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SM180429/Staying Cool When Things Get Hot

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie
The Cross Radio
May 9, 2018 8:15 pm

SM180429/Staying Cool When Things Get Hot

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie

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May 9, 2018 8:15 pm

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Harvest messages are brought to you by harvest partners to receive free email daily devotions or to become a harvest partner, please visit us was a little boy I was a little bit of a junior pyromaniac did note a pyromaniac is someone who plays with fire, not a good idea. I like to set things on fire, especially army men, you know those little green army men you get up onto the little bag in the various shapes you know someone laying on the ground with the rifle some work down on one knee holding the rifle.

I think there was one guy with binoculars right and then there was one guy that had his hand out like this holding the pistol and so I would like them on fire and I always like to use this guide because his hand was a perfect fuse right so I would set it on fire. The sandwiches can strip melting like this and he was just going to go like this and then he would go into a little green burning, one time I was like the Army men on fire at home alone and God might leave a movie right and and then the newspaper I place the Army men on, fired never burn army men on newspaper in southern newspapers on fire and I threw them into the wastebasket made out of like bamboo and then it caught on fire. 14 is able to get it under control. What is it with my grandparents. We had a blast kind of furnace. One of those floor furnaces and I love to take my army men to put them on the greats of the furnace and watch the note in the drop down. You can always tell.

Could you can smell burning plastic over our floor furnace was a painting of Jesus. A familiar one on these not really looking at you. He sort of looking away.

And so here is the burning furnace and here's Jesus sort of looking away, probably rolling this visor be good at what I'm doing as a little boy will I bring that up because I want to talk about a furnace and I want to talk about Jesus, but the furnace I want to talk about was not my grandparents house. It was in Babylon and it was very hot and it was set up by King Nebuchadnezzar, or anyone who would not bow before the image he erected, and Jesus was there not looking away with indifference but fully engage because it's a story of Shadrach me shack in a Bendigo in the burning fire and I bring this up because some of you might be going to a fiery trial right now just in the Bible uses that phrase fiery trial, there's trials, and then there's fiery trials a little bit worse.

First Peter 412 says dear friends, don't be surprised at the fiery trial you're going through, as if something strange were happening to you. Be happy if you're insulted for being a Christian within the glorious spirit of God will come upon you.

God allows different kinds of trials and testings to come to the life of the Christian you might want to write this down for several attempts to to destroy your faith.

Again, the devil tempts you to destroy your faith.

In contrast, God test you to develop your faith so the devil will tempt you to destroy your faith God will test you to develop your faith. But remember of faith that cannot be tested is a faith that cannot be trusted to bring that up because sometimes people have something bad happen in life and it might be a tragedy. It might be their parents divorced or loved one died or or they were fired from a job, they got very sick or something happened in a might be a pretty big deal though, so you know what, I lost my faith through that. I just lost my faith will you know what we could get rid of that faith because of faith that cannot be tested is a faith that cannot be trusted.

Real faith in a real God will not grow weaker through difficulty. It will only get stronger. Using that's the kind of faith we all need as Christians because fiery trials will come our way and in the case of Shadrach, the check in the Bendigo that was not metaphorical that was literal, there's going to be times in our lives where our faith will be tested. People are going to challenge what we believe will be temptations to do the wrong thing and we might wonder what well if that happens, will I have the strength to stand spiritually when that day comes and here's my answer.

That's entirely up to you likely know that something got no actually, that's up to you not know this God will give you more than God won't give you more than you can handle it will put you in a situation where there's not you there a way out or away through.

Having said that, will you stand on that day. That's up to you and that comes down the choices that you make.

See, here's a story Shadrach me shack in the Bendigo wouldn't gobble for a golden image. But you see, they laid the foundation, they have that strength in their life much earlier.

When you remember they were taken into captivity by the Babylonian and they were hand chosen to be in the palace of the king and serve as counselors and that they did a good job they would get promoted in one of the first test was what they said that the king's table and eat all the awesome food. Babylon was on that table and yet we read Shadrach me shack a Bendigo in their buddy Daniel would not eat of the fruit of the king's table. We don't know why. Maybe it's because if it was just bad. There is that.

But I doubt it. Maybe it's because the food was unclean under Mosaic law. More likely the food was offered to idols, and they didn't want to eat food that was dedicated to false gods.

Whatever the case, and meet a principled stand and of course you remember that they said the guy in charge of the king's food they were going to just eat vegetables what you guys eat all that fine food and double be just fine that the annual seating of please don't get sick, lose my head okay will they came through the test very well and actually there were stronger then everybody would be needing that the king's table, reminding us in whatever we give up for Christ will be more than made up for later so they were exalted they were elevated they were promoted. One night Nebuchadnezzar has a crazy dream. Probably too much pepperoni on his pizza. By the way, I put that theory to the test.

It's true either pizza pizza with pepperoni and I have the craziest dreams ever. But I don't think these were pepperoni dreams.

This was a dream given to him by God and in this training. He saw this great image and he didn't understand the event so he called in all of his soothsayers and clairvoyants with astrologers and palm readers and all the rest of the guys you dabbled in all this wickedness some black magic. If you want to call it that said okay you guys if you're worth anything.

Tell me what I just read and tell me what it means is that all you tell us what you drop them will interpret it all. We are right in other words, you just make up something if you're worth anything, you'll know the dream and the interpretation. So what is it so we there's no way you could know this overly you're all dead unhappy all put to death.

So now they're all there to be executed and so they show up at the house of Daniel she Shadrach me shack in the Bendigo save the Kings really ticked off. It all of you advisors are all gonna die Daniels is why what is happening. Well, he had this dream and he does know the dream means all to me sometime when we pray about it, so Daniel praise and the Lord reveals to him the dream of the king and the interpretation he shows up in front of the king says here's what you dread, you saw giant image and it had a head that was made out of gold and it had also arms of silver belly and thighs of brass legs, a barn fee to play in a rock came out about of out of amount encrusted toes that your dream yes it will to. Here's the interpretation Daniel went on to explain and then the king said in response to Daniel 247 your God is the God of gods in the Lord's overall king sees a revealer of mysteries for you been able to reveal the secret so after this. You would've thought that Nebuchadnezzar would've believed in the Lord, not in your life apparently knew about God, but he didn't know God and as chapter 3 opens around 16 to 20 years have passed and the king is erected a 90 foot statue of himself covered in gold 90 feet give the ceiling of this building is around 30 feet multiply 3×90 feet.

You could see it from miles away. This gleaming gold statue of the king. He further missed the point of the whole image which was to show that one day his kingdom would be overthrown with a Meetup urgent. They would be overthrown by the Greeks, etc. all he's heard was that a goal that have a whole statue of gold make the statue of me right. It was the ultimate Sophie era was then he said okay and I want everybody to fall down and worship this image was the number one showing Babylonian TV. It was called Babylonian idol.

There were three judges and you would sing is no wrong showed up with it was similar to American Idol in as far as music was involved with the been cranked up the idle theme song unibrow are you going to be that. And so here now are all these people gathered before this image and some commentators think there were as many as 300,000 people there think about 300,000 people in front of a 90 foot gold statue, gleaming in the sun and there were probably many Jews there because they were taken into Babylon and apparently they out so this then strikes out strikes up a song. Everyone's bowing before the Madison gold statue and standing out like three sore thumbs.

Shadrach me shack in the Bendigo their teenagers. The black leather motorcycle jackets on sunglasses and in their pockets. I know I made a part of it. You get the idea. They stood out they were two rebels in the best sense of that phrase. There was no way they were going to bow. Now here's the funny thing funny but something really. There were rounded up for the king's advisors don't you hate people that write you out tattletale Shinto snitches and the irony is after Daniel correctly interpreted the king's dream. He said spare the lives of these other counselors because they said all products Killa 11 live.

These are the very guys around about king can make me kick in the been doing it now lien by the way women were Daniel was. He does not appear in chapter 3, and he was away on a trip of some kind so he is not in this narrative, so the rounded out the kinks as well.

Well, I know these kids how to give him another chance bring them in to see me picks up our story. Daniel three starting verse 14. I'm reading from the new living translation. Nebuchadnezzar said to them soon Shadrach please check in the Bendigo that you refuse to serve my gods are worship the gold statue. I've set up.

I'll give you one more chance and if you bow down to worship the statue I've made when you hear the sound of the musical instruments all will be well. But if you refuse you will be thrown immediately into the blazing furnace notice now how Nebuchadnezzar effectively chooses off God.

He challenges God do a fight. He says what God will yield a rescue you from my power then verse 16 Shadrach me shack in the Bendigo replied all Nebuchadnezzar. We do not need to defend ourselves before you overthrown and the blazing furnace. The God whom we serve is able to save us still rescue us from your power, your Majesty, but even if he doesn't, your Majesty can be sure we will never serve your gods are worship the gold statue you set up. It's never a good idea to challenge God do a fight you know why you're going to lose. Sometimes he will say I've been wrestling with God in prayer, wrestling with wrestling really. I hope you're losing because God's ideas are better than your idea Jacob wrestled with God and lost. That's a good thing.

He went from fighting to trusting from resisting to resting some that were fighting with God I'm mad at God really well number one you're kind of an idiot. Number two how dare you say you're mad I got. Who were you to see your mad at God. You can see I don't understand God I don't like the situation I'm in right now. I wish it were different, but don't say I'm mad at God chose a thing that is one form got by God say to the one who made him or her. Why did you make me this way the Bible asked no don't be mad at God trust God and Nebuchadnezzar was sent, I'm Nebuchadnezzar, man.

I will Babylon, one of the most powerful kingdom on the face appeared. I've got a gold statue to prove you things and get a change in one chapter, as we'll see in her next message from Daniel is Nebuchadnezzar is laid low want you to notice how many times the word worship is used in the narrative. How many times Shadrach the second, the Bendigo were told to worship.

It was worship. It wasn't just the mere act. It was actual worship before an image and there's no way Shadrach me shack in the Bendigo organa worship the golden image. They wouldn't even eat food at the king's table offered to idols, you think they're going to bow down before a false God away. By the way, the Scripture told him clearly that they were never to do that, they were never to have any other gods before him, but this reminds us of something that's very important. The reason they wouldn't bow down was because they knew that you'll end up serving what you worship will end up serving what you worship. Remember when Satan showed Jesus all the kingdoms of the world in the moment of time in the temptation in the wilderness the devil said, all of these kingdoms are mine, and I can give them to whomever I wish. And all will be yours if you will just worship me. What is Jesus saying that also worship the Lord God in him only show you serve right – assuming about service.

He said worship nova Jesus understood, you'll end up serving what you worship. Listen everybody worships everybody worships Republicans worship Democrats worship human libertarians worship atheists worship agnostics worship Christians worship. My point is, everybody worships. I did not say we all worship God, but will worship something we all bow before some kind of God, whatever you babble for will end up being the God that you serve. Be careful because one moment at the altar of sexual promiscuity can lead to a lifetime of regret it would just to one time will never do it against one time and then that one time leads to a venereal disease and STD and unwanted pregnancy will just terminate the pregnancy is terminated with also called murdering an unborn child, hope you don't do that okay will will carry the child a terminal with the child up for adoption good. That's a good decision. Under the circumstances, but the point is one decision can lead to a lifetime of regret and then you start living in the world of chasing after all the sexual things up today and pretty soon you're not satisfied with what you're doing. Let's explore this new thing. Let's try this other thing. What else can we deal with all the pornography and junk out there that promote this kind of agenda people get themselves and all kinds of trouble.

It started with one thing and it turned into another religion. The films that won all the awards this year.

It's amazing that the film of the year is the shape of water. My neck and asked him many of you saw that, I hope you didn't see it but unfortunately I did on an airplane because you know movies are free right so I'm in all of this is the film of the euro watches for a while.

So basically the shape of water and it's edited for airplanes. Okay so I guess it's a little bit better but still it was pretty shocking to me. Basically, the premise of the film is there is a young lady named Elsa cannot speak. She worked as a cleaner in a secretive government research facility so they may have this creature, they found that it sort of looks like the creature from the Black Lagoon a little bit. He's sort of like our merman okay like I see creature like a male version of a mermaid anyway so they decide they're going to kill this creature, so Elsa really has a connection with it and so she kidnaps the creature takes the creature home and keep similar backup and then she has sex with him. How silly put it delicately coming are you serious you're really going to this place. I'm watching this I can't believe this. This was the film of the year right meanwhile a film that nobody knew anything about in Hollywood, I can only imagine CrossFit at the box office. In fact, I can only imagine, which is a faith story about the transformation of a man played by Dennis Quaid, the father of Bart Millard who becomes a believer of this movie beat all of the other Academy award films beat them altogether. All of them together didn't have as much in ticket sales. In fact, I can only imagine beat at the dinner box office in the last five Oscar nominated films so that you show Hollywood's head that you know we will get a finger system put out all this is so wonderful. The critics love of fantastic amazing.

I think it's weird and sinful. So weird. Even watching the dumb thing a lifetime of service comes from a moment of worship, careful with altar bow down to a moment at the altar of drugs can lead to a lifetime of addiction and for many it starts with marijuana. I think we should legalize marijuana very good for the economy has medicinal purposes always had is that what it's all about medicinal purposes. Maybe there are some situations where it could be of help to certain people but by and large, this is open the floodgates up to people having access to pot like never before. But I can tell you from personal experience as a stupid pot smoking kid for about three years of my life is going to lead to things that are far worse. You don't want to go down that road, but it started so it's okay. It's innocent or a lifetime or a moment at the altar of drinking lots of little drinks molding for drinks will be displayed using 2K a little bit more little bit more little bit more way I wake up one day. How did I become an alcoholic. One of this up and see my point is, it starts small, and it always gets big so draw the line right now and say I'm in a make a stand in the small things then I'll have the strength to make the stand in the big things that will come later. That's what Shadrach me shack in the Bendigo they took their stand for what was right and here's how they probably reason they figured better to burn on earth and going to heaven, then to Bell on earth and burn in hell. Let me say that again.

Better to burn on earth and going to heaven, then to Bell on earth and burn in hell or the King's or have soft spot for okay because I'm to give me another chance. You know, I know you reconsider them on to spout down like you guys like Avenue around the palace to crank up the theme song is get down in your needs and everybody else serving to be great. Here's a response. Daniel 317 overthrown under the blazing furnace. He will rescue us from your power, your majesty, but even if he doesn't, you can be sure will never serve your God. You know he's really ticked off.

Look at what happens. Daniel 319. Nebuchadnezzar was so furious with Shadrach me shack in the Bendigo. His face became distorted with Ray see that happen.

Just we get some initial mother to. I was Nebuchadnezzar. How dare you define me, the most powerful man on earth he commanded the furnace we heated seven times hotter than usual, and he ordered some of the strongest men of his army to bind Shadrach me shack in the Bendigo the limit of the blazing furnace so they tied them up the room and the furnace fully clothed, because the king and his anger and demanded such a hot fire in the furnace.

The flames leapt out and killed the soldiers as he threw the three men in so Shadrach me shack in the Bendigo securely tied down under the roaring flames then suddenly as he was watching Nebuchadnezzar jumped up in amazement and exclaimed there was advisors didn't we tie up three men and throw them into the furnace is your majesty, that's what we did look Nebuchadnezzar, I see four men unbound walking around on the fire they arty been hurt by the flames and the fourth is like the son of God while I love the passage so what's going on will and fairness. This phrase, the son of God could also be translated son of the God's. I don't know the Nebuchadnezzar thought this was Jesus or had any concept of Jesus, but I think that he just knew over that dude was. He was powerful and he didn't want to mess with them but they were in this large furnace walking around like it's a stroll in the park and there's not three verse four.

I believe it was Christ himself, walking with Shadrach me shack in the Bendigo in the fiery furnace, and he might've even brought some sunscreen I don't know… I told the story to my grandkids the other night and they said, but Papa Jesus isn't in the Old Testament. He was born again. He's in the New Testament, which is a pretty good insight for little kids right is in you guys are actually right.

But don't forget Jesus is always existed. He's part of the Trinity and he pops up in the Old Testament to and when he does, we call it a Christ often and I believe this is a Christ. Often the word Jesus makes an appearance. Walking with them and you know what when you're going to your fiery trial is with you as well. Jesus said low. I am with you, even to the end of the eight and Jesus said in Hebrews 13. I will never know never know.

Never leave you or forsake me overstate you back to my pyromania. Unlike my situation where I put my army men of my grandparents floor furnace. Jesus is not looking away is watching you. He's engage with you is helping you and he is there with you in fact were told in James one I told you the turn there as well.

James one from a modern translation says all kinds of trials and temptations trodden here lies my brothers don't treat them as intruders but Fred realize they come to test your faith and to producing you a quality of endurance and let the process go process go on until you are fully developed and find that you become men of mature character men and women of integrity with no weak spots staying cool when things get hot.

How do we do that, let's just address one simple question is would bring this to a close.

Why does God allow trials what is going to have us go through hardships. Here's a simple answer. God allows trials in our lives, so we will grow up spiritually by going to the gym you go to the gym to work out. You effectively break down muscle to build up muscle. One problem people have sometimes as they try to do too much weight too many reps and they get themselves in trouble. You need to build up to and be careful. And then as you get stronger you can handle more way you can handle more reps, etc. but that is how you get stronger and I go to the gym. I don't go that often. I don't like to go to the gym.

I'm always happy when I leave. Leave it I'm I like to be done with it. I don't understand people to just had a good workout like what good work. I just like a guy endurance. I put up with it because in my case.

As you get older it's about maintaining mobility. Now you see is just doing wages, mobility get up from C2 don't see the move bend over things like that. Sometimes people is getting older single soul to theirs that I know I've just defended a bunch of people, but just remember what I have one finger pointing out. I have three pointing back at me like you can't stop the aging process. But you have something to say about the shape herein. It's on the same way.

Spiritually will sell it so hard to be a Christian. I don't have any strength or maybe you need a good workout and you know what you did to get that worked out really candid and fiery trials in difficult situations. Trials are like God gym will be broken down in order to be built-up. You need to go through them. It'll make you stronger. As a result, trials produce something easy times will not produce and that is spiritual toughness. James 13 says, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience, patience is an unfortunate translation. I would say comes from a Greek word that means toughness all rolling torrents or perseverance.

So the way you get stronger is by going through difficult situations that bolster and build up your faith and if you don't go through these times your faith is going to remain weak and ineffective.

You want to grow spiritually, you have to get through these things, so don't run from them, as we already read that one translation don't treat these things as in shooters, but as Brent so you might pray Lord use me for your glory just blessed me today in the truck up your sinks usually Lord must be probable or connection. I prayed for a blessing and a trial came I didn't know for a trial asked for a blessing that you know the trials can be blessings in disguise because they're preparing you you want to be that blessing you must be prepared to be whipped into shape by God himself. That's why teams just count it all joy when you fall into various trials and that can be translated multicolored trials. Each one is a little different than the one that preceded it.

So look there going to come. There's no getting around these things. You will be tested.

The question is will you pass or fail, Shadrach me shack in the Bendigo pass the test with flying colors. The king had to back up and change his tune. How do they do it.

They didn't. By making this Dan earlier in life.

When the foundation of life is laid, and then they were able to make the stand.

Later in life when they were more set in their ways. Listen wrong to be pressured to bow before some kind of idol in our life.

John reminds us in his epistle, little children, keep yourself from idols and I lose anyone or anything that takes the place of God is a 90 foot golden image qualify absolutely does a supercool car that you're obsessive qualified possibly does your cell phone that you can go 2 inches without qualified baby in a relationship he and I could be, especially if it was more important in your relationship with God. Could a career being idle. I think it could be where if you're so obsessed with being successful that it brings problems in your spiritual life is nothing more important than God himself.

Lots of things can become idols.

Lots of things can take the place of God in our life. So let's be careful to not bow before any of them because all of us will have our faith. Our faith tested.

Some of you are having it tested right now some situation you recently gone through and and it was hard for you to stand up and say I'm a Christian. I believe this but do that thing.

And as you stand up for him. He will stand up for you. It'll be worth it. You'll see this coming world leader one day that will be very similar to Nebuchadnezzar he to correct an image and he too will demand worship. The Bible calls on the antichrist, the beast initially will emerge on the scene is a man of peace, with solutions to all the conflicts that we see around the planet today but then he'll reveal his true colors because one of the things antichrist will do as he will rebuild the temple, there will be 1/3 temple for the Jewish people in the Israel and in the temple. You will read correct. An image of himself and command everyone to worship and Jesus in Matthew 24 called this the abomination of desolation. He says when you see the abomination of desolation and then he says let the reader understand that's interesting because some people say we can understand Bible prophecy. It's much too complex really will. Jesus said, let the reader understand I told you the word revelation means unveiling it is God's desire not to conceal but to reveal to uncover to make it clear. In fact, in Daniel chapter 12. Remember we read earlier that some of these truths are going to be revealed to believers living in the last days.

I believe were in the last days and I believe in antichrist is coming, it's possible this man is alive on earth.

Even today, but there are is already the spirit of antichrist out there. I don't mean little antichrist. I mean anti-Christ, the prefix anti-can also be translated instead of Christ. There's a mentality of things that are offered to us instead of Christ or sometimes in opposition to Christ.

So we have a choice in life. Antichrist were Jesus Christ hell or have that's our choice that we make in life because one day this man will come on the scene is going to be a bad time and it will be during the tribulation. That is coming upon the earth, but we have a promise that for all true believers. Jesus will come and catch us to be with him in heaven before any of this even begins. And I believe I'm the go are you coming with me heard about a preacher that was talking to this church and he said how many of you wanted going to have a how many of you want to die and go to heaven one day everybody raise her hand of a little boy wasn't raising his hand up the preacher said son don't you want to die and go to heaven one day says yes, but I thought you were getting a load up right now and when want to die. Now nobody wants to die at all and if in fact you are the generation that is walking this earth when Christ comes for his people.

You actually will not die you'll skip death.

She likes that doesn't seem like it to be caught up in the presence of the Lord. It's a glorious thing will go to ski prison, you better believe it. It's escapism. I call it the great escape and will be there for every follower of Christ.

Now look if that doesn't happen in my lifetime and I don't know that it will, I hope will when I dial go to heaven. So one way or another I'm going to heaven.

That's why Shadrach me shack in the Bendigo could face-off with Nebuchadnezzar because they were in a win-win situation then you no matter what. We don't want to go to that stinking fiery furnace were going to go to heaven. Working to live forever. Only the Christian house and hope. So I ask you, in closing, you have that whole, as you listen to this message right now.

Are you certain that if you were to die today.

You would go to heaven. So will you know I'm trying to be a good person from a good person and I'm religious targeting of it. Really, no heaven is not for good people that were good." Heaven is not for religious people. Heaven is for forgiven people.

The only way you'll get to heaven is by being forgiven of your sin and the only way you can be forgiven by your sale of your sin is by asking Jesus Christ to do it because only Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sin, so we sing about the cross all the time to talk about his death all the time and celebrate his resurrection all the time because at the cross.

He defeated death, and so any forgive sin. But you must ask him to forgive you. So in closing were going to pray and if you've never asked Jesus Christ to forgive you of your sin if you don't have the confidence that you will go to heaven when you die, why don't you respond to this invitation to extend now in prayer. If you need Jesus in your life. Please respond as we pray let's all pray father, thank you for your word to us, Lord Jesus, thank you for coming to this earth and walking among us in living a perfect life then dying a perfect death and rising again from the dead and now we pray for every person here and every person that is listening. If they don't know you personally Lord that they just know about you, but they don't know you, let this be the day when everything changes, we commit them to you now know what I had said about her eyes are closing were praying together. How many of you would say great pray for me.

I want Jesus Christ in my life. I want him to forgive me of my sin. I want to know that when I die I will go to heaven if that your desire. If you want Jesus to come into your life if you want him to forgive you of your sin if you want to start this relationship with him if you want to be ready for his return. Wherever you are, would you lift your hand up right now and I'm in a pray for you raise your hand up and let me pray for you today and your St. I need Jesus Christ.

God bless you. God bless you. God bless you, bless you raise your hand up Iraq and Syria, but she was well anybody else. God bless you in the middle of the balcony. I know others are raising your hand you're watching the screen right now your St. will insert a pointless for me to raise my hand. I would ask you to raise it because it's a little step of faith saying I need Jesus right now and you know you're doing it and God sees you doing it to this.

He got me to wherever you are, whatever Is your rat you need Jesus Christ raise your hand up right now. God bless you, that are doing that none that I asked everyone of you that is, raise your hand to stand your feet, the lead you in a prayer of commitment to Jesus, to stand up if you raise your hand sin you want Jesus in your life, stand up if you did not raise your hand but you want Christ to forgive you today stand your feet wherever you are, stand up quickly stand and quickly got bless others are standing so you won't be alone. You need to stand to make this commitment.

Listen to this.

If you will stand up for him on earth. One day he will stand up for you in heaven. But if you deny him on this earth. One day you'll sadly but firmly save you the part for me. I never knew you.

Don't let that happen. Stand up for Christ anybody usher not sure if Christ is in your life you want them to come in your life. Let me pray with you just stand up with a couple more moments, and stay standing if you would please I see young people I see older folks, people in between.

You need to do this. Anybody else stand now will pray together got bless all of you standing Domino pray this prayer.

I would like you to print out loud after me again as I pray pray this prayer out loud after me right where you stand. Pray this with me if you work wherever you are, pray these words Lord Jesus, I know I'm a sinner and I know you're the Savior who died on the cross for my sin and rose again from the dead. Jesus come into my life. I choose to follow you from this moment forward in Jesus name I pray. Amen. God bless you guys afraid