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SM140202/Twelve Men Who Shook the World

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie
The Cross Radio
February 3, 2014 1:25 pm

SM140202/Twelve Men Who Shook the World

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie

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February 3, 2014 1:25 pm

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Harvest messages are brought to you by harvest partners to receive free email daily devotions or to become a harvest partners, please visit us Bible chapter 10 the title of my message is 12 men, who shook the world to question if you are God and you wanted to reach the world. How would you do it now. Remember, your God, you can do anything you want, you can write in the sky. You can speak audibly from Avenue can roll back the cloud suggest ProCare Basu Chris would all die on the spot, but still. Or you could raise up an army of mighty angels flying to the heavens telling everyone to believe in Jesus Christ. God could've employed any of those tools or resources to reach our world but no.

Instead, God decided to use people and flawed people at that and with Jesus Christ God in human form came to this earth.

He chose 12 men Peter James and John Matthew Andrew Thomas. We know their names, but do we really know them tonight. I want to introduce you to these men because God is still looking for men and women to shake this world. What's amazing to me about these apostles that Jesus called as he didn't have any of the modern technology we have today. I mean they didn't have television sets. They didn't have radio they didn't have the Internet you know Peter did not have a Facebook page and Philip did not tweet snorted Thomas. They had none of the modern communication tools we have today. Everything they did was word-of-mouth person to person and today we call these men say and what we see them depicted in religious literature or impeding or sometimes in stained glass there one dimensional figures. They don't seem real. They always have the requisite halo over their head.

But really, what is a saint, a little girl was us in her Sunday school class for the St. was in thinking of things Nancy said all those of the people, but the light shines through Nancy. She was on the something that's what a saint is it's a person that the light shines through. Jesus said, let your light so shine before men, that they might see your good works and give glory to your father in heaven, but check this out. The word saint is just another word for believer. Therefore, every Christian, every man, every woman was put their faith in Christ can legitimately call themselves a saint by not asking for you to call me St. Gregory, but you can if you like because I'm a saint and you are to have you put your faith in Jesus Christ. Now these men that God chose to use were human beings.

They made mistakes they had laws they were hopelessly human. They were remarkably on remarkable.

However, despite those flaws, they were obedient to the Lord and available to him and this is one of the reasons why believe the Bible is the word of God because the Bible is a completely honest book. You know, in other religious books of the prophets or the preachers or the ones that speak for God are always presented is perfect or flawless will the only one that's presented is flawless in the pages of the Bible is Jesus Christ himself and God. Everybody else has their shortcomings, some more than others. For sure, but I realize that this is an honest book God is an airbrush his hero Susie. I mean, you know, we see all this airbrushing and photo shopping the day you look at people in the covers of magazines and you say I want to look like them. Listen, I'm concerned, they don't even look like that you know have ever seen one of these photographs were, they show the before and after the Photoshop takes place. I'm not just talking taking out a few blemishes. They shrink them the links in them. They change all kinds of things so effectively the person you're looking that is not the person was photographed at all their effectively the figment of a photographers imagination.

Will God doesn't airbrush out flaws and inconsistencies in the heroes in the people that use Oliver Cromwell had his portrait painted and he is reported to have said that the artist Pete me, warts and all, and the painter did by the way, and crumble was not that great of a looking guy either, so there it was.

It was an honest portrait in the Bible gives us its heroes, warts and all, with their flaws. The Scripture pulls no punches in this regard. Now I don't know about you but that does not discourage me that encourages me because I too am a flawed person. And so when I see that God can use an imperfect person and that gives me hope that God can use me as well.

Listen to this. Jesus did not call them because they were great. Their great this came as a result of the call of Jesus to repeat that Jesus did not call them because they were great. Their greatness came as a result of the call of Jesus first Corinthians 126 a modern translation says take a good look friends and who you were when God called you in this life. I don't see many of the brightest and best among you know many influential not many. From high society families. Isn't it obvious that God deliberately chose men and women at the culture overlooks God chose these nobodies to expose the hollow pretensions of the somebody I was reading in the paper the other day about a guitar that sold for $1 million that some what's one of the theory go that Fender Stratocaster guitar now on this guitar and how much it would cost if you bought it down in a guitar store but I guarantee it would cost $1 million.

But the reason the guitar I mentioning sold for $1 million was because Bob Dylan played and so he got on the good lives and then he didn't even know Bill Wright and that was about the limitation and what he did was he played this guitar at the Newport actually let me check her my notes. What was it exactly it was the 1965 Newport folk Festival.

How many of you were there outcome. Glad to see no one raising their hand. Okay well you see the folk music movement was all about acoustic guitar there very big on that had to be acoustic guitar so Dylan originally started up lame, acoustic guitar, and any key to this puzzle played electric guitar. They thought this was an act of treachery when he pulled his electric Stratocaster out and started playing but now it just sold for $1 million because of its historical value, and then I read another article about a guy and this makes even less sense to me to be $380,000 for a burned out electric guitar, but why would anybody P. 380,000 for a burned guitar answer. Jimi Hendrix played it at the Newport pop Festival and he played while thing on it and after he was done I he set fire to it and then he took a piece of the guitar through it into the audience and I grab good and just sold it for $380,000.

That all depends on who plays guitar right see if I played this guitar, it goes down in value. If Eric Clapton were to play this guitar it's collectible if Bob Dylan were to play one song in this guitar. People would be a lot of money to hang on the wall by putting this guitar you want to hear me play this guitar I have no guitar skills at all. I can human strap went on just came undone. I don't even really know how to play the guitar that much.

This is Tim's stuff here and I know sleep this guitar tonight's is so much better to you guitar give us your best right now comes out of who plays the guitar great plays guitar at something.

Tim plays guitar sounds awesome.

So now we take a human life.

Now when God gets hold of a human life and work through that human life. Something wonderful happens or not you remember anything I'm saying you is to never remember this whole guitar episode. But here's what second Corinthians 4 says this priceless treasure we hold so to speak in a commoner than words are those a splendid power that belongs to God and not to us.

So it's when God works through you trying to say God can use you there. There was probably never a person with less potential to do anything for God than me when he called me at the age of 17. Trust me, I didn't even have a few loaves and fishes liking with very little, so anything good at this come from my life has been something God has given them.

God is done through me. It's not something I do for him merely it's his blessing on my life and of God can use a person like me he could certainly use a person like you. And so we think about these 12 men that God call out different. They were, you know you stop and think about how different they were from one another, we have Simon was a former cell phone is that even me as though it was someone who was dedicated to the violent overthrow of Rome. We might even call them a terrorist if they actually arm themselves and many did, and the Romans crucified many men who were zealots trying to overthrow the tyranny of Rome so we have Simon the zealot, and then we have Matthew the tax collector not Matthew was a Jew, but he had become someone who worked for the Roman government. He was perceived by his fellow Jews as a traitor or a turncoat. So here we have Matthew the tax collector perceived as someone who caved in to the power of Rome Simon the zealot who wanted to destroy Rome and Jesus says you guys are both on the team now.

Love one another. They could not be more opposed ideologically, philosophically and politically like Jesus think you want this conservative Republican and with his liberal Democrat, you guys come together and follow me. What went when we can't get along at all, though, we follow him and we keep our eyes and him and we focus on him. These were salted the euro types, the God put his hand on so I want you to think about now. These 12 men that shook the world. Let's look at Matthew chapter 10. In verse two it says now the means of the 12 apostles are the first service. Simon is called Peter and Andrew his brother and Jesus son of Zebedee and John his brother, so let's start with probably the most well-known of all the apostles Simon Peter, apart from Jesus himself. No name is mentioned more in the New Testament. Then Simon Peter. He was a central figure of Jesus three years of ministry and of the first three years of the early church.

Jesus spent more time with Peter than with any one else. No other person speaks as often or as spoken to you as often as Simon. No other disciple was is reproved and corrected as often as Simon seen the thing with Peter. He said what he thought, you know people like that they don't know that there were two twin inside thoughts and outside thoughts they just verbalize everything that was Peter if he was thinking it was only a few moments until he would be saying it.

And of course is gotten in trouble or more than one occasion Peter would just ask a question if you didn't understand something back. Peter asked more questions and all the other apostles combine Brinson swing concerned about the reward that he and this is fellow disciples would get because they left all and follow Jesus did not hesitate to ask about it in Matthew 1927 we read him see the Christ. We left everything to follow you. What will there be for us at the bold thing to say that Jesus hey, we've given up everything what's in it for us. Then there was that famous occasion when Jesus was on the Mount of Transfiguration and he was there with Moses and Elijah and they were talking about his death. Talk about a holy moment now Peter, James and John were all there and they fell asleep and they woke up and there is Jesus shining like the sun. Two of the greatest prophets of the Bible, and each side of him, and Peter decides this would be a good time to say a few words in the ad file space, then says we are here.

Let's build three tabs, one for Jesus, one for Moses, one for Elijah neurologic turn to Jesus and said that is he with you and that sold Simon Peter.

There so here is Peter speaking is mine and I love how the gospel gives a little commentary as he said because he did not know what to say I've ever said something because you did not know what to say. Can I give you a little advice. Don't say anything is a proverb, not of the Bible, but a good one.

Better to be silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and dispel all doubts will borrow Peter. He just spoke his mind and that was him. He was always speaking in fact, we know that when Jesus was at a place called Caesarea Philippi is and who do men say that I am in it was Peter who said you are the Christ, the son of the living God, not by the way, that took a lot of courage to say that and he was right on the money now if you didn't smarty Woody just left it at that.

You're the Christ on the living God. Jesus is a Peter flesh and blood did not reveal that you will my father who is in heaven. And then Jesus goes on to speak about how he's going to die is going to go to La Crosse is going to supper and Peter starts to rebuke Jesus that's never a good idea to rebuke Jesus and Jesus said get behind me Satan, for you are an offense to me. Someone moment Peter was speaking under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. A few moments later he was inspired by the double himself, but the point is, Peter would always speak up. It was Simon Peter walked on the water to Jesus. Well, remember that story lords out there walking on the water and Peter says, Lord of it. You tell me to come Jesus as well. It's me, Peter puts one leg down over the side of the boat and present on the water and hold them up.

He puts the other foot down. He begins to walk he's doing something no man is ever done apart from Christ himself, and then just considering the circumstances. The window waves and everything else the great white coming toward him, though that's out there, but he began to sink and he said, Lord, save me and he actually went underwater Lord save me any was under the water and Jesus reached down and pulled him up settle Peter you of little faith that we can laugh at what Peter did and be critical of what Peter said but you know what no other apostle tried to walk on water and to the point. He said Lord of it. You tell me to come and Jesus said, so he was a commendable man. He was a courageous man.

Of course we all know about his denial. He didn't deny the Lord three times.

Let me tell you something you may not of known about Peter when it was all said and done church tradition tells us he died a cruel death before he was crucified. He is said to have watched the crucifixion of his wife. He was forced to observe it. Peter stood at the foot of his wife's cross and repeated to her the words. Remember the Lord and after she died. He pleaded to be crucified upside down because he felt he was unworthy to die in the same way as Lord. This was a hero of the faith.

Simon Peter or Sandra. He was the brother of Peter and was the first of the disciples to be called in right away. He went and got his brother Peter John 141 says the first thing Andrew did was find his brother Simon Peter and tell them we found the Messiah that is the Christ, and he brought him to Jesus and Jesus look to them and said you are Simon son of John and you will be called Cephas, which is translated Peter so his given name was Simon. Jesus gave him a new name Peter which means rock Highwood or the other disciples chuckled a little when Jesus said that Roxie said something of stability and dependability. But Peter was a little bit on the hotheaded side a little on the impulsive side.

But Jesus gave him a new name because Jesus knew what he would become see when God looks at you. He doesn't just see you for what you are. He sees you for what you will be in a we might just see a lump of clay in God sees us a finished product of vein for a boss however you want to pronounce it. He sees that you can be. We see a blank canvas. God sees a finished cleaning. We see assignment vacillating impulsive, hotheaded, Jesus sees us. Simon Peter, a rocklike man but who brought Simon to Jesus. It was Andrew, you know, Andrew had to go through life being the brother of someone who is more well-known than he was, that describe any of you maybe you were always known as the son of maybe your father, your mother will more well-known than you or your brother or your sister was well worn on so that became the point of reference with everyone you met all you know who his brother is all you know who has mother is and that's how Angela all you know who his big brother is Peter and I knew might've thought then I wonder what good thing I can't Jesus I want to tell Peter to become the leader under Jesus that can happen. I want this all for myself, but no in his defense.

Andrew went out and found his brother Simon and brought him to Jesus. And you know that was a great description of what Simon pretty much did fruitful life is me and you did fruitful life. He was always bringing people to Jesus, others a story of the feeding of the 5000, and people were gathered around and they didn't know where there were gonna find food to feed them and it was Andrew who said there's a little boy here with five loaves and two fish he bringing him to Jesus. Then there's a story worth the men from Greece came in they wanted to see Jesus. Philip went to Andrew and Andrew personally took them to Christ. Andrew was the go to guy when you wanted to get to Jesus. That would be a great thing to be said of you.

You know they always were bringing people to Jesus wherever they went. We celebrate the Simon peters of the world, but sometimes we forget the Andrews and check this out if there were no Andrews.

There would be no Simon Peter, Andrew asserted the patron saint of the relatively unknown but faithful followers of Jesus Christ. Those people that labor behind the scenes. We don't know their names.

We don't know that much about them but the Lord knows you see everything we do for God is duly recorded by him and you will be rewarded for a one day. The Scripture tells us to not be worry in well doing, for in due season we will reap if we do not give up so even that small little thing you've done in the name of Jesus the Lord is fully aware of and by the way, is a footnote, according to church tradition and was last to a cross that was X-shaped. There he hung for two full days preaching to those who passed by to come to Jesus to hers. Andrew leading people to Christ, to the very end of his life.

A real hero of the faith, quieter than Peter but in his way. He shook the world, then, are James and John and I just love these guys there so colorful other were known as the Sons of thunder that you don't get a name like that for nothing. You have to have a reputation. I imagine that these guys are around today they'd be biker dudes. Probably you know all tatted up writing really obnoxiously loud shoppers any of the Sons of thunder.

Here they come in. You want awarded to get a name like that. Well, there were known to lose her temper just a little bit. I want to occasion when Jesus preached to the Samaritans. They were not hospitable toward them. So James and John, the Sons of thunder that immediate might be a good idea to roast all of the people as a Lord you want us to call fire down from heaven and consume them. Jesus is like a guys. I did not come to toes people, but to save at the loose paraphrase.

I came to save people not to destroy them. That's the way they were. It is worth noting that three people hung out with Jesus the most to know they were Peter and Wells James and John, Peter, James and John so we think that's because they were the elite apostles. They were even a little more spiritual than other than of course Jesus took Peter, James and John with him when he raised gyrus from the dead. Jesus took Peter, James and John with him to the Mount of Transfiguration, Jesus took Peter, James and John with him to the garden of Gethsemane worry's what is it were great drops of blood. Why because they were more spiritual maybe maybe because they needed extra attention and when I was in school I used to get in trouble a lot for talking and goofing off more than one occasion the teacher was a Greg Laurie you bring your desk right next to mine rye can keep an eye on you and openness of times and that's why Jesus spent so much time with Peter, James and John Chrissy were mightily used by God.

Later Wednesday because we know that that they stood by the Lord to the very end but but here's the insight into how insensitive they could be at times.

Jesus talked about the fact that he would be betrayed and crucified. And he said to them, in Mark 1033 were going to Jerusalem, the Son of Man will be betrayed to the chief priests and teachers of the law, the condemned to death. The hand them over to the Gentiles will mock him, spit on him. Watch him and kill him. Three days later he will rot that's heavy stuff I mean imagine if you were there with Christ and he dropped this bombshell you would probably sit in stunned silence. Now James and John, the Sons of thunder right after he said that they said teacher we were wondering if you do would do for us whatever we want is a good time to ask that the be like someone saying I just came from the doctor and I found out I have two weeks to live.

Really. Can I have your car you little sympathy here if you would do for us whatever we want Jesus to locale by what you want. Well we were thinking we would sit on your right and left him when you go into glory is not all are you guys crazy they could be. Ambition is coldhearted, they could be well just like us.

And this is why I say these men that God used hopelessly human remarkably unremarkable. What did Jesus do, he changed them the change Simon from a man who was afraid.

He then wanted to impress others in and was unwilling to speak up into a ball preacher of the gospel who preached the first sermon for the early church in the book of acts. It was Simon Peter at stood up in front of those people, James and John meant God transform them as well. Of course we know that James was the first of the apostles to be martyred. He was beheaded by Jared John known for his anger became known as the apostle of love and if you read his epistles, especially you see how much he spoke about God's love to see how the Lord transformed him actually he's the only of the 12 apostles did not not die the death of a martyr.

History tells us that they tried to boil in a cauldron of oil.

For some reason he wouldn't cook so they banished him to the island of Patmos, never expecting to hear from him again and Jesus gave John the book of Revelation and you receive that on that island.

Now here's some lesser known names. These are the apostles. God used Philip in verse three and four. Philip and Bartholomew Thomas to Matthew the tax collector Joneses Jesus, and about the ASN love you sister name was Thaddeus Simon the Canaanite and Judas Iscariot also betrayed him know we don't know that much about Philip Matthew Mark and Luke give no details about all the vignettes of Philip are found in the gospel of John and in the gospel we find out that Philip was a completely different kind of person he is often paired with Nathaniel also known as Bartholomew so you might say there were bodies. Here's what's unique about Philip Jesus himself called him not. Remember Peter was brought by Andrew but yet Jesus himself called Philip John 143 says Jesus wanted to go to Galilee.

He found Philip and he said follow me. You know most of us came to faith because someone let us to the Lord. Or we were brought to a church service were brought tuned a crusader or something happen where someone was used as a human instrument to bring us to Christ right for me personally, no one invited me to a Christian meeting.

I just sorta happened upon it by accident but of course the Lord was calling me on that day on my high school campus, so there are times in the Lord will can overrule low normal ways. He works until just reach out and get hold of someone he pretty much did the same thing with Saul of Tarsus as well, but there was Philip who went on and told others that he had found the Messiah. He pops up in that story of the feeding of the 5000 as well that great crowd was gathering and Jesus would often test his disciple and so we read in John 65 when Jesus saw a great multitude coming form.

He said the Philip, where shall we buy bread for these people to eat and then John goes on to say he asked us to test them for he already knew what he was going to do after the teacher will do the last you a question.

They know the answer they want to see him.

You know the answer they want to see if you're listening. Did you know that God tests us that you know that God will bring pop quizzes to us on or about you but when I was in school when the teacher said we can have a pop quiz. My heart sunk because I never studied. I always put things off till later and Jesus did this as well. He was testing the apostles and see if they learned anything much of a story I heard about two college football players they had to take an important final exam, and if they failed to be an academic probation and they couldn't play in the big game for the weekend.

Their names were tiny and Bob and so they that come to the end of the exam and all the other to do is fill in this blank that they got this right that they pass in the plan beginning the question was old McDonald Gouda blank bubble was stumped. He did know what the answer was old McDonald had so he taps tiny on the shoulder just make sure the professor was looking. What's the answer to the question old McDonald had a what and tiny, says Bob, you're such an idiot. I can't believe you don't know the answer. Old McDonald had a farm right Bubba said far and he's getting ready to write it down in these only the second tiny tiny how do you spell far tiny says what's wrong with you Bubba. Everyone knows how to spell Barb it's EI EI old they didn't do too well in that test and Philip didn't do too well on the test.

Hey, how we feed all these people. Philip says eight months wages would not buy enough bread to feed all these people.

Why haven't you learned anything thus far.

Philip see this is the problem is he's was shortsighted. He he looked only with the eyes of logic know Andrew did a little bit better be said for. There's a boy here with some loaves and fishes and what is that among so many hey, if Philip got a D. Maybe Andrew got a C+ or maybe a B-. He was closed but he wasn't quite there, but to the point.

Both of these men serve the Lord, and church tradition tells us that Philip laid down his life for Christ being stoned to death, reaching many with the gospel. Then there's Bartholomew known as Nathaniel. He was chosen by Jesus. Jesus on them under a fig tree, and he said to them, hey, when you are sitting under the fig tree, I saw you and Nathaniel could not believe that Jesus viewed that much about him that he was one of the apostles, but here's a familiar one, Thomas, in contrast to Peterson patches and pulses of both the ways Thomas was sort of a steady as she goes.

Kind of a guy. Peter would've sailed his boat across the Sea of Galilee. While Thomas was making up his mind as to whether or not the weather was suitable for ceiling. Thomas is been perhaps wrongly characterized as a doubter recall them doubting Thomas will even say don't be a doubting Thomas, but I like to think of them more as a skeptical man, and by nature I too am skeptical by nature I'm not the first to believe something just because someone says through will remember Thomas missing the resurrection appearance of Christ and him saying except I see in his hands the print of the nails and put my finger into the print of the nails and thrust my hand into his side. I will not believe. So we can criticize him for Annapolis and Thomas did not ask for anything more than what the others saw no true maybe should have been gathered with them in the upper room when Christ did appear, but the next time the disciples got together. Thomas was there and there's nothing wrong with wanting to know for yourself. I think sometimes as Christian parents we freak out a little bit when our kids actually start pushing back a little bit and asking some intelligent questions, we did my child. They don't believe what we've got them listen.

Doubt is not always a sign that a man is wrong. It can also be assigned to these thinking it's been said skepticism is the first step toward true so just because you're a little skeptical. That doesn't mean it's a bad thing as long as you go to Jesus for the answers which Thomas did. There was one occasion when Jesus was speaking to his apostles and he said, and where I go you know the way you go, and he told them that in this fathers also are many mansions that were were not so, you would have told him he went to prepare a place for you. There probably all nodding their heads in agreement like this is no good so so deep. But Thomas is the only one that actually said what he was thinking honorably raises hand yeah Thomas what now we know where you're going and we don't know the way, yes, yes, I question when will you talking about in your father's ultimately meant to what you mean where you going you say are the way we don't know what you mean by that Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life no man comes of the father but by me. He didn't reprove Thomas smack Thomas. He answered him, because it wasn't intelligent, questioned the Thomas Askin church tradition tells us the Thomas died as a martyr thrust through with a land then there's Matthew and Matthew course is the author of the Gospel of Matthew is also known as Levi, this is the guy that works with the Romans collecting taxes and tax collectors were hated this day because not only did they collect the extremely high taxes that Rome demanded. But then they would add more on top and pocket the profit and so Matthew probably did that as well and he would sit this little tax booth which would be sort of elevated above the people he can keep his eye on everyone. He had a little ledger there any Record of who was current in their opinion of their taxes, and who was not. 10 he was shocked when Jesus Christ came walking toward him.

And Jesus looks at Matthew and I love it because the phrase limited him to be translated. He looked right through him ever and anyone look right through you limit restate the question you're the mother.

Now you come home late at night where have you been no Vermont look in my eyes. Why have you been you know Jesus and try throw up, and he said to her words are forever changed Matthew's life follow me and you know what Betsy bolted up from the table and follow Christ and never look back. I love the fact that Matthew tells us that in his gospel.

He simply followed Jesus didn't talk about what he gave up but we know from reading the other Gospels. He probably gave up more financially gave up a greater career any of the others that mean you know Peter, James and John were basic fishermen, Matthew was a successful guy. He could have stayed in this career trajectory and gone. That way, but no, he thought, is a privilege to be called to follow Jesus and he left everything to follow him. So these are the apostle and we admire them. We look up to them, but not others is one wildcard in the middle of all of them and he's identified to Judas Iscariot.

He's the most mysterious paradoxical and misunderstood of all of the people in the Bible is very name is synonymous with evil and treachery. Now we all know that this life ended in suicide because he sold out Christ for 30 pieces of silver.

But you know Judas was not as obviously evil as you may think you what is read the Bible and try to envision the apostles what Peter mineable Kiker, James and John are around you. You normally think of Judas we might envision him is you know you probably were a black row.

Everybody is in a white rodeo black row, probably a black leather rope with a collar turned up. You know Andy probably lurked always in the shadows just looking sinister right on it all back.

Judas came off as the ultimate good guy. He came off outwardly like a man of great compassion one occasion after dinner. Mary decided she wanted to demonstrate her deep love for Jesus so she took out some very expensive perfume and began to wipe his feet and Judas protests that he says this perfume is worth a small fortune.

It could have been sold and the money given to the poor. What a waste because friendly yet very good.

You are so compassionate I love how the gospel of John.

At this detail. John's website is not that he cared for the poor. He was a thief who was in charge of the disciples fund and he took some for his own use. You know sometimes people look good on the outside and their corrupt on the inside I was Judas.

He look like a good guy.

He looked like a godly guy, but in reality he was as wicked as they come snow sometimes in films about Jesus. He's portrayed as sort of a almost a victim like well, somebody had to betray Jesus to maybe Judas was betraying Jesus just because he wanted everyone to know that Jesus was the Messiah. Maybe just trying to help and things can went wrong. That is incorrect. Judas was a wicked man.

If Satan never had a son.

It was Judas Iscariot. He was the betrayer because the Bible says Satan entered his heart listen. He sold out Jesus for money.

Greed destroyed him. He won about 30 pieces of silver, and so he went out and committed this horrible act of betrayal. Now you might say why didn't he come to his senses later and go back to the chief priests and and you know telling him he had made a mistake yeah but that's just like the person that goes and does something wicked and get busted and faces the repercussions and they say they're sorry they got busted there's a big difference between repentance and just being sorry for what you did, a difference between remorse and repentance. See Peter denied the Lord three times Judas betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver listener.

This Judas if you wanted to code of repent. Jesus love Judas you know that he chose Judas in the upper room. He was the feet of all the apostles, including Judas, and that was when Judas was going to betray him now if you knew someone was going to betray you. Would you wash their feet. I'd break their feet then it breaks her neck. Jesus wash his feet, but he knew would Judas was up to. Is that whatever you do, do it quickly to their offices around the room.

He says one of you is going to train and torment. They all say is it me if this was as obvious as we think he wasn't as evil, they would've appointed him in unison said this, Judas says that the black probably never trust set up now.

Jesus says one of these good of a training event. He's a guy dipping with me right now they are the little sort of like chips and salsa if you will, a purebred dipping of the various sauces and just at that moment as Jesus had his bread in the dead Judas is and was in there to. He's doing a rhino everyone look to this is like all whatever unit do go to quickly Judas Judas went out, betrayed the Lord and we read that Satan entered his heart listen recently may have missed Garden of Gethsemane Christ is sweaters were great drops of blood as Peter, James and John are nearby, here comes the temple guard armed to the teeth ready to arrest Christ who's leading them Judas Iscariot. He says the man that I kissed that's the Messiah, so they're making their way to the ground trying to find Jesus and Judas walks up to Jesus and Jesus says the following friend, why have you come what Wyatt's friend I mean why would Jesus say that he knew what he had, because Jesus was giving to Judas one last opportunity to repent of his even at the end. So my point is, if Judas had wanted to he could have been forgiven, but of course he did not want to. They betrayed the Lord and he reaped the consequences of these guys were so different. You may relate to one of maybe you're a skeptic like Thomas are your impulsive and impetuous by nature like Peter, or maybe you're a little more quiet and soft-spoken, like Andrew, or maybe your short tempered and quick to draw conclusions like James and John.

Or maybe you are at times lacking in faith like Philip doesn't matter. We all have different personalities. God can use you to see God can change you can make you want of the person he wants to to be God can do a lot with a little coming back to the little boy referred to as little loaves and fishes, by the way, the word that she was there for loads. Action describes cannibal barley bread which was the cheapest kind of bread you could buy sometimes fed the animals. That was the like freshly made bread. It was like you know for day-old Wonder Bread and sardines or something you know it just like this was not a luxurious lunch to say the least.

There is a subtle guy with his little Star Wars lunchbox and a walk in length, not Star Wars, but done in any offers what he has Jesus and what is Jesus do, he takes it he blesses it and then it multiplies and everybody is fed so here's what it means to us. We just bring what we have to God and say Lord is not a lot.

You don't have a great Chair you know I'm I'm not one of the world's most beautiful people of the most intelligent people, or maybe you are. I don't know, but in case you think you are you aren't, but let's just say you are whoever you are, you say Lord and of a lot that I bring to the table but what I have a give it to you. I want to shake my world, you watch what God will do with you one person put it this way. I'm only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything that I can do something what I can do. I audited what I how to do by the grace of God I will do. We all have a part to play. Some might be called to be in front of people, summer working behind the scenes doesn't matter on that final day we will be judged by how faithful we were to the calling of God came to us. God will not judge me according to what he has called you to do. God will not judge you, according to what he has called me to do. We will all be judged by how faithful we work with the resources and the gifts and the abilities that he gave to us and at the judgment seat of Christ, which is a place of reward simply been faithful to the Lord will hear him say well done good and faithful servant don't show up in that day with nothing that you did with your life for a life that amounted to nothing because you squandered what God gave John Wesley, the preacher said, quote give me 100 men who fear nothing but sin and desire nothing but God I don't character clergyman or layman.

They alone will shake the gates of Bell and set up the kingdom of heaven upon the earth." You know God could do a lot with a little just a handful, just an individual. One man one woman in the right place willing to stand up and be counted. You be that person we be that person in your family. Would you be that person in your workplace. We'll be that person in your neighborhood. We'll be that person.

Wherever you are. You watch with the Lord, you know, Judas betrayed the Lord and Christ went to the cross and died for the sin of the world he would not let anyone stop him from going there because he knew there was only one way to resolve the sin problem were all born with that were separated from God by that huge wall that barrier called sin. But when Jesus died on the cross and shed his blood for us.

He died in our place in a full churn from our sin and believe in him we can be forgiven and I wonder if some of you need his forgiveness right now you know some of you maybe are really pushing the envelope here. You know you know you're doing something that's wrong before God doing it, even though he's convicted you and showing you should not do it. You keep going in that direction and I'm telling you right now might be a warning from your father loves you anything repent and come back to me. Let's come back with one closing thought Peter and Judas they both sent Peter denied the Lord three times and he wept bitterly and he came back to Jesus and was forgiven and restored Judas Iscariot betrayed the Lord for 30 pieces of silver anyone into the darkness and by and hung himself. They both had a choice, Peter went to Jesus, Judas ran from Jesus, you have the same choice before you know if you send you come and say, Lord. I'm sorry. Forgive me, give me another chance and he will become beautiful like Judas, you can walk away from Christ and not find his forgiveness he will forgive you if you come to him now and I like to close with a word of prayer and give you an opportunity to get right with God.

If you need to lift up our heads and everybody praying right now with me if you would. Father, we thank you for your word to us.

We thank you for your offer of forgiveness to us and now I pray for everyone here. Everyone listening everyone watching. There are people that need to get right with you when I pray you will help them to do that right now.

Know what I heads about your eyes are closed and were praying, if you need Jesus Christ to come in your life if you want to have your sin forgiven, if you want to know that when you die you will go to Kevin if you want to put your faith in Christ right now is save your Lord and you want to follow him, ask you wherever you are, to stand up and I mentally Juniper just stand up wherever you are if you want Christ to come in your life if you want to go to heaven when you die if you want your sin forgiven. Stand up and I'm in the lead you in a simple prayer wherever you are standup publishing. Stand your feet nominally join this prayer anybody else stand now. God bless you stand here for.

God bless you to stand up nominally join a simple prayer committing your life to Christ.

I bless you.

God bless you what I had just about maybe there is some of you that have fallen away from the Lord you been living in sin, maybe even like Peter in a way, you did not give you feeling like you've gone beyond the point of no return lesson. Nothing could be further from the truth. God will forgive you of your sin. God says return your back fighting children and I will heal you, says the Lord, you need to return to him if you fallen away from the Lord. If you send is a Christian and you want to make a recommitment to Christ.

I want you to stand your feet right now and you'll join us in this prayer, you need to come back to the Lord, stand your feet wherever you are, will pray together accomplish standup need to come back to him.

You need to recommit your life to him God's spirit is convicting you convincing you respond now. Don't harden your heart if you can hear his voice. Anybody else you stand now publishing a few more moments in thinkers a few more that need to stand up. Bless anybody else to know one final moment never going to pray you want to come back to Christ. God bless each one of you now for all of you that are standing nominally join a simple prayer and eminent ask that you would pray this prayer out loud after me again as I pray pray this out loud after me know. Pray this with me if you would out loud, Lord Jesus, I know I'm a sinner but you died on the cross for my sin and you shed your blood for every sin I've ever committed.

I'm sorry for my sin.

Now I ask you to forgive me.

I choose to follow you, Jesus. From this moment forward. Thank you for calling me and accepting me and for giving me in Jesus name I pray, amen