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SM160814/The WorldChanger Who Was out of This Worl

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie
The Cross Radio
August 23, 2016 7:36 pm

SM160814/The WorldChanger Who Was out of This Worl

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie

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August 23, 2016 7:36 pm

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Harvest messages are brought to you by harvest partners receive free email daily devotions were to become a harvest partner, please visit us Let's grab our Bible target Hebrews chapter 11 and were in a brand-new series.

As you recall recalling world changers and today the title of my message is the world changer without of this world are I quick question.

How many of you like to run raise your hand if you like to run with more letters in the second service in the first comedy if you don't like to run you while you okay you are my people on the same pages you I don't like running those funny when I was in high school life I ran track and file sort of enjoyed it was good at short distance running. But as I got older I began to look again less and less so I sort of traded in running for walking. I do like to walk how many of you like to walk was very adept.

That's good. Yeah it's it's great to walk in and offer my wife and I will walk together and she will love you no so say to me. Let let's just run to the end of the block.

Nothing. No, I don't want to like the walking joke, not just run to the end of the block and I don't like to do because it's a trick because then I get to be in the boxes. A list of one more block. She's trying to get beam a little more active video and then they will go in the walking, I'm good to go want to go me some of my girlfriends are going to go for a walk. I will not see her for three days okay because when girls take walks. It's different than when guys take walks.

I said, wouldn't you just call it what it is when you go out with girls walking.

It's not a walk.

It's a talk. It's a talk that's really what it is but you know that's a good thing. In many ways that girls love the communicate I've made this amazing discovery girls seem to like to talk in general more than men do. Beauty of using that as well and it may be because men are brain-damaged and I bring that up because a member. Dr. Dobson was here in he pointed out that when were very young of the female brain is is actually a lot of fun by blinking a estrogen that sort estrogen. It sort of flooded with estrogen in certain moment a certain moment. The male brain is flooded with testosterone. He said the testosterone actually damages and kills brain cells so that will there you have it that Esther Jim and got all those things firing and we men were brain-damaged right okay but I think you girls have a right in many ways, with a talk because when the Bible speaks of walking with God. That's exactly what it should be. It's a top it's all about communication with said walking with someone through life.

You're basically saying that you're there with them for the. The rough patches in the great times the highs and the lows the ups and the downs are there to love them, understand them, and so will we say walking with God. It's essentially the same, but even more, I'm going to talk about a man that man now. He was a world changer and his name was peanut and he walked all the way to heaven even walk with God will see in a moment, and he was not because God took him. It's sort of like they would take walks every day and one day the Lord in effect said hey buddy were closer to my house today that we are yours wanted to just come home with me.

But he's an amazing character that made it into what we call the hall of faith Hebrews chapter 11. So if someone makes it into that place. We want to be careful attention because in was a world changer, you know, John Mayor has a song called waiting for the world. The change in a menacing it. Now you're ready but here's what he thinks are the lyrics quote me and my friends were all misunderstood. They say we stand for nothing, and there's no way we ever could. Now we see everything that's going wrong with the world and those who lead it. We just feel like we don't have the means to rise above and beat it were just waiting.

Waiting on the world the change were just waiting. Waiting on the world. The change will join you in a way for a long time buddy because this world is not going to change this argument change unless you get out there and do something to change.

To quote the great theologian Michael Jackson is that I'm looking at the man in the mirror. I'm wanting him to make a change.

If you want to make the world a better place. Take a look at yourself and make sure he should try you got that one right. It starts with you.

You want to change the world.

You need to have your world change so it starts with answers the problem are we changing the world or is the world changing us so that you were talking about on this theme of world changers who made their way into the great Hall of faith and really what was her secret is it because they were great people know they actually were. There were very ordinary people, but they serve a great God.

How do they do it. They did it with faith great faith and a great God orders faith we already discovered together. Hebrews 11 one. Faith is the substance of things hoped for. It's the evidence of things not seen or as a new living translation puts it, what is faith. It's a confidence assurance that what we hope for is going to happen. It's the evidence of things we cannot yet see like the translation faith sees invisible things. Faith sees what could be Oswald Chambers, best known for is devotional my utmost for his highest wrote these words and I quote. Faith enables the believing soul to treat the future as present in the invisible, as seen" I remember we also discovered faith does thing of faith that does not produce works is a faith that doesn't work. Faith is not given to admire it's not given the put a little display case and show your friends. Faith is like a muscle, and needs to be used. In fact, the more you use it the stronger it becomes, the less you use it the weaker it becomes.

If you neglect it altogether.

It will atrophy faith does things. Faith takes actions listen. Faith takes risks faith leaves its comfort zones to do things for the Lord number three we discovered faith can make the difference between something happening and not happening.

If you make the difference.

You know.

Remember, we discover that Jesus did no miracles in his hometown of Nazareth because of their unbelief. So when we step out in faith God will work, but if we don't step on a faithful really not much is going to happen. God works to people applying faith, but faith is not just running a race which is really the theme of Hebrews 11 and 12. But faith is also walking the walk. It's walking the walk in Hebrews 1038 says the just shall live by faith. It's living by faith, listen feelings come and go, you cannot attach your Christian experience to how you're feeling emotionally in the moment. You must learn how to walk by faith and I discovered the secret of a successful Christian life. Are you ready for it's living in walking by faith each and every day. Again, the secret of the successful Christian life. It's walking and living by faith each and every day. As one person put it, its long obedience in the same direction.

It's consistency. It's staying with it. That's the kind of person that's going to change the world. That brings us to unit the men who walk with God and end up walking home with God. You want to talk about long obedience in the same direction. Listen to this. Here the longest walk possible. I mean my wife takes long walks with a girlfriend. He walked with God for 300 years see people live longer. Back in those days the affects of sin is not fully kicked in, so three centuries of walking with God. Interestingly, when we come to unit, there's not a lot in the Bible about one of the passages is right here in Hebrews 11.

Let's read it together. It says, by faith unit was taken from this life, so he did not experience death. He could not be found, because God had taken him away for because before he was taken, he was commended as one pleased God.

Another definitive series of verses about Intergraph out over in Genesis 521 to 24. You can turn their want to, but I'll just quote from them its zenith of 65 years and begot Methuselah after he begot Methuselah email peanut walk with God. 300 years and had sons and daughters so all the days of unit were 365 years unit walk with God it was not for God took now when did Enoch walked with God a long time ago but I might add. It was one of the darkest times in human history.

The fact it was so dark it was so evil. It was so wicked that God actually said. I'm sorry that I even made man in the first place. And God was about to bring judgment on planet Earth through the great flood. So we did was living in the time before the great flood, so in a way he was the last days believer BC.

He is in his last days were before the flood, just like were last days believers but waiting for the fire. The judgment of God doubled, but even more waiting for the return of Christ for us to catch us up in the air to meet the Lord in the air as well. But here's the reason I bring this up because Jesus said, as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be when the Son of Man comes back. So he was saying these are parallel universes there similar times, and if unit was able to live a godly life at a time like this. You can live a godly life wherever you are right now. One thing we learned from eating. It is the same spiritual resources that he had are here for us today.

We can live godly lives in an ungodly world is able. Greg you don't know my world. You don't know my family.

You don't know what it's like to live in my neighborhood.

You don't know what my workplace is like a my campus is like no maybe I don't.

But you know what I don't care how messed up it is how evil it is.

You can live a godly life in an ungodly world unit proves it. And there's a couple of things I want to point out about unit in this message and will do our part to next time and wrap it up with two things and to bring to your attention about what unit did number one, we've already alluded to it unit walked with God. A notice it doesn't say in UNIX printed with God. You know, some Christians have sort of the burst of energy and great passion for the Lord and then the collapse in the heat or they walk away altogether, which makes us wonder if they were ever Christians to begin with. No unit walked with God to want employees making progress.

You're getting somewhere. As he hit the hundred and 50 year mark. He can probably see he was making some progress. See here's the thing you need to know spiritual growth does not happen overnight.

It takes time and this picture of walking is often used in Scripture were read over in first John 17. If we walk in the light as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin. Romans 1313 says let us walk appropriately, properly or appropriately, as in the day don't participate in the darkness of wild parties and drunkenness or sexual promiscuity in a moral living or in quarreling or jealousy going to sing your Christian act like a Christian walk like a Christian behave as a Christian. So don't engage in drunkenness don't engage in immorality and notice it also says or in quarreling and jealousy in a way my pride ourselves in the will.

I don't get drunk and I'm not a moral but you quarrel and are you a jealous person.

See, those are mentioned as sins as well. Over first John 26 it says he that says he abides in him ought to walk to see why. Galatians 5 says walk in the spirit and you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh, so walk with God. What does it mean specifically practically to walk with God. There's a verse that I think really opens the subject up beautifully. It's Amos 33 and you might want to write that reference down but it really tells us what it means to walk with God, but I meditate one sip of water versus 10 to walk together unless they are agreed. Simple verse short first but actually it's loaded with meaning in the original language. Three very important thing sort of bubble up from beverage that we need to know that explained was when walking with God is number one when it says can two walk together, unless they be agreed.

It means walking together as a single unit see the ideal walking with God is getting in sync with God.

We could compare to writing a tandem bicycle ever at one of those before you know one person's on the front. Once on the back moment say that I was out for a ride with my wife and she's pedaling away in the front and I'm on the bat hitting the brakes and my being helpful. No, we have to work together.

We have to find the rhythm.

That's what it means to walk with God. We could compare it to music. I don't know about you but wherever I go I hear the music. I don't just mean audibly but I noticed music. I notice what song is playing him in the elevator ourselves are playing this on my work is why you even listening to it.

I just notice it if I'm in a restaurant and someone gets up and start singing I noticed them and there's another thing I notice is when people go off pitch. I know pitch and even when I'm not listening. I'll say this. One of pitch. Why do you not do one objection telling you mean that dog howling.

We both know this right now and you know so when you see people singing together in one's outfits again affect the whole group on maybe you have a by the way, do we not have an amazing worship team here at harvest, his guys are credible. I mean, musically there so good there always on picture vocals are fantastic.

They play their instruments a while but even more, they really lead us in worship, which is prayer set. The song is in it and you winter in the God's presence with singing. The Bible says so. I love that. But you know I travel around the country and around the world of rental on a worship team. I've heard some really good ones.

I've heard some really bad ones. I will say when churches but I'm talking torment time and sometimes what happens is you know maybe the lead singer or the key worship leader is off pitch and then the other people try to harmonize with the person and their off pitch and it just sort of a mess of music you know so here's what we need to understand God's always on pitch in a Florida band God's lead singer. He's easily were backup vocals okay in Florida band God's lead guitar more of them were drums were based were not the lead guitars. I bring this up because you know when we think of walking with God.

We want God to walk with us, and God is ever going God that still God you're walking with God. God sets of face you stay in sync with him you harmonize with him during the support role. You're not in the dominant role.

This is not about you. This is about God, to walk with God means to people walking together as a single unit and understanding that when you do this your Christian life is going to start firing on all cylinders. You know, Jesus told us directly. Scripture tells us I should say that he that says he abides in him ought to walk as he walked really abiding in walking are interchangeable metaphors and other different ones. Movement one is staying put. Abiding this sort of like planting the tree but the concept is a safe staying in fellowship. Jesus says if you abide in me that you know if you want. If you're walking with me. You should abide in me, and then Jesus said in John 15. If you abide in me and my words abide in you, you can ask whatever you want and it will be done unto you. See when I'm in sync with God I'll start praying according to his will all be in harmony with him will start seeing a lot more of my prayers answered in the affirmative.

Here's an illustration of use this one before but it just illustrates perfectly. Years ago I was in Hawaii scuba diving.

Now I'm a certified scuba diver of told you that before, but I rarely dive so I'm very rusty. When I get in the water, but normally when I do dive I dive at about 2030 feet, and that this was a really deep dive, at least for me it was 100 feet, the island of Molokai and I'll be honest with you when I got all the equipment on the mask the that the snorkelers got the regulator you got the tank should got the inflatable vest called the BC that you got the weight belt. The fins etc. when I got the surface of the water, I currently had a weird little anxiety attack.

I didn't want to go down but then I remembered I already paid for this and I don't want to sit on the boat eating everyone sandwiches the no mock me cruelly afterwards. So I said you got to do this. Greg and so I went down and I was a little anxious a little bit nervous and a friend of mine told me later you were breathing so mature just bubbles coming from baubles.

Everybody else some bubbles are and I get to the bottom 100 feet down. By the way when you're 100 feet. Then you can just shoot to the surface or your lungs will explode, expand. So you have to be very careful on 100 feet down. I look at my air gauge.

It's almost empty.

I look around for the instructor. You always do a dive like that with the instructor and I did the universal sign for. I'm out of there. He rolls his eyes. I could see him roll his eyes, even behind the mask singing. When an idiot J digesters come over. I swim over any points to the back of the stinkiest two tanks we all have one. He has an octopus, not a literal octopus, but they call it that. It's an extra regulator on the shorter hose digesters like go breathe out my regulator so I think my regulator rater out my aqualung if you will go and grab kids and I breathed in its I'm good to go now. But here's the problem wherever he goes. I gotta go and not only that my leash or my hoses really short so did you little shallow strokes like this, so he goes down amended men just cannot hovering above them and then he goes up on little sellers very humiliating latte. What I can just go do my own thing. I'm going see a by no, it's his regulator. I had to stay in sync with the instructor that so we need to do. We stay in sync with God. Number two camel to walk together, unless they be agreed in Amos 33 again can be translated unless they've made an appointment. Have you been late for an appointment. How many of you are chronically late, raise your hand seemed like people never know their laypeople.

How many of you tend to be on time or early razor yet you know this is the problem with laypeople. They don't know their laypeople.

I'm here today to call you out is how to know if your layperson you text. I'm five minutes away and you're sitting on your couch and your sweat still your layperson. Here's how to know your layperson your friends so you get there at 8:00 AM and everyone else get there at 830 because they know you'll be late.

Here's how to know if your layperson when you occasionally show up on time someone says what are you doing here now I know you of all your reasons why your late but it would, it becomes a pattern when you're always late when you become the layperson that 15 to 30 minutes late. Can I just be blunt with you.

It's kind of rude because people are waiting and especially if you're coming to eat with me. I'm not happy because I'm hungry. All right, I'm waiting, but my wife will let me eat you get there.

Okay I want you, Kathy.

Let's order an appetizer know Greg that's true. Just wait, Kathy. There 15 minutes late.

Let me just eat all you did all they won't even know was. I'll remove all Venona Greg Wade. It's rude 20 minutes.

Kathy and so hungry I'm hungry. Got Greg just wait that when you come I hate you know I don't hate you. Just be glad that I did meet you, but it is kind of rude stimulates I have a friend Bob Shank you know him many of you do. He has a saying I like it. Early is on time on time is late in late is never acceptable. You know, and sometimes will meet Bob and his wife Sherry for dinner in so punctual and also because I want to be late.

Don't relate. I hate it when I walk in the authority seated in fact, let's go early and will get there and then I'll say all your late and any still there. I would get there in our letter know this guy is so punctual. Okay, it's one thing to be late for an appointment with a friend. That's another thing to be late for Europe ointment with God. Do you have an appointment with God can two walk together, unless they have agreed, or Leslie have an appointment. God's made an appointment with you. You say I didn't see that on my calendar. What's there every day you need to make time for the Lord. For me personally I find mornings the best time and I get up.

I'll admit I have coffee first okay because I want to be in my right mind unjustly. I have coffee I do that before, and don't hold it against me. Then I will read my devotions and you don't commit the deed to the Lord in this is something that we should make time reasonable. Greg, I'm so busy and I've had things to do after update my Facebook page and I abducted my twitter page at the check Instagram that look for a pokey man. He's around here somewhere and you know on the yellow okay I know you like to do those things, I kind of like them to buy. You make time for what's important.

Don't tell me you don't have time, you need to make time know Adam used to have an appointment with God every day there in the garden.

I mean imagine this, the Lord would show up every day when the sun was setting and take a walk with this friend. I don't know God took on a human form of the Lord just spoke audibly how that work but what a great time.

That must've been one day God showed up and Adam was late for his appointment wife because out of incident and the Lord said on them or are you and I wonder if the Lord says that the sum of us some where are you. How come I don't hear from you. How come you're not reading my word how come you're not showing up at church of my people to worship me.

How come you're not praying what's going on where are you, keep your appointment with God. One last thing to walk with God is to pool your resources can two walk together, unless they pooled their resources never seen a TV show called shark tank. Entrepreneurs will try to convince successful business people to invest in their product and kind of entertaining because people come up with really weird things that they want these folks to invest their money in one guy came up with something he called a man candle know first of all let me just say ladies general in general, men don't get candles okay if you give a candle to a guy would be like oh great. What we do with this, which can be a candle. Girls like candles. I don't know why but does so this guy got time to resolve this. It's a man channel. I'm not making this up. It didn't have a fragrant scent to it.

Rather, it smelled like things men like release what he thought men like one smelled like barbecue really candle. This was a barbecue.

Another one smelled like football. What is that smell. Exactly. I guess leather another smelled like golf course, whatever that would be finally popcorn. I get that one.

By the way it was rejected. Another person came to the shark tank in Seneca I've got this birdfeeder and but to keep the squirrels away because the squirrels come and steal the birdseed problem is it was electrified and so would zap the squirrels with the promises zapped birds to so this is come get food. Stupid bird that they could find one does zapped For That One Can Only Just a Word of Explanation You Wanting to Hear This but I Miss It Actually like Cats I Bet. I Enjoy Them. I Don't Have One, but I like Them. I Mock Them Because of the Reaction I Get People They Get so Mad at Me so I Keep Mocking J and Emily Continue on with the Cat so If Your Cat Are You Can Leverage Again. I Don't Understand You. How Many Dog Lovers Do We Have a Case Understand You.

I'll Stop There. Okay so Let's but They Do Accept Some of These Ideas. These on These Folks in the Shark Take One Lady Came with Something Called the Scrub Daddy Never Heard of That. It's a Sponge with a Smiley Face That Turned Soft and Warm Water and Ferment Coal since Its Introduction, It Sold More Than $50 Million in Sales. So Here's How It Works. We Come to God with Our Broken Life We Come with to God with Our Problems and We Say Lord I Want to Go in the Business with You Really. More to the Point He Invites Us into This Relationship since It Looks Form Partnership for Some That's the Only Not the Only Analogy. This Is One Aspect I Want You to Bring All My Resources to the Table. I Want You to Bring All of Your Resources Rather Than Bring All of My It's Sort of like Going into Business with Bill Gates, We Are Equal Partners so Bill Gates Okay Says Woody and Woody Have Their All.

I Have 100 101 Pin Okay You Have a Dog.

Yes, I Do Put It on the Table One Is the House of You, That's Okay. Let Me Know What Those Are Wealthy Have Some Problems Again with Ells. Well, Not Much, but Here It Is Okay with You and Mr. Gates Billions. In Fact I Was so Much Money I May Be Worth a Billion More Than It Was an Hour Ago.

I'm Not Sure I Haven't Checked, but I Would Bring That to the Table. So Here We Are with God, We Come with Our Problems to Come with Our Weaknesses.

We Come with Our Talents Would Come of Their Abilities, We Come with Our Dreams Are Aspirations We Come with That All but Then God Comes the Table with All Power That's Given to Him in Heaven and Earth, and He Says No I Want to Change You and Transform You Want to Deal What Is It Mean to Walk with God.

It Means That I'm in Harmony with Him.

I Keep Pace with Him and It Also Means That I Go into Business with Him When the V-Neck Start Walking with God. Genesis 521 Gives the Answer. It Says Enough Walk Refusing Live 65 Years and Begot Methuselah.

It Appears That the Birth of Methuselah Brought about the Conversion of V-Neck and by the Way He Was a Late Bloomer Just Holding It Was When He Started Walking with God.

6565 Years Old so the Sun Methuselah Was Born. And Because Even Walk with God, It Was Revealed to Him That When His Son Died. The Judgment Was Going to Come Because the Name Methuselah Means When He Is Dead.

It Shall Be Set to Play with the Kid They Methuselah and Returning Mrs. Lewis. Let Me Judgments, I Don't Play with You but That's What His Name in Say, Wow, Wow, How Long Did Methuselah Live Wait for This. This Is Amazing 969 Years, so What Is That Say Says Eight People Live Longer Back There before the Point Means You Live Superlong Because God Takes No Delight in Bringing Judgment. Sometimes We Wonder Lord Why Would You Come Back to Bring Justice to This Planet. Why Haven't You Returned for Us yet. And Here's the Answer Is Found over in the Book of Peter Second Peter Three Says No in the Last Days Scoffers Will Come Walking after Their Own Desires and Saying, Where Is the Promise of His Coming for since All Things Begin. Nothing Has Really Changed. But Then God Gives the Answer. Listen One Day with God Is like a Thousand Years a Thousand Years Are like One Day God Is Not Late As Some Men Count Lateness, but He Is Long-Suffering toward Us, Not Willing That Any Should Perish but That All Should Come to Repentance, so God's Waiting by the Way God Always Keeps His Appointment Is Never Late.

Sorry. My Alarm Didn't Go for Walks Is Working.

There Was Serving of God Always Shows up on Time Is an Appointed Time That He Will Return to This Earth, but He's Waiting for More People to Come into His Kingdom on What a Great Opportunity We Have with the Crusade Only Days Away. So This Is a Man Who Walked with God and There's One More Point I Want to Bring up about Him World Changers Live Lives That Please God World Changers Which Unit Was Live Lives of Please God. Go to Hebrews 11 Verse Five Unit Had This Testimony, That He Pleased God. He Had This Testimony Listen. Every Christian Has a Testimony. What Is That That Your Reputation That's What People Say about You.

What Kind of a Guy Is He or She All Their This Are There That That Your Reputation Will Kind of a Testimony of You Have Listen.

Every Christian Has a Testimony. Some Are Good, Some Are Amazing Summer Bad, but Here Was a Testimony and He That He Had This Testimony, That He Pleased God Will Listen That Is an Awesome May That Be Said of You and Me That We Live to Please God. There Are Three People You Can Live to Please in Life You Can Live to Please Yourself.

If You Do That You're Going to Be Miserable or You Can Live to Please Others and I Will Be Very Frustrating Because You Can't Please Everyone Always Where You Can Live to Please God and That's What Unit Did He Live to Please the Lord Jesus Said I Always Do the Things That Please the Father. What a Statement I Can't Say That.

Can You. You Always Do the Things That Please the Father Is a but I Don't Know What Is It Mean to Please God, Let Me Give You Three Quick Points on What the Bible Specifically Says about Pleasing God. Three Specific Things. How Many of You Want to Please God, Raise Your Hand You Want to Please Go to Melissa and Here's What You Do Number One. One Thing That Pleases God's Will and Were Treated Unfairly.

We Hang in There like It. Watch I Just Put Two First Peter 219 Says God Is Pleased with You over the Sake of Your Conscience You Patiently Endure Unfair Treatment. Of Course You Get No Credit for Being Patient. If You're Beaten for Doing Wrong.

Listen If You Suffer for Doing Right in Our Patient beneath the Blows. God Is Pleased with You. Have You Ever Been Mistreated Have Ever Been Mis-Understood I've Ever Been on Appreciated As Anyone Ever Told a Lie about You and You Wanted to Come Back and You Wanted to Defend Yourself and Then Just All Right Listen to, Pleases God. When You Just Kinda Let It Roll off You.

Here's What DL Moody Said, and I Live by This. If I Take Care Of My Character, God Will Take Care Of My Reputation Right You Can Spend the Rest of Your Life Chasing down Everything That Everyone Says about You. Trust Me, People Say Things about Me That Are Complete Fiction and I Read and When Am I Going to Do. You Know I Mean I Can't Control the Universe. I Just Want to Make Sure, to the Best of My Ability That I Walking with God and Seeking to Honor the Lord but You Put It in God's Hands. Vengeance and Says He Will Repay Number Two. Another Thing That Pleases God's Will, We Worship and Help Others. We Worship and Help Others.

Hebrews 1315 Says, Let Us Continually Offer the Sacrifice of Praise to God. That Is the Fruit of Our Lives, Giving Thanks to His Name, but Don't Forget to Do Good and Is Share for with Such Sacrifices God Is Well. Please When You Came This Morning and Saying out Loud Lifting Your Hands up Please God.

Even If Your Outfits It's Okay with the Lord. He's Not As Concerned about Pitch like I Am. He Looks on the Heart. When People Worship and Sometimes We Don't Feel like Praising the Lord Doing We Come to Church.

We Fold Our Arms Want to Praise God I'm Cold. I Want to Praise God. I Just Had a Disagreement with My Spouse.

I Want to Praise God. The Kids Are Driving Me Crazy. I Don't Want to Praise God That I Have This Other Pub Yeah That's for You over the Sacrifice of Praise. You Don't Offer Praise to God Because You Feel Good.

You Offer Praise to God Because He Is Good. The Bible Says Give Thanks in the Lord for He Is Good and His Mercies Endure Forever. And Then When You Do Good for Other Is He Someone in the Let Me Help You Simpleton Might Be Opening the Door Holding the Door Open. Let Me Help You Delimit Can I Pray for You Is Using Trouble and We Pray for You Today. You Need Let Me Get That Meal for You.

Let Me Do This for You. You Don't Think A Lot about You Just Do It That Pleases God. God Likes It When We Do Those Things of Your Doing Those Things Are Pleasing God There, and Lastly Giving of Your Finances Is Pleasing to God.

Philippians 417, Paul Says Not That I'm Looking for a Gift I'm Looking for What May Be Credited to Your Account. I Received Full Payment and Even More. I Am Amply Supplied.

Now That I've Received from a Proper Diet Is a Gift You Gave There Are Fragrant Offering and Acceptable Sacrifice Pleasing to God. So When You Give up Your Finances to the Lord That Pleases God. And It's Interesting How Paul Says Look I Don't Want This for Me. I Wanted for You. I'm Not Looking for a Gift. I Wanted to Be Credited to Your Account What You Even Think It Means When the Bible Says Live for Yourself Treasure in Heaven. You Think It Means That You Have Stuff Waiting for You Know This Is Every Time You Give to the Lord Its Duly Noted by God, and It Will Be a Heavenly Reward When You Invest in the Lives of Others and an Give up the Resources God Is Giving You You Sharing That That Is Pleasing to God. So Here It Is. When You Lift Your Voice and Sacrificial Praise You Please God When You Are Mistreated and You Take It You Please God When You Invest Your Financial Resources in His Kingdom You Please God. Are You Living a Life That's Pleasing to God. Well, We Know That Unit Did Not Die.

He Went to Heaven. It Was Sort of like He Was Rapture. It Was like a Solo Rapture to an Amazing Thing. We'll Talk about It Next Time He Walked with God It Was Not for God Took Him Were Literally Translated Him to Have an Outlook That Could Happen to Us. I Believe Were Living in the Last Days. I Believe Jesus Christ Could Come Back at Any Time and As Far As I Can See in My Study of Bible Prophecy. I Believe the Next Event on the Prophetic Calendar Is What We Call the Rapture of the Church When All True Followers of Jesus Are Caught up to Meet Him in the Year and a Moment in the Twinkling of an Eye That Can Happen Just like It Happened Again, It Could Happen to Us or We Will Die and If the Lord Doesn't Come in Our Lifetime We Died Because As I've Said before, the Statistics on Got There Really Impressive One out Every Out Of Everyone Persons Will Die Right so the Bible Says It's Appointed and One Man Once to Die, and Then Comes the Judgment You There's No Escaping This Would Here's the Good News Unit Walk with God on Earth. Therefore, He Was Received by the Lord in Heaven When You Walk with God in Death Comes for You to Look Forward to It Necessarily but You Don't Fear It Either Because You Know You Die, You Go to Heaven to Be Absent from the Body. The Bible Says Is to Be Present with the Lord.

The Moment You Take Your Last Breath on Earth You Take Your Next Breath. In Heaven That's the Hope of the Christian You Have That Hope and If You Don't Want to Leave with It Today. Knowing Your Life Is Right with the Lord, Knowing Your Sin Is Forgiven Listened God Made This Possible by Sending His Son Jesus Christ to Die on the Cross for You. 2000 Years Ago Jesus Died in Your Place. He Died for Your Sin and If You'll Turn from Your Sin and Believe in Him, You Can Be Forgiven and Know with Certainty to Go to Heaven You Die or Get a Print out Number to Give You an Opportunity to Pray and Ask Christ to Come into Your Life. If You Have Not Done It yet and If You Wandered Away from the Lord. I Give You an Opportunity to Come Back to Him As Well. Let's All Pray Father, Thank You for Sending Jesus to Die on the Cross for Arson, Lord Jesus, Thank You for Coming and Dying and Rising Know You're Here with Us Now Standing at the Door of Our Hearts and Knocking Help Those That Don't Know You, to See Their Need for You and Help Them to Come to You. We Pray Seller Has about Your Eyes Are Closed, Praying How Many of You Would Say Today Greg Pray for Me. I Want Jesus Christ in My Life. I Want My Sin Forgiven. I Want to Know That When I Die I Will Go to Heaven.

I Want to Be Ready for His Return. Pray for Me If You Want Jesus Christ to Come into Your Life If You Want Him to Forgive You of Your Sin Wherever You Are. I Want You to Raise Your Hand up Right Now and I Want to Pray for You.

You Want Christ to Come in Your Life Forever. You Are Raise Your Hand Will Pray for Your Combustion's Razor Had a Break and See What Jesus in Your Life. God Bless Each One of You Raising Your Hand out Some of Your Watching the Screen Right Now and Obviously I Can See You but the Lord Sees You. Would You Just Raise Your Hand Is All Think I Want Jesus to His Razor. God Bless Each One of You Know, When Asked Everyone of You That Razor Can Want You to Pray This Prayer Right Where You Are after Me Again As I Pray Pray This after Me Were Ever You Are Print This Prayer Lord Jesus, I Know I Must Center but I Think You for Dying on the Cross for My Sin. I Churn from That Sin. Now That I Choose to Follow You from This Moment Forward. Thank You for Loving Me and Accepting Me and for Giving Me in Jesus Name I Pray, Amen