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SM180415/Dream On!

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie
The Cross Radio
April 18, 2018 5:27 pm

SM180415/Dream On!

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie

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April 18, 2018 5:27 pm

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Harvest messages are brought to you by harvest partners to receive free email daily devotions or to become a harvest partners, please visit us I'm sure this story with you before, but a lady was walking down the beach here in Southern California.

She saw something shiny in the sense that you reach down the brush to stand up and it was a leper.

The genie appeared two-story, so the genie says all master I will grant you one wish whatever you desire will be yours. She said one with what happened. The multiple witnesses he set out you know it's hard in the world of genies we better cut back on one wish.

Wow, that's a hard one. So she pulls out a map of the Middle East that she happened to be carrying around with her and she said here's what I want genie I want peace in the Middle East. I want these nations are always in conflict to stop fighting with each other yell that way way to violently get that one wish, to go even bigger. I want world peace, I want global peace genie, that's what I want to be world peace. The genie said, are you insane there's no way I can grant them a wish like that.

It's just too big ask for something else. He said well I've never found the right man I need a man that's considerate and fun and loves to cook and loves housecleaning of will just sit around in a chair and watch sports all day. I need a man that will smother me with affection and tell me how wonderful I am. I need to find the perfect man.

That's why Wikipedia what the perfect man. The genie said let me see that map again. Now this is actually not a joke about men. This is more about conflict in the Middle East because were having some right now are going in the United States is involved, we should Syria with our allies. England and France because Asad was using chemical weapons on his own people. Of course Russia is outrage because Russia is a close ally of both Syria and Iran, and they actually have troops on the ground. This is a fairly recent development. The involvement of Russia in the Middle East, and of course this is of great interest to us because if Russia is Magog spoken of in Ezekiel 37 and 38 then this is of the greatest importance what you we look at these things and we wonder what other ever be peace in the Middle East. The answer is yes and no.

But, unfortunately, is going to be noble for a chess.

The fact of the matter is the greatest conflicts in the world are going to happen in the future in the Middle East as a matter of fact, the battles of Armageddon, the final battles that will be fought would be fought in the Valley of Megiddo. The word Armageddon comes from the root word Armageddon the ghetto and so it's really talking about where the battle will be fought, so we know there's going to be a lot of conflict there. In the future, but ultimately there will be peace when Christ comes back and establishes his kingdom. How will this all in. That's with the book of Daniel talked about among other things.

Daniel is a powerful book that gives us overview of human history. It also gives us a penetrating look into our future as well.

And because Daniel was writing about his future, which happens to be our past. We can see how accurate he is. Because Daniel predicted the success of kingdoms that would come after him and I would 2020 hindsight we can see the profit was 100% accurate. The Bible is the one book that dares to predict the future, not once, not twice but three times. But hundreds of times perfect accuracy. So in the case of Daniel give what he predicted for his future. Now our past happened is he said it would.

Can we not trust the Bible what it says about are still distant future.

The answer is yes, we can so much we learn the book of Daniel, we follow the kingdoms of the world from the kingdom. He was in Babylon right up to the Antichrist and it's a reminder to us that God is in control of what is happening in the world today.

God is sovereign over the affairs of nations and over the leaders of nations and the one thing that really comes out clearly in the book of Daniel is the simple fact Jesus Christ is coming back again to establish his kingdom on earth.

The parallel book to the book of Daniel would be the book of Revelation. You can really understand the book of Revelation.

Without a good understanding of the book of Daniel. There's so much we learned in this book, among other things.

We learn how to identify the tactics of the devil and overcome the we also learned how angels are actively involved in the life of every believer at some of the greatest Bible stories are right here in the book of Daniel, like Daniel in the lion's den and Shadrach me shack in a Bendigo in the fiery furnace.

But, among other things. Daniel just tells us how to live a godly life in an ungodly place or the words of Larry the cable Guy how to get her done when we supposed to do light of the fact that Christ is coming back a great answer is given to us in Romans 13. Let me read it to you and this is from the expanded translation.

The Phillips translation. It says is the night is nearly over. The day is almost on. Let us therefore fling away the things that men do in the dark let out. Let us arm ourselves with a fine of the day, let us live cleanly as in the daylight, not in getting drunk or playing with sex nor in quarreling and jealousies. Let us be Christ men from head to foot and give no chances to the flesh to have its fling is not a great translation. How clear is that tells us what we should be focused on in these critical days and we have a wonderful example of that in the stories before us and Daniel wanted to in the lives of Daniel and his three buddies Shadrach me shack in the Bendigo.

As you recall, Israel was conquered by Babylon. Why because Israel kept turning to false gods and idols of the Lord warned them through the prophets and the ignored what the prophet said.

Finally judgment K so the people of Israel were taken into captivity for 70 years under the rulership of Babylon. Now the king of Babylon at that time, the great Nebuchadnezzar. As for short of the brightest best of Israel.

Some of the young man that he could bring into his court school in the way of the Babylonians and in the culture of Babylon and in the worship of the false Babylonian gods, and among those that were brought in were Daniel, Shadrach me shack in the Bendigo I believe that there were around 14 to 19 years old, very young men there were taken literally from from a very simple lifestyle that they would've lived to being in the very lab of luxury in the very palace of the king with the finest food in the world served to them each and every day the finest education the world can offer and it was Nebuchadnezzar's desire to seduce the to turn them into Babylonians to have them leave their Hebrew roots and their belief in Scripture and to think like a Babylonian but there was one thing Nebuchadnezzar did not consider that was these boys had character, though they were very young, they had character what is character DL Moody, the great evangelist defined character is quote what you are in the dark" the measure of a man's character is what he would do if you knew he would never be found out heard a story about pastor that caught a bus one Monday morning to get the fair to the driver and and then when he got back to see the notice that he had too much change and so the will of the guy giving to exchange so we went back to the driver said excuse me sir, you gave me too much change in the driver said. Actually pastor I did not give you too much change. I was in church last Sunday and I heard you talking about honesty and I was putting you to the task of forcing the pastor pass the test, but your be put to the test as well, and you don't even know it necessarily there are people that work with you that are related to you live near you that are watching you because you have identified as a Christian, your San I know I knew I shouldn't up with that one sign up for Easter right that I shouldn't have that harvest receipts to go my guard. It's a good thing you're making your senator watching you and here's what a nonbeliever is watching you for what they're hoping you do there hoping you mess up. They want to see you be a hypocrite because then they don't have to be uncomfortable with the message, you proclaim and when you live a godly life. And when you stand in your principles and you treat people with love and kindness. The tribes them and say all right, so we are all being tested more than we may even realize and that was certainly happening with Shadrach me shack in the Bendigo. Let's quickly review what we saw in our first message that will dive into the one before us number one they had purpose and conviction. They had purpose and conviction, Daniel 18, says Daniel purposed in his heart not to defile himself by eating the food and wine given to them by the king see the king.

One of them to either this table and they chose not to know we don't know exactly why the Bible doesn't tell us may be that they didn't want to be the king's food because always just awful food that sometimes comes into play giver of some and serve your horrible meal.

You don't want to eat some.

I don't think that was a recent MIB because the things that the king was offering to them were foods that were forbidden in the Mosaic law certain things, a Jewish person is not supposed to eat.

Thirdly, and this is probably the real reason and maybe because these foods are offered to pagan gods and they didn't want to do eat that food that would've been a compromise with them. Whatever it was they were making a stand in a relatively small area, but it mattered to them and consider this fact.

Nebuchadnezzar was an intimidating person. This was a cruel and wicked king that we know from Scripture that when he took Israel captive. He took the king of Israel brought his sons will forum and killed the king's sons while he watched. And then he gouged out the king's eyes so the last thing the king of Israel saw was the death of his own voice and talk about cruelty, so that's a good mother dealing with yet they make this stent in this relatively small area were not getting eat of the food from the king's table bring me to the second point from last time little compromises turn in the big problem little compromises turn in the big problems.

Tension the little things because one day become big things in a single moment in time we can make a decision that affects our entire life. Therefore, those little tests.

Matter number three this, then we make today determines us then we will take tomorrow. Let me say that again this then we take today will determine the stand. We will take tomorrow. Daniel faced many tests in life and we think of them bravely standing up for the Lord will law was passed that no one could pray and Daniel prayed anyway and we think of Shadrach me shack in the Bendigo refusing to bow down before the golden image of the king that he erected so these are big stands he took but these little things prepared them for that.

It was here that Daniel Shadrach me shack in the Bendigo took their first dance number four God will bless you when you make your stand for him.

God will bless you when you make your stand for him.

Daniel struck a deal with the man in charge of enforcing the king's well said you got eat this with pieces of putting were not getting eat this food. I'll make you a deal were getting what were getting eat and you guys he would you eat and let's do it for 10 days and and everything to be all right, that and the guy said, okay, fine.

But if you are sickly looking on the lose my head and they responded buddy.

Don't worry, you can eat vegetables, don't panic. It's organic everything is fine right now. This is not about what they were eating or not eating. This is not Daniel's new book on diet that we need all study that way. This is a principled stand that they were making on their faith in God and the convictions that they were holding but it brings up a really good point because here we have this man enforcing the king's will and he goes along with the plan of Daniel Shadrach me shack in the Bendigo reminding us that when used take a stand for the Lord on principal.

Even non-Christians are impressed they are and you know why non-Christians are impressed is because courage and conviction and principle are in such short supply these days.

Proverbs 16 seven says when a man's ways please the Lord.

He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him. So the 10 days pass and guess what, Daniel, Shadrach me shack in the Bendigo are healthy and strong. They look better than the people that have eaten all that other food from the king's table, reminding us of this single points when we make our stand for what is true God will bless us and a little with God is better than much without him know what we really miss the life.

When we as Christians choose to not get on that merry-go-round of selfishness, drinking, drugs, parting, illicit sex, etc. you know you go your way in life and I'll go my and so you sale, just live for pleasure, to do whatever I want. I got to be faithful to my spouse. I'm not going to care about my kids. I want to pursue my passions. Okay fine and the Christian says on the to be faithful to my spouse, raise my children in the way of the Lord, to do what God wants. Now let's fast forward 10 years Nelle to 10 more years. Now let's add 10 more. Let's at even 10 more and now are getting later in life. Let's see who made the right decision and I guarantee when you get to that point. If you put God first in the principles of Scripture. First, you will come out of the end and know that you made the right decision when the other person is repeating the massive consequences of their actions over and over again and you know what Daniel Gladden Klopfer that someone wants to figure credit, they started first and Daniel held his ground of the very end, we could Daniel 121 Daniel remain there until the first year of King Cyrus not understand what that means when Jenny was taken captive. He was a young boy.

Nebuchadnezzar was in charge later Belshazzar was in charge. Remember the writing on the wall will get to that later. And then along comes Cyrus in the Medo Persian forces and they overcome our Belshazzar and Daniel is still a counselor to the king, meaning that Daniel had been in the place of influence for fifty-year and no one can find a bad word to say about you know what this reminds me of Billy Graham, Billy Graham, who lived 99 years when Billy started his ministry. Pres. Truman was in office and we were wrapping up World War II.

Then along came Pres. Eisenhower and and then Pres. Kennedy, then Pres. Johnson and then Pres. Nixon and then Pres. Carter and then Pres. Reagan and Pres. Bush Senior and that on President Clinton, of course, and then Pres. Bush the younger and then all the way to Pres. Obama. Billy Graham is been in this place of influence and he has been a counselor to presidents and a pastor do our country and a man of integrity.

Billy made the world's most admired men list more than anyone in history. He was a write-down of the right place at the right time then people say who's going to take milligrams place ready for the answer. Nobody and LME expand the answer. All the people no one can be the next Billy Graham. No one can stand in the shoes of Billy Graham but you can be the next you and you can be the next person that God will use in the area. He has placed you see, our job is not to take the mantle of Billy Graham. Our job is to carry on the torch of Billy Kerry and it's a torch of the gospel. Some of us must be passed from generation to generation.

Because every generation needs to hear the gospel. Daniel was a man in his day, Billy was that man in our day. On the other men and women I might add that God will raise up the right people at the right time, the Daniel's, the Danielle's, the David's, the peters, the Paul's, the esters that Deborah was the list goes on and so that's what you need to make your stand for Christ. Now these guys did when they were kids and no other older men there still making that stand in the past the task.

Okay so that brings us to what were looking at right now that is that the king has a dream and it's a doozy of a dream. I I don't know if it's because he had too much pizza the night before. Probably not. I don't think they have pizza back in those days, but Tom, I have pizza before I went to bed. Not long ago and I am like a Technicolor dream ticket was in a movie right that's the power of pepperoni right there and you know that the king had a dream this was not one influence my food.

This is a dream that was actually influenced by God himself, the Lord came to the king, a dream that was effectively a flyover of human history. So the king wakes up in the weird thing is he knows he had a very significant dream, but he can't remember it.

So he calls together all these people that are supposed to have the answers.

The so-called wisemen astrologers, astronomers, all those people that were supposed to hear from the God choices bring a man bring in the palm readers clairvoyance. The mediums bring their crystal balls. There Tara cards or Ouija boards to bring the Jumanji game. I don't care figure this thing out for me. Tell me my dream, he says, I'll make you guys a deal if you tell me my dream. I'll shower you with riches and honor. If you don't tell me my dream. I'll tear you limb from limb and burn your house down. How does outsell on their same old way way: king we can tell you your dream Telus the dreamer will interpret the girls know if you're legit you'll know the dream and the interpretation that's really picked up Daniel to bursae.

The king replied I know what you're doing your stalling for time because you know I'm serious when I say if you don't tell me the dream, you're doomed. So you conspired to tell me lies open all change my mind tell me the dream of all know that you can tell me what it means another make a true statement. Verse 11. The king's demand is impossible. No one except the gods can tell you your dream and they do not live here among people is very true but actually though the gods didn't have the answer. God had the answer and God had his men on earth, and his name was Daniel and the Lord had among direct dial to get his pushes name and Daniel would answer the phone and he spoke to Daniel. Daniel was a man on earth.

What connections and haven't just what you're a man you're a woman honor that has the same, your prayers are heard by God. So the king's henchmen.

Areata storms in the Daniel's house to kill him.

Daniel and the boys are saying way we hold out what you were killing all the wise men because they can't tell the King's dream as a whole and give us a little time that brings us to Daniel chapter 2 verse 17 genuine home and told his friend sound and I am Michelle and Azariah, by the way those of the original Hebrew names of Shadrach me shack in the Bendigo told him what happened he urged them to ask the God of heaven, to show them his mercy by telling them the secret so they would not be executed along with the other wise men of Babylon that night. The secret was revealed to Daniel in a vision very important.

No stop there.

Daniel did exactly what God told us all to do when trouble comes, pray, how many of you are facing trouble or difficulty right now. Razor. Soaking up your breasts right is what you need to do, pray. Tom Sutter know what to do. I don't know the answer.

I'm having problems with my husband problems with my wife problems with my kids problems at work problems with the cat. Always the cat you know whatever joking but his cats are always a problem that you will always have problems with them. But still, I digress. I just like to keep the People heeding me because of my letter wrestling the stop and then I bring it up again and think they hate me some more, actually like cats. I just like to provoke People and think it's really what it is.

Cats don't care what I say they care very little.

I'm very popular in the Community and they have a community I saw. Trust me, that was not in the notes or write that system, so they pray.

That's what we should do what it Esther do when there was edict out to eradicate the Jewish people from the face of the earth to effectively pray she said to Mordechai Runkle get everyone together telling the fast and the pray for me. The Lord answered their prayer and the Jewish people were spared.

One of the early church do when James was arrested and then executed, and then on the heels of that Peter was arrested. We read in acts 12 constant prayer was offered to God for him by the church, they pray, what happened, Peter was released from the prison, and here we see Daniel Shadrach me shack in the Bendigo, praying together and what happens. The Lord reveals to them the dream of Nebuchadnezzar. He reveals to them the secret and its interpretation. Psalm 2514 says the secret of the Lord is with them that fear will like secret try. I need to be sitting in a restaurant you know in your tables right next to somebody else and they're having a conversation and you can hear it but you know you're looking you drop until they say this, let me tell you a secret. I will send what was I don't know you but which secret secrets my grandkids were smaller there smarter now, but I would see that we can go to this restaurant. The regular way we can go this secret way want to go this that already. We want to go this. Either way, Bob and I just take him in the side door thought it was really special like an adventure right we love secrets. Here's the interesting thing that we ought to consider a believer has a better handle on what is happening in the world. The sum of the so-called experts. The geopolitical experts. The military experts and why do we have greater insight than some of that because we believe what the Bible says we know what's going to happen this secret of the Lord was with those that fear him.

Jesus said to the father. Matthew 11 oh father, thank you for hiding these things from those who think themselves wise and clever in revealing them to the child like so now Daniel is appearing before King Nebuchadnezzar and he wants to make it very clear to the king that this interpretation he's about to reveal is come from the Lord.

Look at Daniel two verse 27 Daniel said there are no wise men and enchanters, magicians or fortunetellers who can reveal the king secret, but there is a God of heaven who reveals secrets and he is shown King Nebuchadnezzar what will happen in the future I'll tell you your dream and the visions you saw as you lay on your bed while your Majesty was sleeping.

You dreamed about coming events. He reveals secrets is shown you what is going to happen and it's not because I'm wiser than anyone else that I know the secret of your dream, it's because God wants you to understand what was in your heart, a love that what is Daniel doing is giving God the glory.

Make sure you do that to you do a job. Old Weldon jobber something happens and some of his many are just the most caring person.

You're such a compassionate person. I love the thing that you did, or you know what the Lord help me do it.

You're so successful in business. Lord help me do it.

Your great ministry.

Well, that's the Lord, through thank you for that nice complement but I have to give the glory to God. Always make sure you give the glory to God. And Daniel had a good biblical template to follow. Here in the temple was a story of Joseph in the book of Genesis, a very similar story. Remember Joseph to have the ability to interpret dreams, he was thrown in prison on false charges. And while he was imprisoned.

It became known to him that the Pharaoh had a dream that no one could interpret. But Joseph could interpret dreams so he was brought before the Pharaoh and he told him what his three men in the Pharaoh put them in a position of influence. As a result very similar.

Which brings up a very simple point and that is the Bible tells us how to live in life. This is why you need to know your Bible. This is why we study the stories of the Bible and the teachings of the Bible. This is why we memorize passages from the Bible so you start learning how to think biblically, to tell you something, the best way to know the will of God is to know the word of God, and I think some people are running around trying to get a direct revelation from God. They want the Lord to give them a word from heaven ordered the cheeseburger. My child do this, turn right turn left. Let me tell you something. Most of the time when I found myself smack dab in the middle of the will of God is not because I heard a word from the Lord.

It's because I was just living by the word of the Lord. Just apply biblical principles, so situation comes up and I did wake there's a story in the Bible I just read that was had a very similar situation and nominal apply that here. All I just thought of this person. I memorized that totally applies to this thing and then you apply those verses and live biblically and you'll find your walking in God's will. That is what really done. He was doing. Oh yeah, Joseph. The Lord gave him the interpretation nominally give the interpretation of the king, to give God the glory. So here's what the king saw he saw a giant statue and other statuette ahead of goal and it had chest and arms of silver that a belly and thigh made out of bronze and legs of iron and feet of clay and iron mixed together, and then a rock that was carved out of a mountain, smash the toes. How do you interpret a dream like that God came to Nebuchadnezzar a flyover of the great kingdoms of the world. Daniel interprets his foreman will get into this later we get deeper into Daniel but verses 37 to 38. The head of gold was a representation of Babylon and the Babylonian kingdom and Nebuchadnezzar. Babylon lasted from 636 to 539 BC Jeremiah called Babylon a golden cup in the Lord's hand. So Babylon was ahead of goal and notice how is this the metals go down, they become less valuable.

Gold is the most viable.

Now we find it hasn't chest and arms of silver, a lesser nation, then Babylon, the Medo Persians under the leadership of Cyrus conquer the Babylonians and that kingdom lasted from 539 to 330 BC. Then there are the belly, the belly of the thighs of brass up versus 39 to 40 that represents the kingdom of Greece, led by Alexander the great who conquered the Medo Persians kingdom of Greece lasted from 330 to 63 BC and now here's what really gets interesting. The legs of iron and feet of clay. That's the Roman empire that lasted a long time from 63 BC to A.D. 470 but then the and has the toes 10 toes feet of clay told your brothers present.

He has feet of clay, meaning there vulnerable their human. That's with that expression came from feet of clay toes of clay that are crushed by a giant rock your drop something on your toes amount of hurts rock cut out of the mountain tops on the toes. They shatter what is this there's a revival of sorts of the Roman Empire. In the end times in a world leader emerges on the scene with 10 nations confederated behind him. He's identified in the Bible is the Antichrist, the beast, and then his kingdom is destroyed by a rock. What is the rock the interpretation. Daniel chapter 244 during the reigns of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom will never be destroyed or conquered across all these kingdoms and the nothingness it will stand forever. This is the meaning of the rock cut from the mountain, though not by human hands that crushed to pieces.

The statue of iron, bronze, clay, silver and gold. It's a great God showing the king what will happen in the future. Dream is true and the meaning is certain. What is a Rockets Christ returning and shattering these false kingdoms in establishing his kingdom on the earth will he rules as King of Kings and Lord of lords. So let's wrap this up one of the take away truths. One of the take away truth that we learn together.

Number one, we win in the yeah we win in the yeah that's the read the last page of the Bible, you'll see Lord will establish his kingdom number two when crisis hits we need to pray, Daniel, Shadrach me shack and Abednego did never back down. Never give up. Number three. We need to hold our course to the very end.

Daniel did. You'll be glad you did not give into the enticements of this culture maybe six months maybe a year before he went to heaven. I was having lunch with Pastor Chuck Smith. Chuck was a man of few words. By the way, I mean in the pulpit. He would give messages but when you hung out with Chuck privately, which I did many many times he was on the most verbose person he would give rather than the short answers and does so I was sitting with him and I said so Chuck have a question for you. If an older Chuck could speak to a younger Chuck, what would you say to yourself, what is the message you would pass on to a younger version of you in between bites of whatever he was eating. Chuck looked up to me and said hold the course went back to eating again. My hope of course what is that mean he just looks at me.

I said like I keep doing what you're doing right oh Kila keep reading the Bible yet so just keep praying just to walk with the Lord right hold the course goes back to eating. It's just like you probably think goal way I want the lunch but really he was given a really important point over the course Chuck did that throughout his life. Daniel did that throughout his life, and we need to do that throughout our lives.

Hold the course final point, we should be people of character and purpose that's what were told about Daniel verse one Tuesday. Verse eight of chapter 1 he made up his mind not to defile himself, or literally, he purposed in his heart.

I love that phrase purposed in his heart dear to be a Daniel there to stand alone there to have a purpose for dinner to make it known, will you be a Daniel, are you a person a purpose. Paul wrote to Timothy and said, you will fully known my purpose and what was up purpose. Paul says in Philippians my determined purpose in life is to know him and the power of his resurrection, being made conformable to his death loose paraphrase my purpose.

My reason for existence is to know God and to become more like Christ. That's our mission statement here.


Knowing God and making him know what is your purpose. Everybody has one is your purpose knowing God is your purpose becoming more like Christ. Some people might say will might determine purpose in life is to have fun fun. All I want to do is have some fun. I've got the feeling I'm not the only one right, whatever Joe Kroll or Rick my my my purpose in life is to enjoy pleasure. My purpose in life is to make money for my purpose in life is to be successful. Listen, you should not be seeking pleasure, but purpose don't be seeking success, seek significance be a matter purpose be a woman, a purpose and I'm telling you all these things you cheese after the things that matter will come back to you and the things you don't need wall you will pleasure you will find in the things this culture offers but if you walk with God. You will have.

Yes, more fun than the nonbeliever because you have a deeper joy and a real happiness. That's guilt free. You don't have to wake up with a hangover in the morning.

You don't have to live with a guilty conscience. You don't have to face the ramifications of all the bad decisions you made that come to haunt you for years to come and study all of the blessings of God follow you as the Psalm 23 says, surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. That's the Christian life. That's a life we want to live no him that some people know about and all about God.

We know all about a lot of people right now because of social media so I followed them and Instagram. I know what they had for lunch. Yeah but you don't really know them or do I do actually you don't okay. I think a lot of people know about God, but they don't know God, you know, sometimes we will call the church office will call my secretary and say I need to talk with Greg. I'm one of his best friend, social text me and say is this person your best friend all say backer rule of thumb if they see your my best friend you can almost guarantee they aren't and I'll tell you wife if there my best friend. They have my phone number right there. My phone number so if you don't know my phone number.

I don't like it known. Lotta people of my phone number but they have a way to contact me. You don't have to go through some of those who come right to me.

So I think we still I know I know God, you live, you know God, you have his phone number above that I need you of relationship you have communication you getting your phone number.

There is an answer. God will answer because of the death of Jesus when we come back to this thing. These so-called wise men said they had one thing right. They said King. No one can answer this, even of the gods came and walked among those well the gods never can walk among us. But the son of God did walk among us God in human form. And that's Jesus Christ, fully God and fully man living a perfect life going to a cross and dying for our sin, so we could be forgiven and come into a relationship with the Lord Jesus who died on the cross for our sin and rose again from the dead, Jesus who is ready to forgive you of your sin. No matter how horrible it is.

He stands at the door of your life in the Knox and he says if you hear his voice and open the door he will come in, have you asked Jesus to come in your life.

Yet if not wanted to do it right here right now. Let's all bow our heads father, thank you for your word to us. Thank you that your word is true.

Thank you for your promise of forgiveness through Jesus and I pray for any that have joined us here that don't have this relationship with you, how Lord help them to come to you. Help them to believe in you right now are heads of God were praying.

How many of you would say today. Greg pray for me. I want Jesus to come in the my life. I want him to forgive me of my sin. I want to know the when I die I will go to heaven. I need a second chance in life.

I've messed up. I need God in my life. Pray for me affect your desire. If you want God to forgive you of your sin if you want to go to heaven when you die you want this relationship with Jesus and not just know about him, but you want to know him would you raise your hand up right now and I would love to pray for you, bless you Frederick and the pyrite can see it published you and you and you wherever you are.

Raise your hand above. Pray for you today – you publish, you God bless all of you that are raising your candid and you guys are watching the screen right now, wherever you are, whatever location your rat. Just take a little step of faith and raise your hand saying yes I need Jesus right now. Pray for me.

When we pray for you today is raise your hand you that a brazier can just pray this simple prayer after me just pray this prayer you said pray Lord Jesus, I know I'm a sinner but I know the truth. The Savior who died on the cross for my sin.

I turn from my sin. Now that I choose to follow you from this moment forward in Jesus name I pray. Amen. God bless you that pray that prayer