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SM160327/Hello from the Other Side

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie
The Cross Radio
April 5, 2016 5:04 pm

SM160327/Hello from the Other Side

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie

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April 5, 2016 5:04 pm

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Harvest messages are brought to you by harvest partners receive free email daily devotions were to become a harvest partner, please visit us over excited to be here because this is the day we celebrate the most significant event in the history of planet Earth, the death and resurrection of Jesus, we know you're alive. Larger living in us and we pray as we revisit this story that will cure it with the arrears that will see it would be wise and for those that are seeing and hearing it for the first time. Let it change your life today for time and eternity.

We commit this time of Bible study to you now in Jesus name, amen heard about a guy that traveled across country. He landed at the airport and went to the luggage carousel retreated is retrieved his bags hailed a cab. Got to the back of the cab and he screws along for a few moments. He had a question for the cabbie Zoe taps the guy on the shoulder. The cabdriver freaks out shrieks and swerves across for lay and the guy in the backseat, what was said to the cabdriver.

What was that all about cabdriver center.

I am sorry I been driving her first for 40 years. This is my first day of the cabbie when you're driving or hers you know usually get tapped on the shoulder and when someone dies, we don't usually ask them to be alive again and this reminds me of a story that happened to me, that happened to also involve the cabdriver, though not as dramatic as the one I just told I caught a cab to the airport and were cruising along, and in this guy's name is Tom were just chatting away and we saw a ghost bike in order to go spy kids, it's a bike that's been painted white on the roadside to commemorate someone who was killed there in a biking accident. I said all that is so sad and I need this guy. I had a friend that was killed on this highway says a lot of people have died writing road bikes on this highway and then I said to Tom Tom what you think happens after we die, so Tom tells me that he believes in reincarnation of that will come back is another life form so he goes on a little bit. I don't interrupt him. I don't contradict them. I just listen.

Nobody studies this will what you think happens after we die. Don't ever ask a preacher a question like that unless you want a sermon. Tom got a little mini sermon assembled, I believe that if you put your faith in Jesus Christ, that you will go to heaven and one day I believe that heaven will come back to earth and will be with Christ for all eternity. Thompson men I like your version of the afterlife better than mine is all that's not my version Tom that that's the Bible's version. That's what Jesus said and he said you know it's funny.

My wife always calls me a doubting Thomas so I told him the story of Thomas if he was a sermon actually, you know member Thomas was doubting. Then Jesus said to him, I am the way the truth and the life and no man comes of the father but by me. But the afterlife. It's something that we think about quite often we know it's coming in on the older you get, the more the reality of it gets stronger because you start losing friends. Maybe even some family members and you know your day is going to come now when you're a child. Life seems to go so slow doesn't it. I've other guy was in the third grade for like 20 years but no decades just go by, we have serious radio on our car in order to me by serious radio, satellite radio, so they have all the station so many station with music. They have the 50s on five in the 60s on six the 70s on seven I'm flipping through all of these decades looking for a good song to listen to and then it occurred to me.

I've lived through all of these decades, and I finally got to the 90s and I was looking for a song that I said it's a sad day when night. The 90s are considered oldies. It doesn't seem that long ago. To me, but we wonder what happens when we die. Where do people go when they die what it what what is it like on the other side can they communicate with us. Can they say hello from the other side. You know there's a lot of people that claim to have died in gone into the afterlife and specifically heaven. I always find it interesting that all these people that of the so-called near-death experiences never go to hell if you notice that never anyone talking about flame knowledge, just like all beautiful, bright lights and I felt such a great piece so we find a certain measure of comfort from data for not necessarily a believer because it's hopeful that will be okay. On the other side.

Are you willing to bet all eternity on that. I read an article about a survey that was just on and there was a head like Americans skeptical of God, but they think heaven is real of this article to believe in God and the Bible and attended a church service attendance at church services is down, especially among 18 to 22-year-old would listen to this, however, believe in the afterlife and specifically heaven is out of that work.

I'm not sure if I believe in God of the Bible, but I believe in heaven, but way heaven comes from the Bible you would not even have the word heaven without the Bible you would know the concept of heaven without the Bible and I hate to break this to you but the popularity of the subject doesn't change the facts about it. That would be like reading a new survey. More Americans believe that Eric more Americans are believing California is there, but many are believing Arizona is no longer in existence. What is the matter what you think California is here. Arizona is there.

These things are real. Listen here is why I believe in heaven because God said there's a heaven and the only reliable source on the afterlife is the Bible that tells us a lot about what is coming.

On the other side. What is heaven heaven is the dwelling place of God in one day it can be our home if we believe and sometimes we has a question. What is heaven like when we asked that question because we have a lot of strange caricatured versions of heaven we think of ourselves sitting around in fluffy white clouds and plucking harps and fat little baby angels hovering above us with little wings you know and and it sounds strange will.

That's not a biblical version of heaven. I think instead of asking the question what is heaven like whether to us to question what is earthlike.

When I say what is earthlike what is at its best. Think of the most amazing sunset you've ever seen of the most incredible waterfall or foliage around it. I think about the most amazing architecture you've ever laid your eyes on of the greatest city you've ever visited or go back in your life for a moment to remember some of the greatest moments you've had with family and friends are about the best meal you've ever had. Those are glimpses of heaven because heaven is not an imitation of earth. Earth is an imitation of heaven. So the best you've ever experienced on this earth is going to be way way better. And heaven listen to this heaven is a real place for real people to do real things Jesus that I gone to prepare a place for you if you like you want to apply just get it out. Let it what is it like will the apostle Paul had the unique experiences of dying and going to heaven and returning it and write a book about it but he told us a few things about it. So many scholars believe this is when Paul was stone, no not that kind of stone stone with rocks and left for dead and Paul writes about it or speaks of it.

This is from a modern translation in second Corinthians 12, Paul says, I was swept into ecstasy to the heights of heaven. I don't know if I was in the body or out of the body. God knows but Paul says I was hijacked into paradise. And I heard the unspeakable spoke. I love the translation hijacked in the paradise and I heard the unspeakable spoken. That's where he went so look when I want to know about a place I try to talk to someone who's been there so my medical visit this city. Maybe it's New Yorkers Chicago or or some other place if I know someone there also hate. What's a good place to stay. What's the weather like this time of the year. What you do when you're there, and most importantly one of the best places to eat right. I want to talk to a person who is been there is only one person. That's a reliable source on the afterlife is been there in return we celebrate his death and resurrection today, Jesus Christ infected Jesus said in John 638. I have come down from heaven to do the will of God. So he came down from heaven. The title of my messages hello from the other side you can really can't go anywhere without hearing that song by Adele I don't own that song. I haven't downloaded it but I referred it so many times in malls here, there, you know, it's a very popular song. She's thinking about a breakup, how she misses her old lover, but I want us to look at it for a moment from a eternal perspective and think about what happened when Jesus came back and told us what we need to do. He came down from heaven.

Of course this is the day we remember that Jesus died on the cross and he rose again from the dead. He was born, and then manger in Bethlehem.

He lived a perfect life, he declared himself as the Messiah. There was an initial excitement and response culminating with Palm Sunday, when they lay palm branches at his feet, but things turned ugly. One of his hand chosen disciples and friends. Judas Iscariot turned on him. Peter was really the ringleader of the disciples, but denied that he ever knew Jesus.

Jesus was sent to a kangaroo court of injustice on trumped up false charges.

He was beaten he was scourged he was nailed to a cross and there he died.

Now we look at this, we think, how could this be part of any plan. Oh, it was a plan.

It was God's perfect, well ordered plan and listen to this God was a master of ceremonies at the cross. Isaiah 53 said it was the will of God to crush him and put them to grieve. Isaiah says it please the father to bruise him. How could the father possibly be pleased by the horrible treatment that his son face. How can the father be pleased by the fact that his son was beaten beyond human recognition, God wasn't pleased by that God wasn't pleased by the fact that his judgment had to be poured on his son who was dying in our place. God was pleased with the outcome God was pleased with what would come as a result, God was pleased by the fact that thousands of us would gather on Easter Sunday 2016 and celebrate our risen Lord. Because of his death and resurrection, not just here but in churches all around the world. God was pleased by what was accomplished at the cross, because as Christ hung there he was bearing the sins of the world. He was dying as a substitute to him was imputed the guilt of our sin he was suffering the punishment for all of our sins in our place.

You know the rest of the story.

The latest body in the tomb that belonged to a man named Joseph from marmot player who happened to be a secret disciple. The tomb was sealed the Roman guards are posted.

But Jesus told him what was coming down he knowingly predicted the fact that he would die, but he also predicted that he would rise again from the dead.

In Matthew 16 he said the Son of Man will go to Jerusalem will suffer many things from the elders and chief priests still be killed in a be raised again on the third day. Could he have been any more specific, but this was lost on the disciples they collectively missed the memo. But three days later he rose as he said he would. And here's what we remember God. Here's what we need to remember God always keeps his promises of God says something is going to happen, it will happen. God told us his son would come to this earth that happen. God told us his son would be crucified that happen. God told us his son would be raised again from the dead, that is happened God is told us his son will come back again to the earth that will happen and it will happen very soon. Quite possibly he's coming back so now here is Jesus risen again from the dead. He makes many appearance, it appears to Mary Magdalene, whose first of the tumor early in the morning he appears to Simon Peter.

They have a conversation. He appears to two disciples on the Emmaus Road.

He appears to 500 at one time, but in her account here in Matthew 28 this is a story of the empty tomb and the women who seen it empty have gone to tell the disciples that Jesus is risen and as there on the way to tell the disciples. Jesus is alive, good, or they run into, but the risen Lord. Matthew 28 is a want to tell his disciples, behold, Jesus met them saying, rejoice, so they came and held him by the feet and worshiped him. And Jesus said to them, don't be afraid to go to my brothers to go to Galilee and there, they won't see me. Here's Jesus he's alive, I would've expected him to say something like that what he says is interesting. He says basically hello hello from the other side if you will. Verse nine hello it's a common greeting by the way it was in a special greeting.

It was a way they normally greeting each other and this time it's sort of a festive jubilant happy greeting hey hello you know we use different greetings and depending what were from here in California will just say hi if you're from the South, you might say hey if you're from the prompt, you might say yo if you're from Hawaii. You might say hello or if your local you'll say how's it brought if you're from Israel.

You'll say shalom if you're from Italy.

You'll say child just different ways we greet one another, but my point is, it was a common greeting in others different ways you greet people around the world and experts tell us we need to know this as we offend someone by our greeting here in the West we meet someone for the first time we might shake their hand or a might be one of those awkward half hug handshake things you know where you going for that handshake and they going for the hug and it gets very awkward for that moment, but in different cultures they express themselves in interesting ways. For instance, in Japan they bow from the waist to sign them, showing honor you belt the lower you bow, the greater honor your showing in Polynesia. Listen to this you take your friends hand and use them to stroke your face. Now if you do that here. You might get hit. It'll never happen. Buser in Belize. Listen to this in Belize.

You press your fists together. That's an interesting way to greet someone. Are you good well are you going to hurt me or something into bed. It's very polite to stick out your tongue that someone I'm serious.

That shows you have no evil far while what ways you can create one another.

But here's Jesus alive and well and he basically says hey hi hello you know how is it greetings. It's a common greeting and it's an interesting way to say hello to everyone after he has come back again from the dead. But here's the important thing one take away trues are there from the story of the death and resurrection of Jesus.

We want to make sure we find these out so we can start enjoying them number one because of the resurrection of Jesus. If you're a Christian, you will have life after death and have again. I want to emphasize this is for believers only, not for a nonbeliever using heaven is not the default destination of every person, it's only the destination of the person was put their faith in Christ, so that comes to the question what happens when we die little depend if you're a Christian, you go straight to heaven do not pass go, do not collect $200 straight to heaven. The apostle Paul said to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.

Paul wrote you I have a desire to depart and be with Christ, which is far greater.

That's what happens when a Christian dies. Our body goes into the ground, but our spirit goes right into the presence of God. That's a great truth and we know this because first Corinthians 1521 says since by man came death, by man also came the resurrection of the dead present Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive. So Jesus is overcome death at the cross. Here's one way to think about it. A believer does not have to fear death any more than we have to be afraid of taking an I have to admit something to you. I take a nap almost every day now I don't know if that's a good thing. The publicly disclosed what it's true, I don't take long naps are not our naps are not even 1/2 hour nap. I don't get in bed I just maybe will prop my feet up on my desk or just close my eyes and sometimes it's a five minute nap. I found it sort of refreshes me answer to clear the cobwebs out. I did a little research on it to justify this behavior and I read that naps restore alertness, help us avoid burnout. Other described by experts as a system reboot of a heightened sensory perception and even reduce heart disease. I know some of you are going to say what a great talk about today at church and he certainly talked about naps, but you don't fear taking a nap… I think you know you're getting old and happy hour is a nap okay, but you don't have to be afraid of that and that's how the Bible often describes death for a Christian, you know. After Lazarus died, Jesus said of him, he's asleep even when Stephen was dying of violent death that they handle wicked men hands of wicked men, we read that he fell asleep. That's a beautiful picture know, when I say fall asleep.

It doesn't mean you're going to take a long eternal nap.

You know, your body goes into the ground. Your spirit goes in the presence of God. But one day you're gonna wake up. Your body will come alive again in first Corinthians 1551 says let me reveal your wonderful secret. We will not all sleep or die will be transformed. It'll happen in the twinkling of an eye. When the last trumpet is blown, the trumpet will sound, and those who have died will be raised to live forever, and we who are living will be transformed for our dying bodies must be transformed in the bodies that will never die.

Our mortal bodies must be transformed into immortal bodies. There's going to be a bodily resurrection of your loved ones who have died in faith to be a bodily resurrection for you. But the Bible teaches there is a generation and we could be that generation that will not see death, they will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air we call it the rapture, by the way I put in for that I want to be in that, but that's not up to me. But you know it.

If I get to heaven by rapture or by death. I really don't care.

I know I'm Gartner that's all that matters. And we all have that hopeless followers of Jesus, but it's a metamorphosis. You could compare it to the little caterpillar churning into the butterfly on the other day my son Jonathan was with us kids and by the way, Jonathan just turned 30. Can you believe it is 30 years old and he's a pastor now is one of the pastors here at harvest until he was over at the church with his children or grandchildren, and there were a lot of caterpillars around so they started collecting them. They have a little contest to see who could collect the most caterpillars need to come home. We have this little net device that we bought a toy store that is for catching butterflies and he remembered it was around so he put the little caterpillars in this little net enclosure and after a few days.

Sure enough they be little cocoons and all the kids are all excited because Jonathan is in is why Britney told the kids. They're going to turn in the butterfly.

So every day. The kids are looking in, and for Christopher my little grandson shook. It's all the cocoons came loose the at the grout but they were still okay because a couple of days later, the first butterfly came out. Then the other one came out so they unzip the top in one of those little butterflies of the just emerged from the Kuhn cocoon started to fly up sort of in a circular way and he got up a little higher. They're all watching all of a sudden a bird just came along, made it Jonathan slight Britney screen the kids and what Jonathan said nothing look at look at the butterflies on.

Thankfully, that's not going to happen.

There was a war on our way up.

You know some bird grabs a that's it. No and I ready mentioned to you as I told Tom the cabdriver, the one day heaven will come to work in us.

Sometimes Christians will say will work in the just die and go to heaven be there forever. Actually, that's not technically true theologically because the Bible promises that one day heaven will come to work and God will make all things new. Revelation 21. Speaking of this is God will wipe away every tear from their eyes will be no more death or sorrow, not crying still be no more pain for the former things have passed away, he that's out of the throne said, behold I make all things new. I love that God's going to make all things new.

In the new world that is coming out with the old and in with the new no more terminal diseases. No more hospitals, no more wheelchairs or funerals. No more sufferings or separations or accident.

No more corks. No more prisons, no more divorces no more breakups or breakdowns.

No more suicide no more rate. No more children missing. No drug problems no heart attack strokes, Alzheimer's or cancer. No famines, no disasters, God's going to make all things new. This is because of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. So number one because of his death and resurrection. If you're a Christian, you will go to heaven. Number two because of the death and resurrection of Jesus. You can live life to its fullest. You can live life to its fullest. We read over in the book of Romans chapter 8 verse 11. Nevertheless, once a spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead visit. Then you you by that same spirit will have new strength and vitality. You know when I was young kid I was wondering what the meaning of my life was and why am I here in this earth. Why am I so empty inside and I was searching and at the age of 17 I heard the gospel in a way I could understand and I asked Jesus to come in on my life and I found the purpose I was looking for. That's fantastic you'll do that for you. But you know you get older you start thinking about that afterlife stuff a little bit more, you know, when you're young it's the question is, is our life during life will now that I've lived a rich and full life walking with the Lord. I wonder what's going to happen now. On the other side.

But the good news is Jesus will give you a life that's worth living right here Jesus said in John 1010 I have come that you might have life and that you might have it more of abundantly ill medical science seeks to add years to your life. Christ will add life to your years. Number three. And lastly, because of the resurrection of Jesus from the dead.

There will be a final judgment will be a final judgment. Acts 1731 says he's appointed a day in which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he has ordained his given assurance of this by raising him from the dead know this can be good or bad news. Depending on how you are living. It's good to know that one day God will right every wrong.

That brings us great comfort.

When you think of all the atrocities and injustices in wrongs and wanton acts of terrorism and murder and much much more than one date. All wrongs will be righted as a final Court of arbitration will be final. Justice meted out, but we don't have to be afraid of for a Christian of this final judgment, because the Bible says there's a judgment for Christian it says we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ to receive the rewards of the way we live loose paraphrase there and the ideas think of it like an award ceremony and be like.

He ran a great race and are you going to go get your metal you are you dreading that I don't think so because you did well you know it's like watching the Oscars of the enemies I live on the Oscars how they have those split screens and they have a tight shot of all the people that are nominated and then the winner is announced in the jump out of their seat. Everyone else smiles and applauds the will remember their actors right there.

Not happy at that moment will you're all gonna win wrong to win something for our faithfulness. If you serve the Lord faithfully you'll be rewarded in that day.

The Bible sums it up this way so to the spirit in your reply for everlasting but if you sort of the flash you'll reap corruption, so if you live a godly life you'll receive the reward for that godly life.

Listen reviewed with an ungodly love you face the repercussions for that to the big question on this final day is not going to be how good of a life did you live because even if you live the best life possible you still fall short of God's standard. But God will not let you into heaven because you live the good life, you need to come through Jesus that the only way to get into heaven the final day.

It's not so much a sin question is much as it is assignment question SON as and what did you do with Jesus the son of God, and if you cannot put your faith in him. Then you will face a certain judgment. No answer the question what happens to a Christian when they die they go to heaven. What happens to a non-Christian when they die, will, according to Scripture, they will face judgment and yes there is a hell of some of your thinking a great please are you kidding me.

I finally got my mom to come to church and you're actually talking about hell Greg were dressed in pastel colors and were going to go to Easter brunch phenomena meet the Easter Bunny later said thing is I'm 40. But still, I'm excited. Don't talk about hell in church on Easter Sunday. Keep it light and keep it short.

Listen, Jesus died on the cross and rose again from the dead, so you can go to heaven.

Jesus died on the cross and rose again from the dead, so you don't have to go to hell. I want you to take out a home with you and have this relationship with God you think of all roads lead to God and a good life would get to the heaven that God would report his judgment upon his own beloved son, of course not, because it was no other way to satisfy his righteous demands.

Jesus died in our place. And he rose again from the dead and then we have the hope of life beyond the grave. We have the hope of reunion you know when you of loved ones that are proceeded you to heaven. You know, you'll see them one day. I know I'll see my son Christopher again in heaven see my mom again.

I'll see my dad again. You'll see your loved ones who have died in faith again but the nonbeliever didn't have this hope you can have all of your near-death experiences and read all your little books and watch all your little movies and you might find that you been taken in a lot of fiction. I would rely on a document that we can trust and that is the Bible and God is told us what happens on the other side. If you want to know that you go to heaven when you die, you can by believing in Jesus Christ. Listen to this. Jesus died on the cross he rose again and easier right now right here with all of us and he standing at the door of your life, and he is knocking, and he is saying if you'll hear his voice and open the door will come in you can be forgiven of all of your sin. You can leave here today on Easter Sunday of 2016 with the meaning or purpose of life. You been searching for even trying to feel that hole in your heart, with all this stuff this world offers you try drugs you tried alcohol you tried parties you've tried possessions you tried relationship you've tried it. You been there. You have done that you bought the T-shirt and there's an emptiness still Christ will fill that void inside of you, but even more you give me the hope that on the other side. You will be with him will could be greater than that. But this is not something that just comes automatically. Heaven is not the default destination of every person, it's only for the person it was suggested Jesus to save what is that even mean say yes to Jesus to his father little video of folks walking down on that field.

There it the AT&T stadium. Those are people saying yes to Jesus those are people were saying. I want Christ to come in the my life. So if you want that to happen for you if you want to go to heaven when you die, here's what you need to understand that you're a center and when I point my finger at you.

I have three pointing back at me. See were all sinners. We've all broken God's commandments. We've all fallen short of God's standards and listen one sin is enough to keep us out of heaven because the Bible says that we offend in one point of the law were guilty of all of it. So were just sinners own it. See Greg okay I'm not as bad as some people that may be true but then again I don't know you.

You may be worse.

Most people but yet God is not great on the curve. One sin will keep you what that for Jesus comes in. He died for your sin and then I must turn from my sin. See I can believe Jesus died on the cross. I can even believe Jesus rose again from the dead.

I can even believe that the Bible is the word of God and there is a heaven and even a hell. But until I've acted on it. It doesn't do anything for me. There has to be that moment when you say I want Christ to come in the mind. Someone else can't do this for you. You know some of you didn't even want to be here today. Quite frankly, you came because you know your parents said come to church or your spouse and come to church with me and you know whatever in your hair.

Just saying.

What are you almost like done soon. Please hopefully I am.

But here's the thing I want you to walk out of here knowing God, and you need your own relationship with him.

You can live off someone else's. The Bible says, for as many as received him, he gave them the power to become sons of God, you must receive him. You must see Jesus coming to my life and he will and you must do it now.

The Bible says today is the day of salvation. Don't wait until tomorrow or so. Maybe I'll do it next Easter or other that crusade thing you do in Angel Stadium.

I've always wanted to go to one of those good come to that. But don't wait till then do it now. You may never have another opportunity like the one before you to get right with God for you to pray and invite you to believe in Jesus.

If you haven't yet and will you give some of you an opportunity to wandered away from your faith, your Christian who is in a backslidden state or you need to make a recommitment, I'll give you a chance to do that as well. Let's all pray together. Father, thank you for your word. Lord Jesus, thank you for coming. The dying and rising. Thank you for your offer of forgiveness and now we pray for every person here every person watching whatever they are, speak to their heart and help them to see their need for Jesus we pray that your Holy Spirit will convict and convince them of their need for you and help them become due. We ask what I had served out their eyes are closed and were praying. How many of you would say today. Greg, I want Jesus in my life.

I want my sin forgiven. I want to settle this right now I want to go to heaven when I die, that your desire. If you want Christ to come in your life you want to fill that big hole in your heart, would you just raise your hand up and let me just pray for you review our raise your hand. A pregnancy at God bless you.

Anybody else raise your hand accomplish you. You want Christ to forgive you. You want to go to heaven when you die raise your hand up all proof you know, wherever you are. Raise your head. Maybe I can see you are, you know you're outside watching the screen. God sees you. Would you take this little step of faith and raise your hand saying yes I want Jesus wherever you are living. Pray for you. God bless God bless each one of you is what I had to still God, maybe some of you would say man I been a prodigal.

I know it's right that I have run from God. I'm just sick and tired of being sick and tired. I want to come back to Jesus.

Today I want to make that recommitment to the Lord. Pray for me about your desire, would you raise your hand. Let me pray for you right now – the Bush God bless all of you now.

Father I pray you give each one. The strength to stand up and follow you, for we ask it in Jesus name, amen