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SM160124/What You Don't Know Will Hurt You

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie
The Cross Radio
January 27, 2016 9:33 am

SM160124/What You Don't Know Will Hurt You

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie

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January 27, 2016 9:33 am

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Harvest messages are brought to you by harvest partners receive free email daily devotions were to become a harvest partner, please visit us messages morning this what you don't know will hurt you. Ephesians chapter 6 the story about pastor the went to visit a member of his congregation.

It was in a convalescent home, so he arrived in a room and he had missed lunch and he was hungry and this lady was asleep so I thought well I don't know when she's gonna wake up and I'm sure hungry and there sitting right next to her bed was a bowl of peanut that I really should neither peanuts, but I am hungry and he was so tempted me that I just eat one so I one. It was delicious.

So we had to.

Then he had three and she kept sleeping so a little while. Kathy ate the whole bowl she finally woke up he said, I'm so sorry I was hungry. I missed lunch. I had all of your peanuts and she that all that's okay Sunny ironies sucked all the chocolate off of this so that now confession. I was that past with no temptation is everywhere. In fact, temptation then spiritual attacking conflict as a follower of Jesus is gonna follow you to the last day of your life.

It doesn't stop you get to heaven to be tempted.

You're going to be harassed or to be hassled going to be attacked. What because bottom line.

Satan does not want you to follow Jesus Christ with the good news is, is God knows our breaking point and he won't give us more than we can handle it since said Christians are a lot like teabags you don't know what they're made of, until you put them in hot water you can handle more than you think you can handle your stronger than you may think you are. If you're trusting in the Lord God will not give you 2 miles and really were in a battle and there's no getting out of this and here's our choice in this spiritual conflict were unified were not identified and thus were gonna win over gonna lose are going to be victorious over going to be defeated and sometimes we feel like we're losing Mike Tyson once said, quote everyone is a fighter until they get shipped. That's true, you talk about resisting temptation when it gets how we had dinner yet. If you've ever watched any film of Mike Tyson boxing you know when he hit someone eat. He took years off their life.

I remember watching one match.

I don't think it was Holyfield, but someone else Tyson was fighting in in the hit them right young term writing the job and the person the other boxer literally just service should and cluster the grounds when you feel that way. Offender just getting hit and you don't know if you can take anymore but God will be with you to give me the strength to get through it, but sometimes we we may wonder why that is, the devil do what he does. Why is he so depraved, why is he so wicked, why is he so persistent. Here's a simple answer because he knows his time is short. He knows his days are numbered.

Fascinating passage from Revelation 12 verse two talks about the devil in sort of a rampage in the end times and it says rejoice. You have an in you that dwell in them, but woe to the earth and the sea because the devil has gone down to you is filled with fury. Listen, because he knows his time is short. Satan is full of carrying the nose is time or his days are short.

Not knowing Christ is coming is a good thing for Christians. It's an incentive to share our faith and to live holy lives were for the devil, it's an incentive to attack our faith and try to make us stumble and fall, and to take as many with them as possible. You know when someone usually comes at the end of their life and their on their deathbed.

They want to make amends. Maybe offer an apology to someone or extend forgiveness to another person or share some important words of someone that they care about, but the devil knowing his end is coming is just trying to wreck as much havoc as he can.

Even the demons know this. We read in Matthew 829 and some demons who said that Jesus why are you interfering with the son of God. Have you come here to torture us before God's appointed time. They know there's an appointed time. They know they're going down and so you see what's going on in our world and in our country and in many ways this is a wake-up call for us to follow Christ you know there was a day back many years ago when there were certain social advantages to being a Christian. There was sort of a cultural Christianity in America that most believe dinner and secured to a certain sense of what right and wrong. Actually, were were so far from that. Now, in fact, the only reason to be a Christian today is because you're a Christian there's no social advantages. In fact, there are disadvantages. If you come out and say I believe in Jesus Christ, you're going to be dismissed. Ma marginalized in some cases outright attack you realize when you really make that stand for Christ at the battle will rage on. So what should we do three things we need to wake up. We need to sober up and we need to suitor wake up sober up suit up over and first Thessalonians 56 it says let us not sleep as others do. Let us watch and be sober means be clearheaded for those that sleep sleep at night doesn't get drunk, get drunk at night but those were of the day must be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love and as a helmet the hope of salvation listen.

This is not a church picnic. This is a war were all in the Bible often uses the imagery of soldiering in war to describe the Christian life were told over and second Timothy three. We should be a good soldier of Jesus Christ and Paul Road.

I fought the good fight and that's why call this series.

The good fight and we face a formidable flow.

Martin Luther had it right in his great Kim, a mighty Fortress is our God when he writes quote for still our ancient to work a slow his craft and power are great and armed with cruel hate on earth is not as equal. That's true. There's no equal of the Dubliner but then Luther goes on to say put a mighty Fortress is our God, a bulwark never failing. So our God is far greater then the devil greater is he that is in us that he that is in this world and we know this, we win in the end, so that's good news you're looking to win the war, but there's a lot of battles before that. So we need to understand the tactics and mentality of our enemy. Corrie 10 boom, one said, quote the first step to victory is to recognize the enemy" and Robert Greene's book the 333 strategies of war he consolidated winning strategies from the likes of military leaders, Napoleon Bonaparte, Alexander the great's and Lawrence of Arabia's first PF first piece of key advice was know your opponent know your opponent. We must do the same because to be forewarned is to be forearmed and repeat that. To be forewarned is to be forearmed. Second Corinthians 211 says, lest Satan should get an advantage of us are not ignorant of his vice see he has a strategies the doubles and effectively using the same strategies from the beginning of life on earth. I guess he operates by the old adage that ain't broke don't fix it.

And sometimes the devil will come like a wolf. Other times of disguise himself as the sheet sometimes he roars like a lion but more often he comes slithering in like a snake as he did in the Garden of Eden and his temptation to read and I I can't really explain it, but as a kid. I was so fascinated by snakes. I was just a fan of reptiles in general but especially think that every kind of snake you can think of. I have pythons and bones in that I would go to catch my own snakes. We would judge red racers and gopher snakes and king snakes and I just love these little creatures and I think I like the reaction I would get when I would walk around about runtime sometimes with one wrapped around my neck in the deep, crawling around the people would see them screaming. I enjoy that a great deal. We love the thing with the snake's turn of the most affectionate cat you know if you have a dog in a dog like your dog will lick you right lick you and sometimes a cat will let you though that's not a pleasant experience because their tongue is like sandpaper. You know and put you can figure out where your standing with a dog you can read a dog pretty easily if they're happy their tongues hanging out. Sometimes it even looks like there smiling in their tails wagging the cat like you would maybe will acknowledge your existence and brush up against you for a brief moment, then walked off again jokingly hairball whatever they do, but snakes you don't know what a snake thinking things never change her expression just like this thing this is that there isn't, and a little tongue comes out their cold-blooded animals.

So if you wrap a snake around your arm or something.

The reason they like it is because your providing warmth for them. So a snake may be looking at you in the face and thinking I like your arm. It's warmer to bite you in the face right now you'll never but II have them as a kid. As I said in Octave is one advantage to having snakes and this is for you who are younger and going of a car yet. You might get a free car out of let me tell you how it worked out for me as a young boy and I had my mom drive me to the pet store to buy a new snake so I have little change form in the back little glass like an aquarium budget: the terrarium no water in it and put little top on and so I pick my snake. You put them in the terrarium seal the top. We drove home.

I went around open the trunk terrarium is there snake is gone snake is somewhere in the car. My mom said I'm never driving the car again but she had to drive as her only garner little she got in the car was driving very aware that the snake was probably still in the car so she comes up to a light she's waiting for it to change and suddenly she feels a cold coil drop in her ankle to think snake she opens up the door gets her foot out pulls her other foot back runs out of the intersection, screaming there's a police officer met with the snake in the car. She says the officer want to look to their loose hose, a drop down, but she never drove the car again and I got it pay when here's my point. A snake can get out of the smallest little space and it's the same with the devil you give them an inch. Go take a mile to come in one area just slightly compromise a little or so you think, and that is the doubles entrée into your life that we have to keep our guard up and we need to. As I said put our armor on. Okay, let's read about the armor of God in Ephesians chapter 6 on the reverse is 10 to 18. Finally, my brothers, be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. But we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, having done all, to stand stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace and above all, taking the shield of faith with which will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one and take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God, praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints. Okay so we have some Roman armor that showed up while we were reading and this is some this is a pretty accurate reproduction of the armor that a Roman soldier would wear this by the way, is what Paul is referring to, because Paul spent a lot of time hanging around Roman soldiers because he was sent to prison for preaching the gospel in a more than one occasion he was chained to a soldier so he figured out how all this armor work, you know, we have the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the shield of faith, the sword of the Spirit and there's a smaller shield allowed to explain in a moment with every piece of Roman armor was important. Why because were the battle in this helps us to face.

Well, those fiery darts of the wicked one years ago I was giving one of my first messages as a young preacher was very nervous. I decided to preach from Ephesians 6 syntax were looking at and people still remind me of this blooper. I said that day. Some of you may already know it, as I'm reading through Ephesians 6 and instead of saying the fiery darts of the wicked. When I said the diary parts of the wicked one that will probably be on my tombstone. He said diary parts of the wicked one. I did I just send it again those of the flaming arrows of temptation and attack that come our way. So what are we supposed to do. Principle number one of your taking notes you might write this down.

We need to stand in God's strength, not our own. We need to stand in God's strength, not our own burst.

And finally, my brothers, be strong in the Lord and the power of his might know this, you are no match for the devil you would never want to take him on in your own strength. You're not fighting for God, you're not being strong for God you're not fighting for victory.

You're fighting from victory you're resting in the finished work of Jesus Christ for you on the cross re-said that word to tell us thy which is translated, it is finished. Which means it is accomplished, it is done it is completed what was accomplished while he purchased our salvation and Satan was defeated at the cross. I don't come to think of my own strength I coming God strengthens is a very important distinction to make a decisive blow was dulled against the enemy at the cross and so Satan knows your closeness to God and fellowship with him is your power base, so his objective is to separate you from God in fellowship. His chief aim is to get between the soul and God in the separate man's heart from God and inspire confidence instead in himself. I want you to notice what Paul says here. He doesn't say put on the armor and be strong. He says be strong and put on the armor is the author first. Be strong in the Lord everything will talk about with this armor is meaningless if you're not standing in God's strength and not your own. Principle number two.

We need to put on the whole armor of God every piece, Paul uses the various pieces of armor that a Roman soldier would wear to make his point. Each piece is interconnected.

It's the helmets of salvation.

It's the breastplate of righteousness. It's the shield of faith, it's the sword of the Spirit so each 1 Has Its Pl., but here's what we need to know we don't pick and choose what pieces of the armor we want to wear don't want to where we were all because every part is important so you thinking what is this mean in real life can listen to this.

Now the armor represents both our position in Christ and what we should do with that position. The armor speaks of what God is done for you and then what you should do for God so this is standing with God is provided for me and every piece is important because it really one piece of that for you going to be vulnerable if you're not wearing your helmet that like I'm facing the guy in battle believe that wearing a helmet. What am I gonna go for first of I come up against a guy and he does not does breastplate on a medical right here because that's with the vital organs are and so I'm in a look for the areas that are the weakest so I can be successful in my attacking them the same way that because the deviled so you might say well I'm I'm really strong in this area of my life in a week. Your hearing here so I don't worry about that. I'll just work on this whole and the area we think you're the strongest that's where you could end up being the weakest wife because an unguarded strength is a double weakness. So let's say you think I would never be unfaithful to my spouse. I wouldn't ever consider that temptation by knowing we care and hearing here, but that area got that covered chest for you're going to get and get so you may fall because the Bible says pride goes before a fall. See, so you have to keep your guard up in every area of life because you can always be vulnerable in a way you don't realize.

So let's start with the first piece of the armor and this one isn't reflected in this armor I have here but I'll call it the utility belt of truth. Look at verse 14 stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth see everything a Roman soldier needed was interconnected with the bell in this belt of the soldier would where the breastplate was connected to it are the sheep of the sword was connected to it. So it was final in the woods if you pulled his belt off well. His dress would come down his toga here would drive down below the knees, his breastplate would fall off his sword and she would follow. Obviously that soldier would be vulnerable so many of the belt is not the most exciting part of the armor, but it is an essential part and also it's interesting he says girding your waist with truth. What is it girding's not a word. We generally get but it's a biblical word Bible tells us more than one occasion to gird yourself back to Moses told the Israelites in Exodus 12 that they were to eat their Passover meal with haste unit quickly.

By the way that's not hard for me. I eat every meal quickly. That's a problem is you know my wife. She savored every bite. So cut in the neat little bite and then she'll have little sauces. She's with Darren and should dip in the little sauce until needed and then to cut another bike and sometimes you just hold it on the fork and talk to somebody with a with food on the floor whose ever heard of such a thing.

I mean, I take large bites far too large.

I unit quickly so the Israelites were to either meal quickly and then have their sandals on their stuff in their hands and their loins girded is allocated loins, and how do you gird them anything of this is like your your rope and and you pull it up above your knee here to give you mobility so they have your loins girded major bell. This type your armor is on and you're ready for battle.

When a Roman soldier would relax and take up this bulky armor, which was not comfortable take off his helmet and loosen up his belt. Let the garment down disc and hanging out.

Take time to go to battle, tighten that thing: above the knees, get everything fastened on and off you go what it means is you are in a constant state of readiness because you never know when an opportunity will come to share your faith. You never know when an attack will come against your faith so you're in constant readiness.

We were deported in modern vernacular, we would say something along the lines of avgas in your car have your cell phone charged and have your running shoes on and I'm ready to go. That's the idea being conveyed here now this so utility belt that the soldier would wear similar to what a police officer. Where's the officers call it there.

Sam Brown and on the Sam Brown are all the items that an officer needs when they are on duty and doing their job and you will have their holster for their gone, though, have their place for the extra magazines for their gone don't have handcuffs. A flashlight maybe a walkie-talkie maybe a baton or an ass visits called little metal thing that can extends out to wax someone. If you want them to behave and and they might have some pepper spray and they have a little place to hold a donut right here on just a joke. Okay, but you know you take the Sam Brown utility belt often officer their vulnerable because this is where they keep all their stuff to do their job. We need to keep our belt on. What is this mean the utility belt of truth represents a life in a mind that is pulled together and is ready to serve, for God's glory. Then repeat that the utility belt of truth, the belt of truth represents a life in mind that is pulled together and ready to serve for the glory of God and that starts with the truth of what the Bible says about everything truth is in this book and we need to believe what this book says, and we need to learn to start thinking and acting biblically. Far too often will will be moved by arm emotions and are feeling note it's the word of God that we should be living by so you start with that truth and listen to this, then you live by that truth and you live truthfully you know people sometimes are your Christians are another bunch of brainwashed idiots and the live by faith.

You know I'm a reasonable man nonsense.

I didn't start thinking until I became a Christian, lighted. I march in lockstep with cultural cues where people told me what to say what to think when I became a Christian I started thinking carefully and deeply about life and what truth is, and what truth isn't. That's why God says come let us reason together, says the Lord listen to Christian faith is a reasonable fate. It's even a logical faith and so we start thinking biblically truthfully based on God's truth and then we live truthfully, the utility belt of truth also speaks of having personal integrity, truth in your heart of hearts. David said in Psalm 51, you desire truth in the inward parts to wear the building. Truth is a live a sincere, honest, candid life before God and others. It's too live a life devoid of secrets of ongoing sin, duplicity, duplicity is hypocrisy trying to live a double life living a lie. This is the problem. If you're a hypocrite.

All these other pieces of armor and do a lot of good for you if you're not living it than what is in all me and I think this is such a big issue. You know we we think about our children. In the example we set for them there watching and I didn't come from a Christian home. As you all know I my mom married and divorced seven times and she was an alcoholic. I never look to my mom as a moral example, even as a kid I knew she's messed up even as a kid I knew I need to help her because she doesn't think rationally in many ways.

I was more like the parent in our relationship than the child.

I had the look out for her and so as I begin to search online for meaning and purpose in and heard the gospel and believed in Jesus.

I found what I was searching for but I met people who were raised in Christian homes and they didn't come to the same conclusion I came to, and I was always perplexed by that and then I began to realize that they were raised in a home of hypocrisy in some ways it was worse in the home. I was raised in.

I'm not saying raise your kids as nonbelievers and go get married, divorced seven times and be an alcoholic. You know that right what I'm saying is the worst thing you can do this.

Is it all work Christians in your insureds and you put on an act and then your kids see the real you.

On the ride home and then your kids see the real you in the home and you're fighting in front your kids and screaming and yelling. All of a sudden your marriage is unraveling and you're talking about divorce. Maybe you get a divorce and then one day your child has no interest in God and you say what went wrong. Hello didn't have anything to do with your bad example. I'm not saying you have to be perfect, but to be a hypocrite, which means to be an actor is actually a way to drive people away from Jesus Christ. So in this armor that we are to where it starts with the belt of truth, if you haven't got the belt on. Nothing else really matters.

Rip out this guy's belt. All of his armor comes crashing to the ground you don't live truthfully, all the rest of what is it really me start there since belt of truth that brings us to the breastplate.

Now there were different versions of the Roman breastplate. This is one with these layers of metal. Others were sometimes made out of leather and they would be sort of like in the shape of a very muscular guy right sometimes, they were met. I was a would bring those back.

By the way, even if you're out of shape and look good were in the breastplate, but I'm in the start where and with anywhere just why is Greg wearing a Roman rest and let them but this breastplate is important because what is it called the breastplate of righteousness.

Listen to this. Don't miss this.

Please this righteousness is not speaking of all the good things we do for God. And speaking of all the good things that God has done for us. This righteousness that is our breastplate that protects our final organs is the imputed righteousness of Christ. Look at this guy has his breastplate on his final organs are protected if I hit him in the leg. He could survive it by hit him in the Army could live through it. Even without an arm but if I get in here when he does never breastplate on you'll die and so the breastplate is essential. Protecting those essential organs that we need to live what it means is I understand that Jesus Christ of the cross purchase my salvation and he not only forgive me of my sin. He puts his righteousness in the my spiritual bank account is called the imputed righteousness of Christ. That's what justification is justification is God removing my sin and putting Christ's righteousness into my account. So now I stand positionally righteous before God, no honesty, there are times I don't live as I ought to, but that doesn't mean I'm not positionally righteous sort like your kids if you kids do something wrong.

They don't cease to be your kids there, just your naughty kids but are still your kit so as a child of God with my salvation purchased by Jesus, I am his child. Or maybe I'm a wayward child maybe at times on the prodigal child, but I still stand in relationship with him.

That's the breastplate of righteousness that Christ gives to me is a will and I don't get how this works in battle. Here's how it works.

The devil comes any attacks you first need to miss you and I'll say hey why don't you try this little sin. So I will do that. Oh come on, try it wants.

No, I'm not going to do it all just try this priests sample of new try one time you're like the preacher with the peanut striking the horrible and then paid a comes then the devil comes as you miserable hypocrite. Your you're such a sinner, don't even consider reading the Bible. Don't even think about going to church on Sunday. Don't even consider praying God will never listen to someone like you know it's true. I'm so bad I can approach the Holland I can approach God any time not because of the good I've done because of the sacrifice that he made for me that's the breastplate of righteousness.

Listen to this. Satan will always try to keep you from the cross and the Holy Spirit will always draw you to the cross. So when you said that is when you run not walk to church to get help from the word of God and from God's people. When you send.

That's when you open the Bible and read it when you think that is when you pray and ask God to forgive you of your sin and call it what it is. So I wear this breastplate in a protects me from the attacks of the enemy. I'm standing in his righteousness. Now listen to this. This imputed righteousness does not mean we can do whatever we want. So you say are righteous before Christ positionally like it is garden sin up a storm and you missed it the God is not given you a license to sin.

I know James Bond is a license to kill driver licenses and I hope you don't think you do because of you know anything of the righteousness of Jesus and what is done for you.

It's a cause you to want to live a godly life to do righteous things because they been made righteous this for sums it up perfectly. Second Timothy 222 run from anything that stimulates youthful lusts.

Instead, pursue righteous living, faithfulness, love and peace and enjoy the companionship of those and call on the Lord with your heart. So what it means is hang out with godly people who do godly things. Listen to this. Show me your friends and I'll show you your future. What kind of people you hang around godly people.

Are you uncomfortable around godly people you brother. Hang around with people that don't care about God. No pursue righteous living. You know you're righteous in Christ because he knew what he did now live a life that reflects that. Otherwise you can remain forever in a self imposed prison of addiction bondage and of misery and we all know that Saeed Abed Dini has been released now from the Iranian president. We pray for him many times and we even had some prayer vigil form here at harvest along with many other churches and Christians around the world and in the God answered our prayers and now Saeed is is out. First he went to Germany and now is back in the united states of America and some I was able to talk to him on the phone the other day while he was still in Germany and first of all I just said you know congratulations are so glad to route 10 and I told him we pray for him and he was very aware of this, by the way, and he said it was knowing Christians are praying for him. That really kept them going and so I asked him what is it like for me to be out of that prison and to be your he's in a hotel at this point to be in the hotel and you can have food and you know you have this freedom and talk to people he goes. He said it's like the first day of my life to give a starting life all over again. He mentioned he was tortured and I ISI you heart of the torture you is is will you know it was physical. Of course we know that, and they won't, wanted him to renounce his faith in Christ.

They wanted him to return to his long and he would not do it, and then to make matters worse for them he was leaving other prisoners to Christ. And so this made them very angry so they spent a lot of time trying to break him and use a lot of psychological techniques. He told me and he said they're very good at what they do their very effective at what they do and that's the devil. He has a lot of psychological techniques that he uses to break you here maybe doesn't break you here try to break you there, never gives Jesus Christ is given us the key to get out of that prison. He won't force you out. He's open the door you have to walk out seaside couldn't get up until he was released he told me the day of his release. He didn't even know he was getting out because I asked him did you know you were getting out. He said no.

I said other people apparently knew but on the day of my release say they took me out. I thought it was going for another interrogation and and they were trying to break me at the last minute even on that very day and suddenly he realized he been given this freedom and how thankful he was for God's given you your freedom. God's given you a way out.

The doors open you want to stay in your little prison of addiction you want to stain your prison of sin you want to stain your sin of misery.

You can stay there stain your cell if you want or you can walk out taking all of what God has given you what Christ has done for you. It's your choice. He opened the door, but you know what true it you want to walk through it or are you wanting to stay in the play center that there are some of you that have never put your faith in Jesus Christ and you been down by something that just makes your life miserable. I don't know what it is a good B drugs are alcohol or pornography or I could be some just issue you have with your temper or with other issues I don't know, I whatever it is, it just holds on to month after month, year after year, in some cases, decade after decade.

Think Christ can set you free from that and forgive you of the sin that drove you to but you must ask for his forgiveness to 2000 years ago Jesus died on the cross for your sin and for mine if I will ask him to be my Savior and Lord. She will forgive me for that for nonbelievers that's how they can become believers.

But then there are those of us who believe, who are still down by some kind of sin.

It's time for us to be free and remember those words of Jesus. It is finished, the control of the devil in your life it's finished. So you need to call out to the Lord. So were going to close down prayer and if you've never asked Jesus Christ to come in your life.

Respond to this invitation. And if you've been bound up by some say the need to recommit your life to Jesus you respond to. Okay, let's all pray father, thank you for sending Jesus Lord Jesus, thank you for coming and dying for us and rising again. Now that you want to come and live in our lives. And I pray for all those here who are present and some were watching and others who are listening that you hope them to see their need for you and help them to call out to you and be forgiven a heads up out of her eyes are closed and were praying. How many of you would say today Greg, I want to be forgiven of my sin. I want a whole new day.

I want to know that I go to heaven when I die, I'm ready to say yes to Jesus Christ. Pray for me. Listen up that your desire. If you want Christ to come into your life and you want him to forgive you of your sin if you want to go to heaven when you die, would you raise your hand up right now and let me pray for you wherever you are.

God bless you raise your hand up Iraq and see if you want Christ to come in your love. God bless you and God bless you, bless anybody else raise your hand of God bless each one of you raising your hand. Now some of your watching the screen. Of course I can see you, would you raise your hand to say and I want Jesus. Anybody else, and we pray for God bless. There might be some of you here that you've accepted Christ but you been living in the power of some sin that drag you down again and again and you're ready to turn from that sin get up out of that prison cell.

You've lived in Sarawak and is a true child of God, you need to make a serious recommitment to Christ that she would you raise her.

Let me pray for you today. God bless you raise your hand publish you. Anybody else raise your hand when we pray for you, bless Naaman asked everyone of you if you would please.

At this rate that a brazier can watch to the stand your feet, lead you in a prayer of commitment, recommitment to try to stand out all of you that razor can sin you want to make that recommitment or commitment to Jesus stand up and I'm in a pray with you right now to stand up wherever you are, stand up your watching the screen right now, you stand up wherever you can hear me you need to make this commitment stand up in a pray because this is a prayer between you and the Lord and that's all that matters. Anybody else then your feet now in a pray might be a few more of you stand up now. I bless you that are standing with another moment stand up now merely true in this prayer publish a bless you away one more moment anybody else stand now, let's pray together and get this resolved, bless you, bless each one of you anymore stand now will pray together. You won't regret this. God bless you, bless all of all right all of you that are sending. I want you to pray this prayer out loud right you stand again as I pray pray this out loud. This is a prayer where you are turning from your sin and your choosing to follow Jesus Christ pray this out loud if you would, Lord Jesus, I know that I'm a sinner but I know that you're the Savior died on the cross for my sin.

I am sorry for my sin. Lord I turn from my sin, I repent of my sin and I accept your forgiveness.

I choose to follow you, Lord.

From this moment forward.

Thank you for loving me and accepting me and for giving me in Jesus name I pray, amen. God bless you that praise effort