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SM140302/Skin in the Game

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie
The Cross Radio
March 3, 2014 2:51 pm

SM140302/Skin in the Game

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie

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March 3, 2014 2:51 pm

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Harvest messages are brought to you by harvest partners to receive free email daily devotions or to become a harvest partners, please visit us story about a guy that was driving through Oklahoma is outside in front of a house talking dog for sale. He had to stop so he pulls as Garber knocks on the door man comes to the door, a sister, I saw that sign you over talking Dr. Phil lamented if I delete these in the backyard is gone back there you'll see him so this man wants to the backyard and there sitting there is a golden retriever so he looked at the dog and he says so you talk dog says yet.

This is a two-story, by the way, so the man said. So what's your story and the lab looks up and says well I discovered I could talk when I with pretty young wanted to help the government so I told the CIA about my gift in no time at all. It was jetting from country to country sitting rooms with spies and world leaders in because no one figured a dog would be eavesdropping. I collected a lot of Intel I was able to pass it on a X and became one of the most valuable spies in the network for eight years running all this jetting around just wore me out and I wasn't getting any younger so I decided to settle down, said about the airport to do some undercover security work there as suspicious characters were out and about. I would walk up I would eavesdrop in their conversation, report the information I was awarded a bunch of metals and then I had met some puppies and no I'm retired sky committees.

He runs regular. The owner okay okay you're talking about.

How much do you want form guises to get them for $10 $10 $10 for a talking dog why he is selling them so cheap. The owner is front because he's a liar. He never did any of those talk about missing the points and I think some people completely miss the point when it comes to the church and what the church is for.

I mean really, why are we here today. This is a question only you can answer for yourself why are you here today at church. I know some people treat church like a movie theater you come in late you leave early, you know you see the show and off you go MAC worship sort of like the trailers that role before the films have some we could just sit there were arrive late for the never engage in for all practical purposes they miss the point. Look, I can't tell you why you're here, let me tell you why the church is here and why are churches here. The church exists for three purposes. The glorification of God the edification of the saints in the evangelization of the world that's worth memorizing the church exist for three purposes again the glorification of God the edification of the saints.

The evangelization of the world or a simpler way to remember it is upward in word out were.

That's why were here so here's my question to you. Are you here to glorify God.

How many of you are here because you want to glorify God raise up yet. That's why you're here. You want to worship anyone with a show you're here to glorify God is, is when we sing you saying because what is worship. Worship is prayer set the song so you engage your connected, you're learning the words your singing them out loud. The Bible speaks about making a joyful noise to the Lord because some of us may be tone deaf that maybe be the best we can do and that's okay because God looks on the heart. When we worship the Bible tells us to lift our hands. The Bible tells us to engage were here to glorify God, and there were here for the edification of the saints is that's right is what you are here. That is why we study Scripture.

That's why we give so much emphasis to fellowship amended talk about a little bit more in a few moments and that is why were here to serve the Lord in various ministries and finally the church is here for the evangelization of the world. My job as a pastor is to feed the flock of God, and it is to equip the saints for the work of ministry, so we hope. When you come here that you are fed and then that you are challenged and motivated and equipped to take them to the God is given to you and share them with others. Specifically, nonbelievers, and I don't know for doing our job well or not but I guess it could be shown by you sharing the gospel. Once the last time you engage someone with the gospel.

Hey, here's another question was the last time you invited a nonbeliever to church or to put it another way, once on time you brought a nonbeliever to church with you. Let me ask you this. What if all of the church were just like you would have every one of the church worship like you study the Bible like you what kind of church will be happy.

What if everybody in the church prayed as often as you pray when we have a lot of prayers rising to heaven with there be silence. What if all of the church worship like you do what we be a singing church will we be a rejoicing church or would we be one of those churches with no hands in the pocket of Kendall looking around certain in any catch every ninth word and it is the sender look around kind of worshiping church would we be one of all the church gave his people. He is you give what I need to be met or would they be neglected. What if everyone share the gospel as faithfully as you share the gospel with the world be hearing the gospel. This is a valid question because you are the church and the church is made up of people just like you doing our part and I either contribute to the overall strength of the church or to the weakness of it. The king of Sparta was boasting to a visitor about the walls of Sparta. One day the visitor looked around. He said he couldn't see any walls in the Spartan King told his guests, but to see and Sparta. Every man is a brick in the same way the church is made up of living stones. Every believer is a brick is a great theological group. Pink Floyd said all in all you're just another brick in the wall.

That's right okay so were a living stone were told in first Peter 25 and were being built into a spiritual temple so we should come as participators not spectators. You know it's easy to play armchair quarterback right and only watch the Super Bowl you're yelling at the TV set in Europe set the display didn't take place and it's easy to do that but you know I guess I could ask of you ever play football if you ever been a quarterback in the more to the point were you a successful quarterback and did you win any games that it's easy to be a critic. It's another thing to be in the game, you know, having a role to play doing what you can do president Bureau, Roosevelt made the statement that I quote it is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or when the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man was actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who wears and comes up short. And again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming" and in the same way we could take that statement of Pres. Roosevelt and apply it to people in the church. Oh, it's easy to be a critic. It's another thing to be in the arena, it's another thing to be doing the work are you in the arena. You know some Christians are setting the world on fire while others are still looking for a match maybe didn't get to write perfectly the first time but you took a step up a latte, what, when I meet somebody who is try to convince using certain things for the Lord. They taken bold steps of faith and they failed to like to say and congratulations and thank you for taking the risk.

There are others simply everything so safe there so careful there. So God says they never do anything anyway. Talk about Peter sinking out on the water with Jesus but to the point. Nobody else had the guts to say Lord of the two tell me to calm I think Jesus is so pleased by then he said all right, Peter, and let's give him some credit for a few moments, Peter did what no man had ever done apart from Christ. He walked on water.

Yes, he began to sing. Yet the Lord had to save them tell you what, he took the bold step of faith and we need more to do that as well. What we need is skin in the game and by the way, that is, a title of my message skin in the game never heard that expression before Skinner curious as to what the origin of it was I did a little research, which is means I typed it in Google and sound more impressive it is that I did a little research and I drove from a few sites I found that this statement is actually attributed to investor Warren Buffett and he was saying to certain individuals that were running companies that they should invest in their own company and I would affect the way they run the company because they had a personal interest there. He called and having skin in the game is that there was a great illustration ever coming to a very important phase now in our church of harvest Riverside and harvest Orange County looking here to what the Lord is done in Riverside.

It's mine boggling. Of course we been here 40 years in this general facility within start this large building. Warren now but we added it later but 40 years we been herein. Not counting our crusades, not counting a radio broadcaster are websites or TV shows any outreach event just in this church along ready for this that have my guys do actual research on this. Looking over the steps over the years in this church alone over the last 40 years we have seen conservatively. 100,000 people made professions of faith to follow Jesus Christ hung herself. I don't think I can even say that without even stopping to give glory to God. Let's pray Lord, thank you. I mean a number is mind blowing. Your word says that there is joy in heaven over one sinner that comes to repentance and we think of thousands and thousands of people we know heaven rejoices. We want to be in sync with heaven or Lord were so thankful for all that you've done. Now we pray that you bless us as we move forward to the future weeks. Ask all of this in Jesus name I met so we give glory to God. You have to be to just rattle a number like that and keep talking you can share a number like that. It's a double what out no no stop, just wrap your brain around it for a moment, wrap your heart around it for a moment. That's glory. But you know what that was that. And this is now you can live in the past. You can rest on your laurels.

You have to move forward. We have so much to do in the church today all but some people say oh I'm so over the church. I'm just over it. You know what I'm so over people saying there so over the church will also say things like, well, you know I love God, but I don't really love Christians all that much said there so judge mental Lord will say things like, well, I'm a spiritual person, but I'm just not into organized religion.

And of course the classic will I go to church with.

There are too many credit you know. Listen, here's my response of the too many hypocrites are knocking to disputed their hypocrites in the church.

Here's what I would say to you is always room for one more to give me a break. These are lame, shallow excuses is all they are, what would the world be without the church, what would our country be without the church where would this city be without the church. I mean, think about the church is impacted your life where you turn one crisis hits the turn of the church where you go when your marriage is unraveling all, you make your way out to the church.

What you do when you're having problems with your kids you seek help from the church where you go when you want to get married when you go to the church where you go when a loved one needs to be buried. All yes again you go to the church a worded to meet your husband or wife. Good chance you met him at the church.

That's fantastic that former here to serve you. I know the church is not perfect and I know that better than probably most of you because not only have I been a pastor for 40 years.

But I know a lot of pastors and I preach and a lot of churches I've seen the bad stuff. Trust me on that some Pollyanna who is oblivious to reality.

But I've also seen the world and I've also seen everything it has to offer and I know the church is not perfect, but listen, it's better than anything this culture offers and it's the only organization that Jesus ever started.

I'm proud to be a part of and I don't apologize for it. And God loves the church and we should love the church as well.

Here's the bottom line you need the church and the church needs you see were a family. This is one of the problems of church hopping, and you might be surprised to know most pastors would agree with me on this point church hopping is not good for your spiritual health. Know what I mean by church hopping well what I need is you need a place to belong. You need a place that's home why do you need that will personally need a pastor number two you need to have a place for your accountable or people will ask, how are you doing what's going on in your life, you need a place to find, develop and use the gifts that God has given you. You need a place where you give it either place where you were a part of the wolf and warp of that ministry. There's something wrong. I go over this church and catch a midweek study there's a problem with that. I'm not disputing that are seen as a bad thing but appear hopping from this church is Sunday another church the next Sunday another church annex only another church and next Sunday. Your discussion of the Lone Ranger of Christianity suffer because it because you're going to miss out on so much the church can bring into your life, you need a consistent theology and you're going to get that in one place.

Now I happen to know that there are people that will listen to this message and they will not apply them. The context you're applying as I'm saying these things you're thinking about what I'm saying in the context of coming the harvest, but there are people that will hear this on the radio later in the lot may be seen on the Internet or television. Some like that and to them I would say look, I know there's some messed up church so okay and I love the semester pastor. Trust me, I've met them and if your church is a place we are not being taught the word of God. It is a place for God is not being glorified. If it is a place we are not being edified. And it's okay for you to find a new church. Okay find a church with.

These things are in play. But once you find it become a part of it.

Now let's look at Matthew 25.

This is a story that Jesus told that helps us know how we can have skin in the game. Matthew 25 starting verse 14. By the way, everything from the new living translation the kingdom of heaven can be illustrated by the story of a man going on a trip he called together his servants, and give the money to invest for him while he was gone he gave five bags of gold one, two bags of gold to another. One bag of gold to the last dividing it in proportion to their abilities that he left on his trip the server to receive the first of five bags of gold or rather receive the five bags of gold began immediately to invest the money and soon he doubled it.

The serve over two bags of gold also went out and doubled the money. The sermon received the one bag of gold dug a hole in the ground and hit his master's money for safekeeping.

Verse 19 after a long time there master returned from his trip and called them to give an account of how they use this money. The servant whom he had a trust of the Bible bags of gold said why you give me five bags to go to invest and I doubled the amount the master was full of praise. Well done my good and faithful servant. You been faithful in handling this small amount and I'll give you many more responsibilities let's celebrate together. Next came the sermon received the two bags of gold with the report beginning to beg to go to invest and I doubled the amount well done my good and faithful servant. The master said you been faithful in handling the small amount, so no I will give you many more responsibilities let's celebrate together. Then the servant with the one bag of gold came and said Sir I know you're a hard man harvesting crops you didn't plant and gathering crops you didn't cultivate. I was afraid I would lose your money so I hid it in the earth and ureters. The master replied, you wicked and lazy servant, you think I'm a hard man, do you harvesting crops. I didn't plant gathering, sitting cultivate what you could've at least put my money in the bank where I could've gotten some interest take the money from the servant given to the one with 10 bags of gold. Here's the point. To those who use well what they are given even more will be given in the hub in abundance, but from those sore and faithful even what little they Will be taken away stop there.

So in this parable. Each person is given a different amount to invest again verse 13 agape buyback to go to 12 bags and go to another and one bag of gold to the last dividing it in proportion to their ability.

The Scripture says the left on his trip so here's an important thing to consider, he gave them the money to invest, not to keep it was not their money and say here. This is not your money. This is my money. The master site, but I'm a let you hold onto my money and here's your job multiplier's turn my money into more money over what is this have to do with us while oral created by God but we are not equal in the abilities and skills that we each have for each different. Not everyone is given equal amounts.

Not everybody has equal ability is not how much you have that matters to God. Rather, it's what you do with what you have that matters to God. Maybe your five bag person or euro one bag person or your attend bag person. I don't know some people are born with a lot of gifts a lot of natural ability. Others are not. Maybe you were born into. Well, maybe words maybe you were born perfectly healthy and maybe you were not when you are born into an intact, home, or then again maybe you came from a broken home. We are not all dealt the same can listen. Each of us is a God-given opportunity and responsibility to play the cards we've been dealt for the glory of God and the good of others, then repeat that again everyone of us is a God-given opportunity and responsibility to play the cards we've been dealt for the glory of God the good of others to live the first servant he could hardly wait to shows master what he had done verse 20 the servant to whom he entrusted buyback to go to beginning five bags to invest and I doubled the amount and the master is very pleased. Same with the second servant others and enthusiasm. A joy they took nothing for granted. Notice there's no sense of entitlement here know they love this master and the delighted in serving him by the way, that is a motive for serving God, not mere duty, not even responsibility but love as Paul said in second Corinthians 514 the love of God motivates me when you love God you want to please God. When you love God you want to obey God. When you love God you want to serve God and if you don't want to serve God if you don't want to obey God. I have to ask the question, do you really love God. Now this third guys just thought it made the first two servants brought forth effort.

The third servant brings forth an excuse. Verse 24. Well he said I know you're a hard man harvesting crops you didn't plan gathering crops you didn't cultivate. I was afraid I would lose your money so I kidded in the year 20 so pathetic. I hid it in the earth.

So we dig a little hopeful that out dirt plums coming off of it cobwebs worms crawling through it. As is this okay can you see where the master was upset and then that's about enough as he adjusted he has the audacity to blame the Masters like well hey this is your fault. I mean, you know you're a hard guy to deal with. Everybody knows that. And this is really on you.

He blames his boss for his shortcomings in the same way. Sometimes we do the same to God. God, why did you do this to me what why God did you allow this in my life. Your problems, imagine being that voyage were without arms or legs.

He was as a little boy loved by his parents and that was the only normal naked ever known. But when he went to school he's found out that he wasn't like the other kids and they made fun of them in the harassed him and little Nick was so despondent he actually thought of taking his own life. Yeses and the mother to fill up the bathtub and it was going to drown himself and one day it occurred to him that this is the way God made him.

This is the hand he was dealt and he couldn't change it. He prayed Lord, I want to grow arms and legs and God didn't answer their prayer. But one thing that which it said I'm in a play the hand that God and instead of complaining. I'm in a glorify God. Despite my disability look at how the Lord is used Nick around the world. Okay so you know you you were born into difficult circumstances.

I was you know my story don't need to tell you but you were born in this bad situation of this bad neighborhood or whatever it is, well, okay, I'm sorry that happened to you. You can't change that. This is now what to do now stop making excuses for your behavior and take responsibility. People of a warped view of God. They seem in the wrong way and that needs to change James Merritt who did outline on this particular text like this so good I watch it on TV.

I is a friend so I text him I said you got a similar sermon hopes that I stole a few things and James Merritt but IMAX and giving him credit where I'm stealing, so I guess it's not stealing because he gave them to me. But James Merritt said, quote, instead of doing the possible he's attempting the impossible.

He's trying to defend the indefensible actually because there is no excuse and there is no defense for refusing to seize an opportunity to take responsibility to use any ability for the glory of God" will set Benjamin Frank someone said I found that people who are good at making excuses are not much good at doing anything else is a natural nine-member when Benjamin Franklin said that to me. I'm older than you think.

So really what this third servant is offering is not a reason it's an excuse or to be blunt.

It's a lot in excuse is just a fancy live solid. It is, it's not true and you could put it in the big deal about the ancient Roman banking system was not dissimilar to what we have today you would deposit money by the way of the interest earned back in those days was around 6%. That's pretty good, better than we have today trying to put it in the bank. Don't touch it.

Don't do anything with it to make 6% interest. He could have done that. They didn't do it at all city buried the ground ginger in the news recently about this. So year in about a couple who were walking their dog in the backyard and there was like this can serve the coming out of what is in the pool. This can out of the crown and it had 19th-century gold coins, $10 million worth somebody literally bury gold coins in their backyard. How insane is that great for the people who founded, not so great for the person who just buried it while about us. We take in what God is given to us and buried it. Listen. There are three things that God is given to every believer. Three things we all have them time, talent and treasure. We all have varying degrees will you deal more than me. So what is the matter God will hold them responsible for what they have got will hold you responsible for what you have.

Don't worry about them. Just think about you is what you yeah time, talent and treasure you may have more time than you think you may have less time than you think that you have it for now and then you have your talent the abilities God is giving you. And of course you have your treasure and your resources. So what happens if they are responsible servant. Verse 28.

The master says take the money from the servant and give it to the one with 10 bags of gold to those who use well with her.

Given even more will be given the have an abundance for those who are unfaithful, even what little they Will be taken away.

Interesting. Sounds like God's definition of the redistribution of wealth is a little bit different than author's. It's actually the very opposite.

We say no that person who succeeded in life. He shouldn't have all that. Let's take some of it given to this other person was not succeeded and in this parable, Jesus says let's take it from the guy who didn't do anything with what he had and give it to the guy she to different dynamic altogether. We have something to offer. Let's offer it to the Lord God gives to every Christian certain gifts we call them gifts of the spirit. These are different than natural talent gifts of the spirit that are instilled in your life when you believe in Jesus and back over and Romans 12 it says we have different gifts, according to the grace given to a man's gift is prophesying, let them do it in proportionif it's serving, let them serve it with teaching let them teach. It's encouraging well and encourage it was contributing to the needs of others, let him give generously to please call the leadership, let him govern diligently every showing mercy, let them do it cheerfully, God is giving you gifts is able Greg.

I don't know what my gift want to find what your gifts are to start volunteering for stuff and you'll find it will fast.

I want to help your children's ministry. Okay. In that regard.

Okay let me try this. I want to help out here and I want to teach the Bible think all my all right okay never good at that all living try this, let me try that man well all that's left is this so do well you get your sweet spot. Think God gives us differently in different ways an unexpected way. Sometimes one of the best ways upon which are gift this is to process of elimination. Maybe it's the last people he knew of a burden to reach them. Maybe because giving you the gift of the evangelist. You don't have to be a preacher in the pulpit to be an evangelist.

I've met a lot of people out on the streets that put me at Shea. I want to walk up to complete strangers engage them share the gospel leading to the Lord while I was just senators and will I don't know if I would do that exactly say they're gifted as an evangelist to be God's given you that monocyte young Christian I went down to San Diego after a normal Lord for couple years and see Billy Graham for each and when the invitation was given. I walked forward not to get saved but to get a closer look at Billy Graham and I stood there looking up at him and I thought that's what I want to be when I grow up.

Now I never thought I would preach in a stadium or anything large with I built called to share my faith with nonbelievers. So God sure to put the little seed in my heart. Early on, and it grew in program later and maybe God's given you a vision or a dream as to what is still in your future. I don't know how this could ever have adore about that is, the people would gotta supper for you now. God revealed to Joseph the role he would play later in life but sometimes it's better to keep your dreams. Do yourself and what happening when he told his brothers. Hey brothers does dream and the other night and you are all like stocks of grain bowing down before me.

Yeah they sold him because of that, but in the end that actually have to literally as he was in charge of the world's food supply is brothers bowed for me because giving you that dream is other types of give maybe you see things that are not working you want from the church and say it doesn't seem right to me that that isn't done as well as it could be. So you must have the gift of complaining. All right, that's not in the Bible. Or maybe you are the gift of giving our you have another jump to Capt. government for you can ship it can help you with something Kim says I don't like this at the church. My responses what even to do to help us fix notes easy to critique what you get. What's your solution.

You tell me how you would do it. Why would do that since "let's go try your point will yeah come on get in there, get skin in the gay agenda in the arena you like to take people in your home and freedom.

Bless them that's a gift of hospitality. Maybe you like to encourage people to reach her potential fantastic. That's called the gift of exhortation. Maybe you like to see people learn and grow spiritually.

Perhaps you have the gift of teaching. Everybody has gifts listen the gifts of the Spirit are not toys to play with their tools to build with and weapons to fight with. Let's find her get the let's use our allow me to illustrate the band to come out for a moment, would you like illustration potato clock you venomously know this is a fantastic band that leads us in worship every week right are they not come on you know they are and see these guys work together, they they worship together, they prayed together they served together they hang out and and they get these songs worked out before they come and present them to us to encourage us in our worship and everyone plays a part in no others apart for acoustic guitars or lays the foundation. The rhythm we have keyboards play a significant part of course bass and drums and and lead guitar now if you just take one part it's good but it's not as good as it can be like… You're just an acoustic rhythm guitar sounds great.

I can worship with that but it sounds even a little better if you bring in some key just okay this is sounding better. Good. But what if I had basin from somewhere far now know so I asked him to do that. But to see her every part supports the other part. You have to be into you have to be in the same rhythm yet to know what the other guy is doing. You might be in lead role. Everybody loves electric lead guitar and we may not notice bass or drums as much her keys but they all play a role in a Leonard Bernstein, a famous composer and conductor was once asked the question what is the most difficult instrument to play in the orchestra the most difficult instrument to play in the orchestra know what his answer was second fiddle. He says I get plenty of first violinist, but to find someone to play second fiddle or second violin with as much enthusiasm or second French horn or second flute that is a problem you know we want to be lead guitar right away. We want to be that the main violinist well, yeah, someone's going to do that but some of gotta be second fiddle, someone's gotta play basin was going to play drums. Some of gotta mix down some and plug all the cords into the M's and then the speakers. Someone's going to help set the stuff on some of gotta healthcare the stuff down you know, everybody has a role, someone's gonna sing into the microphone. You have a place in the church. You may be up by bad person you maybe a one bag person whatever it is just put it to work.

Here's the bottom line. Use it or lose it. We have a God-given responsibility to have skin in the game.

A God-given responsibility of the play are part each servant was given an opportunity not the same ability, but some ability to make the most of what God has given to you again. To quote James Merritt quote that's what responsibility is. It's the right response to one's ability. What is important to God is not what ability is given you what is important to God is how you respond to that ability so would constitute you.

He doesn't compare you with someone else.

He compares you with you.

Are you doing when you're supposed to do. Am I doing what I'm supposed to do so. Get out of the bleachers and get on the field get out of the critique business and get in the service business and that's when the big church will become a small one. We have so many midweek worship opportunities here that you could be a part of that makes a big church. A small church. We have so many things happening here places that you can serve where you can develop friendships and relationships that will last a lifetime. So I'm encouraging you to get skin in this game and I'm encouraging you to find your place in the church maybe the Lord is directed some of you to start a Bible study or he could never do that. I'm not qualified just go do it. The Lord all know know when we say some that might shock you to say no to that could actually be sinful way to know Greg you going too far simples like you know breaking a command together absent but about assisting him the notes to do good and does not do it to him it is sin. So there's a sin of omission which is failing to do what God is telling you to do the Lord said, I want you involved in the measured whole. I don't know I get paid to get in there and do it watch of the Lord will do through you. As a result of your obedience to him.

Find your place in the church listen. Nobody has more skin in this game than Jesus Christ. Jesus was God with skin on, and he showed his love for us when he came and died for us and we believe in him. The Bible says husbands are to love their wives as Christ loves the church because he loved her and gave himself for her, so don't be dissing the church. That's the bride of Christ. You know you want to get on my bad side.

And so my wife Uni. We have a problem.

Don't you insult my wife and in the same way with will.

I love the Lord. I just love the church. Amen.

You just effectively insulted his bride. Watch out member Saul of Tarsus was hunting down Christians and Jesus stopped them on the Damascus Road wouldn't he say this all Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me and say why do you persecute the church. He said me why because when someone messes with the church. They mess with the Lord. It's personal to him and it should be personal to us. I'm so thankful you want that kind of relationship would be common to find my part in the church and be playing that part so listen. Here's the bottom line is we encourage you all to have skin in this game don't just come in Sunday morning. How many become to one of our midweek Bible studies. Raise your hand. God bless you, if you don't, not in the markets okay. You don't come why okay I I'm sorry, can't resist a marked I know you need, you're missing out men's Bible study dollar women's Bible study called virtue midweek Bible study with Pastor Jeff all kinds of other things going out. I'm telling you what you go to some of these services. These ministries it'll make a big church. A small church in how many of you are involved in the ministry you serve in some capacity, but harvest raise your hand up. God bless you. As a lot of you that did not raise her hand. That's how you get skin in the game okay work and I serve where is there a need. What can I do. There's a place for all of us to serve the Lord.

Let's find that place and start doing and finally a way to have skin in this game is to get financially. I don't know but anyway more. That's is a more then by your investment. We are saying. I believe this it's interesting that Jesus actually is the financial example to make his point taking actual resources multiplying them so we take what God has given us and we invested in his kingdom for him to use the touch of their lives.

So, let's consider that prayerfully, as we receive our morning ties and offerings. Let's pray together. Father, thank you for your faithfulness to this church. Thank you for all that you've done over the many years now, we pray you will continue to bless and I will continue to reach more people, especially younger people, Lord, and that we will find your hand on us provide for all the needs that we have and we know Lord that you provide for your people through your people to reach other people, so we give to you now gladly for all you've done for us in Jesus name we pray. Amen