Jesus name, amen