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TH160107/The Events of the End Times

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie
The Cross Radio
January 15, 2016 9:27 pm

TH160107/The Events of the End Times

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie

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January 15, 2016 9:27 pm

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Harvest messages are brought to you by harvest partners receive free email daily devotions were to become a harvest partner, please visit us I want to talk tonight.about the future. I you know the future in this life, and then the course of future in the next life. I mean, so much as happened since we talked last time you know affect our last conversation was about a year ago or maybe longer. It was on our radio show to be a new beginning.

I didn't even know was getting air today, but it happened. Air did any rehearing on the new beginning you listen, if you listen to our radio show. Okay. Quite a few of you well actually the reason that there today was because it was one of our top 10 program of the year so were sort of airing our greatest hits if you will, that the end of the year and people really enjoyed that program so hopefully this one will be helpful to people who make the cut for next year. I don't know.

It depends on what you do. Honestly, it's really up to his ethics clearly takes two to tango. Well, that's true, but I am just kind of feeding you the questions in your there and I'll chime in here and there but you know talking about the future and all that's going on. CS Lewis you for this quote before.

He said the future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of 60 minutes per hour.

Whatever he does. Whoever he is also the future is coming and we look at our own country right now and we look Islamic terrorism which which is just gotten so bad every time we turn around was matter-of-fact today.

There was another terrorist attack only one guy walked into a police station with a meat cleaver and would look like a suicide vest. He was killed, but in this reminds us of of the attack compares not that long ago and now it's come to our shores in San Bernardino. Have you ever heard of a guy named Sebastian Gorka.

He said he's an expert on Islamic terrorism in these on a lot of the positives, but he made some interesting statements. He works very closely with the US Army command and in the intelligence community. He says that ISIS is more dangerous than any other terrorist groups including Al Qaeda course Al Qaeda took down the World Trade Center I he says that the richest group of its type in human history. They have the equivalent in cash of 1600 9/11, their ability to recruit is mind boggling because her doing something that's never been done before. Al Qaeda never did this it through social media totaling the recruiting through social media and there was a report on CNN that said, you have the most sophisticated propaganda machine of any terrorist organization.

A global communication strategy that is stumped coward counterterrorism officials while making significant inroads among US sympathizers in this digital age helps ease terrorist to do a better job of recruiting members and their able to do it through encrypted technology so they can monitor it. They can track it.

Next thing you know you have a radicalized person. Why do you think the media is reluctant to even use the term radical Islam or is Islamic terrorist.

Why did they want to back away from that term I think there's a couple reasons. Number one they want to be politically correct.

I don't want to sound like the bigots number two I think is the fear factor to because if we can make nice with these people maybe don't like us, maybe around and build a bomb and blow us up at sea they don't understand the mindset of Islam that I think of which is good to move forward is nice to them in the be nice to us but then they don't understand like ISIS is doing what Randy is doing and therefore there's this ignorance there that abounds in the Western world really is Isis. I read an article in the paper couple days go to the headline was ISIS planning to slaughter thousands in 2016. This is interesting. They want to spark a final battle with the West.

I don't think people understand what these terms mean when they read them. There's there's a method to this madness.

One expert said that they're taunting the enemy to fight the final battle and it reminds you of what we talked about Joel Rosenberg is going to be here in a couple of weeks affect.

Not this coming Sunday but the following Sunday. Joel will be here in Joel's friend of both of our history of prophecy expert and lives in Israel. Now, as a matter fact but you know he pointed out that the objective is to serve Mahdi and annihilate Judeo-Christian civilization and establish God's kingdom on earth, known as the caliphate so sometimes we will know what these terms mean Mahdi caliphate.

What is all this about. The caliphate is like a worldwide rule Islamic rule.

That is the goal of Islamic goal of Sunni Islam negotiated Islam, but the going about to totally forget to find with the differences and who is who Iran is.

Fascia is okay, about 10% of the Muslims in the world, or she had 90% Sunni.

The Islamic state are Sunni Muslims. They been killing each other since the seventh century because each of them believes that the rightful successor Eric to Mohammed. You have two different views of end times, but bottom line is they both think that I get the same is level rule the young so were dunking end times here, but it's their version of end time that they believe in sort of final battles similar to what we believe but their Messiah is not the Lord Jesus Christ, who is this Mahdi in their estimation we be a physical person that would come. Yes, the 12th Imam is called the filing Mahdi, the one that Allen will bring basically to bring Islam to rule the world and they think, for example, Iran believes they have to participate in helping this guy destroying the great Satan corsets us a little Satan Israel Islamic state is a whole different view of doing it by boots on the ground and starting with the rack considering moving out. One is the same and have a deliverer that comes in their own final days view to take over the world and is it not their belief that they want to establish almost a chaos to sort of set the scene for Marty to return to. So we sometimes we don't understand these acts of terrorism, whether willing to kill themselves in the process and but actually that's part of the plan is in fact Iran, in particular, that's one of the reasons are working on the nuclear weapons to bring a chaos there they would mind is that if he would lose 8 million of their own people in some type of nuclear exchange because that type of chaos when the kill Christians and Jews will bring this final deliver this Mahdi. So now the reason were talking about.

This is the Bible's addressees topic are not none in particular the Bible is not specifically mentioned Islam, but there are things in the Bible has said about the end times so looking at this scenario that were talking about terrorist organizations hell-bent on destroying people committing acts of horrific violence with their focus against the nation of Israel using modern technology. Are there any things that the Scriptures said about this kind of activity big time in the last days people's hearts to be failing them for fear. Jesus in Matthew 24 said unless he intervenes. Grady said, no flesh would be saved. Another way he makes the gifts that the view that the world is in the position were litter could destroy itself. And so we think you know people's hearts failing them for fear, and all the other signs it gives of the end. That's right. In fact, this last at the end of all of this last year, 2015 another big concern of many people. Prior to the terrorist attacks was the economy, but now all of a sudden the terrorist attacks into gear. Fear is in the air and all it takes is just another attack and and there's more fear in owner just continues on, but a really key passage on all of this is, of course, Ezekiel 3738 and 39 so tenant do.

Maybe a flyover for us of what what those passages are saying about the regathering of the Jewish people in their homeland.

Why that significant and then talk with us a little bit about the this force coming against Israel.

God and her allies. This is a tremendous three chapters are Greg in chapter 37.

It talks about Israel coming back to their land after being gone for a long period of time, to a land that desolate land it's been destroyed by wars and they will build it up and make it wealthy. Wealthy to the place that an Ezekiel will come back down the last days you Ezekiel 38 and 39 says these countries that will invade seven or eight depend how you divide them up because Israel has something not only want, but something that they need and they will attack from all four sides and then the God God get someone to get to the promise on this when he destroys so Ezekiel 38 and 39 talks of this huge battle is going to know much about arming the invade, but God wipes them out as soon as I get to the start killing one another. So it's predicting in the last days. In fact one versus twice last days. The latter times. Johnny's arms will come north, south, east and west to attack this little tiny nation of Israel.

Israel was so small that on the map of the Middle East. You can even write the name in the in the country to get it right on the Mediterranean city and clearly done for, and yet you got millions of square miles of these other nations coming up this little tiny nation has something they want something they need in the last days and we seen it happen exactly as the Bible predicted, the Israelites came back to the land on the modern state of 1948 been growing that got tremendous wealth and we got possibility even greater wealth and so we mean by that was just October 7 just a couple of months ago.

The announcement was made that in the Golan Heights and oil reserve was found that literally could sustain Israel for centuries it was said really, usually talks about that the oil there that the depth of his like 35 m deep. He said this was possibly 350 m deep through the Golan Heights possibly billions of dollars with oil there to be extracted. Know what's interesting about this. The Golan Heights are in an area that's disputed. It was Syrian territory. From 1967 and now it's Israeli territory stearic, Syria, and still claimant and who was right there working with Syria, Iran and Russia were part of the invading force recorded Ezekiel 38 right there in the country of Syria fighting for Syria in a land that they can say is theirs and this is a very recent development because it sure is Ezekiel well many years ago was is not 20 600-2600 years ago.

Here's this Hebrew prophet talking about this force called Gog marching on Israel, who been scattered, regathered, and then he goes out on the limb of all times and says one of her allies is Persia right now. Of course I ran was at 1935 to change her name to Sue.

I ran so I mean this this is my mean we can say that we believe Russia is God, and maybe it is. I think you can make a pretty good case that God is the leader) ran the land of Magog Russia would be washed their rosters up right now. Talk about the nation of the far north of Israel right so and her ally is Persia correct and I ran in. So this alliance that is been coming together in the last two years but really now with the meltdown of Syria and and now we have you no rush to align yourself with Syria were seeing this, you know, come the brass ring front of our eyes. Here's the thing is so amazing. This is incredible because we always knew. According Ezekiel 38 there would be this last days invasion seat Russia and ran our long way away from Israel and to do an invasion. Greg you know satellite technology to see when they gathered together be something that you can prepare for now there on the Syrian Israeli borders about 140 miles of Israel. In Syria there already there got in both Syria and Iran for different military bases. Russia had the largest submarine in the world parked outside of the Syrian coast of the hundred and 20 nuclear weapons on it. They got missiles Tomahawk missiles a consumer tactical conventional weapons of tactical nuclear weapons right now and ran.

Is there also was some of its most elite troops so there right there on the Israeli border right now so there knocking at the door. Literally. And here in this range alignment. We are in a way align with Iran and we have never been further in diplomatic relations with Israel that we are at the moment into what a strange thing that were actually releasing billions of dollars to Iran trusting their word. When I read an article the other day where it said that there already ramping up their missile program. Liberty violated this treaty, but were not doing anything to enforce it and they've made no secret about their desire to wipe Israel out exactly and yet we do nothing except turn her back on that and were laughing stock in the Middle East were paper Tiger but see this is predicted in Scripture. One of the signs of the end is there's no superpower who cannot help Israel because Israel has no one to help him. None whatsoever. That means the US is to go down in power. It's exactly what we see. It's almost like with their but were not quite there, but it's like you can see how close we are to that scenario that wouldn't even seemed unbelievable. Maybe you know 10 years ago because we've always been such a staunch ally of Israel.

Yet we have a bit in the last few years. Greg is really changing it's really sad because as we as we go to court. Israel sodas United States go down we been down morally, economically, savagely, militarily, in the last 70 years and horrible.

Why should the United States stand by the nation Israel pickup reasonable one and only democracy in the Middle East outnumber water, number two, you know, our heritage, is there a Judeo Christian ethic we yell our religion are Jesus Christ came from Israel are our 10 Commandments know which is the basis of you know of everything that here we have in the Western world. So Israel has a very special place in her heart, was the fact know we know in God's program I have ever place in the into the new and there's a blessing there, isn't there a blessing plus those blessed crystals occurs, Janel is given to Abraham and his descendents. So I don't think it's a stretch for us to say as we stand by the nation of Israel, the Jewish homeland. At there's a blessing on our country for I think one of the reasons God has blessed the United States is because we have stood by Israel totally. Genesis 12 1 to 3 is still on several pies. Bless those that bless website still look at the nations of the world that have tried to eradicate the Jewish people. They sit on the ash heap of history you know you can go back to Babylon. You can look at Egypt.

You can look at Rome. Others that tried to eradicate the Jews Germany. More recently, and in the you know that that they really did face a certain judgment for that yet exactly what we think people in biblical times.once a lifetime is on Edomite bistro Moabite Amorite termite on singles okay but you know, but they're not there anymore because they made the mistake of attempting to eradicate Israel and God's on the curse those occurs. They are not around today, but what's interesting Greg.

The Bible assumes at the end of time there still a nation of Israel that existed in them in the last days functioning as a political entity is exactly what we see is tracking what this is this boring yet again get an update. I cannot hear some new developments are just in the last few days.

We have a conflict between Saudi Arabia and Iran news article said the conflict is been raging for days between the Shiite Muslim power I ran the Sunni kingdom since Saudi Arabia executed cleric Newmar Elna mar I don't know if I'm pronouncing that properly, but this was a big deal to the Iranians you know anything about this diet we are going on with this very outspoken critic there of the Saudi government was in Saudi Arabia was a political activist since Saudi Arabia's is no Sunni Muslim at the house there. If she is there and he was just tormenting you know that the people there and they threaten for use to execute them at Aramco not will never do it in Saudi, still strong and we can do it here because the two big dogs like at least are Saudi Arabia and Iran. So they did it and literally its cause all sorts of problems because people are now dividing up hundreds on one side or the other is huge because according Ezekiel 32 things going on to get an invasion than Iran and Russia part of China people sit on the sidelines by Saudi Arabia as part of the Bible predicts that an know if this is about enough we have North Korea firing off. Now they said it was a hydrogen bomb but now since our government is that it wasn't a hydrogen by Wallace and it was a big bomb with a big it was. Some common nuclear weapon because it caused a 5.1 magnitude earthquake time so I mean any of these guys are developing, you know, enter ballistic missiles.

Obviously, to move these weapons and they threatened us before.

Is there any kind of alliance or relationship between North Korea and Iran. Big time. They been helping others, sharing technology back and forth and there's writers are very close connection there.

Greg because member in the Clinton Administration with Madeleine Albright made an agreement with North Korea which they wouldn't develop nuclear weapons with peace in our time and writings going to be fine.

And yet in our couple decades later going back on because we think the sanctions or the sanctions ability but now the sort of restrictions that were holding the Iranians to will keep them from getting a nuclear weapon. Yet at the same time, the North Koreans have been sending you know advisors over there to Iran. They can basically sell them a new card or give it to them if they wanted to end. Here is a nation that is very very outspoken whites that they want to eradicate Israel, the Ayatollah said Israel must be annihilated. He tweeted that MacLean is that you know that one, good riddance to the form and it shows whether Apple did so I think will be talk about things like this, people sometimes can't see the forest for the trees. So let's try to come to put it together like a puzzle you know we put all the pieces on the table and were trying to figure what fits where so let's maybe establish sort of a timeline.

Okay so were talking about Israel's regathered in the land that's been fulfilled. We read about this of force from the north coming with their allies and attacking her that still in the future. We know antichrist is going to eventually emerge.

We know there's going to be a one world government. A cashless society and we also know somewhere in the mix is going to be a rapture and will talk about that a little bit more as well, but maybe just give us a birds eye view or a flyover of the order of the events as you Bessie okay as we best see than the first would be the rapture of the church, the Lord would take the church a new identity or for okay good yeah and here's the good news can happen at any moment. Any time he takes us out two things happen. Rapture means to catch up on so in Greek instant repair is the last rivalry rapture from as were caught up. We are change the living believers. The dead in Christ rise first in the body of Christ is complete.

After that, a number of things happen. Called the great tribulation on the seventh week of Daniel takes Allie's and probably one of the first events will be this.

Ezekiel 38, 39 invasion and then let's just hold him for second great tribulation. Antichrist emerges on the same please come in after that is coming as yet he's coming first as a mantelpiece yet, so that's us canasta because as a jubilation start if you don't know your Bible and you have them enraptured. You might think this is a good guy is a revelation. He's right. The white horse. He sort of been in a because anti-is against but also instead of these are false Christ he's going to help the Jews rebuild their temple right but then something happens, called the abomination of desolation.

What's that.

That's when it changes. That's the last 3 1/2. Yeah. Begins called the great tribulation, 24, 21 and Jesus said he didn't return Daniel for safe network. The Temple will be rebuilt.

Sacrifices offered righteous man comes stops the sacrifices puts idols of himself in the holy of holies declares open season on the Jews and then claims to be God himself trained horses people worship him as we've got okay rapture of the church.

We got antichrist emerging as a man of peace, we have the tribulation period and play now. What else happens in the tribulation. This tremendous judgment six through 19 withdrawing wrath of God is poured out on the face of the earth and read some of these judgments if they're literal, we believe they are the third of humanity is destroyed by citing the judgment of God according is rapidly something really really horrendous young. The good news is, Christ comes back at the end of it to set up his kingdom as King of Kings and Lord of lords.

But during this period.

Great revival happens because I will wake up the call. The tribulation saints night because they'll see the what we've been saying all this time is true obligor nuts right now but when work on the wake up Jan, there's 144,000 their Jehovah's Witnesses right right 12,000 each know they have lights and 2002. Who are the hundred 44,012 Revelation 7 12,000 of each of the 12 tribes of Israel.

You've got. They will be witnessing the Lord right you got. Also, according to Revelation 11 to witnesses. I like possibly Moses and Elijah.

That outcome is that who you think there Elijah is probably one of Moses could weed out or could be just as they have the power to you. Call fire down from heaven and that's an Elijah marriage: it is so anyway to get the hundred 44,000 on the two witnesses in Revelation 14. Six. To top it off, an angel flies all around the world provide the everlasting gospel in every language telling people it's time to repent is the end is near. So God does not give anybody zigged regarding everybody's gonna know what the score is at that time. It's like an angelic mop up operation. Indeed, it is gonna put one drop in my eye because a minor contact. No problem though much better. Okay so we got the tribulation period in full force.

God hundred and 44,000 who are actually protected by God and until their job is done. We've got the angelic mop up operation proclaiming the everlasting gospel and then it's building and we read about the battle of Armageddon is re-battle singular or are there battles of Armageddon and why is it called Armageddon.

You okay Armageddon is Hebrew for the mountain of Megiddo in the ghettos of course. No amount there. Israel and ancient teller mound that says something like 26 civilizations but one top of another event of valley there.

This most lush valleys ever seen.

Right now the Valley of Israel and where that's where the battle will be far battles were fought there in the past. Deborah Judge robot when Napoleon fought one that's true, but in Armageddon there. He said it was one of the finest battlefield to never seeing in exactly innocent if you were you there to be there in what you look at it, you can almost visualize all have can write their medical happiness can be a campaign. All these armies come together and that's when the Lord will intervene in the wipe out the armies of the antichrist and the compact gasoline enraptured right so what goes up must come down.

Though you were coming with Christ at the second coming. Sure and the second coming. It is the is at the end of the tribulation. And it's different from the rapture is nice yet people get confused about the two young because the Lord comes for his church yet rapture comes with this church. The second coming right in the rapture. It's every time the rapture is mentioned in Scripture it's always a blessing as a way that is joyful. Yes, every time he talks about the second coming soon judgment and seizure are two totally distinct events and so now the church returns with Christ and what follows this now the church returns with Christ is the judgment of the nations matter.

Chapter 25 verse about 31 and following the nations or judge those who are still alive right will be judged. And the Lord will separate the sheep from the goats. The sheep are the ones that enter the kingdom of God in a lineal kingdom millennium is Latin for a thousand, thousand year reign of Christ on earth. The goats will be taken away to judgment so there will be people alive, believers and unbelievers.

When the Lord comes back with the church, not us as were recon upward venturing out this time. That's the future there. When he comes back the second time, puts his foot on the Mount of olives splits in two and nine back on earth.

So that's the millennium and then at the end of the millennium which the word millennium means a thousand residents. So that's a thousand year reign of Christ.

That's with the wolf is with the laminate and the little child leads them, and so forth and Christ rules but there's nonbelievers who are the descendents of the descendents of survivors. I suppose of the tribulation that were ruling over in the millennium and unbelievably with Christ himself rolling there still a final rebellion at the end of the millennium is another battle of Gog in August a title and there's a rebellion there in a great number of people will follow this dog and will fight and Satan is loosed to just gather the people together and it's one final battle and after that the Lord wipes them out. You get the great white throne judgment.

The last judgment. Those names are not written in the book of life thrown in the lake of fire and eternity begins to have a new earth, and like they say we live happily ever after, for ever and ever necessary residence address so I know there's different views on the rapture for God or somebody will believe in the rapture. I put little phone number affected the numbers on this. Maybe other people can text. Ugh. I see that right there if you text that number right now. I may get it here my screen and completely ignore it.

Now all I keep my eye, my screen and I may reach a question so if you have a question texted to the number on the screen it'll pop up here in this iPad but to one person asked little bit earlier is rapture.

I don't clearly see in the Bible that indicates that it seems as overseeing signs that were going to go through the tribulation is Christiansen so why what would your response be to this person about is the rapture and then what about going to the tribulation. As a Christian right, the Bible says in first Thessalonians 417 use of the word rapture not in English, but we will be caught up caught up to meet the Lord in the air was thick with your first Thessalonians. The first one of the poem verse 10 of chapter 1 were waiting for the Lord from heaven who will deliver us from the wrath to come down the ground. How was he going to deliver us. First Thessalonians 413 to 18 the rapture of the church to gas out and then first Thessalonians 5, 96, not appointed us to wrath J salvation through Jesus Christ or deliverance so the rapture the church is based on what the Scripture has to say the words their inscriptions a biblical word yeah, but what we find a number of places. Now there's not one verse it says one way or another, but you put the passages of Scripture together were not there because, as per the time. Greg is the wrath of God in the ICU for some persecution of Christians is God's wrath and believe you usually have an instance in Scripture. When God poured his judgment out were deported out of this people a case in point when the judgment of the earth came through water in the days of Noah. He got Noah and his family in the art safely out in the case of Sodom and Gomorrah with the case of Lot and his family. He had them get out of the city where the judgment came down kind of underscoring that point you made of God is not appointed us to wrath, but some will say yes. But you know the Bible. Jesus said in the world you will have tribulation, but there's a difference between personal tribulation that Christians do go through and the great tribulation.

It's called the time of Jacob's trouble. In other words the time Israel will have is the most difficult time in their history.

Also, the 70th week of Daniel Gammon. Of course the great tribulation and I Jesus said unless he returns that humanity would destroy itself. But fortunately he returns before that happened is a good question just came in. Why is everyone trying to destroy Israel? Yes, it's something you read who has that question raise her hand up dirty hands. They might be out there my duets over there break that great question moved to the front of the class. Anyway this is something supernatural. Well, people hate is one of hate the Jews as God shows him as the chosen people To get his word to the world and see if the enemy can wipe out Israel and God's promises would not be fulfilled if Israel ceases to exist in God's promises to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, would be no good. So the enemy from day one. Greg is trying to wipe out the nation Israel and so there's a supernatural holy hatred for Israel. In fact, the Bible says sign 14 of my 14 signs in his Israel will be on its own at the lassies all by itself, and that's what we're seeing right now being isolated from the world the whole world would be basically against what is at the term satirist what is up S for some will say, well, these events have already happened, they were all fulfilled already and we should be looking to the future for the fulfillment of these event yes printer versus the Latin word for past many of the events. Most events in the book of Revelation were fulfilled in A.D. 70.

With the destruction of Jerusalem younger fulfilled in the past when Jesus was talking about is not his second coming literally to the earth, but the destruction of Jerusalem and so they think the book of Revelation was all fulfilled by the year A.D. 70 and no. Except, of course, some will give the second coming of Christ is still in the future, but it's one view of Scripture writers point of view and we don't hold that we don't know we think is probably is not a good question of that just popped up.

Can you be saved if your left behind. So let's say there's a person there for the gospel.

They rejected it and all of their Christian friends disappear and they realize all man it's all true.

Now there in the tribulation. Now of course it's the beginning and we have a peaceful entry so-called of the antichrist but we know better.

Things are coming. Can you still be saved during the tradition. Yes, you can benefit if you're listening you don't want to be saved now can be theoretically but please don't be a great revival that happens youngest but the Bible says interesting in second Thessalonians chapter 2, the be a strong delusion, that a site the people who take pleasure in wickedness and they will no matter what happens, they will believe that there's others who come to their senses, but it's not something you want to do because it's a the darkest time in the history of earth you don't want to be around that time and the good news is great today and nobody has to come to faith in Christ is an often asked question will all children be rapture will all children be rapture children believers. Yes, children of unbelievers were not told we don't know why the okay why would you say that the child of a believer would be rapture, the child of a believer and nothing they won't be worse and we don't know but white, why would you say the child of the Christian would be rapture in the child of a non-Christian, perhaps would not be reckless. First Corinthians chapter 9. Yet it tells us that in some sense the belief that young but he was a believer in the family sanctifies or sets apart the other members of the family and that would include the children.

Think of it this way.

Greg, the rapture is the blessed hope, blessed over there be if you got caught up your child was left behind that one.

Based on the lookout were to so in some sense we sanctify or set apart her children by believing in Christ. We did this before, but it helps people to can wrap your mind around it with the lightning round is doing one sentence escape I would you say have we been doing one so far I lightning round was this too fast for you know not start fast enough actually ask if that lifesaver. It's a light saber around. It's a lightsaber. Yeah, let's do it. Okay so just like maybe two like to sense explanations of these terms rapture of the church is the catching up of believers are live on the acute tribulation. Seven-year. Develop, divided into parts. The last part of the great tribulation, the Antichrist.

He is a person in place of her instead of Christ. A human being a Gentile.

The old Roman Empire, the false prophet. He was like his John the Baptist probably Jewish sheet perform signs and wonders calling people to worship.

This final antichrist, the battle of Armageddon. It's the campaign that it's at the end of time there in the valley of the ghetto in the nation of Israel plaintiff Israel and where all the armies of the world of that time were gathered together for one final bill hundred and 44,000, 4000 of each of the 12 tribes of Israel. Revelation 711, In-N-Out Burger, it's the place what's in hamburger is all about okay. The Hamburg is all about is very you get any Don still learning the regulatory know we were in class today as kids you know I would be the guy in the back of the room making jokes being sent to the vice principal's office and you would've been in the front of the room as a teachers assistant about that ride. I got some trouble to get you you did you got in trouble I will tell you a smart Alec before Kai can make no, I before came to Christ really was and was an athlete, you still are a little bit too quite a bit ask you as a mind that what you said the other lady to the quirky minds think alike. We came up with the same thing independently is interesting on other issues. Funny okay so let's shift gears now move from the prophetic events just to the afterlife. In general I in your book living in the light of eternity. You talk about the value of talking about death and you know it's interesting in our culture today.

It seems like this is a topic we avoid in on the past in other cultures. Death would be talked about more openly. In fact, ancient merchants would write the words Momento Mori over a document it could be an accounting document and adjustment. Think of deathlike a reality death will come eventually. So just remember this but in our culture today.

We don't want to talk about it anymore, but actually in your book living in the light of eternity.

Make some really good points and some like it was further elaborate on these. Are you talk about why it's important to talk about the afterlife and this doesn't have to be a morbid subject doesn't know know because were going there. These bodies are made to last forever.

Sooner or later were going to be face-to-face with the Lord be nice to know where were going and we can know so to subject the Bible says so much about and we need to know about this case and here's some point you make of studying the afterlife will help us to maintain the proper perspective in this life elaborate on that okay this life is not all that there is we live with eternities values in view. In other words we think about eternity when we do things here on earth. First Timothy six is we can't take it with us. We come into the world with nothing. We live with nothing. So we have eternity in our minds at all times of thinking about the afterlife. Help us to live right down here in this life. Yes, I think it was that CS Lewis is that something along the lines was paraphrased those that think the most of the next life. Do the most in this one you note the idea of you know, Christians are always the ones that are the first ones to respond whenever there's a crisis or calamity because people will say oh you're so heavenly minded you're no earthly good nonsense. Those are the most heavenly minded are the greatest earthly good.

Here's another thing you see. It gives us a motivation for godly living.

Yeah it does because we meet the Lord face-to-face someday and he's getting judges. He's going to evaluate us and reward us based on how faithful would benefit would come to Christ, so there's a there's a reason. It was a motivation where to live godly because we know this life is not worth the risk. When we close her eyes, and death, and wake up in the presence of the Lord so we know we're going to death just leads to a destination motivates us to live godly in this life and that you could also apply that to your belief in the imminent return of Christ because someone safe doesn't really matter if you believe in the soon return of Jesus are not well actually I Jesus talks about the wicked servant who says my lord the laser is coming, and then John tells us, he that has the salt that is of the return of Christ purifies himself. So not only believing eternities close, but knowing that Christ could come back exactly we want to be living a godly life definitely.

You also say it will give us great comfort and encouragement when believers died. This is very important. It is because we've all been touched by by having leaders always most of us have that having people that we know we love pass away. We know if there in Christ.

Paul says in first Thessalonians 418 comfort one another with these words. I talked about a great reunion were going to have Sunday and so when a believer dies the words never goodbye will see you later see you sometime in the future, and it's so practical Greg because Hertz is a loss as we mourn for but we don't mourn as those that have no hope, and that's what Paul said in a Don if it wasn't for the, the hope of what we find in Scripture. I don't know how I would've survived having my son died of it. If you know it still to this day is still very painful formers and I miss him with all of my heart, but you know as a Paul says we don't agree hopelessly as those that have no hope. So we still grieve as Christians, but it's hopeful grieving.

You can be sad and have hope simultaneously and good hitof real hope and genuine hope is not something false. We talked yourself into. That's the good news based on what Christ has done for us and remembering the Lord to come back at any time and also eternities close. You said will give believers compassion for those who are lost big time because you see people lost member Jesus when he saw the multitudes are cast down like a sheep without a shepherd. That's how you see in your evangelistic crusade to pray that you see people out there that have no direction or loss, and we have the message in her hand against it gives us direction that's what were doing. You know this big event harvest America on March 6 that at AT&T Stadium. It's that biggest thing we vendor to ever undertaken, but we just believe that the Lord is coming back. We believe life is short and we want to reach as many people as we can with the message of the gospel in and we all need that urgency in our lives that we were doing. I like this point.

This is a good point on, you said, we realize that justice will eventually be done in the universe. You know people believe in hell. They just believe it's for someone else never for them. But there is a sense in in many people may be most people that there is not justice in this life.

There are things that happened the wrong unjust things but there's a final courtesan there. That's the wonderful thing.

In fact, that's one of the most appealing things about it someday. All the wrongs made right someday the things that were never found out will be found out and God will make it right and those that have been wrong will be in will be straightened out wonderful and there's also rewards for Christians.

I'm tired yet, but that's a whole big time.

What say something about how much recycle you will okay working to get okay, let's go back to heaven for a moment. Okay, we have the rapture were in heaven, there is the judgment seat of Christ like Keith also called the beam a secret so and sometimes people might confuse this with the great white throne judgment which is very different so talked about the judgment seat of Christ in the giving out of rewards to Christians and have okay look at it this way, the baby seat was a raised platform.

It was used in the Olympic Games in Athens in the first century to give out rewards like gold, silver, bronze metals, death of the person that came in first got a gold medal in the prison came in second wasn't hung. They were given a silver medal without a bronze medal and select the baby seat of Christ. Christians will be rewarded based on how faithful we been mammoths of Christ after the time we come to know it and so believers judgment date is reward date will be judged in the sense of rewards unbelievers will be judged. The sense of being condemned and so for us all. Looking forward to is hopefully building our foundation on gold, silver, precious stones on first Corinthians 3 says we will be rewarded on how faith we bend with the words put in front of so the judgment seat of Christ is really almost like an award ceremony where the but the great white throne judgment. If you end up there and they open up the books and then the book of life is open and your name is not found written there. Is there a way out of that. Can you talk a lot out of this is that it sets the sad thing Greg unbelievers are thrown in the lake of fire, and that is the final judgment, the final resting place or as were the wicked is horrific thought to think of, but this is what the Lord says like a fire recorded in Matthew 2541 was prepared for the devil and his angels. Jesus said that unfortunately humans will go there by not accept Christ course immediately.

Some people are going to say well how can a God of love create a place called hell and how can a God of love, send people to hell.

What would you say that God sends no one Dale's people send themselves serve God. The God of love is died in their place and they don't have to go there. He's taken their game guilt, their shame, their penalty on himself so they can go to be with the Lord if people reject that as we been made here is that we been made for eternity.

Each of us, all of us either with God without it when I can disappear when I can vanish or not to be annihilated so have to go somewhere. We don't go to heaven is only one other place, and that's the judgment the lake of fire.

You think life and death are in the hands of God totally do you think that there's an appointed day for us to die, yes, but we don't know what the Lord knows he had told us yeah I think so because it seems to be that way, that there is an appointed time. We know he knows when it is obviously we don't. That's what we have to live each day as the world lasted for one of the great preachers. John Wesley said the young preacher said reach every sermon as to what will be your last one day you'll be right and so we need to live every day as the world lasted when they will be correct. That's right, you have this book care what happens. One second after we die.

So what does happen for the Christian one second after the second Corinthians 58 absent from the body at home with the Lord immediately were in the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ and will be there forever and ever and ever. That's initially what happens so when a Christian dies there.

Obviously, the body goes into the ground. But then their soul goes into heaven, and there with Jesus now and they get up there. Do I we know we can get our resurrected body. Later, but what is your and intermediates body or what this review. Some people argue for an intermediate body. Some people believe the glorified bodies there at the media upon death. I think the best view is we are we are spirits, disembodied spirits member angels are spirits and limited physical form. God is spirit. You well and that in the unseen realm. Thank you. And so we will to so will be spirits, but will have little beyond us will be alive in a sense were cognizant. It's there, but we will be in some type of temporary form his intermediate means in between state and between us life and in between then and the resurrection and judgment of one person asked this question.

My father died years ago from his life's testimony, he went to heaven. If that's true, is he in the ground dead waiting to meet Jesus, or in the air or did he go to heaven immediately after death. When we died we go to heaven or just in the grave. Everybody that dies from day one.

The moment they dies of believers immediately in the presence of the Lord.

He is in heaven. He's been in heaven is rejoicing in heaven body in the ground just as spirit, the real hymns in heaven someday, there's gonna be reunion of the two resurrection of the dead when the body and spirit joined together and that's what happens at the time of the rapture of the church that happens first in the living believers caught up to meet the Lord in their notes an interesting phrase we find used often in Scripture about death for the believer. This is only for the believer.

Is it they fell asleep you think about Stephen the first martyr of the church. He died a violent death. He was stone for his bold preaching and and as he is there dying. Of course he looked in the heaven and what a VCs thought he says I see the heavens are open, and Jesus standing at the right hand of the father then what I find amazing about this trade says he fell asleep, insisting he died a violent death, yet he fell asleep. What is that phrase.

Why do you think that phrase is used, fell asleep because the Bible talks about those who are in the presence of the Lord are rest their souls are arrestees now at rest the labors on this earth are now over. No more persecution, no more pain. The body ceases to function is now at rest in God's presence.

One since his body fell asleep his spirit was never more alive in that time and I don't know about you done that as I get older I like falling asleep. I'm doing it more and more to act and an refinance. I like that idea too long that to shortness of first tenants on yeah not even that long minutes okay I'm in on little short nap and Helga cellular the idea know your little kid, your parents would say go take a nap when you're older and your wife says go take a nap and short nap, though, so we fall asleep but okay then some will take from that idea.

This idea of soul sleep. What is soul sleep and why is that not biblical.

If some people call soul extinction.

Other words, when you die you don't don't exist in more than God re-creates the soul. The moment you you know what the resurrection of the dead. The Bible talks about sleep in the sense that you know it's the body's looks like it's sleeping ceases to function in on your sleep, but the idea of sleep is something you wake up, but Scripture says the body stops functioning, but the spirit is alive with the Lord again, absent from the body at home with the Lord Jesus told the criminal next to him on the cross. Today Charlie with me in paradise. Even though his body was going to be dying.

What about the teaching of purgatory. What what is it and why is it not biblical number reasons purgatory is a counter halfway place between earth and heaven for the like Barstow. Some yeah here in the middle of you there to him between you. Sorry Barstow get any internal stop. Okay purgatory is purgatory's apron and a nonexistent place you that was invented by the Roman Catholic Church as a place to get people prepared for heaven.

Other words are not bad enough for help. Not good enough, or heaven or on the way to heaven, so they get purged per of their internal impurity so they can get to heaven any place depends who you listen to anytime from a couple hours to a few thousand years, spinning a bad been but is not biblical because the sacrifice of Christ was complete. He did everything.

If you believe in purgatory.

That means you have to earn your own salvation work for is that it's minute she did it all. We just believe what he is done was the fact that you know if where if we believe in a purgatory were saying that I did not like Christ didn't finish the work, but it's literally up to us to get to heaven, and if there's one thing Greg, as you know is you breach. We can't do anything to please God.

All we do is believe because our works are no filthy rags of righteousness is that wife Sue purgatory is a place to get a nonexistent place that denies the sacrifice of Christ was sufficient that basically was use money to get from the people of the just appraiser relatives out of there because if you're in purgatory, you can't do anything for yourself relatives or have do it for you. So that's where they can pay money have masses prayers by the priest to get you out of there but just don't exist. One person asked this question, we know our love ones in heaven.

My daughter passed away as a baby or will cease to be a baby in which you know I'm her mommy was, you know, her siblings will I know my husband sleep into that wonderful – first Corinthians 13 says we will know even as we are known.

In other words, our knowledge will be full. It was the great preacher G. Campbell Morgan that was asked the question. Dr. Morgan will I know my love ones in heaven, he said, ma'am, I don't expect to be a bigger fool in heaven and I am here on the earth, and I certainly know my love ones are you're on the right side of the course will see also us an interesting class until the baby dies I did.

They remain in baby in heaven. No, probably not, will probably all be notes again.

We don't agent heaven, so would be all mature and have now what will look like and that the agent will be at and we want ages orbit know will be in a very similar that wife will know which… Think of the Transfiguration rate of Moses and Elijah show at the one in the receiving line the devotees you sent Moses on Elijah. I welcome your number that is new and it's kind of like that you think of the glorified state. Everyone will be bald like I am the careful answer that I don't answer I kind a couple lines but I will and I think when you lose a loved one unexpectedly or even expectedly, you know, you have no way to mentally prepare for what that's like and deny I know a person who just lost a loved one in an they were doing really well in the immediate aftermath, and I thought, you know, our days are coming for me because the reality sets in, and that person is no longer there. Even if you knew they were going to die, even if they were on their deathbed when they're finally gone it so hard in this is a result of this is sometimes people try to have communication with people on the other side are you leaving here things that like well I know my love one is still with me.

II since their presence or even something like that to be speak to me and they guide me.

Why is this a dangerous thing for anyone to do, much less a Christian, you can't reach her love when the loved one is beyond your reach. If you reach anybody.

It certainly will be your love when there once word once a person is dead there in the unseen realm and they cannot come back it'll come back and haunt little comeback and communicate not at all in the Bible gives the strongest of warnings in Deuteronomy 18 don't learn the way of the heathen, which they try to do is communicate with the dead. Because we want. We will talk to somebody that history will be that dead relative or to they can't tell us what's going on because the Lord Jesus is given us enough.

In fact, Greg second Corinthians 12: steel caught up to heaven when allowed to say anything. He said he didn't know if is in the body or out of the body. So be very careful about trying to do some like is that the right now.

We talked about what happens to a Christian when they die what happens to a non-Christian when they die.

Read Luke 1619 to 31 in your final what happens to a non-Christian, there is an account. Jesus gave of the rich man who would did very well in this life and who died was conscious and torment he knew who he was. He knew who Lazarus the poor man was to Abraham was, he knew we had five brothers. He knew where he was conscious conscious.

He knew why he was there he was in flame he was in torment, and yet he knew he couldn't get out of it and he knew we had the chance to believe in this lifetime, but then he was told no one can come back and Eve and and talk to somebody on the other realm. He was stuck there and in all his whole life.

He couldn't think for all eternity and regret what he did or what he did yeah and you and I think that sometimes people will will think that mother's chances after death that there are no chances after death. Hebrews 927 one death per person. Then comes the judgment and some after death comes judgment, and then of course eventually the resurrection of the dead, resurrection and judgment and coming back to what you said about with Jesus about Lazarus, the rich man you know some will say without the parable, but what's interesting is uses the name Lazarus, yet he did use names and parables never and also the all the parables were about this, like the stores about the God again drew you and even if Lexi forsaken.

Margaret was a parable Jesus gave all the specific details given to misleaders what the afterlife is like. I don't think so. I think he wants us to know what's going on there and member Greg he said is a great chasm a great gap between those believers and those run, but we us, and you can't crossover one to the other side like a behind-the-scenes look at the afterlife and it if it's not pretty. I [yeah and that's what we want to believe in Jesus. Now let's shift gears were almost done here and ask you some personal question Don Stewart which your favorite Bible verse, you probably have a lot but if he had to pick one what your favorite when I am at this tool can attempt to yes okay when I master right in a Bible right. Second Corinthians 57 and notices this we have this treasure in earthen vessels, so the excellency of the power may be from God and not from us. The words were just clay pots any power we have is from God and my favorite one is for Samuel to 30 or the Lord says I will honor those that honor me well and that was from movie member chariots of fire disciplines and I just that one is always met. If we honor him, he will honor us if we can remember that life would be a lot better and so here's some is a profound question your favorite kind of food Don Stewart working on a diet right now you are looking yeah and turn you in a month. I actually wrote a book called I'm going to the diet tomorrow, and other lies we tell ourselves this yeah yeah I'm on these people as you.

I've traveled everywhere only what's put in front of you. We needed a Mexican restaurant. We do, I like that. The place we meet at yeah that's good food there so you pay for some time Monday. That's my resolution. Here is the biggest question I have for you, why do you like cats okay is you have a cat I don't know you post pictures of your cat you sent me pictures of you have Vicki send a picture of your white cat and he went and had my book read that the color of Christmas which was white and red in the like. The cat was reading it and I just looked at it in the why would you have a cat. First, okay couple points. First of all I don't have one cat. I have five home I okay okay two rabbits were about to get a dog. We have rabbits young working Pomeranian dog to you and we got outside cats we feed strike ethical skunks. We feed them business close to being where you know neither whaler. My wife and we really love animals, nature, know that we like this. Do any of your cats come when you call the like here kitty kitty delay, yes, the white one, the one that loves you like that I will come to me.

I like the cat. If you come to my house that Will greet that now and meet this Okay which I cats named vanilla you feel embarrassed as a man having a cat named vanilla. My youngest daughter named her I didn't okay I know that is my grandkids name their cat.

They have a rabbit they named him fuzzy and they had a rat named strawberry yet he saved they come up with okay now this will more serious will bring this to close if you give one last sermon you know only one sermon depicted text and this is your final message Woolwich or text me and what would your message be no question about is actually the first sermon ever gave when I was starting to preach and it was from second Timothy chapter 4 Paul Swan song the last words he gave to Timothy reset. I fought the fight. I've kept the faith. I finish the course. Now there lays up for me a crown in heaven for me only, but also to those who love his appearing and I would look at the audience size would say this. You fought the fight if you finish the course is a crown laid up for you. There will be if you trust Christ and would be what Paul's last words work knowing he was about to die is swansong his dying declaration that is exactly what I would preach that's a good question. That's that's a good question, actually undone. Don, as that question to the folks here the folks list. Do you know that you would go to heaven. How can a person know with certainty that they can say like Paul and the final day of fought the good fight and kept the faith of finish the course of one of they have to do in this life. To be sure, though, make it not just to the next life were all going to go to the other side, there is an afterlife or everyone, but what we need to do to make sure we go to heaven and on end up in hell. First John 512 and 13, since those that have the son of God have life. Those that don't have the son of God do not have life than Johnson 513 these things have I written that you might know that you have eternal life.

If you believe in the name of the only begotten son, it's not a hope. So it's out of think so it's a no. So, because God's words.

So, that's right yeah so there's somebody there somebody here maybe visiting for the first time or someone listening that's never heard this before they hear you say whoever has the son has life.

What does it mean to have the son very simple to acknowledge Jesus Christ as God the son, who died in our place who died for sins to believe in him to believe we can make it to heaven on our own that he is done everything in our our place and all we have to do is accept reach out except that free gift and believe in him because he's done all the rest and then let's think Don for coming tonight based on Don will be done will be assigning that some of his books. After the service, but I would just like to disclose with those thoughts that Don was a sharing about having the son of God in your life you know you can't be born a Christian, you have to be born again. That's what Jesus said and were all separated from God by our sin.

Now granted, some of this may sin more than others, but one sins enough to keep you out of heaven. That's why God sent his son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for us because he and he alone was uniquely qualified to satisfy the righteous demands of God in the died in our place and he grows up again from the dead. Now he stands at the door of every one of our hearts in the Knox and he says if you hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in you being a Christian isn't being a religious person.

Frankly, I don't want to be a religious person, I am not interested in religion being a Christian is a relationship with God, with Christ living inside of you and ask you tonight.

Do you have that relationship with him. Say what I think maybe I do great.

You know what if Christ lives in you. You'll know and if you don't know, maybe he does it to when we get that resolved. Right now he's just a prayer away and I would like to close our time together by giving you an opportunity to ask Jesus to forgive you of your sin so you can know that you will be ready for eternity. And so the Lord comes for us, you'll be ready to be caught up in the air to meet him and you won't have to face his tribulation. That we been talking about these horrible times of her coming for planet Earth. But maybe even he doesn't come in your lifetime.

If death comes sooner than you expected. It is going to come to everyone when it comes you don't interfere it because you know God in a personal way.

But if you've not asked Christ to come in your life you can do it right now and working to pray and give you an opportunity to believe in Jesus. So let's all just our heads from moment and father I pray for any person here any person watching or listening, that does not know you. I pray Lord that you will help them to see their need for you and help them to come to you and believe and be forgiven of all of their sin no I heads up about in our eyes are closed and were praying together. How many of you would say tonight.

Greg, I want to go to heaven when I die I want to be sure, I'll get there. I don't want to go to the tribulation. I want to be ready for Jesus when he calls his people home. I want to be one of those Christians caught up to meet the Lord in the air.

Pray for me. I'm ready to say yes to Jesus affect your desire. If you want Christ to come into your life if you want him to forgive you of your sin if you want to go to heaven when you die, would you raise your hand up right now not like to pray for you.bless you anybody else raise your hand up or I can see it now pray for you, but she was well anybody else just raise your hand.bless you to bless you. Anybody else raise your hand. Now this raise it up, but you see over there and see men treasure hand of God's Holy Spirit is speaking to you tonight. Don't ignore him.

The Bible says harden not your heart if you can hear his voice. Anybody else you want to get right with God want your sins forgiven you want to go to heaven you want this relationship with God. Raise your hand above. Pray for you, bless you as well. Anybody else raise your hand. Now pray for you.

All right God bless you appear in the front and ask all God bless you there to ICU behind the camera there. I would ask all of you if you would please enter Frazier can watch it and just stand your feet and him and lead you in a prayer stand up if you just Frazier can't even if you didn't raise your hand if you want Christ to come in your life you want him to forgive you of your sin, you want to be ready for his return. Just stand up and I'm in the lead you in a prayer.bless you that are standing. So if you stand, you're not alone.

Others are standing. Anybody else stand now you want to get right with God.bless you I went another moment anybody else stand now let me lead you in this prayer is to be the greatest moment of your life as you asked Christ to come in. Anybody else stand up, pray together went one more moment to stand now anybody else. God bless you. Anybody else stand now right you that are standing. I want to pray this prayer and I would ask you to pray it out loud after me. And in this prayer asking Jesus to come into your life again as I pray pray this out loud after me. Okay, pray this out loud after me now Lord Jesus, I know I'm a sinner but I know that you're the Savior who died on the cross for my sin and rose again from the dead. Jesus come into my life be my Savior be my Lord be my God I choose to follow you from this night forward.

In Jesus name I pray. A man came and got us a guide for pathology