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Don't Let the Old Man In

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie
The Cross Radio
January 20, 2019 1:00 pm

Don't Let the Old Man In

A New Beginning / Greg Laurie

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January 20, 2019 1:00 pm

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Harvest messages are brought to you by harvest partners to receive free email daily devotions or to become a harvest partners, please visit us I was about it a while ago to a film premiere. Actually it was an opportunity to see the film before it went nationwide. It was directed by acting and directing legend Clint Eastwood in the film is called the 1517, the Paris to true story of three men who stop the terrorist attack of the train down for Paris and there was a faith element because all three of these young men met in a Christian school, so there was there was an element of faith to it so after the film was over standing there in the lobby with a crowd of people around him was none other than Mr. Clint Eastwood, and of course I've always liked Clint Eastwood movies you know and so I got him in and say hello to him as I waited for a moment night walked up and I thanked him for making a film with the faith element and he said to me, will you know these young men could not have done what they did without help from above and I said that was very true and out-of-date Clint Eastwood. He was 87 when I met him.

He's 88 now he looked great, you know, he just looks like linear foot.

Just an older version and then he squinted his eyes and looked at me and said lucky punk.

Then I heard this on. These are really dated references. Some of you understand what I'm talking about some of you don't at the theme song from one of his films, and a line from one of his films as well. While speaking of Clint Eastwood.

He was having a conversation with country star Toby Keith. They were out golfing. I read the said magazine article and also Toby commented on how active Clint still wasn't his age and still making movies in the eyes Clint Eastwood. What is your secret East would simply reply I don't let the old man in and that that's a good line of the battle preach event that's my sermon title, don't lead the old man in you know it's kind of hard to do because as you get older you start doing old person stop.

You don't plan on it but you just do you know and I'm talking about like wearing your pants too high. What what is that start when did it seem like a good idea to little underwear your pants down before your hips are but bring them up to where my chest starts.

I think this is a good place or you know when you're a man, you start missing patches when you shave. Of course, and another thing. Old people do as they drive way to slow right and you get behind in the text seriously in the new go around the monitor about you, but if you go around, somebody is going to slow you ever look at them yet. If you who is this person in there like lean really forward like this on the car you know the windshields) like you have to be that way in the things you say you'll never do you start doing these things.

Another thing about older people is the filter sort of disappearance and they say whatever they think and they're often cranky about something and then they'll just complain about something that there's actually a lot of traits of getting older. I think for one thing, older people like routine. They like to know what's coming.

These in the same restaurants.

They ordered the same meal and they like everything to be predictable when they come to church. They said in the same seats you know I'm talking to anyone. Take care. See, you're not happy about it either.

I actually read that is why as you get older it seems like time goes by more quickly across time does not speed up or slow down but our perception of time can change when you're younger. Time seems to go very slowly, especially when you're in elementary school. I felt like I spent 10 years like the fourth grade right like how long will it take till it's 12 o'clock and we break for lunch but as you get older, things start morphing together.

It's almost like decades start going together and that's because you don't have as many new experiences so because they're such a familiarity and the things that you do. It seems like time is going by quickly. They say the way to counter this, is to go out into new things and have new experiences, but there are telltale signs that you're getting all you know you're getting old when you don't care where your spouse goes as long as you don't have to go along right you know you're getting old when your idea of happy hour is a now you know you're getting old when you actually look forward to a dull evening at home. You know you're getting old when you have a party and your neighbors don't even know you know you're getting old when you sink your teeth into a steak and they stay there. You know you're getting old when your time does not come anywhere near the top of your parents attend other think they start tying their ties to short. Maybe that's where they hike to pants up.

I see a connection here as well. You know you're getting old when you bend over to tie your shoes and wonder what else you can do when you're down there, then untrue, to tie my shoe in. There's anything I need to do anything I need to pick up. I want to do it now. Right telltale signs of getting old.

So today I want to talk to you about not letting the old man in, but actually I'm not speaking about age, I'm talking about that sinful nature that we all have. That's what Paul is talking about here in Romans six. In fact he calls that nature.

The old man let's read Romans six verses 6 to 11. Knowing this, that old man was crucified with him that we should no longer be slaves to sin, for he was died is been freed from sin know if we died with Christ, we believe that we shall live with him, knowing that Christ having been raised from the dead guys no more death no longer has dominion over him for the death that he died he died to sin once for all, but the life that he lives, he lives to God. Likewise you also reckon yourselves to be dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord. Soprano is showing us how to not let the old man in that old sinful nature, really, in Romans six he sorta shifts gears Romans 1 to 5 he talks about the sinfulness of man the just really makes a case for the fact that everyone is said the moral people sin immoral people sin religious people sin, we all fall miserably short, Christ died for our said and it will turn from our sin he will forgive us, okay, but now in chapter 6 were dealing with the new theme and it's really sanctification of what is sanctification. Sanctification is something that takes place over a period of time printed salvation or regeneration happens in a moment bringing the center from spiritual life to death, but sanctification and contrast is an ongoing process. Salvation is what were forgiven of past sin. Sanctification is what we break free from the power of sin.

So Paul is showing us know how this works out in our life when you were baptized, how many of you been baptized in water, measuring it up while everyone of us should be baptized. When were baptized and we go in the water and come out.

It's a symbol of dying to the old nature the old life. In fact, in Romans six, for he says. We died and we were buried with Christ by baptism as Christ was raised from the dead by the glorious power. The father now. We may live new lives. But what does that mean practically okay if you're taking notes here is point number one. The Christian no longer has to be under the power of sin.

Let me say that again the Christian no longer has to be under the power of sin. Verse seven for he was died is been freed from sin, but some might say, well, Christ still sin.

So what's wrong with me. Me ask you a question. How many of you committed a sin this week, raise your hand.

You committed how many of you committed a sin today raise your hand really kind of early.

What did you do not share her off of the mic. How many of you are committing the sin right now. Don't write don't measuring of this is a problem we know were free from the power of sin, but we still sin and we don't like it, but maybe we say well there's just really no way to overcome it. I'm always going to be this way. As Oscar Wilde once said, quote I can resist anything but temptation jump I'm fine in between temptations of medicine as it comes via I have no willpower. I just keep in there's no way I can change or maybe a look at your own life and you say this is a pattern that runs in my family.

My father always had a temper, so I'm always going to have a temper, and I'm in a scream and yell and throw things to my mother was an alcoholic and so I'm and end up as an alcoholic to just no getting around it. My parents divorce.

That means anomaly end up divorced as well listen stop talking that way that's stinking thinking that's not how a Christian should think, because Christ can break the cycle of sin in your life. I know this from experience conceived out of wedlock.

Alcoholic mother married and divorced seven times my like it was so easily gone the wrong direction but I believed in Jesus Christ and he change the course of my life. And if you can do it for me.

He can do it for anybody that so this is what God can do much and I think we did all know this is the way it's always going to be in. And that's the direction I'm in a go. Not necessarily because Jesus Christ has freed you from the power of sin, no look before you were a Christian you really had no ability to resist sin about the Bible even tells us that before we are believers in Jesus we are held by the power of the devil.

Second Timothy 228 says we should pray that nonbelievers come to their senses and escape from the devil's trap for the been held captive by him to do whatever he wants. This is no longer true. I'm no longer a slave to sin. I am a child of God. Listen to this.

The power of God over sin in your life right now is more power powerful than Satan's power ever was me say that again the power of God over sin in your life is more powerful than Satan's power was heard one kid say do it. Older kid older sibling. You're not the boss of me I don't have to do would you tell me to do what you can say that the state of the devil. You're not the boss of me. You can say this and you're not the boss of me anymore. I'm no longer a slave to sin. I am a child of God, but some people will understand the goddess forgiven them in their use of this sort of a license to sin. Think you know I can just keep doing this because God will forgive me and actually in first John 38 it says that people live that way that they keep on sinning. It shows they belong to the devil in other words, if you deliberately woefully continually sin without any remorse or any desire to change. I have the wonder are you a child of God know if you will admit yes I do give in. I do have these thoughts, I do struggle with that.

I don't want to do these things. That is something every believer deals with in one way shape or form. Every one of us still. Since the Bible says that we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in it and us, but here's a policy you told have to be controlled by sin any longer.

Verse two. How shall we, who are dead to sin and live any longer and it by the way the phrase live in it means to swim me in it, or to breathe its air or B. The mean center of your life. Listen, whoever continues to sin without remorse is not in danger of losing their salvation rather by their choices they reveal they may have never had salvation to begin with. So we been freed by sin. Point number two, you're no longer a slave, so stop acting like one over six knowing that our old man was crucified with him at the body of sin might be done away with. We should no longer be slaves to sin.

One of the worst national sins of America was slavery and after the Civil War ended, Pres. Lincoln signed what is known as the emancipation proclamation all slaves, young and old were finally given their freedom but history tells us that many of the older slaves who endured years of servitude did not fully understand their new status and in fact many slaves stayed on the plantation fast-forward out of the 20th century, and there still a lot of prejudice and bigotry shown to African-American people in states like South Carolina and Alabama and Georgia.

There were still treated like second-class citizens.

Segregation was the rule African-American people had to stay in separate hotels and even separate restaurants and use separate restrooms and see degrading signs over a drinking fountain with words like for colored people only so long to Martin Luther King stood up for the rights of black people and he gave that great speech there in Washington DC and I quote from it.

Five score years ago a Great American in whose symbolic shadow we stand today signed the Emancipation Proclamation. This momentous decree as a great beacon of light and hope to millions of Negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice, but 100 years later and said Dr. King, the Negro is still not free."

He was right and there were various people that stood up for their rights because he said were no longer slaves and we are not going to live like slaves in one of those people was Rosa Parks. The call of the first lady of civil rights, and it was my privilege.

A number of years ago to actually meet Rosa Parks now if you know her story as she was on a bus in Alabama and the rule was you had to give up your seat to a white man. If you are a black person on a bus and she refused and I and so that she became legendary for that 10 so I ended up on a bus with Rosa Parks. I'm not making this up. I know it sounds like fiction. This is true in any here's how it happened.

I was I written the book and there were a bunch of other authors would written books at the same time Josh McDowell agreed the book Ravi Zacharias and in a Ralph Reed and Rosa Parks. And so they simply want to put you on a bus like you're on a tour or we may have.

You go from sort of the headquarters over to a bookstore, so it was just a little kind of press thing you know for fun and so I get on this bus and there's Rosa Park and I and all the other guys are talking and having fun and I said why is that Rosa Parks and they said yes and I sat down with her and I did all I want do is just talk to her. I wanted to hear her story.

She was an amazing woman and she had written a book about her faith in Jesus Christ and she said it was that faith in Christ that motivated her and influenced her and informed her to make that principled stand.

She basically said I'm not a slave, can live like a slave and we need to say the same thing to send today were not slaves anymore ever going to be free people because Jesus issued his own emancipation proclamation from the cross of Calvary. When he cried out the words.

It is finished. The power of sin is broken in your life so you can start living like a free person a listen.

Jesus paid the penalty for your sin he freed you from the power of sin and soon in heaven.

He's gonna remove you from the presence of said the most believers know we took our penalty when he died in our place, but they feel to realize that he also freezes from the power of sin not just from the guilt but the grip of sin, but the devil whispers in your ear you'll never change. You'll always be this way always have a hold of you and we can just say that the devil go to hell because you're a liar and you're the father of lies. Some of your seated great just because no hell was created for the double.

That is where the devil is going to go but you know it's amazing how would you say that someone can influence them. I don't know what kind of parent you had, but some parents are not very encouraging to their children until Jim working on a book about Johnny Cash and as of explored his life. It's a pretty amazing life that he lived by his family came from the same part of Arkansas that my family came from and I and when Johnny was a young man he had an older brother named Jack and they were working together and in Jack was killed in a horrible accident and Johnny was fishing that day. In particular, but very bad about that. He felt like he should've been there to help his brother who he really looked up to, and his brother Jack is very strong believer he though he was very young.

He carried his Bible around and courted scriptures all the time and and kinda kept Johnny on the straight and narrow, and Jack wanted to go up to be a preacher one day Tony was told of this horrible accident, the father of Johnny Cash said to him, God took the wrong son and not bother Johnny for the rest of his life well into his adult years. Despite his massive success.

Always remember those words of his father God took the wrong son and sometimes parents will say things to us that are welding their disillusioning there there hurtful and they're painful and that's what we need to think about what we say to our kid because the Bible says train up a child in the way that they should go.

It doesn't say knock them down or tear them down but there are those words or maybe from some teachers. Someone is it you'll never amount to anything. You're going to be a failure. Your life is a mess you're a mistake. No, listen to what God says not to what the devil says don't listen all those negative voices speaking to you because God is something different to say to each of you and so you can say that all those other voices. I'm no longer a slave this and I am a child of God for the story of a young lady that had some chicken and she noticed one day that one of her chickens was walking rather strangely sure he had his footed touch 1 foot down and pull it back up. Touch it down, pull it back up to the what is wrong with this chicken so she caught up by the way, it's not easy to catch a chicken and she looked and noticed that one of her hair ties had fallen into the chicken coop know those little scrunchy things that girls where some guys to.

I suppose I would know so the little scrunchy or the little here type they got caught around the chicken leg so it was pulling his foot up so she reached down to take airtight off the chicken put them back on the ground and guess what he did.

He kept walking like this because he'd gotten so use to walking that way because of the little here type. He did realize he didn't have to be that way any longer so they can eliminate them, but still no I don't think that happened or maybe it did, event center, no website, no crisis freed us from the power is similar still walking around. Well I don't know. I don't think I can resist this well of course you can point number three you need to start living like you are free if you feel it or not start living like you are free from sin's power. If you feel it or not it would be like living like a homeless person when you have a beautiful home or living like a person on the street begging for food when in fact you have plenty of money in the bank and food in your refrigerator. So here's what we need to do. We need to count. This is true or believe the promises of God of the diverse 11 likewise reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord. Reckon I we don't what is that even mean reckon son a word we use that often exceed an old Westerns of the cowboys say our economic feel you would lead bought her some like that and generally means reckon I think so reckon that's what it means in the Bible the word reckon means count as true count is true, it simply means believing God is said claim the promise of God just given God says you're no longer a slave to sin bring me to point number four. We need to yield ourselves to God. We need to yield ourselves to God.

Verse 13: any part of your body become an instrument of evil to serve sin instead.

Give yourself completely to God for your dad, but now you have new life so use your whole body as an instrument to do what is right for the glory of God. God is given to you.

Your body, people sometimes I fix my body and I have my rights.

No it's actually not your body God gave you that body. The Bible says you're not Sharon you been bought with a price. Therefore glorify God with your body. You need to present your mind to him. Present your hands to him your feet to him everything to him.

It belongs to him. Anthony Bourdain had a TV show on CNN called parts unknown travel around the world and try unusual foods and have conversations with people in often asked him the question, what makes you happy. Bourdain was quoted to say, quote your body is not a temple it's an amusement park. So enjoy the ride." Really well.

He didn't seem to enjoy the ride. All that much because sadly, Anthony Bourdain committed suicide. Know your body is not in amusement park. Your body is the temple of God, we need to think about what we do with this body that God is given to as you know, the Bible tells the people who yielded their bodies to God.

God use the rod in the hand of Moses to conquer Egypt use the sling in the hand of David to defeat Goliath and ultimately the Philistines use the words of the prophets and the apostles to change the world. This is why the Bible says how beautiful are the feet of those that bring glad tidings of good things you can give your body to God, and you can also give your body to evil. David's eyes looked on a woman lustfully plotting the wicked plan is hand signed an order condemning an innocent man to death, and that is why we need to present our whole body to God. Point number five where you churn your head, your body will follow where you churn your head, your body will follow in the cinematic masterpiece kung fu panda three this statement is made before the battle of the fist comes the battle of the mind.

Very true so you know we talk about this battle that were in it starts right here.

This is command central.

Listen, you are the air control our air traffic controller of your mind you know an air traffic controller default decides what plane flies were at what altitude when they're going to land with the going to do and and you decide what thoughts are going to come into your mind. And so wherever you look that so your body will go. I know when I read my motorcycle, which is not very often these days, but when I make a turn.

I look and I churn into it. I don't lean this way you look that way. No, I'm looking at where I'm going and so the way you're looking in the way you're thinking will determine the way that you will be living in, so we have to start with the thoughts that come into our mind to be very careful about what we let it. It's been said you can't stop a bird from flying over your head, but you can stop them from building a nest in your hair in a my case he would have to bring his own materials. In other words, I can't stop whatever random evil strange thoughts come knocking on the door.

My imagination, but I don't have to invite them in for lunch. Now do I I can say I reject the pot non-null and the thought in either know that when all this out. This thought is good this outcome and in I love what Paul writes in Philippians chapter 4, he says, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are noble, whatsoever things are just impure and of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy think on these things are literally meditate on these things. Another translation puts it this way, summing it up. I would say you'll do your best by filling your minds by meditating on things that are true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious, the best, not the worst. The beautiful monthly ugly things to praise, not things to curse.

So when the tide comes to you in church or 3 o'clock in the morning those thoughts of tear those terrors by night those fears. The group you you just run into the grid awake. This is not from God. This is in truth this is and helpful. This is an inspiring. I reject this thought, and I would replace it with another thought because I've taken the time to memorize Scripture. And that's how you win the battle of the mind that rages on every single day. Ask yourself the question, this thought that once in right now is it true, is it helpful as a pure is a lovely visit ugly is that the worst thing you know what that thought in their and the devil will say you're going to fail.

God doesn't even love you life is over for you and you say to him it's not true because God is forming. Here's Romans 831 if God is for us who can be against us. Since he did not spare his own son but gave him up for assault only. Also give us everything else who dares excuse us who God is chosen for a zone. No one forgot himself has given us right standing with himself, who then will condemn us answer no one brisk, Christ died for us and was raised for us.

He sitting at the place of honor at God's right again pleading for us. God has you covered my friend, don't listen to the lies of the devil that says it's over.

God is working in your life, and as will learn later in Rome. And so, because all things to work together for good to those who love him. Another called according to his purpose. I love the lyrics of that song title who you say I am it says I'm chosen not forsaken. I am who you say that I am you are for me not against me. I am say that I am. Let stand for what God says about us instead of what the devil says about us. In conclusion, don't let the old man in easier said than done, a recognizer, not a slave to sin anymore start living like a child of God heard a story about an old man went to dogs who were constantly fighting in the old man said. I determine which dog will win friends and how do you determine that. He said the one I feed the most. So you have two natures that are constantly fighting the new nature the old nature. The new man. The old man don't let the old man in feed the new nature, you know, the best thing you can do is walk forward the best way to not go backwards is to go forward. The best defense is a good offense.

The Bible says walk in the spirit in you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh every day.

I have choices I can either so to the spirit as the Bible says in reply for everlasting or I can sort of the flesh, and I can read corruption. Don't let the old man in listen everything we've said today is for the Christian, only you know the nonbeliever can't live this way. As I mentioned earlier, the nonbeliever there told by the power of the devil to funny thing before were Christians were reluctant to believe because we think we have to give up our will to God and we think I'm in control of my life and I don't know if I want God in control of my life. Don't undo/you're not in control of your life. If you're not a Christian. The devil has control of your life and the greatest manipulation of all is you don't even know what's you think you're in charge. You think you're the boss see you. He's a policy you the Bible says we been taken captive by the devil to do his will.

But Christ breaks that how he breaks us free from that we have true ability now to choose in the walk with God and we want you to know that when you come here today under the power of sin or some addiction has a stranglehold on you and you tried to break free from it. You failed over and over. Or maybe you come there was some other problem, some repercussions for sins you've committed bad decisions you made any don't know how to handle it when you come here today with just a big old hole in your heart. Think of those words again of Anthony Bourdain when he said, are our body is an amusement park. We should enjoy ourselves what apparently wasn't that enjoyable for him and maybe you have an emptiness in you, and you've even contemplated suicide. He thought I don't know of any other way out. Listen, you need Jesus. It's not about the way out. It's about letting Jesus in into your heart and you'll forgive you of all of your sin and give you a fresh start. This is what it means in the Bible says being born again. Jesus said you must be born again by the way, he said that to a religious guy named Nicodemus. This is a guy was very wise knew the Scriptures. Jesus said, you need to be born again beginning the said are you saying I need to go back in the my mother's womb and be born all over again.

Jesus is taken by faith seriously.

No a better translation of born again would be born from above. You need a spiritual rebirth, just as you were born physically need to be born from above, born spiritually born again. Sometimes we will say what you want to live a Christian.

I'm just not one of those born-again hey you/you can't be a Christian without being born again are you born again is Christ living inside of you do have the confidence that when you die you will go to heaven. In my father's house. We saying there's a place for me. Is there a place for you if you believe in Jesus. There is, in a moment working to close in prayer and I'm going to extend an invitation to anyone with us today wherever you are on any of our campuses.

Some people watch online wherever you are. This is for you.

This is your opportunity to get right with God. Your opportunity to ask Jesus Christ to come in your life.

If you've not done that yet you can do it right here right now.

What's up our heads for a word of prayer father I pray that your Holy Spirit will speak to every person here every person watching, listening, wherever they are.

Help them to see their need for you help them to see their only hope is Jesus, and help them to believe we pray our heads are God and her eyes are closed or praying together. How many of you would say today. Greg, I need Jesus Christ in my life. I need a second chance. I want to be free from the power of sin. I want to be born again. I want to go to heaven. I want this big hole in my heart filled pray for me today. I'm ready to say yes to Jesus at that your desire. If you want Jesus to come into your life if you want him to forgive you of your sin if you want to go to heaven when you die, would you just lift your hand up early. However, I can see it right now.

I'll pray for you just live together saying I need Jesus. God bless you and God bless you. Anybody else raise your hand up and keep it up if you would God bless you and you you. God bless you. God bless you hold your hand up high and we pray for you. God bless all of you raising your again you and the other campuses. Of course I can see your hammer would you just raise your hand and think, yes, I need Jesus to the Lord sees you. The Bible says whoever will call upon the name of the Lord will be saved. Anybody else if you want Jesus to come into your life raise your hand up and let me pray for you, bless you Naaman ask if you would please everyone knew that raise her hand onto the stand your feet, lead you in a prayer for you, where you will ask Christ in your life, stand up everyone to be the razor handstand up even if you did not raise your hand but you want Jesus to come in your life today. Stand your feet. Whatever A charrette stand your feet were all gonna pray together. This is going to happen for you and you to be glad it did go put this off this is your moment stand up anybody else. If you raise your hand.

Even if you did not you want your sin forgiven you want to go to heaven when you die you want this hole in your heart filled. You want your guilt removed stand up over all gonna pray together a bless you that are standing up and away one more moment anybody else to stand up whatever you are, stand up. Alright everybody standing pray these words out loud after me. This is a prayer we are asking Jesus to come into your life again as I pray, pray these words out loud right where you stand. Okay, pray this with me know.

Lord Jesus, I know I'm a sinner but I know you're the Savior who died on the cross for my sin and rose again from the dead. I churn from my sin. Now and I choose to follow you, Lord. From this moment forward as my Savior and Lord. Thank you that I am now a child of God in Jesus name I pray, amen.

God bless each one of you